Newspaper Page Text
THE JOURNAL. fjßsaikiwau* |t£llls. (HHIHT(|I~T~T~" rr r IHIITTin'T ■MM'iWMiinttwwmtytimM-r y&r'l b£ majority of the Sup~efiae Court iu Wkoonsin is 12, 000. 1 •' 1 • _ * "'-b -®sy Dr William Elder,'ofPhiladelphisr. is now engaged In writing a memoir of the late l>r. E.isna Kent Kane. w JUDGE WOOI-RUFE, OI New York, has decsded that a, marrsed woman's note has no legal force. The husband alone is re sponsible, and in the prosecuting of a suit to recover on a note given by the wife she cannot be made a witness against her husband. Fremont and Fillmore 3&t eide by side at the opera iu New York a short time sine?, listening to Cazzaniga sa Norma, and it is thought if Mr. Bu chatan could have looked in and seen how perfectly satisfied and placid these two rivals of his appeared iu their defeat, it is not sure but he would have envied them their happy escape from the toils and troubles oi'the White House. HgrThe Governor having signed the bill for the sale of the main line of public improvements, it is advertised to be sold &t public auction, in the Merchants' Ex change, on Thursday evening, the 25th of June. The lowest price for which it may bo purchased is 87,5J0,UUu. It is generally supposed that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will become the pur chasers. They, however, under the law, will have to pay ; 89,000,000 COMET STRUCK. A lady in Owen 1 county, iowa, hx> become deranged from | dwelling witn morbid apprehensions upon the predicted, collision wit m the comet. — We regret to learn of several instances oc curring iu this city, iu wnich persons have shown evidence of something akin to ; insanity, the cause of wnica is directly traceable to their apprehensions oi tne de struction of the world by tne inuoa-taiked- 1 of comet. — Albany Argus. UTAH.—The U. 6. Judge has resigned in disgust andyrcturned home. He con firms th<agfrSrOTrst charges ever mado against {fi^MJjVinons, —such as murder by the Dunite tribe, the tyranny of Crig ham Young, coutempt for the U. S. Gov ernment, interference with U. S. courts, and the destruction of its records. The late Ad ministration suffered all this to go on unpunished : and the ex-Judge now appeals to his Democratic brethren at Washington, to put Brigham through ac cording to his deserts. But is it Demo cratic to interfere with the squatter gov ernment and domestic institutions of Utah? JAMES YEECII, ES I. —fits Genius of Liberty , a Democratic paper published at Uniontowa, Fayette county, the home of Mr. Veoch, iu its issue of April 9th, in a review of the characters of the nominees of the Union Convention, thus speaks of Mr. Veoch: "James Veech, Esq., one of tho Oppo sition candidates for the Supreme Bench, our readers all know. Against him per sonally we have no word to utter. He is art able lawyer, and hn the qualifications to make a good Supreme Judge in every respect except his politics. If he were Democratic, instead of the Black Repub lican nominee, he icould be elected, and would do no discredit to the Supreme' Bench." Speaker ltanks unhD Farm. New York, 3lay 12, 18b7—At Wal tham, ten miles from Boston, upon a small estate of twenty acres, in a plain, comfortable town, surrouuded by those among whom he has grown up, and loved and respected by them, lives Nathaniel P. Binks, whose name during tlio past two years has been mentioned at loast as often as any other. I found Mr. Banks just aa he had been described—A plain, unobtrusive man, w.thout ostentation or offensive parade. Ilis time is divided between his books and his land, upon which he is making improvements, and is constantly found at home. lie rarely visits the city although it is but twenty minutes ride, and the ears pass his door six times every day, but devotes himself to the business of recruiting hi 3 health o. thp exhaustion incident to his odieiai position. His views upon public affairs are clear and correct, and although far from being dogmatical or opiuionatod, it is quite plain taat he has his owa views in respect to the foreign aad domestic policy of government. He is a hue type of the youug aud rising American staios mau—•Qjrrc£Qiulcnccof JJctruU Ad vertiser, J66T*T WO feet of water fell at Mobile, Ga., j on the 2nd inst. The city was inundated j and several persons drowned by the flood. election held at St. Paul, (Minnesota,) on the 6th inst., resulted irr! the election of most of the Republican; candidates by a majority <tff 400. &rSix hundred and eightv-Sve bills have already been passed by the Legis lature, and sent to the Governor for his approval, nearly all of which had become laws of the land, on the Bth inst. George Wilson and his sister, Mrs, Betsy McMasters, were barbarously mur dered near McKeesport, Pa, last week.— j Money the object. Charlotte Jones. Ilenry Fife and Monroe Stewart are un ! der arrest, charged with being the per- 1 petrators. BANK, OF NEW CASTLE. —The Stock ! holders of the bank ot New Castle havej detirmined to redeem all liabilities of the j , institution and resume operations. They ! pi'opuse to reduce the stock of the present, holders to 50 per cent., and require all to, pay in a sufficient sum to bring the stock ; to par. The notes of the Band are now bought at So@9o cts. on a dollar. the event of the world coming to an end on the 13th of June; the Mt. Vernon Bannea offers the following com solution ''to all whom it may concern " Cut if the wurld shovld come to an end, one class of people we pity from the bottom of our heart— newspaper delin quents!—-Awful, terrble, fearful will be their doom! In vain will they attempt to hide themselves in caves and in coal cellars! It will be of no use—there is no escape for them ! Their only hope for redemption is to square off with the printer by the 12th of June, and take a receipt, so that Sr. Peter will admit them within the gate of the Celestial City. A hint to the wise is sufficient. TRIAL OF MRS. CUNNINGHAM. —The termination of the Burdcil murder trial iu Arw York has been reached. The jury were absent only a half hour, and returned a verdict of acquittal. Public opiniju will shift a little iu consequence of the develop ments at the trial. It was generally be lieved that Mrs. Cunningham aud Eckel were guilty, whether the assumption could be proven or not. Cut it see us that a large amount of misrepresentation has been extant. The district attorney failed to make a show of proof of the points laid down. The course of Coroner Connery at the inquest is more loudly condemned thau before, and the general feeling now inclines iu favor of the innocence of the parties charged. Mr. Eckel was released upon his own bail, and it was iko't a iioll-cpro sequi would bo entered. It is said that he will insist upon a trial. So the murder of Dr. Burdell goes among the "unfath omable" masteries, aud the family which occupied his house, guilty or innocent will wend their way onward unharmed. jbm iltimlisrmnits. ; A? ISSJS LIST --JUNE TEHJH, 13 hi, Potter Co mty, vs. E. Johnson. N. Hills, vs. Joha Crittenden, garnishee of I Martiu M.isto. Raw .so i Harmaa, vs. A. B Gibbs, et al. Ran so. n Sloat, vs. Owen Rock. J. B. Smith, Joseph Smith aud E. Penu Smith, in. John Bensley. C. Evelyn, Jr., vs. Jo latban Card. etal. G. W. M. Heister, vs. R. \V. M'lntyre. Wharton School District, vs. Julius Johnson. J. Pierce, use of Doty k Doty, vs. F. Gale. Levi Annis, vs. W. T. Jones, Warren Smith, vs. F. B Brooks. Hosea Ciuhing, vs. Benjamin Barse and A. Ansley. Samuel Haven, vs. A. M. Benton. Vesta C. Dike, by har next friend A. Young. vs. C. P. Dike. W. T. Jo its, vs. N. V. Jackson aud Eli Rees. Thomas D. L il;o, vs. ii. Co irtr.g it, ei al. D. J. et E. W. Cnappel, vs. S. H. Martin. Same. vs. S. H. Martin and James Martin. 0. S Sh ;ppard, vs. Geo g: W. Lewis. Smith vs. M. S. Carpenter. HENRY J. OLMSTED, Prorh'y. PROTnosoiAßy'a OFFICE, ) Coudersport, April 27, 1857. J WANTED. Q YOUNG MEN TO ACT £3 Local and <SjOU Trave 11 ng Agents, in a business ea sy, useful and honorable, at a salary of $lOO per month —a capital of $3 only required.— No patent medicine or book business. Full particulars g ven free to all who enclose a postage stamp or a three cent piece, and ad dress 13. P. si! ASXOIf & to. 0:47-Gt. Atkinson Depot, N. H. / A RSTIAED PH/3ICIAW, / Whose sands of life have n?arlyrun out. I iiscovered wh 1 in t,ao east In iies, acer- I an cure for Consumptim. Asthma, Bron -n ui, Coughs, Colds, and General Debility. The remedy was discovered by him whm b'S only ch Id, a daughter, was given up to die. Wishing to do as much giod ai possible, he w.JI s n I to such of hisadlicted fellow-beings as request it, this recipe, with full and explicit d recti on s lor making it up and successfully using it. lis required each appl cant to en cl>se him one shilling— three cen.s to be re turned as po-tag • on thi recipe, and the re- ■ Waaler to be applied to the payment of I thij aivertisemcnt. Aliress I DR. H. JAMES, / No. ID Grand St., Jersey City, N. J. / i SHERIFF S SALES. BY VIRTO3 of 9undry writs of Venditioni Exponas ab 1 Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Potter Co., Penan., and to mo directed, I shall expose to public diale or outcrv, at the Court HoUee in the Bor ough of Coudersport, on Monday the 15th day of June. 135", at 10 o'clock, A- M , the follow ing described real estate, to wit : ALSO—Certain real estate situate iu Gene see Township, Potter Co., Pa,, Bounded on the north by the 1 inds ot Harry Ellis, east bv lands of the BLugham Estate, south by lands of Versei Dickinson aud 3. Presto a, and west by the Gsvvayo road and lands of Harry Ellis, containing forty acres, with about fifteen acres cleared .with on.: frame tavern-house and two frame barns thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property o." Thomas Keeler. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Gene see To wnship, Potter Co., Pa., Bounded on the north by the New York and Pennsylvania State Line, on the east by lands of Gannon & Chambers, south by Bingham lands, and west bv lands of C. Leach, containing two hundred aha seventy acres, of which twentv-si.x acres are improved,with one log house and cne log barn thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Patrick Burke. Certain red estate situate in Eulalia Tp., and Borough of Coudcrsport, Bounded on the north by thz Jersey S tore Turnpike R >ad, on the east by Nathan Woodcock and east line of warrant 2123, South by lots of W. B. Gor uioier, aud A. F. Jones, and west by A. F. Jones, and W. T. Jones, containing 109 acres, of which there is about eight acres im proved, with one frame house and frame barn . thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Daniel F. ElLworth, and John t>rii.tenucn. ALSO—Certain real estate bounded and [described as follows, to wit: Situate in Swe den Township, Potter Co Pa., Bounded on the north by Bingham lands, east by Bing ham landssouth by lands of James Fisk and Keating Estate, and west by Bingham lands, being lot No. 57 of the allotment of Bingham lands in said Towuship, containing eighty acres, more or iess, fifteen acres improved, with one log house and one log stable thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold is the property of Stephen Redson and Jona than Redsoa. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle gany and Genesee To wnships, Potter Co. Pa., Beginning at a post at the south east corner oi lot No. 3, standing in north line of lot number five, thence north cne degree, eisr ninety perches and one tenth to a post, tiieuc • south eighty nine :uui three fourths degrees, east, oa the smith line of lot N J. 23. two hun dred and eighty perches to a post, thence south on the west line of lot N>. 21, ninety porches and one tenth of a perch to a post, thence north eighty nine and three fourths •degrees, west on the north line of lots No. 5. G and 7, two hundred and ninety perches and five tenths of a perch to the place of begin ning, containing one hundred aud ten acres and nir.c tenths of an acre more or less with the usual allowances of six per cent for roads, being lot No. 4, of the allotment of the lin Is of the Fox Estate, with ninety acres improv ed, two frame dwelling houses, one frame barn, and two apple orchards thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Simuel R >gers. ALSO—Cert tin re il estate situate in Hec tor Township, Potior Co. Pa,, Bounded and described as fdlows, to wit: on the north by unseated lands of Bin ghara Estate, east by lands of Ilenry II lines, south and west by Bingham land-, containing 59 acres, being lot No. 70 of the allotment of lands of 11. 11. Deal, in Hector Town-hip, and part of war rant No. 1796.—ALSO— >u • other lot situate in Hector Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded north by Bingham Lac Is. east by Bingham Lm ls, south by lauds of II msucker and (1 ir lock, west by lan Is formerly of Jesse John son, cout iniing 9o acres and nine tenths of an acre, being lot No. 77 of the allotment of lands of 11. IL Dent, in said Township, and part of warrant No. 1788, of which fifty acres are improved, 6 acres chopped, with one frame dwelling house, two frame birns and fruit trees the re o"i.- -ALSO — >ne other lot Bound ed north by lot formerly ownel by Henry Haines an 1 Bingham Lands, east by Bingham Lauls, i outh by Bingham Lands and lands of 11. 11. Dent and west by Bingham Lands, coutain'ng 100 acres, being lot No. 93 in Hector Township and part of warrant No. 1394. of which 25 acres are improved, with one log house, one saw-mill and fruit trees thereon.—ALSO—one other tract, situate in Hector and Ulysses Townships, Bounded north, cist, south aud west by lands of the Bingham Estate, containing too acics, being lots No. 148 and 155 in Ulysses and Hector Townships. Potter Co. Pa., and part of war rants No. 1260 and 1800.—ALSO—one other lot, Bounded north by unseated lands, east by lands of Henry J. Leich, south by lands of Ilunsucker and Oarlock, and west by C. Loucks, containing 100 acres, of whioh twen ty acres are improved, one frame house, and oue frame b irn thereon. Seized, taken iu execution, and to be seld as the property of Cornelius Loucks, and C. 11. Loucks. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle gany Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on the north by lands of A. Pre ho, on the east by the lanus of Fox and Ro-s, south by the lands of John Ilngu, and west by the lands of Luke Darling, containing one hundred and twenty seven acres and six tenths of an acre. Abo it fifty acre> are improve I, on which are erected one frame dwelling house and one frame b irn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Urial Atwood. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Hec tor-Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on , the north by unseated lands, east by lands of Tnomas Canning, south by lands of Melvin M irtin and west by lands of the Bingham Es j tate, containing one hundred and ten acres, of wnicu about lifteon acres is improved, with one frame house and some fruit trees thereon. —ALSU—another lot situate in said Town ship, Bounded on the north by the Highway! i c ilied Genesee Fork ro id, e ist by Francis j ! Strang,- ao.uth by A. P. Co ae, and west by D. ! ! cS.tnderlin, containing onu hall'of an acre of ground. Seized, taken in cxecntion, and to be sold as the property of Henry Ervuy. ALSO —Certain reU estate situate in Clara Townsuip, Potter Co. Pa., Beginning at a uemlock tree for a corner, being the N. W. corner of the lot originally : old to VVopdcu, i north 352 to a becc 1 tree, being the south corner ol C. By ana's purchase, thence e ist 232 poles to a corner in the east line of | s lid it-dgway's land, tuence soma on said east line 352 poles to a post corner in said e ist, west 232 pules to the place of be ginning, containing 510 acr s of land being part of warrant No. 5361. > isued, taken in execution, and to be fold ! as the property of Foster Reynold* and W. T. Jones. „ ■f ALSO— Certain real estate sitaate in Gen esee Township, Potter to." P4.,"j ßounded on the north by the land of W. T. Jones, L., Plants and Job Cavenaugh. on the east by the laud of V. Dickinson and John Reckhow, on tho south by the lands of John Reckhcjw wnd Win. Keech.'on the west by the lands of W. T. Jones and Plants,' containing ninety four acres, with about fifteen acres improved, and ' erected thereon oue frame barn. Seized, taken in ezecutioa, and to be sold as the property of 3. G. Rouse. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle gany Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on 1 the "north and east bv unseated lands, on the ! south bv lands of Nathan Cobb, and on the west by "lands of T. 15. CoMur, containing one hundred acres, about .forty acres of which is improved, with two log houses, one f r ame ■ bun, cue log birn, three log sheds and an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold | as the property of Luther Cobb. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Pike j Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on the ! n irth by lot No. 14, on the east by lots Nos. 14. 22 and 35, o:i the south by lot No. 22 and j unseated lands of the Bingh im Estate and the wrst by uisntel lanis ail by lots 13; and 3'i. being lots Nos. 11 and 12, of sub-di- ' vision of lands of the Biugham Estate in said i Township, containing one hundred and fifty ' five of which about fifty acres are im proved. On it are three frartto houses, two frame b irns, one saw-mill and so ne fruit trees.—ALSO—Lot No. 3t>, situate in Town ship, County and State .foresaid, bounded on i the north nod east by lot No. 14, on the south | Iby lot X). 13 and unseated lands, on the west; by unieated lands and lot No. 15, containing! 1-Jl acres of which about twedve acres are i j improve 1. Uiitis ole log house, one frame I house aud o te frame b irn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold I as the property of Elijah Johnston. ALSO— Certain re tl estate situate in Alle- 1 gany Township, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on i the north by linds of Johnson an 1 Jones, on | the east by lands of A. P. Cone, on the south i I by lands of Johnson, on the west by lands of.' : 3. P. Lyin in, containing ninety five acres, or! ! thereabouts, about twenty of which is im- I proved, with one log house aud oue log and board alible thereon. Sji/.n® taken in execution, and to be sold :as the property of William Scranton and j Schuyler Scranton. j ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Hec ' tor T iwnship, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on the north by lands of fl. Loucks. on the east by lands of il. C. Leach, and south and west by lands of Ransacker and (iarlock, containing) fifty acres of which ibo it four acres are im prove I with oIC frame dwelling bouse j ti;. ' on. S-dzed. tiken in execution, and to be sold' as the property of Matthias Young. ALS )—'Certain real estate situate in Hc i bron To wnship, Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on the north by tile lands of Daniel Clark, east, south and west by lands of Fox, containing* about forty acres, -of which five acres are im proved, live acres chopped, and one frame i house thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Phila 3. Baker. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Alle gany Township. Potter Co. Pa., Bounded on the north by lauds of T iylor, east by unseat ed lands of Fox and Ross, zonth by lands of | John Glace, and west by lands of Frederick Dasher, containing about four hundred acres of 1 md. ab mt twelve acres of which is im- I proved, with one frame bvrn, one log house i and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold I as the property of Michael Gross. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Gen esee Township, P ittcr Co. Pa., Bounded on • the north by the lands of S. 3. Roberts, on 1 the cast, south and west by the estate of M. | Dolley, containing six acres and one fourth of an acre more or less. Seized, taken in execution, aud to be sold ! as the property of William Annis. ALSO— Levari Farias. —All that one-and-a half story house, and onc-aad-a-half story ' shop appurtenant thereto, situate in the Township of Genesee, Potter Co. Pa., on a farm lately owned by Moses 1,. Sears, and by j him purchased of Wm. Cobb, and being on the Stale Roid leading from the Genesee Fork through the Township of Bingham in said County, Bounded west by land of Bus ton. and west by land of Hill—said house or building bring 2 9 feet front, with wings on each side of ten feet each, extending back two feet, making it forty feet in the rear— aud the said shop being sixteen feet square, 'and the lot or piece of ground and curtilage j appurtenant thereto described as follows— Commencing at the road four feet west of the shop running northerly nine rods, then east- I erly ten rods, then southerly nine rods, then j.along the road ten rods to the place of begin ning. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Moses Le Sears. A. C. T AGO ART, Sheriff: Coudersport, May 31, 1857. COURT PROCLAMATION. VVTHEUEAS Hon- Robert G. White, ' T ▼ President Judge, and the Hons. Joseph ; Maun and G. G. Colviu, Associate Judges of j the Courts of Oyer & Termin ;r and General Jail ! Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orph i any Court and Court of Common Pleas for the County of Potter, have issued their precept, 1 hearing date the thirtieth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun j dred and fifty-seven, and to me directed, for holding a Co irt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Q-.arter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of Common : Plea-, iu the Borough of Coudersport, on MON •' DAY, the 15th day of June next, and to con i tinue one week. . Noticed therefore hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace, and Constaflfes : within the count}-, that they be then and there ! in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of | said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, . examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain Ito be dope. And those who are bound by their recognizances to proseoutc against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said [ county of Potter, are to be then and there to prosecute aga.n-t them as will be just. Dated at UOCDEIISPORT, APRIL 30TH, 1857, and the 81st year of the Independence of the United SjUttes Qf America. A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff. Notice. Sarah Willet, j No. B.i December Term, by her next friend, | 1856. David D. Smith, Libel in Divorce vs. To Eelbert J. Willet, Elbert J. WiUet. J Respondent. —Whereas a S ibpuena and alitu dubpeeua having been is sued in this case, and returned by tae Sheriff •AVif', you are hereby notified that application wdl be made at the next Court of Common Pleas for a Divorce, at which time you can at tend if you think proper. A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff. ilay 18, 1857.-tc. CENTRAL OHIO Real Estate Association, CULtMBtS, OHIO. ' fJpHE ATTENTION of the public ia respcct -1 fully solicited to thia Association. The propertv euumerMted in the Schedules below, is among the MOST VALUABLE in tfc e City of Columbus and FranMin County, &<} is rapid ly increasing in value. It will be distributed among the Shareholders on the first ISoT, or sooner if the St.aies sre a.'l disposed of The distribution will take place* under the im mediate supervision of a Commit'®* to be ap- i pointed by the Shareholders, in each County j and 3.ate where Shares are held, the .number; to be apportioned according to the number of Shares held in such County. The total e.v- j peases of the Committee will be paid by the Association. A:>v one can become a Shareholder by the payment <sf ONE DOLLAR, which entitles him or her to one Share of Stock. Think of it for a moment, by the psty nv-nt of only One Dollar you are constituted j part owner of over $A9,000 Worth or Real Estate, and $23,000 worth of other property. In the distribution an ELEGANT HOUSE AND LOT, valued at sb,ooo, may be allotted to you. In I any event you cannot lose more than a fe\v cents, as there is i Stvcnty-Fioc Thousand Articles to be distributed, and there is only that nura- ! ber of Shares, so you will see at once, that ; every S larcholder gets something, of more or., less value. The Dollar that you pay for your share you would not miss, but in all proba bility w'ould spend it for something of no pres- ! ent or prospective value. If after reading the above yo i are not convinced, and still fee! dispo-ed to stand in vour own light, REAR THE FOLLOWING: For $3 wc will send any $3 Magazine pub lished, for ont year, and one Certificate of, Stock, entitling the holder thereof to one share in the distribution. For $2 we will sea 1 any weekly paper pub lished at $1,30 per arm an. for one year, an i one certificate of S;ock. For $3 we will send any of the $3 Maga zines fo one year, and two Certificate-* of Stock. To those who would prefer to subscribe ior the stork alone, we make the following offer: For One Dollar we will send one Certificate! of Stock. For Ten Dollars we will send eleven Certifi | cates. To clubs of fifty and upwards, wc will ocn i one certificate for every ten ordered, and al low the getters up 3 per cent on the ainouu, I tney reunt. Parties ordering Certificates 'should be careful to write their Names, Fo,l (Jllice, C°unty and Stale in full, as each nam .., 'is registered, so that we can forward tb in a ; Schedule after the distribution, i We invite your earnest attention to the j Schedule below, and would retu.n 1 you o ' tlu cid Adage, - NoAiug venture Ga.n. Bank Notes current in any of Die Stales [ where issued will be received at par. to al. . sums of Ten Dollars or upwards, please ucnu! draft on New Pork, Pntladelpfi.a or Baltimore, less the premium. Address all orders to It j iii. SNuWDtN, Secretary of the Association, hc'oiumoiis, UuiO, and the Certificates will be I I i ior warded bv return mail. SCHEDULE. 1 Elegant Uric*. House oa To.u 5.., Coluinbus, U., u.Lk'uUi 1 do do do ou Cleve land Avenue, vut u. u .i,no.. | 1 Frame Co.age ou Muuua Su, l,uuc 1 i'can •• 1.-o. ! 1 * " i.h.J i " *• •' 1,1/Ot.: 1 " " " " I.OUi. 1 44 " " 44 " 1 Fine lluiiding Lo. oa Warning toa Avenue, valued ai .... valued al siuu each, 3,.Vju valued at s33u each, 2.2c0 valued at $450 each. 1,600 1 44 " 44 " Friend St. 73 1 U " 44 4 < O ts 72u valued at s7uo each, 3,50U ! valued at $330 each, 2,2uu * alued at $450 each, l,0u 0 44 V' o '< Cherry * 4 valued at $530 each, 3,10iC valued at $5OO each, 2,ouu 1 Fine Farm in Norwich tp,Franlvr liu Co., in an El gant Stale of Cultivation, 3,50., 1 do do do do do in an eh gant state of culttv a tiQu, 3,3 Ov Total Amount of Real Estate, s3u,ouu 12 Elegant Cold Hunting Cased \v a.ciies, val'd at s>*3s eaca, $1,500 12 do do do do do 44 44 100 44 1,200 12 do do do do do 44 44 75 " 000 12 do do do "do do 44 44 60 " 72u 12 do do do do do 44 u 50 " Oou 13 do do do do do 44 44 45 •• 54u 12 do Silver do do do 44 44 30 44 360 25 do do do do do 44 " 20 44 500 1 Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sett, o pieces, valued at 20 SetVl Heavy Sterling Silver Tea Spoons, valued at $6 a sett, 16u 20 do do do do do d 0 44 44 7 44 I4u 20 do do do do do do 44 " <* " 12 ; 20 do do do do do do " 44 5 44 loc 20 do do do do do do 44 M 4 u ou 10 do do do do Table do 44 4 4 3 5 •• 35u 10 do do do do do do 44 44 30 44 30u 10 do do do do do do 44 44 25 44 250 j 10 do do do do do do 44 4 4 2 0 44 20 0 10 do do do do do do " 44 1 5 44 1 su: 1 Diamond Ring, val'd at 50 1 44 %\ u u 5o 10 44 44 . • 44 44 $2O ea., 100 1 44 BreaatPin, 44 44 50 1 44 44 44 44 44 40 10 44 44 44 44 44 s2oea., 200 500 Gold Pencils, Rings, 4c., valu ed at $2 each 1,000 1,000 Sabscpptions for oa^ ar to *ny $3 Magazine,? , 1,000 " " " 4 „ 1 '■Do nny Weekly Paper, publiihed at $2 per annum, 72,161 Assorted Articles, which want *** of space prevents our enum- ,rati=E ' 75,000 Certificates, at $l,OO 5*5.000 To Agents.--want Agents ire ery section of the Country, to whom we * i the fqllowing liberal offers,: To those Ten Agents who sell the ]• number of Certificates, tin addition to a nl" ral Commission allowed tla-ta for 9elli nc will present with the following: To the fi** 1 Elegant Gold Watch and Chain. worth iul' To the second, 1 Elegant Gold Watch * a Chain, worth $75. To the third, one ElpJm Gold Watch and Chain, worth s£o. TcmK fourth. 1 Gold Watch, worth s;'o. t 0 fifth. 1 Patent Lever Silver Hunting Case w O ..J S3V. To the sixth. 1 Patent Lever Bil Vt s Hunting Case, worth $25. To the seventh [ Diamond King or Breast Pin. fat b! option! wortli s'2 ft. to the Bth, 1 Diamond Bir.j Breast Pin, worth $l5. To the 3th. I mond Ring or Brea=t Pin worth $lO. Jo loth. 1 ll'-ayv Cliaseu Gold Ring worth s?"' Those wishing to art as Agents, must send, us a written recommendation signed by some responsible person in the place where they re side. For any further information, address R. H. SNGWDEN. s>, 9: 13-tjl Columbus, Ohio. VTOTICE is hereby given '.hit the lM SIGNERS OF POTTER CDI'NTY Vfij meet at their Office, in Coudersport. on Monday, Jane Ist, Lss7 w for the purpose of receiving the Pet iriu 6 f Road Taxes from the Supervisot - of \hc respec. live Townships, and drawing their Orders for the same, (which must be receipted by the respective Town-hip Treasurers): and to meet such DELINQUENT COLLECTORS as have no' yet co ne forward to settle up their it. counts. By order of thn Board. L. B. County Clerk. Commissioners* O.fiee, May 5, 1857. WANTING PL ASTEII for Land will fin 1 a supplv at 9:43 JONES, MANN k JONES, I'OVES, MANN' & JON MS. pay the highest market price f >r all kind* of Produce. A NEW and singularly successful remedy for tks .1 cure of all Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflarans tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side. Back, and lambs, Female Complaints, Ac.,&c. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and rmtrh sick ness and sufferii g might be prevented, if a hsm less hut effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it -oon generates serums sr.d often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated mid formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the fir-t importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. Ac, extensive trial of itR virtues by Physicians, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cum have been effected beyond belief, were they notiuW stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the many eminent gentlemen who ban testified in favor of these Pills, we may mention: I>H. A. A. HAYES, Analytical Chemist,of Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the HON. EDWARD KVKKETT, Senator of the V. 8. ROBERT C.WINTJIROP, Ex-Speaker of the Roust f Representatives. ABBOTT LAWRENCE. Minister Plen. to England, f JOHN B. FITZPATKICK, Cath. Bishop of Boitci. Alto, DK. J. R. CHII.TON, I'racticnl Chemist, #f New York City, endorsed by HON. W. L, MABCY, Secretary of State. WM. 11. ATOK. the richest man r.i America. S. LEI.AND A Co., Propr's of the Metropolian Hotel, and others. Did apace permit, we could give mnnv hundred certificates, from all parts where the Pills htvs been used, but evidence even more convincing thu the experience of eminent public men is found in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation sad study, are offered to the pubhc as the best sad most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. 'lhcy are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtu* only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by •hem:f*l process in a state of purity, and combined togftk" in such a manner as to insure the best result'- This system of composition for medicines has been feu™ in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to product a more efficient remedy than had hitherto bm tained bv anv process. The reason is perfectly*** vious. hile by the old mode of composition, sv ery medicine is burdened with more or less of sen* monious and injurious qualities, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the cnrstiy effect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qu' ities of each substance employed are left behind tnt oyrative virtues only being retained. Hence it i self-evident the effects should prove a* "* n proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a ,UT,ri more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be taken"under the counsel of an attending, and as he could not properly judge of * remedy without knowing its composition, ' supplied the accurate Formulae by which both ssj Pectoral and Pills are made to the whele body of Practitioners in the L'nited St.ites and British A*"' ican Provinces. If however there should be say one who has not received them, they will b* promptly forwarded by mail to his address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, ho* few would be taken if their composition was knows' Their life consists in their mystery, t ha** ac mysteries. The composition of my preparation is laid of** to all men, and all who are competent to judge •-, the subject freely acknowledge their conristioM of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral pronounced by scientific men to he a woßifo 0 ' medicine before its effects were known. MJ inent Physicians have declared the same thing ■ my Pills, and- even more confidently, and are ing to certify that their anticipations were P° * than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influen 0 # ss internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate into healthy action —remove the obswueh 00 '. the .tomacK, bowels, liver, and other organ' 1 body, restoring their irregular action to heslthi by correcting, wherever they exist, sach derauj ments as are the first origin of disease. . i!*eing sugar wrapped they are pleasant tP W and being purely vegetable, no harm can snse J* o * their use in anv' quantity. e ol . For minute directions, see wrapper on in* - I'HKPAKKD BY JAMES C. AYER. Practical and Analytical Chen*' 1 LOWELL, MASS. Frie 25 Cent* per Bo*. Fir* Bo*n ROI.D BY SMITH & JONES, AND D. W. SPENCER, COUDERSPORT, Pa., and by Country * chants end everywhere.