Newspaper Page Text
MORNING ' APPEAL. VOL. 22. OARSOtf CITY, NEVADA: TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 17. 1883 NO. 3K MORNING APPEAL nblished every morning (Mondays ex cepted ) by S. P. DAVIS. A Dally Newspaper, deroted to Politics, Uenerai it'm sua uomi ADture. OFFICE On Second street, opposite tho onto em rtont or me state capttoi. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : "Hie copy, one year, by matl $8 oo One copy, six months, by mail 4 no imp copy, tnree niimins. ny mall.... 3 ij Payments on subscript Inn, In ad ranee TheAprnAt, will be delivered to the citlsens ot Carson at S3 cents per weok RAILROAD TRAVEL. MISCELLANEOUS. V. & T. R. IL TIME TABLE HOTELS. tue mmm house. JVDOB i"T. Pejtr, iVomwrly of the Cary House, Flacer- vme, California i The Leading Hotel of Carson N IIK4NT BRICK WHIT, tare, capable of acoin mod Ming tmO eaeata. Two minnies' wulk from de depot. Provided with all the mod- ess Improvements. Tbe cuisine is un er tbe management of experienced. cooks and Is not surpassed in tno state ORMSBY HOTTSE CARSON CITY. KVV HtlARP BROTilK oprtetor. This hotel is tbe most pleasantly mid een r .rally ttxoeil in the city, beiiic near the priu ripal busiaess houses and the bi.te Capitol. The Sutinory Oerartciont it under the na t.'wwn of experienced lunula, ar.ii ip expensa "jl be spared in supplying tie table with tlie rost Va market affonK J. W. SHARP (formerly "f the T'r-osf, Maps, California), Uiauzge:. Kevere FROM riEClNlA TO OAfiSOX AND RENO C 00 r E S s..a re as o a IS e "3 c I s 53 FROM KEXO TO CAESGN AJ&D VIRGINIA i 1 1 a .8 8 E . 3 S 8 a O flf e, o w 3 a, o C ciT: o e. o o 5 1 5 . B . 2 . 5 . ' a 2 i23a5 SO "2 I . S S "E 3 ft. 3i S 3 s H i jj i - O S3 " - 5 S i IS s I? The Great English Remedy b a never failin r cafe for Aervou Debility, Exhaus ted Vitali y, eem- inil eaKiKW, Lost Hanhood, I m potency, Prua taiorrbea. Paraly sis and all the ter rible effects of Self Abuse, youth ful follies ana ex cesses in maturer year, such as i of Momory, Lassitude, Nocturnal Emissions. Avereions to Society, Dimtuvw of VLrion. Noises in the Head: tbe vital flu d musinff unobeierved in the urine, and many other diseases that load to innanitv ana mwi. DR. MIN I I . who is a reirular physician (graduate of the fni varsity Pennsylvania) will wreo to forfeit FIVB HUNDBKD IX L I.ARS for a ras., of this kind tue V TAL RES- T R TIVK (under his special advice and tret mcnt) will not cure, or for nythinij impure or injurious found in it. 1R. HINTItS tr ats all private diseases succeaful,y without mercury. Consultation free, 'lbomuirh examination and advioe, including anaHus of urine, if. Price of VITAL RKSTORATIVK, t3 a bottle, or f nr times tlie quantity. $10; sent to a y address unon ramii of mice. vCO. !.. sveure trtru observation and in private nanre if desired, by K. A. HI .M 114, M U , 11 Kearney s-t., San ranc;sco, Cal. SMTLE i-OTTLE FREE will be senttoany one applvina: by letter, s atii sr symptoms, sex tnd aira. btrict secrecy in regard to ail Dual; us traractiijs " v It. MiNTIK-d KinXEy REMEOH AKI'- HRKTTCUSI cur-s all kinds of kidney and bladder complaint-, sonorrtea. ploei, leucor- rhoea For sale by ail druajnats: 1 a boitie; six bott es fur . iR. MhllM DANDELION TILLS are tbe best and cheapest Dvsrei4ia and Biliious cure in the market. For sole by all dragifists. janllrt STERN BROTHERS LEADING HOUSE FOR MISCELLANEOUS. JACOB TOBRINER, WBOrJHlLB AKD MTA& DKAUR IS Imported & Domestic Cigars, PIPES, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ETC DRY 60008, SUITS, smokers articles, CUTLERY, N. Carson st. Oar 404 f rent St. 8. K HARRIS BROS THE 03V1SSY HOUSE for a!1 the stae r.os r the Iraadouarteni Tcmtig Jannin. 2ariont Bets i r2 50 and t ifef 50 cents eat h mm iimm HOTEL AEJD RESTAURANT (Opposite the Railroad Depot) K. WALKER, Prop'r. ffra, per Week OO nasvi h ii I Km. ner H-k, r,ui 7 0 i 09 The best aooommodation for tho prioe of any bouse iu I do Male OINNEB AT TWELVE O'CLCCK The very best of WINEB, LIQUORS AND Kept coustadtly on hand, all. CI6AR3 Olve tne a ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Ctyroer Careon antl TUird .St3. CARSON, - - NEV. "PIIV V B. FAMKIs HOTEL I Ktill llvf-s and prospers undor the STXteftr-nt m:tnatr-iiKnt.of it proprietor. F0STA3LE RC0M & GOOD TABLE Provided for ail t he patron . F.KE Tirn.l . . Prwl'Hctor. U. M. TERIVOTON. General SuyoriateixifJ. I. A. Giwml FreiifW and Paiiffr Airmt C. & C. R. R- TIME TASLE. Tafc lc Ffferl Satsrday, January S. IJiHJt Stations. I ban Francisco, and tlr "ina. Mand Uios I y.i a. tn. Dayton 1 10:HO a. m. Ol fton 1 10. 15 . ra. Fort C urolaU. IT'r'JO a. m. Wuslumt .. II: e a. ui. Clcavor '120 p m. 12:40 p. m. lSp. ni. 1:20 i- in. 1:40 p. m. 2:30 p. in S:0 p. m. 4:10 p. m. 4 :5.1 p. m. b:S( p. ni. 5:56 p. ni. 6:15 p. m. 6:S0 p. ro. fl:50p. m. T:20 p. m. 7:30 p. m. 8-"" o. in. Mason . Rio Vteta. .... Reservation . . Schurz Gillis Hawtbomo . . . Kinkuad. Liuiint; New Boston.. Soda Springs . Itbndco Heilvtile Junction Oaiidelaria . . . fo'.OO p. in. 5: J.j t. in. 4:45 p. in. 1:!2 p. in. 4:05 p. n. S:25 p. ni 3: in p. m. 55 p. Pi. 2:45 p m. 2:12 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 1:40 p. m. 12:50 p. ni. 11:40 p. in. 1100 in. I' .11 a. m. d:35 a. m. a. in. 8:n5 a. m. 8:3 . in. 8:15 a. m. 7:45 a, m. 7:35 a. m. Tan a. in. OR. SPINNEY, No. I I Kearny Street. Treats 111 Chronic a a J Spprhl Dlsfass. Toxins Tvlon lirho May ff "nlTfrlns frn Hi ll effects of youtbiui tolnos or ind'screti- u i:l do well t avail thoinj'lve of thi, tha cre.tst In ever IMd in the altar of f-itf-ferin humanity. lr. bpinne will guanntt'e to f i fet i.100 for every case of Sreminal Weak ness or private di-ease of ny kind or character w i.lclt h'i undertakes aiid fails to uute. MIDDLE-AGED J1E.V. There are mar.y at the a?e of tl.iTtv to eivty who are troubled with tuo(reiiicnt evacuations of the bladdor. ofSen sooompaniod by a sfifftit ni irtin or burning sensation aud a a iiakenin? of tlie ostein in a manner fie patient cauntt account for. n exainiiiinsr the urinarv do jxits . r py sodinv nt will ftrn e and somotimos siua:l pirtic'os " albumen will aK. pii.r. or thee 4or will Iw of a thin mi kish hue, a.'ain chwRinj to a d irk niid t ri.i appear auoe. Trtere are man; men wh die of this dif fleulty. iniraiit of the cuxe, which is the sec ond itaye of seminal weakness Dr. S. will puarantie a perfwt eure in all suh cases, and a healthy restoration f the euito unuary ur?uiis. Dce Hours 10 tn4 and 6 t S. Sundays, from 10 to It a. m. Consultation free, Thnronyh exaniiiiitiun and advice, fs. CulloriMltlie DTi. M'lNNr.Y & CO., io. 11 Kearny St. fcan Fraiwi. o. janilif And all other articles required for Ladies', Children'?, & Gents Wear," "' '' Will Issue Their Fall Catalogue Of Hi patrcs, extensively iiiastrated with full descriptions of Fall (Styles and prices, about September 20, and will mail the same on receipt of Six Cent for postage. 32, 34 and .36 West 23J Street Xew York City. ETC, ETC. AHLINCTON CA ' cmr. ;. . , BLOCK, ;' .KfKVAOA COKPLETKD s I WILL HE KSABLCI TO ttir- BLACKSQITHiNG. c. D. SIGEL SKCOI i SIO Belleville . Junction . Basalt ummit. . . Queen Benton 7.00 p. m. 7:10 p. m. '30 d Ta 8:S p. m: 0 25 p, to: 10:25 p m. 1:15 p. m. i :oo a. m :4." a. m. :30 a. in. 'MOO a. m: 5:05 n. m. 4:15 a. m: 3::t I a. in. CAPITAL STORE. MAX ARONi ON DEALER I NT Cigars. Tobaccos ami fru&Kiiig Implements, H AH PI5S1I BU IVIN AT r v s r. v b i I20 II. DI ! . Passsnuer trains mike c'oic ooi-iec ion at Mound Home with exjiress trains of V. & T. R.( which ennect st I'bh with eat and wtt bound trains oi Central Pa ific l:aitroal. STAP-E CON'N'CriONS: At HAWTHORNE with United State Smee Company s c acnes for Aurora (2ij tuiUs); Uwlia 'il mi!e): l.umly and BriU;eport. tlU!llNa l'- miles trom Moniul House) with o iiuo , Salisbury d Co's tri-woekly st ifr s (loa vini; Mondays, We Ines 1 ys and Fridays) for Downewi! e. Hrmtsvi w aiKl Uclmont. At ANOELARiA ith U. S. tafre Cos stages r '.ilunii .s (a mien). Silver Peak, Monte zuma. Vidi V.t ley, G id Mountain, ate. At BENIGN with uailv Ht-urea for liio!"5' Crc-ek, Irniiip. ihIjiic Cerro Gordo, etc. IL.M TEBIXiT4A, Cn. hnpl. : 4. L WS, Ai4tant Sttperintiidi nt. V. A BK.VDEI! Oncra' Freuhtaiiil l'fcse.i:r Aent KAISER'S MST1DR1ST, OYSTER -AND CHOP UOI SK. MEesila At All Hoars o4 b mi .M&ht. BESSOA'S OLD STAND, Corner Fifth and Canton Sis,, And if prepared to Uo first cl -AND- BLACKSMn WORK OK AIJ, DE:CRIPTION3. fancy Horse Sboeinga -'pclaUy PURE MILK. EC. F.K0CH& SON, Sixth il7e, and 20th St, 7SK.vr y h nrv. WILt, ISStTK.ON OR ABOCT APKILl, THEIR tyPRlUG and SUJV.MEK FflSHIOH CATAIORUF. The most complete book of the kind ever published, containing large litho- graphed tiihion plate and ever IJWO I beautiful eneravinrs reproscuUni: the very laiest uoveitios in Suits and Cloaks, Sae Musiln nnd Cam- hrjo wear, Milks and velvets, Lices, House keeidne aud Ifphofstery OomN. ttosiery, niove. i'ascmentaries. I'ar- asols. Jewelry, Men's and kvs' Cloth- ins and Kurnishiti'is. Shoes, ilair Ooods, etc , eto This firm h:is tin teknowledeed repu tation for responsibility, care in filling orders, general snperionty of goo.U a , prices lower than thnsn of any other huo, and for fair dealing, as they ex change or refund iitoaey for unsatisfati lory articles. PLY OCX CUSTOMERS -AMD THE- Publfc GcnerstUjr -WITH- catalogue G roccrics & Provisions FOR MAILAGK. leb.J-lro yOLTAIKE Mn.INa COMPANY.-, Iiocation and printipnl plaoo of business, Carsan ' Py, Nevada.- Loca tion of works, Ormsby county, Nevada Notice is hereby Riven that at a meet ing of tho F.oard ol Directors, held on tho 21th day of March, iKit, an assessment (No 1) of ten cents per share was levied npon the capital stock of the corpora tion, payable immediate:)- !a United States coin to the Secretary, in arson Citr, Nevada. Any stock upon which thlsassn'ssment shall remain unpaid on the 2tii,h day of pril, iWt, will be delinquent and ad vertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment, is made before, will be sold on Monday, May 28th, to pny tiie delinquent assessment, together with cost of advertising and expenses of salo. By order of the Hoard of Directors. J. G. COIIOK, Secretary, mrt7 Carbon City, Nevada LIQUORS, CIGARS, MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., OF NEW YOltK. H VIi Rt1.r.SKD THE Duffy Dairy. I will continue to deliver THE STEALER HUGBA I. A l K T A II K. CAIT. TODMAN, Ytrir.Ij I, f. a v E OI.KSRKiMsK W every Tuesday at T:l . in. for Mar of the Lake, sSoppingat the Tsboe Ilou. McKlnney-, Talln? Hon. Roslsn:!.. Mid bnek to Oienbroo, reiu-hing the . r plnce at l:.'i. and connecting with fhe down stages Votiod Tr'p JM Tr any Intermediate Point 2W rttiblren Hal! Pri,:o. disrif DR. MAYO A. GREENLAW. BUHGEON DENTIST. ,'i e i r Sinli."ij lilt i l. CARSON i.lTY. iit VADA. Hice H !- r.ri t . m. to rtn. s. i.. mni.:. UK. rUIKtCE If. K ISO DniKS & KING, OOjcc-KiuR., rur Curry. o F. J. WHITE. M, D. ; Promptly Aii.4l4l JM j or Slyht. j (Knffin T TATT ' sa A sl TW3 Prvjr SHore, iMtf . mr" E5iorlcncod Cooks, Neat Tabies, and Hepitrate Apartments for rrivate Parties and Families. Cl'RCCLSllE IS HOT in the SHTE Ql A wack m-vie st home by tlie in- Jr diistrioos. Brst bu ines now -1 1 i before the public. C pit .1 not ". I r iiotde.1. Wo will start you. Men, women, bys and girls wa tedever.iwher to work for us. Novr ia the trtne. Vou can work in spare tine, or irive your whole time to the bUjiuexN. "o other business ii1 pay you nearly as wvll. No one can fail to make enor rwms pay, by eniriurinjr at cice. Ooxtly outfit and term free. Mney male f.t tagily and lionorablv. Addrrss Tar is & Oo , .Vjuriata Maine Dissolatiun of Co-Partm rsliip. N'OTICF: TX IIWRKRY GIVEN THAT the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the nameof Martin & Krvant. is this day illsstdvcd by mutual consent, and the j Interest oi a. .. iiryant meroin uas in is day lieen sold to J. II. Martin, A. 8. Iiryant retiring from said lirm.aud all debt! due to and from said firm are to be paid tj and by said J. II. Martin. A.H. HKYANT. J. H. MARTIN. itite-J tblJ Mi Uay of Aprji, PURE FRESH MILK, Morning and evening. My Increase in patronage of over io per cent within a year is a worthy recommend to thoso who have not yet given ine a trial. I have twenty tons of A No. 1 second crop Alfalfa Hay, which I will sell cheap for cah. de5- J. W. DUFFY PHOTO ART GALLERY. PHOTOCRAPHS OF ALL AikI Fictre li Oil. Oariin or leillA lull. Done in the Highest Style of the Art s Come and Inspect sample of work. C. E. PETERSON,', Opp!ttc Orinnbf lions?. I Asset-? $9 1,702,9.17 9: ) his corporstlon, orgrnnlzol in 1M43 for the purpose of insuring lives, is conducted solely la the inter est of its policy holders, to whom in their collective capacity belong it en tire assets. All the profits are diviriotl among them, and there are no stock holders to control tho Company, or to take amy portion of iU surplus. The Company long since ui.tainod, and now holds, the foremost placo among IJfe Iosuraiic! Institutions of the worid The magnitude of lu business i.roves that it onjoys the confidence of tho people. Beyond and atiove all the lia bilities, computed by tho New York legal standard, it has a surplus fund ex ceeding Twelve Millions of IVilIars. The Company lias pnid to it policy hold-?! : rillCi) its i;;!.!i iI75.jos.5; :t And d'irlngtlieyear-ol l.'tiO.H Vi PERSONS wishing to secure Ixgiti nipt and Safe Life f ninnoe at Tiwesl C- st will find it to theirad vantage to in sure in tbe Ut'TUtL LIFE INrtL'K ANCK COMPANY OK NEW YOKK tKor further partieularsi apply to J. D. Kersey, w: .Vient far ('arson City. Dissolution of fo-rartnorship. 7V70TICK IS IIEKEUY GIVEN THAT Xl the firm of I". A. Wagner A Co. have this .lay dixsolved by mutual con sent, 1. A. Warner retiring. Tho nnmo and stylo of ihe new Arm Is Muller, bchmilt Co. The new lirm will col lect aud rtav ail bills of tho old firm of I. A. Waifuer A Co. j I. A Watnrr Mnltcr. MrliuilU A. ' I Cari, Nnada, Am t, ijs. TOBACCO, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, Gent's Famishing Goode ROOTS. SHOES, HATS, Etc A r THE I.0WE3T MARKET RATS J We invite the attention of 4l FARMER MERCHANT WOOD CONTRACTOR AND MINER T- THE FACT Til AT WK IH) MKI.I. THAN tnv Other Ileus.' in c Mate, hnvc scllltics f.r rin-l-i ir Cowls 4n tl Usrkrt hlch tin other Mere in tUf NT A T K II t N. Wc call the altcstion ol tbe Ladies of Carson t) our Slock of Dry Gooils, which Wf nre still .seilin? at (!oslr anil lieiow HARRIS Of? 03.