OCR Interpretation

Weekly confederate. [volume] (Raleigh [N.C.]) 1864-1865, August 24, 1864, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86077149/1864-08-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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A. M. GGRMAX k CO., Proprietors.
A!Vi;Ti3EME3T8 win be insorted at thhis
coLi.4Kt j cr ffjnsreef ten lines (or lew) for eaefc
injertieu. 1m i isge notices and cbitaaries Rill be
chargdsj S'lvertireraenU.
JfJl5 WOttlv oi overy description will bee
ecutrd st this Oi'lice wii dispatch, and as nestle
a chu be dece anyaheia in the Sonthera Coa
nVlLV EDITION, for inontl
, 9
... 3
O 1
TIU-WSLKLY, for 6 months.
. "3 "
WEEKLY EDITION, for C montl, ,
5 I
X'iOicription? will be receded on any other : 7"iT 1
termthan the above, Bor tor a longer or shorter j ' (JJj Ja
NO. 30.
AY r.r.ve aot ceairoeat nor do we at pres. j
lEtfnd to ca4WCBt aa tie ex'racrdiaary
, . .i .u.n. ,t K-2.ii.itir n- from & late .nntur
!f &,me aotarietv, aad the reply therein;
L Vaae.'a ri of this Un. W. ,r,
a'., forth, prcient wit!. , olititt--ifficitr.t y !
duae Me.8irj. The questioa .ow j
:s to
:.i..(!..t..,f tke ren5i.in;iis- iurc or
r. 4 iu3 o
cmao.wa. Wt are eu record as to the pr-r
mode of di:g vu'hthe disturUag events
of NTtfc Caroline. Wn.f at eurtrlve on recard
befr- the flection, and we stsud hj the V.t.k.
If O- r. V-iac c:ej to th work w hva ir
dicatsd, and the JaJgei of North Carolina do
Yasir duty, H questions of dilneulty wi'd b
fpeedily traubferred frero out the limits ef
'crth Oaro'.iua.
Wf call .ttteatioa t -dy to further atrocities,
pab! ed in t'as FayetteviUc Observer atd
I'sJsil L'ci rt. and described, tfeia cue ki f
Aaother awfal trajy," aaothT a 'Dfcer
ters v -ti:s t elections," sui a third Us "Tu
b'e ia Wiikes." Frar. ttie it prs that
tie tenure of Yjy lif ia Nrth CArolin is
brittle the "pidr's taott ittenr.;sd
i rd. Nofiir.i i more comtaa o
i .i
. I
ih fetiaoting dowu of i-yal citrzea-. F-ur 1
Morc in issue fsur in Kau io5'a ia au
o'hsr. Xvrh days af:r tie the 11 kamea
not giTen oae huudrw arnsd ia n appeared
in M ore c-junty atd rote, and to! all tke
htt: waj, anJ all for their a!!y. "They were
aiiuri dc sperde, &nd the pol-hvI-Jer$ did
eo. iare to refuse larir Tdtea." "Fiftee er
tweiiiy -Rfn, Uyal i'ltsadiaj to Tte for
their eyntry and for Got. Vaace Wtre d-ttrred
from Ttii?g at one bx by tbr?e trmd trai
toif." In JbB.isteu. tighteca r twenty artd
de.-ert-n cinae forwiri and Tate I,, all agaiast
Gar. V-tnee.' Twenty d t same taiug ia
r."ehi!si eounty.
Aal in Wtlici one hundred perpetrated tht
twm wruj FHa upai whose lire a fer
frit xist, IjaTe the Auiaeuy thus to ietiuda en
x'wi i?jitir ite right of su3Yga id despoil it -j
force. A we'i might taardcreri. thiees aud
burjlrs l-rra-i jil and aeii? the uaiiot bux aad
depo;:te tecic vote.
Aud aw n the same county ef IT ilk 8,
C3?tf f.'iir or At; at itz rejuUr trop3 aad two
or tarce of the Howat Surd were killed by
And nt tatre are in tTT:t St!e a Lieutenaat
G!iirl wita fail eamaavid of all th rcserro
fv. , an exoellsat oSic'r rcvJy aai preps red
U fa nil h: daty ta ih" utt-rmat: ai aa
A-at Q nerAt "ur t, c ju'.rIle! by aae
f te !Jet iul mt expt-rieaced officer to
be faa l"m tUe Vd rmy freai Ncrt'a Carolina.
Ia tae face of these proofs on which t9 rejt,
w put tee ciu-itisa . Is there ta b
peac-?, safety ia Ndrth Cra;iB;or i agia
t'uu, aaqu'ut, lawiessue.'i, Tioleace and isurder
t9 raa riot
Will Gar. Vnca mtet th aaaaiiaeaf ro'ci
f the forty aad thoj tid tosjrUy, who a?
brae birn as a parit ea the ehouldcra of a
tra- loyx'x sutiutat, and crush out aw, at
ai.ee aad for erer, fth pestilential iaflafucss
which the pep! H it rauditei? Or will he
aaia see tat viper? tarsed, ?armd, brought to
life again aad agata, rtirg t!ie eace aad
harmeay of the State !
It noaJ but a word'Cro'n hi:n, ar.d at arm
el lus: will iprfag t-j the succor of law and
loyalty ie the State. Hie proclamation dis-1
ti'u-ily dfiaiag the line of true citizenship,
will obtain the almost; ubaaimcua coucur
iet.es ottu eatira State. Witb what cn
tempt he aad ail gaod men mast-look Hp a a j
cer.sLin documant, Vhieh proposes for it
thr to deByjance politic il affiliali-Ti ar gm
respur.deaca of any kind with the Diftruc
tiTe?."' fr that audacity vrbich ssarr.es "t
pot the Dstruetire outside the pale of asao
ciativti,' aod which contiauea to stir the tar-
ty cauldron, let him give an earntst,and sixty
th.:asiiid ut the fraeman of North Carol ioa
will stand up again in hit support. For our
orn prt, we hop to see tba work comple
ted. We hope to sea North Carolina made
again the safe bji9 of paucaful loyalty ; and
if there ;s boiv in the system, nr.arrtw ia tbe
Unes, muscle end fibre in the frarsft, Aid
faithful red Wood iu the veins of tbor. wiio
wield and control the destinies wf the Suu,
we, shall have a force-coup! iiug iaHatnce
that will conviuce all tl.e csijchievous cle
met.t of tha Bc$sity u' subordination and
lyyalfy. -
Desertion will be ended agitation will ba
stopped life will b sacred, aad a pura at
luorpbaie substituted for the delstericus mias
ia which has settled aa king over th State.
Lt GtiierKor Vacce but speak th w .rd. aad
to his standard will rally sucf ao array o(
lovaltv as will fimt bis standard mrc liijli :
an,; advanced than any Governoi in the realm, j
Lt him drive deserters te their dty. a?.d j
coBnel adhesion to loTal allegiance, and he !
. 1 . " . .1
wiil take position along side oi Davis and
Lee, and go to posterity as one of the repre
sentative men of the Republic. The tide fer
him is at its flood. Will he take .it?
Auother Awful Tragkbt. We .. leans
from the Fayettevillo Observer, that en lion
day last four of the Reserves of Handel ph
county were shotdea.1 by a party of deserters
lyirg ia ambush near Frankliusville iu that
county. This was two days after tao similar ; countrv aud ntrve their arms ia the tor of
occurr.rcec in Uoare county, of wh':ch the ; batik -aitieutart
waregivea ia oar last. We aid i CcruI the "ote of the 'patiiotic part f the
n,t larn the canes of tkVfoar kiilad ia Ban- j oppoci.ioj (for ron;a of tbcai -re pstriotx) he
dolph. . . J taken on the question, ahali Jeffersen Davis
Bfol tht GOTfrnmPfltS but the AdminilirS-
Siuce tL eUctioB fr Oweraor, some of those
" "t sctive anj tj.l.M in W
l Prccu" d Va.ce. by
Vn,ug the bitterest things
c ...-.-vM.,t-.,.,tuiSl
ar bow ende Turing to ".ur up their tracks,',
by s?ii.g t 5 t they h ive never deaonaced tka
gTernMr.t, either. Stii r N'atioai, bat tn
the ei;irsry re their ttuest ui bett friends
aad that thwy )iily inveighed agaiast the
asii r.doi':nisrutin of the-- gTcramen!i.
Now Vea if, ia the sup'erabuadaactof chari
ty, ii b? accredited to theaa that the ceasarious
axiA n.aligaa&t attacks made by -the a were
prnsa;.ted by all tbi patiitic impulses which
th claiai fcr themcives, yet tboy eaaaot
dray, that j time of war, ta appose te mdmin
isiration f the government, unltss it be il;y
ef treaJ:luLl j-vactices, is to oppose the causa
of the c,-ustrj itself, by throwiag iutpeimeats
iu the way of iti success, and aesirtyicg pub
lic cor.fedeiTce iu it iategrity, ability and effi-
j erenfy. We d- not mean these who criticise
psrticulur isea?re9, or who detect aad poiat
out Abuses, yet ia the general jield to the ad
miuistratiui ef the gOTercment, civil and pjii'.
try, a, cordial support. Bat we meaa these
wh habitually spcuk ill aad T?rite ill of the
government ; who caa sea noth'ag but evil in
the future, and who querulously csrapl;iia af
very hdy and everything. They khovr htw
to ceasurr, to find fault, to scaadalize and vili
fy; but hare never learned, and fraia their
characters caa nevar learu hew to approve or
applaud any thing cemiug from these Uiy have
schooHd themselves to hate. Their sole
joykiaiit S'ifls to be ta give pain acd scatter
aiaim aad distrust nraong their fllow-me:?, is
order te graiifiy a fell -pirit ff revage for iaa
agiaary or rail slights aad iofuries, aad wk
lavish abue grati, satiifid with the pleasure
tkat sbuiug arTcrJs.
TLeie ar-s .tii.-r not scidejnci:sfr.iivc, per
il tp, but strike at what t!i"j suppose to
bo a more efit-ctaal way of arcusing distrust
and dis4t;sfactioJ with tre U&vernmeut ; and
t'ney direct tbeir blow at it credit Its cur
rency aad birrfs by declaring thera woith- !
less ar.d thdt repalu'ioa s sure tj fol-
it. They ars not ppcftd to thv Gc-
trnihe it, bu; sr? iu bst frisds, wbicb I
tbvywiacM by ci.dftviiriii- to u:ke tne j
people bt lis ve is biwkrjpt ia pure, a tbey !
iiesist tho d:m&rfr4iioa of it is ccrrupt anri i
. " r j
war..'.ig eri'..r.ency. !
Ti; clated f wiii-.-h wa bve bean sarak-
u;, tra fur t'e msUpirt 'f a type tf the
a rob-traitors Ai:dy John.B, Parson Browu
k. v, J'..rs B.;iU:r t le'.lrr?, mean.
Tueir deluded foiiowora arti- for 'the wost
: -ri, iifore &i?jud aaiust thin stoning. Wr
pity those wh.) have been iin!na-i upa aud
deceived by black-hearted traitors; ad tre
feel sure that moat of taem, c.vincfd of
thair vi . ted aid unpatriotic dsi'sus, will re-,
tura to true allegiance aa 1 gaod citiztr.saip
But ths recent elc?ien in Xor'b C-r-dia
fhsw that tbf cppur.eii! t the a,mi;udr4
tioos of ths Suta and Cafrdrate (lovtrn
.tacnts comprise bu: an iesigr.ifi At portion
af the prop:? - and th army uf Xnrtis Caroli
na; and it i rapidly isiinishirrv n number?
the sac-p?j of wur arms Tin licp.tfs the wis-
dom,. aaiii-y
rttinis:r!i as.
for all v!i-;
an-f en.-rv of
It is therefore a
t:j.s ad
reod time
'save jiten b.iiilei iato
psitin ? tj ii tl eir factious courve and
cunie iTor Ij h.?.r:y surtrt of th Pr?i
deai of the lVt 'eacrcy aud th Governor of
the State, in th-ir elf r:s to upho'd and maia
taj.i the cuse of Suthera riih?s and the'in
depei.r?enc of the Republic For, as a co
temporary who has ireely' criticised President
Davis' admit. is'rati-m and wtio is a firm ae-hr-nt
to G iv. B o vn aad Vica President
StepVters' pltfrm, savk, the conduct of the
Govnmient, eivil an i military, has beea so
successful tbrugheat the pr-ssat year as te
convic2 tii3 awsi ii.ereduttus, tha the Presi
dent and is Cabinet are neither dolts or trai
tors ; but wise, patriotic and energetic raea.
The spirit of 'action, or tf disaffection nlon,
it would ?eeaa, could iaiuce man U oppose
suoh an Administration. Ia tiaaeef war, even
an iadiffereui AdminTstratiua is entitled -to the
support of the country, for au indiffrreut
Admiiiistraib'm, thuV supported, can tffect
mere af good thac the wiiogi and best Admin
istration, that ie opposed aud thwarted at
every turn by th spirit of faction and
disaffection. Iu time of war, transition from
opposition to tioveraineoi to treas n, i easy,
natural and very coratn n. It is the bound
duTyf evtrry god eitizsn, f ry pa-riot,
to taUe aud te maka occasi m to sp?ik wdl of
a Government whose m-asurss, iu the tgjrc-
'gate, are wise aad effi-neot. Neutrality is a!-.
. '. -.
L most treason silence a grave offence. Every
body is morally bound ta aid. so far as he can,
ia the defence of his country arid the, prosecu
tioaof the war. Those who can do nvLhiag
else can, at least, by defending the Govern
ment frem the assults ef'an ignorant and
factious opposition, cheer up the spirits and
encourage the hopes of our people, i educe
them Mil! to flock to the standard of their
aud Z. P. Vance re.-ign and other men be I
put ic ihtir places? we believe thy would a!-!
m st unatimcusly rcj c? the proposition, It- i
- i - f
cause they would prerer the . prcaunt ireum-
t , . 1 i
bents to any nr. tried men. !
"c - . . , , t
foreign cations-impartial observers vho
T"y uigmv trie cnaracier, lie.
wisdom and practical ability of the President !
AviSl have just can, to doubt our caparity for !
c r- ' - . 1. i , !
self gover.mrnt, 'when they see bow much ;
abu.-v j lavifhed. ijpoudrm. A. peojile who i
cannot apprtciaxe mcriis tf a go. jd Pres i
dn wi,-n t, kiv. l.tA .ur.- t
unfit for ?elf-overnment. Thus will foreign
er& tl ink ar d sat. But the oppition jre.
not th pefpe only a srrall nduoritr of tbe
people t iuc'mding in its ranks most of
the i;nor!ce, disaffection, and trrss-n within
the Confederacy ; whilst we adrtjit asd la
ment that there may be gxl and true men
inong ttiera
tvii i "i' I ,
" " "u -" ;
votive to the article in a lat mtiaber of the
re fuse.
" Tlie North Garolina Standard."
1 "
Mi. llolden in his issue of yesterday pub
lishes' Kn address under the above caption.
H j sets cut by saying that he is neither dis
mayed nor depressed bv tlie result of the Te
xt ut elections in thi?- State. Q-iere. What
icould depress or dismay a politician, who,
.is be tSought he was clutching the topmost
ronr.d of r?e lidJer, missed his hold, and fell
t-: th.-bottoin in order to commence climbing
the perilous height cfe .novo f If Mr. liolden
ha sp ken truly, he is certainly a most rr-
nwrKai i niAn, arc. tin? name win go dowu to
j ost nty ar.o be recorded in history, as th:d j
Be sid t! e cviuin .ii tortoise, or turtle, vras so j
f life, he .van clearly of the opinion.
that ii e; eor the order of testudinaia had hi- ,
I t t 4-r.rpped of! Hif.d 'If hvx.c was ios-tantly
sewwi batk, ti. - 'animal w-ndd survive 'and i
suilvT littie inconvenience from the dwapita- j
tion. .
ir Holdeu next assures the rradeA of tiie !
r . -v . i
bie-j a souu i . aud
r:c Couservad'.e :' over since 18G0. But he
omits to ay that he made Ilcrculeau efforts to j
split and divide the party. Me f.hould have
said this by way of vindicating the truth of
Liit' rv." Ro stivs, he never "fuie" i
with the" Destructive pam,"and tht nVdb- 1
it;g shall separate him from Conservative pris- j
ci pies, or tr-tn the Conservative pirty..' If h!
tivd bro?: 0!-ijatcd by ii.i- feeling six runhs j
fcgo. be wudd have Lv-eta saveu I ho Lumili-f- 1
thai of ti e most inglorious defeat any n':S'. j
ever received ia North Caioll? a.
- iUr. iioi'tt n says i.e sun i.n'.os tr.o sworw
r n it i i : ri...
in oi hand and the olive branch in
the !
other " tije sword f r the D-st motives.
, alio j
tu blhu brauch for ali g d aioJ true C-n i
s-r atives."
Aorth Canlina Stnndard, signed by the late . of-r. bus 1st two killed an J six wounded,
opponent of Guv. Vance. As we Jave to the ! Tho Sean fought nobly, but vjs overpower -,
,- , .. - . , e i and captured. Wc are unable to as-rtain
pub.ic th, offer to Juse, we now g,re the j t, Uimh . t JM h Tbe.Monrau rcceiv-
n! .me woo isua his p Hiticai h.?ad cut oil ar.d j low pressure steamer, called the rbuhpi, af
did i.ot fl-d it. This 'dc-elaration of Mr. Uoi- leajpted to tk advnntaeo of. tl. ex:i'cmcut
deD r.rriiids us of what a crta:n Baptist j and pass the Fwrt. but a 't di.-abitd ln-r and
Mini-ter told us when wv wore quit" a youth. killed owa man. Tn M.nsaan then w-ut oot
sajs r; thing about having a ) U-arn thnt'two of tlie enemy's vessels engig
'. iive branch " fur the er.o- eA p,-rt Pwc'l nsifidav," (Friday) on" tlie
sword " aud
my. Yo tbir-k we understand what he means
Ly the us'ot such language, but, .sti far as we
i re cot crned. we are cot disp.-e-d to aecept
ic 44 o'ivc hra? ch," uries.s he. who ten sers it !
givs ttiuiine p:o f of a:, hos e-t. d;-'ternii." a-
! .ion on hi? part to ysst-.-.n tho Confederate !
Government iu all r.&htfu! and constitutional f
mta. urts'fer prosecuting the war until our j
indDendeti'te shall hav . beer, established ; and
unh:?s hf. irive. the adod(dstratin of Gov.
Va:.o;a ctrdial and hearty support. The
Gmsfrvativprty Ins stistained Gov- Vance j
Ky tf e largest iuaj nty a.y man ever received.;
ii thetiate. f.nJ no man. is a g-od and true!
fVrsrrv.tire." who w.!l ui declare his wilf- !
i; jr.n si and pTTrpore to give his administra-
tion a cordial and hearty support.
Mr. ilohien says his views have tinH rgone
no.change with regard to the pr -jgecutwa of
th war ar.d Negotiations for peace. We were
in h. ties ho hud abandoned his Convention
heresy ; bat it seems not. He reaffirms his
faith in the Lech Peace Iirsoluthn.s. Bat!
we thii k M'. lloldeu .indicates a change of
mind on t e peace que-tion, ty puhiUhiug
tlie dream bout t-lie o urn tin of the war, that
appealed in the Abing1 n Vhginian.
Mr H olden sajs, "The SLaudvud will con
tinue ta be devoted to the rights of the peo
ple and to the independence and sovereignty
of the States but be save nothing about the
. iadf pendent h of the C,nf tderaey . We con
jbidei this rather significant. II? stys be is
"opposed to a dicttotsbip " or a ': monar
chy Ou this point we entirely aorree with
him, and we know of i o man ia the Confe.de
racy wh does not entertain the same senti
ment. . .
As the election is over,-Mr. II olden promi
ses to devote his paper to new, litteratur-?
ar.d science " Let tVe ' Illustrated Mercury"
look to its laurels. Verily, Mr. Holdgp is a
remarkable man.
Evacuation of Fort Powell On Fri
day atternwoii the enemy's fleet formed around
thi iittlewrk. and atier a long bora bard -n.ep.t
the place was evacuated, the garri.-on
esi.pir.g to t-he mainland after night by wa
diry;. W? are not in possessioa of the particulais
, that led to the srrnder of this important
Lit, which is the key to the lower bay, and
give the enemy p ssession of it at will, bo
causo. as soon as tbey dpen the psss obstruct
ed by our engineers, the flet can be supplied
by transports Irom Pascagonla Sound. We
hope tiu- r port, of the young ofScer who com
manded it, will shwvr that it was not yielded
while it was at all tenable. Its loss throws
the city back upon its inner defences, and
causes the abandonment ol the rc?sonahle hope
that if it bad been held, the fleet would bave
been forced to iua to sea again by the guns of
Fi rt Morgan, for its supplies. Advertiser d
Hyistert 7th.
Gkx. Wapb Hamptoh. -We art pleased 'to
bear tsst tuis gallant soa of South Carelisa,
has beea appointed Ccmander-in chief of all
the cavalry conDected with the Army oNortt
crn Virginia. Ne fitter eeleotien esuld have
beea taade.
The Fisht Btiow.
. . i , . . ,
we gather the fodowu.g particulars of j
, , , ,? , .,
the naval engagement below Mnbile: I
. . . . ,5
At about half pastMx in the morning the j
enemy's h:p approached Fort Morgan thio !
abreast, i r.e tirs-t line nearfst to U o
were nmnifnrs, the uest smaller vre's, au
.I .! I .'II . ti
n'tv'ru sni;'i:er- f
One monitor was suuk on the first at:empt,
an.j an ou bl3r WPnt dmV!)j t x,epr fl,ur min j
who were sved by taking to anna'dbvat and !
nmking ftir the fo?f. They repveseDted she j
"d 114 lT'ns, all told, on board.
wurini.jrm.ini a?8'tnat tweutv-tnree or
the enemy's vessels succeeded in runnii.g in.
As soon ss th;y were fairly icsid", they were
cut loc from each other nd the fight corn
nacneed. our vessels the Tcnnes ce1 G;un?s,
S-lma, Morgan, aud also the Fort Mirgau,
entering spiritedly .iirto it. It was c&i ried on
most vigorously by all of them for at ieatt
two hours and a quarter, daring whicu th
Gaines was struck seyt-Mton limes in l.tr hull,
besides sevrn times. id her upper wo:ks. li
jDg in a sinking cmdnio'j, . tiie man beached
j cd but slight injnry and jot viihiu range of
After the engaEcment. the Yankee ships
huddled .together some few miles up the bay.
The Tennessee was then uuder the g'His of the
firt, and alter a pause in the battle of some
ba'.Fwu hour, she steamed up, made for the
enemy and recommenced thi- contest, which
is represented t have been most lerriG It
lasted for at least an hour. During this ea
gagemeitt, her e-stack was knocke-i away
even with her de k. Her steering apparatus
was destroy? i. su that sh became unmanage-
II 1.: .--t HI. .
able, and the Admiral was compelled to sur
While the fighliug was progrts.-uig? a II tt I
and burnt her. TUv orew of-th i (ii;KS
nisde their wav to tba cisy last uigfit in :-mH
At abuut 3 o'clock h it evening a fbg c(
truce boat was sunt from t'r-e enemy to For!
Morgan. a-kinir permiwioa to lury their dead
af'I'ort 'l- r-.Tit:. and it send rUeir w.iuiujed
to 'Per.sacoia. N'
t bc'inz in proper n-i m, it j
to. Oll.fcis iuVs that ' Ad- t
v.ts not absented
niiral Frryut eeiit a message to Gen. Page
staling t-at Us had A:lmira.i Buchanan on
boarder it b his ex anipulattd, and ti.at be
uanud permission to i.m.-k the huts b tke
him to Ftnsrol.i. whrre his w.mnd would b
lu-tter ia-ed f.r thu ort b.ia-.d ol the sr.ii..
Pa go rcpotd that if ho would snd A-i-
.KrI B.icha;an to the f...rf. under parJe, he
ivould transport bin: ta Mobile. wber.i ha
would ret-eiT? all thr a! lenli-.n reuired.
N''dng iVas mv', known in rtpcr.i .f the
i -eof-PtV s lo-3 bt '.: C ll !Z oi r.ur.e, out
it is
! oenr-vally h
vfd by i ojc'who -prtic'ina'cd,
t't i; v?-is
v!T l.eavy tba? a: least 000 ' r
(y,)i y f-re k:!fed ;r wouuded.
Frra itf-rmation r-.c.ivc5 this cvnnn. we
j nrrHi side, ami had dona i) much dar.tag
j tj.p.rrt bir;g no guns mcurited to re pel
!.,u tiatk iron that -quartfr), that, the gani-
So bbwwd up all thert'Ork'- aud ?ot rafolv
off. escort r vouag man, (named u'enards)
who wa
s o.
i-r 1 - ii tii-i whar'. Th-y ara
now o;; th'ir way to the city .iiom Otdar
IVmt. M-MJc T'ibune.
L., .
Still HisrrpreseHtipg-
n the last issus oCthe Standard, we fnd a
wpttitiM of the pcrt,d" extract from tic
- . - , ' . , i -t
Richmond Enquirer, for which we talked it
acd the I'toyrfrs a few days' Wf .re the elec
tioa, cncerray peace nsgoliatioKs. Il stul
euses to publish. the paragraph -of the Sn
quirer whica contains the meaning of that
pspsr and the considerations vpoa rr.Iiich it
proposed th? discussion of the questian, ar.d
is its s'fe;:d puts into t fee mouth of its Editors a
proposition no where deductible from the . arti
cle in qnrs'ivn. It is no mere than weexpect
o that it ahould-muconstrwe aad pervert our
recer.t article on peace. It j romUcs to copy
that article, and will, we presume, accompa
ny it with ether such fsdr ar.d legitimate de
ductions as the critique eti tl e Enquirer 's ar
ticle coataius. We shall witho'd fuithcrex-
v 'sure of its disingenuousac?, till we ' see
what we si.?.! see." In the meantime we ardc j
that paper to poiat tut where and when tho
Confederate has under any circumstances ad- i
vocittd r expraed a willingne?s to 44 return I
to the federal Union ."as charged bfthe Stan. !
dard l Itmihtas well er df aver to peisuade
the people of North Carolina that it hl never
preaebvd disloyal and tretiionabie seidimetsts
towards the Coafederata. Govern-nnt, of
wiiih it stands convicted by fifty thousand of
aer voters.
Tin Siar.dard has all along coatepdad that
the war can ri.ly be bropght to a close by bs
i:ctiatLn. Of cor?e a preposition for le
ceastruction would be among tho first
submitted ey. the North. It would necessa
rily have to be cisenpsed, fer ar.ei agaimt,
and it would as assuredly be reje'ed by the
South. The Standard knows this, but it
j hopes to bide its former departure from loy
alty by falsely charging; the enormity upea
It will not avail. The peeple of North
Carolina thoroagkly understand the Standard
and its editor, and bare expressed their appre
ciation of them in a raanaer he caenot' misun
derstand. The comrruCtcation signed 44 Nutbusb "has
not the writer's name accompanying it, and.
is excluded under oar uniform rale.
Schedule of Prices in ,ortn Carolina-Coa-
Untied. I
Ia expressing eur dissent -from the fchedulu
or prizes established by ih- Corinrisione:s ot
sth Ctra..lii;a, fo' Atvust and S,pteub-r,
we hut 3 "ie!d to tke urgent solicittitis i f s tn'
rf the largest aud b t farmers of AVayue
coantv. In as sing those pricccs. tha Com
minion -s e m ignorant o' the frit and tem
per of qur pople or e.vi ice a rerklesi ri:si
tion to disregard them. Bc'ore th- sclv-dul-fcr
Aui-t tnd Sr-ptem'.Kr w as pub'isht d, tro
farmers of Wayne cocnty wrre aelliug tb'ir
sheaf oats to ihe covernmrnt at thr e b!iis
aud fifty cent psr hun-ired. an i were per
fectly sati-fj-d with thit price. Som. of them
uow dec! ire they .' iit deiire tnru, and say
they c uld make an indet-.'uJe:it fortune t
raising aad selling oats at that price, even il
paid in Comeder ale money at its preset value.
Ono farmer, who shall m namels for the
prevent, k.U1 ar.d d?!iyererl t ) t'ne j'v.rnme?ir
out hvud-H t Husand o viind. ri ds prri-Kl
cr.pof oat. at ;l,50 ,ents r a.h Irr J, ai.d j
thought himself e!l pai.l. iJ.it his iicighb-jr
Do a- r..f2in a d dt ui nds .teeN doll .rs and
Slty cents per huod.-ed, n t b. o-iiisi he lid ik
the oats wi.jt't that mrajey, hut sitiip'y b -oayse
it is th price esta liV.ed by t.'.e Cim-mifSloi.t-rs.
Thus the fairacr wko came for
ward, like a patriot an 1 honest 'tn-an, and sup
plied the governivut with n it when il ctredoo
them and conl i not prouio thein .vhcr;j.
loies.- by his patriotism anti jviiliugricss to an p
ply the government with .hi;4 spare pro.litf.
she suug iittiesuoi .X jour thousand kllars.
When this man lis proJao? or provid.ins d I
any sort to spur' herealter, the Coinnr.ssiou?:!
have taught hipi to hia.d tl.Hii up asd abl-.b-the
result ;V tluir next me;tbg, with th-.' ;.!
mst positive aura!ice that hi hoarding win
be repaid by hiuer trices. Wt at a c--n:
mcn;aiy tve vilojj ot .ur CvuitVitsaion
csi! . !i thai jd'ovis-o :s, or pro. e :uor. -r chr.'i
dag of any -son sb.-u!d Lr.v j bn advam-ed i
(irxe, in th- law uf m improved oorwr.y a--,.?
an nl u io.iiii iip. is itioie i'j.'io ve
Vount t r. 'Cirre.icy bldr." mmv bt- pavd.
frctii now tili thr d-.y ul j;a lgme.t, bnt tii,
C"tim;!Sr-!".J rs of A I jr ( ter?c t h.'T the
Oiin, ir. a ts.vcr;? and by a iis-op tV s-i.Uo f
tiicir '"5ti. whili rei.-di:tg theiaie!M mIimM
y over a battle of wi-, ficnra!:2- a!i l'.:tr
effects. In a:;t wi!i Co.-.rf,!, s: e!c to impruve
tin? cur:ci!cv, t v ttKiuMsui' in c:;( u!.;t:-f..
or by JO'.y ot!; i pr'.ws. wo.U ti e C"uaaiis
bior.eao tP th; Stuie a;vsj t'i? value .s'ellnl
oats at eig;;t d';;urs per bu-ibvU or cl bta!
oats at .v-veii Jofiri u'd fifiv c. :i' t'Cr b'dE-
' arc i-seei i':
Ill's prcpr'.i n.
Ttsts eircuialwu uf . v firrnc.y aug bieri
diaiiiii.-h.e'a by i.ue V;a'". T ramsiniu; half
ot. a be-ei taxd thiftv vr& aid on tkir-J per
ec t. We arc ype.tki'. ' ;osr'y, but appro t
:..!fle; the tiu'.h. Vza thrs-'! nii uth""
n-?nn;taufts the i? r.f cur cuvra.cy
.ihau,.-d o!-;e-third T'; prance of art
? crop k; , r'i". '-ir-.
laa was netr
)oC pr. n g
l r
iCt t M.4 iu our abi.;;v to co-. ou -r our tads
f jud-n i v. a.? i.tvci" before, at any p-rbul .f
he war, so firm or so r;:v?a!iy cu.'eruintd
'.i d yet router id! th s r.ro'ira'.dn;! rtod
,'?i'cumsta:.ces, rompli:)g men to reduce the
riee of provi-i. us and other ; o oijodit:.-8 s.d
. i wm c di -vMiitit yr a: d pnrsi ?: each other
id the government, v. lji-;b l ittrr ij b'-t
etnstd c, a1 lad, the Commtis,iof r bve
n a i?rly iiHTf-a-cd the f:r::vs of rrory iM.ir
hicv'i y'o'.f trtilPS th S'ltO'nr ce ..! aC
' .'M1; iua which art i ;d vn-i-'! n-.-.-.ary
. KUf port the yny. a.d k tie..' m o. tt'i.e'y
ot;r str'igg'ing govtru e it siiccvSs;V.liy in
, otio,".
V ippal to tlv orders -f th S'f to
: vkw their i-wn dire.-r, iwterert and riuty intu
' .nsi.hr::tioti. and f. divring th example of
. iw f'r r.tr of Virg:u!s, to rnM mf5li;j. at
nee, in evrytcwu and rotintr in the; S:,
- d resolve thatth"y will r.id fi 1 tr.vtir purse
-ii h a w rt bless currei-cy, ly d"Caii;lirig the I
xh rLi anr pr'i ta ssse-si be -the cvrnmiaHon-.
from tho gov rna:ent, or from the p .r at
iDic n.taoog thetn '
We invoke he prss of tlie Pdat t 1at
p this subject and di-cms it tt.f re -th"ir ra-
rs. We -a)fess oiir inability to do it ji:
'.oe. There are t'.'ers edit rs i- the fSrp ! -
hos- cducaliou ht;d h-hil of lif cmineully
, odi y them for the. elueid ti'"n of su'h sub
cis. But if teither tha frm iv, nor u,-diiors-of
t-he St -i I- to wh'un "e 'refer, dem
he matter Worthy of their- a!tenti"n. will
,ad:lge the crinc'itr-i"n lint wf have taken a
.rong view of the matte:', ead conM!q:i-utly
rviil case t; pro.s it further .n rub'ic atten
tion. Slate Ji. ur.ial.
Mobile 0 J
The Daliimme Gcztle xhUX A im r-.l Fairs- j
gut c w-ecrap'.isb very' little more than he
has doae, as the mia chaunel, fr a diatauc? of j
tvrc-oly hve 'aiiie t-eiaw ire city, wijHt aa-
init of the pavsace tjf vet-l3 drawing more
than ten and a half feet wster at the highcJt
tide?, and !, moreover, closed by a series of
pile, which are in tura coraaand'd by for raid
.b!e w-rk ob which gufis ef th heaviest cali
bre have been wcunted. The l?o?ton Ilemld
think that FnrrAgut's- desizn i to r.btain po
esiSu of Daupthia Ilad ai d M .bite Pr int, so
that the harbcar cau bs eaVctuilly blockaded
without the retention of so large a fleet there.
The Gazette has not much fafth ia their csp
tHriagthe city.
So that after all, the great Yankee expedi
tion against Mobile will prove barren of any
important remit.
Dkath of Col. Johs It. Mcrck'son. It j
will be recco!le?td that this valuable ofilrer
and estimable genileaian, Col. of the 8'h N.
C. Troops, was reported kijled on the Ut of
June, ar.d aft'Twaris well ascertained t be
only wounded and a prisoner. We are swrry
to be obliged to tate that undoubied itiforma
tion has been received of hir. death, which oc
curred on the 7th of Jun. j-j-'t a we -k aftw
he w waaaed aad o-if tsrJ. Faytitetill
orth Cnrelinr. Itfm.
Tkoltlkin Vilki.. '1 t-v Iredell Erprtss
has lisri Hi triut the tt ?"t-t to arrest de
srtfisiu tae reihU r!.M.l of Ti tp Hill , bad
quite a icvtb klrK:irl wuii..; h-.rje ntt:bar
cf thee m'crnits in thai kectisu Tuo
day and Wed.-, tday l..s'. fai" f mr or five
of Opt. II :M' dan's cjmasny ti'e rcntvled tv
have I era kilird, likevcita tw. ur ihrej of the
Home Guard. IT i) i th ta.se, i
have n.iicafv!) t oul t. this i trt.l v i ti
stst of affdis ia u;tr fig V ;i; o "i-ty.
We kj c-that fcViry n s ''. nvu wiil I e
liscl te sirive tksr wvire la vn W-.-'r? '
the Stale and - rtu.kr it . h l f .r tist..n t..
rrtUMi. V warp '. o. yr t.ru'.t t ,nj;n
t!a:i thai a f g: t 4.-Ui!y d.a Hkt j1a.c ai
that tUatros rrr c 'wj -l a to retro: with
the bsd gtato 1.
I)r.KRir:k- VoTiN.i at tms Ki rrit 'X --!.'
wa faiad b) t. o Wiisi:Mg:on J.u u :hw
f -'ar iser:er-, (oii:ird ai that p!;. er
:dh)wet1 to V"te at the Ut leiti :) (a.tv t o
properly ' think.) &ad th..l they voted f t
IIjU.ui, f c uo. We Iffirn froai relu'dj
f-aurcas that :n rc thi'; 100 d--s-rt.'rs a il r.
eusatt ecu script.? 4, i' ' Al p-l i at
tore-4 j rei.i.i. t.-. ia M. re to t iy and vuvJ fu
llolbii. Thv A'sr..- t-.rti" ej,-rvln" avl
the pil rmldtTsdi I tu.i dre t- u.im trci
Yo'es. loorilO Vanc-.J uu:i wvrs d't.u J
frow voting at tac b ix by trtv n-uis l tiai
t as. . Aloi pri.iCt in Jjiu.itMa c un'y j
lam taat 2 :nr.d (ttitj'a Votd for IU1
deo At one !i i i Kieiuu . i to mty :b.' :i
-0 d.'itrtcu. tsi n.vd ito ua4l, uop.tr.vl - i
votrd for iio1 !u At-vl th- 'orstr . v t
k:i that lr!0 d.-scrtrs v yt, i r llide.i -t
t ne rvtecin t iu Wilkes caui.ty.
iiw.v ujat:y k.UiMs o H t'i: 1 i J
tht ; were, in th- uf tii eiiot:-'.
L .).".'. aot. If
C V-h$ CO wf
.tlid I tf WfU I a collect in a
e.iv'i eati, vV thtk i;
wo .Id le. fchi'V.'. Urt v vi coasidfraab'.o
pri p irtiN-:--jvi i ', s ouu-i. a i ;n --ot .". .
oietf ca.-t I-t Il-'hl'!j v, ii :i.a .j:..
Trfj. Ch-?:v. . II -hfiiv. tltt diu oi I'
ri , i V n. h.is j i4f fj'.ur.ied .'..);. i iu .ta.r ur-
in; i ih c.:a a-d ia at ;Ui.i of L;... 1
n -t.-r.i-. It o:. l;,i,stw is ; : aiil irs:o i 1.
I'htier, vtitii ti .a:.'; :ur.-m ,j -.i-.t
;ii!i the r.'iii c-f tJi'es, eav-oti o .11
parties, Li:iiag -Jt'-n .r tj, ci;.t iria ; ao a
th : -SDia ni'-u':7. i-1'..ivr; ' a
a.n-int of sl drri prafrtv, h.id
a' at 20 huf .;. acd as & .u b I
ti' s''.i
ti'rc J fr.-m t he cn-my.
."iS 14...
'JL tins p'. c o;j xi t-ii r.s :
. t V
a o .ut
theiu ar u)i i:o'sr:ou eu .ft-oi'tceift, w-j.l
kno.Vf. I'd wiiuV of.h-e.t) and s'jMie't Ikic
AcUi'itl til-': i.itt'.At eiiCaii!
lera'Ll i roof t:ii;2 o-j r
; t !
Kirk'. ai.- .d. Ir. t'.in'ti :ht !.' ?v n k ; 1 -'.d.
.!ud (.a hi p4r3 p.pn f i;r p.ta J
i. r. fih; 1 .
T7Vih..i;j li.i'uir'r i. tiii i '!( 4 w.s
,Vi..U-. ? -, I'-ttv. . ;! I M) ;e-
. i.i.'Oiai, vr. ! k'-.n ; -:i l "
.)t'tg Hi V.'l'it - a.. 1 art l t
:'a ti.'.a':. A ro'f joV .V'jr.
ruiaiKrK (i,i"rr Vi fa' ; '
f; )ta, tii v--j' ii Gi'v-v i as I '.! i; -Vaac:
l''7, 11 )!.ia i. ' I: i lini.t"
(. W. Have is eicctvi i i faa ( I a d-s .
Luge !ujiiiy for i J d
a ie. A t.i t cilfe A'r .
Hyde county avs Vaa.r .J7 r.r.. t ii -i
dea iiix c nw t.
Mditoa cottuty wt Vaa;i II 7 J 1 1 U i
Cher kee e atcir, au fr 'as !ii-d fivia.
Sires V nce 1 tJT aui Ii!dea fi rus
SraiM-i C.t -.:: Tu: i sdtnsl it
Madison c--u?ty, 'viii -; th i Tm
liue. I' riant'. rel p-tvii-u t tf.e war a j
Cot -70 Wors. At t!j coftiu-nfra. a
the sti(t,ri'rt thin littie prr vu :t 1 )7 -n
it.to l" fi.dd, brav.'f. hirdy, af.iv tn at i'
eeri. Tnr re t o" ovr oni h t id 1 ur
diAo made sj Vy tV" W4-, a?i4 t v i'y i
vidnws.tn thi' 1 1 m t t nrtil,,,.iut, Vet ihtrj
is n t a lis'oyal .nti or w "n'i a miz i n.
'1 iie fi: of pitriita h tm i- hvi.t'v a,
tiit ont.er. r.' 1 no c ;rr.uarii
i. hfvi io.-. !. V' rt-tte i d
lust, and ovivoj i th ') .r o i t itj t'l-,'-1-urta
'I'.'s vrorr.vi ( ' d tufi, thra) t
i'dlin u;:ou tK-3 rruu ti'M ;'V t mp;ie;
t'.i?;r little mr, chrer fail y i ? -t -T 'd1 un
n.r u'
til T i i i r i id-t, I i-
tbars acd brth-M mar h-!; hi'-t tat '.ft
of ffae i :i.
(5Miiar I -v tt;
i d ii.ii' v f vl f
of fa-o.oa. ubcai i ..r :f-rrr " o t u a-
f.cd aj ' ii : a-r-o! n
lttir ; : r t h.a r.-mm-) '"'U-i ' f rt'
tuee ; .'H it wi .r-!vr ra ! a '!
wora, ...ioe ! S-i a vv .nv-.v a .'- ' l-;id,
ar th'? ' -' i t '" 'Jii- t
V.V ru4V i i, ta-d M fa tv ' i .
" (.'r-fk v d V. V fii'K V it-V 4 .1
lb !dn '-.eft: AW a n; t .Sp.-in ' .
Ash'.vi'lt Xeics.
AxoTHL.t G.m.la'st ArrAtit Tnr'a
rur kvj'c, M's- s. O'Comor, Vr.- -v1
Lary, dsy or t-i ajo. ii: th' vi.'. Irr
D.ep Grdly, t ar N.wK. rn, rapt-ire I t A-oit?-
ya n K thor u -Tr
Tri ii v.
Wull d i;e O'h nr.'r i r--dtr I -ol i ii'
on tho V.o.Ve trii'A aroun 1 Nwbrn. T :
is no4 th? firt ner i!e t.Tet.ti.'di ex of h:a
in thi.- ri ri e of husin--'i. ts tin i:"t a A p ;n
cfliccfs in c .msiand bo!-.-.v kn-.'v. 1: 0 ( u:n.ir
and m.-.'i o:.co t-t their cvt n a Ytokf",
like Cr ' -t:e;t5 c.oale tui :h. as well crua
down. Wnen hailsd in du? t.rm h mu-.t
surrender or dio. Iiscape is impoib'.j.
Slate Jv rvil.
Gkv. McC ok lnAD Tl;c Ciri'.iar at Cow
inerciaf of ti e 20:h antiiiuncvs the 'death a'
Gen. Daniel MrC.rk, lit- r f Sin rman's army,
andivs: llad.ed at tho rhl-nce of hit
brother. Gd George. W. UcCo k. iti Stanb.'n
ville, Ohio, lWi o'clock, p. t.i , Stit.'.Ly
last. It wili b rjjtwmV-r d f'itt b s it
t)iroo?tj jviif eV-i- te riht i boulder, it. ih
asy.fijc op.n K n e.i w u atotam, ou e.:7th
of June. V hen tt o U'riibiefiBturcof ih: w. .i j. 1
' is r-ii sidtK.l, iho ve ndor not tint h . ifi
ccad, but that ho fire-; I 85 long, trivehd s-t
far, ana was 3 liopeful cf recovry. 0

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