OCR Interpretation

Richland beacon. [volume] (Rayville, La.) 1869-1890, August 24, 1889, Image 2

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86079088/1889-08-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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A llermueua Weeis1y Newspsap,.
-Pul.isbad a.- col
ys IMzhabming
lta YMis, soEd U Fst ,it
lAde ut I3,l, saM Live PTaet. ,
S ies very SeV, m e, sad liherrl dasesmt t*9
STereth Aderates s ha
' Er* Ak1UW. g N. of
--- hf
Bsratrdy, August S4. i188. lh
Lonisiana will make a big crop of" P
cotton, worms or no worms. I
The colored Baptist church wans
borst is Monroe on the 20th. n
The third of September will soon
hbehere, and with it a good, rolund'i
majority for Price in the Third Dis- ni
trict lo i
John L. Sullivan has been convict- i
ed and sematenced to one year in the t4
eonnty jail. Alai! how the mighty t,
Iwve fallou ,
The Sulliivan-Kilrain fight has had ti
ones good remnit: it haa brought anl
ihoapetus to athletic sports in the whole Ii
southweatern country.
A portien of the Lafayette pris- t
enera were remanded to jail without 1
ienefit cf bail, while others were C
bondled at from $250 to ~i)0.
Rev. W. Mi. Ieese, formerly pr~ i- r
dent ot Mit. Lebanon Univcrsity, has ;
been elected president of a college a
rnun to be et4ablshed at Crowley, in (
Acadia parish.
St. Landry parish is to have a
cerperative Farmers' Union store at i
Opelousas with a capital ct $100,000. !
It ought to do a slashing aisiness (n
that amount of money. 4
Monroe is a growing town. and will
reon become a city. It alre~uly has
snore banks in proportion to p.puls- I
tlin than any city in the civilised I
wr:rld, ancient and modes.n
One of the most sensible acts in
journaliss in this State is the recent 1
action of the Trinity Herald and Cata
boula News bidding in the pariah
psinting jointly for $300 a year.
We have receive a pemphlet en- l
nonmoement of the North ALoisiana
Agriceltural ale and Female Col- (
ge, to be started at Calhounn, La., by
Prof. C. C. Harris, A. a., as Prest.
In 1887, we note. from our les,
the petale of Onsehita commenced to
destroy the cotton worm about the 1
10th of August. bey aseem to have l
me thiyear acbuo the sm date. i
-- I
Wheie honest votes honestly oun
ted will rwin there the Demoeraey
will be triumphant. This is the case
in th third district when Price's
r will e wall up i the thou
The Peliesn ouaght to he able to
i hr ymg m k better when the
tue Ikern the ionmessed sesematet
degi et se. is We might be able
tom perly as e r imame with
te adde4 semwmue
Beuw.I. LC.Dnrd is~tskiun s
atyive pt i th Thi PWie I ma
m. He he alrady mole svral
pelehes in bealf of ries, the Di
.....tem..mb, sand will matise
t.th ht tillramah .
Nearly 1l tie Uttl. erimels isn
1. I at .. eepe. esvies ...m or
w 4I m tji ge Jry. Thi is'
btw begging les me, and it 4
I M. L pete . Uuyeusof We sta;
!4. ,~et u a thebummu
hh  d~lll
Some of our more or lees esteemed 'mrs
contemporaries are disposed to ridli- i ql
cule the many projected lines of rail- are
way in North Louisiana, and contemp- fare
tuously dub them "paper roads." It' opiu
cannot be denied that some of them are
have little substantial backing. Many as ti
of them, we are free to admit, are aspi
purely speculative enterprises, under- beg
taken by men of limaited means in the que
hope that capitalists will finally take the
hold, and, protected as to the interest and
. on their money by taxes voted by the op1
f. people, to build the roads. bec
But we do not think there is any the
cause for us to be taint-hearted be- Fai
"i c.use se of the projected lines have suc
not at this time solid money backing.
What does all this railroad movement
a1 in North Loni.siana teach thinking pa"
i men? If it conveys any lesson at all, Lte
if it emphasizes any fact whatever, it i mo
is that North Louisiana is considered esr
- by a vast. number of people as fine our
e teeritory to be reculpied by railways.
Y Our country has attracted attention, kil
and it is only a question of time when toE
,d the roads will come-not one, but WI
n half a dozen. Who would have be- tin
le lieved twenty years ago that we would th4
now have even the few roads in ex- Re
istence to-day: the road from Monroe a I
4- to Shreveport, the Homer branch, the Col
A lindtn branch, and the Houston, for
I Central Arkansas and Northern? bu
No. Paper railroads are the fore
i runners of genuine railroads. Men
as without large means will before ;long
re attract the attention of men of capi- Te
in ail, and our railroads will be built.
One failure or half a dozen failures ha
means nothing as to the ultimate out
a come-railroads, and plenty of them, aR
at throughout North Louisiana. bf
0. The "railroad fever" is one of the t,
n few fevers it does the patiint good to Of
have. nil
il The worm army has invaded the su
" State, and the Paris green militia has as
a- been called out to meet the invading in
host. It is hoped and believed that di
the conqueror worm will become the
in conqured worm when the storm of wl
at battle clears away. to
a- The Farmers' Union of this State be
sh is fast toming a great power, and if ar
it will oly steer clear of politics and P5
a. political rsues it is destined to enjoy n
as a long life o great usefulness. But Ti
Al- the moment it goes outside its own re
by sphere to pronounce upon extraneous
issues, it's goos', (to use a homely do
phrase) is cooked. to
to One by one the ro~s fall, and one
he by one His Lordship(rom Indian
e apolis is gathering in e scalps of
te. the D~rettma'that inhahti the Cb- it
tom house in New Orleans Moor- hb
O" man, Shields, Jonas and Parlange are ro
y umbered' among the last, and the R
others are oonato go. The ways of fr
polities, like the ways of Providenc, a
- are past finding out.
The regulater idea has now e
to teaded to the aegrees, who proeed to
"regulate" any one of dtheir nmber tb
that stray from thm beaten mpaths of i
le darky rectitude. Lst week in ale
Pthqermine perish three negroes met o
Smgresek el teacher at one o'clock D
min themorning nader uspiious cir
. emsance, and related him by p
al giving him a suad tbrashin. No n
marrst and no militi s yet.
m &abodoesvery wedl to makeet
tenwith a white man in the feld or A
Ssometimesn his om place, but they
fareutto elmed upon as renters t
'by temelvem.k We tried it two
yenrs em the ElUingtm plae. Onie
derby mode two alae, the mscsd oe
id dvevrerix. Weold the plaee
to J. T. Lyle and wer, ser e e will o
make 0 er a b hales, if the worm are
it destnodl, n th e mm Iac,, it in
saee that th dery reinir es o e
Aug. TimL of *r Nli.iupp gave vi
. Sullivn twelve meth in th eesu- w
tejail. Ni.satreysp areeed tel
ignagesfallthei su d jery tht
feuui thae pu ttir o p ju).ry that I
a .envtietd l him twa uu sueu to th ma
)usma iltht thamr lae at e o
* r * .0- r aenltk 5o - 1.. h
su th esuld hO aU di
eunty .euldbv. Neeu0 Wiir sh
If the Farmers' tnion tould thrivei
and grow strong in this State they
must keep out of pblitics. The reason
is quite clear. While all the members vi
are agreed on their common interest-- vi
farming-there is a wide variety of hi
opinions on political topics. There ci
Sare also men in the order who have,
as is their right, laudable political at
aspirations. As soon as the Union I!
begins to take up and discuss public 4d
questions that are not agricultural,
the ardor of these men will be cooled, t1
t and it will not be lorg before there is o0
I open revolt. We suggest these things e
Ibecause this was the rock on which
y the Grange split, and we want the 0
Farmers' Union to be an all-round c
e success. ii
* - --- .
Young man be careful of the com- e
l'any you keep. Avoid evil associ- ,
,ites they will certainly corrupt your I7
It morals. Shun everything that is evil, ;
d especially any games that will con- i
e sume your time. We do not say
"kill time," for no one has time to
kill. An Allwise Creator never in- 1
n tended that time should be killed.
It When it comes to your time to kill I
time your Creator will kill you and I
d there will be "no more time" for you.
Remember that you were created for
a purpose. This may be said to be
e correct and many have been created t
for a bhad purpose, but then it takl i
all kinds of people to make a wcrld;
but who wants to be classed with the
" worst kind?
The deeds from the State to the
i Tenass Basin Levee Boazr transferr
ing to it all the lands i'f this parish
forfeited for non-pay rinent of taxes,
$ has been recorded here.
it The lands embraced in the transfer
a, are classed under two heads: Lands
forfeited for taxes due since Decem
ber 31st, 1879, and those torfeited for
e tax, s due prior to January 1st, 1880.
to Of the first named, the deed conveys
nine separate tracts and of the latter
twenty-five tracts. The latter are
ie subject to redemption under the terms
as as fixed by the Constitution of 1?79
in the "Ordinance of the relief of
delinquent tax payers."-Morehouse
at Clarion.
he This is what we had reference to
of when we stated that we were sus
tained in our opinion by some of the
to best lawyers in the country. Some
if argue that the land forfeited for non
Id payment of taxes and not transferred
,y regularly to the State belong to the
ut Tenses Levee Board as well as those
rn regular deeded to the State. 'Ihe
Tensas Basin Levee Board are entitle
to the money on redemption but we
ly do not consder that they have title
to that forfieted prior to 1880.
me N. O., N. ; F. 8 RJILROJD.
of The New York Railroad Gasette in
its last issue, ays
"It is claimed that the contraet will
"r' be let Sept. 1st next for building this
re road from Natches, Miss., north to
be Rayville, La., and that the contract
of from Rayville north to Oak Ridge
and the Arkansas State line will be
let Jan. 1st, 1890. This latter line
..will be built by a company called the
North Louisiana & Texas, ofwhich H.
rat, of Bastrop, La., is secretary."
to 7 abe ies orurt except as to
or the d of the ompsua rwhich is to
of build wrot& ha i . New Or
in lens, ~lbes ad Fort Scott Rail
road Cotruetion Co., of Natehes,
that is to do the work.;-Natchex
ak Democrat.
r- This is indd good news for our
pol1e. Them qa mother correction.
to The road from layville, via Oak
Ridge and Bastrop,to the Arkansas
. liaeirbelled the ~r Louisiana &
or Arkao a s R1
PY AtSelas AIa., ng tors are
s tryiug to fore. a rae se. 'Th fol
Sloriai ten fram ok e of tro r edi
" The artick which has arousl
Smieh indigmatioa ameg tiewhi
ill oeldm as follows
S"Were you (the whites) to leave
this Southlsad. in twenty years it
would h ome of the graest, grandest
ssetiem of thrglobe. We would show
you mem4bsek arnekes how to rn a
ontry Yoe wueld ever msee con
re vieta half sraved, dqsiving- honest
a weriugmse ofa hmTst living. It
is bt a matte of time m twmh
eatthin wm hh  ata claim ili-bl
ehagtn s6 hPse to year sorrow,
t We w mever dstime alwaysJ to a
h servants hut like all lter races will
andint v kw er day. You mow
ha'yuren. You have predisted that
Sat ·n ory diant day we will Lhae
ear ssmm wa, ud we hp, a ti
h ieneds thit weww besthem esegh
a IuIshsmiui harsah d- to the the
hon ,stene aY. as
dumid -er Dasmesonat jeurslm
h esit It
* tJ" " "u t "- pro , te
F ~ bpad
A riric i~rit~ lb
aoLi·l-?~l~rM nt
P DELh P. OZ.iarPH.
° Our charming Mrs. Fannie Treze- I
'vant is home again after a pleasant Sat
-, visit to friends and relatives in the
Shistoric Hill City, of couers not the boc
city built on sevenhills. :
Mrs. Loftin is again seen on the
l streets, after quite a severe illness. J
n Mr. Loftin spent Saturday and Sun- wa
c day with his family. tha
1, In deference and consideration of J
1, the grand military ball in Rayville Sal
is on the 28th, Mrs. Owens' concert will the
come off on 29th. Mrs. Owens has
h some fine selections from Hayden an the
1e other gifted authors, also the "P- Sal
d erere," "When the Tide es
in," &c. He
Sorry our "Open Sesam ' in the ish
- concert. paragraph last eek got
- knocked into "open sear.," and right
ir here we will say that ..the "o" which
il, Parot found in our tiame was a de
n- formed "g." bo
Y Mrs. Clelan visiting her brother bra
to Mr. Tol No s, in Franklin. W'e ar
n- wish her a eaaant trip. He
d. Mr. H ry Eddins is painting and
ll Leautif ng his home generally. "Ah! Se
ad therea a method in his madness."
'° Wonder if those blue eyes have any- Sa
or thing to do with it?
!e Mr. Edgar Goodwill and Miss
Olive Goodwill, of Minden, are spend
ing some time in Delhi, the guests of
Mrs. Murphy. M
Miss Annie Herring, of Floyd, and
Miss Gordie Fontaine went to Mon- to'
be roe on Monday to attend the drill of
r- the Ouachita Pelihcans. he
Mrs. Kate Draughon, that naivet on
beauty, passed through Delhi on er
rer Sunday on her way to Goshen. She
ds captured the handsome Mr. Hunt, of
for Altoona, and brought him on to Delhi.
. Dr. Will Brumby is off on a sum
ys mer tour to Ala.; hope he will make
or a good catch. S
W" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown are the dI
honored guests of that charming hos
of teas, Mrs. Watts. Mr. Brown is a is
ase student of medicine under Dr. G. Mc- th
D. Brumby.
to We regret not knowing that Miss la
°- Maria Brumby was in town last week
he as she is one of our favorites. Yes,
me and we know some body who is
n- casting long lingering glances at Miss
ed Maggie Brumby. In
he Mr. Platus Buchanan and his love
ly young lady friend seem happy in w
`e the society of each other.
tie Wen rst we leached love's little boat T
we Is life's mrst bight illeion."
The petit and lovely Mir Annie R
Wells went to Tallulah Tuesday to
attend a home Dramatis' Personal.
We hear that the Tallulah Club is P
quite talented.
rill Mr. Charlie Wathen went to Vicks- M
his burg Sunday to attend to some legal A
Smatters. 0
Little Miss Sue ,Watts has had
quite a severe billious spell but is up vi
ine now and on the qui vive for the con- th
the cert.
l; Mr. Stein is back from his trip th
j looking much improved by the heal
to ing waters of Coopers Wells.
)r- Mr. Ben Karp. has ale retourned
il- from Canton, his beaming face indi
es, cates a plhasant visit.
Thanks to Mr. and Mr. Dollerhide
or for some very mch appreciated
on. favors. C
ak Delhi is onat somewhat of' a boom, 01
, several parties wishing to rent homuses m
& and none for rent; it boast also of a C
noew "Hotel de Ville."
Oitr nest exoellent and suceesful t
farmer, Mr.'J. W. Riehardson, went
di- out to Monroe or last Monday. S
so- We will reave the other news for
Parot to tell, being a Freneh bird she
can tell things all right.
-PrtkP Pjasser&a.
ow WhT? why? why?--and 'cases; d
a Alto snm boastof m ore pretty girls
Sthan my town in the parish.
Mr. 1. . ral gh returned from
#atcheas i last Tuesday, altar an
vbsemes e n days; Ysoergei
a See boy and vukpa p rwith the
ow iaSs Durs Watson 'tr ned heube e
bat from syisfle oa lIWedlirsdsty t
1e who,,, ,sb .p,,,ntom u jy, risi.
a1 Moe- Tem",,e and
-Iia ba , st. i stog *.l
£1 g Vat tis week. p,
- a hse j to el-i emralusing. .
H. T. Clausen was in Rayville bn
Saturday last. '
Geo. W. Wright, Sr. andJr.,were
both in Rayville last Saturday, also b,
P. W. Wright. T
John N. Chennault, from above, p
was here with several others from
that neighborhood. vi
J. Ihasting Rhymes was here on
Saturday. He went to Monroe by a
the west bound train.
Mr. Dey, inspector of buildings on n,
the Q. & C. route, passed through !
Saturday evening, going west. b
We had an appreciated call from
Hon. Duncan Buie, of Franklin par- !
ish. lie has placed us under obli
gations for a copy of the Natehez ¶
F. C. Boies came in on the cast o
bound train Saturday on a visit to his d
brothers, E. A. and J. L. Boies. We
are always pleased to meet Fayette. .
He is now a resident of Bienville.
B. F. Ilixon was in Rayville on
Seturday last.
E. A. Boies was in Rayville on
Saturday last. f
B. 1. HIallack came in town on
last Monday. t
W. H. Hallack was in town last I
The Waldrom brothers were in
town on Saturd:ay.
Mrs. F. M. Bledsoe and one of "
her daughters returned to Gibsland t
on Monday last, after spending sev
eral days with friends in this paeish.
Mrs. Fannie Bledsoe was in Ray c
ville on Monday, the guest of Mrs.
Nunnery. 1
J. B. Hardy was in town on last
Saturday. lie reports his cotton not
damaged much by the worms.
Young Prosper K. Montgomery
is over looking afrer his interest in
the Montgomery-Whitfield place.
Mr. Price came in on Saturday
R. S. Hardestv was in Rayville, I
from Alto, on Tuesday. I
Wm. R. Hemler was in Rayville
last Tuesday.
Several of the Archibald brothers
were in Rayville Tuesday.
J. T. Lyles was in Rayville last
M. L. McCoy and family were in
Rayville last Tuesday.
We had the pleasure of a call from
Prof. D. F. Huddle, President of the
Gibaland Collegiate Instithte, on last
Monday. He informed us that Col.
a A. D. lHammett died at Gibsland
on Sunday last.
I James A. Rhymes was in Ray
P ville on Tuesday. He has our
thanks for some of the largest and
most delicious peaches we have seen
this year. He informs us that the
cotton worms are not doing much
damage in his cotton and that he is
using the lamps now.
A. T. Wright called in the office
eod Tdesday last.
We had the pleasure of meeting
Capt. 1). A. Campbell,of VKksburg,
on Tuesday. The Captain is over
on a visit to his fathlr,Rev. D. A.
W. G. Scott anti f ate Were in
I town Sunday.
.Miss Virginia Jordan and Mias
Stewart were m Rayville dr Sun
Sday last
]Mis, Sue Graham sad I[is Maemd
Wright were iS to*n on last Tks
Mrs. it. D. Bickers add ras.
Dbtaon were in RyvlllE liast Tues
SMns. O. Pettit came in town last
Tuesday evening.
Dr.Craven, fatifr of Mrs. M. W.
Kelly, is now spending a *hite in
G. T. SmniIerl and H. J. RuSi
Swent to Alto Tmuesday evening last in
Sthe interest of the military complny.
Johaie tones has been spending
everal diarid Alhe this wiek.
W; ELyes has bae .sdd
' rverI d~mys ia town hi ek.
Mr. . AN.Chldrem Ift ik Ali
e Tuimeaday whom be gentw til do
I .sI a a r, he ...
dai.sV-u- 'us., i soega.
i Nheesibehe Intuate .rt iad.,
Capt. ci . d d
uaggmges at iupewr
Jeh~1hmt urns~ti~
s C( rn·P
Mrs. Rush and Miss Dora Wat- I
son went to Alto last Wednesday.
J. II. Newberry was in town cn at;
Thursdfy of this week. Cr
W. H. Doughtic, one of Richland's no,
best farmers, was in Ravville on to
Thuts day last. lie says i.e has been T,
poisoning the worms. ar
Master Harry Jordan was in Ray- Re
ville last Thursday. ari
Mrs. Vickers and Miss Mamie eu:
were in Rayville on last Thursday. on
John M. Gwin c:me np with his di0
nephew, Capt. Skipper, on Saturday.
The Captain is a resident of )yers
burg, Tenn.
E. McDonald was in town on last
Chas. Newberry was in town onu
Mr. Rainhlat, from the lower part
t of the pariah, was in Rayville Thurs
day last. }il
e It C. Sorter wan in town on last al
* Thurrday with some fine pears. cus
n thi
The Board of Troutees of Rayvilio
n High School met at Simms and Bal
four BHall on the 18th inst. J. W. -
n Simms in the chair; J. W. Willis at
the secretary's desk and all the mem
it ber present.
After the meeting was called tol
order J. T. Ferguson stated that "
nsince the position of teacher was l
tendered by this board to Mr. M. G. ih
1 Wells, of Trinton, Miss., that he had h
d received a letter from that gentleman Io
who stated that on account of a pre-o.
vious engagement he declined t, ac- .
r cept the position offered him here. T
s. It has been reported that Mr.
Upton wanted the position, but that
t gentleman being present, on invita
tion from the president, addressed
the board and in his remarks stated
that altbough he had a vital interest
Y in the school here, that he was not
in at that time an applicant for the po
sition, but thought it probable that
y on consultation with his wife, who at
is also an egerieneed teacher, that
e, they could be induced to take the
le Mr. W. P. Mangham presented
the application of T. C. Evans, ot
Robalmne, La., wha claims to have
r graduated :at Sentenary College in
1860. This application was read and
st filed, and on motion, Mr. W. P. Mang
ham was appointed as a committee t
in to correspond with Mr. Evans and ,a
request him to furnish certificates of s,
his qualifications as a teacher and D
good moral eharacter ke. by the 27thb
of this month, at which time the
board will meet again.
J. W. Shi, President.
J. W Wnus. Secretary.
ur Miss Jennie Slack, aged 16 years,
ad residing' in the blue grass region of
m Iowa, near. Villisca, hs this season
e planted and cultivated thirty-fve
acres of corn, besides milking six
cows night and mornipg, and helping
is in other work about tihe farm and
housebold. Threoer ir i iir·lmndid I
condition for a big crop, and the
Syoung lady who raised it i said to be
fie looking, intelligent and none the
worse for the hard work she has done
for her invalid father, who was n-n 2
g, able to pay a hired hand or do it2
er himself. Such girl make good help
lnmeets for worthy and industrious 2
young men.-Chieago Inter-Ocean. 2
in fWould that our 8outhern gftrl
could be made believe that work is
honorable. We would hear of less
failures in the country.
Neat& Idsua EpasErimsntsl Usd1...
Cts ases, ILs, Ag. 21, 18M9.
SThe next regular monthly meeting
0f the North Louisiana Agricultural '
S8Soeiety *ilr be held at the Experi
-mentalStatidn, Thursday, August 29, 1
inst. The question, "If farming dore
at not pay, why notT'-to be disussed
by Hon. J. B. Williams and Messrs. I
. Sharp and Befner, of MIorehouse, aad
in sth* preactical farmEri, is o tfrought
withr prabtieal'impartance ttbe farm
er,it is hoped a fullmeeting will be
had to hear sad tojoin iin diseussion
in T.IAgriculturnl Hfll, dbr in'ecours
Sctf constructios, will be esaly comr
ag pleted by then, mslfeicntly so to' as.
conmmodt the visitors. Let there
ug be a full meeting.
Assistan Director.
jo Whitw Fmeus Sllg.
-AND-- I
lm m l m.
l1. uMT. IE,,S u,ss1 is ·tresl
are smvep 'qi l ~w Ism.
St lse. sa~rsi s Mrb SIT
• lss rUM- Mississees a ll -
l WhmIll. lW a slal *ids
.t , mlrZIUG, £ )i.Pu s.
l . lk,
Excursins to Ezperim'ntai Station.
To accommodate partics v.ishiag to
attend the Farmers' Experimental
Station at Calhoun, La., the Queen &
Crescent Route will until further
notice run a special train fronm Delta
to Calhoun and return on the last
Thursday in each month, at 6 a. m.
arriving at Calhoun at 10:35 a. m.
Returning leave Calhoun at 5 p. m.
arriving at Delta at 9:20 p. in. Ex
cursion ticket, good on day of sale;
one fare f'ir round trip from int-erme
dia'e station. tf
State of .oni-ian.s. Parish of Richisam,
Y7th District Court.
neenesion of Chrilstopher anid Mary Mlooney,
J HIEREAS, Francis T. Nicholls. Governor
I f State of Losiiiana, on relation of P. H.
Tolcr. Distrlli Attornsy for 27th Di.trart. has
filed i tlhe olfica of the clerk of the District
(I ntrt. in an. f..r saild Parish of Richslan,', Ilis
appi i.'aion to l,ave T'. N. Rhymesr appointed
curat r to admintister said bsctesion.
Now. Therefore. unless opposition he male
ther-to within teln lay, fromn the slate hereof,
the sadl T. N. Rhymes will be al.lEinted
curator ulmn has qali'ying artorwling to ,aw.
D)'y clerk.
Rayrille. Jeag 21st, if~ . t
State of Louisiana. Parists of Richland,
191 Ward.
Whereas. on the 16th day of August, 1969,
ta certain ray mare and colt were duly
estryed bfire me by Rolla Thomas, the
owner of wht-ich it ntakoown. Tbhe snre is
shout lboarteen hanth, high with white face anl
three white feet and a letter W on the le.I
hip anl salat six years ol. The cult is a
t sorrel, altott aose year old.
Now therefore. unless the owner slall ap
pear and prove proplery and pay chargea
- acttorlit.g io law I will lptotrel t.n
Tuesday, the 10th dlay of Sept. 1889,
r sell said astray at my onic to the higlhest
Shi hder, for rash ta iulehc anction at
not less than two thatrls of the appsaiseac
. value. W. E. ATCHISON, J. P.
I elag 10--55di
t OSlT or mislld one promissay nrIo of dalte
P. June 15th, Ih58, Ior Ftive Ilintlred ant
sixteen (r5-16() loilars.p'yahble to trhe tslr of
Jo.hn CIaalb a Sons, on the lt o Novemaber
o after date andl signdl John A. Hem ler. Jr.
AttA 31, 18s9. W. H. CHAFFE a Co.
Aug 10-3t
Neaw gie Perseoa
SAn these troubled wlth nervmtaesms reanstltn
um aseer overwork will be retleved by takinr
Bt Irosw 's lr., lter.a. ;n"me
n trade mark adr eaosed red Ias se wrtppsr.
Ls of jurors drawn by the jury comnmis.
sinners of the Parish of Riehland, on the 1t
d1 day of July, A. D. I:b!, for service at the
f September term, 1889, of the 27th J-diciel
d District eertn. in and for the Parish of Rich.
b aud. Sate of Lonisiana. Sail term to he
held and to begin on Sepoember 2nd, A. D.
No. W',' No. W'd
SAtkinson JH I 1 2% Miles Frank 1
2 RAkanrd A I+ 27 Hixon B H 4
3 Vassalt DD I !P Land WR 1
4 Alri.m Dave 1 l Ilarly J B 4
5 Broavks James I 30'Souln ( e:o B 1
S6 Le.rggt Et l 1 31 Silk Thos
Df 7 ioanam Sol 5 32 Hen:ers-., Mai 7
an 8 Wrilsto W 2 33 Grin E T 4
re 9bl RhyaseJan A 4 34 Johnon J I
10 Bayr )eanPaul i :s.3 Prytor J C 4
II Nealy J L 1 :to; BaysmjeanJnojr 7
12 MMgliomeryW C4 37 Earl H W 6
Ul, Ila(rir CP $ 3i Wysn T W 3
d 14 Wrisht fhll 3 39 Msarlnt D 3
15 nIHmsler J & 4 4I) TeaTn e J D 1
16 Ihssn W I 4 41 AstIsbellJBla jr 4
17 C('limwanm Cle l 4 JC(pss Tha I
SIa Abnaah I H 2 43r Daham W G 3
6e ( 4nvsraisamo WO 4 44 Wynn tlteh a
g 20 .Mlamn J A 6 45 Willieme L P 3
it21 .Thim teryS 1'4 46 Lewis William 3
22C OlraI BFP I 4t Arcshill ET 4
3 JJaehan Bitt 4 4 Jamitee E 2
* 24 Dillon WT 4 49 Legit .IltN I
25 oestbrperWS1 boHemler WR 4
3s No. W'd No. W'!
I Siuislc* I W I 1I ILyle T ,
2 )lt an-I Jab 1 17 ImaLe klS M 7
3 .orysrt' W 2 18 Psyeeu P sPj 7
4 !vy PW 4 19 quatller Gen 3
S5EaLaphsWta S 2O Brasly WW
6itte eChae 21 Joae AC 4
7 CatbeitrJ .- I 22 Iallowy Geo I
aTraIr'W N 4 IPSan 3
g 9TeuevaantI J 1 4 Wright Ge W 3
l0 o0nmad HW 7 9 St stsrlnte J i 2
I Chlldkre A 1 , 26 FAwe( a 8O 2
12Raitbhnt J M 5 2 t'lC2meraskCC C
I l Here T t, 4. 2S Pieliu WK I
II Bris4er J 291S a94
Im16 l .ye, e 'J , 30 5ew Alrh I
a I hekreby e.,i4 ts aste aen e.w
a drawn by the Jiut Ceom t ttsel oe " s erve
r fr the respective weakes or wh'el they wero
drawn. 6: . uI.MIY,
-. Clesb 2YthIDe's'Caesi Peatu e't Rieblela
I' --o-
FI Win. s Jluats.,LL. D.,hRes'tl
H FlER ,ess Amsel Seaaseef ongf h ileSk.
SJ Coles,s et ft d,, H. Sqtihi- ,o,
gin Tu.els. o er te~a.lt,. Enisase eanirs
iest aen Slaaiay; Sie3semir 3rl ..
High SHma.nt man, . years GIl ,s eamirso
4 yress All da.sertmlpa s sep.lis4 wish
hlenIe'rauie anal ether sale to Imraeshaa ts,.
ratedines. Tie i"as.el Tseinag dephamett
Ls w eol eqgppa with s*Pyarst fur wede
wmorinig, laW /toinhina, birlgi4, armlg ua
insdeulmg gad ma*ms Cesauvwllm.
th, ge**e erhelerge Asi or beeaelar.atiljatce.
j ITa H.0ph. ,ew en GI
h Rugsrr sew e .emdpie -A of in
hr rlessu.sllsm.
ald At, em5 mo. l Art aed Iham ne.
r1. Tme e as Aeealliald lDe1pss paoh
I pees, elude, hr te p,, ga Pig.,
Fe- I ea e..e. e s,,, sa, i II,a. V . -
ll 1se- assy f tlhe Telse Uwe,'ty,
e IA,. l,,o-

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