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Nor 19 SHREVEPORT, TUESDAY, JULY 16, 1862. Old leitc Vl. Ji ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HODGB fi AUSTIN, Attorneys at Law, O eee over Csilder 4 &Beard's Store. Cor. Texas ad Spring its., ul-lyd BuHRvrPoaTr, LA. J. C. MONCURE. A t; toraey at Law, SHsVSPOaRT, LA. (FcO e witk L. MA. Nutt, corner of Milam and Market streets. + Ard-1y SMMET D. CIR4, Attorne and Gounseloraft Law, Ofce, ppaitk Poest O ice, * sRBBVPORT, LA. Will practice in the Courts of 'addo. Desoto, and Bossier. Idly L M. NUTT. A ttorney at Law, tIkce, orIner MIaan 4. Market Streets. enrva3oarT, LA. Prsctiues in Caddo, Bossier and Dn~&no. nl0-lyt LBON D. MARKS. THOS. G. POLLOCK. MARKS 4 POLLOK. Attora s & Counsellors at Law. Skrevteport, La. RACTICE incopartnermhipin all the courts held in the city of 8Shreve port, and in the parishes of De Soto and Bossier. Offrice on Market street aear Milaun. n3-d-y. 1 PRIVATE BOARDING. s.LTravis street, near Baptist Church. BEING located in a retired and agree able part of the town, affords unusual in dueements to boarders, transient or permas nent, will find it a comfortable home. Faim lios or single gentlemen can obtain pleas ant rooms, and day boarders will be accom u.odated. s99v9 Mrs. A. B. TAINTOR. COMMISSION MERCHA'TS J. .. PHELPS. J. V. ROGEaS Phelps & Reogers, G{rocers&CommissionMerchants Cor. Commerce and (rocket sts. ;&ciOne door above A. If. Hull & Co's. SHREVEPOrLT, LA. Keep constantly on hand a large as sortment of Staple and Fancy Gro tries, etc. Advances made on consignments to our friends in New Orleans. nl8dly J. R. Simpson. G. AM. Calhoun. Simnpson & Calkoun, WARBiOUSE & COMISSION MERCHANTS, Receiving and Forwarding Agents, SHRBVEV(9RT. LA. Having leased the popular and commo dious Warehouse of Messrs. liHward, Tally & Co., and having had loug experience in business, we hope to receive a share of the .public patronage, and pledge ourselves to 3o all in our power to give entire satisfac -vonin all busMnese entrusted to our care. All we ask is a trial. no25 ASSOCIATIONS. 4, I. 0. O. F The regular meetings of NElTII LODGE, No. 21, are held on Wednesday evenings, at 7 o'clock, at their Lodge Room on 'T'exas street. N. SBL4mMAN, N. G. F. W. SPILKaR, Secretary. n10 A MA S ONT I C SHREVEPOP' LODGE ofF and A. M. Nu. 115, meets every Friday at 74 P. II. Jon. W. SoN.s, Wi. M. J. IT. Brownlee, See'y. SArevport Chapter of t. A. M. No. 10, meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, at 74 P. M. J. G. McWILLIAMS, '. C. Waller, Recorder. II. P. Shreveport Coeril, R. and 8. M1. No. 5, meets on the*Ist and .d Saturday of each month, at 74 P. lf. EMMET D. CRArG, Ronry Levy. Recorder. T.*.O.-.M Place of meeting, at the Ma..onicfalll Texasstreet.. over Mayor's l'cee. nov4 TIE SEMI-WEEKLY NIEWS It puhilssed ewersy Twesday and Fri. day Moermug. O@ice, on Texas street, Abowe Spring, near tAhe Mayor's offece. TERIL : Per Asas, (is Advance,) $5.00 Six Meoths, " " 2.50 Three " " 1.50 *The above low rates are for the- "War times and size." which places our paper within the reach of every family. S !rQLoG CoPY 1o CrNTa. A3XVRTZIBZýJO IIAZX'c: for each squre of twelve lines or less for the frst insertion,............. $1.00 For each additional insertion, per square,...................... 50 The privilege of yearly advertisers is strictly limited to their own immediate and regular business; and the business of an advertising firm is not considered as inclu ding that of its individual members. Advertisements published at irregular intervals. $1 per square for each insertion. All advertisements for etmogers or tran sient persons, to be paid in advance. Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time, will pe inserted till for bid, and payment extcted. TELEGRAPHIC. Office Semi-Weekly News, Tuesdayc July 151h 1862. ` We are informed says the Monroe Register, by an intelligcnt otlicer of the army, who crossed the Missisip pi river on the Gth, that our sueues sos at Richmond have not beenl ex aggerated. The latest are dispatch es to Gov. Pettus at Jackson, to the effect that we had up to the 5th, com pletuly routed the enemy after eight days fighting. We have taken Gen. McClellan with 35,000 prisoners, and a train of wagons, of more than 30 miles. A portion of the army suc ceeded in escaping by way of Janmes River in their transports; a large number are scattered over the coun try and were being brought in all the tizue. Our informant states that no one on the other side of the river doubts the complete rout of McClel lan's army, and that McClellan and at least 35,000 of his men are pris oners of war. This was read by Gen Van Dorn frone the Governor, and read out on dress parade by his order. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Confederate Pickets near Memphis. Mutiny of Federal Cavalry. Latest from Vicksburg. Jackson, July 5.-T''he Memphis Argus and Avalancho have both been suppressed. The former for asking Gen. Grant's permission to publish the Southern occount of Mc Clellan's defeat at Richmond, and the latter for alledged incendiarysen timents published in their papers. The Confede.zate pickets are now within four miles of Memphis. Warm work is expected soon so look out for stirring events. 17 more of enemy's pickets were found dead last Wednesday. Dan gerous for Fedezals to he on picket duty near Memphis. Northern papers of 30th, perefect ly silent on McClellan's "on to Rich nnond." e A Dispatch from Cairo states that two companies of Illinois cavalry whilst going up river from Memphis, mutined and took possession of the steamboat. The cause not assigned . They were arrested on their arrival at Cairo. Vicksburg. July 5.-The bom bardment continues slowly, with but little efeat on either side. 0Richmond, July 5.-A dispatch from Petersburg says a gentleman Swho came from down the river coun ted eighty vessels of all kinds at and below Berkley's on yesterday. Heavy cannonading was heard =back of Berkley's from 12 to half Spast 1 o'clock, and dense columns of smoke were seen ascending asudse o qcently. The; New York Tribune of the 2 28th says: The killed, wanded and missing, in the fight near Charleston, numbers 688. Gen. Ben ham has been arrested for making r the attack. He and his staff have reached New York. Richmond, July 5.-Our forces are still pursuing the enemy. It is reported that a large body of Mc Clellan's army is surrounded and will probably be captured. Richmond, July 9th.-Baltimore papers of the 8th, in relation to Chandler of Michigan, said that "Stanton had nothing to do with puiting the army in the marshes of (Chickahominv. This was a matter of gross criiminality which should consign the criminal to eternal des truction. Theerimal is Abe Lincoln or McClalnn There is no third man in his judgment. The criminal should suffer the most severe penalty of the law." Staunton is unsparingly denounced Sby the Herald. Knoxville, July 9.--Information has been received to-day that Buell's army is crossing the Tennessee river at IHaws' Landing, eight miles from Guntersville, Jackson, Ala. Wheth er be is on his way to Rome Ga. or' designs returning to Chattanooga, in the rear, by the way of Will's valley is donjectured. It is reported that Morgan's (Fed eral) forces are removing from Cum bkrland Gap to Kentucky. Richlnond, July 6,-The Enquirer has BaltimUore papers of the 4th. The Washington correspondent of the New York Herald says that the Fed eral government has been notified by the ministers of two of the leading European powers that the war must be immediately closed. The New York Evening Post says that Lincoln has issued a proclamna tion for 300,000 more troops. The Times says there is no room to doubt that tile federal army has met with a serious reverse, and is in a condition of imminent peril. Petersburg, July 6.-Yankees bur ied over 500 at Shirley. They left one thousarnl, who fell into ourhands on Saturday morning. Our pickets now occupy Shirley. Nine more prisoners brought into Petersburg say that McClellan is in! strong position at Berkley; thatr. he ' has been reinforced by Shields divi sion. Hie new has 80,000 or 100,000 men and will give battle. I Richmond. July 6-The battle ofj1 F Richmond has lasted eight days, and not yet finished. Thus far the ene my has been beaten in every direc-j tion. The enemy. is now surround ed by our victorious army, and every effort being made to prevent his es cape by way of James river But it tis feared some part of his army will succeed in escaping on their boats. We estimate the number of pris oners taken at 7000, number of can non 76 pieces, besides 456 spiked, and Sabandoned by them last niaght. The number of killed and wound ed cannot be less than 20,000. We have captured and secured 15,000 stand of arms, and an im mense amoant of valuable property. Quantity destroyed by the enemy enormous. Among the prisoners we have two Maj Generals and three or four Brigadier Gen's. Our lossabout 10,000. Gen. Griflth, of Mississippi is killed. The magnif eeet strategy of Lee is beyond all praise. INCIDENrTS OF TEHE CREAT mhTTLE. T'he intelligent reader will under stand, and perhaps appreciate, the difficulties attending anaccurate com pilation of all the incidents connected with the operations of the armies around Richmond for the past five days. It is almost impossible to afford in detail descriptions of the several engagementswhich have shed such imperishable lustre upon the arms of the Confederacy, and which have finally resulted in the over throw, complete and disgraceful, of the hosts marshaled under the ban n.r of subjugation. On the important results which must inevitably flow from our suc cesses, and the disc ontiture of the Northern army under McClellan, it is needless at this time to speculate. Suf fice it to say that from the opening of the grand ball on Thursday after noon down to the hour which wit nessed the enemy in full retreat, the efforts of our forces were attended with unbroken success, and at no time did the brave men upon whom hung the hopes and confidence of the country, falter-or waver in their de termination to make the victory de cisive. Battery after battery was stormed with the most during disre gard of human life, and the appar ently impregnable poiitions of the enemy were carried at the point of the bayonet with the most impetuous ardor. Never did men fight more bravely, and never was valor more surely and signally rewarded. Our loss is heavy, both in officers and men. Trhe soil of Virginia. the grand old mother of States, is en riched with the best blood of her suffering Southern sisters, and from every State of the Confederacy the martyrs of liberty have united in pouring out the crirrmson tide as a rich and imperishable libaticn upon the altar of the one gre-ut c-mnon cause. There is no discrirnination to be made between the gallant men who constitute the mont m:agnificientt army that ever was arrayed in coin -at. As stie of the Coi-,tederacv they fought. and as sons of the Con federacy they conquered. If one corps distinguished itself more than anotlh- I er in this, the greatest battle eve-r fought en this Continot, it was on account of its position on the field. Our reports thus far published are p to Saturday evening. Sunday skirmishing began at an early hour and continued during the day at dif ferent points along the line. The 1 great battle of the day, however, I took place in the evening near York 1 river railroad, some three miles from ; the battle feld of thte eSeven Pines." Gen. Magruder sareaued she at tack about 4 o'clock, by a'dvnciag upon the Yeankee intruanehmeita, The sret line was teken after a sharp conlict and the s oqnesy diven to another. Waiting nlfy long enueagh to get the aiSllery in posi tion this also was stormed and so oft until seven forts had been ocaupied. the Yankees fleeing in wild confus ion. The irieng .4riazaed qatil ten o'clock in the night, when the battle ceased. In this buiiiaut fight th. men of Gen. Magrader's.division won great honor and mansained the fiht ing reputation given them on the Peninsula. The Yankees foaght. desperately and contested the ground closely, but they could not stand Oshe fierce charges made upon them. The loss was heavy to the enemy., jone hundred and seventy-five Yan kees were laid dead upon the field, and eight hundred prisoners were taken. Our loss not heavy although many a good man was injured. The advance of our men upon the enemy is described by an eye witness as splendid in the extreme. From one fortification to another they ,did rush with an impetuosity that couid. not be checked. In their advance sev eral magazines were exploded and as immense quantity of etores destrovyed Arms, baggage, overcoats, knapsack". caps and haversacks, were scattert d along the route in profusion. The latest accounts of yesterday repre sent the Yankey army cut in twain and many trying to escape towards the James river. After destroying the railroad and telegraph lines and driving the Yankees this side of tike Chickahominy, Jackson also crossed and is now pressing hard upon them. Yesterday it was said that Generals Longstreet and Hill were in position in Charles City, and that the last avenne of escape for the "grand army" is cut off. Gener:J Magruder had gone to reinforce Gen. Longetreet, while Jackson and oth ers are steadily driving them or*. IThe only alternative is a heavy gr.t near the Jatnes river, or an uncondi; tional surrender of McClelan's arry - While Magruder was thus succeass fully -,pushing the enemy to the Swall," on the South side of tks Chickahominy, the redoubtable GeFp Stuart was not successful in fruSra ting the plans of the young Napooe n on the north side. Dashing dowp to the White House, on the Pamnoley. he succeeded in bagging about 2,690 of the grand Union army at at point. A number of these were brought to the city during yesterday. and the others we understand are en route hither. Of this number., tht-re is a large sprinkling of the fqr -itri elemient, representatives some of them of the "Green Isle of Erin." and others of the German "Feder land." OPERATIONS VESTRBDAY. Of operations yesterday there is but little to be said. 'I'hey were not destitute of importance, however. and their results were of a seriousm nature to the enemy. The ':folde of' the anaconda are tightening around him," and it is very evident that the "backbone",of the rebellion has been greatly strengthened, There *as some ifghting, it is true, result. [Continued on 4th page.]