. . o .rpa-t .
umber I. EVEPORT, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1_ _ Old Series Vol. 1
drr~~ --~--~ '~- l Series ---o--- ---I
SOtt ()rfltey1ý itt. la.iv,
ýj i " oi er (7ukitdcr,, 4- 1 eard'.s Sfope.
t or. "'Thxaz tand Spring~ t,.,
J' -y1) %·lEtfVEPORT. L.A.
J. (.: 31 ('Ur N1,
As~~i y- -i t I-L.'r't-,
.Attorney and Counselor at Law,
(),ApireC. 'pjoxvi/c Poti Of,&e,
htItua":vFrFt L. LA.
.1 pvtawri.t. in that C4.uvrts o.)
.~!d.. I)''1,it.,, and o Bo4i,.r. I div.
S4- 11rkeq Strert..
1'i :±cai,..t iii ('addra11 . Boa: i."r :&ndI
t. ' '. 1n. ,.lrh -. ltni ,. 4.. PO'I.IjCF
.IIAIUi..s A- POLL)(.gK.
Attorueys; & Counsellors at Law.
S/!,reTcport. Let. !
" ?Ar 'i "'It': in 4'(q4:Lrtnaerr~hp.41 in :all
14 44 i Clrt. hld, lrin the vitV 4. ) $rI. r -- l
t'`'.r. a &d ini tih J)arisII(.j.1 ofh NoFSot., .
124rr 84,i,?*.
'-z1 'I ý" ""týrk"z t-trv,*t near M l~ ni.
I. t It
-r. ý1 ~". ta-ar 4~lte h'}uda1.
S) E.I N 1 ' io~atr.d in a r.Žtir.-,I a .d afire,--'
hi: pa:rr. of trk.* to nj if)irtic ntu-unli:it Ii
6u:" fl( uIt4 to b".:.~1,"r:.* trata.4i- at or pteriTrk. I(1
. r 2.7gjt, Jar:l" *Ita.v botar-t:rr '.ill 1,e u"on
..: t i, ' 1ir.. ,,. 1.. I raY inott 11
n. 'rRt ý. J. 1.I ~ a1ý
Phelps & Rooeme.
S' or. tionninp-r(,( v7na Ciroekt af./..
&)' 'ne door I:utiie A.31. h uh t .'.,'<
:iuRII)FE:oo'Tr LA.
Ke.sp constan:ly on hand :t larL" a -
,.rtroeuit of iStaple (eEd J'zNeq (Fai ,
r 'jc'.r. err.
Adautxe- wmade (,n c'o01ngnuuuflur t,
:jz frie"nds in Ne'w ( )rIvatxu,. it I'd I 1
.1. .R..` 1 flqS'um. (u. 11. (-'d/,oau,.
~i'npson & Calhoun,
'11;11R(ILL\ T .S, "a nTad oi rlg
/? ?flJ(1?vinc Eopuanrv1il' I...onttc
Rw'anog- i.",is. i fthe popular and "i'rnmo
c:i. ui Waroho'use of Mears. fll'wuurd. TaIll
So.. and having bad long epu~rieu-nu." in
::-jnE'-* ýu.. hope to reteive a share ot titf ui
r.Hi patronage. and pledgu oursr1v-uý t..
(All ini our power to give entire satisfacu
1.ou in all b:z:.jIcie entrusted to our car.'.
111 we ask is a trial. 'I
I,1 0. 0. F.
I I ht re1gular mcietiurv. of
: S131T~ LUD C 21, No. 21, art"ht.li
e'fL «t·dnesdy Evfnings, at 7 o'clock.
:41 tlu&r Lodge R'oin on Texas street.
.Jow. DI(.KINSON, N. ;l.
P . SV . .r IL. k p r , S e cre ta r v . 31 4 X i
r(IHRrxr ;PO p': LOn;a: of 1'
+.uad A. M. No. 115. nu et,,
e1* 'rFriday at 7A P. M.
.TOHN W.* JTONES, W. 31.
f.1. 1i. }Hruwniec. Sc'v.
,hrrrt eport 'aptcr of RI. A. M. No. 10,
? un tLe :Ind an.' 4th Monday of each
IOollth, %t 7,1 P. M. J. G. MCWLLLLAA1d
1'. ('. WalIor, Recorder. 1L P.
hrevecport (oucdil, R. and S. M4. No. 5,1
r.e. ts on the It and 34 SaturdaIy of .c&nh
i)coth. at 7j P. M1. EMMET 1). (:"GcR ,
heury Ievy. Recorder.. T. .G. .M·
W Place- of n'aeting, at the Mainni hI apl
Tc ee tr ee., over Mayor'a e, co24.
It paelimAcd ever? Twe'day and F-i
0111ce .on-We~a:% Sitve.et,
..'opve .Sprin~". near the 31a r.v offic.'.
Per *nnum, (in Adlarnee,) $5.00
Sis 3Jonths, "" t 2.i0
Three so 1.50
The- above' !«' rurrce are f.,T tjaw "`War
tiuies avid size." wvhL-h j.Iuces u o puapr
%uithin th. retach of s"-venr faznil-.
F-or c-n lh . (manreE oj t alt a linre arl 14 's
for tJhe (krs' ioM.ertiEn..uu ...........~i
'le r each additional ilnertiun, peur
sýta . "............... rl
STE EI. E ( A I' II( .
Oc. Oict, Soemi-Weekly News, ,
Iridayel .Jul/ 1 th 1J862.
la sslnger to-day says that \I.
raw, e'.'hllan was mort:ally wounded, and
lthas -sin.- diedt, and his aiinmyv laid
ll (dIwit the ir trm s. ret Lsing to tight any
• ,. longer. Th'lat l indman had defeated
Sot Cu'rtis. captnri g 1]5,000 stand of
arms. lPrice is on his way to Mis
am. i .souri. T!ih ,nen v have given up
- the idea of taking 'Vieksburg, and all I
* the gunboats have left. We think (
reh. this reliable. consildering the source. I
,rt.- j A band of tories in Winn Parish I
:it- were taken to Fort .Jackon a fi:ew I
ua- da(ys since. Some of them condemn- t
':" ed to the halter.
rl: It is r·eported that we have reta:ke I
it Baton Rouge.
t 'lhe c'anal to cut off Vicksburg is
S 'supposed to be a failure.
Ia inoher date of July 12. we have r,
eeivd the followin i ntgellil .gentc Ir, rli
our -pecial agent in Natchitoclie. :
N :\vs-'l'he Mouth of Ree, Ii 'r. Ti
is blockaded. T'he glnb:u. have
left Vicksbiurg. (ur rl'r s.i._ it ti lt` l
Month is stro.ped.I
I a hutrry, your'.
.lou WY. TAH:R. ("
t 4rotlatla..Jult- 7- '''he St. l.ouis
S1,-publi"can of the 'd inst., which has
1 I beLn retcitved hlm-re. still obsurv',-s a
Iny st.r.ous siht.,.,, resp,..ting Me('lel
liin' def tat, which it ftiars roaty- nieall
I disaster. art
A disl,atich date.d ('airo the 1:t fr
inst. says that t;cn. Ilindinan is I:b k
at St. Charles with 5000 men. ("1. "
F- itch, of the Yankee army, has aban- i
da oled his po.-ition after spiking his i"
1g.uns. Curtis is reported to bl iil a ca
bad situatiiia. Supplies tcanllnot reach
tii. and he had been living on halt'I
ratins for ten days. It' will hlave -tiri
to ct t hi- wa\- ,tt or h1 captured.-- issh
fit. was report.-d to ha-ve ben cap- tl,
Ii i
"w,'ed about t,.n days .'tro. thou,h no, it i.
disp atches ,o'uirinig the rutiner ha.s will
come to hard at present writing.t -.Ed to t
.News.j 1
T''he last aemtounts rcenivte.d from wiof
;Holly Springs report the Federals the
{are again retreating. to Iu
Oficiad Report oJ'the Ir /ht in tlhe
Arknsas. ..km
HEAQ'Is, 'I'RTANS-Miss. Die., t
Little Rock. Ark.. June 25, 'G2. the
On the 17th inst., the enemy at- the I
tacked our possition at St. Charles, i up, t
on White river. We had there, in ntum
battery, twvo thirty-pounder guns and ý amir
four field pieces, under command of our
Capt. Joseph Fry and Capt. Dunning- ahon
ton, C. S. Navy, with 79 men from exce
fS the gunboats Maurepas and Pontchar
Fri_ train; together with thirty-five in
fantry, of the 1st T'rans-Mississippi
Regiment, under command of Capt.
et. A. M. Williams, (Chief of the Corps
• !c,.r F Engineers. Our whole force and
;armanment. therefore, was one hun
drod and tbfrteen then and six guns.
We had no fortifications-there. was
Sno time to construct them.
Th0 ''e federal force consisted of t w
War iron-clad gunboats, one wooden gun
boat, one tug, and three transports.,
with not less than one thorusuand in
Imntrv. r
After an engagement of three t
hours duration, between the zunboats (
tanl the battery, the former were]
IotU forced to retire. ' The, Yankee inithn
trvther iauded from the, tra;nsports,
andt moved upon our battery, which "
was necessarily :bandoned. the guns h
being first spiked. and made useless a
to the eniemnv. (L!ur hiss was six it
killed one wouunded, eight mrissig.n
I among the latter, Capt. Fry. Fry.
9 enemy's loss was one iron -clad gun- _
le boat blown up by a shot fromn our u
nd battery;' another gunboat disabled, a º,
aid transport- seriously iniuro-d. and a
confessed loss of 1')0 menII. It is be
n lsieved to have been even greater.
led The conduct of the officers and
of men of oulr land and naval forces in of
is- this brilliant aftfir-w hieh 1was sulb-.
staintiiallv a vic'tory: wa s. with twoi
UP ignoble exceptions, as tIr as reported _
all honorable in the hillest degree.
uk ('apts. Fry, Il)unnigt.on and W\illiiaaI th
have the thanks of' the Courlnandin
i Jeneral for the -co:r::ge. skill. and tIh
,lenerg'"v then displav.. l'rivatei' th
I Bructe and Ev'.eretrt,f (Capt. llerring's th
S'intuttry. Mr. Win Simith, at tiig sot
cmaster, Vilin Blrela\v, ngirier, Wi'n e
i Smitih, eniiner, \ itor Egley, i-l
ginveer, mid- hipumLaii 1iLbv, who com
insanded ,of the gus, W. S. tL'aumpbll of.
all of thie un boiat 1'oat hlartrainl, and du
D r. Addis ,n ot' tit. .aurepas. are bei
rII nt itned in t ht; reports of their qu
" oIulatil;t dilt i ,,Le|-. : "t ha'vinrg dis
I "ri " -- .lt .d themt-,ýJv,.- lhY promin n u tl
Sra; v rv. ru
S, li.,- ur. Blunid of the -t. Trans-Mis- die
MsiF itli .igi , . ', is i, i- d dis- ser
h ', r,,ab fr ,: it: . szen i 'e. :l rg'ti t dif
i "r v of, ti:, - ,mi . 'i.,im.t i. r, d te-,
.1 :,, rit 1'::: .t'k"r º'i-, , nt - durit ng ' byf
th., II'a:L-,':,. . Iii ,".oiulnllnld of e-x.
R. C. NEWT \ IN. ,,hlorland : fry~
l 'I:1i"f ,,f Statt.
Foreign Intelligence. -all
I'I:, -:teainsihip No-,a Scoi:tia had ben
:trriv.'d at Ntw Y',,rk wi th advi.,s f.t'
tirm rnl 'lalnid t thi, 22. 1" .1 uu,.
lThe St. I'ierr:, afn"tir is s:id to I,, A
sett id. hir I
The eorresplnd.. 'it , h. l :t* aris at fl
'Ionstitutini. lm'i r :terd h, i n.' ndi:t- ol.xi
i,11l of ',tlurol,' ill r :1spH.c.t to tjh,, A .,.,- ,'e ern
as public fopi|i,, .ni l,,h in in'i.land speet
and F'ruanie daily g'row.- in "tvor "t' it.' si
I nt the Hotle it' t 'onmionins. tlhei m- 'now
in of I Mr. Lindsav rei-pe'tiin. Brit- aitnt
isl relations with A..nltrica; .:t, . s- i
Sing thle hltpe that th , Southern Cn- .a th
ftederatctv woult be r:,co,nized t. since muin
it is now lear t' tlhat its i lepiendileiu t', n
will lie ',hiehved, had 1.'eil postonilid seinm
to the 11lth inst (July . view
1 rhtr H1umse of L',rd Mr. Hap
wtardc stated that he would on the 1st w.r,
of. ,ul move a r.,,oluuon that it is man,
the ittvy of the British govertl'llnt back,
to, use' every' exertion. consistent with toned
the mnaint'inilance of' peace, to end the! down
AmericanI war.
It i)S A'' C.IlIKAitiMIN .-. Chief
the returns of the different. corps in back
the battle of (:hickaheominv are made tryin~
up, the papers oi Richmond reduce the the a.
number of onr casnalities. The Ex- Jeterni
aminer thinks thie whole number of out f
our wounded in the batties of Chick- remar
shornminv and Williamsburg did not the bh
exceed 1400, and that 2,000 would he occ
tchar- cover the entire loss, killed, wounded,
re in- and missing. The Enquirer rates
ssippi the loss at 2,300, of whom only 150
Capt. were killed. So that the statement
Corps that the loss of the enemy, taking his
and own account is double that of our side
hun. is likely to be true.
uns. llhe wounded at Richmond were
was improving fist, and alargt number of
them will soon be ready to join their
t commands.
un 'IThe tollowing is from the N. Y.
>orts, Tribune of the 5th inst :
.1 n- Every successive day develops
more and more the desperate charac
three ter ofthe.late battle bef,re Richmond.
moats Our Iortress Monroe correspondent
were learns that already 2,000 ofourwound- 1
ortn, ed ave been take.n care of and that I
hicch tccommodation for :1,00( more will
runs be req quired. food judges fix our loss t
less at 6,000 to YS.0et. That of the ene- t
is pretty surely double this number. i
'I I Richmond is one great hospital, and a
rutn- deep gloom and despair have fallen t
our upon the so latclv defiant foe.--fo- f
d, a bile 'l'ribune.
da -- u
be- A Military ECecution. g
and " ler.onne," Corinth correspondent
in of the (harleston ('urier, gives the
f tI- tolio ing praphic description of a l
ted 5Py I
. A military exe,'ution is a tetrrible tI
ens thing. I saw another on \Vednes-t
n_º,day non, and a more stoical death l
tnd than was suffered by the culprit on j
that occasion I have never in my or
n- somewhat varied experience known ci
"" r equalled. lie was a Tennessean,
Snam(ed (.'non Harris, about 40 years
tau of of age, a resident of Paris or Pa
,nd ducah, and had been cotnvitced of
re being a spy. As he rode by my In
nIr quarters he was seated on the box
:" that was to serve as his coffin, in a i
rrude vehicle, guarded by twelve sol- i
is- iers. but nout the Inost careful ob
s- server could have discovered anyof
difierence between him and a -eriou ta
i- 1bystande!r.
.bystander. Arriving at the place of
execution, whichl was ,illy a quarter ho
of a rail. distant. he jumped lightly
froIum tlit wagon, liungere.d a moment
o se his ,cofii renI, e.d, and then I
saummtetrel d :crelessly dtcw tlhe tlree., t
d beneath cwhich he was to meet his the
t te..
An thecr followed himn lo unlock
iis h:a idIt.isan thl the two stood there
s a ronim e.:t in e,)n' .rs:tion, the pris
L- otner :apparerl:iy ais 'o.l and uncon- nin
*.-t netl ts itf !e- Wv-wer but a mere ui
ti spectator of thle scente. Ilis evet was to
:r. ll bold a un~d averily resting e i
Inow upon t1. t:ro d. amid now aa- deer
-'antly in the distance; as if at times rhir
a thou--ht of the future entered his that
mind. but neither cheek blanched p'y
notr musctle quivered. The man he 'iS
seemtned made of stone. The inter- the
view tinsished t}hi( l:tst words of which but
were,. " -I di an bonc.st and innocent Coni
man," the oticter pinioned his arms an o
baIck. tile faded brown co;at was but- COrn;
toned across his chest, and he sat
dcown across his coffin. A handker- no 0
chief was then tied over his eves, wani
and voluntarilh- he laid his head Li
back against a tree. Even in this Gen*
trying moment, the last that bridged from
the narrow chasm between time and ment
eternity, and earth waa forever shut
out from view, did he preserve his l
remarkable seltf-possession. Finding Orles
the bark of the tree somewhat rough. Hosp
he occupied several seconds in ad- every
nded, justing his head, as ome would fit
rates himself to a pillow before going to
1I50 sleep, sp that it would rest eassiiy,
ment then chewing upon a quid of tobace,
aghis he became still, The file of eight
:side men were now ordered forward until
within ten paces of the culprit, the
were officer took his placetupon the right,
rer of and in a low tone gave the order,
their "take aim." The muskets wr"e
leveled-a few seconds of terrible
i. Y. suspense-- Fire!"..-a simultaneo us
report-a convulsive stirt-a splas.h
:lope of brains-a little stream or two tf
trac- blood from wounds around the heart .,
ond. -a falling of the head to one side-.
dent a dropping of the lower jaw-one
Lnd- long sigh-and the soul of the spy "
that had winged its way to the presevce
will of the Great Judge. The body vas
loss then removed by a couple of negrot s,
ene- and the crowd of two or three hv.c
her. dred who had witnessed the sceere
and dispersed. Ah! what a terriL;e
len teacher is war? FHow it blunts tt,
1fo- feelings, hardens the heart, and dries
up the fountains of mercy! cIt
grant that it may soon cease!
the I
t We have a copy of the New C-
leans Delta of the 28th before uR.
ble There is precious little in it excapz
bee the orders otf en. Butler.
th D In one of these orders he derclrr e
the r-ity g'*v.n'rmnlelt d.-"t'u t, ::Lnd as
n I sumces all the prerogatives ofh the .ay. t.
w+or and two lards. Hie ttfrthc: ~ie
elares, that ino elestijon shall b,..d - .L
r until there- are a sufficient numrate.r ot
irs loyal citizenst to elect loyal ler.
a Special order sequettrates a': rtL
property. real and personal.ot o;.G-.. I;.
y 'I"'wi gs, and of his minor son.
Another order allows all vtssvl
with fruits and provisions s.-fi ,.on
h Iduct to and from the city
h Another order requires all Lk.t pers
Sof coffiee .aloons and bar-roore. t
S take out li'cinse by the ist .t', .i" ,ur
o lrder .I1 allhow. io vess.el tO -"rrv
; v flrsonl of color avaway, w. .:,tt
Ipzpeial p'rm'it tromn Ieadrqu:.r: rs,
under pena:lty of tite ,contisa ti n of'
' the vessl.
Fl o!ur is fixed at 624 per ,anrel.
i The l'rovost Marshal take,, r's
session oii the City Hall.
It the Provost Court there ar,
number of minor cases, but only (n tet"
much importance to wit: Thle I nion
Baknk of Louisiana presented its ;,eti
tion against the Merchants' ant. 'l'rx
ders' Bank, claimingione hundred ari!
thirty thousand dollars. Alledged
that the Traders' Bank had oft're di r
pay it in Confederate nortes, w~hli'.
was refused. The Court rulfºei that
Sthe ~fierdid not constitu'e any ofitn-i,
but if they had have paid the d bit in
Confederate notes it would havebeetn
Ian offense, and the Court would have
compelled the bank to have paid ui 't(
060 in gold and silver. There b.'ing
no offense the case was dismissed. to;r
want of jurisdiction of the court.
Lieut. l)eKay, Aid to the F.'derul
General Williams, died on tthe 2'th
from wounds received in the entga~'e
m·ent at Grand G ulf.
LrThe yellow fever is in iew
Orleanswithout donbt. The Charity
Hospital has patients brought into it
every day.