OCR Interpretation

The Lafayette advertiser. [volume] (Vermilionville [i.e. Lafayette], La.) 1865-19??, October 17, 1906, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86079068/1906-10-17/ed-1/seq-1/

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Protection for the Retail Grocer.
The following special to the Times
Democrat speaks for itself:
New Iberia, Oct. 12.-A special meet
ing of the Retail Grocers' Association
has been called for next Thursday
night for the purpose of conferring
with the wholesalers in regard to the
wholesalers selling direct to the con
sumer-in other words. doing a retail
business in competition with their cus
tomers. the retailers.
Should they fail to agree on the
matter it is stated by the retailers that
they will organize a joint stock com
pany among themselves and establish
their own wholesale store in direct
competition with the wholesalers. The
matter is creating widespread hierest
among the grocerymen. The matter
was to have been settled last night.
but failed, owing to the wholesalers
failing to appear for joint conference.
It is manifestly unfair and unjust to
the retail merchant for the wholesale
dealer to accept and fill orders from
their customers -it is like taking the
bread out of the mouth of the retail
merchant upon whom the wholesale
business depends for its support.
The retail grocery men of Lafayette
Corrugated Galvanized '
Do not cost any more than
a cypress cistern. Do not need
any repairs and will last as long.
Do not leak, keep the water -
pure and mosquitoes never breed
in them.
No wiggles in Panama
ý: ?;.4:% Corrugated Galvanized
Steel anks. We want to
show you the tank and tell you
of its merits.
It will pay you to let us fig
ure with you.
Lumber Co. Ltd.
That we have a large and select stock of
Ladies' Dress Goods, Ladies' Coats,
Men's and Boys' Clothing.
That we make the price atBag i Fgue
M es:.isu^Bargain Figures
!We will be glad to show you.
We have NOW on display a large
and well selected stock of
Fall and Winter Hats
.....IN AIL THE. ....
Leatest Styles.
Hats trimmed to order by an expert milliner. An at
tractive line of belts, purses, ribbons, and novelties. We
would appreciate a call from you.
are more fortunate in this regard than
their business colleagues in New Ibe
ria and other places where the local
wholesale concerns make a regular
practice of supplying the consumers
as well as the dealers in the commu
nity. The Merchants' Grocer Com
pany of Lafayette advertise the fact
that they sell at wholesale strictly,
which very properly eliminates the
consumer, and the protection they give
the retail merchant in this way is in
striking contrast with a number of
New Orleans wholesale firms doing
business with our local merchants and
filling orders for families in Lafayette
at the same time. It would be to the
interest of Lafayette merchants to
withdraw their support from wholesale
business concerns which are Competing
with them in selling supplies to their
own retail customers.
The Merchants' Grocer Company is
a home concern in every way deserv
ing of the patronage of the retail mer
chants of Lafayette, and we are glad
to note the success which has been at
tending the business of this concern
year by year.
Runaway Team Kills Horse.
Saturday morning a team helong
ing to Alfred Benoit ran away on
Lee avenue and ran into Broussard &
Guidroz' delivery wagon at the inter
section of Main street. The pole of
the wagon struck the horse of the de
livery cart, disemboweling him. He
died in a short time. Mr. Henoit who
was in his wagon trying to check the
horses was not hurt, nor was MIr. Eloi
Broussard who was in his cart. Mr.
Broussard saw the runaway team and
endeavored to get out of the way, but
turned in the wrong direction. Mr.
Henoit's horses were not injured much.
Appeal Taken In Pellerin Case.
Wednesday Judges Debaillon and
Julian Mouton, attorneys for B.
J. Pellerin, convicted of embezzling
*34.000 from the Lafayette Building As
sociation while secretaay. made ap
plication for a new trial. Argument
was heard Saturday and a new trial
was refused by Judge Pugh who then
sentenced Pellerin to three years in
the penitentiary. An appeal has been
taken to the supreme court.
The Frost Thursday.
Thursday a light frost visited this
parish. In reponse to a question as
to whether the frost had injured his
garden, an experie ced gardener
stated that so far he hdd not discov
ered any damage, that he had some
tomatoes, which are very sensitive to
frost, but they were in fine shape.
Being asked as to the probable effect
on cotton-he has a nice little patch
of it-he said it helped the cotton by
ripening the top bolls, and would
help to make the top crop. He added
that considerably more cotton would
be made in the parish than a great
!many thought. Let us hope he is
K. P's. Visit Crowley Lodge.
Thursday Messrs. J. P. Colomb,
Jos. Lacoste. Geo. Knapp, B. F. An
derson of the local lodge and C. S.
Ehlbert, assistant general organizer
of the endowment rank, visited the
Crowley Lodge No. 85, Knights of
Pythias, and were tendered a delight
ful banquet by Crowley Lodge whom
they declare to be most excellent hosts.
I Before the banquet a meeting of the
Ilodge was held and work in the second
and third degree given.
makes eating a luxury
in warm weather. For
the Dining Room we
are offering a superb
line of
China Closets,
Buffets, Chairs,
Tables, Etc.
Our special low prices
are worthy of your
immediate attention.
The Reliable Dealers.
Choice Town Property.
A lovely residence with 8 lots 25al6S in Mudd addition. Easy
One two-story store and residence on Johnson street. lot 123xl00,
price y21)0). one-half cash, balance I and 2 Years.
One two- ,tors residence near Institute. 6i rooms, 2 hal! .
Lot near railroad depot 51)x125. price*34 M).
Lot 50ox140 and 3 room residence near oil mill, price s!").
One lovely home in Parkerson addition. 3 blocks frittt Lincoln
avenue, on lot 150x125.
Cottage, two rooms, dining room. Kitchen: lot 616i1x0. near high
school, price $1(45).
One 5 room residence, Parkerson addition. lot 354)xl2. price *20400.
Lot 50xl25 and residence. 3 rooms, dining room. kitchen, barn and
stable on Stewart street, price *15)5).
A nics residence, 4 rooms. hall kitchen. dining room, bath room:
lot 1044x125, price $34(5), Parkerson addition. near Lincoln avenue.
Store, residence and outhouses on Lincoln avenue: good business
stand, lot 50x81}, price $2850.
Lot 50x125, near wholesale grocery with residence. 3 rooms, dining
room, kitchen and hall, and outhouse, price *1054).
A I story boarding house, 8 rooms, sitting room. hall dining
room, kitchen, bathroom, with or without furniture, on a lot measur
ing 100x150, 2 blocks from railroad depot. Easy terms.
Lots in different additions at reasonable prices.
200 arpents of land between Scott and Duson. deep well and pump.
price $50 per arpent.
50 arpents of land 5 miles from Lafayette. price *04) per arpent.
84 arpents of land with residence and out-houses, 2 miles from La
fayette, price *145) per arpent.
61 arpents of land with residence and out-houses, 2 miles from
town, price $604).
15) arpents of land, more or less, 2 miles from town with nice two
story brick building and out-houses.
124 arpents of land, 11 mile from town.
200 arpents of land, 5 miles from town.
7i5) arpents of well improved land 4 miles from Yout~gsville.
90 arpents of land with improvements, 5 miles from town, price
80 acres of land, 18 miles from Lafayette. price $2W4).
227 arpents of land, 5 miles from Carencro. *30 per arpent.
8 lots in Carencro, price $400.
Above Property Mold on Easy Terrnm.
Real Estate Agent. - - LAFAYETTE, LA.
Steady and reliable and
competent clerks for station
and office duties. Reason
able salaries and permanent
positions to the right parties.
Call on or address, Superin
tendent of Louisiana lines,
Lafayetta, La.
Ring up John Bunt, phone 215 for
oysters and vegetables.
Scott, La.,
October 20 and 21,
M'For the Benefiit of
St. Peter and St. Paul
Amusements of all kinds and entertainment for everybody.
Two Days of Enjoyment for those who attend
There will be many things to Interest you. Your
friends will be there and you can't afford to miss it.
Resfreshments at Reasonable Prices.
Come Out and Have a Good Time.
Baton Rouge Branch.
Monday a force of about thirty
laborers were out to work near Gerac's
gin building up the Baton Rouge
branch track to lay rails and make
connection with the main line.
For Baton Rouge.
Sheriff Lacoste left Sunday for Bat
on Rouge withthe following prisoners:
Lee Jones, 5 years in the penitentiary:
Alfred Winter. 3 years: Fernest Jean
Baptist, 6 months: Mitchell McClellan,
4 years: John Guidry, 1 year: W. S.
Ostheimer, 3 years.

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