The Woman's Club.
The Woman's Club met Jan. 12
with Mrs. W. J. Avery. After
the *president had called the
meeting to order and all business
was attended to, the following
program was rendered:
1. History: Louis XV. 1715 1774,
Director ..... ..........Mrs. Davis
(a.) The Mississippi Bubble,
............. . .....Mrs. Tom Hopkins
.(b.) The Wars,......Mrs. Lelosen
(c.) Madame de Pompadour.
...........................M. Avery
(d.) Madame du Barry,
.. ............. .......... M rs. W hite
2. Rousseau............. Mrs. 'legg
The club then adjourned and
Mrs. Avery served delicious re
The next club meeting will be
held Jan. 19 with Misses Left
wich and Glidden. Each mem
ber is requested to bring one or
more current events to add to the
afternoon's programme.
Partnership Will Be Disolved.
On Feb. 1 the firm of Brous
sard Bros. will be dissolved, and
Mr. F. O. Boussard will conduct
the business in his own name.
He will assume all liabilities of
the firm and all accounts will be
due him.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Darling
and chidren returned to Houston
Texas, Thurs4ay after spending
cGtrase r Msitlest Employed by
Teluphee e4. to Fix All
Srecs Made by Them,
Th br s is the concrete
l aes:eb by the Cumberland
' iepbone o.a when installinw
their new pbAZ Imve made the
walks uso for a long time
S ad it wil e welsose. news to
, evrybedy .to loiftb ti t Con
< deors bm5tee bto begin
tisae 18"lft 'he next
~ e *m 1igs pa bayr
, 1wemhrstin b lo ots the
- , GO TO....
AT ,.
sp4 1
t_ - AT
·:· i~~~y:~ i··i:S1* '·
The marriage of Miss Nina
Magnon, daughter of Mr. and
.Mrs. E. H. Magnon, and Mr.
Claude Blakely, a popular young
employee of the Southern Pacific
R. R., was solemnized by Rev.
Father Teurlings at the home of
the bride's parents last Wednes
dayat8:30 o'clock. p. m. The bride,
who is a beautiful blonde, was
attired in a lovely creation of
white silk and lace, her veil was
caught with a spray of orange
blossoms to her golden hair, and
she carried a bouquet of white
camelias and ferns. The attend
ants were: Miss Laura Magnon,
sister of the bride, and Mr. L. L.
Lusk, of Baton Rouge. The par
lor and dining room were beauti
fully decorated with palms.
ferns, smilax and cut flowers.
The bride and groom stood un
der a large horseshoe of smilaX
and red camelias. After the cer
emony, dainty refreshments
were served. Numerous .pres
ents were received, which speaks
for the popularity of the young
Laundry to Resume Work
the Lafayette Steam Laundry
will resume work Monday Jan,
14 with a complete and modern
line of machines and solicits the
patronage of the public. Phone
346-E. F. CUNNINGHAM, Mgr.
Seed Potatoes.
Brou3sard Bros. have just re
ceived a carload of seed potatoes,
Triumph and Peerless.
Ovecoats at a big reduction al
Contractor Massicot has fin
nished the walk on the south
side of South Main. street and
has began on the walk to extend
alsing the north side of Mair
street east.
When you -want a good team,
ring up Clausen.
-- .ee. . -.-- . "=l' ...
Industral Institute.
The Faculty has passed a reso
lution raising the standard of re
quirements for admission and in
the various courses of study.
making the grade higher by one
term's work. Hereafter pupils
will be admitted from the local
public schools after completing
the work of the "Advanced
Sixth" grade. It is planned to
have as close cooperation as pos
sible between the Institute and
the public school system, at the
same time providing for the spec
ial manual training departments
of the Institute.
The morning hour Friday next,
the 18th inst.. will be devoted to
exercises in honor of the memory
of the great Southern Chieftan,
General Robert E. Lee. An ad
dress will be delivered by Hon.
Paul DeClouet. The exercises be
gin at a quarter before nine
o'clock, and the public is cordial.
ly invited to attend. The follow
ing day, Saturday the 19th, will
be the one hundredth anniver
sary of his birth and will be cel
ebrated throughout the State and
the whole country, with appropri
ate programs of a patriotic and
memorial character.
Barn Burned.
Saturday afternoon about five
o'clock a barn belonging to W. G.
Webb, living about two miles
from town, was burned. The
barn contained over 100 barrels
of corn, six tons of cotton seed
hulls and a quantity of pea hay.
Mr. Webb can not account for the
fire, but thinks perhaps it may
have been caused by his dropping
some matches in the barn out
of his pocket, which were after
wards gnawed by rats and so
ignited. The total loss is esti
mated at $400.
The Eclipse shoe is a good
shoe at a moderate price, try a
pair and see how comfortable
they are.-Scbmulen.
A Handsome
China Closet
Or Gloss Closet arr dior
ting room, in rha eoy or
country, mams a rich and
-p•tg tsus sbg. and hsp.
yon froem hi&you Sn.
woodes down. Your
r. oswun
la *i* et
Dear at Any Price
poor building materials are.
as any good builder knows.
When you want to lay the
foundation for a durable
building yo,u want durable
materials, and you can only
'o secure them from a reliable
concern. Our cementholds,
n our plaster sticks, our
- bricks don't or chip,
and our goods are always
»*,...,I I satisfactory-.
Phone No. 4. *4 Lafayette, La.
II'-- • II
Pupils of Aliss Dickson's Room
Give a Fine Program Friday
Friday the pupils of Miss
Dickson's room at the High
School gave quite an entertain
ing program. A number of
visitors were present and all
enjoyed the recitations and
songs and were agreeably sur.
prised at the excellent showing
made by the spellers in the spell
ing match. A prize, a book, was
offered for the best speller by Mr.
F. E. Davis and it was won by
Ruth Harper.
Song-('olumbia. the Gem of thf
Ocean.......... ............ Room.
Debate: Resolved that a written ex
amination is more difficult than oral
Affirmative.... Surrey Breaux, Mar
guerite Allingham.
Negative.... Sherwood Avery, Lottie
Dialogue-Virgie Sterlink, Louisa
Song-Need a Body Cry?.... Girls of
the room.
Reading ..........Helen Mouton.
Spelling Match-Irene Girard, Ruth
Harper, Inez Biossat, Bertha John
son, Alida Guidry, Philip Guidry,
Willie Rupeter, Harmond Langford,
Elmo Doucet, Henry Putnam.
Paper...... ... rene Girard, Editor.
We still have S good basortment of Shapes for Winter
Wear, which you can ase at least three months yet. Les
us trim a hat for yea. Owing to the lateness of the.
Saseon, of course, we efe. you an attractive eat on the
regular drige.
* *
We Sell
If you need anything in our lie
. ". ,) . . ."
-· . If l
In Memoriam.
Whereas it has pleased our
Almighty Father to take from us
our brother, T. S. Singleton, who
passed from pain and labor to
rest and reward at six o'clock
New Years morning,
Resolved that in his death the
community has lost a worthy
citizen, the Methodist Church in
Lafayette a true consecrated
member, the Sabbath School an
earnest faithful superintendent,
who for years labored assiduous
ly for its good, and his family a
loving companion and father.
Resolved that we feel a sense
of personal .loss and miss him
from his accustomed place in the
church he so much loved, that
we extend to his bereaved loved
ones our tenderest sympathy.
Resolved that we fmlub these
resolutions to The Lafayette Ad
vertiser and The Lafayette
Gazett for publication and seed a
copy to his family.
Mas. . . DBA4NADE,
MRs. P. D. B=rAuD,
J. D. HarnPE,