Newspaper Page Text
DAILY APPiAL. CARlZ 7s ' OFMCK OF COUNTY AUDITOR. Ormsby County, . Nevada. To the Honorable, the Board of Coun ty Coomissioners Gentlemen: In compliance with the law, I here with subwit my quarterly report show iag receipts and disbursements of Ormsby County, during the quarter wndt'ns Sept. SO. IS06 Receipts Balaace in County Treasury at ewd at last quarter $27,345 62r? j From Count- Licenses... 73 2C Gamiag Liceasea 1,54 CO Lignar Licenses 324. SO Fea af Oaunty officers . . . 181 65 Rent couny aids 18! 60 FWll taxes 135 CD Persoaal praaerty tax . . . 84 15 S. A. A. af State School money t 4735 25 Cigarette licenses 4-2 SO Slot maohiae licenses S72 tG Del. Taxes 2d. ins. 1I5. H. Dietericfc John Wagner, acct. H. Dieterieh 294 00 jyon county, keep of C. B. Uall - 12 55 H. Regan for keep af children at Orphans' Home Zl 00 fjaba MoOtllis. keep of W. Bow- en 4i 00 Sate ef race track. 1-S price... IMS 31 Rent and Ins'irance acct. Race track 2 00 Total Disbursements General fund 2SB4- 16 salary fund 218 00 -SO 762 46 28 75 g 00 1174 19 80 65 16745 36 ;o mty School fund County school fund, dist 1 County school fund, Mat. 2 County school fond Mat. S Stale school fund, Mat. 1 State school fund, Dist 2 State scngoal fund, Dist. & Total Recapitulation Cash in treasury, July 1, 1906 1 8 V4 2T345 62 1.21 0 Receipts from July 1st ta Oct. 1, 1906 12406 31 39751 93 Disbursements from July 1. to Oct. 1. 1906 ........... 6745 36 Balance cash In county treas ury Oct. 1. 1906 33006 57 Respecttully, J. G. ELLIS. Auditor Recapitulation To oat cash on hand Oct. 1 I 1906 , $83006.57 State fund lift 2tT4 General fund 4tf Sl osalary fund .244 J 01 Co. School fund li 1 I Co school dist. fund . . . 9865 18 Co school di t 2 fund 20 2T Co school dirt. S fund 325 S I Co school dist. 4, fund 20 77 ' s Late school di t 1, fund.. 46TB ft.. State school dist 2 fund.. 218 T4 'state school dist 3, fund.. 412 96 Tgl. Asn. Fund A 1S8 7 Agl. Aesn fund B 1M4 71 Agl. Assn. fund Spot 24-41 SI Co. Schl. Dist 1 spcl 3684 64 Co. school dist. Fd. 1, lib 218 09 Co. schl. dist. Fd. 2, lib. . . 8 70 Co. schl. dist. Fd. 3, lib 13 2 Co. schl. dist. Fd. 4 lib... 6 10 IN THE SUPREMEC COURT OF h"' ..THE STATE OF NEVADA. In the matter of the Apnlicat on of $33906 57 Ts Respectfully Submitted. H. B, VAN BTTBN, County Treasurer. ;V 1 -Jit ft. -:. 1 "WE INVITE INSPECTION Absolute Cleanliness in Preparation of Food Products is Vitally Important to All FAMOUS M qI (CZ Myl O EI u iiww 11 1 m i 1 11 ' 11 .... 1 . 11 11 111 11 1 ' inn 1 ST. LOUIS I R. W. Patterson for a writ of Habeas Corpus. W. B. Moore, Atty. for Appellant. E. P. Moran, Atty. for Reap. Petitioner waa .imprisoned in the jail of Washoe County nnder a war rant of commitment made by the jus tice of the. peace of SparVB Township ia said county. The commitment was in the following form: "State of Nevada, Plaintiff. T3.- R. W. Patterson, Defendant. A complaint under oath having been filed in this wort on the SOth day of April, 1906, charging raid de fendant, R. W. Patterson, of a certain public offense, to wit: A misdemeanor, committed on the 26th day of April, 1906, and a warrant of arrest having been duly issued cn the said SOth day of April, 1906, for the arrest of said defendant; and said 1 defendant having been duly arrested 1 and thereafter on the second day of Mit 1 tk(R trior) hfnr th Prtiirt- wifn I a ury so found guilty as charged in the complaint, and all and singuUrj the law and the premises by the court here understood and fully considers!, and Mo sufficient cause appearing why judgment should not be pronounced. against said defendant. WHEREFORE, it is ordered an adjud nffonc son, le fined the sum of Five Hun The Nye and Ormsby County Bank A CARSON CITY, NEVADA CAPITAL 200,000 Frank Golden, President D. M. Ryan, VicaPraaldftnL A. Q. Raycraft, Cashier and Secretary Directors: FRANK GOLDEN, D. M. RYAN, JA8. Q. SWEENEY, JOHN McKANE, ALONZO TRIPP, L. L. PATRICK NL 8CHEE LINE, T. W. KENDAL, M. U MacDONALD, N. MdkEAN, MoOUILLAN INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS T S 1-2 PER CENT. Geo. W. Cowin , Asst. Cashier Carson Citv Nevada A. F. Titus, Asst. Cashier. Tenoaah Jaa. Deegan, Asst. Cashier, Galdfield M. J. Hill, Asst. Cashier, Manhattan 1 I he Staite Bank & Trust Co Carson City, Nevada a Capital Fully Paid Up $200,000 Branches at Tonopah, Goldfield and Manhattan, Nevada. DIRECTORS: . .T. B. RICKEV GEO. H. MEYERS, P. H. PETERSEN, A. LIVINGSTON, O. L. LEE, J. f. - OODBURY, G W. MAPES, C. T. BEN DER, W BROUGHER. T. B. Rickey, President; Geo. H. Mey ere, vice President; J. P. Woodbury d Vice President; Jas. T. Davis, Cashier; E. D. Vanderlieth, Asst. Cashier; E. B. Cushman, Ass:. Cashier, Tonora J. . Lindsa;-, Asst. Cashier, Goldi.eli; C. H. Wise, ;.st Cashier. "Ianhattan ged by the Court that for sa.dThe Bank wi receive deposits, buy e. you, the said li. V. Patiei-. change. 3ive prompt attention to Cc 2nd sell Foreign and Domestic Ex Co lec'.ions; buy and sell Mining Stocks and do a GET ERAL BANKING BUSINESS. ' If 355 American BOHEMIAN BEER throogliout its entire process of brewing and bottlir.p; coin?s in cont-ict only with coppt.-r, tin lined and enameled surfaces. It is brewed in scrupulously clean copper vessel j. tljtn piped through block tin pipes to enameled sIcl-I tanks where it is aped and layered for st itast six months; then piped again through Work tin pipes to air tight buttling machines, where it is filled off into thoroughly cleansed c.v.d sterilized bottles. WE USE ONLY THE FINEST GRADE OF IMPORTED BOHEMIAN HOPS 4 rlred Dollars, and imprisoned in the i ' jcountv Jail of said Countv of SAFE DEPOolT DEPARTMENT With over one hundred S!e Deposit trhno far the term of One Hun- Boxes has Dee:1 placed in the Bank" These boxes are rented at rroa Boxes has been placed in the Bank. These boxes nfl tn G 0( nnr roar n nnrirA n rr t n dIt& flrrxl anil ! inhtv nvc in ,llitin t,1 I fino fmm 't." w Bank Money Orders 3o!,l on all principal places in 'he United States at GUARANTEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM BrswingS LOUIS. ADULTERANTS AND PRESERVATIVES Dated in open Court he Cd day of May lOi'th. (Signed) James I'ollock. Justice of the Peace. " Petitioner bad with credit?, etc.. i served the full term of the One Hun.- I dred and Eighty days stated in the no greater cost th?n Tostal Money Orders. ! A case of fine wine for a Xmas 'present, nothing could bo more ap- propriaie. and if you send ; our or der to A. Livingston you are cer tain of getting the best quality. A commitment: but had not paid the large consignment of vines and li A. LIVBWCSTOK, Distributor, GARSQH CITY, ?1E V. The Mining and Distributing Headquarters of The Walker Lake MiningSDistrict Which is today the largest area of virgin mining ground in the wonderful State of Nevada The Schurz Townsite Company OFFERS FOR SALE LOTS INiTHEIRINEW TOWNSITE-- Within less than a mile of the United States Government Agency and Post. With absolutely no business restrictions. Directly on the Walker river and with telegraph, railroad and express already established In the center of the agricultural lands of the reservation. Possessing Hay yards, stores and hotels. The only point at which the Walker river can be crossed without going through it on the whole reservation, thtrefore, the only point from which all the mining districts on both sidss of the lake are accessible directly by team. SCHURZ IS GEOGRAPHICALLY AND LOGICALLY THE PERMANENT' TOWN OF THE WALKER RESERVATION MINING SECTIONS. Hundreds of men are opening the promising prospects of the new territory thrown open October twenty-ninth and no one doubts that some of them will be richly rewarded. Schurz will be benefittid by every mins found on the reservation. r-Tf rlTli ifcTflTTlTfriial ADDRESS THE SCHURZ TOWNSITE COMPANY CARSON CITY, NEVADA T. B. RICKEY, B. H. McCLURE Secretary President fine of Five Hundred Dollars therein stared. Two questions were argued by counsel in the case: ' 1. Does the warrant of commitment i above stated impose upon the; ! petitioner a fine of five hundred i dollars: and also give him the privi- lege of paying the said iuio at the i rate of one day for each two dollars thereof: and 2. Does the statute warrant Hie Justice in imposing such sentence, to wit, absolute imprisonment for the j full term of one hundred and eighty i days; and in addition therto impris onment for two hundred and fif.y days. conditioned upon his failure tr pay the fine of five hundred dol lars. ! Under the view that we take of, the case the second question need not j be determined. J Tne sentence in the warrant of commitment is plainly: (1) An absolute fine for five hun dred dollars, without order of com mitment to prison until said fine be paid at rate of two dollars, etc.; and j (2) An absolute imprisonment for : one hundred and eighty days, j There being no alternative in the I irst part of the sentence of discharg ing the fine of five hundred dollars j by serving one day's imprisonment for j each two dollars thereof, such part of the sentence having, as above seen, been obliterated, such fine is abso lute and the petitioner could not be imprisoned at all under said first jpart: and the petitioner haing with credits, etc. served the full term of I one hundred and eighty days imposed ; upon him under the second part of i said sentence, he was, of ourse. en titled to his discharge. It appearing that the Respondent j herein, C. P. Ferrell, Sheriff .f ! Washoe County, has no legal warrant for longer holding the petitioner xn ! custody. i It is therefore rdered that the Petitioner be forthwith discharged from custody by the Respondent , herein. We concur: FITZGERALD, C. J. TALBOT, J. XORCROSS, J. o-o OFFIOU r,OUNT OF STATE FUNDS STATE OF NEVADA County of Ormsby, ss. Jonn Sparks and James G. Sweeny 3ing duly sworn, severally say they are members of the Board of Examiners of the State of Ne vada; that on the 13th day of Sept. 1906, they (aiLr having ascertained from the books of the State Con troller the amount of maney which should be in the Treasury) made an DRY PASTURAGE 100 acres ot dry pasture. Stock $1 a uead a nionin, Apply at this office. tf o-o DINING KOOM CLOSED The dicing room at Shaw's Springs qucrs. the good old kind that tickles : the throat, has just b.-en received i has. been closOu to the public until by Mi trade, of get w1i';e . Livingston for the holiday , further noiice as it is impossible to Send him your or!er instead j accommodate outtide guests until the ling an inferior grade else- new building is completed. Baths may be secured as before. oltll --'. ''1 - rS. i' ;t.;;.j..1 Most of us have our troubles. Sometimes our clothes hurt us, either physically or mentally, and goodness knows that's trouble enough. If you're Ic.l'.Ir.j f-r lieiri to get ever lastingly ouz d :'.-.:s sort ol vrcuble. come lo us ! let. us take your mea-.urc I.;r i sjit or overcoat to be n i ;i J e t ; y n j r measure by The Royfl Tailors, Chic;;,;,-, and xork. We cj.ii f-hrv you 1 he finest lot of pattern? in Ftdl and Winter vonen-3 ever lrought to tovn. Rovui taiiDnns is the best dress pnsition we Icne.-.v anything about. We are here to ploe our trade, and if vc knew where we could get anything better than Royal tailoring and still keep within a reasonable price limit, wo would do it but we simply don't know where nor how. To any man wiio isn't wearing Royal tailoring we say, come and put usiolJic lest. We will agree to make your fall suit for you or your overcoat for less mo:iey than you can get it made anywhere else, and to satisfy you better, too. Ring up Main 496 and CHAUNCEY LATTA will call on you the same day. He can' fill ChrisV-nas orders up to Saturday night. official examination and count of the money and vouchers lor money in the State Treasury of Nevada and found same correct as folic ws: Coin $-51,826 75 Paid Coin Vouchers not re turned to controller 100,422 5.: Total Total 2,m,24'J n John Sparks jatnes U. bweency. Subscribed and sworn to mo tins 13th day of September, A. D. 1900. J. Doane, Notary 1'uuiic, 558,219 27 j Ormsby County Nevada. State School Fund Securities Irredeemable Nevada Utate School Band 380,000 Massachusetts State 3 per cent bonds 632,000 00 Nevada State bonis 233,0d in' Massachusetts State 3 per cent bonds 313,000 oo United States boads . ..21i 000 V -o-o- Ladies shampooing and massage, electric apparatus, private rooms, Ar lington Barber Shop. o-o A warm snap has followed the cold snap, and in the natural order of things another cold snap will follow the warm snap. And how are your water pipes?