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APPEAL EDITION VOL. LXIII 25 CENTS A WECK CARSON CITY, NEVADA MONDAY EVENING DECEMBER 10, 190C 6 CEN18 A COPY No. 31. DAILY 6 O'CLOCK 53 uhd FRAUDS ALLEGED "WHAT LOOKS LIKE EXPOSE OF SCANwAToHN NEVADA OPENS IN COUP.T HERE TODAY the Nye & Ormaoy County Bank in that cit. Mrs. Lee ;Bright is recovering from a severe attack of the measels. o-o WILL KEEP KANSAS MINE OPEN ALL WINTER POSTAL TELE. iu uumiwu NEVADA PRISOM t E. S. Kendricks has been an in ornate of the Nevada state prison for ! seventeen years and ia serving a life ' ' ' sentence in that institution, but he 'a , 1 a man .of wonderful goodness of heart WILL BUILD FROM SOUTH AND ,, v.W'W- n iw, -..2 What looks like the opening of an expose of scandals in the location and patenting of public lands in Nevada, scandal which has enveloped every state west of the Missouri river ex cept Nevada, was started today ia the federal court when the case of Ingalls vs the Southern Pacific cor poral ion was opened before tne- eor. missioner. For years this slate has felt th pressure of inadenuate freedom in. locating and patenting land, eope- i cially along the line of the railnxoi. , 'i ne railroad claims and has a g.'an ' of everv alternative section cn each J It i- reported the S. P .will build EXTEND THROUGH CARSON I their eonselor and guide, knowing CITY TO SACRAMENTO. his long trial cf self denial and : repression have made him a wiser i and better man. For several years I. L. Clarke, a well known mining and -real estate mam of Los Angeles. accompanied by his-expert, Mr. Walt- ington, went this' "morning with Ray mond; i$ell4o inspe the- Kansas mine, near Topaz, and from that place will go to Walker river to iu vestigate the situation there. It is the intention of Mr. Clark and his associates to keep the Kansas mine open all winter if possible and mafep pvipnsivp rieveloirments in it. A bodv of pood ore has been struck !the Bel1 TelePhone Company by the a check sufficiently large to pay for!of w Farrell in the "n-ine and the owners propose 1 tnreats of the tern Union 10 km crn recen,,-v phased for the to v"'-k it for a" It is worth 'business in California, the Mackey Presbyterian Sunday school in this people have circumvented the oh- (i land Stockton tree theie is to le I erected an office Luikiing. .nd on Stockton street, on the sue occupied by the club which Chris Buckley- started, is to be a big rooming-house. On the southeast corner of Sutter and Stockton streets an office build ing is to oe constructed. On Suttsr between Stocttton street and Grant avenue, the old Nathaniel Gray prop- lerty, excavation has commenced for the construction of a nermanent WEEK AGGREGATE $1,34625 j building. On the northeast corner of 3IG BLOCKS PLANNED. ! Sutter and Grant avenue, where the . Snake Drug Store was, there is to be Applications'' tor "permits '"'to erect I a big bul,diB; and lhe ,ot where Goldberg, Bowen & Co. were is to . e OKES BUILDING PERMITS FOR THE In its attemnt. to e-ft intn Kovmia ! he lias taken an active interest in the i new hiiilHi nprj nrni'n la1 Htirintv rKa tue Postal Telegraph Company has'church services that have been heldi ib7m upn "ulwu r-i"y-ine various aenominations at tne,cember 15tb aggresaUng the . -oicni uuiuu, ami give ine state re- .pnooii am nas coninuuiea largely d j $1 34o 251 net rrom the poor service which has their support; but the crowning fea characterized the monopoly here. nre of his thoughtfulness and benev Blocked in its amalgamation with olenee came Saturday in the form of ad '.dition stamrt mill is v.vrth. the ob- rneltr a 0 ! stl'llctions, and they will build inue- TO the to be built at Wads side of the center of the track twenty ! r' at Spares in which to con- miles, a strip of land directly through ! strict refrigerator cars for the use ine state forty miles wide. Tnis la -id the company. was granted the old Central Paeifi? , r.ess that prompted it rt-( I railroad by tiie government to aiu k: QflrU t!io construction ui tnat puue-i hu i j: h icse and the railroad has. under giants prevented the development of much, in fact all but a small acreage of vast tract. I? has been the practice of the road and ihe men connected with the ro-id to await the discovery of value in the lands by other persons, allow them t.j do some preliminary work and then assert railroad ownership. Frami in natenting oiher lands TIKES ONE THAT DAY BRIEF PARAGRAPHS The gift is certainly appreciataed pendently. , by the organist and members of the The authentic news on his matter -s'-hools and they wish thus publicly comes from to San Francisco. To that to tender t:'ir thanks and apprecia city General Manager and Vice-Presi-. r.on to ?dr. Kendricks for his gener- dent William H. Baker of ihe Posttl mis gifi as well as the thoflghtful- : has gone in the Interest of his cor jporation with Third Vice President IXally. The plan these two announce to cross from Salt Lake to Sacra , memo touching the mining camps and Reno is to follow The Salt Lake. San Pedro & Lcs Angeles road to Beatty: to come straight to Carson Ci'y and Reno through Southwestern Xevad l. It is known that Gould of me Western Pacific owns the controlling interest in th" Western Union. The hntv's that were expressed that the Postal wruld leave Salt Lake f;r , Reno narallelinc th;e Gould line wss lost when the rejiert came that the Western Union had begun the fight against Maekay's interests. SAN jFRANCiSCO W. H .Bak-r, general manager and first vice-president of the Postal Telegraph and Cable Company, and E. J. Nally, third ' Saturday afternoon in response to !a polite invitation, thirty little friends of Dorothy Mackey assembled at iur h.:i'st? to assist her in celebrating ! her seventh birthday; and what, a ir. .Try time they did nave; They had i con informed in the card of invita 'i'l'.i that Santa Clans intended stoo : ping there that afternoon and that. is freely fharged and it is entirely,'" an prouaoiuo. ne- wuum u-ue possible that a thorough investigation gift of each guest. Of course, ox will show that Nevada too has been , nation v.-as on tiptoe and lhe robbed a- well as has the United j bright eyes of the little folks were Cf.r " ' r" " icvti uii ih alert to discover hi ; ap- htatea. j The Appeal expresses the hope that , preach, this matter will be sifted to the hot-1 The early part of the afternoon ton, to the end that the State of Ne- was spent in games and sport and vada shall Know if fraud has been j the little guests had begun to think j vice-presidem . who are in this city, committed, and that the government , that the proposed visit of St. Nicholas are considering a plan to extend the shall know that if lands In this stale 'was a' hoax when they were invited j company's lines into the Nevada min have been fraudulently patented oajby their little hostess to adjourn loiinR regn. thev were in every state around Ne-jthe dining room. Here a genuins j The pl;ln 5s to extend wires from vada. The IT. S. district attorney can ; Surprise awaited them. A long table j SaU Lake City 1)y way vt the Clark no much and it is in his province to j laden with all the good things thatjroad to Beatty and in turn "string" c-. n,r nQiiino- nnon the govern-i delight children was spread, in the the towns of the mining section io ment with sufficient data to lay the 'center of which stood a miniature , Hawfhorne. Carson City Reno, and Jonopah has declared a dividend of foundation for such an investigation. Christ mas tree wnn its nraiicne-r, ; v-here connection will be made with ,"": if ua....a.. i'-p government will as it has in bending down with gifts and decorat-j the company's main line to Sin lsT other states, send expert investiga-! ed alluringly. Santa Clans himse.f, , Francisco. o.r and sift the matter to the hot-1 in ihe person ot .Maurice Mwn., torn We hope mis will be done. i better known as "Buz." took the gifts That the fight of the Southern Pa-; from the tree and gave them to nis cifi" to retain its lands in the unng- assistants Maisutrun ......v.., , house mining district is being made Yerington, Gladys Hofer and Adele : y the local officials of the railroad Xorcross, to distribute. j is' the charge of Attorney 13. 0. ; A merry lime followed the distri-(-t.rien who with Judge Downer, ?s , but ion of the favors and the dispatch-; hut tne crown WILL PRESENT SHAKESPER EAN PLAY A sale of importance was made in sum ol the Durne(j district, during the week by Harrigan. WeidemulleT & Rosen- S. L. Goldstein applied for a per- stinc Thev sol(, the pr0I,erty at the mu to erect a seven-story and base-, southwest corner of Turk and Hyde ment brick building on th north side ' streets, having a frontage of 62.6 bv treet, between Mason 87,; ,0 a cient of Bovee, Toy & Co. and Taylor streets to cost $122,noo. It u thp intention of the new ownr Louis Metzger asked for a permit lo I(,It ,lp Sn apartment house. The ; .o build a store and office building price pairl for 1he j,ropei'ty was $40, ; on the northwest corner of Larkin and Sutter streets which will cost It js reported that the Native Sons wwm when completed. hav abuUt conCuded the negotia- ; G. G. Burnett will put up a $55,nu0 tions for tle sae 0f their lot on Mason i structure on Haight street, near La-. street and desire property op Van ;'guna, and Stanley Forbes a building xess. or close to Van Ness. The !to Cl,st 8r,.''HI on Clay street, near mortgage on their lot is small, and ! Davis- the Native Sons will spend a large Alfred K. Durbrow began work last smn on the new ltuilding. week upon a six-story builuing, on Richmond and ivlission. the northwest corner of commercial The Mission and Richmond districts and Front streets, to cost s. !. continue to attcract people who ar- Woriv has been commenced em a store jiav (.jtv No. 2 and office building on tne site once desirous cf building small houses, .occupied by the Nevada Bank, on the Rjc-h::ond takes the lead, and it is northwest corner of Montgomery and report";', t'-ro in the.preckels' divi- Pine streets. sion. in blocks and :M4, forty lois New Techau Tavern. ,,i ,,f sixty-four were s.nd inside of The Younger estate will eret t a :v-,-: weeks. three-siory structure will be erected blul!lin'g on tlll 6l,e 01 ,he oltl Lolum- ?.Tais inclines .1. 1). Snreckcls, Jr. to i.ia theater, on roweii s.reet. near ,,pen iii another tract. Lots have also Ktldy. The building has already be-?n ranidly in the Glen Park tract, leased to the Techau Tavern Com- ani twenty-eight lots were sold on , pany for twenty years at an aggregate ;,;me j,y tne Hibornia Bank on its rental of $325.'m for the term. prepery near Noe and Twenty-ninth A Chinese firm has leased a lot be- streets. ! longing to F. K. Hesihal, on the the Portrero. 1 northwest, earner vt Dupontt an I , movement is reported in the i Stockton streets, for thirty years at a pnrtrero, especially about Utah and ; ground rental of $102:Oi0 and will Tweniy-fourth and Twenty-fifth : erect a three-story brick building. streets and prices are advancing ran- Nelson and Page filed a petition ;,iiy A arRe nmber of Italians are for a permit to reconstruct the Spring bying at Bay View, South San Fran- Valley Water Company's building at cisco. and are going largely into the southeast corner cf Geary and market gardening. I Stockton streets at an estimated cost Miscellaneous Sales and Leases. I of $2(10.000. Among other maiding permits ap- The Bank of Italy applied for a per- pi)0l for were the following: mit to ereci an eign -story enass - . iison. southeast corner of De building on the southeast corner if visadero and McAllister streets, $23. Clay and Montgommery streets p.t a ott.S. est of $U-i.mi0. under plans prepared by Architect Frank T. Shea. New History Building. During the week con'racts for $Po fion were let by H. H. Bancroft tor ine new History Building to be erect- Simpp' rs are jirofiting by the iierience uf past ears and are doing the ir nolidrty shopjdng now . Th-0 store.:, are crev.ded early and late and the merchants are not complaining of a lack of patronage. The Montezuma chiii of Goldfield is to have a new home and a handsome on the corner of Crook and Columbia avenue. .Mrs. Ca-ey McDannel of Goldtletd visiting her )arents Mr. and Mrs. J. (J. A. Moore, in San Jose Leslie Smaill. a Carson City young man. is now locl " editor of the Goldfield Chronicle. The Goldfield Review respectfully declined tHe" Invitation to attend the hanging of Johnny and Ibapah.but its editor does not state whether tke de clination was made because he could not get here or because he did not want to come. The Midway mining company of i;o7. The stock transfer books will be closed Dec. 20. From fifty to a hundred people are drifting into Ely daily. After March 1st, you can write upon both sides of a postal card. Constance Crawley will appear !i; Tone pah. If someone does not muzzle I0'1 on 1he t,,(1- on sme Miss Constance Crawley, the t ele- kid c,i the Silver State he will gi e near Third sf- et. Pauline Tarpey. west side of Spear street, near Market. $2.,mh. Henry Peters. Cole streets near Carl. $.,2.oX'n. French Roman Catholic Church, northwest corner of Bu-h street and Chat am place, $12,000. G. T. Terbtish. south side of Bush J. Aaron Ingalls in his ,ng of the gooeuo, nm uu (he noWsnanor Tht George Brown Estate Company street, west of Grant avenue. $10.oo... former 'ng teature ot ine aut'imnm 5 representmi suit. O'Brien avers the nf the railroad is "in en possibly . been esnecially invited ny i actress ot tne present day, is commit Th the advent of Governor Sparks, who had acclaimed. the rreatest classic men otf l oseurcef.. Ti.e suit of deal." and -that tne . the la,1(i themselves from the , Dorothy as the guest of honor. . . ,1 . ... ..- 11,. f,-.,1 rf t tc:f.- and later develop its miner u : governor is jm4uk.."j '" t dren and he entered heartily into tneir Ingalls against the ' tdenstires and pastimes. Southern Pacifie-was-opened today 'n Truly, the event win exe, " -centv that -sh thp federal court. Judge Downer and j n-T oniy m ino i ' Attorney O'Brien for Ingalls. It ts j hostess, hut in the r..nds of her small said that sensational testimony will ', guests as well. develop when the trial is being heard.; . if the defendants win the richest ex-' BEAUTIFUL. SOLO WELL SUNG plorod mineral lands in the central ' Those who attended the x-resbyter-part of Nevada will be developed by', tPil church last evening were edified the claimants; if the railroad wins: by a most excellent sermon from the the only recourse the Ingalls people t vast or. the Rev. H. H. McCreery. have is to win' by the government J which was followed by a solo by Mr. action. Vi Henry Howard. Mr. Howard's sympa- The dispule in court may invol . e , thotic voice was admirably shown 'n the names of many of the men highly j the music of "Absent" to which, had connected with the railroad. The rail-1 been set the words of that beautiful road was given oat h alternative sec-J and comforting hymn, "Abide With to the Caron opera house. She will present that most amusing of Shakespear's comedies "The Tam ing ot tne bnrew. it is only re produced this play in Eureka and so instantaneous was its success that requests came in at once from all parts, Oakland, Stock ton, Sacramento etc Miss Craw ley played to a oacKed house in Eureka, ami the audience went wild with delight giving call after call at the end of each act. The papers next morning were loud in their praise and the limes said "The play never lag-1 ged for a moment, and the audience only recovered from one roar of laughter to be plunged iu'o another."; profession. That Douglas county high school goes to Genoa by a two thirds vote of toe board of three commissioners.. Wood dealers who bought stum page cm what was supposed to be railroad land in Hie Tahoe forest reserve have been stopped from cutting trees. Good work. A court in New York litis decided that 300 women in that city support their hose with an illegal garter and declares they are liable to arrest if caught with the goods on. Case was an infringement of a patent. O mercy, dans and Herman have become "mangled in the pre-fight quarrel over a referee. Jeffries may be asked lo do the ob. A mob wanted to hang a Hun in F. S. Kelly, northwest corner of Miss Crawley has given much studv Pitisburg for cutting off a girl's hair j al will erect a four-story building on the southwest corner of Iaikin street Larkin and Post streets, $27,ni)0. and Walnut avenue to cost $rfl.o0i, . s. wood, southeast corner f and C. Schilling proposes to put up, a Mearohani and Kearney stive's, building on Minnesota street, near $rr,,ooo. Twentieth to cost $44,oo. Henry Meyer, northwest, corner of James Dcnman will erect a building Fillmore and Fell streets, $2t,oo0. of brick on Main street, near Mission. Fourth Street Company, northwett which wjll cost $127. -. corner of Fourth and Howard streets. Sutter Street Hotels. $24,500. The rehabilitation of Sutter street. McNab &Smith, 'north side of Bran from Larkin street east, is progress- nan sireet, between Seventh and ing rapidly and it is said that it will Eighth, $40,000. be one of the greatest hotel streets The Apache Conrprrriy. southeast on this side of the continent. Hotels corner of O'Farroll and Mason streeis are to be erected on the nori Invest $::2,'i00. corner of Leavenworth and Suiter Woodruff Company, southeast cor streets and on lhe lot where General nor of Geary and Powell street. $:;!?, Barnes' residence formerly stood. fC.o. near Taylor, on a lot directly op- Q.u posite tne eta i ntversny ' a.i.i ilso on the site of the old Golden HIGH to the character of Katherine. theiwiili a razor. :Gate Coiumandery building lose to a profitable hour of worship. rv THERE WERE OTHERS. The tales of discomfort from Ne vada remind one that even the Ar gonauts of old got cold feet before they finished their famous journey. Salt Lake Herald. o-o George Blakeslee engaged in a friendly wrestling match one day finest role:-. She found that Kath- composed exclusively of newspaper j office building on Sn. or street, near Cowing goes on business connects last week in Tonopah and the result with the opening of the branch of lg a broken leg. erine was supposed to be fond of monkeys, so Miss Crawley is true to life, and brings in a pet monkey in the first act. Her leading man, Arthur Mande, plays Petruchio, and he has won much praise for his impersonation. All who love a hearty laugh should go to the opera house Dec. 31st. Desides which they should not miss the opportunity of seeing one of England's greatest actresses. tion in its route across Nevada". The ; Me" and the song made a fitting , headstrong wife, and it is one of her. The Gridiron Club, in Washington, i Mrs. Merritt defendants in the suit say the land was acquired by fraud, for it is, they allege, mineral land. The action of Ingalls and the sep arate action of the government will result in a lengthy investigation. The decision will affect many local ities on the Southern Pacific right f way. Mr and Mrs. Geo. Cowing were ds- partures for' Reno last evening. Mr. is to put an men, gave its annual dinner Saturday ! Mason, and Mrs. Nellie Moulton will build immediately an eight-story rein forced concrete building on the north west corner of Geary and Williams street at a cost of $100,000. Meyer and Digman will build a $P,1, two buildings on Jackson street, near night. The president and many other high officials were present and each was roasted to a fine nut brown. ' o-o TRANSFER OF PROPERTY. H. B. Van Etten has purchased the Geo. T. Davis property adjoining the Meyers Mercantile Company in the southern part of the city. Mr. Van Etten intends making numerous im provements to the property. GRADE FOR CARSON. ASSAYS "UN1QUF." Good values shown in Valley Park. Buy Valey Park lots novv and pros per. Best o,pport unity on earth for home seekers. Lots selling fast, buy now and get in on the ground floor, in a resident, town, a commercial center. Liberal terms offered, well equipped convey ances always at hand to show nartiis Larkin, and the Van Vrooman Estate thJg splendid property. two buildings on Jackson srteet, near For full particulars, etc., see G. T. Dupont, at a combined cost of $G5,000. Conner and G E Bendinger, with On Sutter Street Iewis & Co., offices over Nye and On the northwest corner of Sutter 0rmsby County Bank caraon. mw