OCR Interpretation

The Lafayette advertiser. [volume] (Vermilionville [i.e. Lafayette], La.) 1865-19??, October 03, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86079068/1906-10-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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The Postal Telegraph and Cable
Co. Considering the Placing
of an Operator Here.
Mr. W. A. Logan, representing
the Postal Telegraph and Cable
Co., with headquarters at Da s,
was here last week with the p
pose of putting in an office in
thiscity. Heconsidered themat
ter favorably and made pro
visionalarrangement for an office,
should it be definitely decided to
to put an operator here.
Several years ago the Postal
Company had an office in Lafa
yette, but discontinued it be
cause it didn't pay. Establish
ing the present office is contem
plated for two reasons: Because
the increased business of Lafa
yette justifies the expectation of
Corrugated Galvanized
Do not cost any more than =s z
a cypress cistern. Do not need
any repairs and will last as long.
Do not leak, keeps.., the water c
pure and mosquitoes never breed
in. them.
* No wiggles in Panama
Corrugated Galvanized'
Steel Tanks. We want to
show you the tank and tell you
of its merits.
* It will pay you to let us fig
ure with you.
Lumber Co., Ltd.
Don't Walt Tilt the, Last Moment.
ad have them put up ready for
the cold snap when it comes.
We have the kind of Heater to
please you. Call and let us show
sad well selected stock of~" -
Fuland Winter Hats
......nWAXjT.x a...
L It t test Styles.
hatrlimped to order by an expert milliner. Ai at
t* lbe of belts, pursea, ribbons, and novelties. We
* call from SoD.
a better patronage than in the
past, and because of the increase
in their through wires an office
at this point will prove of advant
age. With the completion of two
new wires which is expected in
the next two weeks, the Postal
will have seven wires from
Houston to New Orleans and five
from this point to Alexandria
connecting with New Orleans.
Offices are to be opened also in
Opelousas and Alexandria.
House Burned.
The home of Sigismond Ber
nard at Pin Hook was burned
Saturday night. Very little was
saved. he fire is supposed to,
have bi caused by the explo
sion of a lamp. Upon retiring a
lamp was left burning. Some
time during the night Mr. Ber
nard awoke to find the house in
Little Pickups That Help to Tell
the News of the Week
Little Clayton Reams Beadle.
who was so seriously burned
about three months ago by the
overturning of a "pot of boiling
water, has recovered. The little
fellow had a hard time, and a
long siege, of it but he is now up,
and we are sure that everybody
will rejoice with him that the
time of trial is over.
The Woman's Club will in a
few days reorganize. The first
meeting will be held Saturday,
October 6 at four o'clock with
Mrs. Blake as hostess.
Hon. E. P. Curtis, grand senior
conductor of the Order of Rail
way Conductors, was present at
a special meeting of the local
lodge Sunday and spoke upon
subjects of importance to the
Dr. G. R. DeLaureal was in
town one day last week with his
handsome new automobile. One
enthusiastic admirer among the
younger generation said, "It's a
peach," as it rolled by without
noise and as pretty as a picture.
Court News. I
A term of criminal court began Mon
day. The following appeared in
court and pleaded guilty;
Frank Luster, disturbisg peaceable
assembly. Fined $25 andcosts or 3
months in jail.
Arcade Porcio, carrying concealed
weapons. Fined $100 and costs or 4
months in jail.
Samuel Jenkins, cutting with intent
to kill, 1 year in jail.
Ophe Foreman, trespass $5 and costs
or 30 days in jail.
Fernest Jean Baptiste, col., striking
with intent to kill. 6 months in peni
Sidney Armentor was tried for vio
lating labor contract: found not guilty.
W. S. Ostheimer. plead guilty to
forgery. Not sentenced.
Fax Felix and B. Gland, col.,
tried for lareeny. Found guilty and
given 10 days in jail.
Cleophas Foreman, tried for carry
ing concealed weapons. Found guilty
and fined $60 and costs or 3 months in
Henry Smith, tried for carrying
concealed weapons. Found not guilty.
Robt. Dorsey, col., tried for carry
ing concealed weapons. Found not
Ophe Sonnier, plea of. assault and
battery accepted. Not sentenced.
Manuel Roy tried and convicted of
disturbing a peaceable assembly.
Fined $25 and costs and 1 hour in jail
or 3 months in jail. Also convicted of
carrying concealed weapons. Fined
$10 and costs or 3 months in jail.
Removed Bulletin Frame from
Post Office.
Someone removed from the
post-office the frame in which
the weather bulletins are posted
daily. Postmaster Domengeaux
states the he is not disposed to
look at the matter as a joke and
intends to prosecute the party
if found. The walls of the post
office are not to be defaced or
written on nor is anything at
tached to them to be removed un
der penalty of the law. Mr.
Domengeauxalso wishes tonotify
those young people who freqent
the office at mail time and in
dulge in loud talking and bois
terous conduct, that they must
t hereafter behave more orderly
as it will not be tolerated any
Choice Town Property.
A nice residence. 4 rooms, hall, dining room, kitchen, bath room:
lot 50x144; price $2200, near Industrial Institute.
One two-story store and residence on Johnson street. lot 123x109,
price *28(M), one-half cash, balance 1 and 2 years.
One two story residence near Institute, (; rooms, 2 halls.
Lot near railroad depot 50x125, price $3004).
Lot )4)x1440 and 3 room residence near oil mill, price $900.
One lovely home in Iarkerson addition, 3 blocks from Lincoln
avenue, on lot 150x125.
Cottage. two rooms, dining room, Kitchen: lot 40xl0oO. near high
school. price $16000.
One 5 room residence, Parkerson addition, lot 50x125. price $'2(00.
Lot 50x125 and residence. 3 rooms. dining room, kitchen. barn and
stable on Stewart street, price $1500.
A nice- residence. 4 rooms, hall kitchen, dining room, bath room:
lot 101x125, price $:3000. Parkerson addition, near Lincoln avenue.
Store, residence and outhouses on Lincoln avenue: good business
stand, lot 50x814, price $2850.
Lot 50x125, near wholesale grocery with residence, 3 rooms, (lining
room, kitchen and hall, and outhouse, price $1050.
A 14 story boarding house, 8 rooms, sitting room, hall dining
room, kitchen, bathroom, with or without furniture, on a lot measur
ing 100x150, 2 blocks from railroad depot. . Easy terms.
Lots in different additions at reasonable prices.
200 arpents of land between Scott and Duson, deep well and pump,
price $50 per arpent.
1300 arpents of land 16 miles from Lafayette. price $18 per arpent.
50 arpents of land 5 miles from Lafayette, price *6i0 per arpent.
84 arpents of land with residence and out-houses, 2 miles from La
fayette, price *1(W) per arpent.
61 arpents of land with residence and out-houses, 2 miles from
town. price *6(000.
15) arpents of land, more or less. 2 miles from town with nice two
story brick building and out-houses.
121 arpents of land, li mile from town.
200 arpents of land, 5 miles from town.
700 arpents of well improved land 4 miles from Youngsvilie.
90 arpents of land with improvements, 5 miles from town. price
80 acres of land, 18 miles from Lafayette, price *2500.
227 arpents of land, 5 miles from Carencro, *30 per arpent.
8 lots in Carencro, price $400.
Above Property Sold on Eaesy Terms.
Real Estate Agent. - - LAFAYETTE, LA.
Intermittent Gusher Brought In
Friday by Ieywoods. Yields
1so Barrels Daily.
Friday Heywood Bros. brought
in a gusher at Anse La Butte .
which is yielding one hundred
and fifty barrels a day. The
stream of oil is not constant. but
gushes intermittently. The well
was put down and completed in
ten days, The oil is of fine
quality and pure, not mixed with
water. This makes the fourth
producer for the Heywoods.
There are three other producing
wells in thefield, twobelonging to
the Lake Oil Co. and one to the
Louisiana Oil Co.
Groceries may look alike, but
try our groceries and the flavor
of their freshness, will please
you.-Prudhomme & McFaddin.
If you want a stylish suit.
good wear and well made at a
most reasonable price, Schmu
len's is the place to get it.
Charged With Forgery.
W, S. Ostheimer was arrested
Friday night by Sheriff Lacoste
on the charge of forgery. He is
said to have forged the name of
his employer, Scott Heywood,
to a check for $127.50 which he
induced Pellerin Bros to cash.
Sheriff Lacoste made the charge
upon information given him by
Mr. Heywood.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Doucet
have the sympathy of the public
in the loss of their dear little
baby girl, Ruth, aged one year
and five months, which sad event
occurred Thursday at 6:10 p. m.
Funeral services, attended by a
large number of friends and rel
atives, were held at St. John's
Catholic church Friday at 4:30
p. m.
Ring up Ramsey & Upton for
feedstuffs, and your orders will
be promptly delivered.
Jeanerette Fair.
To-morrow the Jeanerette
Parish fair begins and will last
up to and including the 7th. A
rate of one and a third fare for
the round trip has been made by
the Southern Pacific. Sunday a
special excursion will be run.
All the regular attractions of an
up-to-date fair.
It's no mystery why ladies
like to buy from Schmulen's. A
well selected stock of goods for
ladies at the lowest prices is the
makes eating a luxury
in warm weather. For
the Dining Room we
are offering a superb
line of
China Closets,
Buffets, Chairs,
Tables, Btc.
Our special low prices *
are worthy of your
immediate attention.
The Reliable Dealers.

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