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Mining Operations In District During Week NO PRESENT MERGER CAN THROTTLE THE DISTRICT ORES D T.tme AND ON CONTACT YET TO BE BROUGHT TO PRODUCTION—STOCK MARKET FEATURES OF PlMSEST MERGER TALK SITUATION—STOCK PER FlRMANCES (Coatintd fno*n Paw Oaei_ speculation a* to ▼feat the outcome r^ay he. Inveed a vry merry rtek. <yHR StOCXS-Usss arere - ->mi ahsse -* from top v. >'*• V... : : • - - - ' ' tc Va-.Hr of ti-. Ho «.k.f man puSas*®. A ?*rt o. t--e Wshe aigv Kt copiers. to Utah and R'W On. and tc of the sro.E amt 0>-Rj*b and Gtujgmfce'JB that txy* fc^ rte* evolved at *wciing totter cmtwwv. «>moJ >y mark,-*, alt* £• ,.nd max i® at.-:*. ▼end nare d.hi*jes> em had the H.*kiri a5a;r reer averted, hat tie s.ner nfj rare > «>i erterf t • :he ■ aw t®Lt e. Re* ns So grounded that aa affiliation 1J** freer. Nevada C & <■ >;>- -*•* K Pre-^ieffin I i- -Ww »h. or-rv.Hfd the prv-p-‘<ed ’ ®»->dusi z. ▼ '-*! I *ah t oj* *e-. acd *~*e -• Roefcefeiier nknh The object of this pro«|»fr->f the ' awtwtly interpreted. is to hail the By <fetiw< aM Oter ate it arader one treat big wepMatea. will equal u not exceed the Aandgamated a capetahaatioa. topper ootpnt and - ia aatrol of the capper metal market s- rr ^ re-salt *re she Gngcgenheiaas. «ho mad canmtnhle Tada iNmk and l sals Ok ", e t *' - * ’.a e the By «d the Bingham n lanipr Nevada On. stock fen keen dropping about in proportion to the derline is Fiah Cop *„.* 4 - ,. ... • . jv . .,-•: ; r ” s.-srtr t naaipnlathei aaay hare a part in tkw n *# umliiiight by, toss fortes. which he aet with letnm ire. for Gi r:. s 1: j ~ .* -o -eer. > e.' LOCAL EFFECT—X- ,:• : w: i z e ay v.:. * k«ml n itnutww vii! be little changed. Use E2y district proper ties cvocerned bare a rcsaxjmatn am-cat of work to do tad they w. . j t. i.-z ti -re .a rest't.-.ear divi let. is and iL '• w btr ;: ' - • ■ ' - . : - - ttnp is as rapidly ns brains and money ran drive it to traarahkiKs power aad vastly nmonl jodtctka of copfer. Merger estfeer way c rJ new erate the advance ai-ovem-esst; it meoid not delay it. As for detriment feared by those who kwk askance iim the possible rxk«y of the district into a “ote man ■raar.jv” with the wstad attendant meessmi of bdividaii enterprise, they have failed to racLsyier the fact that this distr. 1 has a wot i of tea t::alhy tmproepec'tcd territory ontside the present proven aroa whicak developcxenu of tie last several months zit tie lime lave nak to > k certain of nahn# 'O-nte ervat asuse*. possih :y greater than the .amp- has yet known. In other wok tie district k ton bag at its certainties and pom t. emit of t> ve-issx token im bodily at tie present ssaxe of its . story t*y any one web mat ion. A noief minir* raanseer. in comment Is* on tfcis feature daring the week. *aa mod it op abort *> follow*; BUT SCRATCHED—- - Tb - i <r - * date ha s only Seen ur nl raid over. Its pwriMiitk:■ are ton great for human sbnd to gras • x' the present tint* in manner to enable atocrp> t»* of *' yeeperties in degree that might make a lercaieci one-man camps TSe rvhvnr a ce has reea deve red bere. Th* lime -s nt»-.ver i>uve. tcaest in a hv .Estataces. bet eo-.'.ica has Wen determined to ewtnbfab beyond a reasonable donbft ' * ■* > .1 . ft .r. t. f i- . - . : »*- : .. ~ : >.»••> r «js«r>ft->. Conoaes ere a the d.-5i..-t » v< a- a certainty. Xoching ;xs • ct Wen at most n e. .a research f -r c<rt 1 .*». *d that tie iLstrict w. . retail its pwvwt.menfe as the wastry s groatess proiieter of ore from sire jiotphyty. that k wfl! ndl to this (muMwetle prodnetoa* of great rich vee tw enrage from the aid of cesser bat richer s^cmage from the ever.tact ore—t?at it w,l stand out the world over la ptom tsemc* bfcnuse of - rxh>.*-t •;*, from these three format h ns. tie state of Asv* oyminl of two ;f which preelnde* the making at present of any comkinatoa that a. .gut pci the ramp in the c*w-aiAi d*as- fv-r ary cwts^derth e length of t.tse. The tre* ■“■d*®* "aen -nation ^»n here. not only in oxanmiai oses kt also at the great amount of itnn nraninrriil sow grade jvr,byty. , inre> me that tie i stribatwc has teen from a very geceeo®s. and thm detects ia*e been confined to «o «L arvu. :-e to x few t> - -v ^ there. It has fc-nnd it' wav into the :e a> we*. a« toe perpAyty. as has ocvnrrol m **Wr <w;ytr *«?wts where ,ke eoeditoons pma . Xor do 1 Wsieve that the ftibiwim dmlrirf <mtkhiaH the copper hi hn aecate ESy territory 1 > .ieve »'at enrefte iwvsspev?.-• g tr.l aOvT reranrat of prvgertyis ;q»tfled monkytng territory which 1 yeiar* to cvaaie. at .ess l an mistaken, w V f -end to have porta ;ate*l la t.te sa?*e nwa :teat.« « that ha* Wen dKcr miawi iere. aa»i w fb hke predl." -^JLL TkADffG—> oc.f• >- ib iiy >;or ■v*aw*> ^y« tonnft tot> pKsliagw ltd to Mm Ghent kmjrtog ^ovk llw! ▼wit *xtx j-.c: z ijiw MnRyti zb* nerifciit w-wr^ .t^inxa yoMabot**. Vw", ▼ytxriws w» t j. zb* (um yww’ 'T'ii^i If CL. L2< \ GWV JhVT XTYsil BE v»>.| wi.\ * «■»* *k zbt toer.tor>«B* erne* rf tV Jlrtxit tk*y **** xr:ct>*- ih\ul> ax a: liter fm t*c -it -Jxr~x iV -C* *««v «•*« :i* nk u* We«'» ~*y ® ® VMp kM&iHM piMfeL. Msest the myt ^ctoc iks> '■ :iwx-r MM*i rmc njwi W :3i ;j* owrxw fitttor lxr*Twi - - ' . :a7 «fl* mi tr, i '.a^cma# ixrrv *a»i ri* j «K •*• i»j.,i ',J ',i"A • • ’•' Mt W I 25*''-* -.a. i<*s z ▼*_* V two. *c (Lm u*. B.Mr;nr ;-«i sp a n.' iXi. r t .«f si^pc. xj&i jnr*it &£, x* a-xr'Li'Z ,zbz.*(xk,znr. ~.uiz zb* XLJMfr&tr eras* XT-ix:-< c .a Pi,xf T*.tw The Water Supply of Steptoe Valley Smelting^How Procured and Handled'-Deoelopment Work Last Year Sw C- 35. •urs*'f*. sa Ctf Tl~ waal mil®m nr it tlf jlxxt ***» i {Ml tMl of »it<r toe** ne>£ 3, xi* n H ix £ < ii*? ■* ton u£ Amij£ 1-f lit wtor* :t t*®** from, we-s;•£ to toU Dust I* -if fxrl fT tr.xfw sff ^tn:>:x m-.- t Croat ff*r*i*t*rfl it i3 r*=« is il lx*£.121 f-ij jvT off sit»f far all ;tr tot 13 ito t.-xxxc’-f at c« a — - i,i n;'Lim.-nt to rnwt-tonatriiiif t? ir«. ;t ra *:-r*s***. ttel ttore wotM jora t« tEn« ;< »:-w **f«- wtox tto n:tn; tow rf D«k* C?**4 wiM x«:c lifjjgiT "to toMMta iff "to jtixt. Yto* *43 ftwa twreffwl «x>£* ax-i i s.-to®* aff jwwrwira. t:n :i ; «ff«r mmt e^ttianpcg*^ isnuf z.zl* 7 T* 1fc.5 Ik**T IS <vCi?L.f^JLSt m sr* lt*S '-1K *tfi r*« *** ill T Ttliii ,S Ktt+ r*£T32-f 1 JiC-rtK*! £• ’A* ^ '*r *" c**®jx.t krt i® to4 ii- srt®. 4XUDOH of womt 5:-*i * «*■!’«• «* tie <1 tko ; " Mif tiit ®oa«? for m* f t r-ic "A* «k*r t*isogoec ef lit y**s~ tw r*^ofT *\-..rt liu i*** «j®»rrt;"o£ c« 'A' d:ftr»x*. rrotto os sit-rt :Xoro'i#-r of tk* p-r-ni ru f»T:e tM* for sock f*srF«*rs Ti.* *T* y*^r> - :r* Ist* o tc-toi tofi* Sj ■i4M + K4i44 goiicxf of * »i*-r ii«A it j-rotsi roily x*. to ik* sxicf h-,irt* or °* 1 -.1 - .n-T :* ** » ‘ "»* **T C< lfco ww<* «nk Mi «• **' ■ -*r iMt. ferry Cwrt * V 31 f:-ir Kin frost il* war** « Cnck a. » <* *-•„' • i. ill* U= l*5»* -nwsrthrwS f*-«6 <**■ till ‘>i* U> ti* c-ilnr. 1 4'** tisw*. c4 til fort e* il-» M* «-f «• ol n* i. ts *«« ^ ;•** <toK *w®* X* l*« aii tl* &C5 i:a IT* f«l U'X Tl« luurotr tH t a{*ii:T ©f k.HW.Wt S*X* km of o*i*r It it is ifc* s»tfc*>e* Portst P,»tr». Mi » fcwJdts* **• ises, tkr enMT ro»i 1 tt «.tirtjy above the tunnel Iroaa 3 to a thick and from a* to J9o feet wide, whxh »a» entirely impervious to water Is su'b place* caving from below was done to recover all water above rack elay beds When the deposit* of clay were small, glory hole* were raised to the surface and in such place* where they were in c-tsiderable extent, as open cut to the tarface wa* made. By the use of these glory holt* the open cut, and the tunnel nearly all me subterran ean water is recovered. an important featnre which made the recovery of subterranean water j-cssibie, wa* the uae of hydraulic (it M K U t It V (4 <4 Rl in: PI |VT %T i.Rnl'n » tn F. T1XM L l«»'KI\l. I I'T -H IFT <»\ \VI«*T >».l*l «•« \ tl.l-lt l*» •*»«•»«> i> THt n«t»i>Rorm %- t* phi mkh \ idiomh) pris'» t.r »>x nit ckkkk 14 40i vni>' %l*f*t %R l> THt WoHM K lift 1l It tXXJktd* 3 :i>p fmni «a t*p>i r-i' k a: ;W ai t 3 3£-f ark* ik.-4 ms ax £ carr.** tocrt Skrtxf Skp ikxxitr jrar A.* tk -s tXrK-rss ss a* nttins :» t»T Dm 4*ag •* 4 wvxs-f-r c4 t* antsy tin Ik* :**x x* il: —.xr* at n:« as :Xp nut T^f ttwi as it* kc-ir-ip ax»i 3 k !f a E. Im 4u.rtk( ;n !•: a mtaaM r»M k finUr n;sir &e N; :le r»i* tit >)Murtm f"*a: t uaaun c4 is. av.l :1~p tp«1s xik; k fs^*: 4**: c£ WSK (■ t««f|f 3 :1k Tk^kT kl k i-t7<i ef fts« ! » if !p*s xx4kr C7v-ii4 Tk rwvuff Da «n4krrro>i.x4 In k txxxkl m iSriT** lx slf wtrixk! nmurntMi a r*+ frr: .r a a* bails Sk w«3 ail :1k Ktfars kx i k ; :;* £» «• «rw»m !tmi Da !w»nw tk :!♦ hi- -.« as *<<J® t\a 3 kx:ax a* il+ kit nffjf !rea» Dark ’.'?afk ax-i s» a kef u4 *4p*4pt -.Irwai « atirk slip Pksirt *4**: u Is 3 > s laa i-st* i&s !i 3adm .x isanpepr. ma4p t4 a ;vri Sl'fS *:D :jw Mx-Cf a-jl :Xp px tkfoat off : n:W a tick 2* «**; rjr «pri x rpoacrsw:ua atf Site jt;* x-t asa* <v aMmoed $p?fpt&w? £ ; Iff! STkiw »a* *«; tb&wcl far :ip tm -.iixp m Cl naoaaa aajr pi! lb# T-pik? 34 if ;t*n :lrw E.a:li ?k cvnyitea* :1p Jafe ax k~rarf *f > If !pips pf j£j* a 4at s exret» *f Tk# seed* of ik# jwax: lti{ :i# sea*;* rf kopk *»:«• All ikes# rwriwif la*e lees. coamroft od sttk a re* 50 oaa#ty snk ik# 4*a ax£ pase las* of tils male. Is «**r* case tk# ostlet ; . I* k«Ac*»d a fes feet frost *.k# kcetc a !of tke rese#* c :r ax-d ;r; * ,dri *ntk 4*4 mrees.* *© skes Tke rsswstrs are es;tj 4 snap tke dry w: iker# siQ sissy* remaca sate# to jrctrM Tke t*k Brats :k ; :;e latt sere ;kex NSRrwief to Tke d:H«f #»t creek* atd reaxmiT -. ra Tke I'xifl to Marti axd Earn creek j* 13 isei k:? .v iced meet ; :;e. 3.4## ■ feet iccg Ts© remt rrailt sere cts-i Krtc'.el at Marti creek, tke esp. xeer* W*g feet*late ** feearixp wstrmf mto* pare a large m--rage tor a «>*|*ayi*iy tsaii rardape is twMgratefita rf tie la* Tke l-raa c 1 at P.rd l reek •* 14-.i S. jcaied meel ;^e. l.TW feet V;**. tke loser ead of sleek a* **k »m to a yeemrsre of Hi ^ettdi *S^al so Tke «i* tsvs lead Tls* ; isee sa# oa.-d 1 y <•;« tract. ietxp rab petfd a - 4 day*. T.acet Creek kraxcl a* k-ssci if:} >o.ite«d meei jar *<li fees ki( axd s a* oa:-d cs I sweri I teak ip time, c* 1* * days Se ri c«a.*i.tted ky Ike or* tract or * i:-isg Hi exceiiest pteee of sort Tk* jraxtyal fSteen'S of tke aaxil -ary foe* as to carry sairr from ike A ara n*«4 was «>s atrwtod l» 5k# ewatnctor ’1** art ik« aj-j-rr-T-ai «f ik# Tisfrd Suj« rctm Rearrre b#< Om Jaa 3m. 1M). work * u far* • rd «• tW (nsaf aaser re; >5t ty fmiai a tur#l 1.*** foH Ik( atr:«s Dark Ormk \tu#t. M fort ko loa ik# nk-vtstrt TW rn^n :# cf atsrfTisrti av.rr * a* 4«rr a:a«4 It arm at rroa^rr5 koir*. ax 4 wtr* it tu deiatteiy 4«ter*.;r rd tkere ia< a waarfrnMr Row, a j-eratasexs work:a* skais »u ntk tr M wk. wot* «f tk* «ttrr of *,W taiifT. frca Ur kMi«a of wkxk tr.T'.i were drive* oaf. aai a ok. •car* akxk skart* !#*♦ loo: aj*rt kave We* nsxk ax*i roaxo-ted IT drift*. TW ff#t**a<T of tW skai'.s » u salt xe*oswary 1 or :k# safety twMar*. for ike protartta* of *W a.itn TW pv .ri a rx eed 14C.T troa. irTv: m ax i lari so kold. W.x* t«t art. wkVk isaird Skr oar of J-:x 1 orrkraf aid i-iark tir ^itriiK Oar !#a:tf» of tW »>;k. alkk skew* :* U-{# afcowH W MMjcMMri i;c*. Is ska:. aftWc*! skr pmi aa* rx rry«iik*5y laafcr»iK skr tea-, xrl a as drive* aai a3! *W skafrs *&xk akkot: a six*'* wtaka* or m*s wktefli nsM ai t miaer so kwr so ac.i as cm skids. B#d» of tiaj ew.ei :x skr rr.-.xd Jet pumps, which is i form of pump ing by hydraulic power The system has not cost one tfoiisr for operation and maintenance, as the pumps are entirely automatic, haring no mov ing parts and repairing no oil. at tendance or repairs- The hydraulic power for the pumps is gotten from the pipe Hoe. the water from Bird Creek serrtag for this pwrpoae It is delivered to the pumps «nder a pres sure of appr. xaa&aiely 13# poaads The power water is resent tcgjether with the subterranean water through the dine barge tank into the treasure and arreen house at the bead of the 12-sm‘k wooden pip* Un Lea t ec Deck Creek and follow ing the pipe Hne is the smeltery, one ;*«*s over snrh mouataiaous coun try as rton in the pktmre of the pipe la* The law terminate* at n poent ait anted about 2.3*# feet from the power plant of the Steptoe Vai 3rr ?mett:rg a M.iisr Company, where there as a rwwervwcr and screen kosse. the wmer being distributed from thb point to the entire plant, a •♦-Inch pipe Hne oonreyrng the water to the concentrator A total of 2T.##« fret of r pr s in the enure water syacem aim. rugsi from ** Sac he* to 4 m-he* in dinmetsr A censsderable portion of thb system answer* a double purpose by the ’Continued on png* threw J «iX' TW 'HU’T I'P r»ur .»♦ Rmron th\j tki im^huu* «ITn TH1 «mR n\Mi. ♦ *">* THI