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'HE SILVER STAT -- - | . I . ■ ■ _ ■ -| | |SjP|P' ''ll\ t\''' WINNEMUCCA, NEVADA, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1907. A PIONEER WOMAN IS DEAD M^J. w B. STAUNTON PASSIM AWAY IN SAN RANCIBCO. Hur.ouiuled by her children, M.s U B. Hm. tun p«“i ed away in Han Francisco at li o'clock this morn ing wh rc she n. s men for the past si* in nths urn <t 'he cere of apt'iabsts A telegram mn-’ey'd the sa< 1 intrlli ge. ce and i rn rug all business < on* i Hint d under «.he ."taunton name nu ll i. e, for the day, was received this Bior ing. i \r angcinc t» nrc now Vnjg made f * tie funeral, which v, ill be* h dd her. from the t'ath li • »iro?eh Hnnf.ny at ji moon. Tin fu er 1 party will arrive to mo. row on No. Ift and will be met at the trail ly relat .cs and friends of the family. Mrs M. B. Ht aunt on wi.s lorn in tie Ht itc of New- fork and came to Hu'n b'ddt county in 1H70 while yet a young lady ip her teeqs. Here ahe met the late M. B. Staunti n and tlie two were wed in Grass V alley, Ca ., in January, lHkO. Of this uniqn fofr children were born, tiro sous, M. I). and W E. Ht aunt, in, and two daugti ti rs, Miss May and Mies Josephine The immedato cans' of her death was dilitation of the aorta, of which she has been a sufferer for years. la the past veer her condition has grow i worse and she ha.-, been completely unde' physician's care, both here an I on the coast. All that, could be don) for hi r was done, even when hope of I her recovery had ion- since been given up. CIRCLE CITY OROWNG TO B EQUITF. A CAMP lit is rop. r ed that Circle City is •rVwing to be a place of habitation I ot Y« small 'i ntension*. By reason of the I large n> mi er ot met emmployed Is tlbc constri et;on of tin Wet'rrn Pa e tie 'railroad end the lirge numbers n ot pc rupee to'i < aiiped in the mime- », diate vf>cin:ty the ramp has quite a c smepfil'itun appea.-ance . ANOTHER FOUBTFi OF JULY 8UOOEITION. if — 'oniimit (rated.) As the til-e is rapidly pas>4 g the \ question is being asked daifc, how (alia 11 we the emaing Frtirth of lulvf A Vw suggestions haw been trtadr by parties who have taken an interest on the Fourth in otlW parts of the Plat# Bet the morning exercises, ijmsisting t f str et parade, orations, 9c., pass and take up tin portions relafng more partiru arly to the sports A fill enter tanum-nt should be given ■« Bridge stre t thus to the rling gen-' era non uimi V> mnemucca is (till alive to the evei ts and tlfir pl#surcs of jellying this historic day. |anv sag g.urtio. • ran t<* made anil fiouid be, . not watting from any eoa£n|; frotr , anybody V*h« first wdl v#un.'eer to me forward taking t''e ii»>f step! Not oily om , but let iberl I * many real ae the fart. The t me j now get ti g vi ry short and some inline shoui44 • Ir taken. !-p irts of all k* ds. Sug gestions from anybody (Signed) CTIZEN. ROADS MUST OBEY EIGHT HftJB LAW tl "Tr Attorney General Sends V|>rd to tho Distinct Attorneys to ; Proceed. RENO, Nev.. June IT -n an inter view yesterday afternoon Aorney e(»n oral Stoddard stated that k‘ would im mediately I egm action gainst the S uthern Pacific compare and othi r la l.'oad companies lutvia; main linea ii> this ntate t(i force he radreads tv ubaerv in,. ^iKht t. „»• »» iu rega*4* to operators and dispathers i;t this •Mate. He Claims that tie law. which uvid?a that no raiknuii company >nll require its men m wo k mnr» han eight hours a dav is onstitu tienal an«l that he wibaee tbit it ia obeyed. He has •treaty notified all < 1 tbo 4 district atorn*,-s to begin a turn » against prv coaipHLy that may be- .\je obeying the Jaw. The operators o£ Kmo and Fgitirks elite that the 8<>u h eta Pari Ho Jtiipbu* bn* again no i tie. them that it wi'l immediately yb« f the law. ' W*ATHEBL HEPOKT Following i» tb. report of tk j local office of the <’n ‘ed ttatea Heather I ureau rtf the d jmrtme. t of agrieul tere for W'nnemueea tor “tbe twenty f .ur hoi rs ci d ng at a n;. •lime “_M, i 9«> : M lib. -gu temperature, M n mucVteniperatiirt P,». Mean temperature. *'>♦> rVmperaturc, tis Prevailing dinction of the Precipitation, 0. I entrant for W iiincmui ca, GRADUATES TO GET WELL EARNED DIPLOMAS 1 . inmorrow evening *t 8 p. _m. the present term of the Wi memueea high school will be brought it > a clone with the S' nior eonUnencemct t at the court h. toe On this occasion Prof. 8. Dotcn f he univers'ty will d-liver the com meucernent aiblre s, whi ’h will be fol low.ul by the pres'w.tafj >n of diploma * to the graduating «lass >y District At to ney *1 A Dui k r Pdlowirg ih se er a eises a i-bort , •nenanmont, consist is { of intlividua’ selections and the reni» r farce by the entire c’ass will le !elf ere cl Seven pretty f rls *nd two brgh-h youths eompr ne the g aduating class from ,he h gh s hool t da year. They are Prank liable*, for 1 Dwyer, Viv ten ic Warren, Hlan< he Bonnifb Id. • norg n. Be.a, lrei.e 1 vng, Fred Wil - son, Pat line .. uortele ind Kthel Sage ln.,iv dua'ly and collectively th y dem mist rate the high cha After of youth j und teauty that cai b* found in Hum bo dt county and the uffinaMit inatrue i >>n tha is to be bad ram the Winue liim-ca high school. They are worthy the nrmc gradual-s .f the ' Wjnne mucca high schorl and they will make most l.tting men.Sera of the rapidly j trowing alumi i of tha institution For years the Wince ucca high school ms stood second to nr nc in the aeered ted list* of the stat».schools at the Univerrty o' Nevadt A diploma of tradua ion from .he Vinnemueen high K'hool admitted fhe k dder to freshman rank wit hot t question. With its ; Bread) high standing the local institu | ion of learning ha* this year made noat rapid stride®, loth in the curri ulura of instruction ind in raising th* itandard ami increa ling the interest if the inatnetors and the pupils in he school. Prof T A. Brandon, Principal Winnomucca Hi^h School. '■■■■ -- — ~=i: —- ——— THE GRADUATES 1 Ethel Sage. 5 Blanche Bonnifield. W - ____ I Pauline Wuertele.. j CIOSING OF EVENTFUL TERM OF HIGH SCHOOL Advanced work in all lines lias been taken up so that, the standard for graduation now is much higher than I it was. The scholars have united in the formation of a student body and have organized' debating teams', ath ; letic teams and published a High SchooJ Magazine. These latter, while not pre i scribed high school work, are of vast jbenefi^for the scholar. The pupil who gives his time only to school instruc | tion is but half taught. The excellence of the students in forensic and athletic | contests with other schools has this j year been most pleaingly demontrated. The Winnemucea debating team de feated the Keno high school debating team and the local basket ball team gave the Elko young ladies a terrible drubbing after the latter had defeated the Heno high school. From an editorial standpoint thu "Sage Brush Echoes,” the high selioo* publication, compares favorably with the exchanges from most of the, school* , j in tin* west. j Credit for the bringing up of the ! standard in this manner is due to tti j instructors of the high school, and mve particularly to Prof. x. A. Brandon, principal of the high school, and Miss 1. A. Thompson, assistant principal, and I Miss Bell, teacher of the eighth gradtn ■ Their efforts have been devoted not. only to the mental training of the pu j l»ils in text book work, but also to the development of athletic prowess and tin* promotion of a spirit of love b? \ the pupils fur the school" Small wonder is it then that with unusually bright pupils to work with that instruction of this sort should make of the Winnemucea high school the foremost institution of its kind in the State. W1NNEMUCCA HIGH SCHOOL ijl, /'/y / /V *4*44 *4*44*444*44**44*4* *444444 *444 ^ ^ / ^ A / *444 4^44 4 •* 44 4 * 44 44 4 4 * 4 44 44 4 *4 4 4 44 4 444 4 *4444’4 4*4 444^4444^4444^4~44'444^444~44^44'4:4:444^44^44-44444-4* Vivienne Warrou. Cecil Dwyer _____ _ . Irene Lyng. ■Lk O COU1TYY CREAMERY BUTTEE A I, in «»or pound brick*. Alio Wi* cons n full e cam cheese, as well as it No J, article ot Limber d 20- . >J m F. C. ROBIN8 A CO. —~ --o i-—* Dave Pay»« ia driving a hole through Wmi.cmucca mountain this aide, that is i lie h ii two men at work on hut claim*, and while t he hole will net go very j fa*t with 4 ia fore*, atill it ia gonig a ) tc* J|«ter t tan aome other people are) WmijiiMHi1 ' x I < Hir Mackerel ai'il I’ ckletl I’igs I'n i are just the thing for lunch tlr sc Imt •la,' a. Also a full line of oysters, sav. dines, lei alt rs, shrimps, etc. « 20 l» of m F. KOBINH & <’ >. . .. o-- - Churchill county's greatest natuial I wonder. Soda Lake, lias ri»*‘ii &.>nie three .fiHst, during the past few mouths »ud is gon; fourtet u inches high*1* - than before. This is be lieved to be due to seepage from th • government irrigation canals. THE AUTOMOBILE SYSTEM "I \V uiii' tnucra is par oxer Kent. No is our grade of creamery butter. It it noticed things of a kind go hand *l :*ttb rf ui K. C HOB1N8 & CO. » » -o- -—— •' , ‘‘'luibcr of members of the We Ml |« a U<n$m vMhmngo of Los An 1 " "I Wit Ike -Nevada gold fl«M» mx Saturday, remaining for several5] thi >011 them camps. aC«s,. I ■■ - 'Asa! ----w ''VVVVVVVVS^WWI Th© liittl Giant Repeating Canes ar.< I lie juvftial sport of Winneraueca Plenty of p;|»r caps on hand. • > -0-b of m. V. C. ROBINS ft OO. » ! NOTICE 1 HOLD IMPORTANT NOTICE TO HOLDERS ■ —— 1 am here to collect such possible relative to parties mines or prospects on the of lards psiented by the Ce Pacific RailW-td company during last six ytare, and any parties k ing of the existence of miner1 such lands would confer a fH they would either call or davit before a notary and me during thy next two weeks that 1 may make field where necessary. D. J. LAW' Special General imnd -— —. -.. — LOVELOCK HAY CONTRAC PAIL TO MAKJ Some little inconvenience caused Marey Bros. & Co. of a failure of a Lovelock to deliver of hay for use ,f in construe, j.oi teams t : 1. *f gone Hove fet the hay hi, camps west of Womens handed. Yesterday .NaiJy of the confirmuy trip to Level* k a id cars i Uny PROMINENT COLORA1 EXFBucING DUNN •Tt. W. Shipman, a mining from Colorado, formerly suj dent of Stratton’s Indepeudene one of the largest gold produ the State of Colorado, accom by Messrs. Merrifield, Gloekner Nichols, all men with extended rieuee in mining, arrived yeste from Colorado and arc today expe Dunn Glen properties. ■„*. GAMBLERS WILL PAY $110,000 FOR S jOLDFIELD, June 17.--The kkmcbyCPPOodornL Nev., shr collector estimates that $110,0< be available for the improvement the streets of Goldfic-ld during the mainder of the present year, revenue for this purpose is deri almost entirely from gambling lie which amount to *7,5o0 per are increasing monthly. BIG BULLION GOLDFIELD, Nev, June *». N'even is here for the purpose of lecting the State bullion tax from Goldfield mines. The rate is $4. the $100, and th.s trip Mr. Neven lected $07,227.19 on the net prodtM of four mines amounting to $1 909.09. The four mines are hawk, Frances-Mohawk, Red Combination. DIPHTHERIA QUARAh RAISED YESTERDA The diphtheria quarantine that been maintained at b ■ homes Haviland and D. J. Liggius wa yesterday evening ly order of tending physic aus, all dan* spread of the disease hiving pt WAGON REACH BROKE] A reach was broken out of a tern Pacific construction wagon front of the E. Reinhart & Co. yesterday. -------- PERSONAL MENTION. JB —V jj • George Piper and W. E. Tow leparted this morning for Pa Valley. " M Leiuhart arrived.Trom Saa •iseo Sunday. Albert Lay and wife arrived Jay from Jackson Creek. T Arthur iVinnemuc* ng to Gol George 1 ^5ved y •rospectin Charles morning 1 t load of •onsigned Mrs. P. lie Carrol, this morni uid will Valley, wl friends an J• C. Craig of Happy Creek tows yesterday ajol purchased and lit tings for a saloon which he will start shortly at the booming northern camp. Between thirty and forty men make, their headquarters at Happy ( reek and Mr. Craig believes the place aud time opportune for tho starting of a boozoriumm. M. E CHUBOH Munday school \ .. Ill a. m. ®««non...11 a m S^nh league .,.6:46*. m. ** am*"* ?°B* *•* «*«*»<>»• • • .7:30 p. m. AM welcome. r J- M WILSOS.W, 4t in> ~’I'y,, IB