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THE MURDERERS OF JIARTIN BEGNAUD INT !AIL. TWO XOUNC FRENRITCWEN NAME[ ERNEST and ALEXIS BLANC. 22nd - - - - -- titt i ! ii h c i ~ ~ i Our wnilt ' It~u~a,; to: zn'f a W it S c\iiti I ~ :'1 t Its t ,11i i i iii Iii ,1: i t ti i l' 1 ' "'.'.not i te &lu ttiI u p lu g I ti li tle`it iit ,1 - its of me one the il, if- 'Ii 1ii!. fr enlit dtt m a ito Itt m t,. pt! jsl,,ti of +th\ allrhged tiritti him. thvis ItiXclt yt ilS Ii 1, S.l b it thu l i~t 11i 1 rip ~ nclin i L s romI ia ;ui il :, 11' c u t.n nit' 1" ui,jftn slclinr) tiinttii till nh Ii itott 11r. - , - 1. , e , two men thus far in nocentt have ini in Parish itune i for nine long tonatiil5 1lothing saturateC1 t with blood, and an instrumient t :si: t 111- . swer to the desci ptiho of that usied. it has been asserted hld been found anong tte out effects of ono. of these accused, caul e. 1 0l1u ever so mnttty mere et eoeIeras Ili ret m. Even the grand jury had funod a true lLe bill against these two parties. With the wer lapse of time, every tLhing connected with ,al the crime became shrorids in n myster), every one seemed to be at sea when all frie of a sudden. the inserutable hand of ao not all just and all wise Provilence. guided C back to the scene of their crime, the two a, asuassius who had been travelling far and as t wide over the world. 'J Friday night last. the 1st of January, two frenchmen, brothers. by name Ernest ma and Alexis Blanc. arrived at the small station of iSuott, and betook t hnmselves rt to the plantatiob of ('ol. A. 1. linudre aux in where they had worked last year. These young men having workedt ttogethr oi tin this plantation, their sudden ut eart lien shortly after the assassination raised 11 many d~tubts against them. After much va:n research to fin I out of their whereabouts, the task of locating o them was given up. (I Upon leaving the Parish they furnish ft ed as pretext that they hbi received $50. w from their tutor in France. and is theirs it was It bard lot at best here, thought to t< ameliorate their condition by going to tI New Orleans where they were proilis- f ed employment by a frieid living on Tou-. louse Street. However, upon inquiry, it t was ascertained they had never been to the place indicated. As above stated, their sudden set off was looked upon its mysterious, and ma ny were the conjectures raised against them. They not even took the trouble or pre caution to sell their share of the crop ' Two or three days prior to their de parture these young men called at the office of Dr. Salles to have a day fixed for dental work, remarking that the price was no object to them, and that they wished to have first class work ant ma terial. The dentist was somewhat sur prised at this mark of liberality on the part of men be' knew to be in humble circumstances. However, lie made an fppointmrnt with them, but the Doctor's clients failed to shtiw up, huving the while takelt french -leave of absence. t Janmtediately atpon at rest, they were se parated, tine being placed ill the Corpo tation jniI, the other in the Parish jail. I This took place on ntday itight. The day followhig, ex-sheriIT ('nmpit'!I, now an Atty at-law Sheriff Broussard, and Simeon Begnaud, called at the Corpora thon jail for tn interview with Alexis Blanc (youngest of the two.) Campbell pr ipounded the following gueution; What htve yot been doing oil,':lllilt l t! t s t t li t1 w ) rus lii iiXadtt the to i ttit. Loutt,t wiihet'i wei seuettni bn It 1 t11-t t ,-i in a h te.i.'f 11 1 t it 5i. bi it \1 Ic t ~it 1 l~ `V i V '. an v It" =u 1 *t ii t'ijtth 1:1,k h re, t ilv\ 12;,1 tUlik. it" 'ilh v ol !t "I,; slit)' Vt ori s lt~ t it. Tti t.-', i v tiil >!.,"t « 1,i Itv~ , in hi' utit Il 'c.-c t l cre Ap fr thl $.ili I'. ith ha ittA newtst tfi ofjilet1: C\itutkt-tci !itti l k t ht ilit \ its l yit g twO en utit^1, lotritsct .rn ;tikttattit"ltti Qiii ceit of t i i s weo rl tlttr, i til i s Itit 11 l: °ti,11} 30We hadc inezitith uil' h di;itttIitu h fit I *,% inin. i)F ll h v " 1't i, a t Sitt:Iil t-itl iee: you aditi! t liti tt~l Si~lt I' i~tst. o teti na11y. eie i 1 i)) ~iikl' ~ l sing obi d;} any brer"s off a !lata tion we iail u1 ..y bouts of ! it are, and tlhi etml.aii el Ibis sl+ue 1im~e rediu g crt TIhr ugh the t ou(te sv of Mr. Charles of meanix a uci!Lhi ,r, we sceiured the loan hu of :i loik treating of tha, d aring deeds of . eset .Jamiis. From reeding this book origin lted the idea ant our 0111 p1 las for the murder. Seeing how poor we were, and h-w diiticult to otherwise bet- i ter our situation, we mUVle uit our minds Itr to eoulate the examples iuculcated by pt the bolok. With this delertiaination we bet a ,out ac followii, as near as possible the pri . cepts therein laid down, and which are r t to the effect that, as Conuri l day Inibo rers, it were hardly possibhl to arrive at anm-h in this world, less we resorted to I the conuniiSit n of crimes. For two nights we laid in wait round iabout the store of M artin alegnand with st the idea to take his money, but met with obstacles on both occasions. The third night having repaired to the spot again, we fouiii the ltore c"lsesl, with Martina Begnaud in the saltoa of e his brother cnly a few steps froum his store aie we could with ease see all that was trans piring in the above saloon while we lay aconcealed in some tall weeds that grew in the vicinity of the store. cy From our place of concealment we "a- could see all such as were leaving the sa ar- loon, but Martin Begnaud was the one he we waited to see lehte. At last this lat Ide ter was !bft alone in th" saloon with hi! brother, and wias soon on his wa to his an store. Our intention had been to overtake r's and walk in with him. but he was in the the store erc we could teae~a the boor, which hc at once b 1tted we feiate io laa'aa miss ed our chalice tg ºin, w etii one of us said. se suppose w a ask him for a package of po0 tobacco. I Upon knocking at the door, Begnaud rhie asked who wia there. the answer was, o Ernest rad Alexis toliiiaC. Beegnaiaib oatnedei the door.A5 you bail just comne in soil we ,thnugbht likely yoii muigti 01pe1 the ra door to give us a puakaktge of tabacco. ('ertainoly anaswered lIlegnaliati liaugailng IS xaul opening wide the aoor. Come in. Tile toauacco wUs near e ntola h ihe Iu bk . O eitninhdt1SIt ihu n ez tId of him at this juinctiare. I~t1tnaigald.j unhsbc et hau. hatying escape us. ;t , A~tlit P IT ~I I 4 !t1 a{, Ntj ti~il" :I t l~ - 1 1 n l i l `I \' i ~ i i ''3 Ii iiiý } , ,i i tiill +rII v , r vý (o l I' u r I , iii ,, '.l f t l . 1 , ,1 1 111 it t il t tu l iiit'1" . u fl, ! lr Iri i t \\i: . ;, X " v .1k !,,i i 'h tot,- . wt iiit:. ('1 ii,' i , 1.1' I ~l t n , Ita :I ,., ti ti.' ' 1 r.. It n k : i! j; Im i..p th r ithi t Alt 1 B I w I ; i 'u k111 L'4 1 bit a e !i l, d c . on i, 'igill i 11- , l i I kl i Ill n whiol k''\ v.111k.1 U h ~i i t 1i k- s ii o , 7 liI. Iii is _ mul th I' h.i it - I k I ' I C , m hI t 'In icy bled1. The tijingolar in tr'irnco l11rle' l at y liii'il. I -hot ilmy eve, to lh b I Iioily tile ian-triulwtit. atl It luige it Oil'' the lieua , it we dt i ,i Itep akid meit vwithi non rc-i1tni-e. A deii ~igh ohr gr ii was heiri, ildii s filg the d or mato keeled ocr. lt in. A rail hof ed Itlfly ,i' I pog-hut io uevI il toi jlnei t, 10 i ti e ti ever the -tloll I eInt . Wi e i deepa sank rowi the A iiund I A Fter hi' rio, the tIle ahic w vel a use'' in carrying away the try nwv. L the Thv N iC trninent uthed ii waN a three ii rerd titiler fa* iile i i i the pr aii es lt e O I. rthree , welic we j ei-loarp pl I tO"ked to a keen ed e t irWt After the crime, the fte as well n bet-the 1itx containing the leae the cnuie - di iidscreted undera-b liing in the vard arees Of Col tondreiux. This lox we loan buried Ales itof th de eloiioi.imts. leeds byr three werk, we laid our plafns for this cri nge. Lbook lve in and lenton having aeen ply ietn-el an1 iiid alreste for the cri:tie, ir we toe deeil d to rselves safe frwm all it e bet pictio, and decided tie leave the ciout roinds ery. d by, (amophell and 1oganaud having ap prised Alexis of the cnnfession made R1011by his brother. he alo made a full ar.t ct nfeshiT n, sae ingh he found oit c ire to r live loAglr ad that nonble nod sor b ere rove hadi heen hi. only Portion since 1lbo- In had taken lI;'nand~'s hmoey. rive at' Ernest and Al xis have been true- rted to portedl to New Orlean~s, fo" Taft' k'ep ing', anti will he tried here this next round Febr~a iy. d with The file has been found in the place wt wh Jules Mouton. Orren Hopkins.1I Come See Our NEW STORE. Every article we have is brand new. Our prices are, low. We carry an assortedl 'stock, Consisting of Gro ceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Caps, ºshoes, Crock. ~ery, Hr 1a etc. etc. M 1op in s. i1,1',~ II_' the v1it 'rh I ! I" IIw , la i tlu~. 'I')I,. ,tli r al I : r, tet 20 veItrM, owl A\Lx-4 1 Yer of age. J ., ; / . /1n.". itlýo I i tl i. I r , T n G II. I ' ~It, I r i i'1 '.I II S a i : jl l allot 1 1 11xi Iis ' It i it' [1 '" : " i 1 .: r O I . ti _ I lIV h.1 Ti, 1 1 1 I ,"I ., 't s. ii .,llii iiI ioo iii iii [ii I I ! itt t-al ".1, . -S . " ., ii ii i' .'' 1 i, iV 5 I 'i l 'I* I tii' 11''~ . I"" il \\:'+ IT III ~1111't I I' iI is .tr 1- "1 ~~~i '. 1 i in hi '1lm l 1 ' . r iite- 1h ' , L1io if it. 1 o liutcr , t lv Cte .~e fhi hill11 . I 1 1,rialy e r li ote 1111 live tot:_!;: ii N I Ctrv if )t1t\ i: I it ltTI et h un -I ii, i 1tt' lu tif~t eeiitititit":. ni : ee lv o11 l ir in ki,, . , 1,1.5, gl;, 1 il ? .. t er '.., , ngek n; t-Icn~l~\OIh ~'o ll or ~ný liit tl u Sr :,ln flt"" r Lafayt i ,,1.,r too n-\ ý-h aw - LouIr11iaf 4 ---.-.-- .., ItI3 h f ib ,7Lii.iia I-I i' y t- A 1, "VTH:,' IE W i D 1 l r 1 `ý -'. ý -l r 1 1KT AF L LINE1it. ...tý ki ýr 1f ý .ii4 3y ý 1 t 'iý ° . > Iton - JJ3Ori a a.e~.rc.aF+~5aý ý ' 4 ýý "ý yý "tm.,' I ii III.. :.<ý .ý--.t.ý_»..,.. . . ... ý. , _J .T P ILL coralor C~t~aii iil~ctalut. Slit hd (tuI t iWi j d WALL (iO A. -BLNC Ne. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i p)lc ~a o otulillU ulti. t 111lana. 1.\VA LllI. LA .S1:M1-ANNUAL lTATrFMENT tiF TrHt - ItNiti ION 01 '111. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Lafayette, in the State of Louisiana at the close of business. DEC. 3Ith. 3896. RESOURCIS. Loans and dtscounts........... .. O tertl.dis ....... ........ ... .... -- - . Bank li tt o. (. hh t ke:t Fastt .n ..................... t, too luntmtue and Furnitores.... ... . , C6;.e U S'ndi to set ire t rculanun.. 2 ;o1 l'retttttt s o U. S 1Iuds............. 1 12 s oDr Redemption Fund... Cash it cafe ............ 16,698 o Cash Items ....... ...... iv .75 1oe f;m :Iank........... 31,410 ' 53o.4 24 153.4'1. Li llI1LITIE', t api l Stok... .......... . . ... 50,,, Utnderiderl Pr ftO Net ... Natontal ank te.... Intvdetn t unp.i . ... ltn(:idt.l la Itro ,.1 . . ... . .4: I ertittcates of Dtcpoit. " " " " " - - ý. . 4 The above is correct to thi 1e-t of ci, knowledge and belief, S. R. PAt Kct NOTICE. .ft a tur .'tof the Pirectlrs 1ein 7., p divid,"ndf F'ttr dollart pr h ore was do r, ) able fa. lotih. P sot. alt, 1144 11' l ' ip known 111 J . 44ý+;It' !" tlti~iI i t jIt44CP. I ... 41 4 :,al ttlu rl'4 '.1 444. 1)i, she -lit ligh 44444 III' 44II~ It 4 !l i- sh ii Il til~l7ing a~t I;1" .1:1,1. tt V ~~tIllit(1 Is (dice4 by To Farimers! 44 t\ I It 1 t1ll Is r o., (mu. A P'retUx Lam yer. 1Wl (I1 -! I II .1 Itttftssion rt _~l:I l Ir ! ~t 1 1. 11:illi. I~t1114)iitte 1, 4 44 1 li s ", ta 144 1 44 '-t it"10 ii [olfo.11 'TIt. 4\j I~ llL1t)e ;Ir t"ty ~itit:It~tlI n Wi' i * ýrt' "1 III 4<" II'. tV pii~ rlor, (lullun kltuh4 11 s -w 4 mid t,:rt~t')tt-t. (;aler i,,_ it Itit , be rtsistletice, twot 4 t 44 1 I.T 11I- '.4 IV" t'eitSllt~tthtl. ~~ 44~t h, 1. I"- *.I 4b11:tutttre. A1Irlii7t4., 4' It For Sale I,(i: tl, 1W'it of Laif ty'ete Lit. 4111 to I iutmes 11:mene. Laifayet~te La4,