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THE ADVERTISER. LeROSEN & ALPHA, Publishers. Subscription, $1.00 a year, pay able in advance. Entered at the Post-office at Lafayette. La , as second class mail matter WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1906. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. For Congress: ROBT. F. BROUSSARD. For Member State Board of Equalization. A. M. MARTIN. THE GASOLINE MOTOR CARS. d a Elsewhere we reprint an s article from the Scientific { American giving the results of T some tests with a gasoline motor r car. The experiments and de. 6 velopments in regard to the in- s, dependent motor, whether run p by electri sty or gasoline, are ex- ti ceedingly interesting, because of the comparative cheapness of construction and operation of motor car railroads, thus making it possible to use them exten- a sively in affording rapid and easy transportation to rural communities. Heretofore only'o cities could afford a "street car" p system-the gasoline motor b promises to be the "street car" a system of the country. And ow- b ing to its demonstrated efficiency tl the time has now come when such a motor road in a parish and section as thickly settled as Lafayette with its neighboring a towns, would prove very profit able as an investment and greatly i so as an improver and developer of both farm lands and city prop erty. s With proper schedules it woulda be easy for a man to live in town i and give his family all the ad vantage of its schools and so ciety and yet be enabled to be on I his farm at the right time. The isolation of country life would in a large measure be done away t with and crowding in town upon t small lots be unecessary because 1 of ready transportation. The road itself would pay be cause of the heavy freight traffic and express business sure to be given it. Instead of long hauls by team the farmer could rush his cotton to the gin, his cane to the refinery, his seed to the oil mill by motor freight and at a considerable -saving of trouble and expense. In many ways a motor car sys tem once built would develop methods of usefulness, conve nience and profit besides adding largely to the value of property within the territory reached and covered by it. In addition, that town which first sees the possi bilities of the motor car and by the energy of its citizens be comes the radiating point for it, will reap a rapid growth and place its business men in a position to attach to themselves a large and loyal trade territory through mu- i tuality of interest. Lafayette situated in the mid die of a magnificent scope of ag ricultural lands with an immense timber tract within touching dis tance is peculiarly favored for the center of a motor car railway system and we believe that the construction of such a system is within the power of the citizens of this town, and we further be lieve and feel confident that such a road once built and managed in a business-like way will net a handsome dividend on the invost. ment. Let us build the road. Ramsey & Upton have a fresh stock of corn, oats, alfalfa, chopped earn, chicken feed and otier feed stuffs. Ring them up. Signs of a Hard Winter. N. 0. States. A Pennsylvania seer who claims to be able to read and u?'- c derstand the "book of nature," t predicts an unusually hard win ter this year, and one which for e severity and lasting qualities will I, surpass anything of the kind we p have endured in the last three I decades. According to this seer the signs are all around him and speaks in language beautifully c plain to him. For instance the corn husks are very thick and 1 the stalks lean to the west. The ' geese, ducks and chickens are t growing a thick coat of down un der their feathers and their feet are gradually taking on a bony f substance to better protect them from the frost, ice and snow. The owls are seeking the deepest v recesses of the woods a month k earlier than usual while the squirrels are laying in sweet potatoes as well as nuts for win ter provisions. He tells us that experienced farmers whose bunions and chin f whiskers have marched behind a E pair of plow handles for nearly a half century have observed with a knowing look that toad stools on old logs have wrinkles I on them, and when this last hap- 1 pened the winter was so cold the boots of the farmers turned up at the toes like skates, and the i bark split on the north side of i the beech trees. We are not disposed to doubt that the Pennsylvania seer knows exactly what he is talking about, but we regret that he does not mention several other unfail ing signs of an extremely rig orous winter. The wrinkles on I the toad-stool is a pretty sure sign, but all doubt as to the char acter of the winter that is com ing is removed when two distinct curls are seen in the tail of the October 'possum and on moonlit nights humpbacked rabbits are heard drummiug on hollow logs with their hind feet and splitting the juice of mulein weed between their teeth. When these things happen and the skin of a very black negro looks ashy it is time to see that the coal bin is filled and to rake the family clothes ' chest for heavy socks and flan ' nels. For the signs may be ac I cepted as warning that old Bor ' eas is going to come down l straight from Pierce's Mill and I give us freezing weather from 8 November to late in the spring. Bids Wanted. p On an extensive additon to be made to the Carencro school. Plans and specifications will be ready for inspec ; tion in about a week at the First Nat ional BanK and the superintendent's office in Lafayette, and at S. J. 11Breaux's in Carencro. L. J. Alleman, ...TRUSTEE SALE... REAL ESTATE In the Matter of Adolph Dejean. By order of court I will offer for sale at the. front door of the court house in afayette, :. between legal sale hours, on.... SATURDAY, OCT. 27,1906, the following described real estate: ots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, in block 6 in the Davis addition to the town of Duson, af ayette Parish , a. Also lots 3 and 4 in block 36, lots 6 and 7 in block 24, all of the above lots being located in the town of Duson, afayett e p arisl. a. To be sold subject to all legal liens and costs. Terms cash. W. C. CULLUMBER, Trustee. Marksville ;i .'Repenting. Humnkie RKeiri Our neighboring town of Marks yille seems to be repentin-v in sack clothes and ashes over her sin of es tablishing saloons against the wilihe of the majority of the people of the parish. The business men are repent ent. the saloon nuen are also said to be sorry a1nd the- good. staunch sup porters of prohibition have always been cast clown h.cause of the shame brought upon the ir town. Three i.omths of saloon is enough for the most liberal of Markslille s citizens. if reports are true. They are now a0 mout ready to united ly Vot " them out again. Ilaving tak en the lead in , etting thin into the parish. th y now take the lead in je titionimig the l1 ice junc to call an electiwa fo1 the entire parish. The pet,:u , b henorte t[o pariih law mtak"r, int .::vtlne.Ja . Wanted. A middle-aged white man. single, who understants truck gardening good house furnished and -ood wa':es. Address M. tIXKEII. I1. 0. BOX ;0. Lake Charles, La. Notice To Contractors. Dr. F. E. Girard, chairman of the Building Committee, Lafayette High School, will receive sealed proposals for the erection of the school buildings at Lafayette. La.. up to two o'clock. noon on Nov. 5, I1M6S, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Andrew J. Bryan, architect, No. 108 Hennen building. New Orleans, La. All proposals must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of three hundred dollars ($300) as a guar antee of good faith that the successful bidder will make and execute a satis factory bond, and in failure so to do, said check will be liqudated and used by the Building Committee to cover expenses ifor readvertising, etc. All parties desiring to bid on this work cat secure a set of plans and specifi cations from the architect, on deposit ing a certified check of $25.00, which will be returned to them on return of the plans. All bids should be marked '.proposal for school buildings at La favette. La.." and addressed to Dr. F. F. Girard, chairman of the Building Committee of the Lafayette High School. Lafayette, La. The Building Committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For further information write the architect. WITHOUT us SEEDING By HARVEST e NMAIL YOUR savings Row when placed in " stron, pre ie bent. like ours. Bank account cultivates and V eacoerages thrifty habits-sech as all successful people have. ONE DOLLAR OPENS A "GROWING" ACCOUNT 33¢% Interest Paid. Write today for our Book. 0 let "G" telling how easy it is to Bank by Mail. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, 311-315 CAMP ST. Head Savings Department: le COMMERCIAL.GERMANIA d TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK. New Orleans. La. t* *THE5 LASOesT. TiE oLoss0 ,8 NOSAVNS AK IN THE SOUTH I. sall, U aoip soo00.00 FIRS T NATIONAL BANK OF LAFAYETTE, LA. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - $150,000.00 DEPOSITS, OVER ONE-THIRD OF A MILLION SAVINGS DEPARTMENT N. P. MISS, President. Interest allowed on de J. G. I'ARKERSON Vice-Pres, posits of $1. and upward. S. R. PARKERSON. Cashier. F'. V. sltlUTON. Asst. Cashier.: Prompt attention given to collections and all other business entrusted to us. texas parmers ocated in the Panhandle coun eras ~~"' ~ tr constitute a vast proportion of those who are out of debt, possess an abundance of all that is necessary to comfort and easy hours, and own BANK ACCOUNTS. Those who are so fortunate should profit by past experiences and recognize that these conditions are possible in THE PANHANDLE as no where else for the reason that no other section now offers REALLY HIGH-CLASS LANDS AT LOW PRICES and that the Agricultural and Stock-farming possibilities of this sec tion are the equal of, and in some respects better than three to five times higher priced property located elsewhere. In a word: Many Magnificent Opportunities are still open here to those possessing but little money, but promt investigation and QUICK ACTION are advisable, as speculators have inuestigated and are fast purchasing with a knowledge of quicllv developing opportunities to sell to others at greatly increased prices. THE DENVER ROAD Sells cheap Round Trip tickets twice a week with stop-over priviledges. For Full Information, Write to A. A. BLIJON. S. P. A., Port Wrth, Tam. THE GUILBEAU & ABBADIE REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE AGENCY Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Plate Glass, Physicians', Druggists', Employers' Liability, Fly-Wheel, Steam-Boiler, Residence, Theft, Safe Burglary and Fidelity Insurance. Also all kinds of bonds. AGENTS FOR OLIVER TYPEWRITER. PROMPT ATTENTION. COURTEOUS TREATMENT. LOWEST RATES. CARENCRO, LOUISIANA. __________ PARKERSON 8 MOUTON, Established in 1897. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, TORNADO, EMPLOYES' LIABILITY AND RENT INSUJRANCEE. Also all kinds of Bonds. Eight Years' Experience CONTRACTORS OTHERS who are continually using Builder's Hardware know that qnality counts for more in this line than in any other. The life of a Building depends on it. Our stock * has been gathered from manufacturers noted for the excellence of their products, and there is en tire absence of "cheap" goods here. Prices are not higher than you often pay for poorly made goods. LACOSTE HARDWARE CO., LIMITED. $OUTIHESTEHH LOUISIANA IN DUSIIAL INSTITlUI, LAFAYETTE, LA., E. L. STEPHENS, P dent. State institution of learning for both sexes. Three tory brick school building containing 20 classrooms, auditorium. library, gymnasium. Two brick dormitories. Complete courses of study in all regular academic sub jects, and also manual training, domestic art and science, instrumental and vocal music, stenography, commerce, agriculture. Fourteen in faculty. Military discipline and drill. Gymnasium drill for young ladies. Healthful location. 50 acres. Sixth Annual Session Opens Sept. 39, 39o6. Write for catalog.