OCR Interpretation

Democratic enquirer. [volume] (M'arthur, Vinton County, Ohio) 1867-1873, February 07, 1867, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86079037/1867-02-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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What it Means.
' A viry oommon exclamation io the
TrflMnrer'a office, these days, Dy naro
'nrViWor man noon bearinz the amount
r.f thnir utab is.? What does it mean?"
We can tell our hard-working friends,
who have been voting the Abolition tio
etfor the past fix years, what it means,
in a very fow sentences.
It. meat thai yon,have been;votingto
rob yourselvee, for the purpose 01 en
riohine a raoaoious a set of .eooundrels
. ---
aa ever lived.
It means that votthave beenlhelping
lAhnild nni moneyed ariBtooraoy, who
by their money control the legislation of
the counlry;ior weir own lniereaiB.
It means that you are paying the taxes
of your rioh neighbors, who have their
thousands invested in bonds.
It means thafj have beoome. serfs
to tha "loval" of the Abolition party
' Tt means that vou are paving the bill
for reduoiog yon to the iovel of tlie4ne
It moans that arnauonw isw is a
National Corse.
It means that unless you' want your
'eons to loadalifo of slavery, you must
help to hurl 1 from power the thieves,
who, under the guise of loyalists, aro
making this oouttry ajiospotism, and its
people slavea. "
It means that you are unworthy of the
name of freemen, if yon longer consent
to bear the burdens oi your Dona-noiamg
Compare the above with your tax
receipts, and see if they do not tally.
'foleao Kecor.
Beciipk fob Sorghum Vinbgar.
To six callous of soft water add one gal
Stan din 2 -to tire
mi nr b a fire, it will become good in
hnnt three, weeks. The bune of the
cask should be left open for the admis.
. eion of air. A pieoe of straw paper, or
.1 . Ml 1 .
if vnn have it. some mower, win nasiou
fermentation. - The above makes excel.
. lant nicklcR. though tod dark colored to
lookioelr upon the table. -A stronger
artiole ("which many perhaps would pre
,ier) can be mado by a larger proportion
: of syrup.- - - : '- v -
How to CleAnss" A Cistern' A
simple thing 1 have accidentally learned,
and if not generally known ought to be,
relating to stagnant, odorous water in
eiuteros' Many persons know how an
"noytnir this sometimes ' becomes After
frequent cleaning and other experiments
11 to no permanent utility, I was advis
ed to put say. two pounds of caustic
soda in the water, and il purified it tn a
few hours. Since then, whon I tried
what is called, concentrated lye Ji had
- quite as good a result. One or both
these articles can be obtained at any
,druggist's. , , . .... .
tin . - it i V'-Ik. . i.
aerlv beloved, when he arrived at GotV-FT
m witn bis Dnae on a weaaing tour,
"Sal. get no your Sunday-go-to-roeotings
and things, and lot's take a .perpendicu
lar promenade round the prtjunots, of
this principality." 1 . f . :
"Well, Zeb," replied the fair oneFll
do nothing shorter. Bui can't you say
your grammar and college edifioalion 1
If you want me to slather round, and
take a trot with you, why in the salted
Jerusalem don t you say so f
A.Cabeful. Servant Gen.Rain,
late 'of the Confederate service, tells an
anecdote of thetarlj daya of Jihtwar,
thus: ' ' . ,
Ao officer (when going into battle
charged his servant to stay at his tent
and take care of lis properly. In the
fluctuation of the battle some of the en-
ercy s snot ten in me vicinity oi iu
tent, and the negro, with great white
eyes, fleu.away witn all tus.migut. ai
ter tha fieht. and when the officer re
turned to biBteot, he was vexed to learn
that hid bIsvo had ran away ; but the boy
soon returned. confronting hifl master,
who threatened to chastise him for diso
bedienoe of orders, "Massa," said Csosar,
"you told me take care of your, property,
' ... i - 3
and dis property piecing nis oaou on
bis breast ''is worf fifteen hundred dol
lars." Heescaped punishment.
Women exceed men in the use of the
jaw iverywhere, except at the table.
Under Pemooratio Administration
the people had a currency that was worth
what it was represented tobe, and wodld
stand handling. Nowwe have misera
bly printed, rotten paper currency, not
worth the hundreth part of the value
affixed to it.
Worth Tbtino. It is said that hog's
lrd is the cst thing to give to bens to
make them lay, Mix it with their.food
a small piece as big as a walnut will
sot a hen to laying immediately after she
has been broken op from her sitting
and thug hens lay through the whole
winter. ;,,' ' V
Covxbino Stbawbebbiis. The prao
tioe whioh we have reoommended of cov
ering strawberries with cornstalks, we
noq to be. approved by cultivators in
different parts of the country. ' The
.coarseness of the , stalks prevents the
smothering and consequent rotting from
closely packed straw oi fine litter. As
the most .severe 'injury to strawberries
often occurs during the latter part of
winter, from freezing and thawing and
sharp winds, it is not yot too late tooov
er tb&m. . : .. : , . , -
Leadn your horses to trust and have
confidence in you rather than fear.
What it Means. The North Pole.
Two Frenoh gentlemen recently ex
plored the Island' of Spitzbergen in a
manner never before dono. They have
measured the .mountains, .mapped the
whole coast, examined the vegetable
produots, thegeologioal com position, &o.,
of the island." They found that the long
day extended over aeveral months, dur
ing which the Bun never sets, Became
intesely hot after a month or two by the
uuoeasing heat from the sun. In this
poriod vegetation springs up in great
luxuriance and abundance. - The North
Pole is only a matter of Bix hundred
miles from the island, and it is thought
by the two explorers, as by many others,
that the Pole Uriel f, and the sea which is
suoDOsed to surround it, oould bo reach
ed from Spitzbergen without any great
diihoulties. being- encountered, a. sin
gular faot noticed ly the explorers , in
oonneotion with this island.' is the enor
mous Quantity of floating timber ' whioh
literallv oovera the waters of the bays
and creeks. A careful examination of
the oharaotor. oondition and kind of the
3 on tins Iocs, would no doubt lead to a
oonolusion as to whence and haw they
came, and probably suggest new theories
for the solution of geographical problems
connected with the Arotio boa
Put Things in Their Places.
PnT things right back in their plaoes
when dono with. Never leave them all
about, belter skeltbrt topsyfturvy never,
When you use any article hoe, shovel,
rake, pitchfork, ax?, pencils, writing ap
oaratus. pinsv thimbles, piu-oushions.
1 needles, work baskets, kitchen furniture,
every arioie,ot nouaewitcry or nusoana-
ry, no matter wnawtia the very mo
ment you have dono aiojprriurji it to
its proper piaoe.-., -ie sure o nave i
special place for eyerythiqg, and every
thing in its place. Order, order, per
feot order, is the watchword Heajpn's
first law. How mueh preoious time 1b
sayed (aside from': vexation) by observ
ing order systematic regularity I And
little folks should begin early to pre
serve order in everything. W?Form habits
of order. These loose slipshod, slatterja-
ly habits once formed are apt to oliDg for
life. '.
Young friends; begin early to keep
things m, -their'-; proper places; study
neatness.- ordor, economy, eobriety--in
everything U just, honosf, pure, lovely,
and will have a goodreport. jal'tl
"Scenb -Country 5 BankT (Hinler,
just prior to his final collapse, a well-
Known OHliau uuiug uuDiuoDD vu
"oonficlenoe" plan, and generally believed
insolvent bV his neighbors). , '.
. Citizen Wr.'yaBbier, can JLMW.OJII
loan of?i);ft)r a short tim.
Urbane uasnier rosiiDiy; woo lis
your indorsor? ' "
Citizen I have-no maorser.
Urbane Cashier What seourity do
Citizen Oh I do. seourity ; I only
want the money for a few days on my
face- ' : :.i"-
, Cashier not Urbane We ; do not
take cheek as collateral horo, .otherwise
you might command our entire resour
ces. '.. .' ;.' '.'';' :. ..',' !
'. (Exit citizen, irate, to berato tie bank
for its arbitrary regulations,, and the
officers for their !pooulior view? in rela
tion to "accommodating the public." ',
IairoaTANr Invention in Wobking
Steel. We. learn from the lioston
Commercial that two brothers by the
name of Laird, of Panvillo, Vt., after
twelve years experiment and) toil,"have
invented a combination of minerals, to
be inserted into steel, at tho proper time,
whereby the poorest quality oC, steel can
be made into the finest edge tool in a
few moments, and all flaws in Bfcol can
be closed up, and burnt steel immediately
to make the best of teols. For welding
of iron or' steely this preparation is tar
better than borax and must entirely eu
percedo it,, as.tnis preparation.' can be
mado for a very small' cost. Tools man
ufaotured With this preparation will stand
at a high temper for 'any purposo, and
will last twice as long as tbose.manufao
tured by ao; other process. A patent
has been gra&ted for this mventioD. and
rights are being sold. . t
The diffusion of knowledge and re
finement, so far from promoting- inactiv
ity and banishing recreations .from life,
airectiy teeas tnar craving tor variety
out of whioh healthful changes come,
and awakens that noble curiosity which:
at fit seasons, Bends a man out to see how
the wild flower grows in the woods, how
the green buds opon in the spring, how
he foliage takes its painted autumn glo
ry ; whioh loads him to struggle through
tangled thickets or - through pathless
woodi", that he may behold ,the brook
laughing a easoade from rock to rook, or
fo breast the steep mountain, that he may
behold from it highor outlook tho wond
era of the visible creation.
. The author of an idle and imperfcot
book ended with the usual phrase of
"cetera desiderantur." One altered it.
"non desidorantur eed desunt," the
rest is wan ting, but not.wanted. .
TO EExr- JJoNET. Heat . strained
honoy to the boiling point, and store it
in covered jars where it will koep with
out oandying.. To ' pervert danger.' of
burning, set the vecsol in which it is so
heated into another oontsioing water.
Somebody styles Congress ss "the
devil's putty and vainish shop."
Connecticut Democratic
State Convention.
- At ' the Democratic State Convention in
Mew Uaren, January 8th, the following res
olutions were adoptod : !; ... v
Whersas, It becomes a free and intelli
gent Deople. lastly jealous of their rights
and liberties, to frankly and fearlessly as
sert their views upon all great and impor
tant questions, and, ' '-; .
,. WqEBKAs, When armed resistanoe to the
authority of the United States ceased, each
of the several States that had been in an
tagonism to the Government became, by the
inherant force of the Constitution and the
fundamental principles upon whioh our
system of government la based, reinstated
and restored to.aU, their rights and privi
leges and, ' . .'.
Whebbab, The President of the Hulled
RtntM. bv virtue of the authority vested in
him by the Constitution of the United Stafes
and the laws in pursuance thereof, issued
his proclamation declaring the war at an
end; and, . . .. ; . .
Wheeeas; The CongreB of the United
States, demanded and - accepted 'from said
States the exercise of one of the highest' du
ties devolving upon States, to-wit, an alter
ation of and amendment to the Constioution
of the United States; and, -
Wbebeas, The Supreme Court Of thtmt-
ted. States has. declared 'I Hat it military
irovernment is continued after the Courts
are reinstated, it is a sross usurpation of
power. Martial rule can never exist where
the courts are open and in proper and unob
structed exercise of their jurisdiction.'
Therefore: . ' n, '-
Resolved That each and all of the Slates
that were arrayed in anntd opposition, to
tho authority of tho Government of the
United States, having ceased auoh opposi
tion, are now entitled to representation in
the Congress of the United States, and . to
all other rights and privileges appertaining
to the States of the Union. . -
Resolved, That the Congress of. the United
States, in its persistent exoluaion of the
Senators and Representatives of said States
in its open and avowed determination to aa.
stroy the organization and subvert the au
thority of said States, violates ana unaer
mines the Constitution of the United States,
attacks the very prinoiples that lie at me
foundation" 0T0ur"BT",-'8overnmenl,
and-MMLt fatal- blow at the financial,
commercial, and industrial interests of the
entire people of the Union. -
Resolved, That ih inncresa of the Uni
ted States, in all its legislation, ln its act
levying internal taxes upon all the Htatos,
inoiudinz the said States expressly by name,
in its acts presoribing the number of Rep
resentatives in Congress for all the Statel,
in its : act : submitting the Constitutional
amendment abolishing Blavery to all the
Slates, in its act of last session submitting
another proposed constitutional amondment
to all the States, in its jbint resolution,
passed With almost entire unanimity, de
claring the objects of the war to be Ho de
fend and maintain the supremaoy of the
Constitution, and to preserve the Union in
all the dignity, equality and rights of the
several States unimpaired,' and in other
acts, has uniformly, from the commence
ment of the olvil war to the present timerin
the most deliberate manner, recognized said
Statesjasjxjstiugtajes tho
Union. " '" ,. ". " ,
Resolved, That the Exeulie department
of the United States, by its .proclamations,
Ha "administrative action, and its diplomat
ic intercourse witn loreign powers, lias uni
formly Tccogniied all tb said. Stales as ex
isting: States, ana as states in tne union.
Resolved, Thot the Judicial Department of
the United States, including the Supreme
Court at Washington, the Cirouit Courts in
the several circuits, and the District Courts
in the several districts, have uniformly rec
ognized the said States as existing States,
and as States in the Union.
:. Resolved, That this repeated recognition of.
said States as existing States, and as States
in the Union, by the Executivo, Judicial and
Legislative Departments of the Government,
leaves no question that the exolusion of those
Stataa from Congress, governing them and
taxing -them without representation,- is not
only a violation or the Consti tution in lis
most essential part, and tyrany as defined
in the ocolaration ot Independence, , but a
most flagrant breach of the publio faith,
alike prejudicial to the best Interests and to
the honor or the country. ... -.
Resolved, That in the Supreme Court of
the United States we possess a tribunal that
may justly be termed the bulwark of Repub
lican liberty, andj- 'in the language of its
eminent jurists, - -." '
. "The Constitution of thef United'States Is
law for rulers and peoplo, equally in- War
and in peace,' end covers with its jhield of
protection all classes of men under all cir
cumstances. ' :' K6 'dootrine 1 involving
more pernicious consequences . was ever in
vented by the. wit of man than that its pro
visiess can be suspended. during any of the
great exigencies of gouerument. Such a
doctrine leads directly to anarchy or despo
tism. , But the theory ; of necessity, upon
which this is based, is false, for the govern
ment within the Constitution has the powers
granted to it whioh are necessary to preserve
its existonoo.'' '
Thus the Supreme Court of the United
States, in 1066, vindicates and .sustains.-the
prsuions assuuieor and .announced by the
Democracy of Connecticut, in convention, in
1863. -,. -i.
. Resolved, That after solemn deliberation,
it is the opinion of this Convention that the
suggestion of out1 conservative brethren of
lentuoky that a convention of the Democra
cy and all constitutional Union men of the
thirty-six States should be called without
delay by the National Democratic Commit
tee, and we respectfully suggest tnat said
Convention meet in the city of New York on
the 4th day of March-next, to advise and
counsel upon -the great questions' that,now
agitate the publio mind, to protest against
the revolutionary and unconstitutional act-.
of the present majority of Congress, 'to an.
nounoe the determination or tne csnterva.
live men of Ihe Union, to resist and epposj
by' every constitutional exerciss, of power
the disorganization of Statesand the dis
tmction of State authority..) I ?'
Resolved, That the thanks of every patri
otic oitiien are eminently due the President
of the United States for bis repeated use of
the Exeoutive power in behalf of. the Con
stitution and tho rights of the States, and
we pledgo to bim our support in all his fu
ture efforts to the same noble end. '
State Convention. Congress.
Englakd has ite .Botany Bay : Hui-
Bia its Siberian mineB ; and the United
Slates its Congress. All the different
grades of crime may be studied in either
place, from, the wholesale murderer down
to tho petty thief. " " ,
Lnglsnd has had its Rump parliament;
Frauco its Coinpil of.Teu ; and the Uni-
aA Rtf h tn (nnrr?. All were
composed of ignorant brutes, whose
Idea or - legisianun wan iu uuiua iuo
Country with the blood of innooeat men.
" Saoh a ody of rascals and knaves
were probably never before assembled.
Professing Christianity,' they have viola
ted Bihgly and collootively the tad com
mandnvents ;;. " '
Professing Patriotism, they Lav?, vio
lated the highest law of the land, and
betrayed ha tosatry to its enemies:
Professing honesty, they have plun
dered the publio treasury, and stolen
from the peoplo their hard earnings ;
Professing wisdom, they have been guil
ty of the mpst stupendous follies thata
madman ever dreamed of; ' :.
Professing dooenoy, they have made
the departments brothels, and the legis
lative hall a Pot house. ..::.
' Profossidg to be all that was pure and
good, they have 'proven to bo all that is
vioioua and villainous ;
-: Pi,otteh in body. and heart, they will
die of their owd corruption ; :
: A . grateful people will insoribe over
the deposits of their'putrid oaroasses :
'."Tour loss is our ; eternal gain.
Toledo Record. - 1 '- ' ' '; - '
O IP -3F X O 23
In Mating i Building, in Main Street,
. -.4 - V 'J .' ij "y
Is replete with all lie modern, improve-
-' ' ' '' ''''...'.' ., ' j '.
' moots for the neat, cheap,' , and
. , 1 ''i I ''' i ! ; .
'-' RAriD exeoution of every style' 1
T ;' .' 'of PRINTING '. '
-such as-
' Tomtit, .
,i Cirtularty
! t.
: - a-.
Rcceiptt. ' '
a, t
!.M ,'
&0. &C,
; J.-".!..ii!'Jtyil
lb plain or, fane; eolorsd inks. -
Tlnton County Probate Court.
XTOTXCB. John S. Harper, uardtan of "8onj amin
11 ' A., Thomaa I., uaroune, uucy, uyuia, juiuoi ,
MarthH, and Johe 8. Harper, lews! repreaenaMToi i of
the Estate ot Benjamin. Coddinoton, -- Ho
w...ai k.. fliml him ttpcnnnt anrl Toucnera foe in-
. ...I Anal anHlnmont. tnt Hnniamin A.,
Thomaa I., Caroline, and Iiucjr Harper; and, alao, hi
and accounts and Touchers for. inanectlon and par
..i .otiimAnt fnr T.vilia, Minerva. Martha, ana JoDn
. Harner: and that the same will be tor hearing on
th98lD4T0,K""U"TfefcHAkD CRAiO, '
January tt, 18T-w ; ' Jrobat Judge.
' Till
; rniwonNV'"
. wiaiani i.r(i
''! ': ''" ' '"' ; '-'''' ' '; "
- ..',. ... u t . . . I S .. ;l
1 '.'!' Of THB - '..I
Hartford Live, Stoik Iasuranoe
. ' ' '
Co.,' !
' ' Of Conneotiout.
ON the 1st day of November, 1866, made
to the Auditor of Ohio, pursuant to the
Statute of that State. , ,
The amount of its Capital Stock '
paid up, is . ' $150,000 00
... "II. ASSETS. : t.;,. : '
Cash on hand, and in the hands
ofAeents. . . ... do
The Bonds and Stock d owned by
the Company . .- .
Debts due the Company, scour
ed by Mortgage,
Debts otherwise seoured, . .
Debt for Premums, . -.' . .'
All other Securltes, . .
43,457 50
. , 36,500 00
4 60,000 00
' 2,785 67
211 00
' Total Assets of Company, $155,296'83
,i ' . III. LIABILIAT1ES. . . . .....
None. . . - , v '.
ThA irrpnteflt amount insured in '
anv one risk, ; ' .'. $2.000 00
Statu or CosNECTiotiT, n
fini-NTY or HATF0R.' i
F. N. Kalloez. President, and W. C, Good
rinh. Senretarv of the Hartford Live Stook
Comoanv. beinft severally sworn
and sav. that the foresoinir is a full,
true and oorreot statement of the affairs of
said Insurance Company, ana mat tney are
the above described Officers thereof. .
.E.N. KELLOGG, President.
' W. C. GOODRICH , Seoretar
' Subscribed and sworn before fas; this 9th
day ef November, 1866, -: ;
3bai... ' ; WM. HAMERSLEY,
, , ,. , Com'ror lht Stalt oOhio.
Fiy a Cent Stamp. . ,.
" . ' OmoK or the Auditob or Statk, "l
Columbus, 0., Nov. 19. 1866.
: It is hereby oerti fled, that the foregoing
IS a correct oopy of the Statement of. the
Condition of the Hartford Wve Stook In
surance Company of Conneotiout, made to
and filed in this Office, Tor the year 1807.
TX"1-.....-:.-.Witness my hand andeeal offi-
. , -' '? : -'-, Auditor of State.
,;, t By Jas. Williams, Ch'f Clerk.
' (To Expire on the Slst day of January, tS08.) '
." Orrics or tub Auditor or Statb ' v :
.- iksubasok dbfarthent; ..: 1 "
. j ; . Coldmbus, O., Nov 19, 1867. J
INSURANCE COMPANY, loooted ftt Hart
ford, ln the State of Connecticut,' has filed
in this office a sworn statement of its oon
dition, as required by the aot uToRegulate In
surance Companies not incorporated by the
State of Ohio," passed April 8, 1856, and
amended Fobruary 9, 1861, and the act "To
regulate Foreign 'Iasuranoe Companies,"
passed April 5, 1806; and, Whereas, said
-Compear bus -furnished ' tb ndoKii4
satisfactory-evidauea that it Is possessed "if
an actual Capitals of at least one hundred
required by said acts; and, Whereas,' said
Company has filed in the office a -written
Instrument under its corporate seal, signed
by the President and -Secretary thereof, au
thorizing any agent or agents of said Com
pany in this State to acknowledge service of
process,' for and in behalf of said Company
according to the terms of said act of April
.8, 1856. ' " '
Now, Thehkfobh, in pursuance of theact
aforeoald, I JAMES H. GODMAN, Auditor
of State for Ohio, do hereby oertify that
ANCE COMPANY of Hartford, Conneotiout,
is authorised to transact the business of
Lire Stock Insurance . in this State until
the thirty. first day of January, in the year
one thousand eight hundred and sixty -
eight. - -Skal.'
- In Witness WniRBor, I . hate
hereunto : subscribed my
. name and caused the seal of
. my 'office to 'be affixed the
' day and year above -written.
i: JAS. H. GODMAN, -
'; - . Auditor of Slate.
, , ' . By Jab., Williams,
, ; Ch'fClferk.
J. T. DOi7E5, Agent,
-.... i .... k , jfeArthur, OUt.
.January M,-lioT-8 s,-i ;
A Beautiful Premium EngravingJ and Je
. dueed Prices to Clubs '-, ; :
niHRI.AliY'S FRIEND announces lor 1807 the
I following novoletea: A New Story by Mrs. Henry
Wood, author ot .'East Lynne. 'The Channlnxs,'
jHow a Woman had her Way,' by Eliiabelh Praa-
cott, ainnor ot 'lom oy me oun. mo -uungor
Yonnc.' by Amanda M. Douglas, -antbor of . 'In
Trust,' etc, 'Dora Castel,' by Frank Leo Benedict.
It will giro a splendid double page finely colored
Fashion riftte engravoa an kiwi iu ovooy uuuiuoe.
iiifcluantlftillv executed rniicy steel en-
graving, and
a large assortment ot wouu cuts, musi-
rating fashions, fanoy work,, etc., in every number,
f wor
It will irive a popular piece ot Musio, worth the cost
of the magazine itself, in every number. It wUl give
a copy of the Beautiful Premium Steel Engraving
'One of Life's Happy Hours' 28 by SO inohes, tov-
ry single, 2,60 subscriber,
and to every; person
ltoflbri as nremlnms Wheeler Wilson's Sewing
Machines. Hilver Plated Tea Bets, Hpoona, Pitchers,
Gold and Silver Watches, Guns. Kinos, Melodiohi,
Clothe Wringers, Appieton-a vyoiopeuias. o. 1 1 .
, ., . XliBBUR ,!-,.
1 copy, (and the engraving,) , $ J 80
ioopies-, ' Vt eoo
5 copied, (and one gratis) . , - 8 OO . .
a MMiies. land one gratisl "it 00 '
' tO oopies (and one gratis) 1 f. 28 00'
Oneoopy each of the Lady's Friend, and the Satur
,la r.inhlns Postfor tt 00.
The getter up ofaclubwill always receive a copy of
the Premium Engraving. Members of a olub wish-J
ingtlie Engraving mnst .remit one drllar extra.
il.ru should enclose 10 cents lor sample Magaiins.
contamingtne parnoiuarB.. Address ,17 0
;, j',,.. 1 -yjsA.uun et rjatfiivDun, j ,
j . '.. ?19'. Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa.
:'','! Voi.Xvl, for l&wtir. :
S. I)., HARRIS, EpiToa. "-. . .
'' - M THE OBKAT -"WEEKLt : '''
Agricultural and , , Farnily ; Paper J
Devoted' to . Rural ' md 'household Affairs.
' Tkbmb. Single oopy, only S2,06 a"yeaV.-r
An extra eony one year Tor eTory "elub ' of
Ten,, anu an extra ' copy bis: nnmi.ua ior a
club Of six. 8peClmens and ProBpectuBet
tent free to persons desiring to get up oiuba,
' 1 , an m d 1 dmvd
'- - ' Cleveland, Ohio.
or THI
"or 1807.' - ' .
Extraordinary InlluctmtnU to Our
'' " jJeHt$t '
Premiums Amauniing to-' .
bt Dii&ibuted in April, 186 T i
For List of Freminms and Particulars Of
Distribution, see -the Weekly Enquirer
, and Subscription Ciroulars ,
WE, thia yenr, offer prig
an incentive to those
ies to the above amount td
an incentive to those of our patrons who will
exert themselves to form clubs
If oar paper could
be t aken in the household of all our Democratic
frionds, South and West, Its Influence wculd bl
tent in chanslna the politioal aspect of attain. Tha
great point tor whioh all Inends of the Union should
Innor lor is tne uisseminaiiun ui iwrnoonuw irum,
If it had had au equal hearing with the errors of our
opponents, we xliould never have had tha terrible
orisis of the Uat Are years. Tanirht by sad expert
ArtiA nAnofwiftv. ta trnHt thn Etamooratia dmm
is in ftiture to nave a larger apnera oi mnuanca
What evils have fallen upon tha land, owing to tha
erroneous political sdiwtion nf the massesl If
would rextnre the old order of things once mors, ,
foct National Unity anil the old-fHhionad Peace and
Prosperity, we muBt place the Demoornoy again la
power. An ouxilary to this end, and as the most ef
fective agent in the work, we repeat, is the circula
tion of the Uemoorntlo press. . t i : ,-
The Enquirer has someolaima upon the considera
tion of the Democracy that are universally aokaowl
edged. Through proscription and persecution un
exampled, with military edicts cutting oft our cir
culation in whole 6uw and districts, threatened
with tot il suppression, personal imprisonment and
mob violence if we did not change our course, w
stood by the Democratic Sag and gave expression t
itn tenets Twice burned to the ground within thir
teen months, and amid t he greatest pecuniary dis
asters consequent upon It, we have never lost an
issue of our paper, or broken a promise to any of
our subscribers. In the future, as in the past, nnder
the sun of prosperity as well aa the clouds of adver
sity, we shall bear aloft the DemooratM Banner, anil
be faithful to its organisation. , Will not the Democ
racy of the Northwest stand by them who were true
in the darkest hours to their political and personal
interests, and will they not exert themselvu to in
crease our circulation?
As a biisinetis and family journal, the Enquirer na
no superior. ach number contains a large amount
of general news, latest, .and moat reliable Intel!)-
cial News is made a special feature of ;the Enquire'.
An unusually large space beinp devoted to full an
reliable reportu of the ruling prices of this and other
markets. . . -, . . ' - ' .' ' .
, The Weekly Enquirerwill be mailed . to Bnbaett-
bers utthe following reduced rates;
; piu((ib uopy, one year.
1 1 23
aoo -
nix months,
With anadditionnfeopy to the setter up of the club.
Money to be sent at euraisk by express, prepaid),
or in registered letters by ranll. Foraums over tea
doilnrB by mail, drafts or post office money -ordatft
should bo procured. Address .. , - -'
r FAKAN & McIEAN, - ,
' . - ' " Cincinnati, Ohio.
Specimen oopiee and subscription circulars con
taining lint of prises and all necessary Information,
Hentvnapptiuation. . - n , . . - .
" " : ' v-orTaK-;,;;1:. ::,;;
For 1867.
a (Ma thpAM,. throngh ennshlne and storm, tbw
J Ohw Stateoman win continue inflexibly iiemor
crnil uuaiteraniy
devoted to an advocac) of tho
maintenance of the Constitution, in spirit aud fn let
ter, and to the preservation of the Union. Aaid
fro.n this, The Statesman will bestow particular,
tention to .... , , . . . . , , , '.,
News, Legislative and .Congremonal
Reports, Choice, Instructing and
, , , :...' Fleming 'Literature. .
And will giva-fnithful market reports from tha lead
ing Commercial Centers of the country.
. Ob the lath of December, The Weekly Statesman
will be so enlarged as to give two and a half addi
tional eolumns o f leading matter Weekly. . The fol
lowing aro lUe (' .
Daily Statesman, per yeai, ' -'IBoo
in . .i . . six months, ,t ,, .-5-49
Tri-Weekly Statesman, per year, is
v " ; six months, :
One copy, six months, tor- i
One copy, one year, for B 00
Fivecopies.'one year, for liMwi
Ten copies, one year, lor . , , IT !
Twenty copies, one year, for ; ' ' BB
filly copies, one year, for . T4W
1 ' ' Columbua, Oilo. M
Tlnton County Probate Court-
NOTICE. DavidToreman, Administrator 41 inn
v.utata ot Robert Welch, deceased, has filed his
accounts and vouchers for" inspeotionand settlement,
and that the same will be for htaring in the Probate .
Court of Vinton County, Ohio, on the Bra sal e
FliaVABT, A. u. 1W7.-.. t , . . ' a
January 21, 180T-3vr Vi - - ;. Probata Jaofle. i
Sherlfl rsSalc.
State of Ohio, Vinton County tu, .
Alexandor HehdarsOnY ' " ' ' ' ' ' '
u VS. 1 ' uruer w oaie no, 1. y
orge A. Leaoh.. J . , ,, .
PURSUANT to the command or an order or sue
uaaA n-nm the Court of Common Pleas of Vin
ton county, Ohio, and to tfie directed As Shorifl of aald
tiounty, I wlU oner at puoiio sale, at tne door or tna
Court House, in the Town of MoArtbur, in Viuton
county, Ohio, on' 1 '' 1 -
Wednesday; the 21th day of February, A. U
-.vi :.-1867,;. -,.'i J).ui,:ir.-.-oi.'--r'
atoneo'olock P. M. of said day, tha following de
tanuvd premises, situate ln tha County of V'lntos,
and Htota.of Ohio, So-witi t, ., ' --U n i
pi va Uinta of land and wster in the South-west
corner in a square lot oil the East' half of the South-
Ja9t quarter OI oectjoa nuiuuur .ikiiu;u, luvruompi
Ten, Kange Seventeen; also; beginning at the North-'
west corner of the East half of,. me Worth-east qur
terof Section numDer iiineteon, jownnnip ion, or
Range Seventeen; thence running South to the Stats
roftil; thence norm-east uiong tne nest biub ot aaia
road to the East and West lino, on the North end of
said half quarter; thence running West to the place
of beginning, so aa take all the land that lies on tha
West, side where said road runs, belonging to said
half quarter. ' V" " '
.' .-t r; AMO .,;,'
The following described real estatn, situate id See
tion Eighteen,. Township Ten. iof Bang Seventeen, t
bemnning 7.0B chains North of the South-west corner
of the East half of tha South-east quarter of said
Section, Ao.; thence East 7.08 chains ;tlience South 10.
links; thence N. B5, East 1.60 chains; thence N BS
Kost t4U onains; inence . w cnit hwom
N.18" W.l.Oftehains; thence West 40 links; thane
South 10. IS chains to the beginning place, contain
ing & 04-100 acres. ! , i j i , i i i: ii
Appraised atone thousand five hundred dollars
($1,600.00) and must bring two-thirds of that sum.! v
Taken as the property of said George A. Leach to
sahsfy a judgment rondwed against him in favor of
said Alexander Henderson; ',,-.,., ' , ;, " n
Terms of Sale cash in hand at tne nmeoi saie. ,
, iu,u - I. .JOHNJ. 8H00KBT," ;:n'i'.
... 4 . 8herlll Vinton County, 0..
"S.'.8Wtel,lVttfyfor Plaintiff; ; r 1
t January M, im-iw v. .'.i- il a vO .olo
:-a The Cheapest Magatine in tie WorldJ y.ult
rillllS popular and widely circulated laagnclne' has
JL now reached an edition unequalled in this cona.i
try. Each number 19 brmvmcnled by numerous An
ongravings, and Is complete In' Itself, embracing s
great variety of tulon, sketches, poems, and illust ra
ted articles, written expressly for its columns, It is
conceded by all to be lt cheapest and best Masai
sine In .the world." ' J '.-:'t
II B0 a year; seven lopies 9 00; thirteen eopiM
116 00.. Bingls copies 16 cents.- Address .. . i, t
".'''' Bflrton, Mass, 4

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