OCR Interpretation

The Opelousas journal. [volume] (Opelousas, La.) 1868-1878, August 15, 1873, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

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Isaac Nhook vs. J. A. JobnNon.
ment, St. Landry, dniis ie procès ei-dessus inti
tulé, et it moi adressé, je vendrai î \ l'encan pu
heures du matin, les propriété* ci-apr'és dé
crites, savoir
Un certain débris du bateau ft vapeur f Cob
web," étant dans le Bayou Corn-tableau, enbas
du Port Barré—la même a été Offerten vente
par uioi le 10 de Juillet, 1873, et les tenues de la
vente n'a pas été ratifiés.
Saisies dans le procès ci-dessus.
VALERY ROY, Constable.
15 août
Jowpli Richard v*. Ouraiiiic Hnbiiicnu
dry.—No. 12338.— En vertu d'un HlRcincnt
dans le procès ci-dessus intitulé, le soussigné,
comme receveur, vendra à l'encan publie, à la
résidence de Diyean Dugas, à la Coulée Croche,
en cette paroisse, le MERCREDI, 27 Août, 1873,
les propriétés ci-après d'écrites, savoir :
Un maison de résidence, un magasin ik mats,
deux cent quarante pieux, trois chevaux doux,
quatre juments, un poulain, deux bœufs doux,
nue àrnioir, une poêle, deux boisdelits, un lit et
couverts, sept chaises, un lot de fourniture de
table, une chaudière, deux jeunes vaches, 'deux
cochons, un lot de barils, deux tables, un miette,
un fusil, un lot. de colliers, un lot de volaile, une
selle de dame, etc., etc.
JOHN F. SMITH, Receveur.
15 août-2f.
V. M. Wiltz vs. On«ar Halliard.
^ dry.—No. 1233t- —Eu vertu d'un ordre de sai
sie et de v\uue, lancé par l'honorable la Huitième
Cour île District de l'Etat de la Louisiane, dans
et [mur la Paroisse St. Landry, dans le procès
ci-i\essus intitulé, et il moi adressé, je procède
rai à vendre a llencan public, à la Maison de
Cour de la dite paroisse, dans la ville des Ope
lousas, le SAMEDI, 6 Septembre, 1873. A otite'
heures du matin, les propriétés ci-après décrites»
Un certain lot île terre, avec tontes le» bâtis
ses et améliorations qui s'y trouvent, situé sur
le Bayou Têehe, à. Arnaudville, paroisse St. Lan
dry, ayant nn demi arpent de- face avec un demi
arpent de profondeur, plu* ou moins, borné an
sud par la terre Sellers, à l'ouest par les pro
priétés do Sfiici-s et Mme. Théodore Richard, an
iiowl par Paul Blanchard, et a l'est par le Bayou
T«çK4 la diie propriété étant le même, transféré
par I?. A. Gulibean à Oscar Bulliard, par act dit
20 Septembre, 1869, passé pardevant Fétréol p er .
rodin, Notaire ; le dit hypothèque à été donné
par le dit Oscar Bulliard à le dit P. S. Wilt/ par
acte passé pardevant Omer Martin, Notaire
Public, ile-la paroisse St. Martin, le 31 Mai, 1871.
1111 copie duquel est dûment enregistré dans k>
bureau du Receu-deur des hypothèques pour h»
l>aroisöü Landry, U' 23 Juin, 1871.
Saisies dans le procès ci-dessus.
Conditions—A un crédit de douze iuoîs » l'ac
quéreur fournissant un caution nvcc dcs sécuri
tés selon la loi.
13 août. S. O. HAYES, Shérif.

J. W. JACKSON, Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription, per annum (inadvance.)... $2 00
Advertising, per inch, (nonpareil type)— 1 00
Transient advertisements, cash in advance.
Judicial advertisements, cash in advance for
notices of administration, of meeting of credit
ors, and of tableaux ; and others payable after
first insertion.
Our tertns for standing advertisements will be
found in the following resolutions adopted by
the Press Convention at Baton Rouge, July 5th,
873—a square, three hundred and twelve ems
lnonpareil, is just one inch in this paper :
Resolved, That the following scale of rates be
and the same is hereby adopted by the conven
tion for all advertisements coming from adver
tising agents:
1 square...
2 squares
3 squares
i squares.,..
5 squares
6 squares
7 squares
8 squares
10 squares...
15 squares
20 squares
( 3 75
7 50
10 00
15 00
18 00
22 00
26 00
30 00
37 00
56 00
75 00
$ 6 50
12 00
15 00
22 00
28 00
33 00
39 00
45 00
56 00
84 00
112 00
$ 7 50
15 00
22 00
30 00
37 00
45 00
52 00
60 00
75 00
100 00
125 00
$12 00
22 00
33 00
45 00
56 00
66 00
78 00
90 00
112 00
125 00
175 00
$20 00
32 00
42 00
55 00
66 00
76 00
88 00
100 00
125 00
175 00
275 00
Transient advertisements $1 50 per square,
first insertion ; each subsequent insertion, 75
Resolved, That the above scale of rates be and
they are hereby made the basis upon which all
contracts with advertising agents, must be made.
Resolved, That a commission of twenty per
cent, shall be allowed by publishers to adver
tising agents, which amount shall be deducted
from the scale of rates hereby adopted.
Resolved, That payment on all contracts with
advertising agents, shall be made quarterly in
advance and in cash.
Resolved, That a square shall consist of three
hundred and twelve ems nonpareil or its equiva
Literary men can never be sure of hav
ing said a smart thing unless they see
the " proof." ^
The Lake Charles Echo says " a good
saddler, and a good tinner, could maße
a good living in Lake Charles."
The State Kegister, of the 9th inst.,
says: "The orange crop is doing well
this year, and the trees are bending with
their weight of growing fruit."
The State Register, of the 9th inst.
says: "A budded orange tree will bear
jn half the time that a seedling tree re
quires. Now is a good time to bud."
Down here we are in fear of the cater
pillars eating up the cotton ; out in the
West they are in fear of a grasshopper
plague. There is always something
wrong—something happening that we
think oughtn't to happen. If it's not one
thing, it's another.
We call the attention of the members
of the Police Jury, of the town councils,
and all others of this parish, who are in
terested personally or officially in deaf
and dumb persons, to the circular, rela
tive to this matter we publish from the
trustees of the Louisiana institution for
the deaf and dumb.
Yellow Fever .—The New Orleans
Republican of the 12th inst., says that
uj) to the date of last report, only six
deaths had been announced in that city
from yellow fever, and adds that this
was an error, as the actual number of
deaths from that disease were only five ;
and that there were five other cases, two
of which had recovered, and the other
three would soon recover.
Printing Press for Sale .—The
printing press of the Louisiana State
Register is for sale. It is the same as
the ote used in our office. With steam
power it will print fifteen hundred per
hour, The following is the notice offer
ing it for sale :
A faster press having become a neces
sity in this office, the Hoe's Railway
Press now in use, is offered for sale, at a
bargain. It will do book work, all kinds
of jobs, except very small ones, and will
print from six hundred to eight hundred
per hour. It is asgood as new, and can
be Been at work ne.irly every day. Pos
session given as soon as a new press can
be received from New York.
This is not exactly a case of seven
women after one man, but Ann Eliza
Webb, Brigham Young's seventh wife,
has split the blanket with him and
brought suit for $200,000 alimony^ $1000
per month pending the suit, and $20,000
counsel fees ; and it is stated that other
suits of a like nature will soon be begun
whether by the six preceding Ann Eliza
or subsequent ones is not stated. But
it would be advisable for them to hurry
up before Ann Eliza gets it all, for $1000
a month, in addition to the $200,000 and
$20,000, at the usual rate required for a
suit to go throngh court, will make a
pretty big hole in old Brigham's pocket,
A Story .—Whether this story is true
or false we do not know ; but it is told
here, that recently down in the parish
os St. Martin, Iberia, or somewhere
down that way, an old widow lady
whose children had all married off and
left her alone, had been persuaded to
sell her little place and live with them
She sold her land, buildings and im
provements one day for two thousand
dollars, and received the money in cash
on the spot, in her own house, where
the act of sale was passed before two
witnesses, the number required by law,
and who witnessed also the payment of
tlie money. In a short time she was to
give possession, but she remained in
the house the night following the sale,
all alone, or with no masculine adult
inmates, as washer custom. That night
two negro burglars broke into the house
and demanded her money or her life,
She gave it to them, but begged them to
let her have one hundred dollars of it,
as she owed that amount, and wanted
to pay the debt, when she wouuld be
satisfied. They finally consented to
to let her keep the hundred dollars.
They then ordered her to make some
coffee for theiH to drink. In doing so.
she bethought herself of some strych
nine she had in the house, and quietly
dropped it in the pot of steaming coffee,
and it placed on the table wife cups,
spoons and su gar for them to pour outand
sweeten to their taste. "This they did
and drank in a jolly mood, each one hav
ing nine hundred aad fifty dollars in
his pocket. Bat in a few minutes the
tables were turned. One gmz ap the
ghost where he sat at the taMe in Ms
chair, and the other got up, staggered
off a few feet and tumbled over into
eternity. The good old lady recovered
her money, and on examining the per
sons of the black burglarious jjobbers,
they turned out to be the two witoeses
to the act of sale, both white men, black
ened for the occasion—both her neigh
bors and one was her cousin.
Where are all fhe audacious deduc
tions of science leading us? Profs.
Darwin, Huxley, Tyndall, and that ilk j
have at last given us the summum
bonum of all their ideas on the evolu
tion of the species. In a few words we
will condense their voluminous record.
They say:
"We have clearly traced the origin of
species back to Apes and Ascidians. We
have followed the gradual development
of the material nature of man. By
chemical process we may resolve him
again into.the atoms and gases which
compose his wonderful frame. We have
discovered too how emotion affects the
brain, and the spiral motion of its mole
cules either to right or left determines
the masterful passions of love or hate.
In fine, grant us a vision one degree
clearer, and manipulations one degree
more delicate and Ave will make you a
creature of flesh and blood; we will
arouse, at will, any passion in any de
gree. In our explorations we have traced
no essence not subjected to the universal
laws of decay and death. What you
call the soul, is an aggregate of atoms
and your aspirations for immortality is
certain combination of perishable
This, in simple language and few
words, is the meaning, the grand results
of an age or more of scientific thought.
But we must say these audacious deduc;
tions are too much for unlearned equan
imity. Granted the Apes and Ascidians
granted too the rudimentary tail
granted the theory of molecules; but
whence comes the underlying passions
which set them in motion, or the deeper
underlying power which controls these
passions, and which men call mind
The complex machinery which makes a
man's body may be subjected to chem
ical tests and resolved into its original
earthly elements ; but the mystery of the
body is a minor mystery to us. That
tremendous mystery of mind—the part
of us, which no human sense can follow
and which the yesterdays of past Ages
and the To-day of Science, alike find im
penetrable, we leave behind its veil
Have we any'right, after these results of
science, to turn with disgust from the
gods of Egypt—the ox god, the dog and
cat headed gods, the vi varies of sacred
crocodiles, the sacred Ibis and the scav
enger vulture ?—Have we not, reached
the same point?—an adoration of the
silent forces of nature, a kneeling be
fore the veiled statue of Isis, the sym
bolic image of the great Mother Nature
with its despairful inscription—" I am
all that has been, all that is and ever
will be, but no mortal has yet lifted up
my veil."
Yes, these scientists tell us that Nature
visible iu its working, is the sole creator
and destroyer. These blind leaders
who, to save their lives, could not trace
the aroma of a flower in the air, ask us
to believe that because the even more
subtle essence of what we call soul, is
not to be followed by human senses,
that therefore it cannot exist.
We will cheerfully leave them in their
hog's wallow. We rejoice that they
have clearly, and to their own satisfac
tion, traced their genealogy back to
Ape and Ascidian. We even regret, in
their behalf, the rudimentary tail ; sure
that it would make them much »happier
if it was a clearly defined prehensile one
where they might sport and frolic to
heart's content. We are certain too it
would be much better for the world at
large if they had never come out of their
festive brutishness. «They give us for
light a phosphorescent glare, drawn
from the death rottenness of matter, and
expect us to cry, Glory ! We prefer the
solemn glory of the stars leading us up
into innumerable worlds, grand and ma
jestic in their motion throngh infinite
space. Worlds, many of them, so remote
that, for thousands and thousands of
years their light has been traveling to
ward us and yet, with all the velocity of
light, its first rays salute us to-night or
yesterday. The plan of creation is too
stupendous for the wisdom of man
which is folly, to understand or investi
gate fully.
There must always remain a residue
of mysteiy which the " rudimentary tail
will never fathom. We can only say we
prefer the old belief in a God, great
enough to form creation, and wise enough
to govern it when it was formed.
Crops .—Planters have been busily
employed since Monday pulling fodder
and so far the weather has been favora
ble for its preservation. It is believed
the yield of corn throughout the parish
will be sufficient for home consumption,
particularly this vicinity, where the corn
crop is better than it has been for sev
era! years.
Cotton is doing well and making rap
idly. In many fields where the cotton
was properly worked, planters say there
is an average of from eight to ten grown
bolls to the stalk. Caterpillars are to
be found in most all of the fields, but
they have done no serions injury to the
cotton as yet We hear of but little
alarm as to their destroying the cotton
to any great extent.—[Vienna Sentinel,
Aag. 9th.
Hereafter we will pay postage on such
papers as we desire to exchange with.
We have waited some time for somebody
to make some practical suggestion about
this postage business, and finally Bro.
Jackson, of the Opelousas Journal,
who carries about as level ahead as any
editor in the State, tells us what lie pro
noses to do. The State Register there
fore, following the example of the man
of the Journal , will pay the postage
on all exchanges received, if the post
master will take a due bill for the ipon
ey.~[Loui8iana State Register.
After nine years it has been discovered
that Gen. Longstreet'« tardiness at Get
tysburg lost that battle to the Confede
rates. We shall expect to hear very
soon that the loss of Charleston was
owing entirely to the inefficiency of
Gen. Beauregard ; that Gov. Hebert and
Gov, Mouton were never considered
very Rood Southern men, and that they
are now'entirely unworthy of public
confidence or reshebtb. Wß doubt very
much whether a}f or any of ttiege gen
tlemen will bo very much disturbed by
the criticisms or strictures of these late
discoverers.—[Madison Journal.
The Crops .—From personal inspec
tion,of a portion and reports of the rest,
we are pms&eA that the crops of this
parish will turn o# utneh better than
was expected a short "time ago. There
is a good deal of cotton which, if not
destroyed this mouth by the worm, will
«take a bale to the acre, and also good,
and even heavy corn crops, whilst the
cane is generally fine.—[Rapides Gazette,
Aug. 9th,
the old story of waiting on prov
idence, and providence re
fusing to come.
The following remarks will at once
commend themselves to the reader :
To the Editor of the New Orleans Times:
There are thousands of industrious
families in this State who want lands,
and cannot obtain them. There are
thousands who could pay for fifty acres
iu five years, if they could obtain the
lands, and have a fair chance to work
them. It has been proved again aud
again that small farmers are now making
money in all parts of this State where
they are frugal aud industrious. There
is no place on this Continent where a
prudent and managing farmer can make
mpre money out of an acre of laud, than
in Louisiana.
Why do ten thousand families in this
city and State, in vain ask landholders
to sell them lands ou time, while they
gaze upon eighteen millions acres of un
cultivated, tax-ridden acres ?
Why let these lands remain idle for
ten years, depreciating iu value, iu pref
erence to selling them to industrious and
worthy poor men to l^e paid for in ten
yearly installments ?
The day an industrious farmer settles
on idle lands, and commences improving
and working them, he adds twenty-five
per cent, to their value.
We have in Louisiana all the elements
of success and prosperity if landholders
und capitalists would lead the way. In
pite or bad government and high taxes
liese idle fields and prairies slioufd be
swarming with immigrants in two years,
and thousauds of non -producers in our
State should become producers. It is
the apathy of our own people that blocks
the way to success, more than political
The Land Question.
iiy feople can't get a chance to
farm in louisiana.
It is now, as before the late war; we
do not propose to help ourselves. Poli
ticians told as then that Northern Dem
ocrats would prevent a war or fight our
battles for us ; that "King Cotton" would
battles tor us ; tuat lvmg cotton would
light for us; that the English would j
break the blockade after we were block
aded; that Louis Napoleon and the
French would help us ; that we would
make the negroes fight for us. And
many of our people are uow waitng for
Northern capital, for Northern Demo
crats, for Congress, for Providence, for
"something to turn up." Jupiter will
never help us until we put our own
shoulders to the wheel. it.
In curious contrast to this " o'er true
tale" is a letter received at the Times
office, addressed to Roundabout and
signed "Clerk." The writer—anonym
ous—complains of the prevalent dispo
sition toward Texas by every one desir
ous of farming, and aads :
I have 1500 acres of the finest land in
this State, a large portion of which has
been uuder cultivation, the other well
wooded and will be in demand in a short
time by railroads now in course of con
struction, and will no doubt be in full
operation before three years have been
added to our age ; one will run through
the land, one within a mile, and a third
within twelve miles; it is one of the
most healthy and lovely portions of our
State, with fish and game in abundance
and the best grazing country to be found.
Added to that is a large dwelling and
outhouses, all waiting for a little cap
ital and experience, of which I have
neither. Now what can I do ? I would
willingly sell one undivided half, with
the understanding that the amount paid
was to be used in stocking and carrying
ou the place. But those who hâve an
idea of farming think they must go to
Texas. Why are there so many anxious
to go there when better chances, with
less risk, exist in our own State ?
We venture to say that if "Clerk"
would let himself be known, and dis
tinctly offer advantages such as those
extended by Mr. Cross, and published
in the Times of yesterday, the Texas
tendency he complains of would, in that
degree, be checked. W e take the liberty
of inquiring how the people are to divine
that such possibilities exist, unless thfe
proprietor invites attention to them.
Even with the letter now furnished we
are ready to assert that nobody will
guess who " Clerk " is or where his"lands
are situated. The trouble is that he, as
well as other landowners, are unwilling
to take the smallest trouble. With vast
nlantations lying idle, producing noth
ing, yet consuming large annual sums
for taxes ; depreciating steadily in value,
though capable of being turned to profit
for hundreds beside themselves ; these
gentlemen seem to rely upon Providence
to send them customers. Providence
failing to do this,- and emigration con
tinuing, in its ignorance, to neglect Lou
isiana, they complain. " Why do people
insist on going to Texas, when they can
get better lands and more liberal bar
gains in Louisiana ? " Why, indeed, un
less because Texas invites them and
Louisiana don't?
A Word for a Comrade .—The New
York Times says Gen. Pendleton's
statement in a public lecture that Gen.
Longstreet was responsible for thç loss
to the Confederates of the battle of
Gettysburg, has called out, a letter from
ex-Gov. B. G. Humphreys, of Mississip
pi, who commanded a brigade in Long
street's corps at the time. General
Humphreys gives a vivid account of
the three days battle, and contends that
it was not General Longtreet who dis
obeyed orders. He concludes: "Nine
years after the battle comes Longstreet's
turn, and not being in high feather and
good oder with the Southern people,
his 'unworthy ambition' and ' ill-temper
with Lee,' is readily accepted as the true
solution of the enigma of the loss at
Gettysburg. My love for the true sol
diers of the Southern Confederacy, true
when we needed friends, has not failed
me, and I may be but too prone to de
fend them ; yet I am persuaded that
when an impartial history of our civil
war can be written, the military fidelity
and heroic record of James Longstreet
will shine bright among the brightest
ornaments of the Confederate struggle
for liberty and the independence of the
Influence of Happiness Over the
Mind .—It should never be forgotten
that the happier a child is the cleverer
he will be. This is not only because,
in a state of happiness, the mind is free,
and at liberty for the exercise of its
faculties, instead of spending its
thoughts and energies in brooding over
troubles, but also because the action of
the brain is stronger when the frame is
in a state of hilarity; the ideas are
more clear ; impressions of outward ob
jects are more vivid ; and the memory
will not let thein slip. This is reason
enough for the mother to take some
care that she is the cheerful guide and
comforter of her child. If she is anxious
or fatigued, she will exercise some con
trol over herself, and speak cheerfully,
and try to enter freely into the subject
of the > moment j to meet the child's
mind, in short, Instead of making him
sink for want of companionship.
The Shreveport Tintés saw of Pro
fessor Dimitry and his appointment to a
fiosition in the customhouse in New Or
eans, that "he is one of the ripest
fciiolars m America, and organized the
first systfto? of public schools in this
State. Professor BiäjjtrV retains his
splendid intellectual facultièà, ai)d , is
universally honpjsd and beloved by his
fellow-citizens. Were tho goyeruiH«
to make a few more such appointmen
we should begin to believe that it had
some sense oCjnstice left, and that the
President desired to have the good will
of öwr people."—[Madisou Journal.
A Legitimate Inference—That adent
, ist's office is a drawing-room.
Grapes and Grape Lauds.
vast wine and fruit regions in lou
isiana and mississippi.
To the Editor of the N. O. Times :
On the 2d inst., we were at the "Car
Works," on the Jackson Railroad, nearly
seventy miles from New Orleans, and in
the evening we went to the residence of
Mr. David Manard, two miles distant.
Mr. Manard was one of the first, if not
the very first, who commenced the ex
perimeut of graue culture ou the Jack
sou Railroad. He planted the first Cou
cord vine iu 1800. Some of his grapes
brought in the New Orleans market a
dollar aud fifty cents a pound. The
same kind of grapes has this year re
tailed at ten cents a pound. Money can
be made in selling them at five cents
and less. Iu 1869 Mr. Manatd sold half
an acre of grapes from vines three years
old for four hundred dollars. The
average price was fifty cents a pound
that season.
The Manard family, McDaniel Ma
nard and his two sous, have had val
uable experience in grape culture, aud
from them we obtain the principal facts
contained in this article.
Concord grape vines should be set
about eight feet apart iu the row, and
the rows about six feet apart, or about a
thousand vines to the acre. Some plant
but seven hundred ond fifty to the acre.
It requires about five hundred posts
to the acre. These cost live cents a
piece, or $25 to the acre. Wire for trel
lises about $50. The vines cost
about $30 a thousand, and as low as
$25. When two years old each vine
will yield from two to two aud a half
pounds of grapes. The fourth year,
from five to ten pounds to the viue if
properly cultivated and managed.
More than twenty varieties of grapes
are cultivated uear the Jackson Rail
road. The following are considered
the best : The Concord, a good table
aud wine grape, is sweeter aud better
iu this than in higher latitudes. The
largest are about au inch in diameter,
j hundred grapes in the
largest clusters ; Ives's seedling, large,
fine, black grape, ripens two weeks
sooner than the Concord, a good table
and wine grape, yields, according
to Mr. Herwig's experiments, made
at his place near Areola, twice as
much brandy as the Concord. It is a
good bearer.
Catawba, lilac colored brown, a good
grape but not as good as in higher lati
Tennessee, light amber, not as large
as the Concord, or quite as good, but
firm, beautiful, and will bear shipping
better than any of the other grapes. It
is thought that it would bear shipping
to Europe.
Diana, paie red, small compact clus
ters, sweet, and excelleut table grape.
Delaware, pale red, a good grape.
Warren, large clusters, much smaller
berries than the Concord, pleasant acid,
a superior wine and table grape, ripens
the latter part of July.
Hartford prolific, black, smaller than
the Concord, sweet, a good table grape,
but not suited to low latitudes.
Roger's grapes—Several kinds of
the Roger's grapes, No. 14,15,16 and 19
are cultivated by the Mauards.
Most of them are large, black, excellent
grapes. One kind is larger than the Con
These are the best of over twenty
varieties of grapes cultivated in the
vineyards of the Jackson Railroad.
It usually takes up about thirteen
pounds of grapes to a gallon of wine,
according to the experiments of the Ma
nard family. The largest yield of Con
cord grapes should produee over seven
hundred gallons of wiue to the acre,
ten pounds of grapes to the vine and a
thousand vines.
The expense of cultivating a vineyard
is small. The pruning, tying up the
viues, thinning out an excess of young
clusters, keeping the ground clear of
weeds and grass, can be accomplished
without hard labor, aud without pres
sure as to time. With wire trellises,
and posts seasoned aud the bottoms
dipped into hot coal tar, hardly any re
pairs will be needed for twenty years.
crates, boxes, and freights.
The crates and boxes for twenty-four
pounds cost thirty-four cents. The
freight to New Orleans is usually about
ten cents a crate, aud to Louisville, by
express, fifty cents. The Jackson Rail
road Company has put the freights very
low, to encourage the establishing of
vineyards in this section of country.
area of louisiana grape lands.
Thus far all experiments in the cul
tivation of the Concord, Scuppernong,
and several other kinds of grapes, on
the pine lauds of this State, Mississippi,
and Alabama, have been successful.
The vine and the grape are healthy,
and the yield prolic. There are over
six million acres of these lands in Lou
isiana alone, and large surfaces of the
same kind of lands in Alabama and
Grapes also grow.wellon
the islands along the cost of Louisiana,
on the Côte Gelée hills of Attakapas,
and on the bluff lands of the State, and
on most of the other lands. We have
every reason to believe that grapes and
wine will in time become highly impor
tant productions in the State, aud their
value reckoned in millions instead of
thousands of dollars. The ample sup
ply of home made wines may check the
ravages of the whisky plague, and the
abuudance of grapes may be of great
advantage to the health of the people,
as well as a cheap luxury for the multi
tude in city and country.
strawberry culture.
Mr. Manard has had some experience
in strawberry culture in the pine lauds
of the Jackson Railroad. He says straw
berries may be produced for the New Or
leans market from March to Juue,
three months. Wilson's Albany bears
three mouths, and is prolific, and bears
shipping remarkably well. In a good
season they produce a second crop,
blossoming in October, and bearing
ripe fruit by Christmas.
apples, pears and home-made tea
Soine of the early varieties of apples
do remarkably well in pine lands of the
Jackson Railroad. In size and quality
they would be no discredit to the apple
orchards in higher latitudes.
The Barlet pear does admirably in
this county. There is no doubt that
this and many other varieties will be
extensively raised in this section of Lou
isiana, as the country becomes more
densely settled.
There is no doubt that the tea plant
will be cultivated to an extent sufficient
to supply a large number of families
with tea made on their own farms, and
cannetl fruits will be put, up in large
quantities. _ At Mr. Manard's,his daugh
ter, Miss Eliza, had on the family table
as elegant a sample of home-canned
pears as we have ever tasted, and a cup
of tea from a home, grown plant which
could easily have been mistaken for an
excellent quality of tea grown in China.
Mr. Manard has discovered a me tho t.
of curing this tea which is quite impor
tant. Tue leaves merely taken from
the shrub and dried makes a cup of tea
that is not very palatable.
new orchards and vineyards.
Many new orchards and vineyards
are being sjartßd on and in the vicinity
of the Jackson Railroad, with even -
confidence iff 'success. ' Sit-. Riissel Ma
pa^ agd Mr. Kj Manard, sons'of P.^fîd
Manard, encouraged by their own ex
perience and that, of their father, in
fruit cidture in this couutry since 1860,
will extend their fruit interests near In
dependence, not seventymilesf roni New
Orleans, to the extent of their ability fi
nancially and physically.
Good Advice.
what a foreign merchant thinks
about us.
too much grumbling and not enough
[From the New Orleans Times.]
For some time past the editorial col
umns of a leading journal have been
employed in labored efforts to establish
on a sound basis the fallacy that exces
sive taxation is the root of all our evils.
Copious extracts from prominent writers
on political economy have been strained
to meet the case, but no evidence has
been, or we believe, can be produced to
warrant the assertion. These efforts
are injurious. They lead the public
mind from the consideration of the
other causes that so largely contribute
to our present condition and prevent
any exertions being made to remedy
We do not wish to bu understood to
advauce the opinion that excessive
taxation is not injurious to the pros
perity of a people, for we are well aware
that it is. But we assert, and will en
deavor to show that our evils are in a
great measure the effects of other
Ou a certain evening of last week the
writer met at the table of one of our
influential citizens, a prominent foreign
merchant, who, in his travels through
this country, visited our city and re
mained with us a few days. His views
are of importance, as they are not the
result of auy political bias; they spring
frofn a close and an impartial inspec •
tion of our peculiar systems.
Dinner being concluded, the wine and
cigars were passed around, and under
the influence of these post prandial
comforts the conversation became easy.
Our host is numbered among the staunch
advocates of the theory spoken of in
the introduction hereto, and labored
most assiduously to uphold it, but his
guest proved too much for him. The
discussion arose from an assertion by
the guest that he noticed in traveling
South that the more improvident nature
seemed to have been in the reckless
bestowal of her favors, the more indo
lent the people were. He had traveled
through the East and West, where na
ture had done but little for the country,
where the land was poor, and the cli
mate bleak and cold, yet there the
very rocks were made to produce. In
this section of country, where you had
but to tickle the land with the hoc for
it to laugh a harvest, field after field
was given over to the briar and the
bramble, and apparently no efforts were
made to reclaim them. He had been at
a loss to account for tiiis, but after a
few days sojourn with its, and a careful
reading of our papers, be easily com
prehended the situation.
Host—" The cause of our deplorable
condition, sir, is apparent to the most
superficial thinker. As you came South
and noticed the increasing desolation,
you were approaching the centre of
carpet-bag rule. Taxation is so ruinous
that it is impossible for our planters to
successfully conduct their plantations,
and in the few instances where they
have made money it has beeu wrested
from them by the audacious rogues who
kave blighted the land by their baleful
Guest—" If is true I have been but. a
short time in your Southern country,
aud it may seem presumptuous in me to
enter into a discussion as to the cause
of your want of prosperity ; but I am a
quick observer, and think I have mas
tered your situation already. You err
in attaching too much importance to
taxation ; you attribute all your evils to
it, and would lead me to believe that
your failure in producing profitable
crops upon your plantations is owing to
exorbitant taxation. You believe it
yourself, and would so impress every
one else. I hold that such is not the
case. Taxation has little to do with it.
This particular calamity is the result of
a defective system of labor. The pro
duction of sugar in the British West
Indian colonies, after the abolition of
slavery there, was materially reduced,
and the colonists ever after complained
of the difficulty of obtaining a sufficient
supply of labor, aud of its high price.
It was believed by many that such a
state of things would be temporary on
ly ; that free is always in the end cheaper
than slave labor, and that it would not
be long before labor would be more
abundant and wages lower ip these is
lands than in those where slavery was
maintained. The result was otherwise,
aud clearly established the fact that
some sort of compulsory labor is indis
pensable to the profitable raising of su
gar. Hayti, though the most fruitful of
the West Indian Islands, and though
it furnished, when a colony of France,
immense quantities of sugar, to-day
scarcely furnishes a single ton. If this
be true of the islands where the season
for the culture of cane is unlimited,
how much truer must it be of your
State, where your season is limited !
It is impossible to bring whites into
competition with blacks in out-of-doors
labor in tropical countries ; and as there
are no grounds for thinking that eman
cipated blacks will voluntarily under
take the drudgery of sugar-planting,
it would seem that compulsory or slave
labor is not merely the cheapest that
can be so employed, but that it is indis
pensable to the successful prosecution
of the business. I do not state this as
any vindication of slavery, but as being
the only conclusion which can be legit
imately deduced from the case, aud to
show that you are being ruined by the
system you are pursuing, and not alone
by taxation."
"Host—"What would yon have us do,
abandon our sugar estates ?"
Guest—" By no means. I would have
you cease planting on the same princi
ple with free labor that governed your
planting when you had slave labor.
Year after year of failures should have
convinced you that your cane culture
under the present system of labor is un
profitable, and that you ought to take
steps to correct it. You readily com
prehend that there is a screw loose some
where, but you cannot bring yourselves
to face the real evil. Yon send to foreign
lands for fresh seed, as if the seed you
have was defective. Hut, sir, ma^k my
words! You may send the world over
and procure the best seed to be pur
chased, but nndei* the present system of
labor you will never profitably culti
vate sugar cane."
Host—" If we are not to cultivate su
gar, what are we to do ?"
Guest—"I understand that in this
section of country rice will grow with
very little cultivation. Y ou have but to
scatter the grain throughout your fields,
and prevent the birds from eating it up.
After it appears above the ground all i?
needs is occasional irrigation. "This be
ing the case,'Louisiana could be made
the greatest rice producing State in the
Union. You would make more money
off your rice than you ever did from su
gar. Besides it would not require the
great outlay of money that sugar plant
ing does, and the apparatus for cleaning
it is not half so cos;t|y as a sytgar mill
and appurtenances. In view' of these
facts, I would have your agriculturists
abandon the cultivation of carie, and
take «at of rice. But you never pon
der these things. You are taught to be
lieve that the very instant the present
exorbitant rates of taxation are reduced,
you will be like so many Midases—
everything you touch will turn to gold.
Hence, believing taxation to be the
wiree of all your trouble^ you pyei-
look th e other e'Aiisës that are daily con
spiring to keep you poor."
Host—" I admit that I never looked
at the subject in the light in which you
put it. I have always considered taxa
tion the cause of all our evils."
Guest—" The entire population of the
»rural districts of the South are engaged
in the Cultivation of cotton. They ship
that cotton to New Orleans, where it is
sold and the proceeds appropriated to j
the payment of the cost of cultivation.
The planter has purchased certain sup- i T
plies, consisting of pork and cotton |
goods. The pork is purchased ill the j
West, the cotton goods from the East.
When these are paid for, the planter
finds he has nothing left front the sale
of his crop. It appears then that your
ueople are working for the profit, of
their Northern brethren. If you go in- j
to foreign markets to purchase at a
lower rate than you can buy them at
home goods similar to those manufac- ,
tnred in New England, you are forced !
ity protection laws to pay a duty which, !
m the end, makes your foreign pur- ;
chases as dear as if you had bought
them at home. You annually raise four |
million bales ot cotton, for which you |
receive three hundred and twenty mil
lions of dollars, most of which goes in
to the pockets of Northern manufac
turers aud Western pork packers. Sup
pose that instead of grumbling about j
the high rates of taxation, you were to
turn your attention to manufacturing,
what would be the result ? In a few
short years a large fraction of the pro
ceeds of the sale of your cotton crop
would remain in the South, and be dis
tributed among the people ; and when
public improvements are needed, you
will have capitalists at home to furnish
the money, and there would be uo fur
ther necessity for looking to Northern
bankers for it.
"It has been ascertain prl tint over
11 IM* men .iscenaineu tnat ovei
three hundred and fifty thousand work
people are engaged in the factories of
England, and beside these a vast, popu
lation derives a livelihood from the
manufactures of cotton, wool, flax and
silk, such as the hand-weavers, the
framework knitters, the lace makers,
lace runners, muslin sewers, etc. I
think it may be safe to affirm that up
ward of one-eighth of the population of
England is actually employed in manu
factures ; and probably not more than
one-sfsteenth in agriculture. If we
consider, moreover, how much greater a
mass of production a laborer, whether
young or old, is equal to in power
driven manufactures than in husbandry,
the wonder is that your people have not
long ere this turned their attention to
manufacturing. With such a demand
for labor as the adoption of this indus
try would create, you could draw to
you an honest and thrifty population
from Europe, and thus gradually create
a power that would more than counter
balance any political influence. But
you do not turn your attention to these
subjects. Your time is occupied in la
menting the loss of your old luxurious
life and in vainly clinging to your old
traditions. You seem to forget that,
a great war has been fought, • during
the pendency of which your country
progressed a century."
Host—" My dear sir, you talk of erect
ing factories as if this was the home of
the fabled gods, and our citizens so
many Vulcans who could rear the grand
est structures ifi a night. Where is the
money to come from for all this ? We
are aii impoverished people."
Guest—"It takes no more to build
and run a first-class factory than it
does to purchase and run one of your
first-class sugar estates. I was on a
plantation a few days ago, where the
machinery alone cost over seventy five
thousand dollars, and the proprietor
told me that it required over thirty
thousand dollars to raise his crop.
Where does this money come from?
If parties can be found to advance a
sum like this upon an uncertain crop, it
strikes me there should be no difficulty
in finding merchants who would will
ingly advance like amounts toward the
erection of a cotton manufactory.
"These, sir, are my views on your
situation. These are necessarily crude,
but, 1 think will bear the test of analy
sis. I will add that it has long been a
matter of surprise to foreigners that the
South with her rich lands and well
watered country lias not freed herself
from the shackles of New England and
become a manufacturing country. If
she will only turn her attention to it
now and exert her brains and energies,
in a short time she will become as
great and sovereign as she was before
the war."
The Value op Time .—Hang this in
the library, parlor, office, store, shop, or
some other place where it will be seen :
" What does it matter if we lose a few
minutes in a whole day?" "Answer
Time Table: (days in a year, 313; work
ing hours in a day, 8.)
Days. li. in.
5 miuutes lost each day is. in a year, 3 2 5
10 minutes lost each day is, iu a year, r, 4 10
20 minutes lost each day is, in a year, 12 8 20
30 minutes lost each day is, in a year, 19 4 30
60 minutes lost each day is, in a year, 39 1 80
We trust that the above will touch the
hearts of those who called in to sec you
'just for a minute.' "
Rice Pudding .—One quart of rich
milk, one-half cup of rice, one-half cup
of sugar, a little salt. Bake in a slow
oven, and keep stirring occasionally
until you wish the crust to form. Flavor
with nutmeg; add raisins, if you choose.
This makes a small pudding."
Some women are so delicate that they
are afraid to ride, for fear of the horse
running away ; afraid to ride, for fear
the dew might fall ; afraid to sail, for
fear the boat will upset ; but they are
never afraid to get married, which is
more riskful than all the other put to
Plre Water .—We should let the
water standing in our water-pipes run
a minute before we take a drink or use
for cooking in the morning, and ingoin, ,
into a new house, or into one in which
water-pipes have just been placed
A man in Norwalk the other day drank
three pints of Jersey Lightning and six
teen glasses of lager on a wager. His
coffin was a plain one, and the funeral
procession very small.
The right man in the right place—A
husband at home in the eveuin<î.
Life is a corduroy road, the faster you
travel the^more you get goltcd.
A sufferer complains that squeaking
boots " murder sleep" in church.
- ♦ ; ♦
Louisiana Institution Tor tlie Deaf and
Baton Rouge, La ., July, 1873.
To the Police Juries, the Municipal Authorities
andfriends of the Deaf andDumb in Louisiana:
Tlie Trustees of the Louisiana Institution for
the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, call your
attention to this unfortunate class, ami the pro
vision made for them by the. State, ju this Insti
tution. All the Deaf between the ages of eight
and twentj^flye, of sound physical and mental
constitutions, will be admitted and provided
with instruction, board, lodging, medicine and
medical attendance at the expense of the Insti
tution ; and all those in such indigent circum
stances as shall appear by a certificate of auy
member of the police jury of the parish, or may
or qf the city, where they reside, to render such
aid necessary, will also be furnished with cloth
ing and traveling expenses to the Institution.
The Institution alsoaift>r<te a mechanical depart
ment in which instruction is'given in such trades
as may be beat suited to render the pupils self
sùstaînilig citizens. The education of the deaf
is of peculiar importance to them and to the
State ; but from want of information, indigence
or other reasons 011 the part of parents, less than
half in the State ayail themselves of the privil
eges afforded. This is all wrong; hence the Trus
tees earnestly call the attention of all proper
authorities to* the duty of seeing that all the deaf
in their respective parishes or cities, are inform
ed of the privileges provided, and that ill
of indigent circumstances, means he pMvia#
for conveying stich to tfii^ institution. Proper
provision wili leit;aocfftr with while and colored.
In ca^e flf fiuy (leaf kh'owii at this Instituai to
bo ih your city or parish, tho names are append
ed to this letter. Should you know or learn of
others, their address is earnestly desired.
Gov. \V. P. K kuxkms, ex-officio, |
H. Newell, Esq.,
H. S hohtkx, Esq.,
Hon . J. H. Buucn,
L. Brkiiel.
.T. McVay, Es ^., Snp't.
J. A. McWOKTliEK, cx-officio, I
I Trustees of T«>
J-Institutfou for
Deaf & Dumb.
Proceeding« of the Board of Police of
«he Town of Opeiou»a».
Thursday , August 7th, 1873.
T J &SÜV?' M , , ,on ï' P"»V lent : v,c tor
u-ieiii/e,/uirt ^'.hu pSv ey ' Louis
tlir clerk bring alisent, on account of sickness
the President nominated J. Posey in his stead
pro tern. ,
Mr. Samuel M. Peters presented uu account of
$20 tor services as deputy Constable iluriiicr tho
illness of officer Octave Prud'homme, Esq. Ap
proved, aiul warrant ordered to issue in pay
ment thereof Haid amount to lie deducted from
ti»" salary of the constable proper.
A plat of survey of the extension of Mrfin
street, having been submitted by Mr. Edgar
anhillc, the same was adopted as part of the
pose committee appointed for that pur
The Treasurer submitted his report to date as
follows : 1
iu > fnr Taxes and Licenses
Licenses and Mark,Tdücs «
Total $9«}3 08
An account of tlie "OpclousaH Courier,*' $1.%
for printing 0110 thousand tax receipts, was pre
sented and ordered to lie paid by warrant.
Also, claim of J. J. Morgan, Esq., as Town
Attorney,, for two quarters of 1872, beginning in
April of that year, amounting to $50, approved
ami the usual warrant ordered in satisfaction
On motion of L. B. Cuney, resolved, that the
Constable lie authorized to equally divide, the
stalls on the, south side of the marlict house.
On motion of Mr. Lejeune, resolved, that the
Board rent Iiis room 011 Beltevue street, for the
use of the Council, at tlie rate of thirty dollars
per annum ; and that during the incapacity of
Mr. Hebrard, the Clerk, to attend to the remov
al of the books and papersof his office, J. Posey,
Esq., be appointed custodian of the same.
On motion of J. Posey, resolved, that we again
tall the attention of all residents to the
absolute necessity of cleanliness on their prem
ises, and the free use of disinfectants, at the
present, season, as. an essential means of preserv
ing the seneral health.
The Sanitary committees, recently appointed
by the President of this Board, view wit h regret
that a / i ' ii ' citizens mill/ have complied with the,
requirements of the, late Ordinance on this sub
ject. Adopted.
On motion the Board adjourned.
Approved H. LATO UK, President.
Attest : John Posey , Clerk pro tem,
IIAYES—In Opelousas, on the 9th inst., Pierce
F. Hayes, son of Sheriff E. O. Hayes, aged 19
years, 11 months and 20 days.
_ MAN,SO—On the 9th inst., ill Opelousas, Léon
Manso. aged about 42 years.
The deceased was a member of Opelousas Pire
( ompauy No. 2, and was buried by ttieCompany.
Opelousas Pire Company No. 1 and Opelousas
Hook and Ladder Company No. l, attended the
funeral in company uniform and order.
tieers of Opelousas Fire Co. No. 2, will be
held at the engine house, on Wednesday, Sep
tember 3d, 1873, at 2 o'clock 1'. M.
Emile Lasallk , Sec'y. aug. i5-3t.
Sugar planters should hear in mind the heavy
animal losses they sustain by having an inferior
article of sugar made.
The undersigned offers to boil sugar at two
dollars per hogshead, furnishing the necessary
ingredients at his own expenses, except Sulphur
or Bi-Sulphate and Lime.
He also offers to sell the "Right" to use his
ingredients at tin* rate of fifty cents per lihd.
Good sugar made out of bad and sour canes.
Satisfaction guaranteed in both cases or ho
Apply at once to C. Mayo, Esq., Opelousas, or
to the undersigned iu person, at Arnaudville, La
ang. lt)-5t. WM. J. H ARGRODER.
iNaac Shook vs. J. A. Joli 11*011.
Landry.—No. By virtue or a writ of fieri
facias, issued by the Honorable J.F.Knox, .Tus
tiee of the Peace, First Ward, St. Landry, iu
the above entitled suit," and to me directed, I
will proceed to sell at public auction, at tho
Courthouse of said parish, in the town of Ope
lousas, on WEDNESDAY, the 27th day of Au
gust, 1873, at eleven o'clock a. m ., the following
described property, to-wit—
A certain wreck of the steamboat " Cobweb,"
now lying in the Bayou Corn-tableau, below Bar
ry's Landing—the same having been offered for
ale. on the lotli day of July, 1873, by me; the
terms of the sale were not. complied with.
Seized in the above suit.
VALERY ROY, Constable.
Joseph Richard vn . Ouezime Babincan
dry.—No. 12338.—By virtue of a judgment in
the above entitled suit, tlie undersigned, as re
ceiver, will sell at public sale, at the residence
of Déjean Dugas, oil Coulée Croche, in said par
ish, on WEDNESDAY, August 27th, 1873, the
following described property, viz :
One dwelling house, one corn iionse, two*hun
dred and forty pieux, three gentle horses, one
colt, two geutle beeves, one annoir, one stove,
two bedsteads, one bed and bedding, seven
chairs, one lot of table furniture, one iroupot,
two heifers, two hogs, one lot of barrels, two
tables, one spinning wheel, one shot gun, one
lot of collars, one lot of poultry, one side saddle,
etc., etc.
john F. smith, Receiver.
ang. l5-2t.
P. S. Wiltz v». Oxt-ar Halliard.
J dry.—No. 1-2337.— By virtue of au order of
seizure and sale, issued out of the honorable the
Eighth District Court, of the. State of Louisiana,
in and for the Parish of St. Landry, in the abovo
entitled suit, aud to me directed, I will proceed
to sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder,
at the Courthouse, of said parish, in the town of
Opelousas, 011 SATURDAY» th<t> 6th day of Sep
tember, 1873, at eleven o'clock a. m ,, the follow
ing described property, to-wit—
A certain lot of ground, with all the buildings
and improvements thereon, situAtedon Bayou
Teche, at Arnaudville, parish of St. Landry,
having a front of one-half arpent, and one-half
arpent in depth, more or less, bounded south by
land of Sellers, west by property of Sellers ami
Mrs. Theodore Richard, north l»y Paul Blanoh
ard and east by Bayou Teche ; said property be
ing the same transferred by U. A. (îtiubeau t«».
Oscar Bulliiird, by act of September 2»th, 186!> V
passed before Fcrreol Perrodin, Notary: said;
mortgage was given by said Oscar Bumarft to,
said P. S. Wiltz, by act pjissed before Omer Mar
tin, a Notary Public, of the parish of St. Martin,
May 31st, 1871. a copy- of which is duly recorded
in the office, of tlie Recorder of mortgages for tlie
parish trf St. Landry, 011 the 23d of June, 1871.
Seized in the above suit.
Terms— Ou a credit of twelve months, purcha
ser furnishing bond and security ace wiling tu
aug. 15. E. O. IT A V KS. Sheriff.

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