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DAILY APPE vol. l;:i; 25 CENTS A WEEK CAKSCN CITY, NEVADA TUESDAY EVENING JULY 8, 1907 5 CENTS ;0PY No. 211 SERIOUS STABBING JOG Blake, Bartender at California! Brewery Seriously Wounded Dy Tony King Virginia City. July S. As t3? result c au altercation ov. r As ttiij result of uq altercation ovor the v-rite cf a bucket of le r Joe liliw, bartender oi the Califoraia Breweiy ia liug in a very ju t carious condiuou, the result oi several knife tauo at tue hands oi a half crazed character el" that city by the na:r." oi 'i ony King. King cuuue into iho Calit'o: a lit Brewery at abuui ten o'clock last cigct aai asked for twenty-live cents worth oi beer. Alter the betr had been, drawn he outred Blake twenty cents for the same. The latter re-; fused to accept the faint' and "King began to abuse him. J A heated argument ensued ut.d Blake was -thrown to the lloor in a Bcudo that ensued and was stabbed a number oi times by King with a t'jur inch dirk. li. 8chv.eiss, owner and proprietor DEATH OF DEL LEWIS Tbttf raoraing the Appeal received a dispatch announcing that Del Lewis, a brother of Irw.n Lewis, forni cr editor of the Appeal had been kill ed in L-ca Angeles. No particulars wr? givea. CM) ABLE TO BE OUT Tht many friends of Miaa Liena Kara are pieaseu to icaiu iuit uc is recovering from her sick epell and waa able to be driven about the city I (lurla'1 the carnival. ! -4J-0 GARSONITES MIKE GOOD AT SILVER BOW Tivre ts much activity iu the Silver G-oju district, and a number of proper ties are under bond. The group oi cl.-jm.s owned by Prince and Millard C.'t'ia of Carson and F. W. Baker of (Mkland, the latter a brother-in-law of tto two first-named, has been sold V) Tonopah people for $10,000 cadh and a block of stock in the company that will be organized. The ground con sists if six claims. There is a 6 foot ledgo -which shows assays running from $100 to $000 on the surface, and .he. Indications are that the property will make one of the best mines in tho district. Within the past ten daya four or nve new leasing companies have goue to work in the district, and reports from those already at work are very encouraging. On the Clifford lease ore running as high as ?000 a ton has been opened up, and the Wills-Day lease Las developed a large body of good milling ore, running as high as 'fcQ a ton. The 10-stamp mill recently erected between Silver Bow and IJellehelen is being remodeled and a cyanide plant i being added. Tonopah Miner. RECOVERING RAPIDLY Repot is from the bedside ot Miss .toe Roberts state that the young lady :s gaining rapidly and that vi e ts on the rapid road to recovery which Is good news to her many friends it this "it. . - M o - A SEVEN DAY PAPER The K no Journal is now published -very day in the week. This is the first paper in the state to become a seven day paper and this feat of journalism is bound to be appreciated The Journal is progressing by leaps and bounds under the new manage ment and is now one of the leading newspapers of the west. It is ably edited and Is sparing no expense to stive the news. IN VIRGINIA CITY of the brewery, LoariiiS the rushed to taw assistance of itr beauu,,' iviug over the nt ad I i;a a cane succeeded hi pulhuff liiuj iiu" o lUf wounded man. lie then j gave las attention to Blake who wua . bleeding proiusely from his many ( wound. King in the meantime I cfu-!od out oi the building and hid j under the perch. The officers were: called, but owing to the darkness j were unatle to rind King and up to! ium atierr.oou no trace oi hitu has Leeu found. Blake is in a very pre- ear.ous condition and tue physicians have not. moved biru from the brew ery; hat the move would cost hita his lite. King has ha i a had reputation in this city and is an ins lkin convictid J offender hav- veral tunes of ! robbery and has served several terms i iu th- city prison. , Blake ia ono oi the popular young j men of this city. ' THE RENO HAMMAM It is one of the Finest Bath Houses in the Un ted States The new Ilammam baths at Keno are now finished and several of the worlds wayfarers have already sought rest within the neatly painted walls inside the big brick building. For here may the prodigal son and i the way ward husband dispose of aj hold-over or a suddenly acquired slzz. - - gas pipe. i Cooley ana oaiieron nave met wnu numerous setbacks in the construc- Hon of the building, and months have i been consumed in making small prog i ress. P,ur at. last they have prepare ! one of the best equipped Turkish baths in the LTnited States, which is no exaggeration, for while some others are larger and more elegantly appointed. none art more- up-to-date. Ia the r.ew bah house are accom modations for forty people. There is a dry and moist sweat room, electri-! cal room, and varices other devices for tha treatment of patients. There ia a reading room, lounging parlor aud side-hoard. Three good ma.sserus ; Cornell, Dalzell r.nd Rodit are con -tlAltliy IU ttLl'-UUHUVl-. j Jack Longhi is one oi the attrac-j lions of the place. Jack worked in! the Winsor and the Albany in Den ver for a long time, and afterwards at Burns' baths in San Francisco. Pec-ides his friends in these places Jack knows every man in Keno and many in Carson. Cornell did on (ho house nine was Un ill the electrical work md much oi the plau- rsii:t of his suggest-1 ions. A ladies department, entirely sepa rate from the i portion of the building, is bell. f: ed ready in about a month. 0.0 and will be TO TOUR EUROPE Dr. Berry of Carson City and his J efforts of the mine owners and opera wife have goue to San Francisco, j tors to preserve peace and to eon from which point Ihey will sail by ! tinuo work. way of the Orient for Europe. Dr. and Mrs. Berry wil remain away from Nevada for two years, during which time Dr. Berry will study med icine and surgery in the Old World. His wife will devote her time to the development of her musical talents. Mrs. Berry was conferred a degree of Master of Arts at the last com mencement exercises of 'the Univer sity. o-o REGAINING STRENGTH A decided change for the better has come in the condition of Miss Carrie Cottrell who has been critical ly ill for some time and she is now thought to be on the road to recov ery. Last evening she -wa3 much stronger. iWARTHA 1 JS PLEASED With Reception Tender-! ed hhr During the j Carnival Dear Sir: Will you permit me through the columns of your valuable paper to thant-t the members of Car uuibe sua Aerie, lUuti, F. O. K., fur the r.Saue I many extended to ine and iuy attendants during tue recent Eag- lea' caraival? 1 wish to assure them that their efforts have been de-ply appreciated aud I am glad to have made the acquaintance oi men of their standing and thougr.fulness. No eifort has been spared to make my stay in your city a pleasant one aid 1 shall ever carry with me the ir.t-tr.ory oi an eve nttul aud pleasant sojourn lure. To the prime minister, Mr. J. Tranter, I also wish to prosed aiactie thanks. Hid unfailing c C. :ny ur- tesy. his close io l: coui forl and pleasure, his anticipation of every want, ami b.t constant gooil nature have added greatly to the pleasure ef my visit in Carson City ami h.s tho-.tghtfulm-ss will always be renu-r ing-!. I w h'red v ith the kindliest of i'eel- i !( iham; T'roprietors of the Arl.agton Hot.. I ,.i.J ail conuicted therewith for their careful artentiou and courteous treatment of us wh'le we have been lieneath their roof. The ladies upou the reception com mittee, Mesdamts Koberts, Living ston, Ivtersou, Van KUen and Wood ! will p!?ese accept mv thanks for their tfa'.aess and kindness, and also to the young ulie Mii j-i Hiv 1 r-i:v ana t u-p. wno urignteneu with have tneir Uvcorutioas the rooms i ; occupied while here. I wisn . .... .. . i mi nearly t-auKs. i Th.. insnmp fe p.,,1 -h nr nu !i sr ' manners of my two little pages, Nila . Barkley ,and lieruice Hoopes, twill ever l.t before me and I shall always remember them with happiness and pleasure. The little key bearer, Mar garet Kegan, and the crown bearer, Dorothy Mackey, will not be forgot ten as the years roll along, but will be present iu memory's picture ir. company with those of the pages. Without particularizing further, let each and everyone who in any way contributed to my pleasure or com- I fort, feel that this acknowledgment is for him or her personally ;u;d .hat my reign as Queen Martha First has been so filled with brightness and cheer that 1 abdicted my thr : with regret, but hope always to r. in :!ie ood will ot the people iu ( arson , MARTHA E. tt( iPEitTS. Action is Postponed Indefinitely AfU-r an extended ULseussion, the j Western Federation of Miners Satur- j day, in mass meeting at the ball park I voted to indefinitely postpone all act- jion with reference to the employment : ot watchmen at tlie mines, i nose I watchmen were employed during the j recent tie-up and the question has ari ! sen as to whether the miners should not demand their removal or their affiliation with the federation. Tlie rank and filo of the federation is said to be in sympathy with the The Industrial association submit ted a proposition in writing relative to a permanent grievance committee, but this, together with the proposition of watchman, went over until a fut- ure meeting, me associations com - munication was read before the meet- ing ana secured ciose attention, u was the sentiment, however, that the body should wait until the return Goldneld of the delegates to the Wibody the question of having a per F. M. meeting in Denver, which ad- ( manent grievance committee, so that journed a day or so ago, so that their if there are any grievances on one ideas might be secured. The oper- j side Dr the other, they can be taken ators association's proposition fol- up an(1 settled harmoniously, and 1W3: with peace and quiet, and avoid any 1. We desire to have peace in this possible trouble made by gossipers camp, and no further labor troubles, or trouble-makers. Attorney Pilklngton of Wellington is la town. SUSTAINS DEMURRER In Whitaker-Rav Case And lime to Ammend Complaint is Uivcn THE WH iTAKErt RAY CASE i j Inis merumg the cast' oi the Wh.t- I j Kay oou.pauy vs. the County of U.i.iiijs w.ii rt .u the j iaiatins sued; for auine i'-P'tt due fi r ihe sale of furniture to the Public .School house. VVS decidtd. j The d-..-ieuddnis, ihro:;gh tbetric:' Attorney koO.-rts demurred to the complaint on the ground:; that the! school board should bv t ml-raced in I the compla.nt with tin- other dui'end-: an.. ,t udge 1-arriugton .ts:ainod th ! uen.urii-r and gave . he plaintils thirty days to amend compl rint. The court decided that it could not j compel the County School Suiicnu i t nih.nt and other deii-ndantH to act J after They had u.-vd discretionary j powvii. Al3o it net a c-uit I m eei:ity. j This is a suit ter the detks and fi far no fuic has been brought for the chairs, lvon'.e are asking why this suit has not been brought as the opera chairs were ordered befi. the desks. The ci-ntraet bit-i- ). district and was dated before th. desk contract. No bill has yet been piesentod to thei board and the chairs have Leon in j use tor nearly a year. SMALLPOK AT SPARKS i'h ere are two cafes of smallpox in r"""' lu- lv"ulb UIJ'US a i T 1 I. I'm . - i j r . ' , "') Le unu me iiiue enna or jTanh - - .1 "Minn rtmt -tyinrlrci tt-Vi n o f.!-m.-.i - resident of this city. Both houset have been placed under quarantine and there is little tear or the. Sseaofc i u " -u""- -oo- The Journal is trying to dislodge Colonel Max on as boss of the Keno school board. It will be a pretty fight in a few weeks when things get warmed up right. o-u GOLDFI ELD MEETS DEFEAT Ooldfield lost both games against the Reno league team at the latter place Saturday and Sunday. The Keno boys walked right away from them from the start and there was nothing doing with the high graders and they went to defeat. In speaking of the game this morn ing's Journal expresses the opinion that too much hospitality here during the celebration was the cause of the Coldiield team not being able to play up to their usual standard. 2. As ihe question of "watchmen" j i the only question at issue, we are informed, and believe, that it was j directly understood between Mr. Wiugrield and Mr. Mahorev -hit watchmen in and around the mines should be a preferred party, or what is known as a "company man." That is. the watchman's duties require him not only to report any inadvertence on the part of the miners, but also to report any and all inadvertnena regarding shift boss, superintendent, etc.. and by the very nature of things is entitled to be, and should be, a preferred party, as in other camps. As there are rumors of a viola tion of the agreement signed on April 2, lin7, upon the part oi the miners, and all of these matters should be taken up seriatam. and to stop 1 trouble-makers from making trouble, j either from the side of the miners ; or upon our side, we -esiiHctfnliv ask- that Messrs. Lyons, Tennant, O'Han- to'iey and Anderson put before your! i Bullion tax collector Nerin la in I Carson today. PARDON BOARD IN SESSION Many Prisoners Ask for Pardon, Clemency and Restoration of Citizenship The Hoard of l'aidons held a meet ing this ui'u uiug. A long list oi ap plicants were pieseuied before tht beard, some asking for pardons, come f'-'t" clemency and other.-, asking to be n tuied to citmeuoiup. Nijthmg of impoiiance iuuk place a: the meeting but at the alter noon session eases wti Ue- ' mdtd. : 'ii:e cas..- of C.nas. It. Treadwell. seivmg 11 years for robbery, was pardoned. Treadwell's guilt was in d'-'UOt trum the time of his convict-, ii'ti and his attorney introduced evi dence oi such a nature as to secure freedom. The. nest case was that of Chap. KtlCiiS. Convicteil (if t)it- muni.. r ot Ferrell in Keno. This was I'm case : In which the unwritten law waa the. son, whiskey to Indians, 3 years; pleading at the time of th- trial, but j (Restoration) ; Chas. Kucks, invol he was sentenced to serve K. mouths untary manslaughter, 1 year 2 months for the killing. He was given a full Edward S. Kendncks, niuriUr 2nd, pardon by the board. j degree, life; John C. Logan, forgery. Dan O'Doane. sentei.e -d to ." vears : 7 vear,-: W. K. l.amb v from Washce county for bigamy was the next application to receive at- i teaticu from the board. Not enough evidence was introduced to show the ( L. J. rhillips, assault intent to kill, board that the applicant deserved the j - years; V. J. Scbnean, forgery, 1 pardon and it was refused. year; James Sullivj:.n, ho;isebreaking. The last case to come before tliell year: Edward Spencer, burglary, 1 board tcday was that oi A. A. Scheie j year G months. (Restoration credits) convicted to serve ten years tor man- j Tim Shea, assault intent to kill, in slaughter. After a lengthy hearing j years; Joseph P. Smith, robbery, 10 of the case by the t board the pardon ! years; A. A. Scheie, manslaughter, in was granted. ; years, Chas. IJ. Treadwcll, robbery 11 The board then adjourned untii to-j years; John .T. Williams, assault iu morrow morning. It ia thought that 'tent to kill, M years, J. V. Willard, it will take about four days to com- housebreaking. 1 year :! mouths. Are Now Sacking High-Grade The fo'iowiiig from the Ramsey The incline haft is sunk on the Recorder concerning the Ramsey-. foot wal1 ei(ie- Tne country rock on Coinstock mine, will be interesting to many people of this city who hold stock ia that company; There have beeu over 100 sacks of high grade ore taken from the great pay chute at the Ramsey Comstock mine since the ore body was struck on the third level. Contained iu this pile is some as fine ore as ee; showed iu amine. Pieces glittering with free gold and carrying high vu!- nes in sulphides as well, are' brought up in thy skip The company is getting together shipments and is beudias every effort to get them out as rapidly as possible A!', the men that can convenieuilv be worked in th- drift are picking down the picture ore. The returns from it are going to prove a re vela-: tion to Nevadans. It is going to be shown that th; corner of the state is posseted if a mine that is a first grader in , -ry sense of the term. Nearly a carload is already out and it is the inttntion to so ar range matters that t-hipments will follow each other cent inuousH . When it, is known there is a six foot pay chute that has been drifted on nearly 50 feet and which is open ed op on two levels, 100 feet r part, it can be seen there is a tremendous tonnage already blocked out. -whieh every foot of drifting increases. Some specimens aiv being savtd for jewelry. Gold in tle.oe piee.-s occurs in many seams .ail c.r course they will assay into the thousands. In other free gold speci mens the yellow metal occurs with tellurium. Like all ore of this char acter, it will when worn as a pocket piece show more and more gold In the free state the longer it is carried. The Ramsey Comstock mine has entered an era of Ion continued productiveness and the management la getting things in readiness for it. All necessary appliances will bo ad ded as required and they -will make some improvements that will get the great property In condition for rec ord production. id. I.- ihe hearing in' the cases before ;.k- board at. this session. Following is the entire list of appli cations before the Board: 1. G. Hell, assault with deadly weapon, 1 year t mouths; ltobert ,. i.urns. robbery, -m y.iirs; Joseph V. Conroy, burglary, 4 veins; Tony Christie, robbery. 15 years; C. li. Davis, burglary, 7 years; A. (). Devitt escape from jail. 2 years; (Clemtucyj t harky Anul Dick, burglary, , years; Wiliani Daly, murder n,l, degree, life; Tom i-,na, housebreaking, years; 'Patrick Hern, mt;rd r 2nd, de- g:-e life; Kd. Hoff, ronbery, Jack Harris, foigery, 1 year; P. Han-is, manslaughter, l. years; Eugene years: Jes. HawU-y, burglary. ;j yi ars; .lames narris. burglary, j vents; Edward Johnson, robbery, pi years; R. John- years; Robert Mitchell', burglary', 4 years: Frank McCauley, burglary 7 years; D. O'Doan. biguuuiy. 5 vears: this wall is a hard diorite which makes progiess with hand drilling i rather slow. With the addition of i burly drills and air compressor this part of the work will be greatly improved and the installation of a pump will avjoid further dlay on account of water. Recent disclosures at the mine have brought a number of visitors . .. . .. 1 . 1 .. .1 : . o . . i iu luvwi, iiitiuuaii; some oi uie com pany oilkia's. it. T. Bragd-m of GoldfieM and president of the com pany caniein accompanied by Mr. Hayes of the Hayes-Monnette leas.' iu Goldtivld. Mr. Reynolds and S. M. Carleton, it Denver man. Vice-President A. II. Mayne came iu for sev eral d'.ivs during the week and his brother. C. K. Mayne of Manhattan, arrived to haw a look at things. Outsbb: miring operators are f.ii oinhig ; a realitatiou oi the possi bilities .n tills property -and the dis trict in gemral. The knowledge is constat;.!;.- growing thai Ramsey dis rid has a miao -.hat is sure to com. to the front as a big high gra-1-' shipper and is in a fair w .-.y to .clip;;- : v;i!a miivs in the llge dike L'o feet bottom of '):. rieii.'r a'l ; th. . Th from al ov :i- i famotM south, re Is high grr the ap.-s of t ground, to I 1 1 vei axd it ' - . .k. VERY LOW Mrs John Cat ton is reported as ! Ing very low in this city ruul few hopes are entertained for hor re covery. RETURNED TO TAHOE Mrs. Abe Colin returned to Tako City Sunday evening, wdiere she has charge of the Emjorium branch store at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fryer and son. who have been Tisltlng relatives In this city for tlia past week, returned to their houie in Sacramento Satur day evening.