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ý*9 r,~- :164ý~ s týM ;y i . ' aý ,k x k1 . w ,~ y. "_>~A *U+ ." .7'MEOF M= THE PAR tIIOF ST. JOHN TH ýE A TIST. s'ýt T ý SATURDAY DECEMBER 23, 192 -~--~ ~W .~4~#AJL~ aa~Jaaaa~ahNO S t' y . 'i~LJ; i~yy ~ -FI1 ~ Xu-~i*-Sefb~i~il~li* -·- ýý .?ate ý ý ýY Y':~ -)i a~r TI~ Exerence of Ohr WithPeruna.h4Saf Guide to 1'Io Perunia Lis-, been the Iiousehàlc reàeclyeof hasts of peple1 for t4e Ilast fiftyf yeara The tes£imonycof to who.have- csd Per,2na proves it te lie -A- Stanýd zud Famniy Rem,,,dy For A Catitarrwa Condtions; 'For Preivcntion of Colda. * - For "ht Irrogni Appedftq. Fer W«enodDguon ~E~'oe-R -4dyOTo.OTâÏeh. ,WhtFsiyMdi. T. s? - Do . 6m 4m erie4otm mop .wbIî«w anee Va jué US Sm -p O ~' L 4 -. 77J 4.RI F ,, LX uý I.... - '~ a : i ,yr ^ I. I W sfiioýuc ~ T-.31` . om s"rAMDSALV # w F - hy.{ l' ih 4 " - a ýY ý ; F ' ýý'V' . r _ _ýN ý1.'Y'ýýF Nqýff M ý,-ý" ýý .. , . 1, ,. P ,. to ce.di :. ca av -.Par ho St: John th.e ptiaL Edr 1:., December 7, 1922. Polie Jauy met this day in re sesion with Hon. P. G. Songy at 'eeslrs. Reynaund, Bar and the followings: mdtem u and Doper ot *ne.` ates of thee last meeting held were read, and on di6 Mr. 'Dube,, econded by Mr. n carried it ad minutes were approvedas read.. H probf erec *nd if the year '98 as Finance Comm ttee t.*;hzIi*eAwwA &itt 0 Md an~d the tlgowtn as~lu 'id the i below wpsnr ... sh # p Q i on. of. with ~ ti to desi nate Paish of t. Jolp th "Bat _:ttB %nir~n. TT C ors'-'ý 999 -.ý ; 4 t, tW P 4ýb ý:: ý.T - z ý School Board direct ian accordanet to law.. - k Vote on same resulted as follows: Yeas: hessrs. &eynaud, Barre, Son. gy Mintegut, Duhe and Bourgeois. Na nS.. one. SEffrts to bhave tht Western Union Telegra~ h t ampavy operate aregn lar ttlegraph. station at Montegut, having not. been 'sucessful; it ~as moved by Mr. Montegut_. aeconded by tMr. Duke and carried that the Lou'si ana Public Service Commission be and is hereby petitioned t. issue ne cessary orders directing the Railway and Navigation Company to maintain proper telegraph communi cation at Montegut staim" to enable the agest at said statiin to keep the public posted as to the latenesa of passenger tr;ins on said-line. The. report of the Finance Commit tee showing a total of $717:66 drawn against the Bank of Edgard, and a total : $1,842.11 drawn. agaist the Bank 1of St. John, to pay salarres and bills inerredduring month ..of Novem ber, was rea and on motion of Mr. Beyanud :seconded by Ms.;BDhe and carried, said report was ordered ap prved, and said bills were ordered SThe treasarerhaving rui ed insuf nt funds on hand tomneet `above oi~tedindle .tedhess, it was moved -by M' t she had iisecond.ed by Mr Reynaudithaktie P atCbel and ishereby authorized from br Bank of a, the s aof $600, and $I ,7O O .) th . toy s sat* in pa, no e th i-·ai·vg_ qustda p~ysy us:td°, ;ie 4; bonteng - ~ jtK f ý -. aRit - -. F F sue~ 4Z, xý - t3ý`' € r z t V i a z 3 rý"* Yci ý `M1. _x .F tiij NOTI -TO THE -STOCKEOLDZ 3 C? THE BANK OF EDGASD The annual-meeting of U S .ak holders of the BANK( O L.9ii9). to elect Directors to serve dur."3s1 ensuing year, will be held u the Banking house of said Bank o TUESDAY, JANUARY 23r4. 13:, between` the hours of i-.. A, -1 12 Noon. B. R. JACOB, Cash er. 1-23-'23. a. 5-r . Sub-cribe to the Meschacebe and get . the local News. Only $2.00 a Yea.. uir1nit SI le ;-F*~ ~pamrbi~E~ii~i~~~geE-~"~ i~ls-; ;ran~a"~L~a~ ri~lias.: tit `'49x''" `ýi`. -Mf x. ý`; yý.":. ý ýx p ' ý,rSSýý X 4fi'Yý g ,ý ýr nyýA7: Y k:SS Y fdi -k'A 'ý ,s.3-4 o y z Vý