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OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SCHOOL BOARD AND PARISH OF LAFAYETTE. VOLUME XLII. LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1906. NUMBER 4. Died. Simeon Begneaud, a prominent citizen of Lafayette, died sudden ly Thursday at 11:30 a. m. from a stroke of appoplexy, in the 53rd year of his age. He had been unwell for some time,*and while his condition was considered serious, his death came very un expectedly. M r. Begneaud was a member of a large and promi nent family of the parish, and was the son of the late Alexan der Begneaud. of Scott. He was engaged in business in his native town previous to entering into business in this city, to which he moved about fifteen years ago. At the last municipal election he was elected a member of the City Council. The deceased was a man of a kindly and charitable nature and PANAMA Corrugated Galvanized STEEL TANKS Do not cost any more than a cypress cistern. Do not need any repairs and will last as long. Do not leak, keep the water pure and mosquitoes never breed in them. No wiggles in Panama .* *', Corrugated GalVanized Steel Tanks. We want to IL ' show you the tank and tell you of its merits. It will pay you to let us fig ure with you. Vordenbaumen Lumber Co., Ltd. Don't Wait Till the Last Moment. GET YOUR HEATERS NOW and have them put up ready for the cold snap when it comes. We have the kind of Heater to please you. Call and let us show you. CHAWRTr OAK .nd uLLY DARLING rTOvEs. FALL MERCANTILE CO., LIMITED. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY All the latest styles in Dress and Walking Hats. A fuU line of novelties such as Belts, Purses, Etc. Hats Tritmsmed to Order. MO1 UT, "ON SISTEE FSR. was very popular both in town and parish. He is survived by one brother and six sisters: Mr. John Begneaud and Mmnes. Val mont Prejean, Edward Jenkins. J. A. Begneaud, Olivier Boud reau, Jacques Arceneaux and Alex Martin, Jr. The funeral services took place at St. John's Catholic church at 3:30 p. in. Friday and were at tended by the Sontag Band, fire department, City Council, and a large number of friends and rela tives. Not Going to fIove. I beg to inform the good peo ple of Lafayette that the Lafa yette Steam Laundry Co., Ltd., is not going to move as it is built on a solid foundation. It was here first and is here to stay, and is not for sale and doing well, so don't believe what you hear. E. F. CUNNTNGHAM, Manager. GRAND JURY REPORT. Indictments Found and Recom mendations Made-Schools and Roads In Good Condition. To the Honorable Philip S. Pugh, *Judge of the 18th Judicial Dis trict (ourt for the Parish of La fayette, La. The Grand Jury empanelled for this term of court, having completed its labors, beg leave to submit their final report. We have investigated 57 charges laid before us, and have reported 34 true bills and 23 not true bills. In the line of our duty we have examined the Sheriff's office and report the same to he in the usual good condition. The jail also received our attention and we found the same in fair condi tion. We also visited the Clerk's of fice and found the books and other public documents to be in good order and generally well kept, but the building itself is in very bad condition, the walls be ing badly cracked and appearing to be sinking; we recommend an inspection of this building by some one competent to judge of such matters and that such ex pert so appointed by the Police Jury for that purpose make a re port as to th saf tv of said building and` if -in a dan gerous condition and subject to collapse, whether same can be repaired so as to be safe for human life and the public rec ords therein. And if the ex pert reports that same is too badly damaged for repairs, we recommend that the Police Jury erect a new court house with a fire-proof clerk's office attached as soon as the revenues of the parish will so justify. We have also looked into the public schools of the parish and take great pleasure in reporting them to be generally well con ducted and in a high state of ef ficiency. We believe that good work is being done in our public schools, and that the lapse of a few years will demonstrate be yond any doubt the wisdom and patriotism of the people in pro moting and upbuilding this branch of the public service. We note with pride also the spirit of progress and enterprise displayed by the people of the town of Lafayette in the tax and bond issue recently voted by them for public school buildings and other public works. Again, as to public roads, it is with no small degree of satisfac tion that we report unmistakable and substantial signs of prog ress. We are safely within the bounds of truth in saying that the public roads of the parish are now in better condition gen erally and better drained than ever before in our history. In this we observe not only a degree of efficiency and faithful per formance of duty on the part of officials, but a sure and steady movement of the people to the achievement of better things. The Grand Jury, without suf ficient evidence for action, are constrained to believe that abuses exist in our parish in the matter of the payment of costs to certain Justices of the Peace by persons brought before them on minor charges and the whole .. ", Choice Town Property. A nice residence. 4 rooms, hall. dining room. !itclon. bath room: lot 50x144: price $22(5). near Industrial Institute. One two-story store and residence on Johnson street. lot 123x109, price $2800, one-half cash, balance 1 and 2 ;ears. One two story residence near Institute. (; rooms. 2 hails. Lot near railroad depot 50x127, price $3000. Lot 50x140 and 3 room residence near oil mill, price $900. One lovely home in Parkerson addition. 3 blocks from Lincoln avenue, on lot 150x125. Cottage, two rooms. dining room. eitchen: lot 6i0x60, near high school, price $1600. One 5 room residence, Parkerson addition. lot 30x123, price -'2000. Lot 50x125 and residence. 3 rooms. dining room. kitchen. barn and stable on Stewart street, price $1500. A nice residence. 4 rooms, hall kitchen, dining room, bath room; lot 100x125, price $3000, Parkerson addition. n*-ar Lincoln avenue. Store, residerce and outhouses on Lincoln avenue: good business stand, lot 50x811, price $2850. Lot 50x125, near wholesale grocery with residence. 3 rooms, dining room, kitchen and hall, and outhouse, price $1050. A J} story boarding house. 8 rooms. sitting room, hall dining room, kitchen, bathroom, with or without furniture, on a lot measur ing 100x150, 2 blocks from railroad depot. Easy terms. Lots in different additions at reasonable prices. COUNTRY PROPERTY. 200 arpents of land between Scott and Duson, deep well and pump, price $50 per arpent. 1300 arpents of land 16 miles from Lafayette. price $18 per arpent. 50 arpents of land 5 miles from Lafayette, price $640 per arpent. 84 arpents of land with residence and out-houses, 2 miles from La fayette, price $100 per arpent. 61 arpents of land with residence and out-houses, 2 miles from town, price $6000. 150 arpents of land, more or less, 2 miles from town with nice two story brick building and out-houses. 124 arpents of land, 14 mile from town. 200 arpents of land, 5 miles from town. 700 arpents of well improved land 4 miles from Youngsville. 90 arpents of land with improvements, 5 mile:, from town. price $4750. 80 acres of land, 18 miles from Lafayette. price $2500. 227 arpents of land, 5 miles from Carencro. $30 per arpent. 8 lots in Carencro, price *400. Above Property Sold on Easy Terns. JULES J. MOUTON. Real Estate Agent. - , LAFAYETTE, LA. some administration of justice requires that such things should cease. We report another reprehensi ble practice existing in our par ish, and one that is difficult to reach, and that is, the discharg ing of fire-arms on our public roads in the night-time. and pur sued even to the extent of shoot ing into public and private houses on the way side. This is a sign of lawlessness which if al lowed to go unchecked and un noticed, is apt to produce se rious results. The law should by strictly enforced and all dis orders stopped, no matter by whom committed. In conclusion, we beg to ex tend our acknowledgements to your Honor for the assistance rendered by your clear and com prehensive charge, and alsQ to thank our able and energetic District Attorney, and other offi cers for courtesies and assis tance. The following true bills were found: Manuel Robert, shooting to murder. Kossuth Aubey, striking to kill. Chonques Chargois and Loadis Trahan, shooting on highway. Joseph August, concealed weapon. Joseph August, assault with dangerous weapon. Eloi King, assault with dan gerous weapon. Octave Delhomme, cutting to murder. Alcide Roy. shooting to mur der. Robert Dorsey, concealed weapon. Manuel Roy, disturbing as sembly. Manuel Roy, concealed weapon. Ophe Sonnier, striking to mur der. Sidney Armentor, violating contract. Cleophas Chiasson, concealed weapon. Samuel Jenkins, cutting to kill. Fax, Felix and Bee Claude, lar ceny. Fernest Jean Baptiste, strik ing to kill. Alfred Winter, criminal as sault. Lee Jones, burglary and lar ceny. Joseph Hopkins, labor con tract. Angel Roger, Sadie Roger, Ernest Roger, disturbing as sembly. Ellis Mouton, Homer Mouton, Attic Bou re, Leonce Rourc, Alexis Gilbert, Alphonse Gil bert, trespass. B. J. Pellerin, embezzlement, four bills. Pierre Comeaux, cutting to kill. Gaston Bossier, larceny. Augustin Chiasson and John Guidry, burglary and larceny. Edward Booth, horse stealing. Jake Lusher, stealing ride. ALCIDE JUDICE. Foreman. IBEAUTY -IN THE- DINING RO00 MMt makes eating a luxury in warm weather. For the Dining Room we are offering a superb line of Sideboards, China Closets, Buaffets, Chairs, Tables, Etc. Our special low prices are worthy of your . immediate attention. PELLERIN- ECLOUET FURNITURE. CO., LTDO The Roliable Dealers.