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leg UHIOB RECORD. Pagan Super, tit-ions. Memphis. situated ou the banks of the Nile, ne;fr the Pyramids, was the capital of Egypt before A'exandria wa= built, and contained the Temple of Apis, die ox-god, tile tpye of Osiris, whose soul ti e Egyptians believed pas sed into the body of an ox. Tlie great festival of this god was performed with the most magnificent cen monie- atMem phi«. at the conmeneeoif-nt ot the an nual inundation of the Nile, and la-t*-d seven days. The ox, -elected t" repre sent the god, was distinguished by par ticular marks, which were, most pro bably, the ingenious productions of tbe priest.-: the whole animal was black, except a white crescent, or a mark resembling the figure of a man, on the right side ; and on the Lack, the figure of an eagle ; on the forehead was a w hite, square spot ; under the tongue a knot resembling a beetle ; and the hairs of the tail were double. I Ins ox was led in solemn procession, and having made the round of the city in order that those who smelled his breath might gain a knowledge of futurity, and after a variety of other absurd ceremonies, he was led to the river, and if he hail at tained to twenty-five years of age, he was drowned, and a new Apis elected. On this occasion, although the god was purposely drowned, the priests shaved their heads as an indication of mourn ing ; cries and lamentation resounded through the city ; and these continued until a new Apis,with all the character istic marks, was found. This new rep resentative of Osiris had to perform a probation of forty days, before being initiated in all his dignities; during which time women only administered to him. ■ hull and kiuc worship passed into Egypt from Hindustan, and it is still retained in the East; for tdva rides upon a white bull, called Hand!; and Brahmanv, ot sacred bulls, are seen wan dering unmolested in all the cities of Hindustan. But the most curious cir cumstance relating to bovine worship, is the fact that it was practice 1 in Eng land in the fifteenth century : another proof, among many, of the difficulty of shaking off old habits, and a verification of the remark, that the early Christians had ingrafted some of the abominations of Paganism on their ritual. Major Moor,in his Oriental Fragments , p. 16, has given the following translation of a register of the monastery of St. Ed mundsbury, contained in a volume en titled Carolla varia, by the Rev. VVm. Hawkins, of Iladleigh, Suffolk, printed at Cambridge, 1631. “ This indenture certifies, that Mas ter John Swarsham, sacrist, with the consent of the prior and convent, demise and let to the manor called Hah yrdm in Fury, and the said his executors, &c., shall find, or cause to be found, one White Bull, every year of his term, so often as it shall happen that any gentlewoman( mulierem generosum) or any other woman, from devotion, or vqws by them made, shall visit the tomb of the glorious martyr St. Ed mund, to make the oblation of the said white bull, etc. Dated, the4th of June, in the second year of Henry \ 11. (a. d. 1457.)” Two other indentures, nearly similar, are of the eleventh and twenty fifth of Henry V HI. Now, the worthy Mr. Hawkins informs us, that when a married woman wished to make tiiis oblation, “the white bull, who was never yoked to the plough, nor baited, was leal in procession through the prin cipal gate of tbe monastery, attended by all the' monks singing, and a shouting crowd ; the woman walking by him, and stroking his milk-white sieles, and pendent dewlaps. The bull being then dismissed,the woman entered the church, and paid her vows at the altar of St. Edmond, kissing the steam, and en treating with tears the blt'ssing of a child.” It is not easy to say how many other equally ridiculous pagan supersti tions deformed the purity of Christianity before this period. Comparative Durability of An cient and Modern Structures. — Mr. I re observes, that “such was the care of the ancients to provide strong and durable materials for their public edifices, that but fe>r the desolating hand of modern barbarians, in peace and in war, most of the temples and other public monuments of Greece and Rome would have remained perfect at the present day. uninjured by the ele ments during J.'H'O rears. Ihe con trast in this respect of the works of modern architects, especially in Great Biltain much more true of the United tMau- , . is very humiliation to those who boast so loudly of social advance ment ; for there is scarcely a public building of recent date which will he in existence a thousand years hence."* Manx splendid structures are niuiiu meet not endless) of folly in ibis res pect. He i bst rves als t t ? ston intended for a durable edifice ought to he tested as tc its durability by immer sion in a saturated solution of sulphate e'f soda, and exposure to the air for some da vs : the crystallization w ithin the stone will cause the same disintegra tion that would result in time from fr. -t. The Bi i ssed \\ okds of St rii it kf. Th -e I lesseda* ids it is full of —words that in our hours of ease or biblical criticism pass over our mind like some drowsy chime, but in the bitter day of anguish and bereavement, when the body is racked, the sou! darkened, shine out like stars to the mariner—seem then first to swell to their real size and meaning, and eoinc to writhing mortals ~ . O like pitying seraphim, divinity on their faces and healing on their wings.— [Charles Reade's “Very Hard Cash.” Its temperate in diet. Our fir?t parents ate themselves out of bouse and heme. LEGAL. Sheriff’s Sale. KV VIRTUE OF A DECRETAL ORDER IS SUED oot of tin? District Coart of the 2d Judir-i.*: DDtii t. in and for the County of Butte and Male of under the -eal there* •? in the case of A. L. <'hamberlin (surviving partner of the late firm ot Haas and Chamberlin). v*. H > —♦it Johnson.l" on** directed and delivered, commanding me to -eli mortgasred premiss hereinafter described t - -atisfv the jujiriuent mentioned in .-aid order, to which reference being had. more fully appears, I have levied upon, and * ill exp*** at pubh to the bidder for ■■ash. at the Court ilex* do r in said countjrand State, on Mmiduy. Il»e !>«> of Majr, A. D. Im»J at 2 o'clock i*. M. of said day . all the right. title and interest <-f the above named defendant in and to the follow mg described property, to wit; Thai certain piece or parcel of property .-iluated in Bidwell t*>wu>hip. Butte county, i aliform.*, on the Bidwell and American Valley road, and of seven quarter sections of land, ibe fireWix of which were originally !««aUd under the poß*sv»ry laws of tln ."Late, and uie recorded *n the Recorder s office of the count v an t State aforesaid, in Book A. 5 ••lußie 4 •»! Possessory 1 iaims. on pages one hundred and eighty eight and one hundrt d and eighty-nine, and were taken up and surveyed for W. Foreman. A. B. New comb, A. Owen, J. U. Mason, G. U. Brooksand H. Dutton, the same containing nine hundred and sixty acres, surveyed by J. K. Stockton, the then Comity Surveyor - f said county, and recorded in mass 4«q page thirty-four of -aid record, by the Berry Creek Mill Company, to all ol which special refer ence is made in this d*>. ripti »u. and for this pur pose is made a part hereof ; also, the seventh quar ter section, which sdj*»insthe aforesaid six quarter sections on the north, and contains one hundred and sixty acres of land, purchased by the said Berry .Creek Mill Company from John Fouri. The whole seven quarter sections contain »ne thousand one hundred and twenty acres of land, and is ku*>wn as the Berry Creek mill property, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining." Paled Uroville, April iGth, lvi4. F. W. DAY, Sheriff of Butte County. B. F. Jones, Under Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. ■>Y VIRTUE OF A DECRETAL ORDER OF MB sale. Issued out of the District Court of the Second Judicial District, in and for the county of Butte, and State of California, under the seal there of, to me directed and delivered.commanding me to sell the mortgaged premises hereinafter described, to s4Nsfy the judgment against Win. Hesse, and in favor of R.Winter (and John Upstone. Intervcnor), mentioned in said order, to which reference being bad. more fully appears, 1 have levied upon, and will expose at public sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door in .slid county and State, on Monday', the Olh Day of May, A. D. IHC4, .at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day. all the right, title ami interest of the above named defendant in and to the following described property, to wit: ••Being part <*f Lots Number two and three (2 and 3) in Block nuinlier fifteen [ls] of the said town of Oroville, fronting forty-four [44] teet on Montgomery street, and running back one hundred and thirty-two [1.12] feet, bounded on the east by Joseph Bloch's brick store, on the west by the mortgagor; also, a part of Lot Number three [l] in Blin k Number fifteen [la], commencing forty four [44] feet from the southeast corner of Bloch's brick store, and thence westerly along Montgomery street thirty one [2l] feet by one hundred and thirty two [l32] feet, run ning ba« k towards Feather river; also. Lot Number three [ 5] in Block Number fifteen [ls]; and also, the following part of Lot Number eight [ s ] in Block Number two [2], commencing thirteen [l3] feet from southeast corner of said Block; thence n utt erly along Myers street twenty-five [2s] feet; thence westerly fifty [so] feel; thence southerly twenty-five [2s] feet; thence easterly fifty [so] feet to the com mencement; also, the whole of Lots Numlier five [s] and six ['•]. in Block Number fourteen [l4], as laid down on the plat of Oroville.*’ Dated Oroville, April IG, Isg4. F. W. DAY. Sheriff of Butte County. By l>. F. Jones. Under Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. nY VIRTUE OF A DECRETAL ORDER OF sale issued out of the District Court of the 2d. Judicial District, in and for the County of Butte and State of California, under the seal thereof, in the case of W, S. Green vs. Lewis Dellon, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to sell the mortgaged premises satisfy the Judgment mentioned in said order, to which reference being had more fully appears. 1 have levied upon and will expose at Public Sale, to the highest bidder for cash. On Monday tlie 25tli day of April A. D. 1*64, at 2 o’clock. P.M., of said the Court House door in said County and State, all the right, title and interest of the abovejiiamed defen dant in and to “that certain piece or parcel of land lying in the village of Dogtown. Butte County, California, commencing on the south west corner of said land, running thence north easterly 1244 feet along the south easily side of the street towards Lovelocks, to a division fence, thence in an easterly direction along said division fence 120 feet, thence south*westerly •D feet, thence north-westerly M feet to a stake GA feet from the north west corner of Bader’s Hall,**thence along the north westerly side of said Hall to the street feet, and thence to the place of beginning 30 feet, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments audappur tenanees thereunto belonging or in any wise ap petaining. There being thereon a large frame building used as a Hotel. Also, that certain other lot or parcel of land lying in said village of Dogtown, Butte County. California.nearly opposite the al*ove described lot and premise* and commencing at a point where the two roads intersect, thence running with and bounded by said two roads to within six feet of the ButcßcCs Shop and store owned by Charles and John Bader.together with all and singular the tene ments hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise api ertaiuiug, there being thereon a large Barn or Stable." F. W. DAY. Sheriff of Butte County. By B. F. Jones. Under sheriff. Oroville, April 2d, 1864. Sheriff’s Sale. By virtue of a decretal order is SUED oat of the District Coart of the 2d Judicial District, in and tor the County of Butte and State of California, under the seal thereof in the case of A. H. Ferguson vs. Bridget Lowery. Executrix of the estate cf John Lowery, deceased, to me directed and delivered, commanding me to sell the properly hereinafter described, to satisfy the Judgment mentioned in said order, to w hich reference being had more fully appears. I have levied upon, and will expose at Public Sale t*> the highest bidder for c.uh. at the Court House door in said County and State. On Monday* the li day of April A.D..lSG4.at2o*clock.P.M..ofsaid day .all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant in and to •all that certain piece or parcel of land tying And being situated in County of Butte and State of California.and described as follows ; Commencing at the North-west corner of Alexander Kerby’s K. • h. thrr.-'o running South one half mile.thence • nc half in o. thence North one half mi e. F. W. DAT. f Butte Count v. Bv B. F. Jovks. Under Sheriff. Oroville. April 23. ISC4. Sheriff’s Sale. Hv virtue of a writ of execution is s in and for Ophir Township. Butte County. Califor nia. to me directed and delivered. c« inmandmg me to make the sum ««f thirty eight and twenty live :*• hundredth.-* d Gar*. ($ ••* 25-Dmi) and all c si* and accruing o»>t* Ilurc< n. wl - «iii The I’< «■ .-f the state ot California are plaintiffs, and S. Me Carger. defendant. 1 have levie«l i ; • n and ** at Piibb • Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House doorinsaid County. On Monday, the 2-sth day of April, D.. 1>64. at 2 oclocf P. M . ol said day. all the right .title and interest of said defendant in and l ■ i g to wit; "Claim to S2O acres of land bounded E. by S. 808 W v Bird A Thumps* r and improvements situated in Chico Township.' F. W. DAY, Sheriff of Butte County. By B. U. Jonfs. U: B ■ Sbenfl. Uroviiie, April 2d. JitU. Black Hawk Consolidated G.SA C. Mining Co. \"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A meeting -•»; the above company, held at their office, March 211*. 1 s»U. an assessment (No 4 ) of twelve and one half cents, on each share of tfie vp ital slock of said company, was levied, made due and payable U.S. coin to the secre tary at Oreogn Citv. * JOHN J. SMITH, President. H. J. Morrison*. Secretary. Oregon City . March 21st 1564. (ao2I LEGAL. Sheriff’s Sale. >'OTtCE i“ hr .V ciT. n. that. V virtue f a d„ viul . ■ • • «>!«'. n .•■!•■ •«!>.! enten-l in ■ irt ; the - ifical Di-ari. I,n anil !■ -r Hut!* ~ot>. ••«lif«rnu. nil the ••tU day Aj-r t P. 1-fit. 1 will. on .Monday, tlie Mill ilat *»1 May. \ D. : ‘clock P.M. of that * ' Court H »n*y •; -r mOr wile. Ituttc • "ait>. Otli -■• ' ■ : - ■ nos parcel ..I U r <i. I. - -n Butte- creek, in Bare i, re hi s coots Bing (me Non (red and -ixtv (pa>»a-i.- I- nded II theca t:; v't-.r- I - the --uli 'i-i- -■ itutu -reck, on the west -j Sun > . | [ether with a ament- and c'U»t i* la itiu jiii” ■ . ■ . ft :- - - ' ' IV Will -old to -ati-fy t u-iid r'.- i»»a tu la.'ur «-f Pleasant Bari*r. and .iu-t David l.~w illcn. and the pr«* ceeds ot the ■‘.ilt thereof will be applied I ■ the pa v incut «*f liie ecc-is of the sale. the of >.ud taxed in the sura «>f twenty »: lit and fifty live hundredth dollars, and all accruing costs, and the sum "t one hundred and eighty tliroe and eleven hundredth dollars debt due fruii Ntid defend ant, Levalh b, to sai I plaintiff, Barfot r, as money for said pi■■•perty. and interest thereon tr->m April *• DM. .nti paid, at ten (10) per >ci t. annum. for which r.dement was du;y entered in -aid Court,the day «»f \pril. A. lb I"' ». By order of the 2d Jcdh ial District C ort, Bi tU county. Cal. Oroville April lath. DM. F. W.I»AV. sheriff of Butte County. By R. F. Jones, Under Sheriff. Sheriff’s Sale. BV VIRTUE OF TWO WRITS OF EXECU TION issued out of the District Court of the Second Judicial Di-trict. in and for the County ot todStal ler the seal 1 of. to me directed and delivered commanding me to make the following sums I r costs, to wit ; one for the sum of twenty two and 5-100 dollars, with in tercst thereon Irom the nth day of I>eceml»er. A. lb. D'3, and one for the sum of thirty seven 50 100 dollars, with interest thereon, from the 2-d day of January. A. I>.. DG4. each at the rate of ten per cent per annnm. until paid, and all accuring costs on said writs, each in favor of Charles Evans, plain tiff, and against Michael Clark, defendant. I have levied upon and will expose at Public Sale to the highest bidder for at the Court House door, in the town of Oroville, County and State a fore.-aid. On Monday, lli«> 'ld day of May, A. I>. the hour of 2 o'clock. P. M-. of said day, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendant in and to the billowing described property, to wit: The same being -the undivided one third part of a certain Mining claim, situated in Hamilton township. Butte co., about J of a mile from Lathrop's Ferry, across Feather River, com mencing at Carr’s diggings and running up to Cox heads Hor>e Power, di-lance of about G»»0 feet more or less, and following the gold lead in width from about 60 to 7') feel-and knywn as Clark A Co claims.’’ F. W. 1»A V. Sheriff f Butte County. By R. F. June*. Under Sheriff Oroville, April 2 r D 64. W Ferry Notice. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE v undersigned will apply to the Board of Super visors of Butte county, at their May term DM. or as soon thereafter as the same can be heard, tor a renewal of License to keep and run a Ferry a heretofore, across Feather River, at Rancheria one mile below Oroville, Butte rountv. S. V. HALE & CO. April 2d, DG4. (5w Notice to Creditors. mr-OTICE is HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER SONS having claims against the Estate of Caspar Renker. deceased, to present them properly vouched, to the undersigned, at his Ptore. on Mo gomery »t, Oroville. within eight months from thi> date or they will be forever barred. Bv order ot the Hon. Probate Judge. I). N.FRIESIF.BF.N Adisnistrator of said estate. C. F. Lctt, Atty. for Admr. Oroville, April 2d, IBG4. Notice to Creditors. 'V’OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THECRED » v ITORS f the E-tate of R. F. Gage, deceased, to present their claims and demands within ten months from this date, to me at my residence on the HoQcut. M. F.GAGE, Admilstratrix of the estate of B. F. Gage deceased. Oroville. March 30th, 18C4. [4t Bonnet G.& S. Mining Co A T A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF THUS. .’4 1 EE> of the above named company held on the 14th day of March. I>G4. an assessment of fif teen (15) cents per share was levied payable im mediately in United States gold coin, to the Sec retary. By order of the Trustees. TUEAPOIIK F. FORTE. fcivretary. • Office, Montgomery St. Oroville, March ISth 1861. td SUPERIOR COPPtR mm CO. A T A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUS xjL TEES ot the above company.held this day .an assessment of Fifty cents per share, for each and every share was kvu d and made’payable immedi ately in Gold Coin of the U.S., to the Secretary, at the office ofthe Company. R. 11. AI.I.EN. Sec retary. Chico. Feb. 23d, 18G4. Pay Up! r |IHOSE who owe me are respectfully and ur- JL gently requested to “pay up." without delay, aw I am going away. THOS. WELLS, Oroville. Feb. 20,DG4. • ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER EORIEEVRI). Snuff and Tobacco Mamifaetnrcr. 16 & I* CHAMBERS ST. (Formerly 42. Chatham street. NEW YORK.) W.-uld call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz : BROWN SNUFF. Macaboy, Demigros. Fine Rappee. Pure Virginia. Coarse Rappee. Natchitoches, American Gentleman. Copenhagen YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch. Honey Dew Scotch. High T* i-t S t. h. Fresh Honey Dew Sctoh. Irish High Toast. Fresh Scotch, or Laudy F<x»t. ♦»* Attention is ailed to the large red ip-lion in ■ ■ which will l«e found of a superior Quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING. KINK CTT CHEWING. SMOKING. Long. D. \. L., or plain. S. Jago, \ ( Sweet Sw t Scenti O •• r N - A . mixed. Tia I *il ( aven lish. i: ki.-lt Granulated. N. B.—A Circular will be sent on application. SEED WAREHOUSE! ERESH SEEDS 1 FRESH SEEDS: 'l’* ■ ■ receipt by every arrival, from The Best Growers in the United States and Europe, THF, f. MUIEST STOCK OF FRESH r.AUPF.Jf. FLOWER. PKI'FT I.KASS AND CLOVER SEEDS AND BITI BUS ROOTS OF ALL VARIETY. On the Pacific Coast, and are prepared to filler ders fnun Merchants and Dealers and others in want >f sut h. All o?ir seeds have been known to give sat is fac tion r r the last twelve years. All orders punctually attended to. Address. J.P SWEENEY Jr CO.. Seedsmen. 4 A -* California street. San Fran -co. Catalogue.' sent free ;poD Apj l.ration. uli . . of the £ I• I ' . ■ -■ ' B"• - It aoswerthe c-m plaint tiled therein. wiliiia I Tty days alter t;»e expiration ••! eight snc ■•O'dve l•.‘•. ■■at;-ms i*v clu ive *>f i:»#* la-l day of su;d :i) •! 0 : - .| • I Record. a weekly new-pap* r. \ .< i -Iff 1 in r Übtie, or judgment by civ lau It w. ! be ta li* n against j'-n. The -.» ! action is brought to .-Main judgmerf against the real estate above named i.t lh- -.m • 20 16-10*» sr». alleged to be d • from ~|<j j - e.'inlv in pl.;int•.:! • r luxe* a--.- laud I. •ed against it f r the ti-'a’ year A. D. a id .C- • . the sum of 8 93 Ibßus - fr ... said •esl ite to this pia I I r tax* • I pui.4 it Snr tte Iseil year .i lb I s * (amomitine in the aggregate I • thf >u:n ' • ■ m e spt ia!ly -ft f-Tth in the complaint* ■ * r it y-'i fail to appear, and ,u*w#r *. he -.t i plaints as above required, the plaintiff w t.ik-- judgment against said real estate by ch fault. t r the sum of 2 * < Too dollars. U'sid**'<-"sts and per centage. and a decree of Court adjudging the title of -.aid H. Ib Oliphant. (and all other claimants known and unknown.) to the same, subject and subordinate to the judgment herein for taxes, aI-o for other and further equitable relief, a* ra.iy be right and equitable in the premi-es. Given under my hand, and seal of the District Court of the Second Judicial District, this sth. day of March, in the year of our Lord. one thousand eicht hundred and’ sixty tear. J. w. GILKYSOX. Clerk. Tnarl2 By U. II ff.AKT, Dept. Summons. fX THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SECOND rial Pis t the Slat and for the County of Butte. The People of tLe State of California vs. H. K. Mitchell and the foil wing do- bed real estate situated in Ophir Township. Butte County uiui State of California, being the South half of the southeast quarter of section T.wn-hip 1-. N. R. 3 east. \ - half and south quarter of Section 2 Tuwn-hip 17. NO. R. owner- of any interest or estate in said described land, known or unknown, defendants. A- i. *u brought in the District Court of the Second Judi cial District, and the complaint filed in the County of Butte, in the office of the Clerk of said District, f theStal ing to H. K. Mitchell, and all owners of any inter e-t or estate in the above de>cril*ed real e-tate known or unknown. You are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by the above named Plaintiff, in the District C -urt ; the Second Judicial District of the State of California, in and for the County of Butte, and to answer the i omplaint tiled herein. within forty days after the expirati m of eight -a xt ssive { iblh at elusive of the last day of .-aid publication) ot this Summons, once a week iu the Weekly Union Recoup, a weekly newspaper published in the county of Butte. *t judgment by default will be taken against you. The said action is brought to obtain judgment against the real estate above named, b-r the sain of 2b .’>o-100 dollars, alleged to be due from said real estate to this Plaintiff for taxes asst s>ed. and levied against it for the fiscal year A. lb. Iv'.iJ, which said taxes. a* assessed, are mure specially set forth in the complaint riled herein, to which yon are refer red--a ud for cost ; and if you tail to appear and answer the said complaint as above required, the Plaintiff will take judgment against said real istate by default for the sura of 2b,bo-100 dollar*, besides co-its and percentage, and a decree ot said Court adjudging the title of said H.K. Mitchell, (and all other claimants known and unknown), to the same subject and subordinate to the judgment herein for taxes—also, for such other and further equitable relief as may be right and equitable in the premises. Given under my hand and Seal of the District Court of the Second Judicial District, this sth day of March, in the year of ocr Lord one thousand eight hundred ami sixty four. j. \V. GILKYSOX. Clerk. Bw-nlB By U. Hobekt, Deputy. Notice. fiiheactof which a copy is given g lieluw was pa-sed April 17, 1 -U2 and cau lit found at page 2* •; ,f the Statute- of that year. [COPY.] “If any person shall wilfully make, or give, un der oath or affirmation, a false list *1 his. or her.or ■ property under his, her, or their control . such per son shall be deemed guilty ol perjury, and upon conviction thereof, shall be puni-hed therefor, a- i by law provided for the punishment ot perjury ; and any property wilfully concealed, removed, transferred.or misrepresented, by the owner or agent thereof, to evade taxation, shall upon “dis c-very, be assessed at ten times tlie amount of tax. tor that year, which would otherwise have been as >c-.-cd upon it : and fifty per cent, of the amount of such additional tax. wnen collected, shall paid to the person or person* who shall furnish the information which reveals the property so conceal ed, transferred, removed or mi.-ivpre-entvd. and the remaining fifty per cent.,after deducting the usual per ventage for collection, shall be paid ini** the Treasury, for the benefit ol the Common School Fund of the State." X. H.—The above will bo stri« tly enbu - ed accor ding to law. J. lb GIVEXS. 4m IS County Aesessor Butte County. For protection of the Assessor, Taxes on per soual property must lx* paid when us.-essed. STATE • 1 ALIFORNI \ COl XI V oi BUTTE County Court, March term. IS<54. The People the ot the State ot California vs Ah Chew ,v Ah Tye. I will apply to the Governor of the State of pardon the above named deiendants, as soon as so. 8 were indicted together, by the'Grand Jury, in and for Butte County, at the March term of the County Court aforesaid, for the crime of Robbery, and thereof convicted, in said County Court, on the f Mar A. D. 1864 ring s March term of said Court: and on the 14th. day of March, Iml4. they were sentenced by and in said Court, to imprisonment in the State's Prison of the State of California, for the period of three years each, from and after that time. bis LOXKx KEE. mark Attest: Thomas Wells, Oroviße, March 2 s th. A. D. To Hon. W. S. Safford, Presiding Judge of the County and tor said County, and to Sim n Rosenbaum, Esqr. District Attorney, in and f r Butte County. California. • . ■ Insolvency Notice. Bn I HE < OCX! \ COl BT, IS OVD 1 OB 111.-: Stat f In tin matter of the petition ot X. B. Alworth. an insolv ent debtor. Pursuant t" an order ot the Hon. W. S. Safl Ige ot the i- hereby given to all cteditors of the said insolvent .., ■ ' ' af resaid. in oj*ea Court, at the C-mrl Room « t said ity ol ’ Uh day May. A- D. I>G4, ai 10 o’clock a. m. ot that day. then and there tn show cause, if any they can. why the prayer of said insolvent -hall n-*l i*e granted. - . . • - - - ■ * * d;- barged tr- m his debts and liabilities, in pur-u- Statat and in the meantime all proceedings against *a; l insolvent be stayed. Witness my hand and the Seal of -aid Court, thi -th day of April, a. r». 1564. J.MOORE. Clerk. JAMES GREEN. Deputy Clerk. S:lis W. W. Coro hey , Att’y for Petitioner. Notice ! r|’iHK. UNDERSIGNED Mi »ST RESPK< TFULLY Ji. offers his services, for a moderate con-;dera- IB ' _ in particular, in writing letter-, translating docu ments or a- interjireter in Nvlh the English and - . _ . thing d'-ne in that line wiil pleaae to call , n the OrrriUe marl S. STRAUSS. LEGAL. Summons. ' • ■ r ’ ‘ v • I. G.U. Mo* re-Grecth-g; V ar l«* appear l«©fore cw. at mvo: Opoviile. Ophir I wu>hii>. iJ on lie Uth dav Mr.. A. D., I". M.. u*answer unt . u\ ' L A Brr>.. wh . stie lo th dred and sixty vt dollars and ledgt-u tf* t*f do© Iron lo I i»i*ry Nc.u aiidU • ka c- S bears cat*.-I .m 2Ns. l>.‘,r». for >i\*v five-i parab’e *o C. !>. Mart:. ‘.earing iaTcrV-t at th .»f three p*'r or r? per month. Irr.m date n- r - C. sold •- ■ Ui the loW' .f niljTy • ! Butte -I i 1 • . k A J . X -te J »-ii c <-f the IV.iiv t Ophir Towtudii:., Bulb February I*2;h I v **l [?m ] Summons w • u ■; i ,\v van : ■ iam- FORT UK i tirXIYO?* BUTTF*. S■ ■ lo 1 Nt-Nr.n, Greeting: Y. . 1 are here y Strum o-i to appear ef->re me. at my office, in th* I* wn XVyaudotte, XVyau.T tu* Towi;>hip, in the County «*f Butte, on the 20th day of May A. D. 18*4. at 12 "Mock M . to an>w. - unto the cow plaint of the Lire Oak 0 Id. S liver and Copper Minning U -. who sues t ■ recover the 'Mu of twenty dollars, alleged to l*e cue th« ru tr--n: you for an assessment. leived 0 t. 1 »t i l"f>:>. your interest of two hundred feet ,«f intuit; j :r»- in the claim of said Co. as appears by refer* • • being had to the complaint on tile in my •:!! • , when judgeroei t will be taken against y ; f-r t' ■ said am nut. together with «. Ms and damages, if you fail lo appear and answer. To the Slier.RHr any i' u:>taMe of -aid C*nnty. Greeting: Make legal services and disc rcti hereof. Given under my hand, this 1 >th day February A. lb XX’. Y. HI.IS" Justice of the Peace of said Towush 1 hereby order the above Summons to be p hshed in I’m ’A eeklv Union Rt.c- kp. f-r a ; ■ of three m «nlhs from a:: i r the 20 th day ■ * F A. D. 8< i. and it is furthei ordered that D.C< m Consta ■ reof Office. at XX'yassd Ate, p "tage paid. ihonias Nelson. Virginia Neva-it Terri:* W. Y. H!.l» Justice of the Peace of said Tow to: Summons. STATE OF CAI.IFOBXI A . IX THE JUSTICE s Court, Ophir Township, in and for the c- My of Butte : The People of the State of California, send Grtc ting to. Ira Procter : • before i at my efti e in the Township of Ophir. in th- Comity of Butte, on the 20th. day of June. A. lb I'mU, at 12 uVlo. k, M.. to answer unt * the com plaint of J dm Upstoue.who sues to recover the prin cipal and interest of a Promissory Note, dated June 23d, 1 given by you. payable ninety days alter date, to the order of Bird A* Stewart, for the sum of f"0. with interest thereon, at the rate of mu per cent per mouth till paid. the same to be paid in Fnited States g«dd coin...r in equivalent in |*apcr evidences of indebtedness then made or which might thereafter be made a legal tender by th laws of this State or the United States at their value in San Francisco market a* time of payment, the said note being the property and in tic. po»es sion of Plaintiff, when Judgment will be taken against you for the sab! amount .together with costs and damages, if you fail to appear and answer. Ordered that publication hereof !*? made for 13 successive publication,on and after the l‘‘lh, ••! March. I>»‘.4. in The 'Vki kuv Us i s Rei om*. Given under my hard, this l s th day of March. A. D. lso4. JOHN I'K'K, Justice of the uo‘2o 13t Peace of said Towii'l i, Summons. STATE OF ( AI.IFORMA. IN THE JUSTICES boupt, Ophir Township, in and lor the county of Butte. The People of the State of California, send grcc ting to Ira I’roctor. You are here by summoned to appear before me at my oßiee in the Township of Ophir, in the «*.» u ty of Butte, on the l>lh. day ot June, A I» at twelve o’clock. M. to answer unto the complaint of John Upslone. whosuesl*» loreclose a Mortgage given by y >u to him on the 16th, day of June, 18 >3, ftvsury N by you to him on said day. for the sum of with interest thereon at the rate of :i per cent per month till paid, and made payable six months after dat in gold coin of the United States, or its equivalent in value if paid in legal tender notes, at their vain in th- San Franeb. <. market at time of p i\rrent said note, and PlaiutifT pray- that Judgment f.. such balance if any. as may be due alter the pro eceds of sale ot Mortgaged property shall liav. ■ It I - and paym< nt of said n »te. and Judgnu nt first f foreclo'ure of Mortgage, when Judgment wbl 1. taken against you for tiiethe said am ent. Mget’e with costs and damages, it vu n.G aiq>e »:• n-wer. *..{ b( Ordered that piit>li<*ition hei Weekly Union Recoup, tVr 13 successive j. tions, on and after lath of March. 1"*.4. Given under my hand, this Isth. day of Mar-li A.lbl" l. Ji)IIX IMUK. .1 i-‘: t• <d th . . Summons. an.l a half fn-r cent i month .r »rn da’e un'ii i. j-wa ble in Forbestown, HuUe comity. Cal;Torni.i. on wit h ;.lain* (T :i*lege« h- paid f*»r yon as security on th * l.’tii day of April Ih- sum of si» • 10-000 Plaintiff pr .yfc judgment that the- ai rur ieed j rojw-r’v be «01-l according lo law to .v the costs of it- stio. tl . co*ts ■ I thi« suit, and th- paid hist named sum ->f *'.»o lo (XK) and interest thereon at the rate of tw-. and a half per cert per m-nih from April fifteenth Isrg. utcil p:,i b ami that if th<* pn ce* ils of the of sni-1 ir.or’gice l propert> be insufficient So pay all of said costs ard d-bi, that a judgment b-•iii-r-d against you for the ba'ance ih* n found t-» be due to him w hen judgment wil 1 In- ia k- n agun.t you for iho said amount together with costs and damages jt you f. ; ii u* ap( • can ! answer, and judg ment fir«; f -r f-reclo«nre of s ,i 1 mon-act . \ ry A I ! ophir township. P-utte counts, Oalif-n.i.i 3 h-« Wells, Attorney for Ibaiuutf. F«b ‘27 3m Summons. ST \TK » COO*t, I Uul-e. Tie i (Jr; F«’ XI.IF' IRNI X. IN THE JUSTICE'S hir Township, n.and f-r th- e.-;;--» ot I'm jle the sme of Cai f--rn a, to 1! hart When .’ 1 Igni s * wid be '.*ken aga:f t :r >-tid amount, iogeiher with ai.d lam it y.-u f.c’. *.. apsrf’. r and ar.«w, r Tp n’ - : r. and pr -r affiiavus made and rletl; it is ordered by said n: service «f sciu.ii n- emu by ;b« r e »• three >*;■ -on and a:>-r the 27. h -.»> . f Febrw ry rn th* Wet k’ v I nba Kecae I a i --vrspaper {-.bbshed ih.: li.vec uniy, t':.i.foru;a, and this a copy the summor s be y mail, p paid, to ♦ ach * »t deb-i-daniS • ; Auste;. Kewse r:ver. Nevada Territory, and to their la-t place of residence in B ute county, iiiveu under r..v hand, th;** gr» h day of Febr-mry A DICK, Jos Feb 23 ' n s-td Township Dissolution Notice. \r firm f DeamerA Wallin is hereby disolved by mutual ‘ - *ent. from and after th- 22d lay >■: March. ]s*.4. W. E. Deamer is authorized t - col lect all partnership debts dne the late firm, and will nay id! indebtedness ■ ? said firm- Tlkkc in debted to the late firm will please call and settle their amounts at the old stand. Thankful foi past favors of the old firm. XV. K Deamer will lie great ful fora continuance of the -arae. XV. E. DEAMER. B r. WAU.I.c. Orovilie. Maicn 22d. no2l it LEGAL. Summons. I- . BSECOS I . « *1 *'•’ tU-O ustr •»; Unite. The Pc- ide of the ' ■ - - '' - Roving - • - tnct »' r: •: *nd.» , ui .ui 1 u.-tr t.and Ute .1 Pisuicv Courl, S ’ I t-iale n the . known and ■ : r»i W'l y. in,* Di>t t 1 I . : "I b. Hi »i.u an.' » r the v ex’.'i v.* nano A oud JmL a■: J i *r the r ai:;l 1.. i A St . • c—i v e ns (i \ ! - * Sai the Wkkkj.v I'm n P.jvokp. a week'.} 'i 1 rt..* e-late ab t t. out.: named. I • < jig men t • ■ -:.m ’ t-> tr. - plaint::’ *• ' taxes ;i«r<>cd a* A ;t-\ ied - ) \ . l.’-c v ’ lint t ied birein, !•'• wLi •!: y -n arc refer red—ami r cost; and if you fail to appear and an swt*r ihe >a’d -omj aim as aU_»\e loquired. the ■ .■ nest against . rod estate, by default, for the sum of HTT oO dollars beside cost- ard percentage: a .’; a dev ree adjudging *ll he s . of t M i-st.tie ot J'Lii i',’ t. r. dr east d als-* oi all owners, known and m known, • i a: d si • ■ nale I > :Lej iilg.neut for taxes herein. Given under irv hand and seal of the District - daj «'I" Ft brnary . ihe year <*l our Lord me thousand tijisl liMt.drcd ami s:\tv i«-ur. J. W. GILKYSON. Clerk, vll nl7 >vv Rv R. HOBART, Deputy. Summons. IT OF 1 SECON Lv -o:lbea-t : uc <■; the at- se-aid tract, and i»li the -..nth west by Hue running parallel with the ,ii -\e. .. . the oei ng the two third interest in what i.- known a> the Tarr tract. and tormeriy a— ses.-ed i > It. Woolen. Alsu, all owners, known or unknown. deiemlants. 1 in- People ol the Slate of California send greet ing t-» heir.- ot B.F. Tarr. dece.wd. and all o\\ ;,er t»l any interest or estate mi the above described real estaU known or unknown ; You are hereby re ipiircd to appear in an action hr-- *ghl against' you by the above named plaintiff. in the Di-tiicl Court oi the si ud J Di.-Uiel the Stall if Ca toi tiia, in aiot t->i ihi eouulyol Butte.and to answei the eompiai. t lilcd therein. within forty days after the expirati n of eight sin cessive publications (ex elusive of tire last day <>!' sail! publication) of this > turnons, one* .i week in the a Union Ue eoiiiu a weekly newspaper pnl 11.-ln d in the county of Untie, or j dgmenl by default he taken against you. Ihe said action is brought It* obtain judgment again.-t the real e.-tate ah -vc named, b*r the sum ol 7s s 7-100 dtillars. alleged to he due from said real e-tate t-* this plaintill tor taxes assessed and levied against it lor the i;.-» ,rl year A. D. I s * which -aid taxes, as as-essed, are more spe•cialiy -el forth in the complaint hied here in, lo which you are referred and tor c -.-t: and ii you fail lo appear and an-vvci the said complaint .is above le.pnred, the plaintill will take judgment again-t said leal estate by de the im ul W tS7-ltMl dullvbesides costs and per v uiage. and a tlecree adjudging ail interests or ei unis **t tj: • ■ -aid he is - 1 the e-late of B, F. Tarr. decea-ed. and al-o ul all owners, known and un known. swhjevt and subordinate lo the judgment lor taxes herein. Given under ni\ hand and seal of the Histiict I’ourt ot tin- Second .1n... n.; Ib.-lrict, this ’J.'itli day of l ehruarv. A. 1). I -c t. J. W. GILKYSON, Clerk, vllnl7 n\v ByJ. G. MOORE, Deputy. Summons. c n Tin: district cufrt of nr ■ The People of lh State o, ralilornia vs. Heirs of B. F, Tarr. decea-ed ■ • i i■ 'ii "ii' mile. Go .... n..rihea-i t ‘ ■ : e north west to the middle o. Lillh ... : n.-n.-o down said creek to pi i. , . . • ■ • . ■ ror pai • b imh . » • • k n the northeast, by the lir-t inn-’oi the c unty of Ruttc, or j .dgmciit by default will In taken against you. ’ ' • late a the sura o ? l s I i“d dollars, alleged to be due from -aid re.i estate to This plaintiff lor taxes assessed and levie* again.-t il h r the fi-ealyear A. 1). which sai-i taxes. :l-a-se-.-ed. are more sj.ccially set forth in the complaint filed herein, to which you are refer red—and for yost; and i! ton fail to appear and an >w* r the -anl cumplaint as afn-ve reipured, the L--.Uil.rl will take judgment again.-t said real estate by default, tor the -urn of M - Mon ■ *■ • *tnd j rcei lagi ; an i ade ;ree adjudging ai intere-t- . - Liims • » the -aid heirs of 15. F. Tarr deceas'd, and ai-o of ail owners, known or nn k'. iwn -■ -i-j• ‘ and sab irdioate to the jodgmeni for taxes herein. G,\.n in. ;• r in; him] and seal •• f the Pistn*t Court of the Second .ludh iai Di-tricf, thS< 2.»th da} ul February. A. D. I - GI. J. W. GTI.KVSON. Clerk, vllulT -w By J. G. MooRK, Deputy. Justice’s Summons. plaint, on file in my • »ffi >*. when jndgmeot will be tak-n again.-’ \ “i for the sai l «inuunt. together with costs &ad damages, if you fail to appear and answer. To the SL< riff or pny <’> n-ta -f-. d C .unty. Greeting: -Make legal -ervieo >nd due r* tarn Jiere*if. Given under my hand lh:- 12th dav of February, A. D.. i v '4. SILAS W. W.COUGHEY, Jus: eof tl p» .ice of -aid Town-Li|*. I her. y ofdorthe a> Stunmons to 1m? publi-hed in Tin Wf.kklv Union Ke.orii. for a period of three Mouth-, and it i- further ordered that J. H. site atrm . - is the I *t Office at Orw it Silvei Citv. X. T. Si I.AS W. W. COUGHKV. Justi.eof tiie Peace of Ophir Town-hip, Butte ■ Febraxr y I h. 1 >o4. [,3m] M EmCAjL TO THE AFFLICTED. ri.mßuin. \s x ctrativf. ■ d varii " ' w jt; owc<'TvmJ. ?,. r u TVAchr* ' ' \il t> - ,-h tfx> ' ' " ' •- ot foreign tiaiU'r, at kitty site to ik# I - (Vil,t-l-T*lU'l)i i*t a«r* • ' abaierer can eac-ap* '* v . ir : r«. ac be* every Hereof ;fc* Tie *rt: n’ r*KV IWriTIP *u rtf Kncirm ‘ c ti* IN ALL I ■ ef«»c - ict ami PT tva’ cvn caa N had i« at the Kl.Ki I KOPATIIIt INSTITrrK, 1 1 '• \V:tsMn,|«n Url«\« Kcrucy, I" ian. whe lo the cere t»f ■v» i he is aow ■ a«es w hi*». the as* »- . v act- <*f rcr\ cv* ' '“•( pcr« npf 1 ' • —i . i > >et v! i*- ' - • ' n :ui.i . yet it !• HA t* ' * iI- fail an 4 I PMT X! I* F U»T»IN ' H l't\p CA«tt • ' ■ ' n* ltk>t>u:;e w»e . ■ • the tr*s e*>e t*f ■ -*an«*«rtb'n is • • • . . 1 w.i l> Uie iNrectxirs W VHU WIH) OK \i> P\ Y 111. m iukii. - r rMlsisyßjrs • ' i ’ '■ X I • . ill—dll' »U>aach I ' « T ;*! • I *•. 'i'll i. >1 U •> difS'Mse ft,t t IKK in I I M \ : j s, .... • m tii - " iMt(i«ular]« « 94 It ii a n : !‘..> r *i rv i 1.-S • n»i:i-r vx • .; :• , x u>* <• .use I L'Sr . id T.r tu >-. :r. U> aii pa. ,' : he vo>* DITJ— v « n - w " an.l plfttur» OSi.s-*|. *u 9av.i- > n r m Uxirr fniix. J- >l. l>. Ui sidrut Piiy ulrUs. ( iKU \TK.S OF CIKKS. .'an I i.aXi :src». April l«i. Is®#. |sf rupalhic I Mil i> sad that h* ■ ■ of Uafts n.f'uih ■ ' Ui riupl .% h :;i lie has cured me without nuvli Insiruuieu; ' . ■ cisco— Su’-'r its-.I .-ui.l 1 V x>l Ap. : . \ I ■w<*rii t. r. tr pstbit JOHN OAU.AGH 9N > .. ‘k •>,. iy ~f Hau I ran b»-Vre me. Ibis civUtceiuk HAKK\,Noliiry PuNi-* i 1 vi r« _ . : k»> this method of .ick x*xxiet!cii)< ' > ■ ' ■■ ■ ir. . :! ; *>.-H moot «jw pi i : him a; 1 ;n>path:c .to. whi rsuiffrr ii‘-' under .1 tern hie mtbctu n. ■ ■ r I IBH a- i w I tsaa all cramped with rt»« imafieio, and also had th. mad - * •" *- 1 »V‘ !ih it. xv ;! t out relu i I «*n t think • ! >t *'t‘d 1-.- ri oi» - wick. The i tH'lor, ■' ■ ■■ 1 i he I n»i jo la m " r > in.- i i ;i>easc m twenty • r ' - - -••*•! n® ito patronize Utii fi atitols, f. r ' I '■ t>* f * •:. ami the operation is 1 v- - , '* - »?ik I*r Jossc!»a - ' 8 • '■ ’ r 1 1 I'o*. of (tolinxi Hay. "I • ‘.tf ruta. City at:.l County i f >«n I'rsn* -rit.cxl nnd <« rn to Ir\ re me, this I9lb n| Se| •• u.'n r, A 1» iM>O. n.arWSm P. BARRY. Notary Public. DR. HOSTETTER’S STOMACH HITTERS. r OPERVTIOX OF THIS PALATABLE M remedy upon the •st omaeli. liver and excretory ' I-. r>, ilurly <«voi him; and conservative. It re- ’ it, ~ ,m.l purities them. Dyspepsia, its for is yields to its control and inrigorat ing propeities. Invigorate the System. \ ; - ‘t "in di. e-:-.■•n and pure bile produces nutri* iioi!> blood and r <>tritioii< blood ;i healthy frame. I’-e-il.- \ li ni ' I ;i dyspepti. stomach and a dis» ordered liv.t -ire t . know lew the digestion rio v vt-il. ihe bile and other Iluids ot the body purified ? WiJ in t tom st re a nd vie* Th dowr I>.-. Hostetler s Stomach Bitters ' iesira reliable reio’nf inn ■ 1 'y-1• ■'.■ i*■;r i i’.i?iiiir the secretions, giving ‘T->theai:, .mI j iiee-i which dissolve the food, M-Th l i ev. rv relaxed n* rve. mu<i le ami fibre, brings the whole machinery of vitality into *»>u.s and healthful play. Strengthen the System. • '1 m- • 1 *' i •ip.n t iiig vigor to the broken i frame and NhaUeied eon>litulion. which has \- • .cm inverted «*r dis.-overed. or proffered to the Jcelde >*t both sexes and all ages is Dr, Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters. I* 'i.i’y. fr-» »ii whatever »a :>e aiming, mny l*e ■ 'ir. l; >tre.u:th, in whatever manner it may hare bi n w i t' d, may be restored by the use «*.f this p-werfnl and healthful invigoraiit. For Indiges tion and all it- painful efleels, bodily and mental, they are a positive speeilic. A Word to the Aged. In the decline of life the loss ot vital force eonse fj! e.ut upon physical decay, can only be safely snp ;di* 1 y - :ne \>\ iM ju - • ur.rTi -n wh, 1» reeruiltt * '' ' t entailing the ex i r i stimulants. NVe leader to the aged Dr. Hostett r*s Stomach Bitters. ■ ■ ’’ and restorative, immediate ic ment in it the .uaoitc. ai ls i 'he spirits. For Females. ii< ' re- rl t * it a> a remedy fot i-’ 1 - o| the heart, nervous headache. '• delulity■. and all peculiar disturh ■"! '-•■•merits to which, as a sex. they ; heers ; d lightens the depressed ' •- •' ’■ strengthens tie- body, and its u-e k ;e-ver f* liowed by any reaction. BE VARE OF ror.VTKRFKITS. Fur< lias., only ot rtdiahb- deal.-rs. Sold everywhere. HOSTETT ML <MITH & DEW. Agents. 4<tl A 4 1 *.I Battery st. cor.(’lay, San Fram isr* The Great Cure FOK ALL IHSI.'ASKS OF TUB LIVER, STOMACH Vel T amt are ■ * & a T & PILLS And Bowels. Put iii* in Ola.— Phials, and warranted to KEEP IX AXV CLIMATE. ihc-e Pills arc prepared expressly to operate in ua;:uouy with that greatest <.f Idood puri tiers, , ai deprave! humors or impure blo-nj. The mos h"j<eic» suffen-r' need tj- t despair. Under the in f’ o nce of these two GREAT REMEDIES, mala d that have h. ret .re l»een considered utterly a. a.i iisappear qul kiy and permanently. In t!.’- ‘•• h ,:, t a- these Pills are the safest, the quickest, and Uie !>est remedy ever prepared, and should h*e at once r.jsorted to. Dyspepsia or Liver Complaints, C oiistiptaion, lleadac fie, I)iop>>, Piles. * r many year- these FILLS hare been used in da * practice, always with the be-d results, and it i> with the greatest confidence they are recom mended to the affli'-ted. They are composed of the rn'>st costly, purest and liest vegetable Extracts and Buisara«. such as are but s t .lJ.»rn used in ordinary medi-ine«. on account of their great cost, and the combination ot rare medicinal proj*erties is anch that iu 1- <g standing and diflicult diseases, where other m. J:< es have completely failed, these ex triordinary Pills have exerted speedy and thorough cures. ONLY »5 C’la. PER PHIAL. For sale by HOSTETTER. SMITH A DEAX. >an Francisco. Ageniaao; California.