NG VOL 16. CARSON CITY. NEVADA: FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1880. NO. 22 MOENIJVG APPEAL.! semi-annual report cf the c jjsty HENRY B. MIGHELS. Pubfistiftd every tnonring (Moudays exeepted), by MRS. N. V. MIGHELS, aOs- Newspaper, aVyitod to Politics, General ami Local Affair. Newt, OfnCK Seeaod street, opposite tiie soot turn front of tiie SUite Capuo" Terms of Subscription: 'One afy, one year, by- nafl IS 00 On anpy, six tuouths, by mail 4 00 On copy, three ainmns, hy muil 2 00 Payments ou sulMcription, iKYABLAJUr la ahvaxch. Tun Am-sal vllt he dolivered U the citizens of Garsuo at 5 Cout per week, ixiyable weukhy to the carrier. Rates of Advertising: Rates of advertising can be ascui'taiaod on application m wa omoe FITS. EPILEPSY - en FALLING F.Mnntly C'or1 no hamliav Hy one nonlh' ansifH ef Dr. Uonlw -.i' rxlrbratix' arkliibln Kit Pow rs. To convince sufferers that hose powders will do all we claim for thorn, wo will send Nutia hy mail, no.t p.i I. a tr Trial box. As lr ta-iuJivrd h the only piysieis-i that has ewr made tVs dis ease a specinl study, and as to our knowledge thousands enve been pcimn.ntf cnrod by the use of these Howler w will Guarant'.' permaneni ore in every ca, or rorun't ynn nil money w. uen1t. ll Mulfcrers should give thcie Powders an emrry trial, ami ho convinced of their curative powers. Prino, fur large box, 3, or 4 boxes for Sin, sent hy mai w aits' prt of the United States or Canada on receipt tat, or ity express, IV o. I). A Uvs, ASH InMOv ') V & ROB9INS. '1,-mv flf.T Hrw,UITX V V Omri or Comrrr TKiAsriuw, OAason OiTT. Nevada. December 81. 1879. To the Bon. tbe Board of County Conumssiotidrsof Ornuby county, Nevada: Gentlemen : I have tbe honor to herewith submit my report of the receip'e and dtsbursaments, with sueh other mtormatioii as may be necessary for a full and complete understanding of the transitions of this department for uie six montns ending Ueceuiher 31, 1879: Balance ou haudjuiy 1. 18T9. aa per Cash Book 4,726 27 APPOKTioano as tobbews: To the General Fund To the State Fund To the County Building1 Repair Fund To the County Treasurer's Salary Fund T the Railroad Fund. To the Road Fund To the Contingent Fund To the County School Fund To the County School Fund, District No. 1... To the County School Fund, District No. 2. . . I. To Die County School Fund, District No. 3. . . 10 ine nutie ocuooi r unu, ltsu-iuv 110. 1 To th State School Fund, District No. 2 To the State School Fund District No. 3 To the Special School Fund 1,503 05 1,211 2$ 615 159 92 258 60 6 80 1S1 32 238 10 240 79 304 42 06 19 2 09 6 95 d 27 $4,725 27 Receipts for tbe six months ending December 31, 1879 Front Assessment Roll 1878 $147 M From Assessment RoFl 1879 66,38!) 43 From ten per cent, delinquent tax of 1878 15 19 From ten per cent, delinquent tax of 1879 110 05 From net proceeds of mines lor 1879 5,239 90 From Couutv Licenses 3,621 36 From Gambling Licensee 2,96r00 From State Insurance Liceuses. 809 50 From rent of County Buildings 1,230 00 From poll taxes 1878 00 From poll taxes 1879 2,817 20 From ones in Justice's Court 3 50 From State apportionment of school moneys 1,254 12 From District Court Docket fees 206 00 From fir insurance tax on net premiums 262 t5 From Jurv Fees (returned) 255 60 Frmu miscellaneous receipt! 74 32 TUB CU1CAUO WEEKLY MvWS. CHEAPEST weekly newspaper In the U.S. PrVKITTT-FlVB Cim a Tsar. postage INCLUDED. Fifteenth year of publication. It t especially complete as a fiewfpsper, pub lishing all the dls Mtche of both tha Western Associated Press and the National Associated Press. besldvs. n extensive (t stem of special dis patches from all Important polnLS. It Is Indrprrultnt In Politics, pre pentlnc political news free from Fsrtlsan eolortnjt, wlthoutfpar or avor. Every number contains Sis romplsted eriea A favorite, family paper. It Is the Cheapest Weekly In tha V. 8. 75 rents a Sear. Address Chieairo Weekly w U3 i'ilUi Afn iAdDAgo, lit. JJ-QTIOI3. ,KFI K OF rlrV TKK;tNI'KER - JfO T10S : llndc an Act of the Legislature f the of .leva 1 1, approv al March lite 9th, 18)15, notiue is ftir.i-T (iven that the Asseesuient Koil for 1879 has this A beea been pluceil in my possession hy the (bounty Auditor, and that tbe Slate and I'oiuuy taxes are now due aad Darahie (the saiin' lieouminx nruniiueut on lite mmBHTY.HH TH DAY OF NOV KlIliKK. 1879,), and that tk iur in rurard to their coilecuou will be strictly en Jrwd. M. L. YAOER, fiiuty TreMiitvr and ex OlSoio Tax Receiver. Oarsoa O'tjr, mtoher 1, 179 LA O' SAVE TOUR HAIR TO LEARN HOW TO DO IT BEAD AND HEED WHAT FOLLOWS. BATH TOCK HAIIi. Tha Uws of HealU aal Iootrevity uenuuul it, tbe customs of social Ufa (Hquifa it. The matter u of great importance in ewwry way. BEAVTIFT TOtTR HAIR It U Uu au psaatug crown of glory, atul for the loasof it tbera i bo eompeosation. CCI.TIVATK TODR HAIR. For by iw far hwim can it be saved uid buauUikxi. LYOS tVtaouvMmd Uiirty-flva years ago by 1'rof. Lyon, of fate, U the most perfect preparation in the world ' Aw prewM-ving and benatifying the hair. f85,4Cl 77 ArroBTtoRHiwr or KXCKirrb: To the General Fund Ji4,51b 78 To the SUte Fund 17,6 .ft 23 To the Railroad Fund 2.1.110 84 To the County School Fun.l , 13,0,2 09 To the County Treasurer's Salary Fund 2,121 15 To the Contingent. Fund 347 64 To the County Ruildiin; ana Repair Fund 1,180 80 To the Stale Sehooi Fund 1,254 12 To the District Judge's Salary Fund 202 52 $85,461 77 Appiirtinnment or transfers made by the County School SuiMiriiiUixient of State School Moneys : Fro:n the State School Fund to the State School Fuud District X . 1 $1,026 99 From the State School Fund to the Sta e School Fund Di'rtrict No. 2 130 75 From tile State School Fund to the State School Fund District No. 3 39 To From the St ite School Fund to the State School Fuud District No. 4 5C C3 SEI-AftKLJ. L REPORT QF THE CC'JNT AUDITO?. Oki ok Coi'trrr Audwor, ) Ormsbt Coumtt Nevada, December 31, 1879. f To the Hon. the Board of County Commissioners Urmsby Couuty, Slate of Nevada Gentlemen : The County Auditor respectfully submits the following: report of the fiscal affairs of the said oouuty for the six mouths endinsr December 31st. 1879. Balance on. hand at olose of business June 30th, 1879T. $ 4,725 27 Apportioned as follows: In General Fluid $1,593 05 In State Fund 1,21 1 23 In Couuty Building Repair Fuud 515 58 In County Treasurer's Salary Fund 159 92 In Railroad Fund 258 60 In Road Fund 6 80 In Contincrent Fund 18132 In County School Fund 23S 10 In County School Fund, District No. 1 240 79 In County School Fund, District No. 2 804 42 In Coun'y rchool Fnrid, District No. 3 06 In State School Fund, District No. 1 19 In State School Fund, District No. 2 2 09 In Mate School Fund, district No. 3 5 95 In S(euial School Fund 6 27 NiCOLL THE TAILOR DESIRES TO CALL THE ATTESriOS of gentl. men to the daily arrival of New York styles of French, English and Domestic (foods from bis Loudon and New York houses. Being our own importers, we are able to frnarantee and give the REAL article at such priced as defy competition SHERIFF'S SAL.F. .WE SELL.. $4,725 27 RKCBins. From Assessment roll, 1878 $147 90 From 10 per cent, delinquent tax, 1878 15 19 From Assessment roll, ls79 66,389 48 From 10 per cent, delinquent tax, 1879 110 05 From net proceeds of mines. 5,239 90 From county licenses 3,621 36 From irambliiur licenses 2,90100 From State insurance 869 50 om rent County Building- 1,230 00 From poll tax, 1878, delinquent 4 00 From fines in Justice Court 3 50 From State apportionment of school moneys for 1879 l.'.K4 13 From District Court docket fees 200 00 'nun fire insuran e tux on net premiums 262 65 r..m poll taxes, 1879 2,817 20 nun jury fees (Returned) 255 60 From miscellaneous sources 74 3d Good Business Suits From I 5 dollars. PA3MTS From Foar Dol.svr. GENUINE GX BEAVER SUITS From 55 dollars. ENGLISH CORDS FOR HUNTING SUITS. fcS5,4l!l 77 APPolinOKIUST OP BrCtlfTS. To State Fund. itl 7,655 2:5 Railroad Fund 25.110 84 To General Fund 24,518 78 To County Buildiiur Repair Fund 1,180 80 lo County Treasurer s Salary Fund 2,121 In To County School Fund 13,072 69 To Contingent Fund 37 Tj District Judire's Salary Fund 202 o State bchool Fund 1,254 1 Goods to suit the Banker, Merchant and Clerks. Gentlemen, befjre calling elsewhere, will do well to call and in spect my IfwIfVIENSE STOCK. 1,254 12 Apportionment of transfers ma le by the County School Su;K-rintendet of County School Moneys : From tiie County School Fund to the County School Fuud District No. 1 $9,647 47 From the Canity School Fund to tha County School Fund District No. 2 1,034 04 From the County School Fund to the County School Fund District No. S 397 88 From the Counsv School Fund to the County School Fund District No. 4 499 19 From the County School Fund, District No. 2, to the County School Fund District No. 4 92 36 $11,670 94 018MTRSMMHNW rO SIX MOKTIU EiLMlCS UKCIXBKH, 31, 1879 From General Fund On account salaries i fees cf County Oifioers fll.66 71 On account of ca-e indigent sick 2.436 80 On account jury fees - 3,794 20 On account general expenses 2,219 87 From State Fund - Ob account of State expenses $1,418 93 On account of settlement with State for December, 1879 16,580 84 -$19,907 58 Boslde betas the beat fcavir dreawUiaf wvr produced, I.jron's KaUxairon will jMaaltlwclr prvt frrmyixeaa, sums will rt ators new hair to baJd UeawU, If. tha roote ai4 follicle ar not duatniyed. It actually perform these seMnius; miracla, ol which th following i ' A PAUL SPECIMEN. t had been entirely bald lor several yean, con. UtmtiooaL, I suppose. I used a f.w bottle of iCaihairon, aujo toy prea surpriae. Uiiok ' growth of youuff hair. COI- JOUNT L. VOI1RANCB, U. S. Ju Is very important respect the Kathairoa fa abo totely ineotnparabto. ' It i uaen"1 1. To Cure IWldnea. : L To Restore Gray Hair. A. To Komove DaudruX 4. To Drea and Beautify th JIair. ZtlvAR Ilf Bam. The Eatbainui fa a tioky pasta of aiilpltnr and augar-of-lead, to paini and daab the bait aud paralyze the brain. It i a pore and limpid vegetable lotion, intended to re- ' attire tbe hair by natural aro- Ui and rainrigoratioo. Ii it splendidly perf umed7 and the most delightful aoOet dressing known. ' Xe lady's or gentltttBnw safhst esdilt fa eumalete witaoat Xyea'a Kathaaxaa. , , SOUS Mv JeimrHaUIJa, 817,909 77 From Railroad Fund On iuniiTit intaraeit on Conntv Rail road Bonds s,a ou From Contingent Fund On account contingent expenses $233 77 From County Buildint; Fepair tuna On account repairs on Co. Building $ 85 From Ihstnct Judsres Salary fund On account salary of District JuJu'e. . $1,050 00 From (untr Treasurer's Salary Fund- On account salary County Treasurer $750 00 From State School Fund. District wo. i- On aecoiint salary of teachers $979 98 From State School Fund. District ao. - On account salary of teachers. $6 70 From Stats School Fuud District Ko. 4 On account salary of teachers $56 63 From County School Fund, District No. I On account salary of teachers $2,897 43 On account of incidental expenses. . . 838 3d On account of redemption of School Bonds and interest on same 1,157 5 On account of interest on Old Loans, , made 1877 SftS $85,401 77 D1KRCIK8KMK.1W. From General Fund On accouut care of indigent sick $2,436 SO On account salary A fees Co. ollicers. .11,456 71 m account jur fc s 3, ."94 2t in account general expenses 2,219 . From State Fund On account Sua expenses $1,418 93 Ou account December settlement with . -, Slate Controller 16,530 84 $17,999 From Railroad Fund On account interest on county bonds to December 1st, 1879 From Contingent Fund On ac omit cotitiii'.?ent expenses From County Building Repair Fund On account repairs on county building From District Judge's Salary Fund On account salary District Judjc From County Treasurer's Salary Fuml On account salary Cuuuty Treasurer. . F. om County School Fund, District No. 1 Ou account salary of teachers $2,897.48 On account incidental expenses 838 36 On account redemption School Bonds and interest on same 3,157 50 Ou accouut interest ou Old Loan made 1877 355, 24 $3,955 00 $233 $85 $1,050 00 $750 00 From Comity School Fund, District No. 2 On account salary of teachers $649 00 On account incidental expenses 128 60 From County School Fund, District No. 3 ( in account sal- y of teachers $120 00 On account incidental expenses. 52 80 From County School Fund, District No. 2 On account salary of teachers $619 80 Ou account uicitiuntal expenses 128 60 $7,248 56 From County School Fund. District No. 3 - On account salary of taeher 1-120 00 On account incidental expeusea 52 80 From County School Fund District No. 4 On accouut salary of teachers $333 37 Oil account incidental expetucn li & $777 60 $172 80 $S47 : $53,610 76 Tnnsfsrs made under law and by order of Couuty Com missioners : EY, ,m (iniieval Fuul to District J udire's Salary Fund ; $847 48 From County BuiMinff Reiwur Fund to County Treasurer's Salary Fund 284 00 From County Buildinr Repair Fund to General Fuud 780 00 . $1,851 43 ' aKCArrruLATiOH. Balance on hand Jnly Si. T879 .'..:.."... $4,725 27 Recoipts f or six montbs eudi Deo. 30, 1879... 85,461 77 Deduct disbursement for the six months end ing lhiceuiber 31. 1879 " ' " " Dalauce on hand December 37, 1679 APTOBTIOXSO AS FOLLOWS: Tc the SUte Fund - To the General Fund. , To the County Building Repair Fund. To the County Treasurer's Salary Fund.-. To the Railroad Fund Tfithe Road Fund. . . . . ...i. . .. .i To the Contingent Fund To tha County Schi ol Fund. ; To the County Scnool Fund. District No. 1... To the County School Fund, District No. 2. . . To the County ocnooi r unu, xnstricir o. a. . . To the Couutv School Fund. District No. 4. . . To tha State School Fuud. District No. 1 To the, State School Fund, District No. 2 To Uu Spueutl bciiooi i una $90,187 04 53,610 76 . . $36,576 28 .. $S66 69 ., $6,135 67 60 63 .. 1,755 07 . 21,414 44 .t' fl 80 295 19 . !8.3t 29 . 3,388 8 549 47 , . ' 256 62 283 27 47 20 132 8 6 27 r,576 28 Statement, showing the outstanding indebtedness if the ooonty Decembor 3 1, 1879 : County Bonds from So. 88 to 800. Inclusive, i given to tne Virginia i rut-nee mwi Cnmnanr Deeember 10. 1869 $113,000 00 Accrued interest on the same to Dec 1, 1879. . 439 44 WarntubJtfUtstiaklimjoniurtralFund 120 20. Total gross indebtedness $113,559 74 ttespecuuuy suuuiiiau, - -. ' 5 ' '"At. U YAGER, ' County Treasurer Ormsby County, Nev. NICHOLS' INFALLIBLE INJECTION Guaranteed to 'core promptly and permanently every .1 rhmortwea. Gloet and Whites, no matter f hv Ions; standing, if directions- are iollowed. Internal aawUoifiea not recoairntinded or necessary. A cure guar antee ar aiaswy rsftasdad 1 For aale by B.'F; Fewer. : From Coanty Scbo.-l Fund, District No. 4 On account salary teachers 333 37 On account incidental expenses 14 25 From State School Fund, District No. 1 On account salary of teachers From State School District No. 3 On account salary of teachers From State School Fund, District No. 4 On account salary of teacheni $7,248 56 $777 60 172 SO $347 62 $970 98 $15 70 $56 63 Transfers made under law, and by order Commissioners: Froia) General Fund to District Judge's Salary Fund From County Building Repair Fund to County Treasurer's Salary Fund From Couuty Building Repair Fund to General Fund $53,610 76 of County 847 48 224 00 780 00 0 0 H Do not loriret to mc the n a H P 0 3 ELECTRIC LIGHT! Call and see tbe Electric Eiurht at Xicoll's bj wbicb colors and quality can be Been aa ctear at itirht as at noonday. IK PTFSl AC'E A.XD I NKER TIIE rOtf- MAND.S of an order of ale, issued out of the District Court of the Second Judicial District of Nevada, in and for the County of Ornish v, over the seal of said C' urt on the 12th day of March, A. D. 18S0, and to me, as Sheriff of said county, directed and duly attested as issuii g from a judgment and decree rendered in said Court on the 11th dav of March, A. D. 1880, in favor of the Carson City Sav ings Bank, plaintiffs, and against John Jlo. l ;. John D. Kersey, sdminislrator of the estate of Uaml laiker, de ceased, and Charles Harris, defendants, for the sum of fifteen hundred ($1,500) dollars, principal, and the sum of three hundred and se enty eight and 0-100 ($378 70-101) dollars, interest, and the sum of one hundred and fifteen and 87-100 ($115 87-100) do;lars for insurance preminms; aud the first and the last suras mentioned, viz : the fifteen hundred dollars and the one hundred and fiftoen and 87-103 to bear interest at the rate of one and one-half (If per cent, per month from the date of rendition of judg ment until paid, and counsel fees in the sum of one hun dred and ninety-nine and 46-100 ($199 46-10 ) dollars, to gether with costs of suit, twenty -live and 50-100 ($25 50) dollars, and accruing costs, five and 60-100 dollars, rend- r ing a judgment in the aggregate of two thousand two hundred and twenly five and 13-100 ($2,225 13) dollars, and the hereafter costs and excuses of sale. Now, whereas, it is adjudged and decreed that all and singular the mo tiaged proiierty hereinafter described, or so much thereof as will be sufficient to rtali.e the aggregate sum stated and the cost and expenses of such sale, I will by virtue and in obedience to the command of said order and decree sell at pub ic auction to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Court-house, in Carson City, said county and State, at tlfe hour of 2 o'clock r. u., on TIIERS DA 1 APRIL StJi. 1SSO, The following described moi-traged, property, or so o- uch thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the aforesaid amount to-wit : "Lots numbered three (3), four (4) and tbe north twelve (12) feet of lot number two (2), (3, 4 and 12 feet of lot No. 2), in block number s: venteen (17), FroctorJW Green's Division of Ca'son City, more particularly de scribe I as follows, to-wit : Lot number four, cominenc I ing thirty-four feet (34) fioni the north-eaiit corner of said block seventeen (17) End running south thirty -four (S4) feet, thence west eighty (0) feet to alley, thence north thirty -four (34) feet, thence east at right angles eighty (80) feet ; also, lot three (3), commencing at a point on the west line of said block seventeen (17) twenty-two (22) feet south of the northwest corner of said block,running thence south forty -six (46) feet along the west boundary line of said block, thence east at right angles eighty (SO) feet to alley, thence north at right ani'les foi ty -six (46) feet, thence west t right angles eighty (oO) feet to place of beginning." In the said order of sale it is adjudged and decree 1 that at the expiration of the time allowed by law for rtdemption, to give a deed to the purchaser or pur chasers, and that the uelcndaiils aud all persons claiming or to claim from or under them, an-i all rsons having hens, subsequent to said mortgage, by judgment or decree upon the Ian ' described in said mortgage, and all persons having any lien or claim lv or under such subsequent mortgage or decree, and lieir heirs or personal represen tatives and all pers ns ch.iming under them be pro en barred and oreclosed of and i.-oiu all equity or redemp tion and claim in, of and to said mo: tgaged premises. av:d every part and parcel thereof from and after the delivery of said deed of the Slier ff ; that the purchaser .r purchasers at such sale he let into isssession thereof, that any of the parties to this action who may he in posses sion of said premises, to any part thereof, and any person v ho. since the commencement of this action, lias rome into possession under them or either of them, deliver hw scssioii thereof to such purchaser or purchasers ou the production of the Sheriff 's deed for such promises or any part thereof. LLOYD HILL, Sheri3. Carson City, March 14, 1SS0. NOTICE No. 17. (T OF (OXGKrAM A rr ROVED JITWE $1,851 48 RBCArrrctATios. Balance on band July 1, 1879 $4,725 27 Rocpla, for Cmwithsemling December 31, 1879. 85,461 77 $90,187 04 53,610 76 Deduct disbursements, for the six months end ing Deciiiber 31, 179 Balance on band December 31, 1879 $36,570 28 APPOitTlONKD AS rOLbOWS : To the General Fund $0,135 67 To the County Treasurer's Salar Fund 1,755 07 To the County Building Repair Fund 606 63 To the Railroad Fund 21,414 44 To the County School Fund, District No. 1 3,388 S3 549 47 256 62 283 27 831 29 6 27 47 20 132 84 866 09 295 19 6 80 To the County School Fund, District No. 2. . To the Couuty School r una, District No. i. . To the County School Fund, Dictrict No. 4. . To the County School F'tnd To the Special School Fund To the State School Fund, District No. 1 To the State School Fund, District No. 2 To the State Fund.: To the Contingent Fund To the Road Fund ....... $36,576 28 Statement . showini outstanding Indebtedness of the county December SI, 1879: County bonds from No. 88 to 200. inclusive giv en to V. at iv u. K. uecetnoer to, iso-j iij,oiaf oo Accrued interest on same to July 1, 189 . 439 44 Warrants outstanding ou the General Fund. . . . 120 30 Total gross indebtedness $113,557 74 - Ret p.ctfully snbmitUal, FK&O D. TURNER, . ; . . -' County Auditor. DftQIFIC IOC COMPANY. J. M. BENTON, AGENT, AM NOW PREP Art KB TO FVRKIKB UR.I3 X O 152 Daily, in quantities to suit any one, at . Low Prices. " ' ' tneir residences Tbe In that I famish, la tak from Itaruon- Rivar. formed or. Pare, Koft, remains; waiter, aad not from - ..f any ataamaat postal or - -baaltby location. Orders left at my Livery Stable, on Carson street, be promptly attended to. , j. m. rr-n iwiv, iel3U - (Agent Pacific los Com fowl ASTRAY N2TICE. flAMB T JIT l:HCI-0rBl THIS fl"T J HER one ' raan mare, two years off fold, branded J ft on left hip, wit round left fetlock and white face. The owner can obtain aame by calling at my place and pav inr exponas. - -X Jj ABRAHAM 3ovculMsr 4, l7t - uwotm Tbe Trade and Public supplied with Clotb and TrianmluaTS at wbolesale price. i-ANY LENGTH CUT AND ALL KINDS OF CLO KEPT IN STOCK. t7 Samples, with instructions or Self Measurement sent free OJfLY WHITE LABOR Employed, and none but EXPERIENCED and FIRST- CLASS cutters I'nitkd Statks Lakd Owics, ) Carson Citv, Nevada December 20, 1976. Notice is hereby given to al! whom it may concern: That Andrew J. Toft, of the County of Washoe, State of Ae vada, has this day filed in this office his application No. 17, to purchase fr"m the United States Government the fol lowing described tract of land, chiefly valuable for timlier and unfit for cultivation, viz: West half of southeast quarter of Section 24, in townsh p No. 17 north, of Bang No. 18 east, M. D. SI., containing 80 acres, and situate within the Carson City, Nevada, U. S. Land District. Any aud all persons having any interest in, or claim to, said land) adversely to skid applicant, are hereby required to file such adverse claim with the register of said Land Office, within the SIXTY DAYS period of publication of this notice, or, failing to do so, they will be barred, such adverse right or daiiu. dec21-60d C. N. HARK18, Register. NOTICE NO. 20. Act of Congress Approved Juue 3, 187S. TO ORDER: Pant from tt to Suits from 15 to Overcoats .' from IS lo ('later from 15 to Dress Coats from 20 to Black Doeskin Pants. .......from 7 to White Vests from Fancy Vests from euuiu tlx Beaver Suits.... from Pants to order in O hours, Suits to order in 12 hours. $15 68 RO 35 40 15 3 to 5 6 to 15 OO FINEST STOCK OF WOOLENS STKE WCRLO! IN United Statks Land Orcie, ) Carson dm", Nevada, March 8, 1880. f TOTICK IS HKHEl'Y GIVKN TO ALL, WHOM IT MAY CONCERN 1 hat Louis Plant, of tne county ol waslioe. Mate of Nevada, has this day filed in this office his application (No. 20) to purchase from the United States Government the following described tract of land, chiefly valuable for timber, and unfit for cultiva tion, viz: Southwest quarter of Section 24. in Townsh p No. 17 north, of Range No. 18 east, M. D. M., containing 160 acres, and situate within Ui Carson City, Nevada, U. S. Land Di-trict. Any and all persons having any interest in, or claim to, said land, adversely to said ap)fccant, are hereby required to file such adverse claim with the Register of said Land Oltice, within the SIXTY DAY'S period of publication of this notice, or, failing so to do, they will be barred of suck adverse right or claim. C. N. HARRIS, Register. March 11 OOdavs. A small stoek of ancal'l f',r ood uene reductions. it ia SALE PRICES Pan t from S3. 4ivercHt from 911. Vesta fro.u $ A. "nitn from $19 Claters from SIS. Coal fi om 97 . - NICOLL. THE TAILOR'S QRANO TAILORING EMPORIUM, T27Market Atr.t Nan Franciaeo. . . al9-3m Wot co 2STo. 18. CT OF COXURtlSS, APPROVED JI .YC 3, 1S7. United Rtmtj Lakd OrricB. . ) , Cxitsos Citt, Nevada, January 8, 18S0. J Notice Is hereby given to all whom it niay concern : Tliat Alfred Jacques, of the County of Washoe, State of Nevada, has this day filed in this ortice his application No. 18, to purchase from the United States Government the following described tract of land, chiefly valuable for tim ber, and unfit for cultivation, v. Z: Southeast quarter of Section 20, in township No. 17 north, of Rauge No. 19 east, M. D. M , eontaiiiin? 160 acres, and situate within the Carson City, Nevada, U S. Land District. Any and all persons having any interest In, or claim to, said land, adversely to said applicant, are hereby required to file such adverse claim with the Register of said Land Office, within the sixty days period of publication of this notice, or, failing so to do, they will be b irrod of such ad verse right or claim. O N. HAitRlS, Register. janw-ooa , TMOtt. H. VKLLS wiLLiKOrow sravAftT. WELLS & STEWART, AT LAW. TTORIfEYS Onn A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily made. Costly U a Outdt free. Address True 4 Co., AuircwSa, Mains. NOTICE NO. 21 Aft of Cong-aces Approved June 3, 187&. Unitkd Statks La.vk Omen, I Carson City, Nevada, March 8, 1880. ( vOTirR 1H HEUKRY GIVEN TO ALL i WHOM IT MAY CON CERN That Elzian Biman faut, of the County of Waahoe. State of Nevada, has this day filed in this office Ji in application (No. 21) to purchase from the United States Government the following describ ed tract of land, chiefly vartiable for timber, and unfit for cultivation, viz: Northeast quarter of Section 24, ia Township 17 north, of Range No. 18 east, M. D. M., con taining 160 acres, and situate within the Carson City, Nevada, U. S. Land District. Any arid all persons having any interest in, or claim to, said land,. adversely to said applicant, are herei y required to file such' ai' verse claim with the Register of said Land office, within tbe SIXTY DAY'S period of publication of this notice, or, failing so to do, the will be barred of such adverse right or claim. C. N. HARRIS, Register. March 11 60 days . NOTICE NO. 22. Act of Congress Approved June 3, 187. . i . Unitko States Land Office, ) : Caksom Cfty, Nevada, March 8, lSt-0. f OTICC IS HKRKBV GIVEN TO ALL WHoM IT MAY CONCERN That Leon Charett. of the County of Washoe, Stat of Nevada, has this day hied in this ottice his application (No. 22) to purchase from tin! I mtcd Mates government the following described tract of land, ci lefly valuable fur timber, and unlit for cultivation, viz : Northwest quarter of Section 24, in Township 17 north, of Rau.e No. IS est, M. D. M., con taining 160 acres, and situate within the Carson City, Nevada, U. S Land District. Any and all crsons having any intrrost in, or claim to, said land, adversely to sai.1 applicant, are hereby required to file such adverse claim with the Register of 'said Lard Office, within the SIXTY DAY'S peri'si of publication of thm notice, or failing so to do, they will be hhrred of suea right or claim C. N. HAKIllS, Register. March II 60 days "ASSESSMENT WBTICE. N ORTH ' CARSON SILVKR MININ OlMPANY'. Location of principal place of business. San Francisco, California. Ixxation of works, Ormshf County, Nevada. Notice ia hereby given that at a met ting of the Board of Directors, held on the 13th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1879, an assessment (No. 9) of twenty ! Vi (2SY cents per share was levied upon each and every h .ru of tbe 'capital stock of tnis company, payable immediately in U. S. gold coin to the Secretary at the olhce, room C 113 Leidesdorff street, San Fraurisco, California. Any stock upon which this assessment is not paid on SATUR DAY, the 15th day of January. A. U. 1880. will be delin quent and advertised for sale at public auction, aad unless payment is tnade beore will be told on Wednesday, tbe 5th day of February , A. D 1880, at tbe hour o I 1 o'clook a. to pay assca mein togatner witn tne cost of adrerke. and expense of sale. By order of the Board of Director. . ' O. Is KITS, oecretary Office : Room 1. lit Leidesdorff street. San F rand sea. Oalifonaa. . , deals