OCR Interpretation

Richland beacon. [volume] (Rayville, La.) 1869-1890, February 08, 1873, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86079088/1873-02-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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d Lire Coorttt R ICK AN D B EA C ONO
Rates ofAdveriiingn
SI PP. 1' 3 m I
I llpmir tI r
f e, one year... S3.P1 - - - - -ý-c
Up},Ott w mth, Y..ý K Ltbertas et NP.ale MolA\I r
ý ' i i~ , t u t1uh un } ear, r i~ ... .. : .(1
T r' ms f t S ubsritioln. - _______ - - - ----- --- - -- - - --- - -- - 1 1 u i 1 i1
O~i UAW.~ VOL V.-NO.I lil~iit~. IP.Yý'II4LIE, L.1., SXTURJ)AY. FEBRUARY 8, 1 73. {` L O 1.~ .rtf~o1~r~i~.
I iscellaneous Selectio
'tihe long sleep he lays hintldown at last, lii
I. Ing an exile ins ra a lnIad; i;I
,.I. y qr al thait UIrf hillý Ii;hty past, Wa
. e true Wie waob ci ngs unt. hi handu al..
iautt f ih, foi s.hall :,i;g his I .1l no mlore.
liretin- itf a triuilip. 'i hin not to joy; fat
tnily ti i IIl, r: thl-e ltor llt. :;, llln. I tf, , elt
lI.lt to :h " aui I-ing t a o thir of hi- ihay. 0
I.t the e,-ar-- b hi, crledl hi flure disdaiin, no
Now t .1 ni Iiipr, lIv-t ,not in hi. glance; thit
L.," th, rto, j,'t'b" fl,. Ip intlI our- again e01
.At thIl ,l.part'e Maj.-sty of Fraur.! tint
liirn,, to hil .gn r, he will not feel it now; bat
1.: " i it* -, lilehre, hi- iiant htlar; n
A ld the IhuIsailnr I;l he ing of hi, brow ;4
-itlhelS t5I Io ttltalwb m thb a iweialL's teur. ma
'l-1,,k at thn haul in ,l' t-t th'd li.ith ,l,,-vn, tn
i ui," for it, Vei:ring wlit itth , l n - l ii ii orn-; ha
l ·:h, lth" r:lbbli's hatred 1 ai crown, J4t
l.',-its it i. ,rnd Inl hIatd Ut e 4of il n- tell
I t:," I ,i 2A t I rit liln , th l:iilit ,f 1htiui-, o
Ti, it i, i I-i I*r loat e -:i ai wI:intra - nlln;
o -thiuig sublilitu" iofi ji grrat linstuan's. anatitl
IJwrelli Fhis t ci st:Lat still i potaea. Shi
I: the lillttn sw I.o that 111 , utight hill froni tlhel. -t
lthr -n, 114.
tllr,,its, in ibattle nii thtllr tIb:u hh", thi
l ol" n'to ll.r ItIlia gIavi lie to her wn, '
)"r *Iln t| ' whit,' Al ill" ullllll t'lthe .-,i.
I hr**.ih hliit h IW .oe anl -lhadtovw of % l~in, for
i r luiaw th*. Emnlliri eahs. as it llta, t,
Firt, fron "olf,.rino nad the nif111
T1' u, I~ her ulll lori," of Al-terlitlz.
(l,.en of the l , :,ill, I.'i,,le hr dle tshe bow-, i
1II Ii,, l ,,l him. I!,. het- t h,.r nritl I,, rs u-,
I: ,run to !,h G ul,, flrll ti-::ut Cl 'hielhur't, 11.
b5 it. vy th ll ln:l tl,*s arloites of thw past, w,
M ar ,l "f .l1-rv l;r ithe ionl n tad: l I il,
S:* -r -hill ruma unto h Ie - 1 at at4-t, h
1:ii h, r aI, nainng E|n.l-me r ag'uin! 'ft'
-.N. '. orld. 11111
tour throutih Nornnitdl v swai that 11 Ie
wvhii!h , i e-ilh to stop for.t lay at Vire, tol
irtitlal of at iuare taking the trals to
(ran:tville. A ', rlingly, we amnd our lug- hi
uiri'u were dltlp,,siteid at thie llotl St. t
P 'ierre, thle entrane ie to which, was throntih
the kitchen. At its door stood our ho-t
(s.;. witling to reetive usa.
l':,tween onir drivi.r and onr.elve a thor- foil
)lti lfriCillhip hail spruiig up. anti this _
lie Autveyed in iWii ,mat1r, as he preeut- !alt
el the Mon-iiur et Mtesil atui Anglais to
La liontate Mire Niaiiiette. N
"Go. lily child," she said to a pretty a
fair girl who stood a little behind her,.
cyeinlg iii with curiosity; go, anl
show to mn:adame the clhalntgr which wt
:have :" andl followin ii opr 3'tqg ghide, n
we were 'onductel t Trobgt two or tbRw
r(otwl.i, with conarwtable, clant-lkoiag ,g
bedls, uand landlsolitaly carvedt wooden
pr'ses; aand having mai:de our choice, w a
tdieceided to the salon to partake of the to
table d'hote dinnes, *tikh wis just being of
seirveI. The result of nil this was, that the
instteald of lIaving for Granvillo the next Iit
day, thiat day week foui.d us still at Vire. me
the rest ofthe party exploring the valley: ca
while I, st-ated: on the belnch in front of 'lel
the hotel, witlaMere Nannette by my silde, th
asked her to tell me the story of h..r life.
" Maane will not think me vain," she
said. "when I tell her that forty years at
:ago tldutrnavelets and trt-e ,3suD A (v!o
came hrtt tldaily to break ftst or dinner. in
ealle I me La Belle Nannette. My cousin, .
whose hlsbLaM was laster of tthe htio u,
would ofen bid me met Wt pay , ~
thei. Ilattering speeches, a hich meant no No
-'ood, to a por orphan girl, who thought
ier fortune wais made, when food and th!
shelter were ofliredt to her in exchange
for the services she rendered in doing th/
work and being servant at the Ilotie St. w
P'ierre." w
Jeanne Feroulle, good yopuan as Ahe
was, might have spared Nannette all these en
cauions, for the child had been made deaf ne
to the llea-ant words qo111 IiR.L, [t;
say, since It:toul V' bWL,'
young son had whisperedI Into her wi.iing lk
cars his tale of love.
lhaoul was tall, broad, and handsome, a,
with head up, and limbs made nobler
achll day by wielding the great hammer, w,
the sound of which I loved far more than he
than the sweetest mnusllc. There was but M
one glrand drawback t5 our happiness. w
Marcel Vanier was a rich man with money w
saved up, and a trade as good as any
smith's in Calvados, and he looked that
his son should choose hlghe) than Nana i
nette, a poor serving-mald.
Marcel Vanler, being a cunning man hi
at heart, UhtJO ht srac young love, f ut
ooppo t l, wofM lrnely fadi eiohtn&d'diI.
But when month after month went by,
and still the onily one whom Raoul stroll
ed with to the astle, and .lbgred whis- t(
pering with beneath the shadow of the h
old trees, continued to be Nannette, Mar
eel felt the time wat come to puta st9p .
to this toolishness. 'At this tinemone o$
the best thought of men in Vire was Pas
chat Cloutler, the wool-dplyp ge erIse
child, Eulalie, was ea unali b utaIu
Vlre, atdded to which hed father boastedh
hie could ghe her a better dot than any
man in the town could match. was on
this girl Marcel Vanier cast his eyes. and,
after a few talks between the two fathers,
the whole matter was in their minds set
tked, and neither of the parents troubled
himset- as to what his child milht sys.
With Eulale there was little fear of op
position for Paschal Cloutler's will was
law in his household; ' I
Marcel Vanler decided that he would
sP ik firatoni ais matter to his somn, lo
should then pay a visit to the Clout e,
antl see Eulalle at home; after which
PIaschal said, he woukld inform his dc
tar tdoe n Raoulypler she saw the iai s
Slittlet ' *.
" Let it be a walk to ene Sage's," he
said; a'nd, to sutanIn !1, .! ]C
thO', to dining at the Hotel St. Pleffe?"
niltt thte hour, to !aneietta s mr-at
prise, the two. ot them la[ lthe
' Madame Ferouelle has a good dinner
to-Jay, I hope. asumtte,"t said Mamed
Vanier, more pleasant and cbeer~nl thuan
" Tlmt is well. Set two places, tor my
self andil son."
,Yes, certainly, m'sleu;" and away
ran Nanotte to secure the best plM she
hail vacant.
Mad me may be sure whoever might be
neglected Marcel Vanler was well served.
N*annette scarcely dared venture a glance
at teaul, who, weli-psbd at deM lt
tioi his father was gettin/, st with a
contented look on his badomle mc_, liat
ening to the news which the commanrl
travelers. the reat talkers at all country
tables were cbldinglyIElto ICoI'
oy.' Little did it a9lt#e 4lIunette,
wether Charles X. Would be fbuc Into
exile or not; the thlng_~ l a, slou she
be able to _ecure for MonsIeur Vanler
i-'.i 'I.,achances asto the DLe IKof Or
very heor. w e she had to
v lan e~ that Raoul'r fatheV got the best
smnareof radouilles. Her attentions at last
onsieur Vier himself, for e looke
b at her, and said
"laeanlnnl l ;M ann ,  Iy
:etaust e ,ýhnle . .
r t'e iet with vl : l
x 1t 1 oitft
,,troi .o,;,t
iiisan e1 . lh r i a t . -hi
alo irorl the perte. p tl( huei 'Ia
and tti e could onlyep bit whi ttle tinh t
fL tlhe:te iee1etinlls witih Ihoul, oilt 'i :ic
cmunt of hlieh she Qot many a srtohli.I' ."s
iron ,her caodk. wit; sor. :s li 'r ta-tc:. ratl
no Fcnei t htIlehe tOlen but of thIe( hoiie. Wctir
than slip began runniin!* :" fi-t "i- -he .1
1,ul1 through to (Porte, past the churc Uw , r
tnd !pll the steep bit whit-4 Iinll W ll 1 t h it
hack of ;thked iat. to wlk t tm ltioos, eler
Afs atrealy therv ai l artel, the but the hi! .
mol " t he aoke. :itc itin a *' ht"t lawhk. i Fa:
Sh lse pped wiV the gteraeulino vlr what -IO
Itapeltries to J. tive her,andri thiw*lwn len Cor
tiA:ll t .Sir tr:Je., iMl t'dv'hi tttirhr wit]
for l keel Vti i to v.s a lk thalt :vu, ol iaL. w"t
After a e sworn e p:oath 'l the por clho l D e
rto 1I towargeJ9 Motie pIlath a heavy? wat. a41
Show sppeel r hanie tr wa? gr'ay per- nich
lo-tanl, or Ito ly anl tiillg to ak fl:ie all<e
help; bitlt thewl tttern' light showed i.'
tliuafu thtjo t,4if a. nwlrt tdl ltt l'.i,- r"
I'r hap Olshe 'ight neve r be nappy aglai. i,
id or M lcel Varder was a stern l nett, ani car
h it, bad sworn an onth iant Raid shonld alle
nevaker mAlrr wrknnettu he sr n
Now. Marcel Vanier was greatly per- °"
pltoex olw, wihert lr tke he sit. Iull stii
th ltel chre ltel to ldo to thlt a otemI wo
, ready, or to say thh al o llilt to l ie ant
mined sooner or later his sonfather oul N
tl Imake. Atfte r w lor hrie strpikol wM n i' (
ti i Paschal.e arnt told hie that as lhe h:el eeo
!b ready before the l.ath, he should say and
notlIhing abouat Ellli t to ! l ljit tlhen.
ta ft S'ilt woull kkep all triii thchti *l a1
th e Ic did 4e t ire entir cre li, t, ayis
aitt by day prioul andpr t his faher lwh
lougml. tor a tiAie tls suwhtille grew n
allnd tore bitterg ! i hard, until Mahrcee l
went to Jealne F'aerelle. a"t l tod her el t
i gerate,rieh a nce nd got her to promhi id, _ 1
that she woulr keep a strict wc aw ony. t
"es,"tte, and so prevent her haeetttpc e
litoul. For a time this surveilltnet s1)""- `ll it
toed, buit oine morningt oIi accounlt of NI a
Sword w ich tspols of d ter o risac rouglht st
hlie will give lte ilt proper waes a f day. "at'
ma at bestea aldo g i , wine wiIbt' iseri Hit1
arn enoug h to fill my own mouth. d o the
rterate, with a litt `dun etiu his d, thn
as if for Yoing away.
'·Yes," e said, innett, a i lntre, I have co~e t
to shy adiuo. I apanet live under the rnt; fall
of my fatherw, eli-ls bread, bAnd listen to not
the words he slteaks of thee and nge. t"
Ile will give mne no proper wages; he calls PiI
ma at best an idle dog who will a uterl Bdt
earn enough to fill emy own mouth. So I n
leave him, Nannette; and more, leave nto
Nannette." an
"Wihee, m thing do," she groaned, " but id
that thou must go from me?" ani
It is best, Nannette; indeed it is," said ho
poor Raotl, dowtelwhos cheeks the teadrs Yt
were rollng. "If I stay, I know not
what may appen. Eact day nmy f.ather ti
wottethi ;iyaro l akins tll o to me.
be brave, Nannette, for my ke. Re
SWiembeI ith inove for the wnich gives but id
grows m ore Viforeth In his rage threat
ens to do things of whicv thoat, couldt a
never ;ar; hem es vows. takes oaths. up
word o wat e Ifant to do have go
tie me ot al h wakin' to me.
Marcel Nannette, for my tsake. Rhe was
twember it i nmy love for thee which gives e
tihe courage for is te is , tat
When it was discoverel that, witgone to a i
goord of what he Seantto do or where n
thithmean to hinkio, Raoule hd dt his home. f
t arcel Vaner, fiorced to gosay t wheat he was wi
told that his fon luto4tber wedn seen or
Sheard of he set off for Mortain Ad, a td hi
he felt sure that Raoul hae even gone to a t(
thither, thllinapelie osupplied nails
p loyed n the amithy, Marnel pdng tecould
he was forced to go but when to come toas
I told that his Nan nette had to tell beene told
anxid the very next ay theeven wdligeneet took Cn,
anre to Granileshoe, t no tidingwhere, atoudhe
STsearchhen at lasrnt hat some fintcomeo to'
dRoulhad lef forato see her alone, he fs
So there was nothing for it, but that
Id make out of hisl on's departure the bemst
All that Nannette had to tell shee told; o
'and the .eo s at d of the dligence took n
Mael to ranville, ere, after muche
tsearchtyo he unt thtogive your moneyf t
yRoulofhad left for Cnad on board a vc
o them she onlys nothing for itrer bet that Ween
her arel ar should t oVre and
dm"Wel outdhis son's departure the beart
Sca e to an end. The t tht he i
e llo t see a little of thne .
er ohe r theinellquer any e ou ard n
ot see wa sa o adt onl olsClh kne w '
4tin di .an cid:, ao . said uh wa a
he aner the fele ll he n or tanoan e o rar
Frer hher, mvoadmt ae aiA t beear o y har
mame to v an end. Th rhe t I eve wasy heat
Or fou ndered t sea, tand ne w down with I
nevery souln her. ' ' I
est tidings diti comae of Raoul, throuigh the'
scafltain s the Angclique. whoit Mir'e'l
om VNanler traveled all thee way to Ilave to
ked see. From him Marcel heard that le left
Raoul at Quebec, that he was doing well
eit coyhld have go* work in the dockyard s $t
b) ere, but he had hal a better offer tur- ed .1
.tr in theinter or. eail he started for that maid
rl rt the e:ae dlay the Angelique left for cau
She, lprt to which shite was bound. Tide nxe
r .stain had quite expected to find him at retu
Slnme again; lfr he laughed at Raoul, as to
ivi:in made but a sacd sailor. whi
lEv+:ry.,lody talked of the money Marcel vlii
V:anier was making. "l'was plain, they F.
:aidu, that Cloutier did all the courting in h
now, and he hill made Eculalie r~efuie me- wall
rtal youlg wlil, hoping lhe mnight yet se- well
car, Ita", l ans husband for her. the'
M:rnre.l Vaeier now caune nearly every lug
day to breakfast and dinner at the hotel, I whi
th 't hd miight get into talk with the tray- Ag
ei lrs. whol:cew Parie. and coahl1 tell hihn loot
o,'f the banks, and the fund-,and the bourse, albiol
ihabot :all of which he sieemed to under- b er
ftiea as r tach as they did. Sometimes
M-n-ieur Fourcher would accomIpany Ing
him, and his p1m .we'lee was always wel- ""
cocmet, for he was very merry and ready her
t with his joke and laugh, and everybod!c '"
wa:s sorry to hear one day that lie had lo, h
Sh"en olied1 alct:'ter post 'arer to Paris, ".
al ,I tltatlhi was going to leave Vire al- nmal
Ia not itmai'di.:tely. a:cnette had of late for I
r bec'Ola e a miuch more ilmportant Iperson- ell
Ijae ti;tan in former days; for her cousin. wi1l
.l~:mune Feroullel , I'4 l her hus+bnd of a wemi
ftver. wbiclh notwithstanclimg that he had low
he.n t beg of asthtma for twenty years, whi
Scatrre lm off' in a week. Maclame Ferou- "(1
Selle cas mht the complaint. ald Nannette, spat
:ilhe tfeit heed.helpel her thrcugh her ill- onle
ines. :ud ke'pt all going straight down pcd
patirs. ma
.Jeane', good heart never tforrot it, "
and she toll Nannette, that if RIaoul c:une stoc
Ihome to claim her now lie should wed no ano
portionless bride. But aniother year:c! nee to 1:
- to a close and no news of lloul. Often ishc
Swhen cladtner Ferouelle was ple'sinag on yea
1 annette the' tuit of stoe iper-vering lo.- '"
er (:and :as her prospets brightenedt her sail
i admin er. be:atne more numerous), she fbur
Iwould hint at the inereasing certainty that and
cO:lrthhing tnmut have happened to 1taoul. tim
:i and the iro raaiiity that in l id he (C'or
wotull Inev , i l Iai e Nai
t verr 1t:,tremi liv- littl
Sin,. I aid i! eirs, tog
Sh: woudld cn rb. cloe
l would t 111 vow to
r which lmiad ui
it Marce'l fF ore er i
rI ,:.ndly sI l l I It n
r ed to driaw hlme toa E- her h
*jsli. ('l'nctier wea at ia. he
and h. tl l aneried J;citj m. e tan- ki
ner ct Mortati; iai as Coult nie
Withoiut actually aylulii owel the
Na enn.tte that ie woali tlr rot- IPt
it st:v.le in thloeAvav elf hidi He the
paid very little attcnti ,w ow. O
and I1 if mlost of taL c wc by I
the men whom hie emaplo . hi
One morning there' was stir in b
the place. Marceblanier ha l a let
ter, and widle it was be'ing rlad he hal say
fallen dowinin a lit, flroamt ich he kouhl
not he recoveredl. .*oon at, l':st a dozen pot
/ stories fourlnd tltheit way to the Uotel St. alt
IPierre. Tflth, ltteLA wan s iidc ws about aci
,Rl "anil, that he had returned, hat lie was has
pI ldeal, a.hipwrecked;"trownod-w*edi that a I
,C; now froze 'anellMse's- heart aatl now 'ta
a turned hier blood to ire, . he
' I nimust-tenrn-the trut."' shph Caid
i "he will tell me; i-Ilavea ri1httoknow." Na
And without li4teitl.g to more shEº an to
Marcel Vaiier's hotise, wlhero'thcs jctor frij
te wa by tlhis~.ine .olice, and the sibk room *"l
o was; eiptied, of all inltrntlds. loaslexir all
'evasseur, Towever, heard Nannette's
'o, :Lnd'ltnowving a gopd dleat of her sh:
and her stqry. lie called tVher tostep in- ins
at side. There lay Marcel, like one dead, ane
and, bending . ver him. stood hik old qfui
d housekeeper. The good doctor saw the wt
youmg gier_ blanrhccl fce ,and guesing ly
t 3he uu e aold t-.Xaaiue, nuly
takei colrage, itt is tnoneylelh& st. lot
t And oh, madame, at those blessed pro
t words what wander that Nannette fell
3. upon her knee.e, and thanked God for his n
e goodte wtlterfi ..t
"Poor man !" said Monsieur Levasseur, en
"It is a sad blow for him; he was so contl- eo
Sdent of that Fourcher, whom I always an
mistrusted. The whole concern It seems, ha
a was a fraud, and one for which many an vn
r honest ftllow beside poor Vanler will suf- ti
fer-that is, if he lives to realize his loss,
which just now is doubtful." But to he
,h make my story short, he did recover, bb
k madame, although for many weeks Nanu- w
c nette expected each breath he drew would he
id be his last. She watched him and tended to
him in every spire minute otf bet time, as ,
at if he had already been that which she
a hoped to caUll, him--her atJer. And he m
Rtl well repaid her care, for fever was love
more devoted, than that he now heape$
ed upon the once despised Nannette.
Ahl! Nannette," Marcel would some
or times say, with a igh, "dost thou still SI
iis ourn my boy? It some miracle were
to send him back to us, and I could see
Sthee and hlie one, I woule ask no more, no
le more; but my eyes will never again be. o
to hold him. It is just that I who idrove him
he from his hou e, and killed himl should suf
cut fer!" li
It was now more than eiehteen years
since Raal" n'Vanlce 4eft Virt, o but 1i
id oce in ali this time had news been hear a
ok about him. w
ch It was spring-time, and the Hotel S.
SPierre was being cleanel, and smartened 1
up, lor the sumserm vrier, who had of
late taken to stop and drive up the valley,
*and pain; pictures of Porte Horloge end
at the cast:ie. Nannette was a busy as the"
end birds, and up almost as early. She had "
he just set tee salos in order when Treboul,
the postman, looked in at one of the win
inj dows, and srid- ?a
* "ood day, m'mnelle Nannette, I e a
t I lave some news for you in my "
b a g-s lett for Monsicur Va- n
,,, A letter!" gasped.l ette. ft
" Yes, perhaps to tt1ciu that his mon- v
Seyhas all come back again." r
"Oh! yes." said Naninette, whohad fore d
da moment forgotten about the money, t
" about what else could it be ? Assuredly
nothing ."' Stil 'Nannette took the veyy
Ihprst nito run to the cottage d
ato nd sM u t h letpr, whIech I
" in o't rno ot read ft,
dbut he said that he fIt certain it was/
ok lad
he t ernldP tO
.t'/ Lh, some of the good
,r in w them what it was aboUt.
reen !was walin p and
new hi l nce. it is but a
ts tt h ee's whole
oard ' a t" e her,.
1 ata e was Milnuof the
moui wrigten W ey be wa ill, and his
real father must not citlay woincg to see him.
il the What was to be lone' Y who should go?
ere"'l Marcel. it was c'erl:ein. could not movc.
e to 'I" sh ill geo." satid N:nnette, as soon as
e left :he eould speak. "andi stay until hIe is well I
well 1 enough to bring home."
She made her few arrangement., thank- "
ed .Jeanne for the money the good woman ever
made her take with her; a:l tihen, ie.- the
cause there was no diligence until tlew whe
next Tuen(lay. set off in a country cart. I bwet
returning tol outbert, whence she h hoped 'wt,
to fiull in with some other conveviance to, II
which would take her to or near ura:i
Vide. ai'l
From l'outbert. a farmer have her a seat aend
ill his cart for some nmilez.. Alter that she trit.i
walked. and the next morning's lun was and
will upi bo ..rhe iun.d hcerself enterilng how
the town foo:--ore and weary, but pre--- anti
ing ltn in the direction given in the letter a elt
which was to the' quay and inquire for way
Agar (':trot's. This she did.aul a dingy- that
looking liune was pointed oiut t)o ther, hl i
atbout whose douor were clusteredl a nuuli- lwe a
ber of tilors. agri
"M:l:umne ('agot?" she asked, address- A
Ing one of thei menn. hbtf
*"Yes, madame." "Andhe gmade way for nett
her to p:ass into theltou c1. - anyl
"I helieve, madllac e. von h:ve some one who
lodging here miaeld ltaoul Va:nir ?" sick
•"Certaiilh we have. Arevou his sister, that
m:ul:ne? i ant truly ,,l jou are here, age:i
for he is very ill. and the doctor sawys be ehi
caan do nothinig for him. But you will or t"
wish to see him." And she turned and sect'
went through aunto a passage, and up a owp
low flight of creaking stairs, at the top Cf par'
which poor Nannette was forced to stop. oni:,
')"h!" thought she, "surely he will he day
slparer t can never have come back dow
only to Ile' The woman, who had step.- M:ar
pei. inside thE room, now reaplpeared, and self
ma 'e a sign to Nannette, to comein. bon
"liHe still sleeps," she whispered, as she IM
stood oil oie -i'let to let her pass; anldl in whi
anlother nloment N:;ullette was :ag:il f' e, time
to face with him whose love she had clher- spim
ished through all these long dreary had
years. wom
You'd best have something to cat," for
said Madame Cagot. "lie wont wake uip wot
for hours yet from the doctor's draught. whoi
and when lie do'.s he'll want all your g.tI
time; for he needls a deal of waiting upon. Vir
('oume down with me."'' se urged. seeing hai
Nannette hesitate. "I'll take you into my St I
little salon, and there we can have a chat for
together. You will like to hear what the wet
doctor says. 'Twas his father he expected had
to see." net
" Yes." nrelliel Nannette; "but his fath- lpe
er is helpless, and not able to move." abo
"Ah, well. it is better that you are bro
here. A woman is bast in sickttsz. and cr I
he wants so much waiting upon. I don't ed 1
know what I should have done if miy '1
niece had not offered to take the ehildren; 4tia
they are so fretful all anmong stranger.. gre
Il'erhaps they'll be :tter with you.
though you're a stranger to them, too." son
Sl" h' ?" exelaimed Nannette. sharply. til
Dieln't he tell you of all his troubles hin
hi- letter?" die
Nannette shook her head. Na
"I know nothing," she managed to the
say. Va
And you do not know then that hlil the
poor wife is dead? Alh! yes, three weeks hIa.
after they had left landl, sickness for homn chl
anid sickness of the sea killed her, and si" leon
had to be thrown overboard. Alh. whrt tlot
a terrible fate!" And M inLamte Cagot me
:tared hard into Nannette's gray, stony the
face. sm
"I must get out into the air, madame," ki
Nannette said, jullmping up. mie
" ltut why ?'" exclaimed Madame Cagote, me
frightened at her new guest's >tld look Na
""Had you not test lie down, and be qtuiiet
"No, no; this trouble is so sudden. I
shall be better outside." And not wait
ine f or more argQtnwt, she rtlhed out.
add ran along past the few houses on the lin
quay, hoping she should find some place
where, unsen.'.she could realize this new- e"
ly found agony. r. .
Should she go back to Vire without
looking again on the face of him w ho had Ol
proved so cruelly false? Cr
" Oh, my God'' she cried, "Then who
)nowest my misery,. *.Mt e what tohdo; ;tr
leave me not now that I amineteed forsak- of
en of all others!" And then she laid her
lepor bhuning head on the wet sea-wietdl. PU
and thought of all she had hoped, all she
had feared. Many terrible things had oft- y
en occurred to her, but never aught like
this. p
"I rejoice," she cried out fiercely, "that
he has heavy trials, that lie suffers horri- is
ble pain! Iam glad that he will de ! I
would not hold but my finger tb"and Ci
here God had .pity,. sa her good angel I
touched her poor stony heart, and In a
moment the tears were raining from her 
eyes. and she was imploring that his life
Smight be spared.
So she went back, and Madame C(agot hi
ot being In the way, she went up into ,
the room where Raoul still lay sleeping. t
t She took a chair, and sat looking at his
e poor thin face, until her whole nature was
so filled with pity, that she forgot all else w
Sutr sad grief that th'y must let him Ko. i
for there was no mistaking that the seal w
of death was upon his face. She had sat m
n some time before t!:e door was ptushed a
little way open, and a pale faced clhil, l,
Slooking nine or ten years old, put in itspi
little head, and then stood staring silently tr
at Nannette, who, ftelin¥y re who she i
was. beckoned her forwar .
"I am ysour papa's sister," she whis- th
pesd. "hou muat love me, my chi.ld.
And the little one held np its face, and let
Nannette fold her in her arms. Ih
i Babette is down stairs," said the child.
e "Wilt thou fetch her too? She cannot ai
l walk up stairs, and she will cry without a.
I, me." it
a So Nannette went tothe top of the stair- h
case, and Mahame Cagot gave into her o
. arms the little one. Babette, who son Ii
y went to sleep, while Madie, sitting at Nan- .
a- nette's feet, amused herself qaietly, as d
children ncustotind to slekness anhd atf- e
fering tan. Therefore, it happened that tl
n- when Raoul Vaner opened his eyes, they I
rested upon Nannette, with his two chii- n
dren nestled elee beside her. He knew p
her in a moment--indeed, he called her -
little changed. But he ould not do much I
ry else than hold her hand in his and call Ii
e down blessingp ekr.L i'was an-i
a nettes telets LUat we"r"
jot Towards evening he seemed to grow
It, stlrher, and they two belng alone, he
called her to him, and told her that he
wellknew his days, perhaps his hours
were numbered, as the doctor had told
him that he counld not live through anoth
eroutbtrst of bleeding (for it was of a
consumptlon he was dying), and he want- 1
ed to tell her of things that were upon his
consdcience. Nannette begged he would let
her go for a Iat L
"Yes," he said, "that too, my good
angel, thou shalt do. butltirt I must speak
to thee, Nannette;" and then, midane,
he told a piteous talerS, ~r: ato
land, away ferm all beloved, todro
grief which, after he.iad put the as -
tween bhimself and us, seemeto take
session of him, he fell nlate bad ways.
j '!e poor womana hbe afterwards married,
w" ,ut little better than the others by
SIl..m he was nurrounded; and, though
bboth lit anl .-he were aItW g W.,*b
enbugh to hayve beet looked td at1¶fl
as a fortune, they were often In want of
afood and clothes. tIe received the letters
his which we sent to him by the Angelique,
i. and the love they contained seemed, he
go? said, to poison his whole future. Even in
I his wildest mirth, those words sountltl in
I as his ears like a funeral bell, and their meri
ell or" was often his tirst awakening to con
'" Nanneltte," e said, muiseraible as h bad
ever been, 'twas hlippince:: compa:lrel to
tile agonyl that took poske.ion of me. A
when I tirat, awokce to what I miglht Ihave nili
tw.en, l:n tIhe fuill knowldke of' what 1 To'lni
was. The only prayer for years I dared anni
to, eltkr. wa;s eto ictg happiness for you." whi
A nid eol heard that prayer, lioul," ,ili
.said Nanlnette. "I had your thther to love. firo[
and y:l ou to rememlnber. Alh! think not elly not
thi.llI.tllat my life. has been onelof'orrow:' has
t:ili hoping to comfort him. she told hih u as.:e
how good .Iallnne Fi'eroueihe was to her, the
and that heer plal cet the lh Itetel now wains la:st
a cl ellehter, not aservant; and in hler lpoor the
way. ie:launeI, slhe tried to lctake him lt I enti
that God. whlo ortlereth all tlhings well. tine.
h vi or'redci that in life thelse two shouild lhe
e atr, lribut that ill death they i.shoubilL'e wlhi
again unitred. .urd:
Al) .ult live o'cloc tlhe priest calle, and will
hlefore he left, he sploke kindllv to Na;l- uie,
lette'. anid told her that lie would see if vini
anyvthing couel bIe dole for the children. tthe,
wrosee wetlfre alone lnow troubhled the I sup
sick man ; But Nannette easeI himc of therl
tl:hat burden: and when she ) ent to l:isoul i its
again. she tol' I hnim that lie metlt give hie :he I
ehileiren tGc her. mlul she woull he a moth- '1'
er teo themi; and i,fter that a great peace in i
seet'iditel to comle to hlim, anud hee ti.gain to he I
hope that ltetl would yet grant him the up i
plarloln, tihat for three long years lie hale w:e i
.oulLghit with sorrow and des.p:air. Two .e
day-s icter this ihe dile. mnadaitnme, calling whi
dow'l ble'ssings on lheir headI, and hidding it v
Ma:rie remember, that iabette and her- it a
self owed everytlingr they ihad to their fast
bonne Mere Nannette'. to t
Madame could not credit the go.Idness
whii h everyblody showed to me at that
tinlme. The little money Ilaoul had was p~r
spent in paying Bladane Cagot'cbill.and. 1 el
had hlaule as tihe people around gave ther
wolmain, she refi~sed to take' a silegle son ask
for Niennette; but in parting, whispered, tol
would she pray for her. The ,se:lnenf. 1
who seemed so bold anld rough. made to- tlha
g+tleer a sum to carry the poor one to the
Vire, so you will know that never sine pr.,
has a sailor gone empty front the Hotel fea
St 'wrre. f he ood priest went surety 1i e
for the iundellkel i.rs bill, and wrote a Iew tihe
weekr atter to s.! sa frienl of the church the
had paid it; and lo wito such help, Nan- tihe
nette was able to lay aoul ameong his hot
eeoplie. Jeanne Feroueile scolded a little el:
about tihe children, but in the midst sihe lea
broke dosl n. saving their food would ne'- I e
tr he mledl. and they should not bepart- his
ed fromr Natuette. wBi
ThI'de timle hall passed for rrief to strike we
4harply into MareeVs heart, and he was alnl
-reatly comforted. poor old man, by the w rn
rand Tieral Monsieur le Care gave his an;
on, a.bout which he talked with pride nh- to
til his death. pO
After a few years Jeanne Ferollle also if
elied, leavinre all she had to her cousin sol
Naeunette. who thlus became mistress of hi
Stie Hotel St. Pierre. My daughter Marie hi
Vaier. is already marriedtl to Louis Renouff e
the farmer at .Turqe. Babette. mdllr lame.
has cseen- Ah, yes, 'tis true she isa dear the
child; but - cannot expect to keep her dt ,
long, for ofttimes, when, the day's work do
done. I sit thinking on those gone before we
me. I hellar a sound. and, standing outside so
the forge. I see 1I"e eeaw:l' the young black- i ere
smiiteh while from the winceow .pet. I
know leans oat 'Jaette, and a o mir t rivis. t'i
and the. years vanish, and for a short nle- Ipa
noent it is liotil who staens the,. :I l el
Narnnette who leans at the w:-blow. h e'
t -B(oud Cleer. 1oi
- - Cw -
Clerical rSwedlers he
At the recent Worcestershire assizes, co
limping justice at last ot her haned on the y,
- eCa-collar f an unusually aimble-footed h,
rascapl, who had led her a very pretty
he t hsaprItover a number ot contt)ents. p
The n Iv. yArthur henry Moreton, aih J.
(. It. Keatinge, alas Joseph lJames
Crouch, was convicted of obtaining
inay ulnder false pr-etenseb, On the
trcngtht o forgedt letters from the bishop R
of Bath and Wells, he had dipped into thine
rpockets of divers. clerics, and trad.s-peo
pie. T.e sentence of the court *asfr nit
ars' penal servit bde and evnan yearn ds
subsequent police supervision.
This fellow'slareer wo'uld fisrnish am- F
PIe materials for a se ationaul novel of f
`t the most approved modern pattern. He n
is now only 30 noble fmldy Hed enganlife
, ai lond to -wo r ukose. Embr ain' :the
1 Catholic faith, he was sent to Romwento be
eduted for the retnknown-heod. hined a
year he w s. expelled fromtcllege for m6s
conduct, and sent back to England in dis
erate. aIn a little time he turned patt popery,
owrole again; a noble family bad engaged 0
thn him as tutor. In an unlucky moment, he
ndrocreok to paes himspelf off as asrn - I
Smpain uin th Orient-tp. Horae teils ofv
le hichr nare unknown-he re-appeared ina
Sthe same tricky sharper at the anti
"1 erite that etr ad sbreen le his native
et oman andon, a wind pler enry fly. Afhimcrslf at
d procur;hed a berth as chaplain on an Aueiis-,
are that metc the lnge theier mnedteln nt
astery of Father nare.gnatious. ete soon ot s
is- tile sogialme tric ad lrer at the anti li
odes thy at he hea. Being detectedn his nativen
at rredo ll, and ritpeent, found hi laf at
a thouhb ofnvisiting the roads tnied toEngs
w. ptnd;hes aong erteUs In 1870;nelaniat ,
a I and ento "women are" and the ngli new mo
into pet; who went sto Montre- rted to
Sfathers ofr tha ith, cy; enteed theo Cnatho-i
r oppie mol astery st Clapham. H ertoo. I'
Tn his stay was brt like most oterhear of
e- ict asrian authoritiest, tors ofn churchate's
as duty at Cheles. Being detenetedilyn nany
f- cimlrk and Inwarditiy.e, he had It, The bdoPrs
t thoeghift of vi'ithng the U Inied States.
ay Pruatobl some oa-onr rpaders uitll to te
blush ,cy the ,aror ofitt teir pious ei
i- given. Itis Dr. time we were reform
w perye mng our ats iln thIs arolecturer. ,
er are s"o e lr rhed so elqtu'e and prols-.
g oar voCathilons; who re otherl who tl
q into "wome ver~pe. In somte nases, thep
a -  pes; whodoent to Montrhad trony t
dulw fathers of thati city; and whl to l1 di4s- but
h appeai enogh and detnoas he nouda. It'o delve
he th.e vr .sa let-ness they are on teir
i, Thihinst him. We sbmoist others, hin all d
M usefil moral. it is, to be hole, desirableto
th- sthey should be on their guard.-pg- of chches
fa d-the redious Mlpublicaen yay
hfield (Moss.J1) Republican.
After the Verdict. A
At twelve o'clock pr:cisely on Saturday VI
night Edwardl S. Stokes re-entered the mar
'Yom'nlihs a condetlmned felon, on the very ern
anniversary of the dlay of the week on who
which he committed the deed which may tal
c:ºl hizm to a fi'lon's death. On the way Isto
from the )utrtto the prison Stokes said goo
not a word to ,De.puty Sheriff Shields. who eras
has had himi in charge on all the many oc- cult
(ats ors in which lt. I"cas l.been to :nlt from tlru
the 'l'ombs during the past year. But the for
last linic he entered the d..rk gateway of neip
the ding pile. the sentiment Ihe ti.lt wenre bad
entirely at varianeewith those of all other I thel
tiune. Then, at least, though a murdern r, that
lie had -tronm: hope. that hope', indeed, or t
whic.h maketl' the heart sick. But on S:t- ove
urdlay night that heart must have stunk set I
within itelf with a grea-:t awe and a re'- best
ninlllhnalie of thatI* eternal law of the lDi- thei
vinity: "'Tlho slhalt not kill." lie who awi
tlhouIniht that thea' whole community would and
I support him in the death of a bad man. I Got
then at la-t tilulml that above the cotllllll- heri
nity there is law, above public opinion plea
:Ihere isjustie,. thel
'l'ihrouihlhnt the night Stokes al pt well live:
in spite of the strong emotion under which hall
Ite' must havie I'orned. Wllhen he woke the:
up in tihe' miorning about seven o'clock. h,' kee
was very nervtous atwl deprti4 el. and peln
holwed already the ellect of the senteinco, unlu
wI ich he had so little exlaeteld. To him intgt
it was a terrible blow, all the more sothat I thei
it wa5 so little exLcted. Wheu hi; break- a st
fast was brought hinti he refused, saying val
to the k,eer : ana
"'1 cann!ot eat." h.li1
*"You had better take something to -up- Ma
port you in your trial," said the keeper, tha
t elingly. Ithr
• No, nn; leave me alone. That's all I oth
ask of you," said Stokes. '" I don't want er t
tol  annlPyed'." was
The k.eeler went away: but, remarking aLb
that toke. did tnot seem himielf, aund that dar
the coolness which has become almost tan
proverbial had tdesertedhim, passed every rail
Sfew momett.s Itwfre the door of his cell. wIo
11e saw hintm ying on the bedl, which is on agt
the ibl of his cell, his face concealed in aft,
the pillow, and evidently laboring under sot
the most severe mental depression. For ove
hours lie never stirred, and at the prom- ti t
enole time ,f tile pri soner, reflused to set
leave his cell to-take his customary walk. sai
He did not weep, th'r when he turned tip sp
his fare at the question of the keeper, kn
whether he wautr.d to go out, his eyes wi
were not red, but lid. face was haggard ap
unid his look was that of a man who was eel
undergoing the very extrnmity of mental on
anguish, and only wished to be left alone
to plunge himself in it to the fullest extent vii
possible. lie seemed to revel in anguish, w;
if the expression may be used in such a an
solemn ti ing as the thoughts of a man eai
who already sees the gallows loom up in sal
his path, where he thought there would wt
be liberty and pleasure. Only those who po
can ituagine the difference between the 'r1
thoughts of a matn who has cultivated, the
cherished and caressed the idea of free- pg
dom and the pleasures of life for long ma
weary days in a lonely cell, caressing his an
soul with the thought and banishing ev- A
ery unhliappy imtpulse with the phrase, Ii)
S..ome day all will be right," and who in ye
one si ngle mlolent, suddlenlv. awfullvy a j-wi
pulinilg, hetar, prollnounced against hin a In:a
1 elt'1ltoe,' of 'heath by twelve Ihn'll whomt o tfi
th thought his lfriends. cata realize the ter- rt
ror c.f the feecling which must be Stokes' IV
lot at the present moment, when all that sh
cherished hope is cast to the winds. and w.
he hinds himself thrust down on a level th
with niall those vile ereatures whom he dr
considered so immeasurably below him. w
Yea ,frther dobn than they, for they have a
d hope while he has none; no hope but the hI
v p ,rdon beyond the grave.- New ~crk fo
SHerald at
'e An Etgliah missionary to China, the Is
Rev. Geoory Smith, says that, on one of a'
Ihis aquatic excursions, lie saw some Chi- ft
nese fishermen at their voeation In a way %
to quite astonlsh him. They had a model fa
of a fish made of bright tin, which was w
slowly dragged along at te end of a line at
fastened to the boat. The fish in all di- h
rections swam towards the decoy. It b
re seemed to possess a peculiar fascination. t
Far back in the rear was another boat, a
Scarryng a net; when'lt was jtdged there tI
were lish enough cogregted abotut the tl
object of their attraction, the oarsmen n
slacked a little while the net men ap tl
t proached and dropped the seile, wdelft
,d extenled ; y hey thn gradually brought
tihe extremities ogeter, and generally
1 mdle a.suceesful hbaL o
r Those same people with longhair pran- d
of tice another adroit m*thlod of ailing, s
Sof tihe uw of ajset, at an angle i
abouit tt of thie ro o a house. When I
n ready on the o laiJng ground, torah arte
Slighttd. Fhe varniied board lntenstlles e
the liht and throws it at an angle far oIff t
into the watr. Cursity, or some other a
Ssentiment, romy the Ish to foowh up o
the rays. Theysrulh on with such speed a
Sthat whl they see the boeat. which seems I
to be au obstructlon, they leap over the l
Srowlocks inside, Just where they are l
wanted. ti
Another method practiced, which the d
a' ob.ervant ml~lona y often saw, was by A
Strained eormorants. They dIved down I
o from the boat and rarely failed to bring a
up fishes in their bills. To prevent them I
o- from swallowinlg the ptared prey, each
Shad a metallic ring on ts neck, through t
which mmanother eould pus. Oe ly
it was removed that the bIrdy might be
n encouraged with a few morsels of food.
Both ee amlart ae reaognled ln
Sthese bland and childlike pisecatlory pro
p ceasses.
at. The Decumeut-.36m.
* One of the curlosities of the Capitol is
Sthe Document-Room, Ihere printed cop
alt les of bills are sesut r dlatributioen
is- amongst the members, and where letters
t's from the Executive end of the Capitol,
and the departments,--and often memorl
Sals ~am Stoer, eitlea mad corpeoratos,-
m e placed, fresh from the prlatling-oflee.
Oe each document 265 copies am print
e ammd ofthch blli4( opes, for the use
r ofthe llouae alou, Thereare'from 5,000
ty 6,000 bills per Congress in our day, and
e nerly 1,000doenmeuh. The House and
ae Senate together lhave had,duringthepres
nthd ct Congrusa , about 400 miscellaneus
e sdoementand mabout 30 reports. These
1j figures show a vast printing businesscon
itle ducted merely for the sake of simplyfying
Sthe parliamentary routine.andofpreser
, ing the sugpgestions of Congress in a dur
. able form. Many memlbers Introduee
Sll to remind their constituents tat
ather doing something. I)uring the
 pa* week about 1i.5 dltrnt bills and
I,. douments p'r dkim came into the Hiouse
a [oaument-Room; this would Imply about
the 95,060 copies. To do all this work, as
, well as to recover from past Con _gsese
but any documents needed 'by an inq lltive
u,- member, only four personeas are employed.
elve -----t--
eir --MlI Mary Thurnnan, eldest dautghter
dt f- of thi' Ohio S-natar. is soon to be marritsl
able to a naval otticer Ilnaued llerman, which
P9- goes to show that their domestic difference
wltdl be over their T.
An Everyday Story Graphically Told.
Well nigh half a century agro a lnewly
ma:rried couple "e.ttedi in onne of ithe Wet
erll counties of l'enuylvania. They had
what their nleighbors delencd a lair elli
tal with which to begin lilt--a well
stocked though small farclm. sotl cn health,
good conlllllon sen-e. anti a Iore than av
eratge iamount ot f il i rewd ilhte Iliget'nt alnd
culture. Under all this was a sincere
trust in G(ehl atl a je.oa!ou. senitive love
for each other. nIlther tof whi,'h their
neighbors knew nea'i about. Aneriean
hack-wood falrmers take pei ihe in e.overinig
I their emotions under a hile ae- tou.lrh a:s
that of their own b,'eve . 'They had tlhree
or four childrenl, and inight altter night.
over the kitchen fire, the problem they
set t.heemlselve. to an swer was, what is the
het llhilg we canl i \w ilth the I nl. and 1!1for
them. the queltiotn akecl dsi!\y with suceit
a wrenchingot he;art. in Itvris of homes.tn' a
anlldl :linswereil -o dilf.rentilv. 'Thie ar of
SGod seieed tp) .lacob antid hi' wile the hest
heritage to give lhem ; the next t.st,
plenty of miioi!,y. To ive thlem the first,
they h'.gan by hedging the chi!dreni's
lives with a systenrl of rllies, ,borrowed
halt firom the .tewi-h l.iw, half from the
the;iry cf their sect. Strict morality, the
keelping of Stulday :s a leriilicatl day of
hpenitenee anld wreltched!l'ess the learnir g
ucndelr Iwpeltyv of dark closets altli thrash
ilg tof the, chief iduty of it:an. therein was
their religion. Life they were shown a
a straight and hardl path through a dark
valley with the terrors of Sinai iehinld,
ai-ld the traps and pit fills of a flaming
hell on either idetl. Even Jacob's wife',
Mary. holding her darli:ngs teo her breast,
than which no urother's ever ached or
throbbed with llcore tendlerness, had no
other sermon to prea:.chi to them. It nev
er occurred to her or her Ilusbar:d that it
was into just such lielti of grnin as those
about thei. unIder jut suchll towering cc
dars. that .Jesus led his disciples and
taught them, by the ,cunshil.e and the
rain, the tendelr meries e f God. The
I world grew green arollunll theetn, faded
I again and wraple'd itself in snow, year
Safter year; the river s:iaiL its nvysterioi s
r song ti the woods at their very door; and
r overhead the stars that hadl declared to
- the patriarchs of the old world the inflinite
secrets of Jehovah. blazit:cue them feorth
still unregardedl. :Day intoe day uttred
a speech. anld night untor il)tllt sh,ºwedl forth
knowledge of llim. nt both farnmer and
s wife were deaf and blind. Gol was to be
1 approached only thlrouegh adog cared cat
s echism, and fields an;i river were worth
I only so much fishl and wheat per year.
e 'lhe childnrgl's salvatione heing thus pro
t vided for, the next thing to be insured
was money. IHusband and wtife workedl
a and stinted as only a Scotch-Irish family
r can work or stint. All prodeuee that was
n saleable went to the market; the childrecnl
l were reared on the refule, the skicm-milk,
) poorest bacon, and watery potatoers.
e Their clothes were coarse and patehel,
I, their feet bare and clchilblaied. The house
g-rew arer year by year, the father's back
g more bent, his face harder. but the hal
s ance in bank increuael( dollar by dollar.
As for the plump. honny Mary. she had
,long ago joined tlmt sisterhood of le'an,
n yehovw-sk inned, toothle's womeen who,
t WitL .!rty ef? e!r:.-: ::fr SI.1-'ps of
a hair twisted utp behintl. are cmeitihes
ti f Iuni : l farm-hutses, like ghastly nmeg
- rims, or daylight specters of a weasted lifi'.
When churling and scrculcbing were done
it she would sit up until nearly morning
I washing and darning their ciothes, that
4 they might look mlore -'zgenteel" than she,
e dragging her aching body to look at tlheci
3. when they lept. praying for them with
re a tierce longing to have power to Iee Good
ae himself-to he able to protect and care
4k for them. iThe boys had certain strong
animal propensities and p l' -. +ndelit
cdes which required skill " - snowleelge
to guide or restrain. One ham a morbid
imagination : another a tendency to alco
he holie poisonint, against which his die t
of and training frln inftincv .hsouldl have de
l- fended him. The girls, left to themselves,
y were filling their br..ins with sickly, false
e1l fancies of life and their work in it. But
as what time had Mary to read or acquire in
me any way the power to comprehendll or
II- help her children ? There was the scrub
It bing and churning to be done, the money
a. to be saved. Boys and girls were sent to
at, colleges and seminaries ; every advantagre
ee that education could give them was theirs;
be the only mistake that Jacob and his wife
en made in this respect was not to educate
themselves :a well. The children went
forward; they sat down and grubbed.
t What ls the eind of it all? The daughters
ly grew up dyspeptic and sickly for the lack
of early proper food; they' married and
to-died before middle age, brililant. hard
ig, women, and neither of them in any sense
sal religious. One son went into politics, was
et successful, is now a member of Congres,
de one of the most influential of his party.
le Jacob and his mother read of lhis lie tn
en Washington. his wifes receptions, his
re popularity. But long ago he was a strang
les r to them. It is years since he crossed
off the old threshold. What is there in com
nlon between him and the ignorant, hboor
p farmer and his wife? A few weeks
ed the last of the sonIs came hemne to dIe:
iss tle one of all the chihlren who had real
te nower of Intellect; thie only one wiho
are was not ashamed to talk of "mtother"
fondly to the last. lie dlied in her arms a
le drunlken, worthless sot. The thllin, hag
by gard woman e]osed his eyes witlhout a
an tear. "I have lost all my chilhren,'" she
ug said. "[ must have made a minstate some
mm where In the beginnlng. God knows."
ch Is no other mother makingt this mis
ctake.-N. Y. Tri,.see.
be Natured Booas.
In The Government of the United States
ro in contracting loans and Issuinog Its teonds,
has uniformly acted upon the princple of
fixing upon a specific date when these
bnds should become payable. 'Then it is
the right of the holders to presenlt them
Is for payment and the dnty of the Govern
opa et to pay them.: On the Ist of Janna
hr , 18. the matgred debt of the United
ms erat whih am not paid and which had
tea. ceased to bear otrestt amounted to
otl- 4..eSt .2s, of whldh P7,065 had been
i,- matered and unclaimed ever since 1837.
le. The lahger part of this debt will, dloubt
bet- less, be claimed by the pr parties;
me yet a portion of it will probsly never be
,000 presented for payment. In some cites.
and the botads have been destroydl, and In
and others all knowledge of them is utterly
res-lest to those who would be entithed to
es avail themselves of the claims. The Gov
aese ernment pleads no statute of limitations
an- against aesuch claims; and, hence, when
lathey are presentedl and properly certified
r to, oth as to their realityand the parties
Ir- making the claim, the rule of the Govern
lee ment is to pay thenm, nco matter how mitch
that time may have elapsed since the period of
thw their maturity. This is an equitable rule
and of Action.-E- .
>use I ----~-
)ut Ti. Herad'sLiondon correspondentt de
M ascribes "embolism," which caused the
sE Fmperor's death, ats "acL enfolding or in
tiv teracin~t of one portion of the Intestinal
* canal within a se~ction of tihe same part of
the bowels." It seeme sad that that young
hter macl' neck w:as not thlits" interlaced" at
Triel an early e. oment of his career.
hich - - ,, _ -
ence A l.lALZ pastor is in training at Balt
Lake City.

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