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This Story May Dampen Jarbridge Enthusiasm OPERATIONS OF ONE BOURNE IN THIS LOCALITY FAIL TO GO WELL WITH THE REPORTS OF FABULOUS WEALTH IN GOLD AT THE NEW CAMP IN THE HUMBOLDT RESERVE. The faculty of seeing the newspa per folks, handing them the story the right way and garnering the col umns of live reading matter which fall to the man who knows how to talk interestingly and earnestly, is evidently strong in the makeup of O. A. Bourne, discoverer of the re ported immense values of the new Jarbridge district. Locally, newspapermen can attest to the fact that Mr. Bourne knows how to present the best side of those enterprise® with which they have per sonal knowledge of his connection in this county. They gave him much ■pace and for a considerable time be lieved that he was about to bring forward a new mining and milling ( enterprise In close by territory which would add materially to the annual bullion output of White Pine. Ac cording Mr. Bourne had their ear and was given liberally of space in aid of the general welfare of the community. Since identifying this Mr. Bourne with the Bourne of Jarbridge fame, however, Jarbridge looks to them a trifle more misty than it did before. "Them" refers to they who helped boost Mr. Bourne’s project In the vicinity of the Campbell property north of McGill until the fact be came apparrant that the gentleman had run quite rampant. They are not ready to say that at Jarbridge there was recurrence of the Camp bell vicinity microbe In the system of Bourne, but neither are they ready to affirm that there has been sufflci ent lapse of time to eradicate mic robe exaggeration entirely from the system of the gentleman. And so they are looking upon Jarbrldge as a possibly big thing—Bourne may have really nit a bonanza—bonanze, the real 14 karat article, but they want to see it before going on rec ord. Bourne was in this district two years ago, and again last summer, uwo years ago he located ground in tne vicinity of the Campbell ranch, did some work there and then turned up in town with declaration that he had made discovery of a great prop erty. He brought samples with him to prove his statements and asserted that the rock made around $2,000 to the ton, and some a great, great deal higher, according to the findings of the assayers. One Dig specimen is still to be seen in a broker’s display of historic stuff in Ely, a sample or some 50 or 7 5 pounds weight repos ing in the E. W. Hulse office. rnis sample was Drought to the E'y stock exchange when Jack Bin ford was devoting energy to the pushing foward of that institution. He put the rock on display with the Bourne tag of $2,000 value, and folks marveled at Buch looking stufT carry ing values so high, l ame an hour of argument! n which opinion was pretty largely on the side of a miner who declared that no such rock could make returns above a comparatively few dollars, whereupon a slice was carved ofl and assayer given a Job. The best he could do was $11. to the ton, whereupon Bourne stock Buffered a chill that brought out the fur overcoat. Mr. Bourne soon < ANNUAL REPORT. January 1, 1910. Statement of the financial condi tion of the Boston Ely Mining Co. for the year ending December 31, 1909. Receipts. Balance cash on hand Jan uary 1, 1909.$23,208.89 Cash received during the year. 60,688.00 Total receipts .$83,896.89 Disbursements. Paid for labor and general expenses.$26,708.89 Balance cash on hand . . .$57,188.00 JEROME o. SMITH, 19-7 Secretary and Treasurer. BTEPTOE LODGE NO. 24, F. * A. M. The stated communication of Step toe Lodge No. 24, F. A. M. will be held In Nevada Hall, Cherry Creek, each Tuesday evening on or before the full of the Moon, at 7:SO o’clock, p. m. CHAS. F. PHALAN, W. M. JOHN WEARNE. Secretary. N. N. Rk. TIME TABLE. Effective August 10, 1909 Daily Except Sunday—Leaves East Ely, North Bound, 7:35 a. m. Dally Except Sunday, Leaves Cobre, South Bound, 1:20 p. m. •ONE TRAIN. Leave East Ely, a. m.—6:40; 11:30;—p. m., 4:26. Leave Murray Street, Ely a. m. 6:60; 11:40;—p. m. 4:36. Returning, Leave Mines, a. m.— 7:35;—p. m., 1:26; 5:36. DAILY SUBURBAN TRAINS. «• East Ely for Ely, a. m. 12:25; 6:20; 6:40;. 7:10; 8:26; 9:60; 11:30; 11:60;—p. m., 1:10; 2:20; 4:26; 4:35; 6:26; 7:30; 8:00; 9:00; 10:15. Murray Street, Ely, for East Biy, A. m. 12:36, 6:30, 8:16, 8:36, 10:00, 12:01; 1:20; 2:10; 2:39; 4:4i 8:16; 6:36; 7:40; 8:10; 9:10; 10:26 SMELTER TRAINS. Leave Murray Street. Ely a. m. 8:30; 10:08; p. m. 2:39; 4:46; 10:26 Leave Bast Ely, a. a.—6:40; 19:16;—p. m. 2:40; 4:61; 19:36. RETURNING, LEAVE MeOILL. >:46: thereafter decided not to erect a j $100,000 mill on the property and a little later disappeared from local view. At the time of this departure he said he was going to Humboldt reserve to develop come very rich copper properties which he had located there. Jarbridge is in the Humboldt reserve, but Jarbridge is gold. It is possible that conditions came about here with which which Mr. Bourne was unable for one reason or another to successfully cope and that his failure to bring in the producer he had in imind in the county was by reason of circumstances which he will later overcome, but meantime most of those here who have recalled his name and activities in this vicin ity have joined the show me class as to Jarbridge. The latter may be en tirely as great as Mr. Bourne has ventured in his most sanguine pub lished statements; he may have lo cated the lost Sheepherder's mine and have the world of gold by the tail_yea; verily all things are possi ble, but still ’tls good to see. Also it is possible that the D. A. Bourne of the present effervescent Jarbridge is not the Bourne of the staled Campbell district enterprise, but the fact that the genius of the latter left here for the Jarbridge lo cality and that the discoverer of Jar bridge claims the same name as well as is associated with the Ely dis trict in various newspaper accounts as a former Ely mining engineer, re duces the available room to the min imum for the interjection of this possibility. In some parts of England the be lief still exists that the only thing to do when a person Is bitten by a snake Is to rub the wound with Its fat. Over here whisky la still con sidered the best remedy and at this time of year there are some men who won’t dodge any snake. Ely Lodge No.29,F.&AM Meets second sad last Wednesday ■tghts of each month at Rockhfll Shallenbarger Beliding, 7:80 p. m. B. W. COLEMAN, W. M. W. a GALLAGHER. Secretary. UNDERTAKERS-EMBALMERS WILSON-BATES FURNITURE CO. Aultman St., Ely. Phone Main (9 MECHANIC’S SHOES. We give special attention to ow lines of Workingmen’s Shoes and tare the beat. I Strong aa shoes can be made I and all are “UNION MADE.” NYE BROTHERS. GROSS ASSETS Represented by this ottos over 9144,000,000.00 We make loans, buy and sell real estate, mines and stocks. RERRICK-KERIN INVES T GO. THE NEVADA MEAT CO. Keep Constantly or Hand a Com plete Line of Choice FRESH AND SALTED MEATS Magnuson Block, Murry Street Fish and Game in Season. Phons Your Order—Main 49 BECKER BREWINGAND MALTING CO OGDEN UTAH THE FAVORITE BEER THROUGH OUT THE WE8T. THE MARKS-TALBOTT CO., Agent*. D. P. Paine, L O. Mogensen. PAINE & MOGENSEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Estimates Cheerfully Pnrnlshed Box 22 BAST ELY, NEVADA. DON T| Place that order for Lumber until you get prices from the Ecdes Lumber Co. Phone 58 ELY, NEV. Mason Booming-Will Have Sew Railroad Early In February-.-Enthusiasm About the Properties of District Mason district, from which Reno will soon begin to receive extensive patronage and which Reno people are expected to interest themselves in with the spirit of reciprocity is look ing better daily, says the Reno Gazette. The Gazette had a pleasant chat last evening with \V. C. Orem, presi dent of the Nevada Copper Belt Rail road Co., and who is also general manager of the Nevada-Douglass cop per mine, one of the most promising copper properties in the country. Mr. Orem said: “There is increas ed activity in development work throughout the district. The rail road has reached Yerington and will be In Mason City soon. “Tomorrow morning traffic will begin between Wabuska and the end of the line. A motor car will be used for transporting passengers, mail and express, while steam loco motives will be utilized for the freight traffic. It is probable that railroad day at Mason City will be on or about February 10, when we expect to entertain a host of people from Reno. I understand tnat the people of the new town are making elaborate preparations. “Our road will not stop at Mason Cuy, but will penetrate to the heart of the mineral section. We expect to reach the Nevada-Douglass mine about the middle of the year. In fact the contracts have been *et ro*’ construction of twelve and one-half miles of additional line and the other contracts will be let without delay. -The town of Mason is growing in substantial manner, a Dank build ing, amusement hall and a number or residences are under construction, but the building boom will not really begin until spring opens. We will construct a freight and passenger building, general offices, round house and machine shop at Mason City, which will be the principal point of the road, being at equal distance De tween the two termini. “I am naturally pleased to note thj activity in Mason copper stocks. Mason Valley is around the *2.60 mark and Nevada-Douglas is in the vicinity of $3, while other stocks are appreciating in proportion. "Smelters will be rushed to com pletion and 1 do not doubt that we will be handling 100 tons of ore with in a year and a half, while five year# hence that tonnage will be greatly in creased. The ore reserves In the camp now fully warrant the construc tion of a smelter with 1000 tons cap I acity dally.” ANNUAL REPORT. East Ely. Nev., Jan. 1, 1910. Statement of the financial condi tion of the Mizpah Consolidated Cop per & Gold Mining Co. for the year ending December 31, 1909. Receipts. Balance cash on hand Jan uary, 1909 .$ 135.85 Cash received during the year ... 700.00 Total receipts .$ 835.85 Disbursements. Paid for labor and general expenses.$ 825.50 Balano cash on hand . .. .$ 10.35 H. P. CRYST, 19-7 Secretary and Treasurer. ANNUAL REPORT. January 1, 1910. Statement of the financial condi tion of the Ely Rochelle Copper Co. for the year ending December 31, 1909. Receipts. Balance cash on hand Jan uary 1, 1909 .$1,550.00 Cash received during the year. 160.87 Total receipts .$1,710.87 Disbursements. Paid for labor and general expenses . 768.00 Balance cash on hand.$ 942.87 JEROME C. SMITH, 19 Secretary and Treasurer. ANNUAL RKPORT. January 1, 1910. Statement of the financial condi tion of the Nevada United Mines Co. for the year ending December 31, 1909. Receipts. Balance cash on hand Jan uary 1, 1909.♦ 662.82 Cash received during the year. 70,065.68 Total receipts.170,618.50 Disbursements. Paid for labor and general expenses . 69,378.22 Balance cash on hand. . 1,240.28 H. BYRNE NORTHROP. 18-7 Treasurer. ANNUAL REPORT. Salt Lake City. Utah, Jan. 1, 1909. Statement of the financial condi tion of the Lead King Mining & Milling Co. for the year ending De cemter 31, 1909. Receipts. Balance cash on hand Jan uary 1, 1909.9 169.81 Cash received during the year. 2,741.53 Total receipts.92,911.34 Disbursements. Paid for labor, patent, sur veys and expenses.91,882.73 Balance cash on hand .... 91,028.61 GEO. F. GOODWIN, 14-7 Secretarv and Treasurer. ANNUAL REPORT. Colorado Springs, Col., Jan. 1, 1910. Statement of the financial condi tion of the Nevada-Ely Copper Com pany for the year ending December 31, 1909. Receipt*. Balance cash on hand Jan uary 1, 1909.$ Cash received during the year . 1,700.00 Total receipts .11,700.00 Disbursements. Paid for labor and general expenses .f 1,700.00 Balance cash on hand .... $ J. W YATES, 19-7 Secretary and Treasurer. ANNUAL REPORT. Butte, Mont., Jan. 1, 1910. Statement of the financial condi tion of the Butte and Ely Copper Co. for the year ending December 31, 1903. Receipts. Balance cash on hand Jan uary 1, 1909 .$1,049.02 Cash received during the year . 3,400.00 Cash received during the year. 242,690.50 Total receipts.$243,795.93 Paid for labor and general expenses.$ 3,601.48 Balance cash on hand .. $240,194.45 ROY S. ALLEY. 21-7 Secretaiy. annual report. Butte, Montana, Jan. 1, 1910. Statement of the financial condi tion of the Butte and Yerington Cop per Co., for the year ending Decem ber 31, 1909. Receipt*. Balance cash on hand Jan uary 1, 1909 . 3,400.0# Total receipts .#4,449.08 Disbursements. Paid for labor and general expenses.#3,803.97 Balance cash on nand . . .# 64a.ofc W. E. WRlliHT. 21-7 Secretary and Treasurer. ANNUAL STATEMENT, of the Ely Gibraltar Mining Company. Utah corporation, mines in Duck Creek Mining District, White Pine County. Nev. Principal offlc# Salt Lake City, Utah. Total receipts to Jan. 5th, 1910, since beginning of corporation.$4, Overdraft Jan. 5th, 1910.. €1.01 Total.I7.014.T* Total disbursements to Jan. 5th, 1910, since begin ning of corporation.f7,014.Tf Total.$7,014.Tf Assessment No. 4 now receivable. No ore has been shipped or sold. Work is now in progress at mine. D. C. McDonald of Ely. Nevada, le the resident director and agent. We certify this statement to be true. M. M. JOHNSON. President. CHAS. E. STREET, 16-7 Secretary and Treasurer. I __ ________ ... __ . ... - __ __ _ _ _ . . , What is a visible typewriter? Writing in sight is part of it. Keyboard in sight is the other part. It is as important that you see what you do as to see what you have done. The key-for-every-character keyboard of the easy action, light running MODEL 10 > makes it the only truly visible writing machine. Write for information to ^ The Smith Premier Typewriter Company, Inc. Syracuse, N. Y. Brenche. everywhere Complete, Straight Line Keyboard Removable and Interc hangeable PI at MS Ball Bearing Carnage Reversible 1 abulalor Rack Simple Stencil C utting Device Drop Forged Type Bars Perfect Line Lock . Visible Writing Complete Control from Keyboard r A Key for Every Character Bichrome Ribbon Uniform Touch Ball Bearing Type Bar Column Finder and Paragraphs? 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