l)t (ffuquircr. ftaMrtea-r BMfii1 Srr of Bown' ri North Bide of Main en, Coart ilows. J. W. BOWKi EUIor, Mo Arthur,- Janu'ry 24, 1872 Congress. Very little was done in Con gress last week, and that little was not noteworthy. Suspended. Democratic paper at Poraeroy, has suspended publication, leaving only one Democratic paperthe McArthur En quirer in this Senatorial Dis trict, the Gallipolis Bulletin being an independent paper. The publisher of the late Cres cent states that he was badly swindled, in the purchase of the establishment, about two years ago, by a partner who made the purchase contrary to his orders. Great Difference. There is a very marked dif ference in the total tax levies, state and local for 1871 as com pared with 1851. In 1851, the total levies were $1,671, 831 03, and that at the time was thought very considerable. In 1871, the last year, the to tal levies were $23,5S7,G61 2-1 very nearly six times as great. This increase has grown mainly while the Republican party has administered the State Government. New York Custom-house Investigation. Ths examination that is now being made into the practices of the New York Custom-house, by the U. S. Senate Com mittee, raised under the excite ment that Senator Trumbull kicked up in the Senate on the subject of overhauling and looking into the corruptions that hare grown up and flourish in office under the present Administration, shows soma new swindle almost every day. The examination is not yet finished. - We direct atten tion to an editorial we repro duced from the New York World of the 12th inst., giving the points of Geto. Palmer's testimony before the com mittee. Sherman's Bogus Election. Hon. J. II. Putnam, Senator from Ros9 county, offered the following joint resolution in the Joint Convention, before its adjournment, on the 10 inst : Wberkai, At a joint convention cf the Houses of tbe General Assem bly, hold in the Hall of tho House of Representatives on Wednesday, January 10, 1872, for tha purpose of! ftloctinp ft person to represent the State of Ohio in the Senate of the United States, the Lieutenant Gov ernor of tho State acting as presid ing officer of the joint convention, did declare the result of said vote Wore it was completed, and whilo members vera on the Coor desiring to vote; therefore, JlesoTecd. by the General Assscm Ihj cf the State of Ohio, That no fair expression of the choice of the mem borsofthe General Assembly was had, and that the procee'lings by which John Sherman was declared to lo elected as Senator for, the State of Ohio aro null and void; and that the two IIousos meet in joint convention on Thursday. January 11, at 12 M., for tho purpose of electing a person to represent the tStato in the Sonate of tho United State. Mr. Hart, Radical, gave gave notice of intention to dis cuss the resolution, by which it was laid over. In the Senate on the 11th inst., Mr. Patrick from Tuscara' was county, moved to "correct the Senate journal so as to show that the vote for Senator in Congress was announced by the Lieutenant Governor in joint assembly of the two Houses before the voting was accomplished, and while mem bers were on the floor in the act of changing their votes, and while they were delayed in making such change At the re tern quest of the Lieutenant Gov ernor to enable the Clerk, without confession, to note such changes as they were an nounced." On this motion, which re cites in the most moderate lan guage the infamous outrage commited in the joint conven tion, by which John Sherman claims to be re-elected to the Senate. Mr. Patrick spoke as follows : Mr. President: In making this motion -I intend no disre spect to the presiding officer of this Senate. I believe the the Lieutenant Governor to be an honest, upright man. But I do spurn with contempt those political advisers who over-reached him in his head when foiled in their offorts to corrupt him in his heart. I do denounce that power behind the throne greater than the throne itself. Yes,t that power which audaciously, in the very oresence of the members of the jdint assembly, and of the pub lic, tooK possession oi inai throne and used its occupant to thwart the will of the people. The fact is, as every mem ber present well knows, that the members in joint assembly all voted as their names were called, and then before the re sult was announced several members successively obtained the floor and chauged their votes from Morgan to Cox. While these changes were still being made, and while one member had the floor who had been recognized by the Lieu tenant Governor for the pur pose of changing his vote, the Lieutenant Governor request ed the members as well as other members to wait a little while,, so as to enable the Clerk to note the changes already made in their proper order, the chances having been rapid ly made, and then while the member recognized and others were still on the floor, waiting for the proper notification of the Lieutenant Governor to pro ceed to change his vote, the Lieutenant Governor, without notifying tho members that the Clerk was ready tor further changes, proceeded to announce the vote, and declared John Sherman duly elected before the voting was accomplished, refusing to recognize the very member from whom he had previously asked the favor of waiting a moment tor the ben efit of the Clerk, and refusing to permit that member or any other member to change his vote. Sir, had this nsurption not prevailed, it is highly probable that John Sherman would not to day have been on his way to "Washington to receive the congratulations of his numer ous, well organized rings of thieves, peculators and cormo rants, who are preying upon the substance or the people; but on the other hand, that honest, incorruptable man, General Cox, would, to day be receiving the congratulations of all tho best and purest citi zens of this great State. Sir, there is no better evi dence of the rapidly approach ing disorganization of the Re publican party than the uaurp ationr of which they have been guilty iu this General Assera- oiy jorine jaw iwu weeits. J demand that the tacts con stituting the fraud by which the election of Johu Sherman has been carried Bhall be spread upon the records of this Senate, that they may remain there through all time, to bear testimony that he holds his high position lor ths next six years through fraud and vio lence. The correction to the jour nal propose by Mr. Patrick was adopted by a vote of ayes 18, nays 12. Railroad Meeting. Pursuant to a call, a large meeting was held at the Court House last Friday evening, in the interest of the Galipolis, McArthur & Logan Railroad. After several speeches' were made; a committee was appoint ed f-'to solicit subscriptions of stock. In another place will be found an article showing the great interest Logan and Iloeking county has in this road. —Logan Republican. The Railroad Election. The stockholders of the Gallipolis, McArthur & Colum bus Railroad held their annual election for "seven Directors of the oompany on "Wednesday of. last week, in pursuance of previous notice, which resulted as follows : W. H. EftRle 1,592 Thos. B. Davis 1,593 II. S. Eundy 1,522 Chns. Ilenking 1,503 W. II. Langloy 1,102 Wirt. Shober 1,167 Cornolius Ivarns 1,074 Reuben Aleshire . . 039 O.D.Bailey 430 E. Botz 413 All the members of the old Board were re-elected except Reuben Aleshire of Gallipolis, and J. J, Culbertson of Hock ing county. This is a good selection. It means business ; it means go ahead; it means work without ceasing until the road is com pleted. It is said that the work will be commenced within a short time. A new chief engineer has been employed by President Langley, and the location will soon be commenced. A Long Island Postmaster Shot by His Own Trap-Gun. On Wednesday night, Mr. Henry Smith, Postmaster of St. James, Long Island, set a trap-gun so that any one en tering the post-office without certain precaution would re ceive the contents of the wea pon in his body, On two oc casions, recently, burglsrs had entered his store, and, determ- inea to punisu tnem snouia they make another attempt, this was the method Mr. Smith adopted. After making all preparations, he retired, but returned for something, forgot his trap, and, on entering the door, received the full charge in his lower limbs. About two hours later he was found by his friend?, but lived only long enough to make an ex planation. A Phenomenon. The fire at New Cleveland, on last Sunday night, present ed quite a phenomenon atat th .place. The night was dark and a strong wind was blow ing and all at once two pillars of fire seemed to rise from the earth, to the North, and ex tend to the zenjth, illuminating the earth to an extent resem bliug the effects of a bright moonlight, while under these pillars of fire there wa3 a bright light indicating early morning. The phenomenou lasted some time and was particularly grand, and much admired by those who witnessed it. The peculiar state of the atmos phere no doubt was the cause of the remarkable display, and as it excelled anything in the line of aurorial displays it cre ated considerable comment. A Quaker Printers Proverb Never sendest thou an arti cle for publication without thy name, for thy name oftentimes secure publication to worthless articles. Neither do thou loaf abcut, ask questions, or knock down type, or the boys will love the like they do the treee, when thou leaveth. Thou ohonldst never read the copy on the printers case, or he may knock thee down. Never inquire thou of the editor for the news, for behold, it is his business at the appoint ed time, to give it to thee with out asking. It is not right that thou should'st ask him who is the author of an article, for his duty requireth him to keep such things to himself. When thou dost enter into this office, take heed unto thy self that thou dost not look at what may bs lying open aud concerneth thee not, for that is not meet ia the sight of good breeding. Neither examine thou the proof sheet for it is not ready to meet thine eye, that thou mayest understand. Prefer thine own town pa per to any other, and subscribe for the Euquirer immediately for 1872. Pay for it in advance, and it shall &a well for thee and thine. Sweet Sixteen! The Schooklay Visitor Mag azine comes this month in the full flush and bounding health of "Sweet Sixteen," and right heartily do we welcome it and give it our New Yeai s greet ing. We wish all oil r boys and girls could become acquain ted with this charming Young Folk's Magazine, for we know they could' not help liking it and wanting it, for it is only one dollar a year. The Vis itor is firmly established, being now in its Sixteenth year, and fs in every line, true and pure knd good. A story from Harry Castlemon, the great story 'writer for boys and girl:?, commences in the Jan uary number, entitled "Our Fellows," which will delight everybody, we are sure, who read it. Send a green stamp to J. W. Danghday & Co., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa., and get a specimen number of the Visitor. Mai. Gen. Henry W. ilalleck, U. S. A., died last Wednesday, at Louisville, of brain disease; he was born in Oneida county. New York, 1817. He grad n- ated at West point in L8d), entered the army Ithe same year; became 1st Lieutenant iu 18lo; Captain in 1853; and Maior General in 1861. Hi subsequent! career is well known. Gen. Ilalleck was the author of several works on military science. The State Democratic Com mittee of Missouri have pub lished an address urging the passive policy on their political brethren in other States. The Illinois Committee indorses the proposition. QIIERIFFS SALE. O State of Ohio, Vinton County. George Lnntz nl others, Plaintiff), ti. a r.,T- i l ,i, iVr.. ui'iiii T( nit uuntii mm i'iiicip, .niuiiiuiii in. In Vinton Cotinly Cmiit of Common Pleas. . i-r.iiiwiT win. .nniwanii nr Hiiurimrui Hftlt Issued irom tho Court ol'Coininun Duns of Vin- lon lyoumy, aim w mc uhwiihi ns Miornt or said county, I will oft.nr for sule nt the door of wiu i.uurb iiuiisu in uiu Mown oi jucArmur, Vinton county, Ohio, on Monday, the 28th Day of February, A. D.1872, At tlie hour of 1 o'clock P. St. of fmid (Uy, tho following described nrcinlw. to-wil : In-I.ot Number One Hundred and Forty nine 14ft. in Hie Town of McArthur, Vinton county, Ohio. Tuken ns the vropeily of Jol'ii 8. McDowell, to xntisfy a Judgment of the .nct Court In favor of fienrjjo l.nutz ami others. Aiipraisod nt Six Hundred DoUnr S600 00, ami must bring two-thirds of that sum. XJEttUS OK SH.B. Cnsh in hand. DAM Kl. T.OOTH. PheritrVinton County, n. C.Jones. Att'y for i'laintilT, January 24, 1872-6w-9 ROAD NOTICE. M OTICE is liereh given that apetltion -will' i.1 1)0 presented to the Conimiwioners of Vinton county, Ohio, at their imxt regular icsilon, in March, 1871!, prayliiK for tho locution anil establishment of a ennutr road in I ha Township! of Mndisun and Knox, 'in said county s follows, to-wit 1 1 Commencing near the residonee of James Coo, in Madison township, at a point where tho Hope Furnace and i'arknrii' Mill ronds fork;tnence East through tho lands of James Coo, to the North and South line between Solomon Coffand James Coe; thence a South easterly direction) through said Golfs hind to or noar Golfs hoiNoj thenco the nenroxt and best route throughlhe lundjof Sarah A . Ander son and Mathlas Sleeves to the township line between Jladlnon 4ml Kno: thouoo Booth or nearly so along Mho most practicable route through the lundshf Douglas i'ntnum unci A. T. Mace, In Kno ; township, to intersect tho McArthur and A iany roml, nt t lie end of a Inn between tho i nnd of said Mace and Frank Tierce, and there o end, MANY PETITIONERS. January il, 1572 -4t ROAD NOTICE. NOTICE Is herelr glren that a petition tvIU he presented in the Board of Count? Com. inlaatonersof Vinton county, at their next rog ular leision in March, 1872, praying for I he ch tahlishment of a cninty road ia VWIkesvllla township, in said cmuIt. us follows. to.wit: Beginning at the dulUpnllt road at Elisa beth Ilstoifsj thence In a northerly direction along me moat practicable route, tnrougn ine lands of Mrs. flteeie, Abel Wells, Mr.Jones, Hartley, to intersect Hie Wilkesville and Jack Martin Di(lv. Edward Klotchrr and Amos son Road a short distance West ef Ed word I letelier's, and there to end. MAIN I rui JllW.ltUO. January 4, me.44 . CHEEIFF'S SALE. o OM, Vinton County. Harry lHngham, Plaintiff, against E. F. HI n glum et. tl Defendants. In Vinton County Court oi Coumon Pless. UMroi Bale. Pursuant to thecimmand of an nrderof sale lituod from the Court of Common Pleas of Vin ton county, and to mo directed as Sheriff of sstd county, I will odor for sale at the door of the Court IIouko, in tie town of McArthur, Vin ton county, Ohio, on Monday, the 19th day of February, A. J). 1872, Atthehonrofl o'clock P. M. of aalct day, tho followlngdesc.rloedlands and tenements, sit uated in iho county of Vis ton, and Vtato of Ohio, to-wit t , The equal undivided half of the North, half of the South-east qrftrof Section number thirty-one itl, townsliin number nine 19, Kanga number eighteen 1R,I except fifty-live acre on" of the West side or said traot sold by Wil liam Tjakln totJeorge Packer. A f.so, the equal undivided half of the Noiln half oi thHoiith-westrURrterof Peotlon num ber thirty-two H8.1 Toanshlp number nlno ,1 Range number eighteen IHi the ontlvo num ber of aares of which the undivided half ia hereby conveyed, being one hundred and live acrH. more or less. Tnlon asthapropertr of E. F. Rlngham to satisfy a Judgment of the aforesaid Court in .,.Tr v. aim. j , i ,111111111 Appraised at Five Hundred and Twenty-live) nnllamri&asoo, and must bring two-thirds Of VIlMli Blllll, Terms of Bale Cosh In h ami. ' OAMITjTiOOTH, Sheriff Vinton County Imith A Gunning. A tt'vs for rialoliff. Jaauarj 17, l72lw-li't ATTACHMENT NOTICE. Glllmnn,Watd&Co.,l against Tho Vinton KuVnflco and Coat Conni.iliy, u in VinUn Common rU'im. Corpoi ni lou, I'l'i't; rprtK Vinton Furnace arid Coal Company, n 1 leu, hmt. will lake notice that tho nlnlir tilt's Uilhmin, Ward .tlCoiupany, did, on (ho Will day of January, A. 1. 1N7I, Ho their peti tion in mo viourc oi common x-iu.is, wiuun mm for the said countv of Vinton, Stntfl of Ohio, against the said det'oiiilnnt, setting forth Hint :he (IcrenUimt was unieuieu to mo piiiivuiu in Mm (i, in, nl TlinM Mniiill'C.I mill Tllil'tv IfollHl'S J.ViU.dO, with interest on ill! from the ith tiny of Jiuiiinrv, 1871, and Interest on 'two iiunureti and Nineteen Dollars from the 8th day of ueiouer, lSi'i, anci nisi an oruor oi nuHciuiioiH, made Iu tho Nald cause, was duly served by the Shoi Iffol'salil countv. ntcnchinir tlio following lies- no mi lands anil tcucmenis owauu oy uu- lemluntN, to. wit: Tho North-woRt ouarlcr of the Houth-east quarter oil Section Number Ten 110, of Town shtiiNiinihor It. nf Hnnirfi Number Seventeen fl7;and also about :i0 seres off of tiro Katule of tlla (South-west iun.itero tho Novth-cast quarter ol Soetion Number Ten 1 10 of Town shin Number Klcveu 1111 of Rtmgo Number Seventeen ri7,lbolng all of sniil 'forty-acre" Lot, lying KiiHt of the McArthur anil Nelnon ville Road; ullof raid land lvlnii n'nd being in Vinton cnnnt.v. Ohio liefendant is notified that it Is required lo appear and answer raid petition on or before the 17rli dnv oi February next. CllAiMAN, WARD & CO. 11 C. Jones E.N. Tlnnfhlll, Att'ysfor Plaintiirs. jsnuary zi, isia-ew THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY ENQUIRER, TUB GREAT Journal cf tlie West The Exponent of Constitutional Oovornment, ,1.. II.' -K... .. ll,. U, i?...,.,i n'., !..n UIV IVIHIS 1,1 U,,T UlUB, J.lltlltl 1 tlAlll.li'11, and the Abolition of nil Unnecessary Jlufdens upon the Tas-l'uycrs of tlio Country. Wo shall npposo unlnst nnd oppressive fur- lO'a' by which tho Agricultural West mode to pay enormous tribute to tlio Manufacturing Knsl: and shall ilem uid such iiioillllcations of tlie Internal Revenue I.awsns will encourage Industry and relievo labor. Tlie Weekly Knquirer will not only bo true to tlio principle of the l).moc rntic puitv in its editorial columns, but. as a First-class Fam ily Journal, if. will bo pxcnllcd by none pub- lisned in the ivtutiM Mines. Tho Market licpnrtM will ho prejiared Willi great care and as a treat expense, to give the fullest and latest' Ihl'oiiniition from nil tho markets of tlie world. prepared summary of events transpiring throughout tho world its News uotmrtinent will contain n carefully the best Knglinli And American Current Litera Us Iiltornrv Selections vlll bo taken from ture. Fiance and Ihijrhmd, as well as from lea ling cities of tho United Mates. Specimen eepies Its Correspondence will Include letters from free. Address, FA11AN AMohlCAN, Cincinnati, O. Henry Edwards' Heirs. rrobate Court, Vinton Comity, Ohio. NOTICE Is hereby given (bat .Limes jr. Henderson, Guardian ofChnrhs II. and Frances E. Kdwarda. minors, has tiled his nc counts with sulil wards, severally, 'and thai the same are set for hearing 011 The 15th clay of rehriiary, 1872, at 11 o'clock A. M. IL il. MAYO. I'roh'i't Judge, JBU.S4, lS7S.-4t THE HEW DISCOVERY In Caciaic.'.! an 1 -Medical Science. KvNVW 4 A .Ci V."- -l-S. :jj i.v O' '7,rrV.'r v i y - i' V' Dr. j:..F, GATiYIX'S SOLUriOIT & COMPOUND ELIXIR rn nr.sT AND ONTT.Tf-". rrtT():j-rvrr tnade inonoraixtuM or AI,S, 'J HK TtVI'dli valuublu ac'.ivi iiLi:iiuLi oi tin well kiiowu curative c'-u!, PISH 'mjzzz TAIL TTNKQUAI. I h in Cou!!'i, Cell's, Catarrh, Antlinu, Dronclii.:j, arid coiiaumption. CCHKd WITHOUT lAITj A rven' cnM hi tiirc" to ix t--ira ; and also, ry its VITALISliNU, 1'fRIF YIM nnd hTI MULATil'J "tl'M'ts upon tlie general system, is reinarkablv eftics'-ious in nil BMSiiASKN ttr VIK IWiCCDw tncludiiig tioi-olula and Krupiions of tlio akin, 3 'J" P'.'i '-d, luseuscs of the Liver mid Kidneys, Heart jJiscasc, aud (iencnil Debility. OrCa TRIAL CONVINCES! ALSO, A Volatile Solution cf Tar For INHALATION1, without application of HEAT. A remarkably VALUA1U.K discovery, us the whole upuriiiu ran bcciiiucd intbOTust pocket, reuilv utany time for tliouiostefloctual uud positively cum. ive useiu All Eyisonscs oeho.csr, TS2BOAT nnd L4);iiO.Si. Tim ccjirocND Tar and Randrako Pill. fir use in connection with the E1TXIR TAR, i. ii enmbinotiun of the TWO most valuable ALTERATIVE Medicines known in the Pro fussion, and rvndeia this l'ill without exueptioir 1ba virv best eviT ofrcred. 1'ha tOLUTluA and COMrOtfND ELTXIB el n ia without Coubt the liest remedy known ia oases of CHOLERA fiBD YELLOW FEVEfl. It ti a Rpecifle for such diseases, anil should be kopt in the householder every family, especially during t lioic laonlhs in which CHGLESa AND YELLOW FEVER are liable to prevail. A. small quantity taken daily will prevent contruetiiig these terrible diseus'.'u. Solution and Compound Elixir, $1.00 per Koltle Volatile Solution for Inhalation. (5.00 per Box Tar and Sl-indmko 1'Uii, 60cts per boic Bendro'Ciietilnrnf VOSITIVE CURES to your Diii; ,j:b1, or to L. F. IIYBV, & CO., SOta 1'P.OPBIETOBS, 110 E. 22d &t.t Hew York. Sl THE TESTIMONY OF ALL CABLE SO REV WIRE, Tho driest and easiest Boots and Shoes over worn . A. GBEAT CH3STCE. Aucnts wanted in svsry Town and Ckiuaty iu th CidUd Stains to ssll ths LIFE OF Till! LATE C. L. VALLA NDI OH AM, Prepared by all TtretliW, Eov, Jos. I.. Vsllsndlg bam. Th most popn lar bonk that has been ottered to Annts for a loaf lluis. nd for olronlars. Ad drtss TUENBDLL UBOS., lUlllmore, Mil. NEW SEEDS AND PLANTS Ben' by Msll of Eipresi, Our Seed and Plant Catalogues' for 1872( Niiraburlnf 17B pri,snd contsliilnj TWO COLORED PLATES, Ksch worth twlc ths cost of Citslogliss, ualltd to all applicants on roeslpt ot !K ceats. Boedemon, 35 Cortlandt etroet, N. Y AOIK CUhKl) ORJtONEY REFUNDED. fiend' to W 0 Hamilton A Cf). Driurtjlsls, Clncln nstl.Ohte, for one bottle KltESH FEVKft AND AOUKTONIO. 8Dt pr.psld for II. CO-svr FOTt THU Kf DTtBYH AND t.TtHR-UM Itsmllton's IIUCHIT AMD DANDELION. Just what your nhyslelsn prsserlbss; asnt prspsld, for 11 .r bottle, by V C Hamilton Co, DruniUts, OlnsinastUOhlo.. Ww AGENTS Wanted. Agents make more mon ey at work for us than nt itnyiliinir else. UusflicsS light and . peiiiruient i pinH'Milnrji free. 41. fiflNsoN & Co., t ine -t I'itWtluri, I'lU'tlniid, Maine. CANCERS. TUitfOR. . ULCi-US. As'onlHliing bares by L)r. Kline anil Linitley, at the l'hllHriVhilila Csncer lintltmo, ttl Aruh Ht, Philadelphia, Pa. At itranch Olllces by J)r. Pal ton, 213 W: Fourth ft., Clnoiflhnll, 0; by IT. Grene-, Olurlntto, N. V I by Dra. Heoloy A Ilenlon, Cor of Uroml niul AMwuia Hts. , Atlanta, Or; by Dr. Brsndiall, 42 N. Court Street, Memphis, Tonn. WONlEItFlTJL CANCKK .. ANTIDOTES. No Knlfa. No Catullo Medicines. No Illoml. Mule l'aln. For particulars, call on or address either of tho above BETTER THAN ANY OTHER FOR CHILDREN, SILVER TIFFED SHOES, LAST T1IUEI5 "flMES AS LOSfj. Ayer's ir vigor, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and ' Color. A dressing which is at once agreeahlo) healthy, and effectual for preserving tho 5001 d hair 'qinal ztZiXZr- color, with the gloss and freshness of yoUth. Thin hair in thickened, falling hair checked, and bal dues3 often, though not always) cured by its uso. Nothing can reatoro tlio hair where tho follicles aro dc? stroyed, or the glands atrdphied and decayed; but such as remain can he saved by this application, and stimu lated into activity) so that A notf growth of hair is produced. Instead of fouling tho hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional uso will prevent the hair" from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it gives to the) scalp arrests and prevents tho forma tion of dandrufl) which i3 often so un cleanly and offensive. Freo from thoso deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and inju rious to tho hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing-elso can bo found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it docs not soil white, cambric, nnd yet lasts long on the hair5, giving it & rich, glossy lustre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Annlytical Cliomlsts, LOWELL, MASS. Lyev's Cherry Pectoral, For Disease") of tho Throat and LuriRa, auoh ns Coughs, Colda, Whooping Coush, BronoUitis, Asthma, nnd Gou-jumption. Anion;; the pTMt discoveries of inoilcrn Si'ioneo, low hvo tt inoio letil viiliio tu miuikind lltnu l!ii cf loctiial reme.ly I'm1 all diseases of the 'J'lirout 011(1 I.ltllM. A vust trial of lis virtues, tlirotiriiont tins nnil otlior countries, Ims shown that it does siirolr nnil I'l'i'iTtiiulK' control thorn. Tlie tostimony "of our best citi zens, of nil clnses, cstnblislics tlio fnct, tltnt Ciikiiiiv I'KrraiMi. will ntni does relievo nnd euro tlie nlllictinp; disorders of tlio Throat mid Lungs boyond any oilier medicine. 'J'lio most dnii?oi'Otis nd'ectrous of tho I'ulmnnnry Orpims ytciu to us power; nnti cases ot consuiiip. tion, cured by this prcpiirn I Ion, arc public ly Unoivn, so remurknule ns linrdly to be bo lioved, were tlicv not nrovon bevdnd dispute, As a rcino'ly it is nilcrpmte, on which tlio public irmy rely for fnlt protection. Jiy curinjr (,'ongliK, tho forerunners of more scrimm disense, H stives utmuinboi-od lt?os, nnd mi ninnniit of eulT'critiR not to bo computed. It cliiillcnires trial, nnd con vinces tno most sceptical, hvery tiiuuly slioultl Keep u on iiimti ns a protection rpninst tlie curiy and impcrceived attack of Pulnioharv Affections. which nro easily met nt first, but which becoms incurnblo, nnd too often filing if neglected. Ten der lungs need this ilcfonco; nnd it Is imwiso to do without It. As a sntegunra to children, nnnd the distrossinir diseases which beset the Throat and Oliest of childhood, (Jncmtr l'KCi'on.Mi is tiivaiuublo; ror, by its timely use, multi tudes are rescued from premuturo graves, nnd saved to the love nnd nlllvtirm centred on them. It nets speedily and sui olv against m dhinrycolil, securing sound und hetilth-rostoring sleep, Ko one will sudor troublesomo Iiilluenzn nnd pain fid Hroncliitla, when they know liow eusily they enn bo cured. Originally tho product of long, laborious, And successful chemical Investigation, no cost or toil is sptirod in ranking every bottle In the ilmmt possiblo perfection. It limy be confidently re lied upon ns possessing all tho virtues it tins' ever exhibited, and ctipablo of producing euros ns memorable us the greatest It has ever cilcclcct. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DRUOQISTS EVERYWHERE. NEW INVENTION. Hotary Churn Power. IJIAVK appointed 8. M. OAKPintM,, ofMof. fott'sCrfck PostOlllee. AnuusU county. Vs.. Aaent lor tlio sale of the Right for tlieBlateof unto, in wnnie or in counties, lor me luunuino- ture aua sate oi tno FIX & HUFFMAN EOT ART CHURN POWER WITH VERTICAL DASHES. Thlsmaolilneroolt the promium nt th An siistn Countv Fair, over AI.lj O'l'IIKH t'luirn rowers: mid, also, at the ItiH'kbriilgj Mochanionl nnd Agricultural Association fair, at .Lexing ton, Vo. Persons deslrlnp; rurther Information will address 8. M. Campbii.i,, Moffott's Orsuk 1. O, Vft. Tho Patent has 15 vears to run. Prims for County Kights in the State o" Ohio, loriiiisrnniiiiiu on ronsoinuie. Corresponilenre soliolted. January 10, 18U-tf J, 8. HUFFMAK. GUmzw THE VV0RL&; "Sew York OfH'oe. 27 BEF.KWAII ST. G'oiuiKn, oR(i'et5lAT, KV1?,8 and A1HJHKH, which lnUrlore with MARIU AGK with sure means of relief for the Erring and Unfortunate, disoaseri sad rlnbllituti'd. Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address, HOWARD ApliOOlATlON.Ko.IS.flluUiUU.rnilsdelpbls, ra, aol m mki &:Xr?&i Sf Wf restores fade M&XmAX or gray 'v-k:var to its h [From the Logan Republican.] LORAN & Gallipolis Railroad. liiiii we nilbnl to jo tlio Ltfgaii tt Gfillipolis Rjiilroad?, There no . better way of judging thnii iy tlif past, nnd considering tli advantnges of the Hocking Valley Jtoad to' our people ns a basis of the calcuations Fairly made can we afford to loose the proposed road to Gallipolis and from' there to the Atlantic on the coast of Virgiiva, via tlni Chesnprjake & Ohio Kailroad ' But what has the Hockinjr' Valley done for our county ' In nnswei'ing this question I can ; only hope to nu'iilion n fev of the advantages we have' derived from it. The II. V. Road has in-' creased the value of land $1.7 per acre fol' a belt five miles wide along the whole length through the comity iiioludin.r the Straitsville- branch. The road runs 30 miles in our comity 1.10 miles, or 93,000 acres at q 1 5 per acre, makes the enormous sum of $1-1 1-0.000. or about twice as much as watf subscribed for the coiistructLu of the whole road from" Column bus to Athens:, while the rub scriptiou in ihn county was lesi than $50,000, including the Straitsville Branch. Tim sum secured to our citizens by the building of thn road, was? nearly 30 times as large as we subscribed to the enterprise; For every ti'n dollar bill pub into the railroad, we have re ceived in the enhanced value of our real estate alone $300, Now it seems to me that this is n paying business, and our people ought not to coin plain about such hurdeier. Some may pay that we are mis taken in the amount of the iii create per acre upon our lands, caused by the building of the! II. V Itiulioaib Now if urn will take the trouble to iuvcsii gate the sales of our lands,' before and since the building of the Kailioad, y it will see" that wh are Killing facts. Thousands of aerts of Hocking county land (and we niran tlie' lie coal and iron ore lands in the vicinity of (Jore and Straits ville,) hive incivas' d from $50, to 200 per note. South of Logan, and on the line of the p oi6'-wl road, is n rich fluid of iron ore, v hich, if the road is male will be' worth $100 per acre instead of 25, as now. So we say to the' people of Logan, and espechd ly to the farnieis along the line of said road, subscribe lib eral, and see ore the advan tages that the road can only give. AVe will civC other' reasons next week, why we should se cure the rapid construction of L. A QuAuitY ofJVIud Tur tles. A Wood connty paper' contains the following account, of the discovery of a quarry of' Mid Turtles. Kecently two men were engaged in the con struction of Ditch Isfo. 183 The ditcU eda. tJ-irongh marshy swamp, which lu. not probably in the recollection of the oldest inhabitant, been ag dry ns this year, aud even with the present great drouth, the' team of horses mired eo badly that in eoraeinD'anccs they had to dig and pry them out from? among the sunken bogs where they became entangled. In one place while- plowing, and about 2J feet bloW the sur face, they came upon a literal patch of huge mud turtle? some of which were as largo on the back' ns the bottom of a; "Windsor chair, nnd 80 firmly' iinbeded wre some of theser tough customers, that they ob structed the plow and threw it' out of the furrow the same as1 " a stone or root would do. Five' or six of these . lusty fellows1 would sometimes he turned out by a single furrow. They had probably sought this moist spot from some distance as the best place to ga into winter quarters. VIOK'S FLORAL GUIDE: Foi 1872. Tttm riitt Kill tion OITwo lIONnmrt TKnn. rind coplus jimt pnlillsliod, It la elKntljr printed on flue tintud pnir. In Two Colons,, Intl illUHtrntoil With ovor Tlirne Jtaadred ;osrrlurs of Flowers Sind Vrrstkblns, ud' TWO COLORED PLATES. ThA most bitfttlful and inatruolWa' fltlos;n' and Floral Uuld In tin world 111 )( ft,' iviug iiioninnii uiroriionn mr tna onivnrs or lowarannd Vciroliibles.oriinnicnllnr (rounds. milking wnlks, otn. A Chrlfllmaspronnnt for my enstomars, bnt forwarded to afrywlio nnoly nr wall, fur Tstt' Cents, only oue-quarter lue ost. . Atlurwis, Aiiinn v 1V.JV. 0-ui' Koohestrr, V.'