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ju -4 THE DAILY CARSON CITY. NEVADA Published every evening. Bumtay excepted. I. O. LEWIS - " Leeeee md Publisher OF l-ICE THE APPEAL tfLDO, CORNER OF MAIN AND 24 STREETS The Nye :and Gntisby County ; & Always Up-To-Date TELEPHONE Ore- year by mail Six. month by mall Three-months by mail Per week by carrier .......... - ;- - (Entered at the Carson Post. Office as second else matter) ........ fiWiTllS: tsoo 4 tot 2 St Roosevelt's message was not only twice as long as it should have been hut it wa3 miserably mispelTed, following- the new government system f orthographic butchery. Theodore should take a course in spelling at night school before he writes another message. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES CARSCM CITY, NEVADA CAPITAL ......V.200,000 Frank Golden. President ;..-lL? Ryan, Viee-Praltfea. A. O 'RaycrafL'Saehler and ' Beerstary ,, Directors: FRANK GOLDEN, D. M. RYAN, JAV.V SVEjMtY. JOHN McKANE, ALONiO TRIPP, L. L. PATRICK la. SCHtS LINE, T. W. KENDAL, M. L. MeeDONALO, H. UJkA. - - j. Mcquillan INTETJlf PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS AT M fll CENT. ., Oeo. Wcowln9, Aset ' Cashier Jn Cltv Nevada ' A. F. Tftae, Asst. Oaehier. Tewssab Jas. Deegan, Asst.' CaaMer, QoWSebl M. J. Hill, Asst. Cashier, Manhattan Count Boni de Castellane will re ceive $100 an article from a Paris daily. He will probably descant principally on the topic of trir! marriages. It has developed that a Eath nr.l- lionaire paid $5,000,000 for bogus a" pitip. That iV nothing. Many a American heiress, infatuated with the glamor of a tinsel title, has paid more than that for a husband who proved a bogus man. o-o Nearly 1"0 claims have ehangod hands in Wonder district within a week and among the investors are Marvin E. Isli. A. H. Swallow, V. V. Kirby. W. A. Stevens. Patrick. Elliott & Camp. .Tnmos J. Morse. M. E. Hop kins ami Littleton Price. Sealed proposals for furnishing sup plies of groceries and . revisions, also for meats of all kinds, to be delivered at the State Orphans' Home, Carson City, Nevada, for six "months from and including January 1st, 1&07, will be received up to noon of December 24, 1906, according to the requisition furnished hv the sunerintendent A the said Orphans' Home, now on file j in the office of the the secretary of ' th? Board of Directors of the said ; Orphans' Home. All articles to be first class of their J nd and to be delivered in such oiiantities and at such times as tho The State Bank & Trust Co Carson City, Nevada Capital Fully Paid Up $200,000 Branches ai Tonopah, Goldfield and Manhattan, Nevada. DIRECTOR:.. T. 8. RICKEY GEO. H. MEYERS, P. H. PETERSEN, A. LIVINGSTON, G. L. LEE, J. r. OODBURY, G W. MAPES, C. T. BEN OER, W BROUGHER. T. B. Rickey, President; Geo. H. Mey ere, vice President; J. P. Wooabury d Vice President; Jas. T. Davis Cashier; E. D. Vanderlieth, Asst, Cashier; E. B. Cushman, Asst. Cashier, Tonors : J. . Lindsa;-. Asst. Cashier, Goidi.elJ; C. H. Wise. : -sst Cashier, Ilanhattan I ! We are I w i I 11 wear - R 1BI . I owr lama -U III J Li. V I y. t I ''lBB6ISTeRa I EBl Wassh csv nest Has an ! Tfcsy w ajsrtetnsj sM1ft ewr CbUdraem Amf Cs CeV are Hantaan eV Over, Fterahatma einel tree ett Shee that makes IMm Walfc Easy. We have a Una Hn af good reliable srices. RLINGTON, Carson lity, Nevada superintendent may direct, quanfiTy ; The sank wii reCeive deposits, buy and sell Foreign and Domestic Ex- varvins; each month as may be ra- nuirecl. 1 Ail articles not satisfactory will be returned at the contractor's expense. The bids to be directed to the Sec- retnry of the State Orphans' Homo Hoard of Directors. Carson City. Xf- v-da. The Board reserves the r:gh to r'V Wt pny nr.d ail bills. ORVIS RIXC. change, give .rompt attention to Co lec'.icns; buy and sell Mining StccK and do a GEI'.ERmL BANKING BUSINESS. A SAFE DEP. cIT DEP- f.TMENT With over o ie hundred Se Depoa:: Boxes l;as oeer. placed in the Bank. These boxes are rented at trorr $2.50 to ?0.iiO per year according to size. Bank Money Orders sold on all principal' places in he United States The Carson Exchange CARON CITVS LEADINC HOTEL The best m.Js for themoney Nicely Furnished Rooms state leaves the door daily for LaVe Tahoe and all other points Meals 25 cents L I . 0. De Jee iais Prop no srst't Mo'iiy Orders. I On the Rex srmina in Wonder dis- Car.-on Ci trict assays have been had fr(m to S:'."' per mn. Secretary of the Bon vl. .-'c . .. Oee. J 5 "iOnn. I A .shaft will at oik e be 'S tartest on l'a' people are ntakin heavy inve-;-the Granite Contitn-t property at Ski- ments. A :nielior mm of the iluxin?: doo. Four feet of ore averasnnsr $10 or1-, en Short Mountain sows seven per ton has already been 'Uieovorod j winces of silver. isiiteen per com. on the property. ! H':ul. one percent zinc and thirty- I '-ighr ih't eenr alum. There are praleua Clark Mountain on.rry. St. The Gold ('hi'.nce Alining Comnany mi this property which assay ac has started a two compartment shaft a ?HS iter ton in lead and m on its property east of l.add Mount- V(r 9,1,1 some carbonates runni.i ss-. r";-. ir .-iarv:j-ias6tt3aiiaEJsaKirj!i Pleat flarket Specials New Eastern Silvcnthread sour kraut and genuine Dill Pickles at the Nevada Meat Company. Nothing but U. S Inspected Meats handled. Every carcass stamped. We dot raise hogs at the slaughter house on offal and refuse and sell it to you to eat. NEVADA MEAT COMPANY, Formerly Eagle Market. Scott Building :::::: Telephone 614. Sacramento .Saloon AMDY TODD, Pr.p. ine best of liquid refreshments always on tap. tscludit.s imported and domestic goods. Good Cigars are a part o' tt.r etoc'-i. AXHICUSKR DUSCH BEMR OX TAP Pin. around $7" per ton. cssssssss "ji y 5-oKV Y C j i s Hcaiuart;rr or Totirista 4fa Comma ';-a Traveler cll L:;htea Ff Sample Roon Ught St. And see h w quickly it will warm a cold room or hallway. The Per fection Oil Heater takes the place of furnace and other stoves between seasons, and in midwinter enables you to warm any cold spot in the house that the other stoves fail to heat. The PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) is the handiest oil heater made. Does not smoke, or. smell. Wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Perfectly safe and as easy to operate as a lamp. 'All parts easily cleaned. Gives intense heat at . small cost. Every heater warrant ed. No household shonld be without the Perfection Oil Heater. If not at your dealer's write to our nearest agency for descriptive circular. The R&yb Lamp tnrns nhrht into day. Superior to 1am etc) Kw all-round household use. Eonmnml with low im. proved burner. Safe, simple, satisfactory. . . Brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parlor, or bed room. Every lamp warranted. Write to our nearest agency if not at your dealer's. . .STANDARD OtL COMPANY. 1 Davey & Maish Fresh Fruits ui every season Ice cream soda and iced drinks Free tie! ivory to all. parts of tlx j: city. Country orders promptly filled M IN X.l I'.M i A K S FIRST CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. ARLINGTON HOUSE. STOUT & McMILLAN, Props Only Modern Hotel in Carson ONE t-LOCK FROM RAILWAY DEPOT . TONOPAH RAILROAD Time Table MEYER'S MERCANTILE CO Successors vo Oeo. H Meyers Wholesale ?n(j Reail Dealer in Choice Familv - Groceries Local or Pacific Time Trains leave Tonopah as follows: For all points East and West ta Hazen 7-25 a. m. For Goldfield: 8:00 a. m., 4:15 p. m., 8:10 p. m. Trains leave Goldfield as follows: For all points east and west via Hazen 5:55 a." m. For Tocopah: 5:55 a. m., 9:15 a. m.. 5-30 p. m. Trains arrive Tonopah as follows: From all points east and west via Hazen 7:50 p. m. From Goldfield: 7-05 a. m.; 10:15 a. m., 6:30 p. m. Trains arrive Goldfield as follows: from all points east and west via Hazen 9:15 p. m. From Tonopah. 9:00 a. m., 5:15 p. m., 9:1a p. in. Tickets and information at Station Ticket office. J. F. HEDDEN, DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED I By receiving some inferior grade of I '.vine or liquor from some foreign ho;ie Drop into the wholesale es tablishment of A. Livingston and he i will provide you with the best that tlie market affords at the most reason able rates. Then too, you can always j inspect the goods and also receive tho ' personal guarantee of a man known 'to everyone. Fixtures and glassware kept in stock all the time. PROFESSIONAL. DR. E. T. KREBS Physician and Surgeon Carson City, Nevada V. R. HOFER, Nent for Fire. Life and Accident Polcles. Office New Bank Bulti tng, Carson City, Nevada. OSCAR J. SMITH 1 J tJLVllllIlVIr Stationery, Kodaks and Photographic SuppMes Attorney at-Law, Room 3, Smith Bun I Ing, Reno Nevv P. O. Box 597. JAMES G. SWEENEY. ttoraeyt-Law. Attorney Generals Office. Capitol Building, Caret j City. Nevada . n. CAVELL, Store op. Postoffice cm iHtKsnJemwMrv'i Phone No. Ml jbl M: mtm is: :m::m. mamm areob City Nevada. Onc. Statu Bank & Trust Co. DR. W. W. GOODE, U. D. S. NEW BANK BUILDING arson City. Nev. . 1 Hours 8-121-5 Phona 93 0-0 i 1 WANTED j AGENTS Canvassers, mixers, ped- dlers, solicitors, mail order people, j people, etc., should by KRAMER'S BOOK OF TRADE SECRETS Regular j price ?5.00, but bal. of last edition for j $1.25 as long as they last. Guaran-1 teed. Order quirk. Sioux Pub. Co., Sutherland, Iowa. n221mo The Stone Market Dealer in Prime Beef, Pork. Veal, Lamb -nd ish in SeasoiJ Phone 504 The Bank JBaioonj MEYER & SANGER, Proprietors mith, t'arsun tri'i't farsun, ji'vada'j The best appointed Private Cinl Finest of ines, Liquors an wvmm 1 t