Newspaper Page Text
MORNING APPEAL ATIID4T lABtAUT 81, 1 !. . ' . t TIMK-TARLK OF THE VIRGINIA AND TRUCKEK RAILROAD. tleua. H. M. Yerlfftn, hurlnU UP TRAINS Leaf C non. I Am re t Virginia. Lju Reno. ae"7aT ? .Mi . li .W r a. 8:33 . a II ii;) a. a. A. id r. m V. A. l it r. .a, r. IHiWN TliAlXS. Uve Virginia. I LeT Cirvoo. Arrive at Ucno. S tf) . . r. M. b.X r. u. ll:4f A. a. B.(M P. a. 7. ID r. a. 3:4 p. a. S r r. a. fcJV) r. a. Up train from Koi.o arrive it C.irs i) at SIS A, a., 10. St) a a mul S:t:j r. a. Down riin froi Vlrrnia City arrive at CVmun at &-&0 . u , 4.1a r. a. aud r. a. if I at KttOM Reno to Virginia i 00 Kmo to Can u IK) Carson to Ould ioi 1 Vnviuia. - 1 AO 74 1 it STOCKS. The market yierd-y wns onssttled and there was no jmtiotblo advance iu anything. There was quite au activity in Belcher, and the regular adv.ine wheli haa characterized Mount Diablo fr weeks past. Following are the latest surest quotations Belcher, 11; Union, 43J; Sierra Nevada, 221 U3; Best and Belcher, 11 J; Mexican, 18J Hale and Norcron, 7j: Point, f2; Ophir, ISi; BiTajje 61, 7; Bullion, 5; Mt. Diablo, 20f MOENLKO HOARD 18V,, 184 Kcx c-'tn, 16' laV flpnld ft Cinry, tJ ,S Heat Halcrier, 12 12 t'aufoniia, 4 Havaire. 7, 7'i Cons li-l""'l VnyiKiu, 4 Ohuilar, 8' ,, Male Norcnwa, Tallow Jacket, ic-i Imperial, 7a, Ktaituck, 90 Kerra Navada. 2 Utah, li , 16'-$ F.xt;tiequcr, 3 16 Overman, a, 7? I'Dinu Oouwilidaitid. 43 Bleher, 11 "4. N;'4 Alpha, lu;4 Alta, 4.4 44 Julia, t id Caladonia, 1 ib dial en-, 1 fit felver liiH, TO New York, 60c. Ward, 1 13 , Oeaidenfcd, I Andes. 1 boorpion, S 46 Benton Cn., 2 ."-t Cinlden Gal, 2 7'J Con. Dorado, ivi Kloaery, SO North Bonanza, 7 Ataekav, luc Jdxtioe, 2 XI Cnnndettie. 81 Phil. KhendaM, M Lady W.otlunt"n. 7 Lady Brvali, uOc K.iltiou. i Hwifitya'eJ lienor, 5J FVFWINO MOABM Rsrmond A My, g. Kurka 0ui'iioatH).ie K-lia-.nt. .M Giaitd I'riie, 1 M y, 70 Bo-lie, Ivchtel, 2 . Tiopi, 2 6i maniit. 1 0 yulioaLe, 1 7tt li'Vikor. CU Honn, 8 JunittT. S3 A'ldunda, US Oiiviit Nrth No'Niii&r, Wane. 1 ft tori CoBMiliuutni,!' flillwile, 1 4 CoBHO.idatrtl I':wli6i' Wk. 3 :o ttilu, 9C, NiHn,ty, 4' ). niitoii, .9 Cu ! ! 4iK'. -iHkUii;lW, i-lM.ltr.'. l l I'liivcTxity, ?(K'. M:k IUk. 10 Orient;:!, 6 if. llliJI.'V, 1 M.tinuiOth, l! Mount Liia'iln, '2j '4' Arirfi.tu. I It' KhDc- i(. . I 0 hiilwer, 1 ''4 - MmiiIbI . 0 li NO OT.'IER remedy Has so beneficial an action on tho human system au.l none h so pleasant to take as SYRUP OF FIOS. It is better than oil, alta. pills or any liver remedy or purgative to cleanse ths system, to pnrify the blood, to give tone to the stomach, to regulate the liver or to act on the bowels, acting gently yet thoronghly, Titbont griping. Cuildken chy for it, because it ia pleasant to take, ttnd grown people like it because they find it juat the tiling tiiey need to keep their bowels open and livers in good order. For Bale by all druggists, THE LEAP YEAR BALL. A BRILLIANT PCKNB AT THE OPKRA BOT9 IAST JtlGHT KOMK OP THItUKKTLKMANLY B8LLKS OH THB FLOOR THEIR EXVIHITB TOl IKTB GRAFHICAT,LY UKSCKItEK. jan25 Pianos akd Oroaxs At San Francisco prices, can be had on easy twiuis at the r oo in t of the Reform Club. Mr. Yann will a give persouul attention to custoscers, and explain the peculiarities of the various makes. All iustrntcenut folly guaranteed and ahipped diract from Kohler & Chase, Ban Fraticiaco. Ao agency, no profits to middlemen and mo risk. Instruments old on easy installments and old ones taken in exchange. The Decker piano, whiok is better than the Steinway or Webber, ia just the thing for Christmas, and caa ba for forward3d $150 cheaper than any piano ia the market. dlti-tf Damcinu SenooL. Professor IT. C. Schubert has opened a dancing school here and will teach the art of dancing the coming Winter. He has secured Theater Hall and lias already obtained the patronage of some of the leading families of Carson. His term can be had on application. d lia . The Leap Year Ball given at the Opera House last night, was a very pleasant atf.iii und largely attended. During the two weeks pravioiii to tho event the ladies of the city were in a feryient of excitement over the mat ter aud at least a dozwn social cliques locked iorces in a discussion carried on with such vior, that at one time the contest threatened to equal the simultaneous reign uf three polit ical parties in Maine. DISAGREEMENTS OF THB LAblKS. At the first meeting of the ladie there was tnuugh talk indulged in to have furnished breath for two sittings of the Congress of the. United Sutes. Everything was finally Bettled by the committees, although there was consid erable complain: iu certain quarters from the fast that too many had been invited, snd the ail'iir did not promise to be characterized by that ueleotneuit which lent such an aristocratic d.ivor to the last Leap Year party in this city. On the other hand it was urged that some really select and gentle bred people had been ignored altogether, and it was a "shame'' that such a state of affairs existed. The loaning of dishes etc., for the banquet, next engaged attention. Those who had loaned table fur niture to balls, parties and church parties and had never seen the crockery again in its entirety, and iu some cases not at all, were anything but kindly disposed toward this idea but were finally persuaded to do so for this occasion only. As the time of the event drew near the ladies forget all their differences and each one applied herself to the task of getting to the ball in a rig which would outshine all other nwdts, as the central sun veils the light uf the lesser planets. Of course upon the holy ground of the mysteries of the toilet the fash ion man of the Apfkai. will not press with the reportorial brogan. AQON1ZUD GINTL1MBS. When the invitations were finally issued, every male iu the city expected to be ponaeed upon at once by ladies anxious to secure a partner for the evening. For some reason or another the ladies were in no special state of perspiration, from a feeling probably of bash fulness more than anything else. Some ef the married ladies, however, snapped up the flower of the Carson youth early in the game; and finally the young girls eame to the front jnst in time to secure the remnants old bald headed men who had been ignored up to that time. Some malicious fellows played a very mean trick un some of their social associates by going abjut and spreading the report that So-and-So had been invited when ' So and-So " really had not. Of conrs-j this report prevented many invitations being ex tended which would have otherwise gone through the Postofbce, and about a dozen un fortunate victims were left out nutil the last moment. For several days these poor devils were in a state bordering on despair. As the time approached one youth purchased a bottle of laudamum and swore that if he did not re ceive an "invite'? by niht he weuld swallow the drug and the bottle both. An invitation reached him just in time to save a "Coroner's quest. Several who had not received iuvi tations up to yesterday noon vowed that if worse came to worse they would climb into a bide window and daiice anyhow. Some of ti e ly girls when they knew positively that a man had been iuvited wuld shovrer invitations i him of i pressing a character that he would be almost crazy with the regret that he had not waited taujrer and taken h's pick. Those who ware inntud iu time set to work on their toilets a week ahail. Some sent to San Fran- iso for embroidtred shirts. Bo much anx iety and agony was never passed through in a given time. AT LAST. The time elapsing between C o clock and 9 was full of trying anticipations. Men with collars too large, kid gloves too small, badly washed vests, and shirt bosoms which, like the ghost of Banco, rould not stay dowr, were blaspheming, while an equal number of woo.en were stitching on ripped dresses, hnntin? fcr embroidered stockings and venting their fem inine spleen on their dresiing maid. About half past 8 o'clock the hacks nl bassjs begin to ramble about the streets and the men v.eie bundled inte the convyaneti ud whirlea away to the scene of the festivities. THB BJAIiL. The ball-room was canvused and tho Opera Houssjhandsomely dicori.ted with pictures and evergreens. Linger s band fri V irgiaia City- furnished the music, and after a few prelimi nary strain the sets formed for the first quad rille at 9:15, with about thirty couples present. Of course a number of fashionable people came later in the evening. The neat diesses f the ladies and the superlatively rich amd gorgeous and fashionable toilets of the gentle men made the array ef taste and beauty upon the floor all that could be desired. mother of pearl buttons The Execnt;ve claw hammer was a perfect fit, showing his syste matic shape to the best possible advantage. Gen. Clarke were the frizzed hair which has mtde hi.n so fa-noun in social circles and a pale lilac necktie which was the envy of all rivals. T. C. Pinckney, an auburn blond, wore a cut-away coat with black lining, costing at least a dollar a yard, and bias pants. The eye glasses anl siiiit front, whose snowy surface was unbroken by a single coffee stain, made him an object uf universal attention. Jim Marshall, a blond of thespirituelle brand and considered by some the genuine belle of the balL Hi cleanly shaven face and well blacked boots showed to a decided ad vantage. Col. Davies, genuine claw hammer and pink suspenders Capt. Lyons, white shirt and yellow socks en Balbrigan. The absence of his bold Gal way was a source of universal regret. Harry Hunter, black poll back, decoiette shoes and striped stockings. Buck Zabriskie, hair banged in front, eye brows minted to match gaitars, and dyed moustache. James Crawford, white vest borrowed frow Conrad Weigand and silver buttons assaying 432 1 finn. Underwear genuine Merino. Mr. Marr, a bashful blond with pale cad inuru necktie and breath scented with fresh eubibs. His movements ever the floor csm femed the easy grace of a startled gazelle with the lithe movements of a Woodward Garden seal, and such murmurs as "Oh, my, ain't he a daisy 1 " followed him wherever he went. His dancing bill of fair was filled at an early hour. Judge Hawley wore eelluoid cuffs with light blue eaiueus, dug from the excavations of Dr. Scheileman in Greece. Jack Marshall, fresh bath low cut shoes, open vest and elevated collar. Charming any way yon looked at him, and a lively dancer. Chris Batterman, tight black pants and plain gold ring. His new front teeth jnst ordered of Dr. Billings will not soon be forgotten by his lady friends. Earnest Hawley wore light lilac hose, slightly embroidered and not by any means loud. Refused all invitations to dance except from favored parties. W. 8. Byrne, hair d In Freu Fro-u, and vest cinched at the back; yellow jewelry. Hal Meyers, pants reaching to the ankles aud cut bias at the waist. A charming figure. Harry Rice, full black suit, with garters and collar of about equal hight. G. C. Thaxter, coat tied behind in double bow-knot and handkerchief perfumed iu the highest style of the art. Charles Sharp, hand sewed boots, point lace collar, real frosted buttons and fresh laundred white vest. Othbr Gxtlbmes PRiiST. On the floor the reporter noticed Judge Baatty, Judge Leonard, Gen. C. C. Batterman, S. D. King, E. M Hunt, Mayo Greenlaw, Mr Scoville, Ddan Hatch, T. Coffin, G. B. Hill, Col Boyce, Hrry Whitney. Willis Clarke, Mr. B. F. Small, Gdo. Mills, Professor Einbeck, Alec Ardery, E. J. Parkinson, B. F. Foster, Geo. Davis, Mr. Gil lis, C. P. Mason, E. A. Allen, Mr. Kelley, Mr. W. R. Wright, John Forbes, Col. Pete Cavanaugh, R. H. Wright, Bob Wright, Sam Davis, Dr. Harris of Virginia. The above list was hastily gathered aud is incomplete. -The following ladies 2. Gentlemen will pleste be kindly eon siderate, remembering the natural difbdeute of their admirers. 3. No gentleman nhail invite a lady to dance. Dancing was progressing as the Appeal went to press. COMMUNICATED. In the Moring AprUAi of the 29th inat. appeared a reply to an article in the Gold Hill News of the 28th instant, containing unjust reflections npon certain operative officers of the Carson Mint. The strictures contained in that article I attributed to the authorship of Mr. C. Wiegand, f Virginia. Since then I received a communication trout that gentle man, satisfying me that he neither wrote nor instigated the wri'ino of the article referred to. Jambs Crawford, Superintendent of the Mint. Carson , January 30, 1 830. AMUSEMENT?. Carsok Opbra HousB.-The Baldwin troupe will open en Monday evening and play two nights. The acrobats are said to be very su perior artists. Thb Reform Clcb. The next entertain ment of the Club will come off on Friday evening of next week. Toodlcn will be pre sented with a strong cast at Theater Hal! and s genuine minstrel performance will enliven the entertainment. Abmissinn will be 25 cts Bos Bo Party. Prof. Schubert will give a fcon bem party at Theater Hall on Thursday evening of next week. FRAGRANT BREATH AND PEAHIaS" Tooth are easily obtained by Uancnj; your teeth daily with that justly popriuar dentifrice, SOZODONT. Composed of r anliseptio herbe, it imparts whiteneaa to the teeth, a delicious aroma to the breaAav, and preserves intact, from yonth to old age, the teeth. Acidity of the utomach will le troy the strongest teeth nnless itfl effect are counteracted with SOZODONT, aau& this pare tooth-wash protects the dental surfaces by removing every impurity ikaa adheres to them. Ask your druggist lor SOZODONT. jtt the cextlbmeVs tojlbtb. Some of the modes indulged in by the gen tlemen were triumphs of rare taste blended wiih the most delightful hamonies of color and effect. Some ef the leading costumes are well worth mentioning : Governor Kinkcad, an iron-gray blonde of fifty, ware black pantaloons cut specially for the occasion by Nicoll, tht tailor of San Fian- cisco.'ani hie white vest s fastened with Ladies Present were present : Mesdames, E. M. Hunt, Clarke, Hunter, King, Scoville, Cowen, Foster, Lyons, Bick iiell, Hatch, Thaxter, Coffin, Hill, Kittrell, Small, Dr. Harris, Whitney, Mills, Lee, Beatty, Stampley, Judge Wright, Jeuvey, of Reno. Misses, Patten, Gates, Marshall, Verrill, Dow, Ferris, Kelly, Ryan, Nellie Parkinson, Fannie Parkinson, Ollie Bray, Mary Bray, Doaley, Gardner, Cavanaugh, Tufiy, Black burn, Sharp, Moger, Curry, Allen, of Reno. aud others whose names were given the re porter to late for publication. A substantial banquet was served at mid- sifcht. THE progeahmb Of dances wae r.s follows : 1. Quidrille. Lancers. Walt. Quadrille, Glide. SuiioUische. Qnad.-ille, Iloise Gnards. Waltz. Q i?.drilli, Social. Kedowa. Parisitriuo. ATal.a. Quadrille, Lancers. Mazrn; ka. Q iadnlh, Glile. S-ihuttlfChe. O iadiilte, Horse Guards. Waitz. Medley. ji a lie cot t. On the reverts sidq of the programme was the following : Sure the Gods do this year connive at us, and we may do anything extempore. rf'tt- r's TWe, Act IV. Albeit as often as leape yeare occurre, the woman holdeth prerogative liver the marine in all matters ef ainusemente, of daossmg and the lyke, so that when the ladye inviteiii the marine, it shall not be lawful to sty here nae, but shall entertain her pronosall ill ail gude courtesie. IlefUed Smton Code. RULES. 1. It is expected that no gentleman will promenade alone, or leave his seat, unless es corted by a lady. Two op a Ml no. One of the most remark able things noticable in social life is unan mity with which people shake their relatives. Recently a gentleman arrived in Carson with a letter of introduction to one of our leading citizens from the citizen's uncle. After the Carsonite read the letter he remarked, " Glad to see you sir. Glad to see anybody who knows my uncle in Lieveland. Uow are all the folks 7 " " Splendid. 1 spent six weeks there last Fall, and I really dent think 1 ever met such a fine family of genii), hospitable and cu'.tivat ed people." " Yes?" "Yes indeed, 1 n?vr spent a pleasanter time in my life. Your rela ive are indeed the' "Well, young man if my relatives are such fine people they must have changed like thunder sinee 1 livei with then. I lived there a year and I think they are about the worst pelicans iu the deck. I wouldn't rpend a month with the crowd for the whole town of Cleaveland. " "Indeed," said the other. " Well, since you've been so candid abeut it I might as well remark right here that your uncle and his whole blasted family are the toughest collec tion of old fossils I ever had the misfortune to be steered up against." " Put it there youn: man, you show good sense. Lets go out and take something." In a moment more the two men were pledging perdition to the Cleveland relatives over a foaming schooner of Carson beer 2. 3. 4, b. C. 7- 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. lo. 16. 17. Milk Dsalrrs Quarrslipu. S. Carraco, a milk man, was attacked ia the street yester day morning by a rival dealer who seized his horse's head. Carraeo struck the man S'?vpr,v bliws over the heai and a large crowd ti ered. The tumble grew out of same in sin na tions from C.u-raca to the effect that AmHro zeUe was dishonest. There were no arrests. The remains of Miss Nellie Crocker will pass through Reno this evening, en route far Sacramento. Mr. D. A. Bender aBd wife Mrs. H. M. Yerington and Mrs. C. E. Laugh- ton, relatives of deceased, will, we under stand, join the party at Reno and go on to Sacramento. The Appleton Tracy watehes have a splen did reputation. I have a four ounse, eight- teen carat geld watch of that make which is really worth $1(59, I will sell for $84. Un cle Harris', 221 Kearny St. between Bush and Sutter. Captain Gounend, of the prison uard, re ceived news by telegraph yesterday ef the death at Napa, California, of his brother, Cornelius J. Gounond. Deceased was an old resident of Napa aud but thirty-seven years old. The CarBen Guard will hold their regular monthly shootir.g match to-morrow, lila medals will be up. Dr. Ba:ks McKei:aie wi'l be hare this even ing. imm u Cohn's Dbyooodb. While the drygoods market is in its present state one needs to look carefully about before making pur chaees. When lit oly cornpetitition comes, oily the best cm Maintain the supremacy. M. Colin has lcng enjoyed a reputation for fair dealing in his line, which makes him reliable ai d soaght after, ne ha3 now on hand an entirely, new stock of goods, which in price and quality challenge competition. The Flack to Go. If you want a good spnare Bjea? go to Hunt's New Chop Stand, opposite tbP V. A T, R. R. depot, Calim borti's building, No. 7C. ' dl8-lm To LbI A furnished foont room at Mrs. W. F. Wilsons. The room is sunny and oommodious. j23tf Attention! The greatast wonder yet dl covered in medicine is Mrs. Dr. Howes celebrated rheumatism, neuralgia and tootb acbe enrra. Would von rather suffer tha. pain of having a tooth drawn than bay a bottle of Mrs. Dr. Howe's toothache met eiue? Mother should not ba without it for their iufants. A fev drops in a little sweet ened water to ewab a teething buoy 'a mouth will int-fcmtly relieve the little Htifferer. The medicine doee not cauterize and ia yntrjr pleasant- Sold by all druggists. jauS A fwe oro an. Vann has a second hanS organ at the Club rooms which he will sll for $40 cash. It h i a plain chestnut w i case and is one of those instrument mad for tone and not for st le. It is one of Ue most barmoDius instruments in the rliee and dirt cheap at theirice. jan27 Teamsters' Gloves. M. W. Hodkins i a1 present maonfaoturing a teamsters' axai logger's glove, which outweare anything ever yet sold in this section. He make theia expressly for his patrons, and all isle work is warranted to be of the best. jau36 ... . .... ilL'HaKl CARSON OPERA HOUSE. T. MAGUIBE HAIA rnBBHEHBOVII ATTRACflOfi I NIGHTS ONLY: COMMEKOtSO Monday Evening Feb. 2d, I&B5? BALDWIN THEATE Star Specialty Combinatioitv I ranea. -A3 THSY APFEAHKD lit Mxiif tatu'l aa Man T rumv ipti . COMPRHI?0 THE OEuEBRATFD DAVENE TMlCT Mil.-. Mafrere'd, Mile, lotto, HU. A a and Mono. W M. Davene tryrnuaa aerobe, eta., have had tn hukgr of appearing befere all the royalty of Europe, and are pe nounced tna 8u;riora of any in the r line ia Uic voiiC. ho will appe r in t-ie their wnnderf ul Parlor Ljina-wtar Eutiirtainmsiit mid on the Triple Trapum. THE GREAT AMERICAN FOUR-MLSK8 T KTT11I- Gale. I'aiUy ai d Hury, pronounced b the t'.!uHrr-n :A Un r rnnowco pre anil puau as ne irreai minr um danse artists) in Anwri.ri in tlieir original Bpnalti:d. HUE MARCITTA ROSKRT. THE PREM1EK I!AX. eou e "I i be rid, a at ted Dy tains Jennie maiMin out suae iT v, Il...,ie :iei.y, r.d MidS Lauci (from leading t atrn tncaUr-), in a jmujd billet MR. ("HARLBs ADAMS, AMEftlCAS GKJUrSi Dutch oc median. M LLP. CAMH&ORTOEI THE CELEBRATED VfJt- mier danseuea, in a fjvorifc? Pax dc Dux MUE. MAUHRALD DAVBNE IV A CHOICE hVl&Z. tiun of Foreign and F.ngiiHb son;;. LEW RATTLE . THE 1'IONKER COMEDIAN OS' TT5Bi Pacific Coast, first appearance in Carsun lor III wen years. tS"k fnll and efficient orcaegtra m..Jcr te ifcr.dvon. laaoort) Frm!.. Owincr to the reat f ipe f thie trior' of artirts f-wai the Baldwin TheaWr, tilt prices will b s loiltiM : AdmKsleii - r - ateservedl Mcala J CHARLKS LORD. TriL-ii. Booth's Oysters, - SI per Casu GOKC PERAS1CH, SAN F3AN0ISG0 HARKE?, WrMMmaJt Mid retail dealer is FfifciU ERUIT, VEOETAKLES, CONFKCTKWS, 'HHK ITNDERIOvKU HAS OK BAhf A au is dairy roonvinsr the Ckioicost Vmlte. Krvalx'et Vji-tahl. S f ConiVtina Choice Havana Ci,fr, Pavltrjr, Esbca Kjr. Br. 9. B.-Ordr rectiens. pramptly fiUrd and di!vsred as per GEORdS PtfcASlCS. Carsoa strc-at uuxt o TlieaWc m1m FAMILY GROCERY. rnBB CHOICEST A"I ftASB, GHOOSRIE Fjr family ue tr.nsiaufcy n baad. "K,vr Kie I.1h Thli Nn to K "SO MJT Voua i Elwwherv 4 CO TO CHENEY'S. A peneral afwortment f the t est swjile and rliSoj7 .erics. fKit'Ed '10 tTOlT TilE TIMES! .lOHK E. CHENEY, Ai'vrm P'ck, dire-.n street, coraer f TeltgreV Jar.iiarv S l'78. CITY SAVSHQ3 m$ BANKERS, BROKERS AND FIRE IHSl AKCE A3 Eh' IS. CARSON CITY, MINING STOCKS nOCGHT AXD e31Bfc OX COMMISSION. tM Liberal Margins alkrwed on Aproved Stk."a'3S Francisco Correspondent Latham . Sjop Carson Soptimber 1, 3?77. J. II. MARSHALL 1 1 OMR AGENT FOR MUTUAL. AND IITRFR L,KXB INC IXSCHANCE CJIPAMKS. FojT's Boafcatore'St ft .Th 6 Oarsoo, Jaauarj 2C, 1679.