Newspaper Page Text
GENERAL ITEIS. A .t,. death is a life begun. In thi Evr. was the first bone-a-part. mostly G(;LT FRAMI.L.-F-riabm windows. TitH condiment for late dinncrs--Ketch- i, up. section Ix TENTS ExCITT..-Err.--PaI In a dr- Comps: cUi. reader: T'rt BEST FROETISPI.CE.--AU honest theta face. place WHAT sport is like girls' gossip? Deer- IS it I: stalking. tioe t V y.Sat:D lMTEfF.ST-,-M0oniy in the Wait, l'ned I coat pocket. to mn "WEIG'rT for the wagon," as the fat Ril I, lady sang. m .ne W 'v is a man that can't mow as good Ths as dr..d? Becaue he e no mnower. or hO1l A ClrsItINALCot :T.--qparking another '=wsr man's wife. , or fol MANY receive their drc"d as they do 0n C their money, be~ause they ilnd it in circu- "he I latlon. t- i IN IIEA. EN,. beauty is really what the ..l ncients called it-the overtliwing of ID,- .ci;,,., ity. with A FAir.-Many a man, after tmakingi a Itatti hargain" in silk, has found that he ha, 'lhii got worsted. tes' A CoMPIIMENT is unmethint like a ki-s aunotl through a veil. Plhea.-re sets her seal b,tIti there, even while hidtngt herself. S, 'l'.xAs complailns of havi:ng too t4ll'.1t ii'tee l corn on n hand, adl i. gKtting cotton crot!,- ! prt on foot for next year. ,ip, 'olmc.oo has a billiard champilnti who u ia inakes both e.nd: meet by sh. itlg ho11L4t i at :t .an use hli nose as a queuie. i t-lh loTics feels ani unchristian sati> fell ift I ·Io l tion in announcing that the lnternati'tni iPli Mu-ical iestival at Gn..tvaentaihleu a lart, d4:. leeuniary loss. 11 Ax ESXCiIAN(E the ldeath ofl ;o of a lady, that she "lived tifty years with ',. her hlu-band, and died in contilent hope th,. of a h ttter life." thal A snaEwO old Yankee said he dilu't its Iwlieve there was any downright cure tor ii lt lazillesi in a man; "'but," he addhed, "I've the known a second wife to hurry it soine.' to ; T'ir. witi of a rooer being ak.-tl if sh ti' not afraidl to have her hib:td x'- Yo ioi.aI to such daml!!er, trustfully replied: ; 0 )h. I1," ilinsured." p MINNrV.nTA barber? don't krep stiti+afyt wholly, bitt they have the ! enidetiee(to it thle dihllhand i.,'ibl' lt:,ir fronm :all who hoili kl, to be sliav. d on that day. A NEw YORK ornitholoi'Ft is nowit- a ;~ tin, tipl fir dillreilt la.rsons a white black- I p bird, a Whitc4-potted woelcocik, and a tic whlite qnirrel wnlich is said to be really n the Iwhite-black squirrel. ilni Ora well-reld ricpubliican ohbserves that inI although the French PIreslhletlt l:y be pri dl.fIatetl, lie can never be turned to rili- -.I cule, as it's impossible to make a butt ot Ie. a T'hiers. [Qy. Titrce 7-Pr. D1v.] lip As ANoTHER litallnet: of how the '- or male sex is getting mixed Ilup with aro cal education abroad, it may be tnh ition- Ie i'l th:.t the French medical school of St ras- I bourg hals Lbetn moved to N:ney. ot "TuiE birnt chlld dre nis the fire," but to it "tenls that Chicago does not: fiur, ao- e cording to the Chicai o 5,ihbunu, there arn ot inore wooden bniliings in that city now ,o than before the ravages of th tire-fiend. In The Count de Montebello has sent to :a France a nnaumlr of specimens of the hare 10 of America; thus- etablishing a balance W of trade for America:n coiidtu who are t continually importing sEeimuens of the to hair of France. A CONTEMPORARY thinks that "alley excellent people take a sort of melan choly delight oin heing swindled." From our observ.. tions, We should siy that pe: ple generally express a very savage di- 1 taste for the perloranlaucl. "Acute Insanity " isn't such an imperti- S nent plea lh some of our murder catse, to when one conies to think of it. The par- hi ticular torn ot insanity is usually charae- p terized by an immense amount of acute- na ness. g i ONE of those things that no fellow can in unllderstand Is a recentdeeision of the Post- P al Department that the quality of a cot- a ton samjoe sent tl. sll, must' M le t le i written in words on the wrapper, but vt may be written flg ht '. .' o Unsopp the b!Id of ".ietieq of Clty h lch" :t co 'tam ra m v aika!. . o to call them pletutes of city death ; but be they plotures of whatsoever sort they ,i clearly stand in need of a "hanging com- , mittee." al 'Ta' IIoosae n·selers e-x them- 1s tt t*li orA v hine in the nhiddle.(Videting the millions of money furnished them It would be i strange if they eoulidn't make both ends a meet. t Taun Danbury 'ewts sltys:. "The re- i marks relatives miand rirends who attend 5 a funeral male ppon the merits of the'de ceased, are frequently lnstructive. Attbec funetal of an a retident of Slawsons, t Saturday, neghbor f e lI observed i that the td. 'g tJi and cuss c ab ut.taxtis any moe.' " A NMaster Cnmpany. There is no aecountn of the oest j e lines of the Western Urion to whlci e have access, exeept that given by Its of lees In their annual eoras or publlshed letters Rom opies o which we learn that libs remarkble company, which now sms to overshadW toe Ind, wasn in e86, with apita of $3S0,000. T leat of it w, then .1,14 miles. For nearly seven years it pakl no dividends; n aIts earning" ere used for the acquilkto of new lines.-In 185l, when Its apiltl had reached the sum ol $P0O,e00, be to pay large dividends, so that In ethireaey, fe its birth in Ia 1851 to 1864, It diVedl apon *atr - e age seventy.e per cent, et whie hthir teen mand a haM per emont were i dney and llS.aeveidl ahalf pere'm int rt -- yearly average of seventy-one per cent on a capital averaing $7 8,461. I I roe to.r ~ttnexpn ing and purpdnq th m 1 ofel 'r coI panies untl st m of_ 18s, when its stock iissuedrem ani s was then reted to be entily re rodebt with s rhuas Meets ater pay9pent Qits Down to this peitod, it ssues of stoc wereua uponm the tMent eh ?IJe of te-sp llne sho hi be regented n stc bya sum equal to t aoriginal e6st of the it mile; sice period, the ptia been lcreased tor n , r, in 16, the captll and debt C-Ot nSbby~ rO$~teb as itis e6mpany was states i, d miles and if we apply l tb I Itsoi l eapital ad baeds, we dcilaete fttia r .Olslt, a cot of1700 per milk tbd., averit d about two wires to eplnle. ith report of July 1871, as p0im1d , July 1,o ,noa s m fom 8,00,0 to four millions. and itsat biim $41.P000.0 . $a Its capital ad.deab held eA00ureqoI of tri iWry Wlim6 on each 000 miles, and odoee to the 3.061 odices which It previousl held. That It had ebeted this at a cost in 1867 of $115,000: la 1868, of $355.000; In 1885, of $678 000* In 1870. of $100.000--an gregm ofer bt,878,oo0.-Atuswsc foe "'89* Snuff-dipplug. uEduction and Religilon, Agriculture, th* e Interi North, Justine, Fins nu to. In ti sO er siens of the Ministry Bism arek h,: for mostly by foreigners anheld old of re.idetI b:ter the htli c olleagues are not hei adher o r oiir- I tIltit ping. As this is a cti equals, having co-ord-u I ht oate powers. The Pre-it e to , wothotrn lt sectig him conotrol ofand i, the Mitrefore. has maden m him constructively re.ponsthle to omparliament andkno the country forth all the readers-we darend say wholly nso to n of all the depart-d L thmets-at d ias prgtt n brlat g nd aei- Iot plaoegh'eauiri xenltl rn1it ,: of 'it ite pt It exedists in th questions of trade, of finance. 'of education and religion, and with d, the althods of usinteg f bieeoi traip t- .:e sort e hile the tott lwv and al i-iu an" i Sintired fenor thie momentous me- itur et to ,naui." this facet -te~tna. to $ niti-itliv 11015, 5it 1ºreine I5! ,togv it"1tt las ino n d The dqijllr -eat: iaei-1f is lh hecr b:xin; tigf or bnottlef ot thye phre " #tff aidl her bitt swatitickd -t one could carry, twig, hroge l. I or foures he m in iiti_, wlh'itt e.ze. at tursen oasso atus, in o Or tirt te tuifit the M it try te slhfRqld yeseit A united f ron.'ttn Parlia h mentll and thoe- he was helr:nd trespoi-. that Ihe Ble for his ed leag ues, they were not -111d Ilosresponsible for his sayings and detlngs. to bhw' Hiilth i'omfort dltem, randbtd thlat he b ns huldt4 vMhieel of. thin onerous dig. i ty. Bt he retm his plae in the tlt'f e Min-ti ci e ltry, and willn. t a tiuh.. If in eo ruling with a fpirtn its h. oaautls; a td he. tkeeps v ue $ed portfOlps of foselat at..irs, t~at the At bott foreign polcy of 1c.-h il bte otlntlel. t.:t a-Thai- iF e'oi~iiiItra a "vift::o@ ac t 01 *iulr I thi 1 tso 3 with that of the German Z t'sim:te, th e sevdhead of which Bismagok remains as C.han i eos atter to tahe a drtext of the royal order ofi - 'C bthe view we have fa.i above of i ,, mal t tlI' ti.º: w awlt bw'it cinch; tsfor tilt -lp: puarpoise. of ti) "titl let tºinh.tfl%' ta soills p AI n orighhinrs and motiv e in. the mind of Bis ,at i io. tea part. ta1ri Y• w la So :tit.] bright votting girl-, i'tuf rvl s I: i beh with he'r cl'eer tx an w-t contrastk there Is" betw~ee the yesag lady of to-ala Savd t s thatty, or evenf.ili. a score ot httoIycould it ie t"e tfherslf-culd," sin 'itn it bItli 1, atii. Yeat it is 001t 'ath italt -,,. Al- jut o plain, musical English, wash, bak- and that cook all kindsof food, milk a cow if nai cs oj ary, andi makG herself generally usefui. in't its igihe didn't she was called latzy-' thatill' for out-id.' irs oriaiitaI dona:t . and within flit! I've the last tirteen or biititVa ie:i;t tota.' Ite to be 5uutnliwhit Ctlmr titl~l tt i utnl rant.t(' 'li'i slat' Lit' nortl, eititlyt women theiiy l 'of' Ne of - ex irk. and:t ha i lilen I -ta 1s of New ey-lch ties' l % ei ase her to sildnut by tt ah prshe sees I waht, and sbuteam at t a, ialfi 1 - cow. She is a I -vn imlte made tih-be w' itet F She igs "t di-t' - A r el -oneof tee h"te1; syo tlofh'.. Se w lole. I n New rk morn Its embrr.IM w Jtat-i1j Ite; t In 'naa tIq t4j rl:ot! thadUe t laark- ptaetiae' n-: it exi~ts. i- hii all a s-eni'i al ;a:ia" the id a ti s i ntate i a t texquSlte." Thus i" 13 th e ity of New Yorw, yitil of needn't t. o ;e with oattoft iljlg are teontinuallg that fug practice, the :Hutt-taker r tlal s to the dr, ,y be prifvacy of lit!T ownl claauiato r to enjoya 111," ' rids- 'a n~-t deli'lit ii e ladres-that ithey are d I n h asse anothy s luych r "' I is no stai thn. It is an nnom men thling ndeed, to find a young lady ltt of r1 pcjed on o the food ih " lip by Ilietailt of a t'ihliarl'l1 :l apeito aliur in eaS. to 'flat' I bill of exptn- e to hier 9 .ther,0't rtl ae ofnuf to ,r l w itio e I a t'wother ' di , to aha upod.e tv atrat- iil thtr nuf a ee~rtatit propo. rtiton of satlt, p 'arhi-h1 andi ill her pursreot adviiee to ith a anI utt to enhair its ststhe it "irgainth"e. It'"i , tic- exatct eotwAit u isa the m' t 'r s living 0o d a nl' onl t tf trtde. Ae t o tbelon tit St times of horse disente, it mighlt.*e s re, w tol in Nroper to mcrosr optIly pecmine har- iy iend. p fetise'ast'arovtrry wt'hftell tfataggregate - rnt to amount; but one sheve in the Iaat fodder. ll;" in18 tn nadamp place, Is very likely to har 100 poundst a weekby those and other parasites lance wr sutri the tiunesaj iitouch. lit - elan' - F'rom Tile Ministry consistis of e tht dep~art- h Senr is -For note-of-lus. Armyd ke and rosebad ?y Scombinede it is make and Maby tiacltrtsg dew. Edlucatlon andt Rtlitgion, Agrietulture, the a inlterior, JTustice, Piai.aicr In tie .t..I pe'ti' tlons of the Ministry Blismarck has for ten years held the post of I'resitleit. littr 'Par his eolleagues are ilotlIts adherents or ap-t Ant-' poltetes. but his equals, having cn-oni tCUte- nate powers. The Pre-idener, without It giving him control of the Ministry. has1 a' can made him constructively responsible to t' Post- Parliament and to the country for all thet a cot- acts and suggestions of all the dlepar't )f" be mtnits,"aiaihe lias been'i burdented anda butt vexed with questions of tradle, of finance. of education and religion, and with ile tails of I nternual at winki~tratJh piwtº ei lhlt qu~ ired for the momentous meauirer tf but atdh txe ol ar throuigh. Re-s !they3 sola ids, it 4vlagbg -forv atii hIt qtwwn*'a "OI surer he muistiiqt. lWkaWri$ hEAtiseII Mntrise''n assotriates, in; drd~t' 'httleMitr therm- atimffid ptlesent A united front In Parlia ....--ty. ..ut he etna~r hisa plac Isn %1 th i Bnrnin 'eorn. The The'It tin:t stateacnt' which rached the The E::tern papers front the %l -t o the' etitrt. tlii ht that corn eWa hI ilg Purl. d up for ' t:t-t' W I'li bh:e;au-'e railway cotllmp:tuli: is .harl, hImaliin :, Inueh fur 'arrm'ing ii to m:la:ket th:i it ,tm. -erl I !,ecarum of no partitular value to tfle far- , 's pc: mer. were r(u'eiv·td with mlany doubt; !kili. :ind slows joutniuates dill nmot lmesi:rt' to pr'o- bi' :ld11 toklta. time whnole sta'flelnt a romancle ofa nast ot ill pririrts. S.oimue of their ore tloughtful - i ii oi oIn lw. iL(hwe r r esolved to asmerttain what 11o-- of sort of foundation the story restemd upon, to hi and accordingly d.spatchled cai rrcporl- it 0n111' eats to variol-u corn centers- of lowa. ,li- thti1t-1 15i-, Kli-tl and Mli-- huri, ani are now thein': not oniy convinledtl omf the thorough genmlt- mmm lt in tie's of the' .tat'tll(l:' that cor' w:I, he- -ix tift iig tir ely n-el fly the farmers for fuel. Week 'il r e "t m e :t f t r Not t ihat muhlmttacttlrtrS t ,-oluteiy imi titatr te ornn t't ant9 Iandil it In their in a itne t urn;ces , Ouer of tlee p;aler. state-· hul, it. corrt(tpoeltht itn CentIral Iowa writ-- wl- I , that ,orn "-, a tlrtig W.r t. 1 tent-. I1 ath 1- Vle otie'r set( tuot of tohat St:ae it It I" 'nlin 1 hlteaper. so uchiap. Uniin.' thl: it ijl n tei. a:re lpe 0 In oTe i:.rtlemd' it - h litel ottlmClt Ii:l - to ro l" l s t f o rt f i' l mIln l lllti:t oitll'r -. t-to -I.'' i. t : a- lft'-et' a inc' tl 1':,,.!lhittdt t4 ari-' t ir:t!,n iti' mrip ttie ":l'e of the ttlrile a' the tfitlart it 1:t - Il1 Iot Ue ai ame eimllsiltttlit r i y ,1'' lt t uill ti,' ri a t ! ii l.l ' tc cl ', aI, tor ll:' t ' ' l t tr , Si 4 t 1t). h" l oth lr n i' for it. :Tmll ittl;''. l it ": illi:. I I. !ic',l ttl h , :14 -an0 XmOr'ml)l : wll , \ ig trit- pr' t in "i wtilht whitre thi'me at' -till --1 tiottng f t.;rep :11we1 tlll ttime fowt prtt l.'tjtci itl I s ti m it it ' Itman s1-tm- l aid t 1 mni- I l -- stit. tie :mhattni uin htm mni cotrm till teil hinci] ,. do:,,t l,1 to,'ar 1 of with r i-nisp ti te,. I ,gall,. S ai t:1 let11tr' hie lilr- wit' m V kiow tt:th at It a llli " { iut" ' I" .vn tbrl irt^ . - r r ' ll . la t:lg.ti- I prh 1. i :tl d th filt I jF I t-.'r t \ -Vrntl inti 4 p 1' " i-. Iam t i tt Il y l it l' |,ill\te1i!' 1 1, i)"i l ,e ! tijati,u, will natur ally I o in th l i 'tli", n : , c. - t- 1 our triutl= rtatiylt estilli. ,torl t " .t ,it , Iit, .. m ~oix t il lonlwa a nt ) t0h . 2 II'cmn.- t, . !!_" f iel- tit,-11 . wets I" tI i-ti 1 li, e b tl it .wr it of tl ci t it I rc athe -:aitcPaird mt :uitt. t it i, i ifn tlilol 'lir' of oil to If ttlti- o'rp wa,"nt rIg tcc io Thtu-, ifal liwa fllrlllmr h-:l- :;"lMino - i.- lrx. t1t'"w " tf II'l whilich lie ele-irne to .s.a to Il t I i i r-. .eiutordt. it wtill cust liit :ttoumt thime ilole lon' ,-,, vatlU " of 4314 oit themn to get r the oetelr lik lief i lli the 1mrcek'et Umlnis thi evil eul h- m- !' •l:- sli riiey rtimedid, by mi alt - f ::t:- to r a::t- fplic fra. p rtatit n flae"lo t'al. there i- ,tllm is cr of a serious t ee tk to :rgriorlc u tln r:l ti .- mhil So v,-,i,,l, .t.t . i, ,-urimg year=:. 1 f proliti., time Seropts . liike the pasumt -ear. h1mtdli yisn it bmiim- I pJ r tle 1 41-4 of grailu arte destroyditl :lil wri-teld it ar e i k tit . iht'o lir ' it - aitliot ltie glot i) to m iar'- tilt i l lt Ieir ra-uli.imrlhe . Thi honliti'.t lw y Siet o tOf tlii iit ri ablt l ite itnhi arr-te-nd the n:lttt iln I' hit- - timl min th il' rllm' r.m'emlt lrti'm : lt 1 thit' l ict i- hi( ti , 1 stil lir : t1 i t l i olto m t hei t ti'ltitll, ' hi. W- atellt ofl t l ehc imnll tri o crt t uitln. o 1h1"t I tltio wrllI e is I v t e r owSn o ilClt 'iellt tI'tll intin(tpole. lthe tael tihe peorlii (tf tihe i Wol, nt and of .lltlhit l c.sse- lumoret 'ii,- ti Iav il ii t itll tl- eme r:d 1overitlim t is I t V rIII' to. tI t'hel. A rllrtel that cto- o Idrt i twe lity u tmf hiillatt. it- to wk to t lrt 1 h tires from thel ttvmling ptuih and tir:'- i It- l t leigitr w oltrtariitr. iand lin er a it ite I alti im ttert ohue the infl:itet or witrteL,i t tit stri'kc. This ia a morn brensonle .l , tl- hi r- ijtilittlmt IIix ti:tal thee g v'tlriit tlit illtr - eeur air milllo g alt oear to rd the ith f x1ti1 meart of the couithy.- . tie iA Mik te Cows and told- wiuter. st Thie extreme sensitivenes oth the mam ti try fusietlih in vows to the intilmn teef of onilir, fatigue., excitnement. oUmlihasanI t alrt- orte moast t imtper'tnt pofit 1 1 ' theantem inffet'i of c(lhlmihiqolt lwwlaihn seeretion a:= I 'seen in he herd ofi n cows Upon te t:lr wi. the lDuering the sm l homr. in hot ,ays It hi i t ald Arugust. the animahl retortedt t)o l,' hi' f ake to drink, and after slakimmg tlmeir 11 It irht, they would wade into the water a1 rtan- Il aoine tiwes an homur or .two with i the leiel hal inuterstad. Tlhi hab It it was ht iuind invariably diminished tile flow of t ti hamilk at night. and hi order to learn the ex tle ltious were madetl . It wa.a aier,.ned th at - ttandinrg i te wter an hour diminished t- e low to the amolnt of S or 10 quarts ai in a herd of thirteen cows . The loss w a h d i- o great that wuhenever they resorted tol Somthe water they dwe) drivent away toi thin pahture h agathi at olnee. We have tllcretln that fromm sihiply tifrilt ,i the hiwd hitm u ni rs to ked ppo d t i d day in winter. taid t ! altowil, them m O r tinfhi. .nminites, a the flow of milk was diminished to at tht P them1 reia - th w erious extent, and onsequntls the ant i t ware ma l at dT ing then e lic e winter, ex ce't" fora brilef priod uon wmrm, snu hfrom a wll into the ri, and te at dro lt iilug vessels ar a arramnged so the ill. he i h nidls have to move bu t a step or two ,Is tii: sual, alr t k1 'he n eture of tile, S water supply, e ad eonvenience, o n acclys-, sie- remost inuportaut points i the an e t tue ct of muisdch cows. A draugh 4lane ncold water, taken by a cow in whimter, cut orshort tihe tUeildaniols t orl t yh e 'tan- to twopht. we wate" ha r ionto vi-( otels ande allowed to stalnid ac to t~l r nuasl- covered, In the warm laws ciiuu sed dou raitse hadi o several d the andit .,s riactice should be adeptic!f. all tlmltrirt toar eiehtln warm the thewat' mver, hut this is 'it where large herds are kept, untes' I steall aplar'ut i is tistJ. The inflmuewne of a coll crrent ofoar, and conld drinkmn wroter, upou cows lint emilk, is not of a od amtlmals are ruined tbhy cireless exposures mre of every yer, and orl -lnterelt and fredai e who of Imumanity should rompot aol cowmon ing in der to keep dfimoms watch over teitr wel, .usul h pin ar alhosg ierti' lionr e lionesses, bears, yenas, anld a Imb. Af r ohter the at r etrgoeats of ,, onnlmly iust ehow ha sc to, the gran fe tso tu tre consisted In the simultan, ous ap ortn prieah of ti w heild animals to the laj, a in- and the exchange of the ."klss of frat ri orn- t." T wia acpilsued sucessul rthen y the animas Ihethdia ldlly touching for ih oer, tn ha d nstalkin~n bn h to their hr plaes. The Lnperformance war s t rcloseb kt toll putting the lamb's head in the momth o nally a lion. wro sooner had the laws cloued w dupon the head of the anlal than it wa sby ar evident by the eyes and movement of die tail Ofle lion ttat foul play wrs te at IcriW- cued, and befaor a wqrd of eommand e lady could be given streamol -o ,ed was run ntmr from htis moth. Cthldrenarelmnld ipe'c romen MWti, but fortunaytt the ut mlwas- pel wu it sheet duration. ignor p with a tiemeuos blow on the Supob (thre of dthlionaud a shout otf ommand g man towiei the heffwih animal to relinquish his victm landathough roaintg fearlully, he sulnily obeyed the tired eye and ges ture of his master, retiring into a cormer S th~ eye +horror had tu siiack S'6t,. with a howl ofraelealed upon his bacr. eFortmtae for Bdel, her claws and teeth a. At entered his clothing only, and, with a *hleh, spving and cry,he lapedfrom underher. at nt- tiMmetlme estriing rght and left with' found. his loaded whip, forcin_ the animals to a rise- the front of the ebire' 'Jl: was ran in tiin on stant of hesitation and stumluslon hriethe volver i hand. unfanten t'n eagea no hay backed himself ont of it. Seeing him safe ider, if the reaction ofthe atdi,.nce was tremen-' kely to dons. and the cheers that greeted iins ap feetly quiet, the dieadly pallor of his face Ioebd? gave evidence of the danger he hliin w I passed. The Flying Trapeze Abomnsatlon. The all:rt'mWtt held- out in arcrhatit' W uli `taster whi.'h til ll it- f;ivori'it lest in -'.'in du-try I hltluian lite imlperile dt nited not. iltilrhap . i oi:tt E tt.ernll the |'r,.'s .o-( iolt as the p tlt . Il - , ;lor t - tr'. peril miaty lit' e.titt-e.tC .'4l lbv hiii 4Inn of lhte i kll. No h1t i-lative ' interf.rtcli4' wrouitl which -hi, b d4lti:. ablel to prt'viet an adlilt ty .I- A NI f n cIkt of pr 'slln:lI' sn'' thilti1 rom r..-t!- it hnt1o I ilh " thli; lifle in atlv :ih'tril tha tt x '' Itl I. thit ,t I,.- of that liit wottll he atti -otrii ttobl t .h iu' wet, i lilt(-' intii' hl't at ,1lo,'. tt o tlleti . iay oitl a w 1t1 (' i- t! !t-il'l- ' ·tr,,- t " in'ht d a h1 iuldr'+tl th't't al1,'."'' til(' 11l4 S'the t'arth ittiks litidc .oh11 slto W ylt ('Sl .- ltih104 dexturilrV it dlu.e alt 1, l ttion.. o f ote t .-' -ix et, or tit otlhiT a1" tit to iizard li (f tfr 1, n|ek lbv gvr:ttiiie :atvliwd thil ratie!'r- o :1 iti L tlhtatrt'it1 a "'4liilug alt't.t ' ' ttinll a tr' i ll' h it ttiho. * We'' I mo4 tilt rlit o (t) b4u) t ' t:lak" 1.t ah ll GI ll' 1r1 tO elt .ilt . tl W otli l. h ,-l IIt a ih1cte Liih, riathcr itan t iirelt.v l1lru-td. that c d. a re r ol'4l-rI' ,trd , 4 11 l4 .ti tl tl l 1 illu1 ior.l uI-, l till , III i .,lt f, 1i!,,!.ll S,: -.. , ' rt,.: .l" I A :* • h h ,'r " :ti n'_ h'. i/.ty i i. ,.rtl, or h it it, tI ii '"- AN i inn =,-' it -lllh ,t cxhi it :iU' 't lt. :ri . ., 4 (41 Al' ti '"\'ll- ,.]htl-l iow inl l tilI' w lht' l. l:. l,,aei, il t re 'tn h rn Ii 'in ' ivt Ii (: r11'l"t I . i, r u t. r' it) ie, t li h ( ' t bl t : ihr tir-t .l 4iri i' vll y n, Lp ol' u"i4 " . i " og al t- qihl . " 1 4'4l rti n I l h1 e l lit t1 r llt. It 1 :i tI 1\4':11 it-( t ilr it l'i li4l''i hii ' t 'l( r a ri ! 4ll1 h h th e l . t li , r,'i' n-till 1i10'1' . 1i4-i4.k :l u l it4.1a' 4 i'. ' tI':l!l 4i 4 i(:t'i! t.i 'l h t ht . t "lt ,, ille a ordl l o ii. lot l ei t i tll r i itr ll- i i ,,, . -'till I = 'ex " .-i t1'i" th \ li'tt4 are4 ' 4 t 1ti",, ilii'iiglll i ,:; - it !1 ii\ .t 1 14 ' oili l 1-ti t 4 41 - i t- ti l iih t I t , ll it iht'"i' t-ert l lawi, I4 Sbiiu 4 r t ' lori es. i :t I in' r4i-". It ,- rt' t4':. 1 l a l lto p tio n o t - 111 rill 1 r4'te . i . tI\ll . t"it r " to l ' 'I V ilot i t ilt h g h - •s@ " n t. r'* id." in tit- c • n • ,iont, .Li.t . : hl4- diti t rn it i ,it4I i 'It'4 i : rlitt i it u:l pt'". il t• r "" ov. I Iin " ' tth intr oist ,n h f ul s ' I, . 4 c4k1 n r i,0 to 11t( 1 -Ih4 • -t1 - -14 ti l' t-1 -Ir . . . il. "l·I R It '. '! rt' "'mii i l lit of h'i " 1 i4'it' ] di r:l 1 1i " t -. t r4 . irtinel tl i l v sta r . th. ' w" . :llek1 . 1l i hmam- i ut rili nc a dle' i oit , oll. "ono ol."y I - i int'i th t lll b hltl .lvfm nlt'ltllu. It gives "i r4. te h is:,l to ,rlt n , it ir cai-rrie- , on to a tl r n.t '-" idr tl rll lie te'ntrie l t e u nit eId -irtlt. tri fIl, i The lattr country .m lem. to eXI l in il' i- Im'.- ri tir ll- in bti l ti l: rl hr tIholen in mur drihrk iln t i r tril a vea and ye very cld or arvppreT pretty 1 )i-' t io-slovh a re t md e =iil alt tor u sl ll c , in n i 11 1 eri4lh , 'd ca 1l I arde * t oiri orler" to " ow t tit t' e h'ia nd etlo ri 'he! lo .0 i tfit ibelx- i Con'ii 'ri r, l ow ' l ttenlltld 4l' hs to it S iht- h-ill ir onV air :ul re annl t tll ni4 ril-'O iu- h 'rt ', hir . i the tl'l ito i trill t hie -lt, th t't t L t t- . 4Th ' '1 414'l'o o lut I' y lio4liI'l' , antr 4 m.llst prove i s :11 a FrfC-e in i ,tnli.--t f11 r m1 ort r nal th,e 1 ted to h ason, do not change so absolut l in to that re lridl to llovet 2 to thnei oth 'r artice tf ii ar'-'i t dreass. otlronly f'l1;4 onte ltt le i remit n lY t hito unwho nged for qritsve angrt. M od, com1 - o r n pr111ti"ely, (!ut e wor i o t loteares f ro 14t.4' .- ort i ll I vl'l to lol, frolha ot1 bu.ltto- to % S. s, the . i ltl v tyli- are i till lhel in f"i' or II '1' it ' 1'.li " ii-i't, :ýnlc tre ',,:irl e . 'li t h 1htljl hIX44- Zr" e thl ri s that -inh t tiel f, r n rot h , whil'l4e' t'. Ii r', it ~ree al los s tllu tnileli tlr y ci:a le di, iurctly posed of in out-or-the-way ( ltces , where 'lrill- i ti'lai i frlel to tr' e lt sl tt 14 ly, or notl' 1 1= glove r' ' biniill." it r ht21 i' l ' p1i flln. 1 i of tlu- " iNo!'rae e 11h' T 1 it. 'Tphle S ae . ,i t11e A'r novel teleg11cr nryen s'achy hts upst been 4 tlor ic4' pal(d upon bb rth toulestof i on oing rI Scumits ana-its athe sireatuly of tilhe o rde. I t ,to Butor is to a, per t hold up ono te hig ee- , oakf of the RIocking i, a ill' t - i 'rva-t loves are marte t i ltriy. es"lrp ,-i'lttv t :14i it tl- aItiplie .a the hitrellt plrt of the 'itl i h hie iln thi e tobnh of nacln of hl. It i.jr to be thit ll aced an ap itfrthe colhation of .wisri gl rifoith. fcaims thletl these ao t :riaItd lo til'ts, lnd lt very gooi.d and merys pretty d leirh hih-gloves ahre charde awithltrs tlicae it utn~4 and that th r ldha t c uL stioyle " towreto - Sofkin ution gt th e oth p er, tly. complete ciruit r n a .i aderin by the fctriiend tatu.e aIo ntlat, be rclw it i lnon, furprotnoe that t ine to Si, the illiroundtlp are tnntll im ort( into 1 ltl Egld froi. Whethler "m1 e inhey ntor' vures thie riU s sonli dt hane so ar solu the in te regard to gloves of to ant other arti0cle orod ren. ot only di.I thne style lattermain rdhanged f otr quite releng plathta, tcoi rtlltie , Ino t done, hotver imposible itfrom itr. -ty gloves to l. g, few.o a1oe button to Six, the o mun styles re stilln helmed iut as F ithtl awaLe the Ist of te Preid1 vert m otertilly as it dTen plany o th e uh e for '. scoud "est," and sllct electricity at 0 p-or icts tha; ermld a fair profit wheile thno e Hons, -E. '', s p lesa ]o t eroticus Citie can. d - poe p.teof ih -oghe-say p oeswre to t oxtralsiven l t it ao. trt a afel i ih , to be, ai e r inelt letclari ms thatn tresete ora. Aw t ovet fil teahae h eatm ofrtllh-eai juds n lied fcrotwhe h upsinly chrbogh l toueles trtc it aihind hat the llesint of ho resid to rtoln iatoil atk aola r The ca of o lthe inrut o is n t erellt ma natupon Thee hahear nimerous bieronle howev, cut deep into the stone. The le of the ruins, alikea a e to thee t seC,. e ofPti 1iM pa rn~i . LIpn F o i teacsl oftlelietah b oer plhaexwtanve satans.r h n materIalty, caimssthat Itde away th t t which ott wiglye rha l ly wit bektrtity al nnihit the immli ertican or Cemplomt oof an d pn. coored Iprscns w1,tIn te knandaries. It Sirthlg ic namle Ily de lactrng that either thep Iki, te.L Contiptution. t ile i' tesutatesor thst taohe of Inzons thoud, be l tered; and athrnd him safe than upset te ctire countr, Indilaes ttrement has d is interetdl ryolverd to aidpst tie h.his twlve feetr lthrncav. o'al pl as -Itil aryin a re t o wals oa huises ti~ed he na or m ies dithlr the Crsac in trmoe urs-i ree-harmy.frstdyrov( oflo~ h USEFUL SLUGGETION C R.1 IVtR.nevR:Rn Initrie acid pollhtes the :tir ed with . by its vaporsF. a:1 ill sundllrly lbrateile'" of ii- ,... ''1h deitry. all: ijjariols ese'quiiecis ta i hi" I have ju Shvi:llatel ib tle free ue of amuonia. Thile vapor oft tile latter, combining with that F;rT 1: oft 1ie Ilntri aci1. formnn a eenDpounld .layne's which is inodorous alll inocuous. A NrEW use of paper is that of tonning Tr n it into window-slhutters. which are said ti t. ftil -proof. TIhe paper pulp, while1 wet, is preostd over a thin sheet irs '..r itt ",lte,. whit'h. ,ivtes body to the shutter. siun. : hileti the exterior form is obtained from I the itoulel in which it i- prssed. Tit t('ovr1E of canned article' r hould " I, ot that who they bhy a two xunitl atI Titi i. of fruit they get 21 ounce:. can ale al .odl- IP lun. ttet it inel h:1'. Itow onie epoundll leteei aa h.alf, inecling folir ounces of till, n :lll'le"L Ie r t ho sytieries' known only to tLaltiliuore' iis A Scane'-." '1'hi- is one of those fratl- siun. that conuiners lhotul stallp out inl short 'Tlig A eor ter, by reftitg to purchasi:e c:ats ite- .sua. I't - the " w"ight 2 poiund net for a 2 rY rl l'pound cn. i Sun. A u:GtNT writer-we know not who- I . t "i: ,Tf there's any one thing : more ,Sun, l tlrifill 'h i another 'iie a ga:dllen ef t w heat tl ht t git l ',is a e tatil girlt. with Ti it t suloutllciit eon her hi:eul. o wide and ca-t !Ue. illeriUs that o h:ave to get right squaiire 'iat ine fere le'r atiel pretty nte".L her to .ee t-e. N. Y ti, e 1'. u El, u'll : I chetit el r.f ti re reillt 'he i there if she is at tll acenstotel to garden-ii wal, Ial tlnd works. 'of hyicially, therel itll ' Tl Sle . . no ithi ll hiette r fotr eltighters. atil i11 its tir cie-eci fer many wiv "r, than to take coul l teeo l '" Pcr Ni atetl t: i e o e f te. h sittllect ti. t ttio'el'. of purifyineg water-a tact whie"i tIne t e i l l e , t e,' g. ereally knittii. ta- i il,- ... -po itf l of l vle,'rizel l: i tIt sprinkle..I e,, eel iet . a ihog-heal, ol water the' w:Lte'r sir- i.e-t 1 Ce i atit the aiuei time) will, alter a tiw eietl e. hetitre, y prect'ilpitatlili to lthe hottolll thli. t. : e intlmre paretiele". seo puirify it that it will :eletl ,:l Ie fellnl ti Io)e) itss t nearlyT thil 'r.itcs I i' tlid chirllet- of the lie's-t spLring water. e "r urr 1 º I" p iell cfnl, COltaiini(: liter gallolns. ay em at , , I.rr th.. following manner: 'el petaiolllls of TI I.i "her Atin l IU y aii iegeof sar of t lea' o, t-t ter erof aluh. ihlee. is then drawn oil and i ixe' t ' te: rwith 1e' I galbons of wa c whicl a l'tt il alit i inh-"las hac been dissolved. When wtilil ihcvr litpe 1,i thwe git. areil drOieed and tittir eda . rli x: re e dli-othti lie wirtwie ( w.ter ltle aui tiresi, ler Teht Tiat lih ntiit-tuec r.-Th1 tintll thet onrecit- l . to at eneP Proce kss of (leaning Ilothe-- 'f ly )'v)"r y dle-eripnion, aloll p. r e. with r:hbing. 1 trll) :tut! indngltlIi llb.g. saves Melt the labor t"41 an lols ustch le.t i s than the 1ordiinry. TI ter p rlCe-s. Tia'e 2 miner s of spirits of bert "r-" ie P'.rtine nilor n otleollt of anl ounc of e rt e it a peit of ;:&ilm, n i, and ix well rwo- oil :i li t" S de't'.hen put theit mixture into a ,ual 1ci' iel of i aril watfr. l w hich halt' a pound oflittle i in. ltlh Ith t !ltgity of haai eal p Ila Ihi"en dii - wl., or)es olv il. Into this ft- clothes are tunseis- wa is i- ed during the night, anti the next day ae iVnto I 'in dirt, t and inee ' li , d i l liti-lis tlo ',e t eta-' , ervedl. To mnake the spirits of u ::1 a was n. ammnouilac. dissolve sal anummoniac il h2 isale. per cent alhrolc.i er ipoly -Various powders. A-.. placed in till: teVL a'eV Prees e tlcacl ii't, l-'ecwth rtevhhi', e4 t liiin ,.I b g: or ori:ýimentedl envelop:., are aoreel - a.n ierell'.i, efaLe eetiidee -t llrt.irit-eifieltr e at pllil. to seill oand afilli of eon omitlc or tIi ives llloths as thy are packed away in drawell - I. t . r. heypreven extit oths. i'or tele lio tates. 1rig-root, one quarter pound of ground ,tc, eid bean orle rhounce vltmilnsh a lal, puone-half i ire'tty dh' Ian grait mulil k two drop.ell otto ofae- I 's ina m .nds mitx ihlt a ll by siftillr through a Ti Sto course teve. Thi s eils one lof te bel t sach ive to he ets.pillowe es aind towhe' deliiously. nino e For lavender powder. take one poted of Sinto por'e'rve' lavender, onke tiquarter poundiri of ri are gtun benzoin. and quarter of an ounce of a pirve itto of lavender. iovo r patchoull, use one Sth e h alf pound patchouli. This herb is often ly in sold in its natural state as emorted, and ele of is tied up in half-pound bundtes, sandal mainoly w-Variouo sachet powder is good&., acnd consistsk com- eof wood ground 'ine. Cedari , ant' whent from ground:il forms a boh n for other achet ti e sl ii rti be a pl'hin ce r tet hnttit hi t ell Lou to woois. and will ken O moths at a distance. favor Dried fennel, when ground,is awaylso used ra le the for this._ ilitih-. 'or lio- r tie a. tro I WiE'r, take o the aluri a uinel of nor ates..i ri-riett., one qtlarter pouted 1 fgroItet eroe leaves. two ouellces l-e. elew'erl lhioneqit lriit boeant on ounte vnmi la it lmei, on-half. li ietlu t iu itoll by statilthi therouelh anT r tho e hih've. Thi. i.n ne of t¶'ee bet iceh et s ever atide, Bad l rfutnea s tahclelthles, For rlveiid'r powhiders ea ke of o lnlte, and i intponwhreel ltventer, Couhitiurter potntiof and argtun thn zoint and p ,ruartein sof an ounce ofin venott of lavetlder . n a or pateteui, use o ne iset half olued patchOlii. Tiha herb is often lps micold ita o its oaftl thste as nporteel, anrt ,rourt ul wroq vitelr, aont e fotr obur soathes e tow o aer. aer.d wil ketpioth es at a disthenee. ar l)rled fennel, wnihen round, a airo used fp r irci te a-g. and dathboutnd nttem is liked di r the feer tiets purpose. o torders Tlta CONTie Y ndTIo TOi Bp E Ipti.r It.K r thei c otrcFnet-For th h ee rneof Lung Di, Sre:es itat one eoireelykow whicv to .ine. r ot lr wet el eonideee le thAlehr ieienl rofh t erties; bus t srrienal e lla3lel atinde caoesa the h meigh order and xtraordihary eie atev ols Al teery 'Ltnmg Balsam. that we are compebltel to hairearod erh emvidenes o oudr semae neo er ot dnCLrtly slt ter rnd iocueh and te colde and thias lITTER-eheOe Motieter t 'ontIftSol, we thi "iitoct hrelearte a nlrfe and certaine adt ure that is hnow efoarn te tp e mic. i vFor al by all Mediutite Dealers. brt aEXTRAORDINARY Ct'atys.--We havrealde N&Ios, many aeteona of the extobaore _na ry oeored tob by DR. WALKRgteI CALn'ORNCA VIxutlt o s rretts, which have e, ed lucredibe . 4 We rer inclined trelivs themt, as conym iiggeof those who vouch ire theM are persoatns e it.whorloe veracity we can gloo rat ter. The te ow newspaperos teem with teeienonald ows this Sulcharacter an there im an aior on hrtonu c lril anti of trdtth about them whieh can din-the VeNa;Ait nMsTeRS oIvther oh 1or er AhtE.LErAveR and Towic preparations. It er int contaius nonue of the burrniag Audw with wihoan moat advertised Bitrs are inmprt.g to teatetl. It cantof create Feover. Instad ie hot to const n the rb doctors, ha t coWncltlded. ur It i well hnown that Alcohol, even of the Iutah urest derimeoutii wellke ind nstionen houi 'thme tomheh ntted of br hani itad Is, tticdinary Bitters and Thnetures on mte weak eIn d n nerine ever flamed digestive ogan. Vi. ed -Git. BITmae, on the other had Sotes buthe stomach, is one oilthe miet trrile e tea pro- and elax the bowelsc. T. Wdtl nt is a reguao r lhysi an, rImd is rriemed iest avs. It te Joyust as much authorlty as poor vitamdl rr t tn < .na yive wunlo the utl tres a irr himrl affeci of t. he fl ert boottly. of eAf - N lo t tihny tae t ' disti-:ndt eor, fora IT it, ubon 'her. E - nt to tmthe grW a mles. tores daily thiein icetorwl bi uecta nmeeao F I i .R AN IItRITATEID TIIROAT. ('OC il! or (old. " JIrotrr's ronefhitl Trdti s" are ofer eid with the fullest eoniidence in thelir rtli:a .-y. They maintain the gooIl rpeputatioi they I have juetly :aclquiredi. 4-.T IhiIu OF A iCOLD AT ONI 1 Iby u'Iing tar. .Ilvne's gErpectlorant, a certain cure for all Pul ninary and 1irnnMcal Atflrtion-, TU.n WEILY SU . nSaly it a ase. I tIe. Tu"r B-sT FAMIJ.Y PArsa.-The W eekly N. Y. Lun. S pag.s. $1 a year. Send your oMilar. Tnia f.le-T AIIITLTurIAL 'Arepn.-The Welkly Qa N. Y. un. aluag . $1 a year. your; Tit IlE'T POLITICAL IAI'IEtt -rThe Wie,.- N Y. stun in tllvfindltt and allthulll. Again.t ighlih Plunder. a patges. $1 a year. S'I, your 1t:i1a "rite. lt.? NKn PAlIit.-Te W'etkly Ne'w y~ rk gun. " page.s. $1 a yeair. Sentt youl .u1 iar. No IIts. At. Til Ni:w.--l'h Wet.kly Ntew York i Sunt. Iages. $lS a year. Senl your Ioilar. - I Tt IBlT STonY PAriIt.-Thle Weekly N. Y. 3-'1 Suin. a lage. $1 a year. tend your iolltr. f 2 "llt. TI-T FA-tIIIO iºlE'ii.IT in the Wel.vl N Y. Sun. a pages. $1 a yeatr. Send your thl:har. TogI fIsT MARKET itREPORTSt in the Wr.kl3 N. Y. I Sun. a paes. $1 a ya:r. eatul your fil:r. i Tll. ll-T ('ATTr.F. RnIlntr- in Ihe Wet.iekl N. Y. , Sun. a page. $i a y ar. .senttd your l)Ilur. I., t' T"sK Ie T PAltl. ill Every -Rlt.snC.-TIhe W.ily , i' N. Y Sun. pIages. *1 a yetar. S-td y}our Ittllar. Ah Ires TITE t'N,. New York lcity. t1 .1 i- I usuti 1 T III ll.MII V.t ih-i: ME iN .ll. t onl With , .iti , fir-I lnt ' ve r irl >i i. , y-ir I Iu l l nll l t nlt1- .i . f it the lte woid. rftl " ev l. iIflein itt ott one .fi t in - I .I f ell ! iltl-Itt.t" : ll'.11 rll. -lll. lt Iof I 1 the , t - 1 int a-t o'.t t- itin t rtr , -it u. . . lihh b .t ::::- , •, t; i |" .,w Neul ,ireted ffort- ii : , , I- rIIf-l it- of a nulLwr of lil-r.El alu c ,111- i." W i' , ,it . i n'1. , Th"new , rat r ju-t ,. ianlir.. 1 , '.. h ll- . t:. t,' II terL -tI oflth, re"al: r frtl |,the tir t' l p I :ni : h ,'. il' L "i. I t hll,- w ,cl I I, n at irl" Isla-rl.u c· tr ilat -, :,ii 'r. -tl rt:sittiiing d,-e.rilp iou ,f -,an ," of it.' wodr- r 14, i ~ n}rll| ;. r t hl ntit" e Wh-i' n it' l v r :11. I fi, r t, , it l it.:-ii * tatit. we-h il i r N ll tiSl, s, lia i l,!: l: it -ee. \'., a sp-u imen (,,,fly fre'., or ,,1,H llr :a :t't . uh-rript," t" " T. .1. 1;l.31. 1:1l, Mhlwauk,' , -I T. a--.ti- war cloti..... at t.he , t nt4li .,: t i :' I .,f the 0 1,1 season Is ohly atn a t of (o'win on pr;. 1ir thnce. It-ll t sowl:'lthing more than this i1s ft ',ilrT " li to lit the thody l a state iof detti-ut" a;gia st hI , 11' e ta!trchlug:tlnl, sphnere of wt ut,.r. Iet.up hlas A t e- Iite pore--ll;;t , ttttion the vtit al torltltns tnid tlhe aIn i - 'i It - ri s . The attltnlltl t of lif t I p wer lairn ant of tith - - t| irn? et of is by the .hillfr . . . rapon. , ht'l . , l'ntlly load the air at this lp.rit :t of ti - ) Iar I " f 1 stery iesiderable, aind to Ithe wea.k niI la.e ih , ( l- ltheu y arL tlreui tly delett riiiut. 'ti pri t.t- th.t 1e ittf is tt lag iinst I their etl!i.ts, hI tii 'l i tr. I llts ) . i r to eli . r -gulated ar.1 re nf.r red, :o wella 1.4 !h"- aI itir etd outtwartly ly appropriate llarlents. T' il - :lly etial 'cers ie is moree safely and salt-Ifat'l-d!ly a,' It lr- r..wpllsils -I by the d sity uleos nosti tter'.S terin ':, iii Sof i i't'-r than by al.y ther liallllt within l ti prt . r - l 4)- itiof iit, " ltr al sti ce. The slel here Itat r el ,"i I. tIl i In introt ertiblt as a eul, ntstiratlon l ii latheilat i -ee. N% t. ly ! 1sp.ftei It. It 1 is A i :iliter iof iu - mtan heltief ait of getieral recortl. Hfre tl, ,-i ir e d i-llht lot- reste'i; but the pethltu, natt;rally len hor:u'. l walitll s to know w hy thy fata lluls rtlý'lt he .pc: i. 411" I no far aheaid iof all other ite.ticti-.. iof its .-Iss. F".4 This r-aon.Oikll arttil ly eat lie r.adilly grat!ilh I. ; rha Th l !itters co.iprise t11,h'e hiportant el emt.n t , t iz: i, .timulant, a tol ic, an spi , ,hnt, au-d a h11 ,, . it. I prent. tach of these cit oontimtt. tas well a-I ,.ach of tlh other suburlhiate lug:**dintns. Is the purn I atiti tItt. of Its kIltd. lh.y are itrop oriltn I ta el In actordancei with a fortimula that has it-ien lit -ilk ice f.r twenty years, andI operate hiartittltotiusly rtr anid sinmulltanolitly. len-:ce the ultfortiu IlCeis of Sfor the maedicine.l ia L THN wrltln to advertrllers piesrr mention tie Iname t -ti4 --par. 01utlA GHALLEIGE I-i- IL exteanded to the World r To place befcre theubllc itw tt Cc ogh or Lunu 1 ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM.: 1111 I warranted to break np the most trnhlinnhm 1 t14i of "-.luti I sit lltretllshl v iti mr e Pllna . T",r- t1i iti. rtitlt. nco of Iv.ttall show/ mlare eidernl C f reia iH:l:'lltlhla et lt il 51.t (I .\M for curingColi ullliuu , Cun g!l, -, O l t.- La ua, ICroup.cts. often It Aets en the Kidneya! , anti It Acts on the Liver! sd l Which makes it more tlhan. ( oilgh Iemetldy when LATEST EVIDENCE. ischet What well known Dralggtll of Trennesce ttnce. nay abot Allen's Lung Bllaam. Ped IIr fnlPiitELDt Te.nn., Fltt. .F 1~,. liked (;IEt LEME-: ith'-t"' al-Ip tSn oix diz. A.ýI 'f-r l.,tlilg t.ktlh.t. We hliave ntl a botttlitn tlle sito-i. It I -9 fu sr t,-t. poi:'ai beta In itvhl i:lr l3itinll ye Lus. i We c Itiia jt what we say. V .r ris T , i. , tlf ,!; &TALI ". I SE1. o li'' What the Doecteor ay. I prop ls. Wilson & Wardt. Physclans and Drun.lts,. s* wr'o fr aumi pm lsAllnl LuTng Balam. and It ells I itebiid rilidllY. We are Iprticf~lg, ph'tyiciall.t as well at yId, end Iyina do net rertmntend a medicne which hars on, we merit ; what they rsa abiut rertail AI.A'S LUNG BALSAM Can le tken ans afaet. Let alt attlcted tit It at once and tc couvlined of Itireai aierita. ii Li fartaltaait) tl he iiUlt delicate child. ere It Coluah no epilum iu Any oerm. tdibe. le not deerived. ('Cll fur ALLE'S LUNG BALe lltny .SAS., anld take no othti. IOr80sos hotetio n yecompma n each bottle. l J. H. ARRIS & CO., Cicinmati,0, h caOPRITOIS. iriority g'Sld y anrll Medlne D ealers r ot AGENTS WANTED FOR 1 Pot FOWLER]'S Insted GI6EAT WORK of the On nhoodeman abod t their tater-rela tlo -Loe. Is La , Powe.r etdc. res atre mitone n __Lka r s..SLlpertMetii sel.aE u t, w or. and and is, our n " tinrlIL lbniL3. with 45 Itllirlloan. ejnd fort" plf an ad lnrms. Adtrensa NA wak -EA - NECTAR i ali t •al' te. comSi Vubaa asand ee beft baseUNtoLtot IWCxmWe Iresalland hemt p'rs ~I ii s *135 Iern mro, r'k iIsns Al lTO sFAMlER . v i'w,.tttonti til t*a1tto ltet Clte. Call tfo itr . _ ian ACRUB L1bOlC PAltMINt (I 3i o .Ut1 vr Ih'lsul eoail aai n other iat. , fa. -ITtlk f i 3ouni ResN. t i creLdncIlnosewa ltrcsts-lend mmli (air ilss L 184t W'o ay ase of Clt tFtllht'. li't nt or Ie'1. ~':ures $1 O D tII t'til IIIt 51 Dflhli' Sot":to the a "ndlet ncure. It Ia prepareI e. f'i 0 t' Ml ,f.t subacrf _)'or kititllur OW NAT E lW-. 'r. b -u ir ])itt l'l t fi l itrita b ll"Trtinti tires'. it vry- n c lo l A0 c tuents Zan -93 ,C f- 6 %,o P" rnn rSi se1 k 1 Batcr' )"".. `"'ritl "I* It '.m I.-sia lilii t*'** it(Itii"n -r to t41811 l, ti 11' ti t. , ' l . _ ..1 11 tppl ~ ~oD ··r~in cnc l 1"a.F :1? Ci. ýT licU 11i orse and C attlt.pow dCrS. *Til. r tp LIrlt'"r ivrt¶'llt fr'ilram 111 t t:ll't - r. ~I ! i ·' I "' 1 . , b ' I' . 'A.I u. 101. i i ropritor1. "- T &(.. . It~:re " ; tI MTIEI!! 9 ~' I'r fltt ,t t t: ia· poi::Iit 1.:l \it . WiT 11 OWi4~LOTI% . 11 LtL'P111 j1.i.r 1,L ta Grpit ý.In h Hone.s anIr. W in d C ol. :n · 1- t" . 1, · , nc"1 rl a , aix..I XiS.t WI1SL" W'1 5OT :n 1,Y:".. ~~ ilcHha lIinl l th'fl tt!ltll of "UIIS 'E l'c uc r ·et 4".". i mIen d r IitiF. i u '+ c " Sat 1 itrt f GDALh .t ' i. .rii itt'fl'.~~ 1:1;i1. - ll :1 :"zi~ '* f S tnt,. ' ailtr - ut i.. . 1ittij*'l t a. t ". (1l UT rpJ()TT ."+8 of B1tL1'10R1: 11d ork 'and aud sen S ('..(tia Fo:: a- tiket. anti raw War- i. .tk.Sii I'U' i· :r· I. ýiT" ;)- :l^:'tn '' -."m r/I itI t,"11th. i niitiel f nw(ltii li:,jtrii i, ·- k~ii. Ai~ : )uW I r. f rilli iy u'i* · ft.. ? on i ct , .4 - a~icie I~r I ~, 13Sl aeItaSIIY'. --~t ela e E l at new umtoi f anillt ade L a o s M . 1O T I I E n ar S a a O THh i S ' i IiVmc SoS it tlt n. I M mtnr a't tall to Procure 3a- I Y B. iat..I. 2·i F OieTII iV 4. itI.EPl a UIIIL. tES TEi T I .ii ( T £16I - -ILNATI I t J i IN rII1li ýt. lI l ta, i .AdIrS E IU : 1!11.! tI.. (arilI i i.. 1. I 1j n l . I' Ii-ut.; I ;I n-gb I IF. !W-tru rt:A s'm A1;y. V Gripingint le Bowes wll WindColic k. ItLa ý 1 ELerT f tttoI.Te Aý 1a:7 T')N. .L1111. IN VA LWAKLV 1 1.'Ci ti e 'inI' (tutp era,~· ---- . _____ t __ d l' ii * . & iah o i'rIBn . lt ~