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MARKETS, METALS AND MINING MARKET HOLDS A LITTLE TO IT As anticipated, the market con tinued yesterday with steady im provement, adding one more notch to the permanent feeling with which it has come to be viewed. A couple of grain house collapses at Chicago of considerable importance failed to af fect the stocks. Feeling has very greatly Improved and there is a more confident tone in all ways. E. W. HULSE A CO. LETTER. Continued improvement in the ac tion of the Btocks yesterday made the general market look even brighter. The opening was very much like that of the previous good day. all of the issues showing a decided return to form. The gains were strong dur ing the day and the general situation was one of firmer aspect. The price movement and the buying activity of the past two days has had every feature of restored confidence and if such is a correct explanation of the improved conditions and the attitude of the public, then better things may be looked for immediately and all along the line. Our dally quotations follow: NEW VOItK AM) ROSTOV STOCKS. Open. Close. Amalgamated . ..$76.50 76.75 Am. Smelting . . . 82.75 83.25 Adventure. 6.00 6.50 Ahmeek.190.00 190.00 Allouez. 45.00 46.00 Ariz. Cornel.20.12% 19.75 Arcadian. 5.00 6.00 Atlantic. 7.50 7.50 Boston Con.17.00 17.00 Butte Coalition . . 22.87 % 22.50 Cai. A Hecla_575.00 596.00 Cal. & Ariz. 66.00 65.00 Chief Con. 2.00 1.87% Copper Range .. 71.00 71.50 Chino. 14.12% 14.37% Daly West . 9.50 9.00 Davis Daly. 2.75 2.87% Dolores. 5.50 6.50 East Butte. 8.25 8.75 First Nat'l. 2.50 2.50 Franklin.14.50 15.00 Gila. 6.62 % 6.87 % Goldfield Con. .. 7.87% 7.87% Greene Cananea. 9.37% 9.37% Granby. 45.00 Hancock. 21.00 Keweenaw. 4.00 Inspiration. 7.75 7.81 % Lasalle. 14.12% 14.50 Lake. 66.00 56.87% La Rose. 4.25 4.25 STOCKS ARE ALWAYS MOVING We have every move. The beat facilities for executing orders In Ely. E. W. HULSE & CO. STOCK BROKERS Members of Salt lake Mining Ex. Fast service Salt Lake, New York and Itoston. Storks and bonds bought and sold in all markets. MAIN OFFICE ELY, NEVADA. Phone S3 for Quotations. Salt Lake Office, 323 Main Street. Majestic.87 .87 Mascott. 6.50 Miami. 25.25 24.12% Mex. Cornel. 2.75 Michigan. 5.50 5.50 Mohawk. 52.25 51.00 Nevada Utah ... 1.06% 1.06% So. Utah Mines. . 2.00 2.00 Nlplssing.10.00 10.00 North Ilutte .... 35.75 35.50 Od Dominion . . . 37.00 37.60 Ohio Copper_ 3.93% 3.87% Osceola. 141.00 Parrot. 16.00 15.50 Quincy. 82.37% 84.00 Rawhide.36 .37 Raven.35 Ray Central .... 3.43% 3.37% Ray Con. 20.00 20.25 Royale. 17.50 18.50 Shannon. 11.75 12.00 Sup. & Pittsburg. 13.00 13.00 Tamarack. 54.00 61.00 Tenn. Copper ... 30.50 .3175 Trl Bullion. .81% Tonopah. 6.50 Trinity. 6.75 6.76 United Copper . . 6.75 7.00 Utah Con. 24.25 24.00 Utah Copper ... 46.87 % 48.00 U. S. Smelters . . 43.00 43.50 do pfd. 49.50 49.50 Victoria. 3.62% 3.50 Winona. 8.00 7.75 Wolverine.127.00 127.00 Wyandotte. 2.06% 200 Yukon. 4.37% 4.37% Helvetia. 3.50 3.50 Kerr Lake . 8.50 8.93% — ELY STOCKS. upen. Close. Nevada Con. 21.50 21.62 % Boston Ely. 3.62% 3.62% Giroux. 8.12% 8.12% Cumberland Ely. 6.50 6.50 Elv Central _ 1.43% 1.37% Ely Con.68% .68% SALT LAKE STOCKS. Open. Close. Beck Tunnel.11 .11 Bln. Amal.10% .10% Black Jack.08% .09 Bullock.00% .00% Carlsa.54 .50 Ced. Talisman ... .06% .06 Century.05 .05 Colorado.78 .79 Columbus.27 .25 Crown Point.09 .08% Daly Judge. 4.00 4.00 E. Tintlc Con. . . .01 .01 E. Tintlc Dev.03 .03% Grand Central . . 1.43 1.45 Indian Queen ... .02% .03a Inyo Gold. .04 Iron Blossom ... 1.10 1.07% Ion King. .20 .20 King William . . .05 .05 Little Bell . 1.50 1.60 Lower Mammoth .51 .51 Mason Valley . . . 8.00 8.50 Mineral Flat.01% .01% Mt. Lake.10 .10% Moscow.45 .45 Nevada Hills . . . .50 .50 New York.04 % .04 Plutus.05 .05 Prince Con.86 .85 Seven Troughs.. .07% .07% Sliver King. 2.45 2.47 % Silver Shield . . . .05 .05 Sioux Con.43% .44% So. Col. Con.05% .05% Swansea Con.03a .03 Tintlc Central .. .13 .14% Uncle Sam.39% .39% Utah Con.04% .03% Victoria Con. ... .04% McDonald.29 .29 Witch.19 .19 Centennial.30 .30 Bln. Cen. Stand. . .20 .20 HEKRICK-KERIX NEW YORK CLOSE. Bid. Asked. Nevada Con.21.62% 21.87% Giroux. 8.25 8.37% Ely Central .... 1.3.% 1.50 Ely Con.62% .75 Mason Valley . . . 1.75 2.00 Rawhide Coalition .33 .34 Rawhide Queen.. .24 .26 Bovard.05 .06 Ely Witch.15 .25 Ray Central .... 3.43% 3.50 Greene Cananea . 9.37% 9.62% Chino. 14.25 14.50 HERR1CK-KERIN SALT LAKE CLOSE. Bid. Asked. Ely Centennial.. .30 .32 Federal Ely.08 Colorado.79 .80 Iron Blososm ... 1.05% 1.10 Indian Queen .. .02% .02% FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ELY Oldest and Largest Bank in Eastern Nevada \V. V. RICK, President H. A. COM IN'S, Vice President H. N. BYRNE, Cashier T. W. BIGG AN K, Asst. Cashier Steam Heat Electric lights Hot and Gold Water NORTHERN HOTEL ELY, NEVADA Headquarter* for Traveling I'uouc. v Building Material of Every Description S1EPIDE TO LUMBER Hill COIL CO. Lump Coal, per ton ... $10.00 Nut Coal, “ “ . . . . 9.50 Run of Mine “ “ .... 9.00 Coal at above prices delivered at Ely or Ely Gty Delivered to Lane Gty $2.00 per ton additional Phone Main SS. PHEBYS 60 TO NEW KERN YIELD FROM THE EAST ~ i 1 Among arrivals last evening was Dr. Holmquist, who returned from a brief trip to Salt Lake, where he went to meet Joe and Tom Pheby and accompany them as far as Cobre on their way to San Francisco. He states that both the well known mining men w'ere looking well after their stay of several months in New York and that from San Francisco they are going enthusiastically into the new Kern county oil field, which has lately attracted a great deal of attention and is now looked upon as the making of one of the greatest fields ever opened in the country. They expect to be accompanied there from San Francisco by Fred Pheby. Concerning developments of inter est to the people of the camp in the east the Phebys stated to I)r. Holm quist that there was nothing very lively about the general situation when they left, but that some very excellent authorities were expecting the early development of an upward movement, which has now been in ef fect for two days, and these believed there would be steady but gradual improvement. The copper merger is expected to come and is expected to bring about a determined advance. Haggling over prices has lately been considered the greatest drawback to Improvement in the stocks, but this Is thought to be near its conclusion. The Phebys were traveling west in haste or would have stopped off for a visit in to the camp. That they were unable to do so will be a matter of much regret to their many friends in the district. Sioux Con.44% .45 j Sioux Con.44% .45 Unde Sam.39% .40 Yerington. 4.00 Mason Valley . .. 8.50 9.00 SUCCESS GETS Br.TTEK. Manager D. C. McDonald returned j from the Success Mine last night af- j ter a two days’ visit of inspection. .,e states that there is steady im provement at the property and he is well satisfied. — MINING SUIT. In trial of the suit of John Mag-' nuson, as administrator of the estate! of James Ostergard, against H. W. Kelley and H. A. Leach, the defense examined Frank Millard, H. A. Leach, Thomas Silliman, M. R. Gara han, James Reach and A. B. Colwell. It Is expected that the trial will be concluded this afternoon. NEW MINING CO. Articles of incorporation of the Metals Exploration Co., were filed with the county clerk yesterday. The company is capitalized for $100,000, in 1,000,000 shares of par value of 10 cents each. The incorporators and officers are: S. F. Hunt, president; S. W. Larsh, vice president, and E. Opdvke, secretary and treasurer. They also constitute the board of di- | rectors. The principal office is in Ely. The property is located at Ham ilton. VISIT BIG COPPEK FIT. Tom Hockbill Says It Look' Better Than Ever. "Tex" Rickard and "Ole” Elliott j visited the pit and the Giroux yes-; terday afternoon in Rickard's big auto, with Tom Rockhill as their guest. Upon their return, Tom de clared that the showing at the great pit Is getting steadily better. He saiil he enjoyed the ride immensely and when It was suggested he should buy a car for his own use, Tom said: "I have no particular use for one, and then, again, I would not care to get down on my back and fix one oi them." STEEL TRUST PROFITS BIG. Net Earnings of •13.000,000 for March Make a New Record. NEW YORK. April 6.—Figures given out In Wall street today show that the United States Steel corpora tion is now earning more money than at an.v prevvious time in its history. According to the figures in circula tion today the corporation earned in March $13,000,000 over and above operating expenses, a new high re cord for monthly net earnings. The net earnings for March, 1910, j were nearly double those of the same month last year, which were $7,989, 327, and more than twice as great as those of March, 1908, which aggre gated $6,466,834. The previous high record of net earnings was reached In 1907, the panic year, when they were $14,137,973. At the present rate the net earn ings of this corporation for the cal endar years will amount to the en ormous sum of $180,000,000, at least The nearest approach to this figure was in 1906, when net revenues totaled $179,672,971. Rased on March net figures the company is now earning a surplus available for com mon stock dividends of nearly 20 per cent. | She. "They say that a n apple a day will keep the doctor away.” "He. vVhy stop there? An onion a day will keep everybody I away.—Boston Transcript. GEORGE A. WILLIAMS electrical contractor All kinds, of electrical machinery furnished and installed. A. C. k D. C. Armature winding, repairs, etc. Mine and mill work a specialty. Phone 131-Z, East Ely, Nevada. UNDERTAKERS-EMBALMERS WILSON-BATES FURNITURE CO. Aultman St.. Ely. Phone Main 6t GROSS ASSETS Represented by this oitce over $144,000,000.00 We make loans, buy and sell real estate, mines and stocks. HERRICK-KERIN INVEST GO. Ely Lodge No.29. F.&A M Meet* second and last Wednesday nights of each month at Rockhlll Shallenharger Building, 7:80 p. m. B. W. COLEMAN, W. M. W. O. GALLAGHER. Secretary. Nevada Northern Hotel L. T. LARSEN, rROP. Recently remodeled; rooms newly papered and everything first-class. Reglar meals, the best in the district. Also carry 11t e of general mer chandise. EAST ELY. NEVADA. BECKER BREWING AND MALTING CO OGDEN UTAH THE FAVORITE BEER THROUGH OUT THE WEST. THE MARKS-TALBOT*' CO., Agents. Fuller’s Cafe In new quarters at 584 .tultman street next to Ely National Bank. Meals 85 cents and up. Lunches a specialty. Have you seen the great values in Waists and Skirts? NAYLON & CALLAHAN Phons 82-X. Little Store Next P. O. MECHANIC’S SHOES. We give special attention to our lines of Workingmen's Shoes and la re the best. Strong as shoes can be made and all are “UNION MADE." NYE BROTHERS. Not Beginning But Just Keeping Steadily Ahead CWe have been erecting homes on the installment plan dur ing the winter in East Ely—no let up since announcement of this plan last summer. CNow we are going into the spring building season with more interest and activity attendant than had at any previous time. c Are you among those who are with us to the end of acquiring a home of your own and cutting out the rent collector? C. If not, why not? n Call and let us explain why it is to your advantage to join this move ment. ELY SECURITIES COMPANY