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THE RICHLAUND BEACON. WILlY F. MANG -AM . - :B 13AIRD,A:. om 'to fdi~:' &t PI DRayviloe. La. April 5, 187:1 The Rilt. l`-'n: ',,. We p:,lish to-(la a,' r :m, A. t to, writtenby ltno. li. I' \ H6 i . whichb ,icture to our- renfders irn plain and ieatlifui luangare. the i-. don( di.-played by the :f;,od citi.tens ,I t hat vic(nil in enlcav rinV to n:;.o. ;:,t'i" favored section a de..irai,hc a"t:." . !tra,'tiv', home for fir.-t-e.lan imm:nira 1 ",n They bare mnad: the right x ginlnilig, and one which mnlt arid wi! ,o,.vitally prove seccesful. 'Th.,' .I lrche.- tvi.eier the rein a lspirit o S"'u enu rlp'i.., iiherlialv i:! ):, l hic 1 "i:', that C:all hit redtvund tefoul t, the p.rosperity anId .ieces ".- F ,.a1 , ,'( ile H '.hi'e it i- tl.o graini lev,.r , whii it alile cur oIuntV iltan livft f:,, n, !- low VSt:e' ,l l. li.e pri:l,':: eailth for l,"6g hiitlcn in our oa; l.,vI and i -l)' ti!ful 'ari-h be tct11' developed. The g-ain already experi tnceld byhv Alto, ini "l :uHapy good c'ti -inai whicht have litn tiided to tha c6n1,,ui it ywitltlin the aIst, for ImOltt - is on:e (,f the strouler;-, eVi d! . r in il!ustration of this W\e 6re no litt!u Furprise-. oilon recent trip throughi that ncighlbrhooud to (limd tlers such a large and hand some hlintiinr. as is the 'w I'res..V tiriian Church, which they*are .;u: n11:1 cnmplting. *ilandinu s1 it red il a ieautiful gr)Ve, near the town shaded and environed with a I that i, .,icture,&4e and lovely in nat'u:'a scenery, a lotnue creeted atnd dedertat e,! to ibe ! hwi ip of God, it s1:, ak sublimhely, thott'gl in language seient too the 1 mandering 6ranger in I ',lan'e land," n bile thp passer-i, will flind liuself lpnuing for a lri tllot, to rvcc!t ulp the toral' worti of such a communllulity. and!l li.tenitl t the "still a.all vo: e' wLic, telh lii1 that happy h,1no6e Iii, Le the remilt ,uch enteriiica-,. (,,n.titate the or:l sure a1nd perllanllen ln 11n4 lIvy while ourI rich tolres wealth an il ie unlt ckLid and our ,'ate lands betr made to Mloor, as the rs,' if -haron, and 'the lily o the valevys.' Our Parish already 1 o - -e,,cvery rc(qui-ite to health and ihappiness, and] every vindreIement to immigrat ion, that can be said of any country on tl:e globe. in so far as natural advantage extend, and if we build uI, g_'oodt Schools anil c'h'rchis thr,,u-ih ,uL it= Ilutiders, ere awe iCr atre olul .ji1ar6i. hI" s ttl',l !ItA l ghhoirl "or ; ' s ni i! ,. lthi k I% ini!:b:ted nith aina en'se i e .i ; , ia - dia-t':' 13~nl intel!igent ppni ,!!ataiO, .. a., . f o .. I A :'c'~.l * raT * ...: 'i. 1).s no)t our parishb, "o in. nat'ua! resoJ 're '.::lid all cutt, ; lr-i. propulati,,n, needl ell4'h an ilnst;tution ' Il .,ve'llt we need of ,etter st lk, hvn;, raised. fic r-tlass . I ! ., n.u. .at.d horse.-? iupli.t at v.e 1o have It, very be'st ctt.n n-,1,ol , l n' ti.e Stn :" the l,e::t bhi.k,'tns. ducks and tua..ys ? a1d1 ve'getahlh., fruit and i1'ser;e-.rc (tue great incentive to a!l tlhese iitdu0 tlicb i- a la ir AtisociOtion. Its d!i: els-ions is no altrhiultural cilul wouldV aid in bringing about unal.inlitv ,f s,6ntiuelt lamong onr planters on hl bor and crop questions, Lcsides ac t,:ariting tihem generally with the I,,.-t letbhods i all djepartnhtuts of acrricilltural huslbandrv. T'he annnal ( ..,it i:ia of laiiih:ineury, products ale! nlinual , iwoulld do mniuch to Stilnu':it6 r:.r planitcr to introduce lIttter stack andl to imalke cffort.s to improve ola hritieds. 'liTen too the ladies wou:d aly a 'ery iniportant part in the dc pa.'tmnlt.. ot ho,'.shold economy. T'Le ;a rictltural club and fair as scciatiofl ie a practical schiool prodiu t: e of the 'e.ry Ihct results, and ccr t.'inl \V e ,, IIi flilad Parish are abl£6 i' any ae.ple ce to have a r,'al igou1. work',,- or: niz~a!on. Te tHailroad placic( ul in imnmited iatle oCtiu)1i0Iliatlioia with tle Irct throlgh~Inreln of trale. We are thus convenient to exhibitors We do not need1 a large capital in- up porting stael an c nterpri.k! Say have tile shares put as low as tw, dollar: s11ee allow any one to invest a, larre Ir as desired. In this way the ttk. would Ih largely distr; lcu, throu-4h ihe entire conmmunity. ev-ery one c,;ih1 hel a italo. Wheo fift.Len uwldrtIl or two thourand dollars are paid in. 4rwlm sand 'prare for Wito ~ a ltl at the fondae ,. ai build up. ~u will Iw lieaeagrowiirI organization snhs as t'iborne paish il Las, mad SlIrehouie is aboit to lave. How will tichihart Palrih vtrle ol this quation ? Let us hear fom De:' hi. Also, Wyna Isllud, tlrard, ulaid otl'er poillta in tlr letis1 -- I I. , in atlit ,L.· a iht "i - ". . . .. : r :: ; . . - " .. '"1 I f' ' 1. ±. i " ' ,. L? '., tr;i ·'i .i f~ r l " 'i l tt .. have at ili lve ipu'l a 1 a.a: k ' iaag f" :i ! e , 1 . rI p..;" ,'e I t,"* ti " a r e in1l!1th nies .of tlhe late war'. I ]:a,. :be'1su ,'i,:e t fe' l pIreuit in pa, -irl^ S rfluifi mYt0, nri:"Ltr' i adti rull ke ui,' 'lC'.l' i;, ,ll It. to ": t' il ' I ro.,, Il 'ye ! 4 4.tll ite h::!king ilpr ul'('llll.ement Wll,'t' ..(e 'll :,.! oas r l.te lr.d anu,! fl. ! c to.e, rs '! , iult i s 'a 'nd l and a l'Iu v v.';t :e fr ls s. h li rh e 1 th;, h 1. irl '. ibiteid aZioi an iy le:i(hlbor.s I feied r~-lw d of l ltheml. I-'er1 teu" ",'c..r I :uin ,inod to ."in t ,a I alwit s ito .1' I, 'he i les rt: v iof friei,i-. t n. one oi the .: ltlIs-t C; ildei n l(- tF i c iatupr;ven' e^.t . , tine . - il : "., , ; ...l t ',tees. :'non, u,. W'e lind that uth'. ,.h t1 : l . . `;: i , to ,i " p i, ,,.lt"l : ,=en iont, l irt e orl' :sel., and wish ltha' cla.s l" . c,,plu t. ::t ;in ;n. iatIl!li;t itli ht. ' e I' pr ai, 1. Thlatt la that i i I luit d ult, out t arm:iin in te: e., cit. e;1 t' to io* v to. , RTand - in iildiii , li p s h, uta a! ' natit'ur l iels Intlloui U I I t a r. isre1d toe m te I *'ti (lat'e:'iana de-ih ril, ic tn itf ir Iit:le v:' hl i, tsi cart' ti ell's" i-hthll he t ot dE. a-l'v tllt tin , linre sa:d :If Iu . - We IwIat o Stn o A a.l t :rl,o p ace f1it thee thait aire it :. .':e h of :i new hnome. .1ad ",len h we e -ath .i: tie d'j not ai('anr (.'ºt toe' iiltiaitsliitt ,, luti all the 'itrr'outlitiiing ae'nt ti rV. WVe h:i, e twoi ,l f h:rclh etdi ire., that hare in them regIs ulir preae. inug uILiot veI' e 'ii,,athi, iand lari well attended. We' ar1e itow tryvin, to Ibuild tup a gitd Fclhool sol tilat our y aouh n c;c re pr.lper in-true'iol in our inineediate ts(eililltorhllo . Y it with all of this; we are not s1ati.-lied: w .waint to ~se t i hr.,, it'lletrat ion here next fiall and witter. uLa.N ;i ould 1,e glaiid to '-eeP the ad le:agel of i.nii SlPeIl I 'L:'Ii pres-'itenI d il it: !r::e merit-. that it rmight be the mean. ,. seliit ital the attentiion of ithoulusaiil ;i the' hler Stales; that are IIearint,: away. thleir liveis toiling on thel'-e old andil wsorn out landts. Anl iii a future trtilse wouild like to rlreseint sia le of tI l aldvantare. ethat (otr e"iuntrV fossc.e. Outr l!ilnter arre sqite for ward wih their crops. As a gene'al thit:eg core i.i up; cotton plalting pro irretsigl. Nesro<. trenernlhl workin, well. And we are all looking for Wlal I to a 'l.)oo crop ynear. 1'ec want to make cotton enough to ive eiimployment to one tboucand ex tra hanlisa next fall. And we waut to ,:ive timleiv notice ao ;IUat if thlere le thirs-. that ')teiaplate iiimmigrating to this eoun*iry nett winter, that hI. ruo'iiig bhere early in the fall they will !iieil Plenty of tork to d:, and have a -.,-1i :t-:he: 'o: tosceure homes for an -itr. rlt'c':r a'nd c,'rnt to make their crlop,. Tihey .twill ild it mnuch to trhir interest to coni here in the fall. it 'piang that te expetatarions of the mn,:ot stanguine;lo in our country's ad viiac.nelit iay Iw verllred, I remain Y'ors Respectfully. H. F. it'KElta. i' ':,, tl . ",,d Benton. 14Mu. Partiin:tn on rarwn. "Wot' s thnt yu'rte readina. Ike?" "Dear'wia on the Decent o' nman. .ai-i that young ihopei'i. "liarwin on the ('enter min ? What. nl airtllh i it Ike " I. e-(very deliberately and emhat i.aliiv)-"Tar-wiln on De-scent o' maln !" Mir.. P.--"D'uwin o(i dle sellt of man. well, well. IHS mnsct be a ui,,htv inquiesitou eretur to irite on teihe an dlious ssbjeet. I wonder what peo ple. will -one to next. What 0does he nv hheyr r'nill like?" ,'a.t--"Ti aii't it. yoit got the ine ,tall -oiglomerateid." I,~1. p -"('tmn-whiat ? Ike vm ar, i'lnostasl' to tive a bode the lhiper bunsuatla. hat Il'tile d OU imtean ?.' ,:. "'. all about the Origei of .tar. P -"A ti about the Oranger mate, hiu 4, ,-scent, du tell ! I shs.uiti thslak thnat wa. ri,.hit down nire. I)e te'fnt of en oraunge llsn." antd the or! laatv went on knitting vigorously. lIc.--Goo, gracious, !aM what'a me ? rThe icook ain't abourt seens nor 'o.anger' men neither; its to tell how e ,an came to ie a man, that'rs all " Mrs. P..-"Wll, Ike, I 'oul, tell his that. anal n,. have to write a bsok nieither Who is Ilarwen at.- biew !" ter or natural bistorv and sich like." r' P.--"Weli, well, a very popo. :, -ii..-anci-take-it i riter. Oh rvs 1 le's the rain that ala. we all were prognostereated t'oem monekes and- ant!. \ihat is it Ike." Iks.-- A water loose." ai'*. P.--"My Goodmi!'" and she ter spec, back on her head- "Ike you're joking. What i. to be come of tea all ? Jk.'.--- l sa y's we'll keep on in the seete sf evolution and make ,eirit.." 3fr.e. P.--"Kemep in the seaxle orev-! uleion iand neake lperits. Ill just let hin kaow that Ill not do it, for one.1 l'Tsre.'.e e nsi,1bh ejoim' of it now. I wonder wietn men will stup their fot! ine~s. T)egenerated from a louseI inleel!" The old Ilty heated a deep aigh, ret-;adiUterl her .epe' -, art ,,.,.t on Sitia, ' ta L i aLu Ie 1 .~GI(, A .1A'lRA1P t. C " . ": o....' Mu . T.r . ,', i ..... r ,' . ij, r- ; 7t" ', : '.1' . i! ¾ r,'"," i ,.t.irdtj,.t and i s ! ,t inl that ' iinit v. iHe iti'. Ir:tens.tte e' ci'.e!ient .1.- Ih, n lpro o r at Mrs. ; c t L -n..,;utl t e: n"c . N; af h ' n :t o.,,ti : c -. T - to. .- :i. t i. " ý trailsh, a i a h." . Ir a:F· inc.n Iltov aL'oat 17 ar.l c~.l. Ow reicer t of ar. n t a i. . .I or - labt I± ar, is n'a (. here, an, whoJ its i \Vllw .ln I. , h trahe. h1i 1ht a -tIn:' far I ' :. . l. e Tar 'n up-ti ,,n h , h: it le ( avec -:c r, '"n i r --; X il;J th ) ,r ' , t,ti r% , " ,;,lie ,.!' two, (II. lit,'- e : aa bct ttl' h e:t ','-t r a t titrr-,i er bolz t the nrcceks hint o:Iir v, la; ty,.l .lt-. uo difi. ty wa' h.d with T.a'pi. uhi to t itn , oftli i ui ,lur er. .'a t ti 14 b ov f er. tat aovteur re ;r. i.ti, 1: a !e`: \ lnlt to -alcn1r al"andl-ci to 'ire t s tras de, leavgin g hi '.:ckin i,: d an iroel boy a boi 17 yearim Ihrit lf,,k after the farm. Tt ant a.aurir Mat. 'arpeny, is s ,e! knho r: here, and Lat, long h ten n 1i: i TERROi in. lie t woa ', lno r 'l.a. li1r has some elsaictitnel and nit iLo. ien.: u and reckled .s brutal itn , L.av tor:ibb d hil to miakec hieu-s i , el'f ; ies.-s was dealing in and Breaking ~e ses. and hie was alSo a fairn in a :nall way, but he really spent n oost of i.;s time in brg ti- o atmld tully i,' about the stree!s . U..! ;,o:iss of the variousn. town s .u kn.w c,)t:ntin i abote named. o le, ho\ Ter, a utr isedll abtlt 40,000 in properly iy j.o lity ing nli od rganhlinls . Hes kind ton his faniily and gene oua to his friend orit to all others w ha 'iel and hrutal. ihe has killed, or aided in killing, sc- eral half breeds andndn niulier of_ greasers. o n on ne occarsiotn e keH the body of a half brel:el hangin, to a tree for 3 days, threatening to ,hoot tnyone ona he pot ' ho atternpe to cut it downle a. lie has been known, i ply for amusement, to pick a dsg up I.y the nape of the neck, and after shout hing four or five balls through it. thriow the bode on the ground and tanmp it with his feet. lie always carried one or two pistols, , hicih he was ever ready to use upon man. or bearst. He was a boisterous ruflian, ready to drink swear or gamble upoen the lightest provocation. - lie cnievri a ride reputation as an activte lipubli tat politician, and was some ye'as Since tried for forging naturalization papers. Wishing to dispossess the the Nicholson's of the tarnm be had sold them, and having a horror of any thing like legal proc-ss. he too-k ad vantage of .1r \Nicholson's absence to urne an old frame hou-e on to sth !and, and then rent the house and farm to a german named Peteroson. rnt Mrs. Nicholson, acting under le-e thal adice, together with her hired boy sad a man named O'Neill, took possession of the houseor the irst night it stood upon heprpe proerty.. The next day, when Pleterson went to move in, she called a halt. lie re turned to Watsronvie, a dis taer oif hbout six miles, toinformed Tarpey, who. hrmed himself with a henr' rile, "h ievoulver, and a double-bartelled shr t gun, and sought r' e i Trle hCome oF THE .TNicId R. a lie arrived during the night, and ,-amped behind a big log on hi d o trounde, jusLet across the rod from the house. Here he scooped out a htole, that his bodyl might be onealdd, aIF.e taid down to wait fior day lig-ht; but his restive disposition woub unt olt him sleep, so for fun ih fired t blalf dozen shots from his Hlen'v rifle thrt he house in tuih k sueasiopn. Tshe three occupant s left the housi quite suddenly, withor fulln arrangM. ing ateir toilet, and took rev ge in erhe Next o m orning Mrs. Nichulso. said er. h eue li and see where lcr u but-c lets strnk and get our thing- . toer iant punish him for firing into a house thaIt way." The two, w'ith the boy, started wi the arms or the slightest. apprehension of ianger. When about ahirty yards from the house Tarpey tuddenly arose and stepzed ifto the roadway, gu in hand. Mrs. Ni-hol hon gave a start ar d grasped Mr. Ol'tNeiolra arm, but recovering herself bhe said, "Good mortini, .\ir. Tai Iy." The g w liat's oaln rely wIi<, td raising the shet ga 1e. T!e cap snaeplind. stnThe t,,r "o-e bma. hrearted, "For ( ;e'i .atki.a. to. Tarpeyi take the whole thuad , but d.a aim again anw the ep . oautppd. Th, ter-ilted woman seizd hea o f .edf. im to run, but as she did the ettactlea.j. urute took ain againt and ;his tii..d" , it : I'n gOing to shouit ' ,U. ,," ". : . ! , a , . . 'i f' . ti c ,i" . nui • i , ' , i . '. i ,, c "-rtl 'e. ::'I I I .: i a few rodi t)o , -' , n I , t ilt, .out d ,,isarmi w.1 u t It I him to -a linmr. Here SI.i"" t " 4 aihiout th town, and . e ,.le ' a. te ;a pu, ic iC-.. ech te.:ni i una t 'ciideiit i baipned. It-wa], r l,) ti.cemed , )e b, the Sil writll to tike him to ,Motltrey, where the dail was more secur thre n hn the one here. In the mean time .Mr-. Nichollc:n's hodi had lteen talen to Vatsonii ,le. The news of the .atroeious murder -<!pread like wild tire, and the whole c:uuti v became frantic with excitement. The two witnes..,s, O'Neill and the boyt te-tified I.tfore the Coroner's jury Ito) the facts as ilthev have been related. T t.: ex iiein ll lt th i'erl tn imicreal.ed. Ili:.patches camet flrm tiill directions lien ' iic r b '11uIt ý;iiU al i' i. l A I. l, ti:i i, n l lattii ::1 ile: i oii - Ii- t 1r - ai'ns Ildenoeunci the in urdlerer. an-l itien 1ie Pwhl,)jen male l oplm'ation of wt. t t'wn ,alle to Sulinag with vglue hut Idetrniii, ed pj pui's to d :'onatl , tli desperute. A ('CRY 'Ot ' I s:i .N,'t:. .It tillh furti al a gri,-iaitled gentle ilan rse allnd' eulogized Mr.1-. N ichil son, ctnuiludig with, "If you permit this miurderer to go unhaun'ed for twenty four hours you are a!l ow ards.4. Tl, ptr'ech laul its eiiTctC.- C'itizens t:,,-k,'d o .alian fl',.m aI tuairti-, bt. i i lin tIht -a- i hal" been n', i.,lved to .1, :i'crer.a t h. r ' e, rd nhetl vent. ovt i', t '. . iac the sit.i0, to L- Llp the Sh, rili proltec Tlat pe,. 'il.ey .took with the i an iior t- f'rom the Jludge dlirecting th.e S~her;i" to bring IIt ;he lr'i 'tr i, ' iiln s, that hi:s x a:ti:.. i',n inight take }':.u,.'. The c . 1icrir td elved ali I.'' fi :1 re - ed a dlispatch from the .J ule dtir..t ing to e ti a i the prisnir in Moi. ter-v. The crowd, whiich hul t.. en augmuint-d to iur:c live yhe).;ire , th'ereiul)oii hoiul the Sheriff, and pro ctuled to break open tinhe ail. Everything Weas dine .:v-temati,'.l l', ind without noiie or oiifsioin. bWhen the door was blrokeln open a few of the crowd went to Tarp.ey's cell and tutI him to pr':, Te to 3;o to Salinaes. lie comuprrheuittl,,i ni ie.r's and tegged piteiA-ly for lift. illdlhing to his wife atil chilutren, and his wick ed, sinfa lirf-, :.nd his want of prepa ration for death. lie plrotested that he had shlot the woinaoa act identalk,. but the hard countenanees of his .;c cutioners never relaxtd. PREPARINIi FOtR "Come, Tarpey, get ready to o to to Salinas City," was a!l they -aidi, and whi'e they were hiddiiag himt to pt' pare. the 1o, r wretch bt-gan to pray in a Irud bvo:ce, Ttrfesst'ig his sinls, eli g on sain the sa1's ard the lyIv Virgin to protet hin. TiL, sienct last,,l several minutes, but finally half fainting, and more d,.:.t than alive, Tarpey was picked up and t'arrit-,l to the wagon. A pine box and a long hemp rope lay in the bottom in fuil viewi of tile donnied titan. Ti." ,rowdi at once formed in pirtce.ion, in hug -ies and on hors.e.eck, and star'ed for Salinas. The prisoner was clo-e! uard ed to protect him fr :ti tIe mobl. Fully lfive hl:drd penl plie fo!Luwced, icnudiing Tariey'. noth.r, ir e and rothe, and Mir. Ni,. ,n The frmer diii iot 0(emli to real:7.e the 'tate o" things; they earned it, how ever, erore long. and started back to town in horrur. Three mik- ,,t of town the wagon drove under a i ne tree, and the leaders of the processionI called a halt. One of thera tj d Tar pey that he had committed at hrriale miurder, andt that it tla:s the una-ni miou01 SCeitimient of the cOtliUiiuniltv that ble should toiflir putnihbobe, t lat once. He w ald he ,'ven hakf an hour to arrate his wortll- affairs and prepare fir death. Terpi',: aeain i went on his knees, and in agonized tones LT AGED 10R Ill. LI u, lbut he wais cult short with the .cor" aninoliricitettt that be h,'d !ut thliti mninutet to live, and lie had Letter make his preplaraions. lite then seuemed to grow firmer, and asked to make a will. A lawyer froza the crowd wrote out a brief will. In ii Tarpey bequeathed $1,000 to Niehol ann, the hutband of the murdered wo man, his gohl watch and chaini to a frijend, and all the reaLt of his paroperty some $40.000, to his wife and children. I Tariev thell beganl to pLray, ail to protest his innocenye of ir.teai:,na!l DIurder, *%hen his tLne 1l:id enaI, - lie only said : "Well, I'm ready, but you are committing mu nrdler.") Tar pey then sank on his knees ard irally ed while the rope was being adjusted., Mr. Nicholson wished to hang ' .r.r p1,V with his own hands, but this re iuesLt waCs denied. T:,:cy was to!d to .tand on a lix nli the aiia. lie did so. Ti*n. ri.ile was made 'f:a, aud the wagou dri ,.n ' suddenlv out from under hili, h,:-%, the wretch sw ingitig in mil-. There was ,) fall. so his ip.k t:,a not i',k,en, and de',:; re: 'i'-d from stran.calo;tio. 11|s Sii:. g.e- were teri'ile wh'h' thee .s'4ed. but at tle end ,f ten minuus the body hu'-g to-. tionle-.-, an! lie was pron,..:nved de:.ii The eriwld :i.,'fly i-pit. i'. leaving the. body to li, ii'kitj.d.-. The n hoIio Slli." pae-d oTl as dlec.ntv s .s' , a thing could Ie done, and the-c nt ibe iar..ipcitld deny any k: owt!edge ,f thli iaflfasr. They titi-rel. ii. 14" Tart, y i- u-I .....I 'he mat' r*' -e 0.t,,..- 4 U - U \; i( ) Inigo i tre V i < fit .i rý OF i . -OF I ""Ti I T - N-']E. O ALL KIN)Sii, I' PROMPTLY EXECUTED BY S(!LLED WORKMEN. ALL GOOI'S GU ARANTEED TO R EXACTLY 1turt h 2 th. 1 I .v.Vickhur;g, Mi- 1 a r _, keep constantly on hingd m o.oa,,nam" "arna. F ' c `D' :7l "I"., STOMACH BITTERS. STOAC BITERS ,mportantt Notice to Delim quent Tax Payecrs (OF1 Ini: ' TAAL I i \ (': 7.Ti.t - :fOR.i h , 't1 ' AN tA ir. 1H Ia t.r i.hjr . i' ' -r L, T :. ,t".a I, t " ,1 ! ar-, . t it; un'. rat . . . ::. y I f !t" i r. ,er t i:o ' t .l. I . .. ,, i;., h t -I!! har tax,-- which :.1." p,:, aI: A ':1 'S i).\'1 ,Im i !:arh lith, I " . -ha:! 4," h u pl ti't, - ae sed l v. t . " of ite: r,,,.n;y, a': |ena ti , interesfty 7ut1 ,'c'at b ei' ; r , t l. Su ~ tit:\I (d,- ,1 h'," r.' ilt. 1'1 " ·t ,." i III(· r- to Il e1 !"' :1P 1 r" S. ." .1 xi, .e r I , ,, t 11opt I r I f- ,. I, -al Tit ' . .. -r,1,,r -. IT, ., .. . . . - !.,",, I' , . • 'o.... , ' - ' ," ,:' ,', ,.'. : . ," ii i.'fmary of StI I. tsar2i .... , . - r- h - i THE( I 'i ; t. . 1I. <A i A.Y. St " ~ i".t , - N1)," '. " - , \ !.1.. . ' .. ,I - . , \.l, t, l e . - . - . t. , ,. 1 . . 1 .R . :" .'~ t' . I j l . " . , :r" retary of tttute : <* -, ,Il 1i I ,,v . . I ; " " i Ni-TArl VRANT! I U.LJI i s!l t;A11i: A N FRV II ( VS1 W MIr. G. C. FI-'n ini -r.h2 t . ' 1' II cth* ni- tt f i t t r -7 1? h) i I. -trot r. t: r.n.%tr : º t :p+1 nI u .f"i , s': * .! I tIIfA the ta4te ('f c.-:- It urllla g :-n ii , their j'2atro age. .\ lirt .":-- ti.. :r:u r,'ak ha, Iren employed. F-Ib. ;m. :n.)I Freh ('.ptrs kpt,uand u rtel in any ! tle.rlrel. ':. rA r 0 ra ý N 11" v. . Aliffu'HiLnt', r M1". R. I iRVIIf'T, .It FAIRCHILD & CO., STEAM I'LAINING M.ILL And ILuntlIr l;ard. S.isDh, Door3s, *;n,, i:0,;-ld *le ! TIr'. 811'LL'lf I 11 ; t, .i. . 1 , I , i .r , . .t " , = i , " ,' V ly i'K i I ll Vi, k-b:r:k S Si,'. .. . ILAM o . 'Eo* .S . r " ( N. . . R!, • . t " ( ,« i .'i. " . 4 r.L j , ,iwrit a ' ti r \ ,. > " I . I'.t -.. inn Pape 1uii.;ij 1! lER IA IS " . , i I:....a t '):. - . .., An .-':I . Lat!IKI & EGGLESTO i. A. ' IiIQt 0l . +} ." " CA V.' .'itti"+' 1:, , W ,, , -1, iU( IAt 1I'E 9I 9sNTti:1V4Erpt . re F +p tftl a - N. , S l l ( whlr r . . P ,"p0-r i' , : a. A'nin C I M M0'- AilOiNoi TOrt r -, ! to i1:l hi I . S: i A t"iL - it p k, I ,. d alhr- fr,. t r n th:i e tr :. . 1'Ic. TO T & V I.Il., At I oBIroe, l·a. i " K li -: :\Ti I\\ i ,il.l.-I. - , JJ, o M.i r.. :'. ii' :WNO. , ",.r ib mi, . a :' ,1, .. , .,r1 Ij 1, r I' T . (I'r r, f 'i; ~ a:h? 1 /. r; u . . VICKSBURG, MLS. . Ah I 7J f f " t-.r9 1 , *1. * i;.i ',1 I iinw i ,g . ie i c < ,~~, r <,,I , S" ,. A LIl - 9 ...,. . ti(W l:-' 1 *9,I. be :- of. .. , *,,, .' , -" " " . " 1pi Io , 1.++ I ,i l , I ' '