V . WEST BATON ROGE, SATURDAY MARCH 6, 1867. NO. 8. VOW, 8. WEST BATON ROUGE, SATURDAY MARCH 16, 1867. - NO. 8. THE SUGAR PLANTER. RHEaY.7 fLYAMS, Editor. PULISIHED BYVERY SATURDAY MORNING OFFICB ArT Ts FBPRRYLANDING, WEST BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA sU1 SRIPTION: Per annam (ivariably in. asdace;) ......."$0 RATES OF ADVERTISING : 1 square (eight lines or le) one insertiou $1- 6 Each subsequent insertion ............ .. WA liberal disconut to. yearly.sdwe. EDlMONSTON & WEBSIIANS. COen1show aN3acHArTs, WHOLE SALE & RETAIL DEALERI IN FAMILY GROCERII S -*IakamAL PLANt~ AtIO1 51JPPLIES. Hae now i st ore, tad are in aleest daily re eipt ofd j H AR-IVALS of IAlIo # ansdWt. PLDO-CE flsE LATEfST STF o LAIES' DRESS 4 - $At4MORALS & HOOl SKIRiT, MwAD B"ESES, At. A well assorted stock of BOOTS, L SHOES, HATS, CAPS, DAnRD WAiE, QUEENS WtAAA, ALL AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS We returntheaksfor past pattonage and hope the material end low prices we so* .ft., may promote our matual atereet. EDMONSTON'& WELSHANS, Rail Road -Depot, West Baton Rouge. .. PHILIP BAUER, 0 Oeiise s bss saupply oi S Red sad W1ttqo Wines,&. SSparking and Still Hock, KIRSCHWASSER, CAIIMPAGNE of all bralnds, Anrisette, Vermouth, Absynthe, Shrub, Whiskies, Brandies, Gin, A . e CiGNOL.E', CRACA©O, BOUNCE, ALE, PORTER, CIDER, Lobderts,, Sardines Can Meatn, i~0t Ia3P ee BIraady iFruits. ~`*O)c~ihr% d T d'in1d~~dd~~k Sgeneral stock of ' .agll rrocer ires. HOSTETER BITTERS, wNEB, LtQUO8i CIGARS AND TOBACCO, CROCKERY AND TWN WARSB PLANTATION SUPPLIES ; WHOLESALE AND A IL, AND ALL KINDS OF WESTERN PROD UCE, PHILIP BAUERI, iONLY SO,0 PROCLAXATION! z; raoria , IsiUscemntene To Persons Waeting SEWING MACHINES I THE WILSON SEWING MACHINE MANUFACTURING COMPANY are now offering to the Public, WTILSON'S ' NEW FAMILY MACHINES FOR ONLY T'ENTY DOLLARS: # Tit is the onD Firstss fewing Machine In t that retails for less than $g. We preV pt our ~ rw Maomrz to the Publo with all tb in - rov t that can well be combined in a wing Great labor and pains bave en be stowed Machine to bring it in .he very highest in the scale of 8ewi g Ai5 It is acknow by the best.jdges entire ly asovrn A on apy iMachin Invented. Wilson's ted WMachin hasthe doing cj? AU Kinds amilyi Sewing equdy as wýB as in the marked It wur 8vze ox, Ounn, Ban, Bntn., GATHER saw ON GATrER at rzu aearrT4. I and za xL . , Sil, and directly from the and be rmu (by ) at the unprecedented of 4,000 stitches minute. This Mehine the el. ,Eastic Lock-Stitch, can be cut at frequent intervals of every. ch, and can not be worked or pulled apart. Wilson's NEW $20 MACHINE Does away witA o old style of Treadle Maciaes. It as large as the old Machine, and is so adapted that it willa stand upon any work-table, and remain 8rm without fastening. IT PEEDS THE WORE ITSELF, Srelieves the hands almost entirely, which o . tthe necesLitOy f usng stand sad treadle allow the ope stae upeofttfutt work. Jr All those who bae. On Mlachinesqwmal1pprelate.lthis " - proveam wellr a te an tacentfie wh lae ed that ewia milr ef highly . r. s to , and not meore t enoner . laurovn - Onm llE rect, rmetlne int the bTak. head and chest, as the t style or Mach nes. nprecedente dueme lts: To s y on e e Drotma. ete oeby rsteo errlta s Whtheyarcante o ie r s sad at t , BAoON r]Otar sare e, xr. * pa o ershi' MeRie to ie ,wll flS-AALS SARGOON, w P daTUL if ssfred frieods and pa I66 ae fne plasu;re tof nort moin the lepl oiN opeted astwite of rofS ion te a ao inaiedl t ' dsnh ess aed up for e oe atto we forwtee yof taNami atry retrn a md.t asgemg each Macbiest, nrosa w ies p cd1 wil8 dad no diey 'a. Warranted for Five Years I AGETS- WANT EDL , Onk'B Eain or to work for.e Lsa.s lhsy We pictlo s vate Terms toieas wth Mains to ese andw fdete a on A . tion and Ra all Orderaw b os D. L4MC KJTRIOI( On LAUREL STREET, near the cornerof Third, (Next door to Otto's store.)nly BATON KOUGI LA. Itake the pleasure of informing the people of this vitinity and adjoining country, that I have opened a suit of rooms in the above named iota. ion and have fitted up for the proper ttention .toA the pratice of Dentistry in al its depart-d ments, guaranteeing the highest professional skill and moderate charges. j 28. d ATOi N £IRON-6,, La. espetfly offers his services to the citizense times. . trof Baon Rouge and vicinity. on Lafay patrelxdge. 0 JULIUS C. BOGEL, COMMISSION MERCIIANT & GENERAL - DEALER iN FA*JILY AND PLANTATION SPUPPLIES. CORNER MAIN 4 LAFAYETTE ST'S, BATON ROUGE, -LA. HARDWARE &c. 75 kegs NAIS, assorted sizez, 50 dos STEEL HOES, No. 1, 0, 25 doz BLIN)D BRIDLES, 15 doz PLOW flAMES, 10 doz WAGON HAMES, iron bound, 6 coils PLOW LINE, 10 setts double WAGON HARNESS, 10 setts CARRIAGE & BUGGY Harness 10 setts SING LE BUGGY Harness, 100 different patterns, SMEN & BOYS' SADDLES, 20 Ladies & Misses SIDE SADDLES, 12 dcz RIDING BRIDLES, assorted, 12 doz WHIPS and LASHES, 20 COOKING STOVES, fixtu1es complete 100 SKILLETS and OVENS, all sizes, 1 doz HAM BOILERS, I doz WAFLE IRONS, for stoves, 12 doz PADLOCKS and DOOR LOCKS, 25 dos AXES and HANDLES, 30 dos KNIVES and FORKS, 1 dos double-barrel SHOT GUNS, I doz RIFLES, 100,000 PERCUSSION CAPS, 36 SHOT POUCHES, 1 doz GAME BAGS, 350 sacks SHOT, all sizes, 12 doz GUN TUBES, 1000 CARTRIDGES for Colt's Navy Pis's 12 Colt's POCKET REVOLVERS, GROCERIES, Ac. 50 barrels NteSS PORK, 100 t arrels FLOUR, 100 do Peach Blow & Pink-eye POTATOES, 15 tubs choice BUTTER, 20 barrels WH RISKY, 5 tierces LARD, 25 boxes CANDLES, 10 barrels SUGAR, 2) barrels MOLASSES, 10 sacks RIO COFFEF, chests choice BLACK & GREEN TEA, 10 barrels BUTTER CRACKERS, 20 boxes SODA CRACKERS, 10 boxes CRACK-UEL BISCUITS, 25 boxes SOAP, 25 boxes PICKLES, pints, quarts, 1 gaPs, 3 casksClear bh. w SIDES, 2 casks A N o.O u 1 caik SMOKEDJOLETAS 350 sacks CORN, yellow asgpbite, 100 sacks OATS, 100 sacks RAN, 50 bales HAY, 50 sacks Fine and Coarse SALT, 25-barrels CEMENT, 25 baaselLIME, 20 boxes CHEWING TOBACCO., 10,000 domestic HAVA'NA CIGARS, 50 boxes CLARET, 5 boxes CHAMPAGNE, quartsand pins, 10 boxes MADEIRA, PORT & SHERRY 2 barrels HOLLAND GIN, jcask Old COGNAC BRAIDY, 20 j barrels MACKEREL, 10 kits do )~o.1 & 2, 10 kits SALMON, 10 j bblE Fulton Market BEEF, cbhice, 200 boxes SARDINES, 10 boxes OODFISHI flIIscELAtNtEOS, &c. CAN FRUITS, CAN MEATS, all kinds, TOI1JET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS and TOYS, GLOVES& LADIES' dress TRIMMINGS, TRUNKS & VALLISES, HATS & CAPS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, &., &c., &c. c., low in store and forsale cheap for CASP at JULIUS O. BOGES . T.InE ,EYs.Bss 4R THE NEVADA.--A.bout twenty miles from Carson City, Nevada, are some remarkable mineral springs call ed "Steamboat Springs," from the noise they make, which sounds, like several steamers discharging steam. These dpriugs cover an area of aboat three acres The water is boiling hot, and the eseap ing steam can be seen for several miles before sunrise, and the atmosphere in the vicinity is filled with the smell of sulphur. The water cures the rheumatism effectu ally. There are crevices in the rocks where the water can be seen boiling at a depth of thirty feet. There is also ia spring which is called the " Breathing Spring." It is shaped 'like awell. The water recedes to the depth of ten or twelve feet, and remains calm for five minute-, and then commences to boil, and rises until it shoots into the air above ten feet, and in five minutes it'begins to re cede. Two Wia.Ys or Doilo A TiIei:--In the train from Harrisburg, was a gentleman Jack Tar, in a go-ashore outflt, jolly, gen teel and happy, with a decidedly pretty specimen of eighteen years old crinoline to whom he had been a week spliced, and was conveying Philadelphiaward. Oppo site Jack and his wife were a couple that any one could see were on a honeymoon cruise, the bride all blushes, beauty and bashfulness, and the gallant bridegroom all devotion and endearment. At one of the way stations the cats stopped, and tl.e careful bridegroom thus addressed his timid bride: "My love, I am about to step out for a few moments for refreshments. Do not be alarmed during my absence." Gentleman Jack took the one, and pat ting his wife on the shoulder, sung out as if he was hailing the tmain topgaliant. yard in a gale of wind'-. " I say, wifey, I'm going ashor' to wet my whistle ; don't tumblenverboard while I'm gone." - "Pray, excuse a bit of sarcasni,"laid Smith to Jones; " but you are an ifanm ens liar and scoundrel." . " Pardon a touch of irons," replied Jones, as he knocked him down. with a poker. *li Negroes arte lfesRr%'Wat4ig nated as goatlemen of Coogratiional color. A Westora paper says: W'a eat this Of4, an editor who ce~an erry body;i'also, a ,foreman 6i . ar -rangeyAbe paper asi to e 'as Advertisement-to head ol f ETAT Dt LA lOUT i ff d'Ouest Baton Roe; oni emarDistries Juiicaite. ` 're de la iueeausioa n 'Atbrb ) . decode. No . S6 En Vetoie d'une cogniiis# qi ad dresse danae affaiae..ci desaron date da 31me jour dd Jagi . pan le lan :cour do ciz' quieetis9t ,dir. ans et poor la paroisse ela4i at usdite, ii sera offert en ventkp'i b i-'eetB fpi - (rant a la maisonl i coir dec5't henres ` to etwoap a Abraham . rde dee , am ti fouren D .br ciqth ron trois cent o)f*4g' b illie et n tlot daote6 , dites abriquee e~~e apparteriantj Gant la propried A gle en cette parois Conds deion ee..s k fe 16, Wasl w &t STATE OF LOUBIANA, West Batop .o -.e: of Abraham-J Bird, d' By Virtue of . iGI ed in the above aaisbe sus : ti cession, of date the gist dy of D. 1866, from the Rnoo the Fift Court in and for said- pi" will be offered for ame at .p to the last and higst bidd Honuse of this'paril,. on, SATURDAY,, the the ld, D. 1867, at 11 o'clock am described property belongiu cession of Abraham J. BiR situated lyiing an4 hii in to wit: A kiln of brio' three hnant-' a 1l