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VOL. Vo--NO. 14. RAYVILLE, LA., SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1873. WHIIOIE N). N 221 -.inn1 ("1."t cr annum; 'r
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' v r fleOUSO Nelect;or
h -1 _ _____
u'y ho 3,,au C.,n,." fron yo oA s
u i.',,r r' ,mantag
' cklittl. mn,: , I. .t talking to me,
ntnind an t. ,alicon wn,
Thi shoul,! I tral what is it you -e,
atrc . u in me?
' Your Iare'
far ..mg aol dlture have placed yon so
On v . llIfe's lv, l. I 'rv can look
" " Atrqwghtnevs as unt.. hl light of a star
dAn liak ua somne little wiltl-lower from ito
And ve none chide the look.
"But if astar drop from the cky for a lower,
E)l ye think that no creatore wall wonder or
Or ii a lower fancy that It had th,. p,.I
To climb Isto star-land, will nI, ~,,. .eride?
et a lower may have pride,
A ad, clothdwithhumllity, beautyi, andgrae,
reButny mar look vein the race of a star
An' say, never a star id the havens m Iy p
B ut a m ee if to ul tOUlre and w ealth I W s bo r ,
And ao perfect ha I n ys u btatio e
"A r wha dto h I care t my culture," he said,
:or tha it may give me the power to discern
Araco :tnd h ncI·rr: Aad you, though you may
on iltl wi( lrng enough to pleae me if you
But my love to rear.
"For never a tar id the hea aeao ao I
tanori a in to culture ad wealth I was boarn,
The wall. of my mawsina, so bare andso hWh,
And trail over in scorn."
"Arose! Idid well when I pokeof a lower,
For that is what women mst still e to wna;
, oveted, gathered, ad treasured an hour
Let fall in the dust, to be trampled then
Iy the feet of all men!
'And you-though I thInk you woul d old ma
some higher-.
Admire e tbe, anm graced saod Air,
And o, wouldo r t and tram plat me eatire;
On he al, of your ore I would have, for
my oe n e
But o shine ad to bar.
'An. havLag ed of these wellm I woud have do
And yeu, you woo d give me oiet for yoImur
For s.au itto leHo on woald give me-a tall;
A roar that i dswere with a warm human
Would fain lea or .heat.
'Sn thena,t ldli Tln e n paisofalower,
For I a no alower, bat a woman, my heart
D u one sle Ia Mses , and it needs no boer,
hout only a bowne woce, adornment, and art,
Ofw a thoe are sm al part.
Ant only the love between equals is tre;
If you, on a level, to-day, by my sde
tol ayin, 'Give back the love I give to you,
es nee oft each othler,' y heart and my
tapkng idh his tochr d hin f t debe
oth cwouldbe satiaed.
"I could not look up were you mine, nor permit
YHu, the to look down d Iatter by far
I tay in the station fur whie I am at,
wou shie in your h abi heaven stil as a star
It is litter by s , e.
Tnauu was once an aeronaut with
whom things went badly; the balloon
burrst tumbled the man out, and broke
into bitr. His boy he had two minutee
b.'fore sent down with a parachute-th t
was the boy's luck; he was unhurt and
went about with lknowledie enough to
make him an aeronaut too, but he had no
ballos.n and no means f acqu ringt one.
But live he must, and so be applied
himself to the art of legerdemain and to
talking in his stomach; in fact e ae
-aiftol a ventriloquist, as they say. le
was young, good-l, ding, and when
he got a moustache and had his
bat clothes on, he couid be taken for ano
bleman's son. The ladies o emad to think
well of him; one young lady even was so
taken with his charms and his great dex
rein parts. There be called himself Pro
afesor-er, could scarcely do rles.
His constant thought was bow to get
himself a balloon n go up Into the air
with his little wife, but as yet they had
no means.
" The y'll coae yet," id he.
o" if only they would," said she,
",We areyo fol kLs." said he,"and now
I am Profsor.' M n helped h faIthfhlly,
sat at thedoor and sold ticketsto thebex
hibitlon, and it was a chilly eet of s
ure in winter tis. She alsoheil heim
in the line of hist d ale put hs wifein
a table-drawer, a lee tabledraw the te
she crawled into the back part if the
drhawri, and sa was at in the Font prt,
-quite an eptal illusion to the audience
But one evening whe ne drew tbe drawer
out. she was aIa out of sight to him: shes
was not in the frot drawer, nor in the
back one either, nor in the house itself
nowhere to be seen or heard-that was
terfesat of lesrder.an,her enmtertainment
She never easme back ain; she was tired
oftand al, d egrew tired of It, losthi
heghd~-mreed ou not lalug or ee
owke--and so the people stopped om
in. his arnin becam rsmnty, his
clothee. gTe ut; Cad in mlly he only
ATd he dress the fola arn taueh It to
phe rarm. to predseit ams and to re aS
cannon o w-but It was a tltle tamoa
The Presor as pred e thele ad
ad the ea ws poudo hs I f e had
leoned sre t. hig a ,ad a~dPha
blood, and sebaesidtes tot larg
est dties, had brn be wase tp b
was aery moru l b atiad c uld se
port a poon. mad his eatire dpsly.
Thes fdla was poend a a, ana d aet
whe no b y he a e ,elor trave d they
took fourth-aes arriad e oaths uflway,
They lr e bealbef end otherd het
was a priathe eage dt I woldd
aid mhy a oIf h~im!"
Pofessr. dawdoer Thatm. er iut sl
" he en as as the best u bd" tmid
the Prtefsser, "ther -o ought d nd
ndthabtotraa secd witsl, Atlhut
he had trald omr all euatriesacpt
the wild ones, mad son h wantd to go
there. They at Chrisan n them,
to be sure, tshe Proessor Lnew, but the
he wa atprcpely whristla and twe l
tow waythelr.r,, adfreat o tb mak
counyt Here roell d ba title Prin
cess. She was hery e uIth yenrd,
way tih power Le m h e fl nher wand
,lust as soon as fe fe hd prnted
reraptrre n with him that he sid, "Him
hut y shall dto what I want you to, or
else 'llkill you and eat the Professor."
The Professor had a great hall to live in.
The walls were made of sugar-mne, and
he could lick them, but e was hot a
sweet-tooth. He had a hammock to sleep
in. It was as if he were loin in a bal
loon, such as he always wIshed for him
self that was his c"nstant theught.
The Sea lived with the Princess, sat
upon her delicate hand and upon her
whie neck. the had taken a hair from
her head and made the Professor tie it to
the flea's leg, and so she kept him tied to
the great red coral drop which she wore In
her ear-tip. What a delightful time the
Princess had, and the esa too, she
thought, but the Professor was not very
comfortable. He was a traveler; he liked
to crive from town to town, and read
about his perseverance and cleverness in
teaching a tes to do what men do. But
he got out of and Into his hammock,
Iouned aboutand had good feeding, fresh
b. g, eephant's eyes ad roast
gira.e. eople that eat men do not live
entirel on eooked men-no, that is a
great deley.
"Shoulder of children with sharp
sauce," said the Princess's mother, "is
the mant delicate."
The Professor was tired of it all and
Sould rather go away from the wild land.
but he must have his flea with him, for
that was his prodigy, and his bread and
butter. How was he toget hold of him?
That was no easy matter. He strained
all his wits, and then he said,
"Now I have it."
"Pri. ees's Father! grant me a favor.
May I summon your subjects to present
themselver bwfore your Royal Highness?
That Is what is clled a Ceremony in the
haighi m hty countries of the world.
"Ca I, C ý to do that?" asked
the Princess's father.
" That is not quite proper," replied the
Promor; "bu tI shall teach your wild
Fathership to aire a cannon of. It goes
ofwith a bang. One high up alot,
and then of it goes or dow ,e comes."
" Let me crac it off!" said the Prin
cess's father. But iq all the land there
was no cannon except the one the Sea hid
brought, and that was so very small.
"I wil cast a bigr one!" said the
Professor. "Only ge me the means. I
must have fine ik stuff, needle and
thread, rope and cord, together with cor
dial dropsfor the balloon they blow one
up so easily and gve onqe heaves; the
are what make the report In the caMon s
"By all means " said the Princess's
father, sad gave him what he called for.
All the court and the entire population
snme together to see the great cannon
east. The Professor did not summon
them before he had the balloon entirely
ready to be filled and go up. The Sea sat
on the Prineess's hand and looked on.
The balloon was flled, it bulged out and
wold scarcely be held down, so violent
did It become.
"I must have it up in the air before it can
be ooled of," said the Professomr, and took,
his eseat In the ear which hung below.
' But t cannot manage and steerit alone.
I must have a skillfulcompaniou along to
help me. There is no one here that can
to that except the fea."
"I m not very willing to let him," said
the Princess, but still she reached out and
handed the fea to the Professor, who
placed him on his hand.
" Let go the cords and ropes," he
shouted. "Now the balloon's going."
They thought he said "the cannon," and
so the balloon went higher and higher, up
.bove the clouds, far away from the wild
The little Prince all the family and
the people at and waited-they are wait
ag still; and if you do not belleve it, just
ake a journey to the wild land; ever
:hild there talks about the Professor and
he Sea, and believes that thyarecoming
aeck when the eannon is coled off; but
hey will not come, theyare ar home with
as, they are in their native country, they
ravel on the railway, first dals, not
borth; they have good sucess, a great
Uloon. Nobody ass how they got their
ailoon or whereit ame from: theyre
ich folks now, quite respectable folks,
edeed-the Sea and the Professor!-Hans
_risfiet Anders, in isr ic r's for April;
Ix reply to the ueo how long a
cme shold be reg as e minimum
obe spent in bed I each twenty-four
hours? the Lasedt says: We are of course
speaking of adults; and we think we may
ple the minimum at six hours for men
and seven fbr women, with an additional
hour, or even two, being taken whenever
it is practicable.
Then as regards night-work: how far
s that spem ily prediidal ? We believe
that forthe ymarng Is it s really Inajurious,
by he m.iret et of hs bag dlght-work;
but for those whoas rmm are con
oidated we greatly dosbtl f itbe at all
Injurious, per ms. But the ame sundry
iondtions Inexorably requring to be
baeved, if nIhttek histo do n harm.
First of :il, the must be so curtailment
f the allowane of bed above mentioned
ad this allowance ofrepmsamt be taken
l•a contiuosa mina. A ma who
works up to4 a m. eu aer that lie
in bed ll 10, ad, it poeIe sead getd
m additlonal hour's sl ad a meal
ter It. K Secadly. the Igby w behhe
works at ight should very white,
powerfhl and teady, ad hewi c are
ally concentrated,y a gre shade, on
hi hoos orea Ip; lasnust, Illeker
leg. or to Ibght Is ems of the
-ost serous eares of the braln-rrlintlon
wri aflicts nlhth-werhers.
Accomamo to Jewish and MYoham
ede·a tradida, lng Slemn, who was
wise beyond all other men, knew the la
of imals, ad eould talk with the
othel o M sad the birds of the air.
A Rabbieal story is tol4 of him, which
-in'this wise:
"One day the kinrode out of Jerusa
lem wilth a grt retnu. An sat-MIl ly
hnetlyi.hispath. ad Solomon hard
one of them say. 'His fatterers call him
wise, ad j~St, and meremfal, but he is
beout to rideover u ad rmush as with
-Aad iZQs n Qwm of She
bra, who rode with him, what the ant
"And the qumea Id ar, 'Be is
a- taeolet us MOidg ! It is a bet
tsr tfaste ths he derve, to be trodd.n
nder our bet.'
"Blt tiejoma amid: 'It is the prt of
wisdom to larn of th lowea ad k
ust.' And he commanded bhis train to
tarn side and spares the atbill.
"Thea all the courtiers arveld aret
ly, nlid the Queen of Sheba bowed her
head and madb obelaw e to Blomon.
"'Now know I the meret of thy wis
dom. Thea listeneth as patiently tlo the
mproaehes of the humble asto the flat
erles of the great.' "-- Iittir.
clean woolen garme'ts, take a rough
sponge, dampen at well with weat soap
sode, and rub the spots thoroughly. Try
it. I
Hme-lade Beook-Shelves.
Amoxo the ohjects that are most easily
made, and that afford the greatest con
veldence, are book- shelves. When a f:mi
ly possesses a hundred volumes orso
and most families own as many as this
the books are a source of a constant an
noyance. When they are allowed to lie
on their sides on tables, if we wish to con.
suilt one we are frequently obliged to toss
over the whole of them; they accumulate
dust, and get shaken, soiled and injured
generally, all which might be avoided by
the use of a few simple shelves, and these
may be easily made of very cheap ma
terial and very simple construction. The
best material Is pine, since it is cheap and
easily Worked. It is not generally known
that a plain pine board, If stained and
varnished, may be made to look very like
mahogany, rose-wood, or black-walnut,
and the process of staining is so simple
that any housewife can perform it. We
know a lady who has stained and var
doaene of pine shelves that her husband
has dltted up during his leisure moments,
and to-day they look as if they were ma
To stain shelves a mahogany-color
take a pound or two of logwood chlps and
boil them in water, so as to make a strong
decoction. We have foun a that this gives
better results than can be .,b ained by
uling extract of logwood. Wet the board
throughly with this decocti n; when
dry it will have a reddish-yellow color,
and must then be varnished with what Is
known as spirits of shellac varnish.
This varnish can be bought ready
made at the paint shops, but we
prefer to make It by dissolving good shel
ac in alcohoL Put a quantity of good
shellac Into a wide-mouthed bottle, cover
It with alcohol, cork the bottle tightly,
and let it stand until the shellacsis dis
solved. No skill is required in the appli
cation of this varnish, which dries very
rapidly, and forms a hard glossy coating
on the surface of the board. When dry
the shelf must be carefully smoothed off
with sand-paper and again varnished.
The second coat will give a very bright
appearance to the shelf, but if we sand
paper it before applying the first coat the
staining will probable be removed in
spots and the shelf will not look well.
An application of the sand-paper after the
second coat will still further improve the
finish of the wood; but this, of course,
involves a third cost of varnish. By add
lug the least quantity of alkali, such as
washing soda, to the logwood decoction,
the will be madetoresemble roes
o. In all eases, however, the shelves
do not acquire their proper tone for some
months; but if well done-that is, If the
decoction be strong, the varnish thor
oughly applied, and all roughness re
moved by means of the mad-paper-at
the end of a year nine persons out of ten
will take them for mahogany or rose-wood,
as the case may be. Every fiber of the
ine bhows so that the grainls as ppasret
ma if the shelves were made of hard wood
and polished. The appearance is, there
fore, greatly superior to.that of any ordi
nary painted work, and the process Is so
simple that no intelligent housekeeper
need dread a fallure. We have now in
mind a set of shelves prepared In this way
by a lady whose husband, although not a
mechanic, fitted up tne wood-work as at
amusement during the winter evenings.
and they compare lvorably with much of
the cabinet-work that we lind in market.
-Herper's Baser.
The Disabled Cable.
Tea late tidings of the silence of the
Atlantle cable of 1805, while causing tem
porry uneasiness, ought to raise no fear
or its ultimate restoration. It may be
there are yet some vital lessons for the
icentific world to learn before our great
ransooeanlc telegraphs are secured froma
trerruption; but every ray of light that
has been brought to bear on the feasibility
long cables is cheering. When the cable
f 1865 was laid, It was only after it had
Sen subjected to cruelal tests and proved
o be many times more perfect than had
been required. Sir William Thomson and
1r. Varley, who represented the Alantic
Company, and tested the mighty strand
is it lay coiled in the Great Fastern, re
ported that the current of electrielty pass
ed through it so fully that, "of one thou
mand parts over nine hundred and ninety
nine car'. out a,t the other end." The
ralvanometer enabled its inventor, Pro
.tesor Thomson. to detect the slightest
law in the cable or fault in the current.
and when the first monition came that the
ta rent was not flowing freely, the spot
In deep ocean where the injured or defect
ive piece lay was instantly fixed upon.
ln tisocasion, and subsequently, when
a piece of wire not longer than a needle
was found to have been driveu through.
the oater cover, and as when a nail driven
Into the North Sea cable had destroyed its
Insulation, the mischief was traced to hu
man hands, During the Great Eastern's
ovage from Valetia, Bay exquisitely sa
riive was the copper strand that the ele
triceians at Valentia could tell by the in
leatioums on the mirror galvanometer, In
omparably sensitive, every time the big
hi rolled. The final fracture of the ca
,le, when the shores of Newfou dla, d
were almost In sight, was also traced to
mdalleloa inaterretnce with itin the ship's
hold, and not to any magnetic storm,
"sweeping wildly acros it, with the fury
of a voteless tempest," as a London pea
per explained itsa sileance. There are no
known diflbalties in the submarine geog
raphy itself IlIkely to a the eble of
16 or ny other, sad we my ~dbel con
dent that any Interruption to its workinr
,annot be more than temporary.--l. F.
Jury blsem.
Tax dllculties that surround the my.
tem of trial by jury are exciting more and
morae the attention of English jurlists.
Even so great adsuthority as the Attor
ney-General, Sir John Coeridge, has
been eulited on the side of redlea reform
inthate direction. He has recently Intro
duced a bill to reform the procedure In
jury ases. The amendments that bepro
peare , we believe, too sweeping to
na faver in conservative Engnd Frst,
he propose in all except apital cases to
do sway with the ndeent twelve jury
men, and to redune that spostolec number
to seven. Ofthese sevenamasjorlty are
todetejnlne the questions tb sue; and
tbe trall togoon even though twoof
teseJureo sjould be abmnt ~o aek
ms. Certadnly thi would doaway wish
now sam the meaa of so muh vesation
sad eapase to suitors. It wouald lso
greatly dimdash the burden of lry duty,
and make it umnecessary to summon the
lrge panes now required. On the
other ead, the opponments otbe bill in
sist that is woald lodge too much power
in the hands ot four men, and that the
briby of jurors would be rsorted to
more frequently tbma at prment. Wat
ever the fate of Sir J. Coleridge's bill, it
isprobable that at he very distant time
the method of trial byjury will be modi
tl'd both in England aid in this country,
at least in e.i!/ ca·es. By making the
agreement of ten m'.s ."afthcient the obsti
na:te or pnrharc-d tweifuh juror who ap
pears in so many case.- would become an
unknown c:uanti!ty. It is undeniable,
however, that to do this would be to over
turn a fundamental principle of English
jurisprudence which has survived the test
of many centuriesofpractical application.
-N. Y. San.
A Remarkable Slander Suait.
A REMAnRABLL slander suit brought to
recover $50000 damages is now ln pro
ress in Lexington. Ky. In September.
171, Jacob and Betsy Harper, brother
and sister of old Joln Harper, the famous
racing man, were brutally murdered in
Oeorietown, foqrteen miles from Iax
ington. and runors gained currency that
one Adam Harper, a nephew of theirs,
was implicated in the crime. Adam Har
per accuses another member of the fami
ly. J. Wallace Harper, ofbeing the author
of these reports, and it is against him
that Adam has brought this slander suit.
There are two counts in the petition for
damages, and to both of them theadefend
ant sets up a denial, though he declares
that he is still constrained to believe the
prosecutor guilty, and shall so continue
to believe until the latter proves to the
contrary. The plaintiff has already pro
duced a cloud of witnesses who have tes
tified in the strongest terms to his Irre
proachable character, while for the de
fense another cloud of witnesses have
borne equally emphatic testimony to his
genteral worthlesanes. But in addition
to the evidence regarding character, tes
timony has been elicited which shows
that the plaintiff In the case was very per
sistent In his attempts to foist the guilt
of the murder on inn-,eent negroes. It
is said that Betsy and Jacob Harper were
worth several hundred thousand dollars.
and that although there were money and
valuables in the house when the mur "er
was committed neither- was touched,
while the wills of Jacob, Betsy, and John
were stolen. Adam Is one of four neph
ews who would have been the heirs of the
old people in case of their dying intestate.
and it is asserted that his name had been
omitted from the missing wills.-N. F
Do what you can to make sunshine in
the world. Lift up the curtains. We do
not mean the eirtalns of the room, but
the curtains which darken the spirit of
your brother, your friend, your neigh
bor, or even of a stranger, if the curtain
strings are within your convenient reach.
Lift up the curtains, and let the sun
shine In. Light is better than darkness,
and how cheap it is! A kind and cheer
ing word to one wbo is in trouble and is
perplexed, and almost discouraged; a
word of heartfelt sympathy to the affict
ed; a loving word of counsel to the
young; a word of assurance to ,he doubt
nlog; a "soft word which, though it but
ters no parsnips, turneth away wrath,"
to the prejudiced and unreasonably pro
voked ; all such words as these are sun
shine to those to whom they are spoken.
"I have never found anything else so
cheap and so useful as politeness." said
an old traveler to us once. lie then went
on to state that, early In life, finding how
useful It was, frequently, to strangers, to
give them some information of which they
were in search, and which he possessed.
he had adopted the rule always to help
everybody he could in such little oppor
tunities as were constantly offering in his
trave's. The result was, that out of the
merest tridles of assistance, rendered in
this way, had grown some of the pleas
antest and most valuable acquaintances
that he had ever formed.
How many great men have testlfed that
their whole lives have been influenced by
some single remark made to them in their
boyhod! And who cannot recall words
spoken to himself in his childhood, to
which, perhaps, the speaker attached no
importance whatever, but which sank
deep and immovably into his memory.
and which have never lost their power
over him?
Make sunlight! the world at best is
dark enough. Do what you can to make
it more ch erful and happier.-Exehange.
Beauty of Old People.
MXx and women make their own beanu
ty or their own ugliness. Lord Lytton
speaks in one of his novels of a man
" who was uglier than he had any busi
ness to be;" and if he could but read it,
every human being carries his life in his
face, and's good-looking or the reverse as
that life has been good or evil. On our
features the fine chisel of thought and
emotion are eternally at work. Beauty is
not the monopoly of blooming y ung
men and of white-and-: ink maidens.
There is a slow growing beauty that only
comes to perfection in old age. Grace be
longs to no period ofa:e. and goodness
improves the longer it exists. We have
seen sweeter smiles from a lip of seventy
than upon a lip of seventeen. There is
the beauty of youth and the beauty of
holiness-a beauty much more seldom
met, and more frequently found in the
arm-chailr by the ire with grandHildren
around his knee, than in the ball room or
promenade. lbaband and wife, who
have fbght the world aide by side, who
hrave made eommon mtock of joy and sor
ow, and aged together, are not Intfe
quently foaund eurioasly alike in personl
,ppeasees, rand in pktch sad tone of
a se--it as twin peb s oa the beh,
xposed to the same tidal Influesaes, are
ach other's second self. He has gained a
feminine something, whleh brings his
manhood into full relief. She has gaed
a measculinae something whieh acts as a foil
to her womahood.--Ld's Maagesia.
Activity of the Im h S leep.
Undoubted proof has been adbded that
the energy of the intellect is sometimes
ster durlnag sleep than at other times,
and many a problem, it is asserted, has
been solved n sleep wbhich has puamzled
the wakiag sense. Cabals tells us that
Prranklin on several ocaions mentioned
to him that he had been asisted in dreams
in the eonduct of many ardhirs it which he
was er ed. Coadillae states that while
wrtingliCourse of Studies he was fre
qntu obliged to leave a chapter ineom
lte ad nd etire to bed, and that on awak
ing hefound it, on more than one oea
so. anished La his head. In likel manier
Coadoreet would somedtmmes leave his
compliested calculatlons auninshed, and
after e ring to rst rwoald fand their re
mlts nafolded to him in his dreams. La
Fotalae and Voltaire both composed
vanes tlheir saleep, whicbh they coud re
peat on awakLing. Dr. Johnslon relates
thatb he eas la adremam had acoatestof
rwLt with some other pern, and that he
was very mueh mortded by ima~ nlng
that his antagonist had the better ot him.
Coleridge in a dream compowdel the wild
and beautiful poemof Kubla Khanu. which
had been suggesttd to him by a passeag
he had read in Purchas's Pilgrimage be
fore be flH asieep. On awakling he had ia
distinet recola of betweer 900 and 300
lines, anad. taklangwriting materials. began
eagerly to set them down. UnfortunaMtey
he was interrupted before a quarter of the
tsk wa- done-was called away to atrendl
to some business which detained him an
hour-and found when he returnedm to his
writing that the rem inder had vani.heal
from his memory. Tha most remark ible
testimony of this kind Is perhaps that of
Sir Thomas Browne, who declAred that,
if it were possible, he would prefer to
carrl on his studies in his dreams, so
much more elfficient were his faculties of
mind when his body was asleep. lie
further adds that were his memory as
faithful as his reason is then fruitful. he
would prefer that season for his devotions.
A WeaderflI Exploit.
Os March 3, 1868, a train on Benning
ton and Portland Railroad was snow
bound about threeourths of a mile from
Shaftabury. The weather was intensely
cold; there were no provisions on the
train; fuel was nearly exhausted; night
was approaching, and the situation began I
to look desperate. Mr. Hills' two small
children wese with him, and one of them,
too young to be led with arguments.
clamored for something better. The sn
perintentknt of the road, Mr. F. C. White,
was on the train, but strange to say, the I
snow wouldn't clear the track for a rail- 1
road king. In his helplessness he was
entirely at a loss for any means of relief.
until Captain Hills, without instruments i
of any kind, except the wireon the poles.
rosed, nevertheless, to telegraph to t
Rutland. The superintendent was in
credulous, but Captain H. quickly cut the I
wire, and communicated with the officers
of the road at Rutland, merely striking I
the ends of the wire together-thus mak
ing and breaking the telerraphic circuit c
as he would have done with the key of an f
ordinary operatinf instrument. An a
engine was Immediately sent to the re
lief of the blockaded train. But the en- I
tire operation required the receiving, as e
well as the sending of messages. This t
was the crucial test of Capt. H:Uls' inge- c
nulty, skill, and nerve, and, until this was r
accomplishel. the superintendent and a
passengers felt no assurance that the mes- 1
sage sent had been intelligibly commu. e
nicated to the officers at Rutland. Strik- i
ing his wires together. he wrote to the t
operator at 'Rutan t, as follows :
tProuble, Answer slowly. I am work- t
Ing without an Instrument; I will receive t
your answer through my tongue." He m
touched the frosty wire to his tongue, ,
with the same result, at first, as that en- d
toyed ',y the boy who undertook to lick c
the frost from his skate-steel, but found a
that the steel knew more about licking
than he did. The wire wouldn't let go ,
antil it was warmed, and then kindly took >t
the skin off with it. So the wire was
lengthened and carried intotheear. After
it was warmed, Captain H. received the
messages by putting one end of the wire
above and the other end under his tongue I
mnd letting the' electric current pass
through it, when bhe was able to read by t
the succeseesion of sharp and somewhat f
painful electrlc shocks. His success was i
perfect-and he not only senta and received t
nes-ages for the superintendent but for I
everal of the passengers. The only ill e
3onsequence of the exolit was the total r
loss of taste which Captain II. suffered (
For several days afterwards.-Aicago t
Nibuae. t
Decadence of the Prie Irlg. f
AND now even Lord O'Bildwin, the I
gigantic smasher, has set his face sternly
against the prize ring. It is too vile a s
rhing to receive his support. He has u
tiven it a patient trial, and at last is forced t
to throw up his hands with an exclama- t
ton of disgust. O'Baldwin has suffered I
much for his profession since coming to
America. He has borne imprisonment I
like a martyr, but the fail terrors could
not drive him from his high and holy a
mission. He cared not for prison bars so
long as his friends rallied around him in
the brief days of his liberty, and applauded
him as a heroic representative of he man
ly art of self-defense. But when these I
friends turned against him, and with r
cowardly blows struck him down in a
ring where a rude kind of chivalry and
physical manhood were presumed to go a
iand in hand, the proud heart of O'Bald- i
win was touched, and he resolved to suffer
martyrdom no more. From the jail at I
Steubenville the Irish pugilist sends forth a
a manifesto closing with these portentous ,
words: "Since prize-ighting no longer e
deserves the name, and the question at is
sue is not who 14 the best man, but where t
he was born, and if his nativity does cot
su.t, what other means can be adopted, t
even to murder, if necessary, to prevent
his defeat I abandon forever the prize
ring to such men as Riley, eohegan and
their cowardy tools." This isad, and
ret it is cheering. Sad for the reason that
D'Baldwin should have wasted so much
dfa vlorous life in a cause which be is
forced to confess is without manhood or
honor; and cheering because the retire
ment of the Irish giant from the ring
rives rise to the hope that prizeighting t
has seen its best days in America. When
he ring beoomts solow as to be branded
s the synonym of thievery and cowardlee
by a professional bruiser llke O'Baldwin,
rhen let us trust its indeed pst redemp- 4
ion. Having retilred from therin in di
ust, we are a little bit curious to learn
mow Lord O'Baldwin proposes to make
himself usefal. Will he carry a hod, or
runa gin mlllt-lirf, Feld sad Fans, t
Ws are aorry to record that the women a
employed in .the Treasury Department a
have been accused a a body, both on the
boor of Congress and elsewhare, of beia t
loose and immoral in their character. It I
Is doubtless true that some improper
women nave beea employed in the Tresa
sury. It would be mido if out of so
many women aemployed it wereotberwise,
ander the former shmpe t sytem oftp 1
poatment, But th mor than ualineon
siderable propot are otherwie than
iruouys wemeeM ,sl (
salantance with the eta The s im
truthis that these women as a class m
vastos, a modest, as intll tas
repetbleuand as mdisreet and ldy-lile
In their demeanor as the ladiesof any
cormuonity of which we know, ad that 1
even the few who coneatitute the unafortu
nate exeptionsa to tills eneomlum are
coaell, by the force of the common
ament af btbh men and women In the
Department, to conduect themselves di
eetly and ply while there.
Coald teir l itraduers ivitit the
Department ad obsrvee ti ~mertet
of the woman eerkas,day aer dy' l emid
they me them at their fatigulfa emoy
meat; id they know that mostofthem I'
have ither childre or youn brothers
and uistrs or aged and la parents
dependena t apo them br support; that
smany of them lost the sm arm which
they had hoped woul ?d-theam frm
want and miery durinag the st war, that
manv were the.mse'lves on the -eld of bat
tkle or in the ho-pital. ministering, as only
woman can, to the sicek, the wounded and
the dying, and that most of them if de
prived of their positions would have
scarcely any other resource for the sup
port of themselves and families tban the
charity of friends or of the world, we are
sure that an end would be put at once
and forever to the de traction of the women
who earn their bread by hard labor in the
Tr,-amlurv Department. - .Seribner's for
Ap, i/.
Ta. phlrnix was raised in a hot bed,
and that'< what ekea him soar.
To have a good chance for longevity,
an originally good constitution-that is
a sound internal me %halism-is of im
mense advantage; though to this primary
excellence we must nedi add carefulness
in the art of living. Even philosophy
does not wear men out, unless when their
constitutions are naturally weak. Vol
taire, who, at his hirth, was put into a
quart-pot. could never, by any other mode
of lifit than the on.- he chose, have been
floated on to eighty-four; whereas no one
was surpbed to see Theophrastus tod
ding about the Agora at a hundred and
seve,. or Democritus enjoying his last
laugh at Abdera, when time had wreath
ed his brow with the laurels of a hundred
and nine years. The lives of such men
always active, and therefore always pleas
ant, may he regarded as worth more than
a thousand years of such vapid and worth
le-s existence as those of the YOg1his, even
though it should be true that they some
times rucko a up two huncied anniversa
riesof their birthdays. They do nothing
to adorn or soft -n human life, but instead
grovel in self-torture, and the hideous
gratification of vanity, as long as they de
form the earth. If there be a secret of
long life, it is nature only that holds pos- I
session of it. Man neither knows nor can
know how it may he fabricated ; but
when the germ of longevity has been con- .
ceived in the frame, it may either be sut
fered to spring up, flourish, bear fruit,
and then in onedkince to the hidden law
which originally gave it force, decay, and
become extinct, when that force has been
expended, or, by previously contracting
the designs of nature, be cut short of its
career, so that the vitality originally I
meant to endure possibly for a hundred
and eighty-five years, may at any inter- 1
mediate stage Ibe forcibly quenched. Like 4
rlocks, the machinery of our frames may I
he wound up for this or that length of 4
time, and go on ticking for that period, I
If left to itself; but itis no doubt possible
to put a spoke in the works, and stop
them by vice or folly, whenever our mad- 1
ness may prompt us to such a deed. It is
within every one's experience that hun- I
dreds of their acquaintances, with good I
tiances of longevity, have literally thrown E
away their lives through sheer perversity I
of conduit. They would die, and their 8
wish has been gratilfed.-CAamber.' Jour
seal. 1
The Symmes Theory of the Earth. a
According to this, the earth is globalar,
hollow, and open at the poles. The dim- I
eter of the northern opening is about two
thousand miles, or four thousand miles
from outside to outside. The south open- I
ing is somewhat larger. The planes of
these openings are parallel to each other, I
but form an angle of IS deg. with the I
equator, so that the highest part of the 1
north plane is directly opposite the loy E
est pa t of the south plane. The shell of l
the earth is about one thousand miles I
thick, and the edges of this shell at the 1
openings are called verges, and measure, I
from the regular concavity within to the
regular convexity without, about fifteen
hut dred miles. the verges occupy about
25 deg., and if delineated on a map would
show only the outer half of the verge, I
while all above or farther from the equa- I
tor, both north and south, would lie on
the apex and within the verge. All the a
polar regions upon the present map :
would be out of sight. The meridian
lines extend at right angles from the,
equator to the outer edges of the verges, 1
and then wind around along the surface ,
of the verges, terminating at the points
directly under the highest parts of the
verges both north and south.
The line which marks the location of
the apex of the northern verge begins at
a point in Lapland about 08 deg. N. and
2O deg. E. froa London on a meridian
traversing Spitsbergen, whence it passes
southwest across the Atlantle Ocean and
the southern part of Greendand, through
IIundon's Bay and over the continent to
the Pacific near Cook's Inlet, thence
across the Fox Islands, to a point about
86 deg. N. and 160 deg. W., nearly south
of Behring's Straits. Then it passes over
the Pacific, crossing the south part of
Kamtchatka, continuing northwest
througn Siberia, entering Europe across
the Ural Mountains, in latitude about i5ts
deg. N., and passing near the Arctic coast.
over the mouth of the White Sea, to the
point of starting.-Attlatic for April.
Provlng toe Maeh.
Walter Savage LaTlor used to relate an'
anecdote of one of our julges. Being on
cireuit, two old men were brought before
him as witnesses, and, according to eus
tom be began to chat with them, among I
other things, about their age, for the pur- 1
pose of giving a moral lesson to the young
"Well. my good man," said he to the
firt witness, "how old may you be"
" About eighty-seven, my lord."
"I daresay, now, you have lived a very
sober life ?"
' Yes, my lord; Ihaven't been tilpsy for
the last eixt' years."
"There!" cried his lordship, turning
to the aentlemen t the bar, "von se
what a Bae tblahing sobriety Is! the wit
nes looks as though he would live twen
I nedded assent. In his
turn, another witness am forward; who
looked p la(y ale and robust,
"And bow odare you, DeandP' lI.
quired the Julge.
" 'Ninety4ve, my lord," was the reply.
_.-N -n '.1 answer for it, you
bsve led a sober life-bsven't your'
Witneass baung hls bead, and sawernd :
" I don'tllke to samy abforeall thea gea
"Never mlad; speak eLt."
"Well, then, my lord, Ihave~'t gone
to bed sober for the last seventy years."
At this bhis lordship looked rather blank,
ad the bar smiUed. The judgethen asd:
"' We will proeed with the ease, genatle
mear."-CI-mm&ek ' J ewasl.
TIas army register, for the crrent
year, sbows that the comuissloued por
tion of te United States army Laeludes
aymlte 108 eI1agbts oladams.
425 ( cavalry
omers, I74l atlllery -.6sr, 881alhatri
of.ers, 8 pronssors, S cadets, ad 37
ofloers dtrd e em setve serele,
skig a total of ,7r0. There a .SI
o mers n the active list; and, centmary
to the general ipression, only 866, or
less than oe third .f them, are graduates
of West L'oint.
I. regard to dissgrea.,le and formida
ble things, prudence does not consist in
evasion orin flight, but In courage. He
who wishes to walk in the most peaceful
parts of life with any serenity must
screw himself up to resolution. Let him
front the object of his worst apprehen
sion, and his stoutness will commonly
make his fear groundless.-EEmersoa.
A narxaYso saloon has for one of its
sluns: - Man wants but little her h low,
but wants that little strong'"
Besteratlem of Berned Carreacy.
Tau identification and restoration of
notes which have been burnt is a difficult
and Interesting operation. Every one has
observed that a printed paper after having
been burnt, if not subjected to a stronr
draft or roughly handled. retains its origi
nal form, and that tie printing is dlitin-ct
and legible, and appears as if it had been
raised or embossed on the paper, built that
If it is touched never so gently it crumbles
into dust. Notes in this condition are fre
quently receivedt at the Il)partmtent for
redemption. The eon. ter subhijects e:Lct
note and fragment of a note to a eare'flul
inspection in a strongr light. under a pow
erful glass, until she determnines thel de
nomination and isane, and then pastes it
upon a piece of thin tough paper in ordler
that it may oe safely handled. Bu, llt thi
p:sting, by destroying the raised or em
bossed appearas -e, at once and forever
precludes all chance of again identifying
the kind or denomination of the niote.
Henceforth it is but a plain, black piece'
of paper, giving no indication that it ever
represented mon:ey. It is therefore very
necessary that thecounter should be quite
sure that her judgment is correct lbefore
the note is pasted upon the paper. She
must also,-a most difficult tLask.-de-ter
mine whether the note is genuine or coun
terfeit. And yet 'onnterfeits are discov
ered by these experts among the charred
remains of notes with almost as much
certainty as among perfect Inote. Charrel
notes of National banks have occasionally
come into the possession of the Depart
ment, and have been restored in this man
ner and returned for redemption to the
banks which issued them, accompanied by
the affidavits of the counters that they
were the remains of notes of the bank.'
to which they were returned. In most
eases they were promptly andl cheerfully
redeemed. But occasionally a surly bank
ricer, unable or unwillingto trace any re
semblance to bank notes, or at least to the
notes of hisb' k. in the plain black pietes
ft paper returned to him, and inlinenceet
by a desire to effect a little saving for the
etockholders, refused to red em and chal
lenged the Department to the proof. ' All
positive ocular proof having been destroy
ed when the notes were restored and.
pasted, the Department was compelled to
submit to the loss.
Onee some of the experts were granted
leaves of absence, without pay from the
Government, for the purpose of restoring
i large quantity of burnt money bclolng
ing to the Adams Express Company.
Thils was permitted partly because it was
known that there was no one else who
Gould perform thbervice., without whlic.h
the company would hbe subjected to great
loss, but principally because the comp tymv
affered to pay them much mnore for Ihteir
time and labor than they were receiving
from the governme'nt. and it was thought
that their long and faithful services justly
entitled them to this addition to their
meager salaries. The money was taken
rrom safes recovered fromu tihe wreck of a
burnt steamer which had been lying for
four or five years at the bottom of the
Missisasppi. and the notes were so burnt,
lecayed, and damaged as to be ab-olttely
worthless, unless identified and re'stored.
Vet nearly every note of the' olne hundred
,ani eights-one ithonatn d!ollars in Unite
States anad National Bank notes recovereed
was restored with unerritng certa:itvy and
redeemed at it. full fa:ce valie. The ('hi
'ago and It-Ion fires have for the last
year and a half furnished h mnt inote,.
enough to keep all the experts or tl.m
olffce pretty constantly employ'ed.-Seri4
nsrr' for April.
Ralning Mirrors.
Many fine mirrors are spoiled. and the'ir
owners cannot utnlderstand tlhe reasonl.
The Mfereantite J.ur. al a:yse:
It is a fact worth knowing, but which
does not seem generally understool, that
the amalgam of tin fail with mercury.
which is spread on glass plates to mam:ke
looking-glas.,ses, is very readily crystal
ized by ictinic solar rays. A miirror
hung where the sun can shine on it is
usually spoiled ; it takes on a granulated
appearance familiar to housekeepers,
though they may not be acquainted with
its cause. In such a state the article is
nearly wo'-thlJes. the continuity of its
surface is destroyed, and it will not rntlect
outlines with any approach to precision.
Care should therefore be exe'rcised in
hanging. If any of our readers have
mirrors which appear to be sp iling, it.
would he well to ascertain whether the di
rect sunlight strikes them. If thus ex
po ed, they can probably te saved fromn
urther injury by simply changing their
position. The back as well as the front,
must be protected. A sm:dl glass Ialng
in a window, where the rays strike it be'
hind. is peculiarly expolsed. The back
should always he covenredl where the
beams are likely to tonch it.
The greate-t danger to moking-glasses,
however, is in transrporting themn. Very
rzpensive ones have been seriously in.
lured by careless handling when merely
carried aeross a street. The me:m who
move furniture are seldom, fully aware of
these possibilities, and need to be call
toned ad watched. Frequently a man
or boy may be seen in the street carrying
a mirror in such a way that the full glare
of a naooaday sun strikes andl injurens it.
Owners of such arteSles would. as a rul.,
be able to keep and use them mnuch longer
if they would exercise more cautiom iin
this regard. To re-ilver a pk.r-hals
oaen eost as much as one-fifth of time
orignal prioe of the article, while tim.'
commos glass is seldom worth resilver
t is alaO well to avoid hangring a mir
ror near a stove or fireplace where the
heat radiated can reach it. If this pre
eaution is m cte, granulation is likely
to oecur, even in a comparatively dark
room, by the ifluence of warmth Instead
of l'gbLht. A lamp, orgajet,f placed too
close while burnin, tbouh it may not
rack the glass, will often bring about the
same injurious crystaliation, and will
-even some times cause the amalgam to
melt and run off.
Tuoss of us who have flattered our
slves that we were deseendants of IDar-.
win's monkeys will be plunged intoa gulf
of deep despair. hatinig rolrf. Cohn's
theory that the human race al sprung
from a east Ihaugo. Prof. Csh has.
give, this matter such eadli eonsidera-:
tics that there n be s drbt aLbout the
orreetnes of Ts N1 . He is now
cdirln adm ? L ait r view of as
Ta little posteat Rockland, Me..
takes more orein money orders thama
New York or my other ofBee in the eoura
try. A large number of 8eotch, English
and Irish stone-cutters are employed it,
the "riamr Quor there, who take th~
mode of Wmndin money to their famllie.
ia the Old World.
Oa ouneeof wahoo(wPinged-elm) ar.,
added to a quart of pure whisky and tkC:
in doses of one teaspoonful half an llmor
after each meal, is very exceflent in dy-
A wono to the wise-keen so.