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MO RNINO APP EALo VOL LXVI CARSON CITY, NEVADA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 31, 1899. NO. 90. THE MORNING APPEAL Publish;! Evi-y Vlorningby II. R. MKjIIIELS OSCee Second Street, Opposite Capitol SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Cn year $8 00 Six months . 5 00 Three months 3 00 By carrier 25 cents per week. Monday Appeal 15c per Month $1.50 per year Entered at the Postofiice at Carson City Nevada, as second class matter. . Lodga Notics ORXISRY COUNCIL NO. 6. O. C. F Meets every Second aud Fourth Wed nesday evening at O. F. llali.l Visiting friends welcome. Clara Hawkins, C. W. D. Cottkell, Soct'y. tf HENRY HEIDENREICH CARPENTKIl AND HUILDEIt CA USON CIT Y, N E V j Estimates Furnished on All Kinds of! Work. Contracts Bid On. i THOS. P. MACK, C E DEPUTY TJ. S. MINERAL SORYEYSR Dayton, Nevada Briffzs House, Carsoa City, Nevada. i wni- i v or l FAVQ R,IT -: Tire. Life and Accident :-: T. R- HOFER Geaaral Insurance Agent, Carson, Kev A- J. MC G0WAN- Attorney at Law. Office in County Building. Carson City, Nevada. PRESCRIPTION mr.'il!,V:MH!,,l.!i;lU!ll!UIIIIHIIlllll.RI FOUNTAIN OFHEALTE yJUFsWAIi The 1'enobscots offer a fair example of what eilucfit ion and school training can do for the Indian. This tribe is on an island in the Penobscot river, near Old Town, Me., and still maintains its tribal organization, elects its chief and council, and makes its own laws, Although the village is no longer made up of birch-bark wigwams, it is com posed of attractively built houses, vary ing from a one-room shanty to the two story dwelling of the modern American tyi'P with parlor, dining-room, and kitchen on the first floor. There are also a church and two halls, in the latter of which public meetings and festal "gatherings are held. They have a sub stantial and well-planned schoolhouse, lacking nothing but books, of a proper and sufficient kind. Not only does the schoolhouse and its pupils feel this lack, but the older Indians are eager for good reading matter. History is their fa vorite subject, and next to this they pre fer stories of travels and accounts of birds and animals. Anyone having books which he would like to donate tc .some charitable purpose may rest as sured that they will be appreciated to their full worth by those Penobscot In dians. They may be sent direct to the Indian village, addressed Penobscot In dian Library, Old Town, Me., or thev may be sent to Mr. Montague Chamber lain, Quincy hall, Cambridge, who keenly interested in the welfare of these Indians -the original American stock. Boston Transcript. Sna A Beautiful Present 0 In order to further introduce ELASTIC STARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the manufacturers, J. C. Hubinger Bros. Co., of Keokuk, Iowa, have decided to GIVE AWAY a beautiful present with each package of starch 3old. These presents are in the form of condensed milk P-oR"BABIES"MoSi .Borden's Condensed MifkCo.,N.Y. Beautify! icfures They are 13x19 inches in size, and are entitled as follows: Not B 4 U Sleep Investigate the large assortment of furniture and bedding- at the Kitz myer furniture store. We carry the best and tha latest styles in this line, tad aajthinj that is not in itock will be ordered at catalogue prions. We also have a large stock of blankets and quilts that we are selling- verj low. So investigate B 4 U sleep and dreara of seeding away. Shirts made to order by Sam Colin. ice. "Notice is here by given that on or after August 1, 1300, the office, or room, occupied by the County Assessor situated in the county building, next door to the store now occupied by Joseph Piatt, will ha for rent. For particulars apply to Geo. W. Cowing, Clerk of Board of Cuity Commission ers. DOES THIS STRIKE YOU? "tuJdy complexions, Nauaeatinjj breath come from chronic constipation. Karl's Clover Knot Yso, la an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty veers on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 cu. and 50 cts. For sale at Nevada Drug Store. ? .l SVr.a-yivj -j mi-r lots in the eastern part of town. Inquire of Mrs Fox.. A Great Liniment. Dr. Benton's liniment, which affects man and beast alike, is the grandest cura tive liniment ever manufactured in the world. You have but to use it once and you will never use anyother. tf Lilacs and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. FRENCH TANSY WAFERS, the world's famous remedy fer irregular and painful periods of ladies; are never failing and safe, rejuvenate the system; brighten the eyes; restore health and beauty to the faded; French Tansy Wafers are the only reliable female rem edy in the world; imported frem Paris; take nothing else from druggists, but in sist on genuine; in red wrappers with crown trade mark. Price $2. Fer sale by all leading druggists, or sent by us direct on receipt of price. La Fraace Drug Co., importers, S06 Turk St., San Francisco. tn StqeWB SO COOKS'' 4 jarSflFrAWIKE ONEJMMM Of WITMiH WILL 00 ar my (man stakm. XituranjeR Brest? J Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. These rare pictures, four in numbt by the renowned pastel artist, R. LRoy, of New York, have been chosen from the very choicest subjects in hie studio and are now offered for the first time to the public. The pictures are accurately reprodaced in all the colors need in the orig inals, and are pronounced by competent critics, works of art. Pastel pictures are the correct thing for the borne, nothing surpassing thrna in beaaty, richness icoior ana artistic mern. One ot these ptures will be given away with each package of purchased of your grocer. It k the best laundry starch en the market, and is sold for 10 cents a package. Ask your grocer for thie starch and eet a beautiful picture. 1 ALL GROCERS KEEP ELASTIC STSH. uSSEPT NO SUBSTITUTE oior ana ariisiic mern. lastic Starch YOUNG MOTHERS. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers tieoauae ita outbreak is so aconizinp and frequently fatal Shiloh'g Couph and Consump tion Cure acts like magic ia cases of Croup. It hai :ie?t-r 'wa known to fail. The worst eases re iievrtl immediately. Price 25 cts , 50 cts and Jl W). For sale at Nevada Drug Store. A SPRING IN 1 HE FALL We are now in the midst of stock-taking and as we go along we are striking numerous broken lines of dif ferent goods; as we come across them we dimply throw them on the counter and cut the prices in order to entirely close them out. We quote you some ot the lines that can be bought at special bargain prices: We have jumped down to never-heard -of prices in Fal and Winter Clothing. HANDSOME GOODS FOR GESTLE1EV JUST IMPORTED Ladies winter waists-75c $1 We have placed on sale the balance of our Ladies' Ready made Waists in Flannelette and Cashmere eftects. The regular prices to these were $ i 25, $1 50 and $1 75 each; to close them out we have reduced all the $1 25 qualities to 75c each, and all $1 50 and $1 75 qualities to $1 each. Special Closing Out of Fancinators Our entire stoc; of these goods are now offered at c;reat ly reduced prices. We have but a few left now and will offer them as follows: All 50c qualities now 40c. All $1 oO qualities now $ 75 75c " " 5oc. " 1 50 " " 1 15 Special on Wooleg Hose-35c Each We have placed on sale our line of Ladies' W 1 Hose, ribbed, heavy quality, the grade that we have been selling at 5oc each, now reduced to 35c each. New Styles in Underwear and Men's Furnishings. LADIES' KNIT UNDERSKIRTS - 35c Ea To close this line out. we have taken our qualities of Ladiesx Knit Underskirts, closely ribbed, all colors, the grades that sold at 75c and Si each and have cut them to 35 cents each. LADIES' BLCK HOSE-lOc Ep During this sale we will offer 50 doz. Ladies' Fast B1&' Hose, seamless foot, spliced heel, regular value 15c each, for loc each. Special Offering ir) Blanket Sheets Positively For Tjiis Week Only PA- porTL. We shall offer positively for this OUC EfdCIl wes,k only 50 pair of White Sheet Blankets, size 10x4, worth regularly 75c each, at 5oc each PIONEER CL0THINGST0RE JOS. PLATT "Leader of Low'Prices" ST) r'ATTFX T "Leader of . D. LUllrllN Prices Sale Agent foar Buttcrick Patterns IJAT LOW - Bullion & Exchange Bank - Carson City, Nerada. Capital Fully Paid up $100,0 X) DIRECTORS Evan Williams, Charles E."Maek J. B. Orerbon. AltrecChartz H. M. GORH.4.M, President RICHARD FCIRMAN. Vice. President G. W. RICHARD, Cashier G.D.OLIVER, - AssistaMt Cashier. TRANSACTING a jeaeral Banking Business. Deposits received. Buy an Hell Exchange the principal cities f the United States and Europe. receive prt; attention. Mininf stocks bought aad sol Bullia4 QicksiW?r an sI4. Carrent acnts solicited w In45Tidal Fi'ms, Companies Banks and Bankers Int-tst Paid ea Time Depf '