Newspaper Page Text
\I RICINND . BEACO. ·! LeCAL ITEMS. See notice of Tax Collector in anoth - er columna. in reference to isouing i. "P CC 1)0e, etc. . Mr. Saunders will lsume the ex -. - ," se.. of his School in Rayville on P . .Monday morning next. Publs Mr. D. W. HIndson, agent for the . atent sub-soil attachment Plow, and t' :also.raveling agent for the Delhi 1'ir,,:,/,.ile, visited our town this week We regret to learn that Dr. J. P. Smith, of Delhi, and Mr. Wmiu. C. Pur vis, of the same place, both good citi c. itizens, died in that town the first of this week. ('r'roN.-We observe a small de r!ine in the markets within the last wee.k, though very- slight. Closing (q.,otations in New Orleans vesterday were about 191c. for middling, and 20t c. fur good middling. IhulE AFFLICTION -Our senior partner, Mr. MANOJIAr. , has been confined to his bed. for the past week. with a severe attack of pneumonia. Without any apparent symptoms of improvement, he still lingers in the agonies of this painful disease. Our kind friend, Rev. D. A. Camp hell, has our thanks for a late num her of the Chrislian OIberrer, pub lished at Louisville and Richmond, which contains many valuable, inter esting and instructive articles from the pens of most eminent writers. Mrs. Laura Myers. an estimable la clay, died at her residence, near Alto, a few days ago. To the bereaved family and friends, we tender the' sympathies of a heart that can ap- L preciate the melancholy deprivation tl caused by the relentless hand of death. i, ELLrators.-The first quarterly a meeting of the M. E. Church convenes ~, in our town to-dyav. Rev. Jo:EL T. al I)AVES, Presiding Elder, will preach d, this morning at 11 o'clock, and also ti to-morrow morning at the same hour. i c Rev. D. A. CAMPBELL, I'reshyth-' rian Minister, will preach to-night. ti A Texas Emigrant, while en route tl front Mobile on the Mobile and Texas b Railroad, was swindled out of $1600 ti' in greenbacks by a confidence man pi who imposed that amount of "so call- A ejd" gold, which afterwards, on exam ination, proved to be the bugus mate- lee rial known as "spiel marks" in com- wi mon parlance. tb Messrs. FAIRCHIILD & Co. are the do .proprietors of the large Steam I'la.n- ra" ing Mill in Vicksburg, where you con un get doors, sash, blinds, mouldings clI and all kinds of building material, put ate up to order on short notiej. They e5 are prompt and reliable business men, ini and as suchb we commend the liberal i w patronage of our readers. You will wa find their card in another columa of Frt-NITrRE.-The name of J. D. SrTILs, the great furniture dealer of Sta Vicksburg, is a familiar house-hold we word among the people of this section, w, who are reminded of him whrre'er they o turn, by some beautiful and durable so specimen of furniture shipped from ind his large establishment. His Cheap ,I Furniture Store is becoming too pop- Ioa ular to need a recommendation from us Those who want good furniture will be very apt to sed him their or- a deora. Read his advertisement in an- fa other colamn. bra A Nsw Pea.-Weh bare receiv ed the Prospectus of a new paper to be started in Birmingham, Ala., aboat the first of Marech next, called the BIirminguam Iron Aye, by Frak A. Daval k Co., 'ublishers, ad Mike L. Woods. Editor. We reeog~ mie in this enterprise our good friends of other days, whom we know to beo men of considerable experience sad ro ability is the pebliabingl busineas, and whiheb gives us the asuronce that the Ire A e A will prove a splendid sue-e ease, to which end it has r bestr wisbes. Tus PausowootcAL JoUUnAL for February emes oet sa fresh and vig- tl orous as a crisp, seasonable, and in all respects m a eslutry atock ofread- eat og matter can make a msgazine.- th Opening its leaves we lad a good not sketch and portrint of the regretted "d Norman McLeod, D. D.: also .*pecu. tha lative on-Phbilosophy; What do We the Live Fer? The Man ofThree Drems il espeeidly notable now that his nerphew wh the E'z-.lperor is dead; and numer- * ous other valuable, interesting sod in. fo strctive articles. Pri'e as usual 30 st cents or $3 year. We notioe tbat litl the publiasher ofers a premium of a 56 new ,brosuo to new solrrnbers who I Saeod 30 centa extra for peotage sad We . mounting. 8. R. We!ls, Publisher. r. TRHATRICAL.-The Rayville The w atrical and Minstrel Troupe will give another of their splendid Entertain - meats in the basement of the new i- Masonic Hall, on Wednesday night next, the 12th inst. Judging from what we have seen at the rehearsals of this amateur Troupe, we can safely vouch for their ability to give an au dience the full worth of their money in an evening's entertainment with d fun qpd frolic. Let them have a large ai audience on next Wendesday night. One of the most popular and relia ble business houses in Vicksburg is r- the large wholesale and retail estab i. li.hment of Messrs. Lamkio & Eggle f s.on, corner of Crawford and Leveet streets. Their business continues to inctease. and the clever gent'emen who compose the firm continue to i grow in popularity, as their acquain- I Staince becomes more and more extend ed by a liberal use of printer's ink.- I Read their advertisement in the BEA co.v, and remember them when you wish to purchase a supply of groceries cheap. S-- -----***** -- An advertisement of that great and iudispensable book, Webster's Una bridged Dictionary, will be found in another column. The President of I St John's College writes about it as a follows: I St. Jons.a Co.Ln; .o A' APOLIs, MD., June .7, 1871. I am much Fleaed with the etymologies and definition. of Webster' s nabtridgedt Dic tionary, a" far as I have Ithen, andw r'onsi,der as invaluable additions the Introdme- t Lion on the Enngish Language by Pro,. Had. t Iey, and nome of the appendices. e-pecially s that on Fictiionu Names by Prof Wheeler. JAMES M. (;ARNETT. Presi.lent `t John.' College -.-- ...----- I THE SocrUrRN CULTIVrTOR.-We C have just received a late number of a this old and popular Monthly, which a is now entering upon its 31st volume u We well reasember this Magazine as I a 'avorite among our fathers in ante % ,,'llunm times, and are glad to see it ti still living is the enjoyment of richly deserved p:osperity. There is a prac. tical matter of fact air, about the Cut- r. caoor, which com,,mends it with wo,,. is derful favor to the average farmer of CI the South, and secures for it upon ti that class, a hold which eannot be w broken by the claims of more ambi tious competitors. Its subscription price is only $ a year ; published at Athens, Ga. S. ADAMS Lna, the great sensation th lecturer, whom the people of Delhi th will remember to have had among them during the late Christmas boli- tL days, is one of the most accomplished an rascals sad consummate scoundrels unbung. The missing foot which be claimed to have lost in the Confeder. ate cause, was amputated from the fai efects of a wound received in attempt- an ing to escape from a penitentiary in which he was confined for stealiag a watch. The numerous priated slips for of paper containing "puffs" purporting Cil to be copied from some of the most fail respectable newspapers in the United States, which be carried with him, were all most impuduent forgries written by himself. Our people can- s. not be too cautious in receivring iato° society tbhe oily-tongued fascinating individuals wbo so often come sleeg claiming to be forty-second cousin to some royal family. .. Tag LAst Rnroon-Honr.-When a man's allictions come upon him fat and thick; when car, fevers hiscb brain, and sorrow knows his heart; whbea the tide of misfortone has part- ca ed the last aord that heldhis bark to Cr 3 her moorings, and the sound of its viii parting sinks like a death-knell into j bis inmont sonl, awakening all its sympathies to the fearful reality of the moment, the itensity of the ex eitement gives way to a kbre of an guiah, a Utter tear of disappoitment, or to that meeat trangl *ad unee. trolabls, yet sileat power-dispeed --cy. But it is for a momenat only; one eoavullve tirob, ee leog-draw, heartheaved ighb. ad it is ail over; a iush pano. over the earn INb. the -te ass snhadwow fe April day, ond Sc the divie priae of chests, the glorioes mperor of deceivers, its mmilin on his throe. And so, at ed atidsed with having bou befeoled a she thouaed times ten tbouosd bhefore; sot contest to wipe away tie tear of Iho ad and melaceholy disappolutmont , hat had jost beeno made to gush from z he founat of life's feelings, not imelgia ing that theb aie of arrow tbroughb which he hasb just psesod oeld bo en eted over again, and that the some root that spurned bin en spur bin gnin, be falls don a and worships its so light as the Persian kneaIs to th " u-god of his seou's idolatry. We Ihpe fSw life e e is is hIem Iour. . lo pr henaleib wha i lela r. sduwIn oe• We hoepe S r frwdomn whee inasevory spew A Htae t'r eourage wimn haited b fer, W'. bo.. fSwr st the pyso hfy i'. 11 \*..-.rt e", dw th it d4e,*. rt. 'e." ' e e- . gret to learn by telegraph re that Commod,,re Mathew F. Maurv. a- American hydrography and naval of. 'w eer, died at Lexington, Va., on the hi lIt inst., aged 6' years. He was the m author of letters on the Anizon, and Is on Atlantic slopes of South Anwmrica, ly the relation between navigation and u- the circulation of the atmosphere, as !y troaamieal observations, pby'icai ge h ography of the sea, etc. During the Se late war be was an officer of the Cor federate navy, and at the time of his death was a professor of physics in " the Virginia Military Institute b- Robt. A. Mosely, Jr., late editor of e- the MJountain Home, published in Ala. who has been a loud-mou:hed I)emo o crat from his infancy up, has deserted j his old friends and gone over to the o radieal eamp, after firing into them all I- the amunition be had, he shot biim:elf I- away. We remenmber Bob as one of - the 'rebel school boys' with whom we enjoyed the fun of banging old a John Brow. in effigy, and we thought s then he had a soft spot in his cras aium. Poor fellow, he's gone too late,-the th.ires are "falling out." I . ...- A special Washington correspond Sent says: "An affair of honor between f ltepresentatives McCormick, of Mis r soour, sad Sypher, of Louisiana, has been the subject of discussion, in quiet congressional circles. The trouble arose out of a statement by McCor mick to the effect that he was in pose session of an affidavit going to show that Sypher had bees paid several thousand dollars for the votes of him. self and the Louisiana delegation in behslf of the Rock Island Railroad land grant bill which late passed the House The Louisianian says Mc Cormick most fight or retract. lie;' also says that he was not is the city at the time of the passage of the bill, which as generally known to be a faet. i It is expected that mutual friends will will settle the matter amicably, sad that no blood will be spilt. - 4J -----* - Stock raisers in Texas have been roaming certain sections of that State , in armed bands threatening vengeance on parties who have been skinning' their cattle killed by the late cold weather. Several of the parties have been killed. Chinese bird fanciers tie tin whis ties to the tails of their feathered pets to protect them from vultures. As '1 the bird lies the whistle shrieks, and I the vulture is scared and lies sway. Ii But he isn't say worse scared than the small bird, nor does he fly away t any faster. The Italian Minister of Greece re fuses to have any coas'unjestion with the Greeisa Minister of Foreign Af fairs, in consequense of the receipt of a an alleged discourteous letter. t Arrargemnents'are now being made for the grand Carnival in the Crescent City on the 25th inst., which bids e fair to be a most splendid success. DIuvs sursc.-- tle appenintmenso ofI the bptit Cbhurech t ayville, are the lIt Sundys in each month.-Rev. E . Rey nolds, Paster. Drvasm Savaeea will be held in Rayville ar on the Third heny ia erLt month, by Rev. T. 3 Lawson, Epiceepl Msiniser. Preaching at osee aepwtpsis Church, atC Jas Deoisi place, Second Sunday of each moth by lev. . . Rynolrds, and the Sateborday before as Nowos McCowan' 1 EnerL Ss kavac--o New IrSlem , Chuneh, near sraud, by Rev..Mr. Miller,, on the Arest Suadoy e each menh. Armeserawsra RAts. (mrcsrr. M g Canmes See,. -Fires Sunday at Linle Cm.reek, Sreed Sunday at New Salem. third Suday et Union, and hearhl Sunday at Ray. vile. Rev. J. .. Wribght, Panor ila chate. Wm.mlg m - esmaur enmmunieutieae of ' P. Mcairo Ledge d.o 0o the tad Wed- . aedaJ eaelh meath. J. 6. RICUARDSON, W.*. N.'. I. W. TA. See, Seemery. .- -----·..----- Ommardu Orrc or J. D. Sn.ras. . Oret Cheap Furituure, CAair - FeeAsr Warehosse, No. 56 Wash- -. iugior 3Irecf. tcsastvso. }Mess., jan. 9, tsay. Waern P. Msaeu, Egrier Brees, Ratrva&.,*.L., Durdm'r: Though yer aduabe paper I wi-h te order my thN, a the people shag the liaetlm N. L &T R. IL ome Dheat W Menroe r the very laeerl patmeage eswnad. ed a me. My thln are especially due to thepe eple s and urend RaIyville. To all I sender my hear-ftel theks. Thunkiae them sr put ihcre I disit a eoeniaun,.e of their par kind peseage ad inluetce, prs'n ria as prove nmysrlf wtth y ofthe same. 1 am very reperfully, e of J. D. SrLES. ANOWNWNCNENT. W.e mae snetriurd to announce Ithe name of ha ene. 3. C w ed, o Muna, Pnrih. La., as a camltate fr Sate hesor. to lil bhe unexpired terst of Hon W. L .tc Milnen. Spt-mil election latsaday, slse 10th day of Fehrnery. A D., 1857. -d.j GOOOD OOE WAINTED. A .O.. mOIK or behne woan esIt emlmnea a eos for s a str! I fL eay, t mad wa, by apmlyias : atiis t ,:,- w i-w,,: dC1·.qn. " ph Column for Land Sellers. S A I'Paclr.tstror-- We pru.e i ailvrti-,c iland for sale. with thit un ledertan.ldl it tithe be Iand. o no-r will give jprone and .it11 be if no sale, no chlarge. and if a ,lc lihe will 3d pay us It) pea ce't o(f ilcnrc~ha.e price. rcut cf the cash payment. ad nf ,eral.le place Ibr a s latl ilicl,-"r. I) I) .- L4 acres al g w , dn rage lati. only rnailes 'e- a,y valt. Si.l un easy termIr t t:licrthtlal r enqiuire at thel cLftc e. tL. O lF ilalf itt..r -t ti anr lre hody of ind. Sbut will Ie al I i hli i tie pu -lit rchtasers . lcr antrhtullars .tp:. yii thic iLL. .t. II S20000 ... "" i.....l 'il (.....i ha Ssers. All is tle. wt,, . F',r I patictar. apply at sls i01 e. tr o- Acres of land -ISImne impttr e.-. eIi mrnlt on tlle lp'ar. N.,ar th, Northl Lcuisiana A l'xas Rail Rondl . and ill a ga d range. For particulars apply tt tIlhi yl ofice. r1: PROSPECTIUS OF Trru )r DELHI CHRONICLE. * The first number of a weekly paper, under d Iit above title will be issued, in tIle town lof Delhi, on or about the tIr.e day of OIrtal.r. I 1872, anl now is Ihe lisite to eend in your names, in order io colmnence witll the first number of the paper. SHaving prneured the services of some of the best writers in the Southl, the purpose of the proprietor is tot merely to make it a Live. SLocal, CeOnitry Paper, hbut oi First Class Family Journal, that will be a credit to the ceuntry andl wel Scome vic-ior to every Firesidle, Workccop, c Olfice anod Cocllttilng Rcml i'* Nrkth Laulcsirana Sor aniy where else it may flnd its way, as it I will. besides giving the current news of the day, he devnted to the enonlragemlent of all the Industrial Pursuit,. Intellectul. ARric-ulu-. ral and Mllechanical, the development of the ( resources of this portion of the Great als-si - mippi Valley, and the prooantin of thie Reh giots, Moral and Scrral VIrtuesof our ittell gent, chivalroucs and ge.cerous pecople. Having slWl his mark high, it will rie the Sconstantl si0n anil chief desire of the prulrie. tor to bning and keep his paper u1p t the I highlest standard of jourrnalism, worthly of the ( generous support of a discriminraticg and ap c preciative plstlic. Upon whom lie contidclenly relies for their cu-operation in the enterprise. assuring the people that it will always Itcw c-ommenesurate with Uce ee cooiragelnent it I receives from them. " To this end, he appeals to all who ,iy favr the enterprise. anhl e-specially thore whoi t de.-ire the prosperity of IDelll and all that tl pleasant and beautiful country known as the Macon Ridge, to as*ist him in procuring aitr i the paper tach an extensive circulation anit ailvertniing patronage as will justify the ex a pen liture of the money and labor neccesarn for the establishment of this cherished enter. prise upon a permanent and prosperoius basis. not only by satbecriling and adlertisinig them selves, but influmcwing others to do likewise. All ministers of the Gospel among whose lcLks lhe paper circulates, will receive a copy regularly Ireeof charge, by hfcrnisalccg their names and post oiffie addresses. School a Teachers and Pnstciasatena are requestod to solicit subscriptions in their neighberbhlul. fP aeta or scmacamorit : One copy one year, $1 (r Six copies one year, ameo Poet OErne. 3I (At Ten " " 25 00 Fifteen Y " " " " .36 04 Twenty " A " " A 40 0U One copy sent by subscriber to distance, 2 00 brmonickt and Beacon both one year, h.5 0 to I )isoomnt as aboee for clubs to buth papers pl Other neighering papers desiring toelab with Fi the CaRONICLg, can do so upon the anoe be terms as iie Beacon. ADVr Tisaixe ATas: Ci One Inch, less thanne month, per week, $1 Two ins. " " c " " I 75 One inch three months, $10 00 " c six montls, 17 01i t a me year, 6 (sA) Like deallctons made according in length and time. Adverticrs will find it one of thle hest mediums in North Louisiana Iar maslingl their usiaiess known. 'G"reat incluements offered to compe teint andl re.ltocabhle Agept+o. For further particulars, address the under signed. at Rayville, until Sept. 15th, and after that date at Delhi. La. THiOS. J. MANG;IIAM, Aug. "24, 1M72.-tf. Proprietr. B e S@ per day. Agents wanted AC ll , .aaes. of wcrkig peple,of. either sme. young or old. make more money at work for ew In their splre motnensl,. or all tlie time. than at anything else. Parieclarm free. Ad. dress G. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine, novV-ly Co,- etioe ariue and Family Groceries. L AM new prepared to Manfaurtr plai sio CANDIES of every deseripmie, and esr lic them at WHOLESALE, boxed, ready r ( shipment, at 20 cents per lb. delivered fIro SteaonhOat or ailroad free of drayage ad ai t aexing. My mseck lof WINES, LIQUORS, CORDIALS, CIGARS, TOIBACOCO, FRUITS, e, N I- alwaye omplee. The oeo· s qalis r CRYSTALIZIED FRUITI, lmpocal diree.a ICE CRElAM 8AL W se1 Ia mer of stre. JOSEP PODlESTA, - Ireo Fronm eek, 1IS Wabaiene k, Doe. 10, 1872-12m. Vicksbegias Mia. I. -. A. tULLUT. a. o. aLLa 14 Commission lerchants. --: AD:--ri Wiolealoedealers in PernimionM, Groeerier d £ CORN, HAY, OATS, BRAN, bc, .hIry e a Re Lime, Cement, Plater Paris, ' Pled-er Hair, Lehe ~cE. . a *l 18 4 930 MW thlry Wtreet, nep.trS-G. .] Vi'kabrg, Mius. T 'Ra *. . Cwea & CO SI@.n ME-T Cn I TS, Ca-rnr I W iRngrea ead Ctromfosrld Orrea i the VICKBBURG, MIL. I A. P ADAMS, .tir/.J. we C. Liberal Advamresa mde am Ceosnso be j hs dee? ad 7 y t aw k .7'. 1,.Z PROFESSIONAL CARDS. IR. N. F. e;CRAW. ,l IDentast. ill , vr,ag permanently located at Dert.ti. I.A. u waia. ld re-p-vtfrully inforn tlie ciltz.o oft Ri.chlnnl parIl, anutd the surroundltg cotlutri lhat hle is prepared to perform all kiinds a, ei.erannsy in Il-nti.rry with nealiels nla,: S'lrabiliy,. mapon, 'centale priciple.. tr will he at Rayville on Saturdlay before rthe Thtrd Sunmday in eaclh imenh. and wl! dt tesde pronmply drinl Ihe week fillowing tnial orders left at the Bkcov Orrtetl. vi.itl tug ive rewaIlenrs of applicant. when Ile-ired All operatiaos warranted ullless etherwrle expressed Jan 20. 2-i rP . TOLEm, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ayville, La., Will gite hi.s per-oaial attention to any pro t.1.,ntal Is-ine'-. un the PMrateh l ad Iistrict I 'mrtr of liaRhland, Franklin amtI lati on, parnshc,. Nov. 4, Ib72-ty. R. D. R. PETTIT, IPRYICIAN l& UR3EOI, R tyville, L3., Thankful for the ll.erel patron.--ge hereto fore extemled In me, I wall intitue to prac I tire my profeosion in all its branches Specil I attention given to chreonic dteaeas. lJdire with W N. Pens. Esq., where I will alway hbe foundl when not professionally engaged. S July 8. neo' IR. D. R. sARTOELf, .eiLTO. LA. Having located pernanently near this place. I offer my prefeu+ioeal services to the citizen-t of the surrounling country. Lue attention given to all diveas.e. Always te he found at my off.e, at Steam Mill, when not profea.immally engaged. June ?l 1872-ly. O. H Morrison. W. W Farmer MORRISON & FARMER,~ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice at RAYVILLE, Parish of ICHIILAND. Also in the Supreme Court of Louisiana and is the United States Courts. LAnD buasiness attended to in the State and United States LAvD Or VICEgs. 1 W. W. Farmer, late District At i torney,. will o.sw devote special attea tion to the DeFgNssn in criminal cases. Jan. II, 1873. ly. R. WILLIS aICIHAIDISO, 1oat. atIAIIADS, Mo JAS D. M ENIEY. Rich3rdsons & MoEnery, ATORNEYS AT LAW, MONROE, LA, F Practice in all the Parishes of North Lnmi.i ma1n, in the Suplreme Court at M. ror, the Federal Cart, and in the Land Olice De- C pertmnent of the General Government. Jan. Ilth, 1873. ly. GENERAL LAND AGENT, R e mseeare , . t AIRTIES wiehing to seller purchase lands R in this section will And it totheir innelt in tou address me. I have for ale several SAe In plantations in Osuachita, Richland, Mrehentee, Franklin and Caldwell parishes. which can ta be purchased on very reasonable terms. I. Having formed connection in Washingstn \t City with an agent, I am prepared to repro- ." sent litigants in contesaed land cases, abeia y patents. etc JAMES . RAT. Rzrvrsseum: -Cal. I. Garrett, D. B Trous. dale, Col. John McEuery, Julia Ennemerr. H. LBRUSER, Copper, Tnla A Sheet-Iren W ker, aker of Drove WelS. Pipes sad Toole, A COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, House Furnishing Goods, Tin Ware, Pampo, Pump Pipes, Sheet Lead, RBrieh and Tile, - Crew Yalr~ y and C(ly AOi, Ageny r hle C ihelebrated Pere Oil. Particar Attention pid to Steamboat and Job work. octSdoi95-" mpn T EE anale*i*ned having pernnently lolated at Rayville Sor rhe purpose *( practicing Medicine, hope. by prompt ane anti punetualiat-in diacharge of pafea siottal daetaa-to merit a hate o' the pub lic patronage. lOlace in Dr. Ralb's saore. Ofice hours fron 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. "202-6m JOS. ATKINSON, M. D. NEw rTORE AT QIRARD. T HE undersigned ropectfully inform la-i eomunity and eountry at large tha* m mey h've a ehoai lot of DBY GOODS. .; the old .m sam o4 Riley & C., which tIhey propoe to Vi sell ceep lor aes. .se. EDWAIIRIS Ce. IJan. 25tb, 1873. It. P ARTITIONS SALE. U. W. C. TasZVArT, Tutor et al. [No. 157 ] vs. FRANK Mr1IL!E 14th District Court. Parish of ) l' Richlsad, State of Louisiana., " - Sy virtue ofean order of nmir ieed from ar Sthe IHonorable 14h District Court in and il ,,r the prriih aend State aSurenaid. and In me P direteal I will es er for ale at Delhi, on set Setrday the lat dayof MarcA, 1873, at pus'lic auctionto the lat ansi highest hidder not the lollowing dlecriael propertyn, to wirt: :, A five(5) are Lot frnting on Rail Road E. Reserve on tie Soth. (being thirty feet fromt er the Rail Read Dit.h) and honaded on the to East by theop line of the South West (1) jor qarter of the North Weot quarter (1) of ow Sctia, thiraten (13) thence running West on To-r-want isee. tlhmce South to ,she Rail sub Road Reserve, and ail niued in Towaosip Ra Seven0se (17) age NoNi ne ast. Wali b:,ld aceedinglo liaw, as eet a prtnita,. Terms of arle emeh wilth keelt of appmnement. J. A. LIDDELL, jet 45-4-q 61'4U. SheriK. Webral k a le I* ave a ia lae our O.phia Asyleam.-Sas.wasiis ci(red on in (a a Tb. appeal i madte on the ie ground of bhumanity, frosa a new Steae.where adj he tide of immigration ia immense, and whete as ach_ an Instiution is grealy needed. The oe htilhat Primae i. 75,0o. The ticket. are al Ch rach or aiz SY. r 55. J. . Patee,of Omaha, ( haa bee cbeae the Genetal Mangt-r of Ric tih leg ad ndm ae n dnLertklng, which is eered by the emeonr and bet buninea men of 'ue Sane . &r Co Sod and Seidi·tt Pe ' ^ Ct)D VIn I~ vL ()oIh n~oa o som1 smz...s` NEW OtLKAXS zxn= _ m_ STOMACH BITTERS. " r lip.. E " " 0- S ~,r r ITf E DOLLAR NTORE Ev Fry variety of Lades' a.dl Gents FLRNIblTING GOODS, JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS. t'TrLERY. CLOTHIN(;. BOOTS. SHIOES. ('HROM1(, Ol11. PA.IN r INt;s. TRUNK, VALISES, E'I''. ( a (as11 a.1itee the goo!.. L. RY ERS, Berl.harhlt Bual.ln.g. nov23t 3m. I).Siard Stree :. Mosrse. La. JTOB WORK. of all kinds. fr.o a carte de st isreo a poe-r, eetly eeurated as the. ade. se, sp short nait.e. DELHI II1RRN -, IOOT and liOE SInOP ! The unslereagtled have establi.hed in Fell,, chops for tse ,tanulfartare af armoss sad Saddlry,t and alslo of Our Saddlery is made fr n,, hIatler out of our own Tannery, where we have experiaen-el, TANNERS AND CURRIERS. We manuULfhclrc as bheap es firat cnass w rL rca be done either in Va:kshaerg or New Orleans. Our .lins.e Ia' r i undIler 'ntrol of nn ar copnpli.lse waakma.,. We have on hand French and A.,aeriaan ('Val. and Muorrecno Skins, and Kap o.f mar twn and foireign make. and can give our cna-tomers t pnw n itk an article as the-y may order. Shoal I we receive orders enough to jal-tary it. will send oum Foeter to Rayvilleto take meamuret. octltf MOORE & TRAVIS. CHEAP BOARDING HOUSE IN IONRO'L. rRE tn.ler:rned i% enot pr-par t and j wll open no ise first lay of January. Ib-3, a tirt chlss Boardinl Hut,, at the ,old .tand of " Mr. Hrw-on," i:orth .idse of the Ra Iroad, near the Depot eta DrSiard atrect in her new Iwo-stary b.silting whlsdh ha-lneen lately itaed up (or the psurlp, eeud is emply •ualicieutt to entertal, i clasy. week. menth or transient bearters. a one h, aIalred aper centt. less than they can Icet it as any other nl ses in Monroe, and rqual y as glod fre and other aeommtodatios.+, anl mrsl more corenvenient :y situaLed o the N L. T. R. . HlavsL s en e ngaged in the t.imnes for a "nag ine feels eatieled of giving atsae-rtao. . K HF.W:oN. Monts., La , Dee. 1lth, I. 72-12m. OJEI COLLEGiL hL rhelati erczreises the ThirteTat Anuael Term of enemr College begie on the Ph-E Taelday oresepMblr Iezi, S7ers Tuition at the rates of $ per meam. I Beard from $12 te $l1 per mant . Students received in regallr elmss.e, only, alia She ead efa ,eesinm. A Preparatory Deparmenat, mader « teat management is aarthed M the C .elleto. Taiiem I$ toSs per mIn . For further particlars. aIddress: REV. J. L COBB, Pa stm a. oemer Cellege, La. By orertr o the Bear. W. F. meras.u"s, Presideat Beard el Trasmee.. ailS-l - LAUKIN A E GLESTiN, -DLALnE. I'(-. jrsear r, Preiesas s AND LSt4eos, Cerer Cramword and Levee Sreets, FICKSIURQ, MIlls. Liberal advenres in Cash or Supplies made . Ceton sold by as or sored in the Planters. and Merchauta. Wareease," is Vickesbrg. ec. 10.' 72-1. OTO TI IC EI Iishereby ( IVE. tsat the 3d 1ad 4,lsatrlmstlas Sthe atmoent s,,berisbd fer teo builing a the Ilall here which is he a o lnse of _orlaip ,taner the coatrel orf. P. McGuire "ligo Y*. 209, is now de aMl the buiilders ro bher at worek and want the moere thit a uleeribt pauid immalediately. I pro -m so pablie th llanme et tlhoea who hvO aseeribed anml paid nd also tloes whno Ihve I aslribed and not paid. Tbose who feel a sterest in othe building of the house ad Lape loet iven any yet aro inbformed thae the mm a ahe done oy calling on Maj ()laver, ap. Scott, Dr Peit, H. F. Vksm or ay oSlh. d r mnemberof Loalgeor 'omomineeof esbetrip. p on. The who paid the BIra quarter owe or aeefndandtShoe owho haveo t pmiJ ay p we foe half. N. A cail is now malde for eull ame1nt i aesherihst as te bniklina nr mroeempletiot. I lrville, La., O:t. 2)th, 1879. tf W. P. MANGlAM, T*m,* L r. e. LMcoi ge . 20. D EAL WWEAT3 AlENCTO it e the nderasigned havethiedoy aso·ei]e nrrselve tonether r the p o eanrya i so a Rel F.tate Agemy. We pepeoto sy, ell ad leose mead ia thui Parist and :sjininig Parishes. We alm ppse to pay xeo for new IRpideako, they edianl s do money, and refer a tie & Elae., Jnr. habe SBo & Sen, Levy & Hams, J. W.Anbr k Co..N1ew Ostrnen, and to may eiise of lichlald Parseh. V. T. OLVEr, W. tL MelNTOISH. Raytde 1. .. ... :S m, ro( ( 1('e. -a e wNoll. ·N, Rayville, Lounlians. --o-- a . I wiIsh to notify the public that I will -rnm plete all kanls of eaarp-nater a work in the, heat man:,niner, at shluort fau e. e.) . I) s sa i jmarials or State. S Gin Houses, •.ni. al r.f the tat i of, corT N I 'JE F: : bn. r awre rine t. nr, er ( tne ia- t rial an I fair play. rtnt I guar itanlr lati 1r'mionn or all parhi;e. r no avo Jan. !t, 3 : ly N .M. As'ION G A. NATIONS. Architect and House-builder. ,torn,.,the pIubllic gea eral:y that he in ntw lisrated at (itarJ. ial ai. reamly ltoo ai! c ta.l of BUILDING. ('ARPENTERIN(G anrl work of all kinll thalt come.i i ts is ;l: Otf a lirnt clas htu-etaitler. on a- re:.'- ,;,t, e termtans . pay uther nre' - i ana" its the ,'..., r, y, and take, tiltl metlsd ,a f ina;til t.. h. .... knowa,. unv2--'an. J uter's Male. i y irtnl of an a rlter iPeerd form the. Hini t'," Parish C'ort of the Parshr,. of tOuuaerI,. I wil offer at paublic. Pse on Wedoesday,tbe 5th day of Feb. 187::, at. It door of he. Cort Haoose in the town .(f Rayville, wtlhin the hrMt. prescrilad by iaw all the prrapervy Ieloat:,i, tea sIlhe mi m ar .1.. , Ia R. Rtchardtrn in the town of Ravvihls.. cYn stating of Lait I? in PIaIre 3, in rni. Iws. Terfms olf ale ayn-i wlah Ienelit of a, - prai.ement. J. G RIC.LAR.bI)ºN. yrit4 2Pgqr-5t5l1. Tauir RNTAUIRAN.T 2 FREH FISI, GAME AND FRESH OTSTER.! Mr. G. C. Ensenminer havinlg waldl.t Iarga. 7y I. the t ao nli.rts of hi- Rea-tu,,rant ons (:r.a,.,l sltre. ie now lareparel to meet the Watsi: a. ,1 suit the tahtes oIe O ue lavotrig y .r,", their parlaage. A birat a :a." R.-taira"nt nolk has been employed. Fosh. ;tsat:e aent Fresl Oysters kept. and served in easy st) le ldesirsgt. Monroe, aNov taith. t17?-ty. S.C WtILK.Iaen,Ja. IaLS, ote. U*. MOSEaLTy .Aeaba. Loasmiea. N.asiaappi. TUlTUkermIs, WIbbler * Co., COTTON IFACTORlS Commsrdon Merohants, 3i0O avei, SIt., New OrIeail. Bagging and Ties fIrnislhe. Liberl ,as-h advancees made on £onalgaanent teaulI* Pan o W. LYNCE, To AI'hltecat sad agI@erU, RATVILLE and GIRARD, LA., Iaving proureml the wervice i of aeve*al Irs clas rarpenter. would repr etftlly irbrifr the public that be is prepare-. to tak. r oltmt..fs w u kilainl, and all wwrk in hloa line and ezere.* it with skill and diapeelh. hnmp onar ILO Iltilvead Depot, Rlajille. --anj. tI, 15.-l.. SUCCESSION SALE. STATE OF LOUISIANA, ) Parish of Richlahd. J .eaessies of Robert Rad, dereus. BY vinre of an order of sale from the Hon. Pari-b Court is *01~l for the Parish of Richiandl.State of lta's.mna in the mattenr of the sweemsion of Ro r. Retl, dec'd, and to me tliretealr, I will proceed to fiter fur sale a tihe Iast plate of residence of tb- mid *leeeared. near the town Delhi. is said Parish of Riehalnd, at Ibibls s·etion, to the highest bidder, on Saturday, the 15th day of Feb., 1873, the following described property, belonnliag to mlid Suecesaiou of Robers Reed, deceased, to-wit: "he ear lhl((j) of the month Smot qgnrter di) of maies twety.lve (26) towshlil, _=vesieen (17) rsage nine (9), together wibh all the haildiangs and improvemoets tleretan. Tetras of mle-ash nt ams l shun the appeaiemce. mANCIC REED, Iev35-3sIs-'-t I18 Adminislenril. SUiCCnag SALE Tas Seits, or LoecatA, Parish Ourt. Parish of Rabdiend. h arsm n/ We IV LAraa, Drraed. BI i3 ovir e of at tr of ale Isued froan the Holnt Parihb Court in andI for the parish of Richhand l and o me darolela. I will asla Saturday, the 16th day of Feb. 1873, wbin the bonor preeribed by law, at the dme of the court bourn in in maid parish. proceed to ofer far le a publie mutiem, Ifor eabh, to the highest bidder Ihe Ibllowin0g ptwpe belnesung to mid saureein,. to it : Tke North Veit qutmrer Set.n Saur.Tow n ship (l') ;iEighteen Norath nf Rangn Eitt (.) Eas, e'maaanizi one haudred and siat) (I ') sese, mowe or lees Termo of sale-eash at the iaveboried mp. peaumeant. J. A. LIDDELL, jmall-sespa Sbhrll.t I. ailed for msa bp gs . lOEII , as t, Vi ' est.i KAb liITR ATE IS A IS Of auvey LU cl**r* * ********~ cJ r