I'Pblishewd on Tuaeday and Friday. ' e'h-en sub.sribr.rs sie' Timr E rpired, -tnt.nlljed on their'ptupir. it tkuotes thit in r te· .vks thrir tillm of s ubcription ezxpires. *l,'si,,d, a Uka; Capt. i). was informed ai:nv of the mterch;nt:s ruined. 'Th.l. g..erarlit. of the people , lung for a re newal of the Southern trade, auld a re ctor-ation of travel axni intercourse. 'IThe abence of the usutl early t'rulits and vegetables of the South has also brokE.nu up a very large and lucra rive trade, causing heavyv losses to a jumenrous class of traders and to ho tels and boarding house keepers, who make their coutracts in advance. (;reat uriosity amd uneasiness pre vail,,d in New York i: relation tothe whereabouts ,f Gn. Beauregard. iHe i' generally snupposed to be in Rlich nuud, or couling to the suppjortot ;Ge;. .1 o-. E. ,lohunston, Ilhe people admit severedisasteril. ith. defteat of Banks and Sithelds, and Il,,,k upon Jackson. as a general wor thv of the name e bears. Capt. i). inlqu'ired ,lfa wounded irishman, who, . I, had lee.lt wotuntIdti il onie of the thiihs with Jacksou. Ihow it happent e.l that rthe 1'cet-rals wvho t'ought so tl,.c·tlV with. the bavuitet were eChip p,, .-,, hIadtiv. ie rtepli..td, not know i:lg ,:,' t'r,.ini tob [,,. a U g ti iterner. "I h-b w!,,;, ' Iv i..si, "'our ttttLitlPne a-botut t, l"eerail using tl. buvyouet : the ,,r,, i - on the UtIetr lg."~-. l.arle':: - A.\' Illt.,s , e it,.r se, t to u att,,r , h, al r.fuse to e.,xh:,ge with th;:- .: tpapr b,.ariV th,- ,nsc:'ipti,,n. "" .lng',- o'," gto hI.'1" Th.e ii, t lt, ,ddrc .. rIlXi;,d. ".I wilt w., ne'!ith 'r .orl. [ don't w,(ant y'our -q- nt. old n orcm 'I, , ii '*'*ti" 1 i.iu *t.r i1. r '11:' .r : I'. ·~ l::-.l~-l. I1~ . 11 a~ ih \ l'li~r i ~ii Hi. 1!!. . uti, , ,,", t.i~ ~ . , " :. t? . ",iic ~ i" , ^i:-:' h. .t d. ,'e1' ' tie:!ý~- ll. 'Li~ Wi `j., ., .,I \In'.u i i:"t tt'ii rii i " L . : .. : 5 : .i . 1 'i)1 11rt1 , +t'l .17.. ,:11:11, uhe n - , t ll .t iv utviui'iut i I : ::u t" ri " r :,'i~ii thu_ ,' rtiutit L' it-i . I'"t... :t .l Ite l ii :1iL t ·" ... "(. .t~te l'is' t (. ult"'e. (illiriui ''"idiii . Ste s' t'before iti:a(lir 1 h', " h' tar * iuedv 9)th ; indt., on Ie'.s street. gta~nr cnl .pply 1 t tkio office Prove Dproperty an py IC1.afrfeS. if. I:,tief,. 4 KiMfLI, is mty authoritedv7 nt. t".. dulizig (.Y abme. M. C Livert Stbie. w1,"ill It k.,itptL open as heretofo'e * und Jr~i' -' h~r . thN CAulDWI"..!' ucaicenc ion Sale. StPte ofl.euiLiana In 10th District Court. Purish of ('addo. No. 871. Succtessimo of Jo/hn Larmier, deceased. 1) Y virtue of a wlit of f'ale. to rue directed BJ by the honorable the District Court, in and for the l'arish of Caddo, and tate afore tsid, I will offer for salh at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Thursday/, the 31slt day of Jldy, 162, At th. lute residence of John Larmier, de ceased, on the Island near the b'etrry Land iug, in the P'arish of ('addo. between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and 4 o'clock, P'. M., the following described property, be longing to the stcct:esion of .John Larulier, deceased, to wit: Virginia, a womuan of gritre color. aged about twenii-three vyears. Charles. a boy uged about eight eaurs. Amelia, aged about four years. One lredsten d and bedding, half at dozen P'arlor C'hairs, one tine Rocking (;luair, one tine Suf, one Bureau, one Wash Stand, Howl and P'itcher, one ('entre'l'uhle, three Window C'urtains, oner old (4'nrpet. one Cluck, one Shot Gun, one pair And Irons, one old Sofa, one Lounge, and Matting, one Map, one Cane locking ('hair, two (:atle (:hairu, one 1)ining Table, on3 Large Pot. twelve C(ows and Calves, four( 'ows. twelve Ye'arlings, ek ev:te Shouts, three Sows, und twelve l'igs, one Boar Hog. one olld Wagon. olne 31ule .Iack. oe o Mule Jane, onue old Mtule,. and eleven LUnats. Terms of Sale ','as--J'rovided the, pro pe.rty brings its a:pprtaid&td valoe, tand so tutch thlerof at a ill nout trinttg the upprai. uwent, will 1,-e at the saute tim:e and platc, re-otfftired and sold on c ('redit of Tl'cl: .Mount~s. P'ttrchusers ol t credit to gist. their ,notes. bearing eight per cent. per an itttnti inlterest, with ga,,d perstonal seutity.v aand :L specintl mortgage to be retained bnl thet Nrroe.- to secure the purcha.re pirice there'.t. 11. lI'NSICK:1. l. u tAu tiouneer. Almnanues for For sa.le at this oitheic . St ?Lt to :un :tddress. ,t re,,ceipt ( 21) ,.e t . FOR litRE OR ECHIIANGE. .N'r'=r, wttm:tn :nd 'hil for hirt 4.1 -r will ,x.hat g,. for :L likelt S 'rmit t regro. ,h i.:a : , p aui t t .i1u . Spini. . tw.-ve-. a:' k- and a t: e i. 1 1. I qutiry at this .. -,.. j, ,a Job Printing Office. BOOK AND JOB S" L .11 :.t al . . 1 1 I., Ir.. 8 h t :n\ .\ i !. -'t , , v.:.t.; " .. . M ill dr. s ll to :, ,u :t :,_ ,t I -( ti i l ES 1, `, \'T1 1 1,. , ,:. t ,, , i ) \I ' tit-highr. tre rIk :4 w'- 'l N.iotice. . .- , , M ta t.th. t1 ' I) I N_ I,. 1 N 1-4 .> "N ,; P at, ii t, j ,, ,,,ie I st.. Il "l . T1",, !a-Nth , 1rs., rs. ]lh.- long ,.,lu titl ," pun li-.h 'rc o" 'The tuder.igted( k)ioa ing this frot .xp.rience.. has inventetd a pr's.i of0 this sort (-!inilar to Hio(e & (Co.'s) :tld ,tftlerts it to thiet cr:dt as tlhe cha.apest in the market. Instead of a solid cast-iron -cylinder, it is mtade ofaheer t iron and filled, being a decided im provetrent. as it giv.s elasticity to to the cvlinder. T''he cost ot' :In or dinary proof press is .s0, while this Only fite. T'EfRM.4 CASH. Address J. DICKINSON. ,- $hreveport La. New AdRvertiwesneagt .A. For SIlEb. S I alt deterwmined to letve. Shreveport. .I 1 wish to sell nmy lot and ianprove aents between Market lnd Edward streut, near the (as Works. Termas easy, cotton, sugar, dry hides. cord woody horses, utules, oar C'on.ederate notes or individual not.s' will be taken and best bargain given. The title is us good a asany in Shreveport. Apply.to july4-lm .1. L. TURNI'IR. 4 OUTIIERN .MADE ilOE,--Iussets. k t rogans, ani," Boots, in stTor... und con stianly arriving at j __l: 'HEL1' & RO'E;RS. Slpc-in I -'Notice._, X. O. O. F'. A N I person or member- of N i-:irr Lodge, No. 21, I. ( . 0. F., having in their possession Swords. Scarfs, or1 other property belongiing to said As sociation, are hereby notitied to re turn the sanme itmnediately. By order of' the N. (;. j,-0-lhu F. W. SPILKIER;. .e'y Now is the Time. IPurir the Blood! Strengthen thel System !! A m:! (CRtIUOKES'S. I nvigoratinag Aromatic Verg.tal,. e Stomache Bitters. Fea .EsToRtN;c & FR -ESI:r.VIN IIIE.urTII. P're.paraed fro ro Aromatic Bitter If erb L XNDI.: TilE: . LSPI'IEN F01 A . E MIN E. T PIlI'rt'lI.1AN. Are an agreeable and palatabh invigrating "I'o,nic. prepare'd1 ftrt n .r, atit ittI . ter \'te rtuabl-s, caO. !,i:.dt with a Pure Spirit. improved ,Illd a r.taered V" otte of our ven'e-rn , . and emi'aent eh.vsiriatts during a practice- of thirty years. in the latter I part of which h, used th,, ItBit t. i lI. r1,,. \ itl ,It ptralleie-l sua'cc t -, in If tdiam1ttnatin t'iroit the tae or |adI ais thla",y pr,"'gr - Iie tltn,- pur:tie'ntion ofthc. V i, a t g the-ui aiupt' - a It,. a-:tv " filavor the iteer grad..- ,t ,heIt ,o, e 'h:unp:t l . \ in .-- t,,.- bi.i t,.r 1r.Na i}, t,h -i+ l,, u x ,.,:,7 ercer p i.,I.. \ lh.- ;-hIt i l he i..=_, . r :"k of puti. it andt itvi ,rttin-. ttf r the t us,.e ,t i antd vonug atI S oartit -,'. tl:v. :r u:ti,n -ttir ' ad:I ,, t--,d. Ieinggr:ttat'!"r In tilt- ta.1te; Of;lt .e:"t'-it"ly dlti 'atte 2±avtr- i;npaertin to t s- ji,"atu a . . i:::" ; (i. aren tir et fa .' , ut: t d I only h1 ," i's ra'rit.y aUt i 'h i L,,t' i " 1.-tt r rg:,rdi. ., ,urlity \ d ,il i "1 t\,i ., 1' rtI, , a" , "'t-t, l ' t l . - i r,, tlt• ,1:ltv ' :8.,, gif"t,, d .,!Q ý;t'i,:II :trhy! ina anahtsq t. V i( tt 1:. ( j . i n ". s a. , " l -:t It I k tu.tt-w. I hrunn- -u . 1.:h. S a. ..:t, ., . r. , t -t' : .i. t ' .,I , : l:. . I , ,ia. i'.l i ., : : ,' .' lt,-it t. a tt : ,,tit ,.-' ,i t' xi tit retacndlret- sor pi tlatc l. I:, it; r i '. -tri t , I, t I , ecrv da :ta.: .e:. i ,t jith • tht \o ytitt.:oil, h}tave r( . :'A . t ,: of , u te .... .they a .:n t a. il. .\ain pr - t led n, ve t e' it ver th., e, I ,i. o- t ht"'i' t Skiand wthtn nv kunioawiI. , those it/,xious to be reieved tru, t itn a.. d ' sufferiu are reutet-tted to tes; , their qualities fairly and r .ipar.al'. , I an r givethe public the benetit oi'thtitl . or as'le in Shreieport by kn A. EwiGLE &l CO. I Qir ai, dT.x" sireet. ' rs3.t 'I1 "1',"rlnl- nvariabi ? C:ssr.4':-..1-1v W~atchlmraker and Jewelcr. P. F. L. FRANRK. _9gent ~fur J. L1I'fTI1AlUER.' Dealer in Fine Watches, Jewelry, Dianmond-s, Bra zdiun Pebbl/e Spcc taccles.etc. All gosi 1 I'atckes uar rantedjiiqr onq grar. ..lob wirrk neat/ti 'seeas Street. opposite Chi!ders & Beards,, 1t.1. I i-, -I . i - V.i SJII1),E' -Watchmnaker, E.-L JEWELER, AND DEAELER: is FINE WATCHES. JEWELRY, DD TEAS STREET, L -,ý1."h.ýý- :,.nd .!º" e'rv I' jIa4irr * i*Ilted r 4 -Iv~ !1. 1t ITIon Works.i Wiii'.rI. (Ii' iri jtj. VA. fu~li jl 11 II.L4V TI*.,. l sr"'! . 4fl 4"' 4. t litr ~ tt.1 t'4'' ~t ,131 " .N. . 8-l: ;pt h . v.i- ' l~ t~. W -.3,H i_ -1.."r~t..i"it....~t` L 1 (JpjiautIfetlulv"' P~reaterat ' ur S p -!:. -ia'1 `"'a. ?I 1 t,.!- t~ci p 's '11r ED WAR" G0(.Y~:Ry And eDcalew a4 Ns. ,' ront, and 10 F' u ton aet", ni-ly NIw ORLEANS. Texas Stage & Liv e Stable. On Jilam St. opposite the: lrra, . dal Hotel. T1 1": proprictor har b44:B to great S ,.rpenr e to make tbis the mxot. lt-sirable Stable in the city, it in coh vcwteint to the Iteam boat landing. horses will be boarded' by the dayl w.,ek or month, on the m9gst reVvora. ble terrns. 1'ersons yisting . Shbreve p,,rt or going to Newa Orieeni, by leaving their horses at this cetaalihb unent, can rest assured thlat th-ev will bJe well attended to. Only give him :; call and satisfy vour 4eivls. JO1N "CALLWi:E L. no :33-1v. A. KIMBALL, jun,,'6'. 54A gent. MEDICAL. SMITH 4ý LE WUS, I)EALERS IN )ru.,, Print.. Oils. I-arnisht ,, 4: ,1;!. or 'rliE UOLDE. i v10RTA R, Shreveport, 'I'exas St. No 9--dly A New Mode of Tanning Leather. r IllE S1'HBSCRIBER has apa:ýca:process J for Tanning I..ather. that will tan heavy Sole L.eather in I dCa.d; Upper " I.eatherin Ilito 15davs ; talforotherr -kin in it to 5 day .. The process is fifty per cent cht.ap:er thu a the old process, and the ieathir is heavier, better and moure durable--al of which is douc without Ba. arknd there i anyv quantity of the ingredients in the country. Ti'EHt.tS-IUt for the right o' caount : .5" dollar.- fir ain individual right. % ear ua-ds, Treasurvy W'arrants, (onfederato Note., or any nuney thatij current atho eue in the. Souur.ern ('unfederaev. taken at par. Address. 13. O. A1ATTON " Lit:2e Rcick trk. .Irkansas 'Penitentiary Jan. 1. 86ti2. SM1r:~ 0.: ,fatroz--sir: I h'ave thorouug 1 testrd the recit twr Tatning wich I re bhusaed of you, and have n~o hasitttion in ,saing that it makes better leather in. ` I!IhI shorter time than the oLd fogy proress. I uuld rec,,unzrend'it to i'tazners. and to planters wishing to tan the-ri  :-eather. Yours, A. J. ,V as . To 1Whom This 2a1, ( 'n cern. This is to ceitifv that we were calied upon to witlne.s the Patent I're.;el tfor Tanning le thcr, invented and pate=tedby our :tons man. 13. O. 0iattox, tested,u d we were.the fi. I witnesses to his pryo:ees cl tanning i:t in thirty hcurs,a piece of I tnather that will imakke good upper Leather for coarse ahb.+e. we are fully of the opinion that his -rouees is good as reeorutmiended in his ad; er tj.-enent, and will saIpelily bzing about a complete revolution in the riann.xg art. li, i it;'aS kntown to ts the ingredient used in hii Tu'rtillig art, and there is any quantity :i., the ctunlitrv and throughout the 'outh*eii. ::t WM.tE WcuonDitupF, E. 1.. I .'F, h S Yecltwu:e S -itt; !:rck, Feb`,,let;l. T /hAc P',iic. .!  tver tite'littt inl tl.e new spapers c ,., a- i ,:t:t pl et for T1Innine I.eath.er. hae called t'thrt so oluc h otr;t ,teL.dnce and s rauvy inquiries corcetr~uinu- its operations. ithat I hiave thought fit to isuc a tCircular ni:;'wertin. the nLuch souguht after informa I ":l tibhe Int .ntor antd a'tent:e. and tLe I':ritnt has been aillwa:d by the authorities Sf:i'ibiu.nd: ,I pitcLces is la donmestic ci.teimt.i une. uch 'as can Ul,, obta.insd frou, - it' herbs of ttre woods in :he cctuntry, and 1 u.-e ýin,acs a as a f.se in 'unning: All the i:lrtdients atr plentiful in the Southern c .i.ntriv: Vats t.r troughsused in the old proI,., ; ill answer cerv purpose in the new, ,nlyl it dot-s not require hIlf .o aone: i Thi: Ici ahthr looks as well uttud is as good in ,lt1ality cr better, than that tanrned by the old at rk proc ss: 1 have had the process - I hrouughlv teste ad d witnessed by worthy .vil hIovnorabhe gentlemen in this city who will vt uch foir its etficacy: I do not sell rights to any one on tinte: All nmonevs i st ut at my risk by taking the Postmaste~' rcceivt without registering. Address me at Little Rock, Ark, enclos ig ten cents to pay satage i O-1ATTrOX apl53m u Little Rock; Ark THOMALS .TV J1O XE. S(2 doors below E. de .W Jacobs.) Teas Street. Shret~tpot, Lotisiana. DEArER t·.', 4, ,rdware, ft,. -btigh : hand oi'ma *its6 dei.-1'( lt - . - , .s:+,.,, _ +, .as ,. +. ' .,