OCR Interpretation

Weekly confederate. [volume] (Raleigh [N.C.]) 1864-1865, June 08, 1864, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86077149/1864-06-08/ed-1/seq-2/

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Ooce More.
Wear Uksu to tak iu tho matter tf "ur
rti:V i the habeas cotpu by our ueLih'rtr
?" the Co nrrr'ttiee, wh thinks twe have dona
tV.L.-.ii.! iM-o very jrreU injustice. We are
v-ry ure of fhin.i and tht is tht jus
tjck : a how the last drst rblo th in;r for the
un iritr f tint bodv. if thy or their friend
sh-oid lt omsult'd.
. . - - - ' . " '"'
l.d im hnv, if "ve tiav in auy wjmj
;n -r:rcMf rftd tb "lVrH i ial Liberty Bill,"
lv th -it h i iy : it wa the oflsprig
t ic. N iUiiiiia.1 Bayden. of whom Mr. llol-w-o
ui&uy Liiuf.i aid he an &b"'it:ouoit
ol a l"r" the child tlirfnrc. has ail the
pitmi. i'uiliUcs, which arc ubn-xioos in
t'r- father. It was introduced by hint jut in
i r m Mitiitr th.it a cute" but not over-srru-;i
3-.1nk.ee would do a snnrt trick.
J;i Le-l-iiarc La! 'l'jleriniui 1 to a ij nro on
M-.-rv, I; wis now S.turday iwrnii;-' it
r-l';iioi tw 1-thirds of toe Iliiie ij t tiin
ttiis i It r. .ugh. in th course o' that dJty,r'f ?ny .
da.. Mr. B 13-den cunningly waitoJ unitl
lu.tuy ui uikf of the mi :or:iy. had left for
4ioivi hid left uudcr thn impression tliat .
no ii.tpji-itxnt meamr-i would be urgvd at
I'it period t)i the te.-hion. With Southern
ii i.-ula n'in this w is a legitimate s ippo.sit ; -;.r
i: w 1 nut so with Mr.' Bovden. It was
j "Hut w-eeirehini(Ctd. Melae ) notice, tha if th?
J war should be iu progress on the lrt of January,
1 lfl5; tj4 "lum'd be a conscript, h be ifiiM ...
!. wbeH GArVi 8wit4. bim frnr etrice b rot ;
I retail iwg fiiu to fettle fi arcoaaU, we sbaJI du
i iiiifcre to tbield biisVroin tbiUQankee blleta.;i
Mr. Hildeu s kilD,madou hii'own dirt,
ltH hi? awn bauds, an4-barr.f with bis Awn'
fire, a; a spcim?n of hi adaptation U !wt
kind of wo'fc which mnbt "whows up". thQ
aa'hor. It is a fiuUhtd execution 4 ded
traitor oti a gallowg af?cr thirty miuut&s
hinging, is not more v fiied.ThU i-thc-grave
view of the Mibject. . The Jncular side
; of the picture is i r resist iblcstbo fnoy of h ing
! Hovernr.r. We, ,Goveru?r,iaK! rt shield,"
' Ac. AVlicn E op riothc! Msaas in tho Lion's
j .-kin, and saw tho o?d fallow shake tho Lion's
; ruauc, J.U own Lon'Mrsrnkiii by the sara
1 proems, it t ckf d sT, on, that au
Luuid h-ivft r.o laLw'i coiiG.it. Dnt when
gwnaertr to K;MHjorMirij;!of C'.t;
Kha TBarntv to bfrBnsjfir Geual, k
From tbe Dispatch o Saturday.
I-1 enejfmeT.t of Xbiii'slav evening onr
liccfis was ooiaplete." : General S.?ly, com
nifindibg Eell's corps, attacked the enemy's
rtfcbt. driviug them at all nuiats. and cantnrlnr
mm"4,f Golrfon'Hj brigade. Thee J priboners, iuclding 12 commissioned
W rrorootw weir rarnod and wiH nm. ! omcr . 1 "c;al dispatch froa Generl Lee,
I f'i th. hrAft ,.r tk- , . , , ,CUC',(!U 1!"c "ie same mgut, says we drove the
j tto hBnl;,'be8nrice. We hmhuri enemy froa Turkey Hint thebv gaining an
Wo, thai .Oil. Qriiueshit been mde Iirira- j "popant position. A nigbt closed in'on-in
We knnw.nn nffi r m,.u. llV 8Ce?c our 5n rested npon their arms iu
dier General.
serrini? p,i r. t i H 1 "f". uYing gaerea nut small low, and
v puutcuiucui iiiiu.i ?uc 1 'llitvrr.
4K?eji c.n.aero; ny ail his oiuaoifc)...t!Mt he 1 A d spatoh from the hattle field. dted at 0 i -V Pa,a
had won'niannimoVrin 1 . w.. c!ock. says: " All eoes on well. We renul.-ed ! Rfe .s,,fs
r.. , .. ' " J the enemy with ease, ii.fl'crinir henrv lo. in 'nuthomeil
. 1 rilli l 1 ' I nnPPUAll'O llr! u'a n w. a
. Hill's
our knowledge ff his military w rth, we re
&r.e to her of hi advancement.
The enemy was repulsed
seven times by Andersen' euro
There is a further report f th Dromotior, of I JL?? C,mjr' back at ftU
(, n i , . ' . anu rem?iinei comparative
ien. Hnn.m. 1 bis would be an appjintinent ly quiet during ;he d iy. It is reported that w
i pf'culiarl v erateful ra the twjile of this Sn
! ln. Ransom h-ts mad his brigade epeoi ally
rennrteu that wo
took 800 prisoners. A Cabinet officer, who lpft
the from ut oneo'cWok, sayn that General Le';'s
uieiui in iNrth (Jamina: and Kiir hrill tint in ilia l.,.it)n r:i.3 r -
-- - - - 1 viuut - uuiir; ui l if u 11 illiernt'Bn, II
j and still tiidVd know his own time, but still
; cor tin nod to in.agir- hiiusflf a Lijii. -op
! lr ke out iulo actual listritj, an I the j. k 8
h i.I liro tn have been iho'd-'ath of him. We
i Je! vejy much the samo affliction of niirtli at
! U.i Mtnifar effort by Mr. Ho!dons similar
r fancy, and similar expopure.
f " We sha!! n-t 'shield hira from yankee
, ;wll-u." lr. llolden U ivt likely to be ap
! applied, to -by any one as a shield from danger,
so as long as recollection is retained of how
-light a shield bo agrJed to the ladies of his
! wish to hear th-it all omt hravand teroiorep
j rr?eititivo$ in h field could have their rc-
ward. ' (in. Martin and 0lonel Cjs and
i Clark, and nianv others t)& krMiwn to us
fr Nonh Carolina can boast of a'proivJ array
of merit-in fe's armv and Johnston's, iri
! which, litter f if off and less heard of. CIe-
man and h?s associates have been weathtng
their own and the br-w of -the" State with im
perishable laurels. -' "
. i
Pwss Dispatches.
n.ftnuficturd. it won'd h ive beon foithcooi- I Tt" re is a scrsw untpiestionably hxc in the
net ffrtnter.
j management of the affair at Plymouth has nt wIilJe ours wns iairnoulonly slight. This i
iKn surpass! in the wr. Jn.lewJ wo ouuld I ooc3r!icd b statemeat of our army eor--:..u
u -n l. rcspendeat An pxeited eon-iep who came in
ye tcrJ iy reported that 2oTt)0i) dend YfinkeeH
l;iv in front of onr works, ind tint one fi-ld 1 f
fte. acres was hter!Iy piled with d.ad b-ihes.
j r.,t thJ u:c if ihiugo rio'uptc 1 to his shrewd j own fi,m,Iy' 0,1 aD tJCCi,)n wen, it he h id
cMchIu:. IU had guested how many had I any m'pr of whch a shield could be
.My K-ftfud ascertained the number ! Rufictw .it would h,ive beon forthaoaa-
h ; . .,.,.! o.iur ,1 t, put through hU trick It I ing' ! !'rcrve thosc who had a claim to be j J"9n
tUlier. an after-thought whTiMr. Hoy- ,' smcl'Cfl r mdeness and annojancu, ev n if j lres8As
do, Il-Utd iadthU bill in hi, packet ail itC hin' lh j f !' W 7
I i : . .- r - -i ii. - . .
i the 13th, ho played ho shiklu," -.y
dintely retiring Jrom th limine, feding that
we tr?rt' no qe on Ike premises"
j " W? will n-d HrKLf " That's truj ; for if
j bullets shou! 1 ever come abnnt, that shield
1 1 u id Leeo prear.'l by hiuj,
t' m x t'- 2'i tsia a very cae wh cli he had
h'dt .wir, u cMita.l; aid tU o'nject aud
; u j -v if j -sil!e, to produce a collision
iwrtwee.1 t.':- S-a'e Governmeat and the Con
fjduraicy : and advauU 'c was taken of thp lafc
hou-a of t!i-3 sessun to put ihruugh this act of i WOuld retire ome premises where it would
di-tiuct and nnequivoudl ul!i5catim. De Mie anna5 u wei,t a-tearmg' to the Ci-v-
ernor s mansion, end in at the bick door, wheu
Gov. Vance was the proprietor, in the event
that that were its own place to "han? up," we
don't know where it would "tearaway to;" and
besides it would perve no useful purpose; for
if we were adv.ineing tovards the enemy, the
"shield" Wou'd he behind ; and if we were re
tiring, it would be befor : r.d so, useless all
the timn.
And this is jns one of the reasons why we
oppose Mr. lloldcn that the exposure of that
scet e ought to satisfy auy Mian who .sets anj'
vaine on chivalrcu? and courageous chancter,
that an appropriate representative of thee
qualities is not te be found in the chief -actor
d th.it scene.
T no la.v uf Congress rcq rres the officer to
in ika a retin a wi.hjut brinin the body of
tlw pJi-.so:i. hvtld in custody, ;ind "as to wh m"
t!' tA'jcui corpus has issued; aad it pro
jio'tee th.il ivturu sufficient, if it aMoges the
ai r. .-.t to h:vu Leoii made under either of the
iius;s set i'jrth iu the act, aud theie'ip n f tie
jii-jcwxlias viall cease. But tiiis b'd of Mr.
U"j den enacts that any person as lo whom
h writ of L ibcn corpus has buun i-sued and
j rvc 1, wh wiliuily fails' or refuses, w der
h. iv preie ice whatever, tp obey the mandne
thereof, -jr ih-orders of the judge or the court
j'io.-ci'i, v; sij.i!! guilty, of a high misde
n it-. r, a; 1 bo BjcvI uot Icn thin one thou
sti. l doti ii' a.i I imprisoned not than one
.eir. X w i,t us tjok at the npeation of
il. x ut: We a-;;1 say that Air. IJ.yden
pp';.s to J i le Pearson for a writ of Jmbeus
;r;mt to lo Jiivcted to Col. M-illett, ordering
s o ;o hrin th j U ly of Tubal Calu. to show
i-i. why hy i.s lvitaiued iu th custody o;
t'i.-id Uilleit: Goi. Mdlett is served with
thiN v, it, in 5 rjluni-i there 'i !'. b.il CUin is
:o ny cusv .ly tinder tho ordor of the JSecre
t t.y .it W ir, as . pers ui charged with tre.isou
i. '-i:ot ivi C if. I Si Uns." flare is a re-:-oii
i;i -.u. i t c i,fjrjHiy Aiih the act of Cn-v.-.
a iiieioUjj.i by virtue of llut act,
o U-j IVarso.i should suspeud th pij;le lins.
ii.i ilr. it, yd. ms billsiys, no CA. Millett
mu;;c bring Tubal Ciiu bjforj the judre. It
tranHmts?ion of Telg-a-ns to the members of
sociation. Yesterday, Sunday, the
ived by t4egrufi'i from '-Richmond,'
full aee u its of the same which are published
; in the Ilichmo -d papers of Saturday rtioruing,
the 4ch a?!-l which we received here twelve
hours ahead of the telegraph, of-4he battfe
between fTen. lce and Grant, on Friday the
3rd. These dispatches wo ought to have
received n Friday night. We received aho
on yesterday, dispatches fro n New Hope arid
Atlanta, dated dun- 2nd, which onght to have
been received oa Friday night. And We copy
U) day from ihe Petersburg- Express, dis
patches of the 2ad, from both those -points,
which have nevr been sent to us "at ad.
Are wo members of the 'Association. -j
We were at the convention by proxy,' aud
certainly pay il.e rates. Let u have the rows.''
We are ask-d the new's sixty times an h ur
during working honrs. : Let us have all ?g -ing
We call Mr. Thrasher's attention to tliT?
delir:qne..i:y. .
The, Kaleigti Men.
W regret mo?t eincerely to learn, that Lt.
T. Sidoniu Lemay, is among the killed iu tho
recent battles in Virginia. We have heard none
of tbe particulars concerning his death, but
understand that positive assurances of the fact
have been received here. Lt. Lemay has been
in the service almost from tbe very beginning
of the war, and has borne the uniform character
of a brave, faithful christian soliier and geutlc
Capt. John C .Gorman of the ec od N. 0
Regiment, we are also paiucd to I earn, was
wounded some ten days ago, and fell into the
hands of the enemy. We are rejoice 1 to be in-
Funn the Richmond Examiner of Saturday.
tuis ny he regarded as a rather extravajaut
awtion ; but thnt thoir loss was very heavy
admits of no doubt.
- In the obnrge of Thursday evening, Brig. Oca.
Lane, of Wilcox's ii vision, was severely wound
ed iu the hip, and lirig. Kirklaud slightly.
Tbe inquirer says Gen. Lane was painfully
but uot seriously wounded in tbe groin. J
A special oonesp dit of the Dispatch
writing from the .V kittle fi.-ld of Cold Harbr,
j dune -3d," savs:
Tois mjruinfr at daylight tb. ennmy assaulted
Anderson's corp (Lrnrmsr reef's) in the ceu'm
with areat violence; also, Breckinridge's aud
Hoke's positions. He reoewed the assult
seven times against FteUls and Kershaw, of
Anderson's coips He was beaten back each
ttme-with a loss that has no ji iradel, exce.it at
! ii. .. :. i . tt . . .. .
ou-y ivnoi.t i ur-. Mouse. ju(le d,tlie oattie
is but a repetition of that of 8p tsylvania,
with this important diff-reuc-j; " Our owi- loss
is almost increuiruj small.. Anderson's loss,
iucluding Hoke's, will not reach 600
The enemy assaulted Early also, but only
once, and was repulsed witn Kicat loss.
'ihe euemy gained a salient iu Breckin
ridge's front, and - bWd it for a few minutes,
but Finnegai.V Floridians swept them back '
like a whirlwind. Our troops geueral y never
follsihl better. ' .
The enemy was repulsed at all points by
10 o'clock, si r:ce which time there has been
heavy skirmishing only. - , -
Ilcth's division, of A. P. Hill's corps, nobly
sustained itself, in' connection' - with Kodes's
and Gordon's divisions, iu'thi masterly aTair
"..-! . ..... . .
vur ioss, u issupposed, wui toot up knout
tliice hu'-:hed. II wics and Gadou canturcd
To the Sheriff .and Tax-collectors of
Xo th Carolina:
The following- is a enpy oi to much rf an act
passed at the lat Mvwn of tbe (Jeneral As
sembly -as relates tc the currenqy in which taxes
may be collected : .
Sbotion 1. Be it emictrdly the fSrnr nil .Usri.i
fjh of the Stale of Xorlh Carolina, and it s hereby
enacted iy the authority of the same. That nil
taxes due to tbe Ftate or counties and for crhool
purposes, or taxes tor tho-poor, all payments
for entries ef public lvds. ant all fines and
forfeitures for rh ue of the Stares or counties.
rr Treasurr notes of tbe Conffder-
under rive doilars. or in the uew issue
by tbe set of the Confederate Con-
d the 17tb of February. 18G4 and
! ; li such d.ip may be paid durinrr the nrevent
year in rhe ni l tssar-s of Confederate Trrafiiry
notes of tho denomination of flvp dolhirs up in
fifty doil.irx, hoth iucluive, !es thirty-three
and one-1 bird fer ceut, lb tax imposed by the
act of Congress
.1. lie it further enacted. That the act
ratihcd July 3 i, 1861, entitled 44 an act in rela
tion to th payment of taxes " and for other
purposes, and so much of section second of tbe
Ordinance Xo 33 of the State Convi ntion, rati
fied2Jih F binary, 1602, as directs the receiving
of Confederate Treasury notes in payment of
taxes and all ofber dues, are hereby repealed.
Owing to coni derations explained in my Iste
report to tho General Asenrly, onr Treasury
notef of ls denominathn thairn dollar are not
exchanged for Confederate notes, hut these
change notes , wiil be exrhar gd for North
Civ-din Treasury uotes of larger denomination,
or f..r joorot!s from cur Srate horeis On pie
isentati u by you or any otlo-r per-on nt thi3 de- '
partmcnt ot any amount of our i.ot. s above a
dollar, or our due couoous. our change nnt fr
the sarue amount will be-exchanged for them.
iTL.?. - i A .. .
mis excuaijge way oe UtvCted through the
ency oi me ouuiueru .kpres Co.
DesfKKATK FlltJITlNO ,,y J ...
Cnc ojntku with lmiAsiy '
fu'lowins in the G M&lmn' Stat, t i J 1
Mav 'Joi-h: 'f"nU t
A priv.-.te le'ter frm n ofri.Ar;n
C. K glment. UW that RniMM,,rV 21 '
had been in twn d-spera o -ngir,,, , Ji :
the enemy up to the f h Uy t- .) 'rk
they w-rc oppd U Burnside's tr fiv
one line of our tf-np drove back fvV' a '
the enemy near SpoNylvania C)urt l"' '
afer a weary days march and no sle-n r
nights. Our men were so k... ..p uft.
voe eneuiv s work nni..i.
;l-re wi.l, Ct. Cibb, CapV'wni.fi.?
Lt. HoIihoii. JJoth parties fought d ,
Onrn:. dubbed tl,.. Y 7
muckers, and tlicir gallanr oOi-vr- V
the onemy's guns from th-ir ,.ln,i' ' T '
ihrmont of their eutrenohmnt. An l'" iH'
the ureder of the enen.v. '
Near fi. rinanna Ford. Rtniseur',, t.rU
bad to contend with Indian m,)
toeOjibwa tnbe, from tho State of ,
.mil n r iin.n yvn.x..i
, . v.HmiCkJ :1 number ot b ',
uv-ckasmsAMd other beade.1 work
Mncc ths letter wns written wa lem,
U..t.X IV Whitfield h is been J
D. . Coob wu.,ndcd. All t. e casuahi, :
can now iIK)rt from the Second.
June 2d, 18GL
Tubl'ic Treasurer.
Tor the Confederate.
fOTK R ...The Subscriber hnv!n? nrait
V r,.fl K'wtorof th?UH Will and tr.?,;,
or RJwIn S Sander,, decked; hS?i"l
persons indebted to lk e8tre of aaid dec-, 1
U l3iTd"to P"vwnn settlement, v j, 'rV
er .ndalgcc cannot be given; and m rZT
htvintfclanm against id estate will LI:
hem for pauaent within th- tim L bf ?l
a, or this noti. will K i-a t Tr; J,"l
covcrr. TLi the ih' da ifV; " tfj
if ir r.'.
Pitt Count t.
Court of Pleas and Quart SeioQ-M
Term, ls;4.
Henry SheppArd. Adm'r of'
Jos. A.
icppArd. Adm'r of)
Williams, dee'd V
in thX0th X C. Tn-.s during the bte
engagements of the army of Northern V,r-
pinia up to May 20th, 1864 :
Field ami St iff Killed, none. Woundefl
ooi r m farKr severe in side. Missing, adi't iMtri Outer of
P VV Arri2ton. ' ' j Jo. A. Williams, deceased, f
Co A 'Kiiied, 1st sergt L M
I. M Howard Hi.d privafo J
del, privates J Boiler Ufg amputated
land in head, W S McLemro
.lohn Miles in shoulder. J M Kellr in K.n.t notiftdnsr the said defendu,
MtRsir.?. capt R F Williams, scrgts Johnson I Ze nrl n:xrt and 've-. Jtc., at tSe ne
S Pase. W,,-! - TSiriur::' Foreman and
acicnuinu in rins cm-, ar non-resident - of tt ,
severe in Ivz. tfon h mide for nix wek In (ha .... ,. . .
live hundred of the enemy's mui, an 1 Heath
Li coupln oi hundred more 'Hit e'n'jmv. let
over fifty of their wounded in f-ur hands, to
be cared for. Among our ca.--u.artie I h.nv to
njcution Urg. Geo. Doles killed, and Brig.
(Jen. Kiikland Iiuhtlv woundctl.
The conduct of all the troops engngpj iu this
aiiHir was excellent ; but thut of the Stonewall
No contrary to general expectation
lite rumours and excitement ..f the eveoiiig brigade called forth the approbation of every
prcco rw-i had piep.red the p'nbiio' mind fur j oce f -rever silencing the sl-mders which, for a
formed that his family has received a letter from
is a high misdemeanor iu hiui not to do it ; him since his capture, and that his wound is
aud hoTng a duty wiiose neglect is a luisde- ' not ftt a11 ser""u3- We hope he will not long
meanor, it is a contempt of the process ol a
judge, for wuich au attachment must issue,
."hereupon an attrrchment does issue, and a
Kin-riff is sent to execute it, and Col. Mailett,
under tie fusilier oidor of Goeru!ueut, must
'resist, ur by subinisoiou aakuowlalgj the iu i
hiiiiy of the Coo.e Jura w ( verumeot to maio
Uio its otvu.nithuiity. Jf ho resist, the sheriff
nil! iummou lib posae and CoI.'Mallctt his
oard and ibis is collision to be followed
by furtii r antagutism, when the Governor is
.-allod on u employ the militia to aid tlie
sheriff, an 1 C l. M illett calls out a regiment
m ouppjit tic vcia:n2.iL And this is tho
.uitu !o t;w;o.ls each other that Mr. Bjyden
woaUI bring to- eop!'j of this State ; for let
ur people u Li itauJ, that this militia, and
ttiv ri.nou: of Cju federate troops, that
vii:t 1 thus bo brought face to face with loaded
litles. woukl te all North Carolinians.
And how is the tbing to be prevented ? We
.s tt is. state of things may occur, without
iiiv possibility of a decLiou by any tribunal to
or arrest it. Toe only -remaining qus
lion is, was thereaay persoiaI liberty infringed
m North Carolina, to such a degree as to re
.jijire this uadisguiodly hostile legislation
against our own Government ? It canuot be
asserted. On the contrary, the Confederate
Government has most studiously deferred to
the State judiciary, before acting on the main
pirstiou which provokes controversy ; and in
a few weeks, when a decision of the Supreme
Court can be had on the constitutionality of
the act of Congress, the question may be
settled. For, if the at be sustained, the
matter U ended; but if the act bo pro
i.ourxed -unconstitutional, then the citizen
is not left unprotected ; for commissioners
woru under the same solemnities as judges,
i-oiind by the same obligations as judges, it
tiLg as judges, these commissioners them
selves beiug our own citizens, try the dlspu
ted cases, and if they are not discharged, they
are delivered over for trial before the Con
federate coon wherein a judge presides
who is as much a North Carolinian as any
other judge. To this reasonable, sale conne,
hi r. llolden nd his associates in the passage
if that bill, prefer nullification for we repeat
it is neither more nor less and as we said
before, i f Mr. Boyden could - be tbe detailed
officer through, wa the collision is to oc
cur, wc should heartily desire to eec (be ex-perim-nt
ayed. of trying the ttreuth of
the Confederate Government.
remain in tho hands of the vile enemy whom he
hates with an intensity equal to his devotion to
his native Southern land.
Capt. Gorman has been in the service from
the very beginning, and until the time of the
fight in which the above casualty occurred,
has been several times wounded, but none of
them of a serious character. He possessed the
confidence aud esteem ef his brigade aud divisiou
commanders in a remarkable degree, aud was
often selected by them for the accomplishing of
difficult and dangerous exploits, in all of which
he succeeded. He "is one of the uv-st correct
and thrilling writers of events on the battle
field, and our readers will miss much by being
deprived of the interesting Tetters of " J. C. G . "
We arc glad to hear that young Luige.e the
sun of Mr. W J Lougue of this city, has not been
killed, aj reported on yesterday. A dispatch to
day reports him as captured. W"e wondered '
when wc beard that this youn;; man had been
conscripted and 'sent into tbe field; we can't con
cicve why he was not assigned to light duty
for which only he was fitted. It is a great
relief to his frieuds to hear of Lis escape from
death -, though he has tho ruisfortuuc to be a
i prisoner.
j The War ews.
We give in our columns this morning, most
glorious news from Gen. Lee's army north of
Richmond. H has well nigh used up Grant's
I army and if he offers battle much louger, be
j will be exterminated.
Johnston, in Georgia, is wearing out Sher
man, and Beauregard Butler's forces. 'Hie
day breaks.
tnc news oi a so-iek -i oattlj I uj in.. iiir
of yesterday v u:nere-d hi by. t!a r ui and
thunder of arr.il ry. Tho to ind-was terribly
grand aud exciting.' N-ver xv:j'. there - heard
burr such tre'iioMil us artillery firing it filled
the heav.-ns a:,U the very earth seemtrf to
quiver beneath i s heavy roar. -From iive
o'clock uutil nearly tea it.was.ouc lapid; in
cessant peal, the guus belching forth'their
thunder in the most terrific spirit and'' with
areely a?) interval of five seconds. The
j s.,un ! tv.us qui.k'y caught up and the city was
till j'!r it i i:iri r li.iiii- 'o n ia f- a.-! . . tl...- jl
urci, battle ha'l net t; -joined by dxi opposing
fcjoou uune the tidings of victory. The
hour of anxiety was passed. ' Abnif- one
o'clock came the first bulletin from the front,
announcing the most signal success of -our
army. Tiiu despatch was official, and was
tinted "at the front, nine o clock." The tol
lowiug is its report : .
"AU goes on well. We repulsed tho
enemy with ease, inflicting heavy loss in front
of Hoke and Anderson, aid a ioriion of
it: in,. "
II a ri. ir 1 A . . I n 19 I 1 t
nutn;rv, in. no in ana Herring,
privates Allruan. Butler, fin, DeH, Howard
Hutchinson, - Jacksou, . JdiaMon, -McKerzie.'
Pope, Reynolds, Tindal, Taylor, Williamson.
Killed, 3; wounded,, 5; missiu, 2U.
Co B Kiileii, none. Wdunried, sogt T G
Shearin indiand, corpl T W Shearin tvere iu
tl.i jh, privaten Buff in arm, B P flavis in ab
doincn, G W Harrhs in breast. U H Ncal
severe in leg, M S peif.am in foot,.! A. Saint
si g in shoulder, 0 Walker in hand. J L
Arlington leg and captured. Missing, scrgt
J D hjueariu, privates Khun 8 Kiggan and's
A Uiggau. Wounded, 10; mi.-sing S.
,9V c Killed, privates Telgii.o, Wonst.
Williamson. Wounded, ourpls Smith and
McDowell painf:l in hand, privates Klutta
paintiii in i ce, Mooie iu arm breast. Dickens
prtin ful in wrist, Cress hip. MisMog. Iteut d j
R Swiiin, rsit .1 Mihkin. corpl Marsh ill
privates liune. onutliT H'okmaii, (Jolemn,
Miller, lnsJWd, A L John, A M Johnson'
am:- rtenctrun. lviile.Tf-rroutnit-.rri m-i
rrg VJL
Cj I)
T.rn. nrtdii r.v.. I.. I . -
be granted agatn.t thetn.
j nne 8-19 wt
the Jail of Caiawba.a dark NEGRO m ?
Hugh Carlyle and Geo. H.vidrson of OeofM
v v n i m .V ,J- 1IL'TE.V, Jailor. '
gewtru N. C. April 13th lrtf?t. a-?. 20 1 -w;-1
OrflCR Or TIIF hi TKB ART ltoif p.
.. Ua!ii.!i, Mav 2Sih,l.;f.
Th9 rreddcut and Dir- t ra of" tho .tt ra' -I'
and, huring made diatribution of th- S h. ,J
Fund, have directed the following ta' ulr rj i: -ment
to bo maHe, showing ths Spi injj itrib i
tion to each cnon v.
The amouot of aid diet ribation will br n.ii,i
th ose entitled. tnun ant)li.a tm twl... t. - .
ot the Fund, on or alter tt.i 1st day of Au".t t
t nn - . . 1
lucre is now u sll-'ht nau- in i'.
-.nr. f
artillery duclliLg.
'An'dcrson repulsed the enemy sc- tn linv s."
iVivabt advices from tbe battlefield received
about the .same time confirmed the iibove. aud
j stated tiiat tue euemy had beou driven and ro-
pulstd vt ail j otuU that Field's division had
. . ....
repuineu tnem iu six attacits lli.it parts of
Breckiuridgo's and Hoke's divisions had re
pulsed them iu three attacks ou our ri"ht
near Gaines' mill and that we were drivuig
them at ail poims.
The accounts we have been able to, gather
were meagre and fragmentary. The battle we
have summed up in a word, was about this :
The enemy assaulted our lines near Odd
Harbour, but were repulsed at every point,
except Biioiridge's front, whose lines they
succeeded in breaking and capturing two guns
ef a battery; killing and wounded fifteen men
at the two guns. Our men were soon rallied.
however, and drove back the enemy, with
time, have darkened its nh'e and blood-bucrht
clauai uou the national affection. - . - -
Awng rtec x;sot5ci3 captured were repre-sen-t'aiivea
of f oir regular regiments, inchuting
the commndi!ig officers of twa of them.
Ii'iring the evening id' yesterday Longstreet's
line Was heavily engaged in -akirmishiug, and
just before dark the enemy assaulted Hoke, on
our extreme-xigbt, bur were gallantly repulsed.
About nifiht, whilst Geu. Wd'cox was shelling
the ground near MtCh iianV bridge, preparatory
to occupying it, Brig. Gen. Lau was wounded
severely in the thigh by a cliarpshuoter. The
enemy are unquestionably picking off our Geu
erul olhccrs.
lt is also said that the enemy were most hand
somely repulsed duriug the day in frott of
Rodes and Iieth on our extreme right. The
slaughter of the eaemy has been quite heavy,
some put it as high :h ten thousand. Three or
four hundred wiH cover our list of casualties.
Tbe situation at the cloie of the day was this ;
Grant had made violent efforts to turn and break
onr right, but had been most successfully re
pulsed aud the Yankee army heavily punl-died ,
our men holding almost every inch of ground
and the Yankees gaining nothing. Lke Spot
sylvauiaC H.; it isa mostdisaHtrous.aiid bloody
check." Butler is said to have united with
Grant, aud some of bis troops are said to havS
been in the battle to-day.
We learn last night, from an official sour c
tht the euemy s column remained at Bottom's I Harrell iu Imim!. J Little severe in hin .1 tl
' I.Olln orr.a ;.. Kn.l lU;ii:.... 2.
Killed, private Y F B nlv. Wonn.T.
ed, privates W JI H M re severe'in shoulder.
R SH hs face, Jerry Batlv arm, Je.c A
";immicmi n leg. mi.Miir, fl-irpiu Ferrell
and Thomas, privates Nichols. Lurnb'cy, J H
Rosrers, A V King, Caswell, King, Edward.
Killed. 1. wr untied .4, missing H.
Ci E Kilb d, S-rgts Wells ami Henderson
Wounded, capt McMillan severe in arm and
shoiddcr, corporals Deinnsev Mcvt-ro in thi 'h.
Benton in baud, privates Bostiek severe in leg,
Cavenau-ih in kuee, B:avley severe in mouth'
J hr-twn, severe in head. M lpass, severe in
nead, n inxl severe in abdomen, Murray in
hand, Wanton inarm, W B Teach v. iu le. A
a vans iu uai'u. .Hissing, corpl Tierce, pri
vates Bragg. JN Edwards, Hunter, Hamilton.
Jiiauaid, rarKer. noer, JJ. It. 8uicklaud and
Juckc-r. Kill-d 2. wounded 13. miasm 10
CoF Killol, 1st Liout G K Harrell. Ut
sergt VT Whitihurst, privates Price, W G
Crisp, Wm Wonnoek and E Dickeus. Wound
ed, capt W M B Moore dangerous In breast.
z-x neut & k Moore severe in abdomen, sergt
Walston in ankl, c u p Pittinan severe in arm.
j w-rgt Cherry severe in leg, privates Burgess
j io h ind, Corbitt severe in hip, Eagles, in arm.
;e, j L fklwanla severely. Forks' in hand, K T
The counties of Clay, Mite hell and Tranwlvan:
will receive their share from tho couuth-a 'out
Whie ir-eiijitpx-etirtiv formed, there h.ir
Lie been no report frn-n sai l oA.tnu. one.r tt,.
act u, Ass.-inbly. ZKUCI.ON li. VA.Vt.'H.
T, ir . r 0 IV-sident Ex-OiLcio.
iw. It. LitruE, J., Secretary.
Bridge yesterday, and that there was occasional
skirmishing during the day irith uo important
We hafe some additional particulars of the
affair in Chesterfield county ou Thursday, an
nounced in the official dispatch of -Gen, Beaure
gard, published yesterday. Our line of bkir
mishers advanced about 7 o'clock to feel tbe
Cnenry and ascertain bis force; and moving
forward with great spirit and impetuosity, soon
captured the enemy's rifle pits, from which the
Yankees fled in confusion. Over a hundred
prisoners, representing commauds from Connec
ticut, Maine and Illinois, were captuted, and
quite a number killed.
A eovere artillery.engagement took place iust
after the charge, between a section of Pegtam-'a
t m.a. a . . . . -
i ' i u'uv? DacK ia f nemy Wltl1 ery and a battery of the ej.ty, at Vtrrs
W (i liaa an unnaiil numhop iF All I I n A I 1 . t - . . .
. . r wui vjuinj- i ccrveu. auu me nre was sniriieo anu etrecH
rals wounded. Among the number reported
to us we hear of General Lane, wounded
feeverely in thigh, shot by a sharp shooter ;
General Kirkiand, slightly ; General Battle.
very slightly ; General Finnegao, slightly i
A dispatch from Gen Beauregard states that
matters remained quiet on the South-side yester
For the Confederate.
The Editors oT the Progress and Standard
express great solicitude about - the corporal
; condition of the poor, the indigeut ot this
! State. Wonder if their anxiety has ever taken
j a tangible shape like that of the Dutchman ? ,
now many dollars are they sorry how many
kind acts have they extended? " Their charity
t I 1 I L . - . - . V . .
i ois unuru w uc souitrwnat, on me pnansaicat
I i- tin z .i i . .
oruer. vnere is meir singleness of IreartV
double certainly seems to be the interpretation
thereof. That they may be knowC W
of men for their much speaking "m.
Is uot this sudden ' ebullition 'Zwnf1f
another hobby upon which they wistrto rido
to "political glory T" We have known tho .
worst men at heart utter the; most noble' and'
j beaitiful seutioents ,'1 axdi-fieud himself
will utter honied words, aud, bend insolici- :
i tude to those about him, if he has an object
From Western North Carolina.
The following iteim from the Ashevillo
' Jftuii 5-iltow rlnirli thai 1LT - ir..U,. l:
Tho battle yesterday aud the evening before ! . , 7 u , " f v -was
a desperate and bloody one for the enemy ' U,at he W!Stern Nrth Caro iaa io
They were mowed down like grass, as they j ,he cnsu,nS election, are all bosh :
charged onr fortifications. A gentleman who I The Henderson Times, edited by Dr Wm
has been through the war tells us that he j L. Love, has hoisted the name of Gov. Vance
never saw a held so l.terally strewn with dead i , its choice for next Governor. Tlie U mes
aukees. We hear of several catimates of ! is the organ of what is known as the Uonsr
their U. but the most reasonable one, and ! rati ve party of this District and ill Tacthou
vf0?11 WH Wa60Ver the indicates very cle.tr! v th&h note
feld. thinks tUt it conld not have, been less candidate, Esq Hnlden, will be "left out bi
tbaa x thousand m killed - ami wounded. ; the cold," so fir as that par y rs concerned 1
Onr im wm onmiHni Mi. o;..i.i . . .. ""tu r1 y S wincernen. -
iUk V i J , 6" ' l.uuf,'OI; vveare not in tbe line of prophets but we
ignhane .by us behind risk little in predicting that W H SdS Jn
be the worst beaten man that ever wanted to
be Governor,
William W. Holden furnishes the onlv in.
; stance in the history of this State where a
breasV works. It is thought that it will tint
eiceedBome five hundred id killed and wound
ed. A great portion of onr wounded were
but slightly injured.
About dukUt h.the no..din T ' fl:8 L. " i i.0M'
renewed n tbe direction I. the right f Mel lifSlUWt' The
cl.n.cvJl., and contained for . half hour or rrf, frofn ".tea, to stern? ffl fad with llr
P rJ-'hme COoU 1,8arneJ of il- ! locating Mr. Holden fofovernor !
rarite8 who came in last nisrht
army in fine spirits. - If lhare sa - - AliWf5,- -,J .u:
-, - ----- 0 . . uai III 11113 UUUn
1'here was
roii THE SODTHSlliE. - Wwc do not know him
considerable sktrmiahimV vs- vL " ; . -7" " u :" , . 7 I"'-
I the5ouths,.le, hut ,Hb,? ws j H.,,,1(.n, ut j, w, ,h'.y aie
1 i it
r fine.
A Ladt Fbiekd
Little severe in hand, Phillips severe in arm.
E Staliiags severe in thigh, U D Sfallings se
vere in leg, G Suinmerliu severe in breast aud
diieh, L Woleton in breast. Missing, privates
I Corbitt, W S Crisp, G Hathaway and G
aiaorey. riiHed, 6, woUDdcd 16, missing 4
Go G Killed, corpl biimore, privates J
L Crawford, W II Harriss.S R Wilsm.
Wounded, 1st litut J W Badgett severe in
head, 2 i J T Ful ford in arm, sergt W J Bad
gett, privates S A Collins severe in hio. W
F Crews chin. W P Slaughter serious in leg
thhih head, W G Connell. Wounded and
captured, missing sergt Dean, privates Dicker
tarn, Chutch, Franklins, BP Harriss, Hamme,
Merrittr Killed 4, wounded 7, missiug 7.
Co H Killed sergt Morrison, pri votes
Jackson; Burress. Wounded, 1st heut H J
McNeil Ue vera in leg, 2d iieut Jackson in head
severe died, corpl Mathews arm broken, Un
derwood iu leg, privates Cole in thigh. Black
wounded and captured, M C Loyd severe in
breast, Lynn head, Mclver hip, D M Mclver
in hand, Nason hip, Rogers iu head and
captured, Taylor severe iu foot. Mission, capt
Wicker, sergt Mcintosh, privates Hornaday,
Campbell, Cox, Center. Green. Horn. Kina
j McFarland, Srarns, Thomas. Killed 3, wound-
UI IO, lUlSMll 1
Co I, Killed, capt J C Harris, privates a M
Joyncr, Richd Daughtridge. Wounded, ltt
lieut R W Arrington in leg and captured, pri
vates Jetbro Culpepper severe in lez. J M Bone
severe in breast, J D Manning in tbib. J M
T;i :n v.a i n u: i . . ' tz
iu ucau, ii j mgeuec severe in breast, JI
If Winstead mortally. Missiutr. B Griffin. .In.;.k
C'rickman, George Winters. Killed 3; wounded
7 ; missing 3. '
Co R, Killed, sergt Jas Lee, sergt R B Weeks;
privates S A Johnson, J W Squires, J N Roaa,
J M Alexander. Wounded, corpl W I Rusael
in leg, corpl B G Nichols, privates . J L Dickson
in heel, T P Duckworth severe ia abdotaso, J
H Nelson in face, J M Pierce leg broken and
captured, Jno G nail painful in hand,. 8 D
Alexander in hand. Missing, privates Wm
Sample, Geo Dunn, J S Smith, .W n Adkins,
Wm Adams. Killed 6 ; wounded 8 ; missing 5.
Wilmington .Journal, Fayetteville Observer,
and Western Democrat please copy.
Act's Adjt 30th"N C T.
Neatly executed at
. Neatly executed at
Conn ties.
1 Alamance,
2 Alexander,
3 Anson,
4 Alleghany,
5 Apbc,
. Beaufort,
8 Widen.
0 llruriwjci
10 Uoncomw.
11 our, -v
1 2 Cabarrn.
13 Caldwell,
j4 Camden,
1 Carteret,
1 Caswell,
17 Catawba,
18 Chatham,
15 Cheiokee,
20 Chovran,
2t Cleaveland,
22 Colaraboa,
23 Craven,
24 Cuniberland,
25 Cnrrituek,
26 Daviuson,
27 Davie,
23 Duplin,
2! Edgecombe,
39 Forsytbc,
31 Franklin,
32 Gaston, .
33 GaUs,
31 Granville,
33 Greene.
36 Guilford,
31 Halifax,
38 ilamctt.
39 II a v wood,
40 Henderson,
41 Hertford,
it Hyde.
43 Iredell,
44 Jacka-ou,
45 Johnston,
46 Jones,
47 Lenoir,
48 Lincoln,
40 Macon,
30 Madison,
61 Martin,
.52 McDowell.
53 Mecklenburg,
51 Montgomery,
55 Moore,
5t -Nash,
57 New Hanover,
58 Northampton,
59 Onslow,
60 Orauge,
61 Pasquotank,
62 Perquimans,
63 Person,
64 Pitt,
65 Polk,
66 Randolph,
67 Richmond,
63 Robeson,
63 Rockingham,
70 Kowan,
71 Rutherford,
72 SanansoD,
73 Stanlv,
74 Stokes,
75 Sorrv,
76 Tyrrell,
77 Lnion,
78 Wake,
79 Warren,
0 Washington,
81 Watauga,
92 Wayne, .
83 Wilkes,
84 Wilson,
85 Yaakin,.
86 Yancy,
jone 3 110 d&wlt
Fed. Pon.
h son
12.9 6
6 8S3
18 062
8,468 .
. 7,457
8prin; 0L.
c;i y
1, v;r
to? ; i
jrir, : ,
1,411 t;
Lis: : :
1.3-sl 27
1,04 II
SJ1 Is
1.4 ! : ;
l.i VI
1,930 .'.r.
, cn ;
1, t;:;t 7?
744 i
1.7R6 f
7o 17
1.503 7:
1,54 9 M
1,393 21
1,311 o.
90 fC
S10 14
2, 04 '2?
137 72
l,77d 71
6"j3 s.J
1,15) 2
89S 14
79 22
1,5? 61
629 CI
1,51 45
507 4
943 3
74 31
673 61
676 32
9S4 St
. 7C7 01
1,715 09
804 41
1,211 JI
2,043 i
' 1,238 3
8CC 7
1,732 C
900 5S
676 57
1,062 $ ;
1,475 31
441 17
1,875 67
1,026 24
1,546 91
1,652 f4
1,512 f-r,
1,234 21
1,0S 1.2
fcjj 4
1,031 oi
1.14S r,.
500 34
1,314 :i
624 ?
571 37
1,65 4'J
967 31
1,17 5
SS3 23
Lead Mine Interest for Sale.
PANY, notwithstanding the property is tbeugbt
to pay a heavy per centum to toe ttockholderf.
I invite gentlemen of capital to examine tbe prop
erty. Mr. Wm. Kohler. the agent, will five a.j
lbe"necc4sary information, or they can call a?'1
pee me at Hickory Grove or Poplar Camp, ia
Wythe countv, Ya.
aib 2S-52dIt-wit A. CUAFi lX.

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