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THE ADVERTISER. LeROSBN & ALPHA, Publishers. Subscription, $1.00 a year, pay able in advance. Entered at the Post-ofce at lafayc' I . as second class mail matter WEDNESDAY. OCT. 1900. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. For Congress: ROBT. F. BROUSSARD. For Member State Board of Equalization. A. M. MARTIN. SERVING TWO rlASTERS. The Cosmopolitan Magazine has been, and is now running a series of articles by David Graham Phillips under the head of "The Treason of the Senate," showing how the Senate is con trolled by Standard Oil and other "interests." Among the sena tors charged with serving the "interests" instead of thje peo ple, is Senator Joseph Weldon Bailey, of Texas. The charges were discountenanced by his friends and denied by M r. Bailey. Recently Mr. Pierce, of the Waters-Pierce Oil Co., a part of the Standard Oil monopoly, tes tified before. an examining com mittee that Senator Bailey is a trusted and confidential em ployee of his company. This has raised a menacing opposition to his re-election, which was to have taken place at the assem bling of the legislature in No vember. Mr. Bailey now acknowleges that he has been employed as counsel by the Waters-Pierce Oil Co., and Maintains fis right to accept employment from that company or any other company. But inasmuch as all monopolies are enemies of the people, it is rather difficult to understand how a man can serve the people and their enemy at the same time. Serving two masters may be a senatorial accomplishment, but it will be difficult to convince the average man that it can be done with justice to both parties. And in Senator Bailey's case, as he says he is after a competence, his constituents should not need geometrical demonstration to show them that he did not slight his master Standard Oil's busi ness. Mr. Bailey's contention that he is free to accept employment from corporations, and those corporations national in scope besides, while serving as a rep resentative of the people, is an evidence that that clear view of right and duty that measures up to old fashioned morals does not obtain in the Senate, and that it is high time for such as he to be retired. And the sooner the people send such to deserved ob scurity and replace them with men who are willing to serve the people and the people only for the salary paid, the sooner will they be relieved of the trusts and their robbery. LOUISIANA WIDB AWAKE. Under the above heading the American School Board Journal, a periodical of national scope and influence, contains the following mention, in the current issue, of the Louisiana State Association of Sohool Boards: The State of Louisians has organ ised a State association of school boards and made its first meeting, held at Baton Rouge, a most success tel one. Only the most practical top hse and those of immediate concern 'era disoussed. Dr. N. P. Moss of Lafayette was komored with the presideney of the ewly o-gslssed Louisiana School Dord Amsoelatlon, sad Mr. L. J. Allesmea of Lafayette was made msesr. tary. Mr. Alleinan is parish superin- I tendent of schools at Lafayette. Dr. Moss is president of the parish hoard and one of the greatest friends of ed ucation in the State. The beginning is promising of a useful career and to that end the asso ciation has our well-wishes. There should be no "faction" in any city. The property of one individual and every improve- º ment made enhances the value of 4 all property in the corporation. Our city is simply one big fam- 1 ily. When this is disco'rded there is little progress. When there is a united pull for any 1 thing, its accomplishment is made easy. Envy, jealousy and hatred are things to be despised. Envy is a canker that gnaws at the heart and makes folks sour, disgruntled and unhappy; jealousy warps the intellect and makes us unfair in passing judgment. Hatred doesn't pay even from a sordid point of view.-Farmerville Gazette. The Governor and the Press. Baton Rouge Truth. A portion of the Louisiana press would be without editorial subjects were it not for the hate they bear to the Governor. No matter how successful his ad ministration, he seems to be a target for the venomous darts of those who opposed him dur ing the gubernatorial campaign, aided by a few who are disap pointed in not receiving what they consider a suitable reward for their support. No one has better reason for feeling sore than the editor of Truth. No one supported Gov. Blanchard's can didacy with more vigor or loy alty and received less at his hands. Nevertheless, as we la bored zealously during the cam paign for what we considered the best interest of the State and as Gov. Blanchard has made a model Governor, doing more to eman cipate the people from boss rule than any of his predecessors, we do not see that any petty griev ance we may nourish should cause us to comdemn one of the best administrations the State has ever had. If the Governor has made mistakes at all they were for leaving his enemies in office to the exclusion of his friends. Leaving the ammuni tion in the hands of those who are using it against him. In the days of Truth's political activity, opposition to candidates of the party was confined to their can didacy, but it was considered disloyalty to attack the acts of a Democratic Governor after the election. And pray what has Gov. Blanchard done that his every act meets with unfriendly criticism. Has he not met every demand and advocated every measure made by the people be. ...TRUSTEE SALE... REAL ESTATE In the Matter of Adolph Dejean. By order of court I will offer for sale at the front dobr of the court house in Lafayette, La., between legal sale hours,. on.... SATURDAY, OCT. 27ý 1906, the following described real estate: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, in block 6 in the Davis addition to the town of Duson, Lafayette Parish, La. Also lots 3 and 4 in block 36, lots 6 and 7 in block 24, all of the above lots being located in the town of Duson, Lafayette parish, La. To be sold subject to all legal liens and costs. Terms cash. W. C. CULLUMBER, Trustee. fore his election? He certainly' has; and having done so he should be upheld and sustained by loyal Democrats. We regret the tendency of the times when one "can see no good come out of Nazereth," and would advise oce young brethen of the press to r+'; serve their ammunition for use during the fast approaching campaign, instead of wasting it upon one who can not offer for the Governorship even though he would. Let them train their guns on a point where most ex ecution may be done. Cane Crop. Louisiana Planter. The salient point in the weather record of the past week has been the severe windstorm prevalent on Wenesdav and Thursday, the principal force of which, however, was not felt in the Louisiana sugar district, al though the wind was strong enough to blow down consider able cane, and on the Lower Coast, which is almost always the chief sufferer from ourWest In dian hurricanes, the cane has been very generally blown down. The blowing down of cane at this time of the year is always an un fortunate occurrence as the canes become green and the contents of sugar is materially lessened, and with the short crop, from a tonnage standpoint, which we have already had to chronicle, an additional draw back in the way of green cane will accentuate the situation in an unfortunate way. The thin stand and short canes with which the .fields are mostly covered has, however, caused much less cane to be blown than if the crop had been tall and heavy, and in. few cases has the,cane been blown down flat enough to put it on the ground and make it sprout. Our plant ers must certainly congratulate themselves on the passage of the hurricane in its fullest in tensity to the eastward of New Orleans. Had the center of it passed to the west of this city the damage to the cane crop would have been almost beyond computatiou. Nothing to Fear. Mothers need have no hesitancy in continuing to give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to their little ones, as it contains absolutely nothing in jurious. This remedy is not only per fectly safe to give small children, but is a medicine of great worth and merit. It has a world wide reputation for its cures of coughs, colds and croup and can always be relied upon. For sale by all druggists. W.. B. ADAMS, Blacksmith and Wheelwright. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FIRST NA TIONAL BANK OF LAFAYETTE, LA. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - $150,000.00 DEPOSITS, OVER ONE-THIRD OF A MILLION SAVINGS DEPARTMENT N. P. MMOSS, President. Interest allowed on de J. 0. PARKERSON Vice-Pres. posits of $1. and upward. S. R. PARKERSON, Cashier. F. V. IOUTON, Asst. Carlier.; Prompt attention given to collections and all other business entrusted to us. extr farmers constitute ahvast nhraportionuof those who are out of debt, possess an abundance of all that is necessary to comfort and easy hours, and own BANK ACCOUNTS. Those who are so fortunate should profit by past experiences and recognize that these conditions are possible in THE PANHANDLE as no where else for the reason that no other section now offers REALLY HIGH-CLASS LANDS AT LOW PRICES and that the Agricultural and Stock-farming possibilities of this sec tion are the equal of, and in some respects better than three to five times higher priced property located elsewhere. In a word: Many Magnificent Opportunities are still open here to those possessing but little money, but promt investigation and QUICK ACTION are advisable, as speculators have inuestigated and are fast purchasing with a knowledge of quickly developing opportunities to sell to others at greatly increased prices. THE DENVER ROAD Sells cheap Round Trip tickets twice a week with stop-over priviledges. For Full Information, Write to A. A. OLIUgO, 6. P. A., Iat Wath, Tezas. THE GUILBEAU & ABBADIE REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE AGENCY Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Plate Glass, Physicians', Druggists', Employers' Liability, Fly-Wheel, Steam-Boiler, Residence, Theft, Safe Burglary and Fidelity Insurance. Also all kinds of bonds. AGENTS FOR OLIVER TYPEWRITER. PROMPT ATTENTION. COURTEOUS TREATMENT. LOWEST RATES, CARENCRO, LOUISIANA. PARKERSON 8 MOUTON, Established in 1897. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, TORNADO, EMPLOYES' LIABILITY AND RENT INSUFRANCE. Also all kinds of Bonds. Eight Years' Bxperience ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT BUYING A RUNABOUT? If so, here's our address. We show as tine a stock of Carriages and Runa bouts as you'll hardly find anywhere else. Perfectly 4 built, exper ly finished in every part, best materials, and warranted to give the worth of their price many times over. One look at these dandies on wheels will convince you that you need one of them. We in vite your attention for present or future pur chases. LACOSTE HARDWARE CO., L IM ITED. SOUTHWESTEIR LOUISIANA INDoSTRIAL INSTITUTE, LAFAYETTE, LA., E. L. STEPHENS, President. State institution of learning for both sexes. Three story brick school building containing 20 classrooms. auditorium. library, gymnasium. Two brick dormitories. Complete courses of study in all regular academic sub jects, and also manual training, domestic art and science, instrumental and vocal music, stenography, commerce, agriculture. Fourteen in faculty. Military discipline and drill. Gymnasium drill for young ladies. Healthful location. 50 acres. Sixth Annual Session Opens Sept. ig, 1906. Write for catalog.