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PUBLISHED BY } VOLUME X.--WU2IBER. 3. THE POTTER JOURNAL, PCIH.ISHBP EVKBT THURSDAY MOBXIVtt, BY 'llios. S. Claasc, To whom all Letters auil Communication!: j should be addressed, to secure attention. Terms--§ll variably in ttivauce : Sl.'J"< per lunum. Ti \rius <>i Advertising. 3 Fqimre [lOtincs] 1 insertion, 50 | 1 41 41 3 j( $1 50 j Ea h subsequent insertion less than 13, 25 j ! Square three months, ------- 250 : 1 * 4 six " ------- 4 0o! ] 44 nine 44 ------- 550 I 44 on" year, ....... eOO j Hub-and figure work, per sq., 3 ins. 3 00 .Every subsequent insertion, ----- 50 .! Column six months, ------- is 00 A " •• . T 10 001 i " " " 7 .00 j 1 4i per year, - - - - - - 30 On • J " .1' - - 10 oo i Vdiiiinislrator'a cr Executor's Xofice, 200 ' Auditor's Notices, each, ------- Jso Murilf's Sales, per tiuct, ------ 150 i Marriage Notices, each, ----- -- IOIM lln-im*s or Professional Cards, each, uul (-vending 8 lined, per year, - - 500 : Spei ial and Editorial Notice*:, per line, 10 j Jfettf AH transient advertisements must be ; j. id in advance, and no notice will be taken 1 advertisements from a distance, unless they i re nvompanied by the money or satisfactory reference. ftusiiuss Ccii Us. j'JTll X 'y'yj ".TTORXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. I • oudersp tii. I'a., will attend the several i'-Ourt.-, in l'otter and M'Kean Counties. All iKishiess entrusted in his care will receive attention. Office on Main St., oppo site the Court House. 10:1 V. W. KNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport. Pa., will ri. jhuL att ad the Courts in Potter and j the adjoining Counties. 10:1 j ARTHUR C. OLMSTED; ATTORNEY" k COUNSELLOR AT LAW. < <ni<iersport, Pa., will attend to all business j entrusted to his care, with prouiptnes and!" oddity. Office in Temperance Block, sec ond floor, Main St. 10:1 IHAA<7 BKNSONb ~ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will . lu ml to all business entrusted to him, with (an and promptness. Office corner of West j and Third sts. 10:1 j L P. WILLLSTO.N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wellsboro', Tioga Co., | Pa., will attend the Courts in Potter and j M'Kcan Counties. 0:13 A. I'. CONK, J ATTORNEY AT LAW, Wellsboro", Tioga Co.. 1 Pa., will regularly attend the Courts o:! £ Putter County. 0:13 jj 11. W BENTON, |I M SYKYOR AND CONVEYANCER. Ray- { Moud P. 0., (Allegany Tp..) Potter Co., Pa..! will attend to all business in his line, with i c care and dispatch. 9:33 |< W7 K. KINO, .-I I!VEYOR, DRAFTSMAN AND CONVEY- i ANCER, M'Keun Cb., Pa., w ill j attend to business lor non-resident land holder-. upon reasonable terms, JReferen- ! * given if required. P. S-—Maps of any ' s pari of the t 'ountv made to order. 9:13 t O. T. ELLISON, c PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa..' t r- -pn tfullv informs the citi/.eus oi the vil- j lage and vicinity tint he will promply re- ! < -pon ! to all calls for professional services. l , Office on Main ,-t.. in building lorAieilv oc- * eupied iiv C. W. Elli-, L-q. 9:22 II C. S. JO'<tS. LKWIS MANX. A. ¥. JOXKS. I 1 JONRO, MAUN & JONES, DF. ALI t t IN DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. ! > Hardware, Roots K Shoes, Groceries and ] i tutciuus Main St., Coudersport, Pa. 10:1 < COLLINS SMITH. K. A. JONLH. SMITH & JONES, DEALERS IN DREGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS 1 Faqey Articles, Stationery, Dry Goods, < Groceries, Ac., Main hi., Coudersport, Pa. ! 10:1 11 i> K ULMSTKIL | DIULER IN DRV GOODS. READY-MADE ' Clothing. Crockery, Groceries, kc., Main st.. j' Coudersport, Pa. 10:1 M. W. MANN, C* \I.ER IN IlooKS k STATIONERY, M.VQ- | 1 A/.INLS and Music. N. W. corner of Main J and Third ?ts., Coudersport. Pa. 10:1 iv il. JlAlilUNG'J'oN, ! i yf ..LLK,>, Cpuderaftort, Pa., having engag- i • . aw indow in Schoumaker i Jackson's ' ' Store w ill cajrv on the Watch and Jewelry ! j 1 i-iiii-.-i there. A line assortment of Jew-! eh i constantly on hit nil. Watches and ! .Jew dry carefully repaired, in the best style, j on the r hottest notice—ail work warranted.' 9:24 ■ HENRY .! nLMSTLi>, 1 7 (-rCCKssolt TO JAMES W. SMITtt,) I'EALEI) IN STOVES, TIN k SHEET IRON j V- \RB, Main st.. nearly opposite the Court \ House. ( ondersport. Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order, in good style, on short notieo. 10; 1 j < 61 DERSD&RT IH )TKL, D • GL.YSSMIRE, Proprietor, Corner of! Main and Second Streets, Coudersport. Pot ter Co., I'a. 9 : 44 ! ALL EG ANY" SE, , ' ' • -V' EL 11. MILLS. Proprietor, Colesburg. I >tt< i < () Pa., geven miles north of Cou-! C ' joi'. on the WelDvillc Road. 9:14 mp 'pwisfe fdrctfii Jsiicij. MISCHIEF .MAKERS. Oh ! could therein this world be found m Some little spot of happy ground, Where village pleasures might go round Without the village tattling! llow doubly blessed that place would be, Where all might dwell in liberty— Free from the bitter misery Of gossip's endless prattling. 'Tis mischief makers that remove Far from ou hearts that warmth of love. And lead us all to disapprove ' What gives another pleasure. The}- seem to take one's part —but when • They've heard our cares, unkindly then They soon retail them all again, Mixed with their poisonous measure. And then they've such a cunning way, Of telling ill-meant tales; they say, "Don't mention what I've said, 1 prar, I would not tell another." Straight to their neighbor's house they go, Narrating everything they know ; And break the peace of high or low, Wife, husband, friend or brother. Oh, that the mischief-making crew Were all reduced to one or two; And they were painted red or blue. That every one might know them ! Then would our villagers forget To rage and quarrel, fume and fret, And fall into an angry pet, With things so much below them. For 'tis a sad, degrading part, To make another bosom smart, And plant a dagger in the heart We ought to love and cherish: Then let us evermore be found la quietness with all around, While friendship, joy and psace abound, And angry feelings perish! Con'f.sjumtmiff. THE GREAT WEST. A Potter County Man in Wis consin. I SHEBOYGAN, WIS., June 4, 18">7. ED. OF JOURNAL —A residence of less than two months ia the west, however fast one may live, and which is supposed by eastern people to be somewhere about hve times as fast as in the east, cau hard ly give a right to speak with the uuhes itauey of an older resident of the coun try, yet first impressions are sometimes j correct, and as you have very kindly re quested me to give mine, I will do so. It is not many years since it was stated in a Geography published in the city of Loudon, that some of the country around the upper part of the Mississppi was; susceptible of cultivation. The whole of the State of Wisconsin was probably in cluded in the country spoken of, and al though the author of that valuable book doubtless guessed at the whole matter, yet if ho could now visit the region of; which lie spoke, he would easily be con vinced that his surmises were correct,; and should he be so fortunate as to hear i its beauties and it= advantages elucidated, by a genuine Badger, he would speedily! conic to believe that it was the central part of all the earth, and El Dorado and a Paradise besides. I think the country go*id enough without inflation, and shall only speak of it precisely as it appears to me. My own observation lias been confined to the eastern shore of Wisconsin, and of other parts of the state I am unable to j write. The whole lake shore is skirted with a belt of timber, which varies in width from twenty to forty mites. The timber is principally hard-wood, maple, beech, &c., and in spots there is good pine, although this is fast disappearing under the impetus which a vapidly grow ing country lias given to lumbering, and pine for Liplding purposes will soon be had here, only us it is brought from Green Bay and the more northern parts of the state. The face of the country iu this timbered section is somewhat broken. Near the lake shore, the land is flat, be ing either level with the lake, or with the tops of the bluils, which are about thirty feet above the lake, and the oleva tioti from the low ground to the upper, quite precipitous. Further inland, the surface becomes more rolling, although very little higher, and all capable of very easy cultivation, until what are called the commence. These are the proirifs of Wisconsin, but differ from f? ebol jd jo iija of Jhjj Inifloefcjetj, q>D ih: Simtoittfiioi) of hjci-qiiiij, JHfjirqiqiv- qoD fi'eh??. COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1857. j those of states farther south, as Indiana j aud Illinois, by being much smaller and more rolling. The larger openings are Interspersed wirk clumps of timber, and j the smaller ones are surrounded by it.— This gives to the face of the eouutry the j appearance of an old settled region. Fon j du-lae and Marquette Counties, both di ' reetly west from this, are principally prai ries, and Marquette County which has hardly seen the face of a white man un til within ten years, with its clean, level farms aud its handsome groves of timber, ; showsJsigns of wealth, and bears great re | semblance to the older Counties of New York and Pennsylvania. Farms in this (Sheboygan) county, are : worth from live to forty dollars per acre,, depending of course upon their location and improvement. The soil compares favorably with that of any part of Penn-j 1 sylvania, or any other state I have ever : seen. Thirty bushels of wheat per acre is an average crop. This was worth last 1 ; fall, about 90 cents, and now is worth 181,20, and 81,25 per bushel The finest wheat growing section of the west is said 1 • . Ito be in this county, and in the other | counties west of this and in the same lat itude. The wheat that is gathered and .•hipped at this post, commands uniform ly live to ten cents more per bushel than that shippd at Milwaukee. At present the business of sending off j produce is principally confined to the: ; summer season, when navigation is open, i Another summer the Lake Shore P. It. | will bu finished to this place, when all the facilities can here be afforded for; trade, either in summer or in winter,! that are now found at Milwaukee. The j Sheboygan and Mississippi 11. R. which! | is now in course of construction, and the, | eastern section of which will be running | this season, will attract a large share of; i western business. La Crosse is directly j j west from this point, and the produce go-! ing east by water conveyance, as it all j does when the lake is open, will come toj this port, in preference to posts farther south, where the distance of conveyance' by Railroad is considerably greater, and from where it must he shipped immedi ately back to this po*t on its way east. — With a lake shore Railroad, a western Railroad, a good harbor, and a fine farm-1 ing country all around to rely upon, it ' does not seem unreasonable to believe I that this place is destined to become a city, as well in reality as in name. The climate here is about the same as in northern Pennsylvania. Spring comes no earlier, but frosts in the fall do not! make their appearance until four or six weeks later here than there, and it is a rare thing for any kind of crops to be, ! injured by the frost in the fall. There: ! . is less rain here than there, 1 have seen but very few rainy days since my resi dence here. Snow at no time fell more than two or three inches during the month j of April, while I see from the papers,! there was from two to three feet in the ' east. Still lam inclined to think the ; climate no warmer here than in northern Pennsylvania; and the chief superiority ! it seems to possess, is the lateness of cold weather in the fall. Ilere, on the west side, the wind from the lake is not cold, and two or three miles in from the shore is not felt at all. The health of the country in this section, seems not mate rially different from what it is with you. Physicians say it is a poor country for them —that there are no local diseases, nor any tendency to any particular dis ease. Fever and ague, that great bugbear : of all westerndoiu, is unknown here, nor arc other fevers more prevalent here than elsewhere. The population of the city and county :is rapidly increasing. Last year there i were two hundred dwellings erected in . the city. Eligible business situations - have more than doubled in value in two years. One hundred dollars per foot L (front) is the price at which fairly loca - ted lots are now selling. Land through , out the ,country is also rapidly rising, ' although owing to the "hard times" there is not so wneli changing hands this spring as usual. There is some emigra > tioa, from this county principally, to Kan : sas. But few go to Minnesota from this ) state; they say it is too cold. lam told 11 there i.s great emigration from lowa to j ° I Kansas. Tho starvation they have many : of them been obliged to endure in some parts of that state during the past winter and spring, was too much for them to re ■ i tain any great affect-ion for the eountry in which they suffered it. If the settlers ■ who go from this state to Kansas are any index of the vast multitude who are pour iing iuto that territory, in their political f feelings, all attempts, even by govern ment itself, to make it a slave state will prove entirely futile, in fact at least, if not 1 in name, for slave holders going there j with slaves, will find with all her broad | ! prairies, Kansas is too small and has no I : room for them. I venture to say that if : Kansas should come into the TTuiou with ! ... i a slave constitution, she will be the first' slave state, with a Free Soil delegation, both Senators and Representatives, in j Congress. But I have no intention of writing a political letter. Iu conclusion I have only to say, that this part of the west affords many advan tages over any part of the west in which ' r i I have ever lived. Here is a good soil, a j good climate, line natural facilities for trade, a rapidly increasing population of good citizens, and a country which has; within itself all the elements of wealth. A few years cannot fail to put this couu-' i try on a level with the Genesees and oth-! er sections on the south shore of Lake Ontario. But there are, too, disadvan tages, the disadvantages always attending' Hi new counry, and which most of the 1 readers of the JOURNAL have known too long and too well to need reminding of. ft is not all upon one side. There are! arguments in favor of, and opposed to, a life iu the west. I was aware that there wns two sides to the subject before I left Pennsylvania, and am no less aware of it j now; and in view of every thing connect- ; ed with the matter, mv own decided pref erance is "The West." 11. Correspondence of tlie Journal. LOUISVILLE, IVY., JUNE 4. 1857. ED. JOURNAL. —This is a stirring citv. "as far as politics is concerned. It has also a pretty large margin fo£ mobs. Some three weeks since, a furious and excited mob at-1 tacked the jail bringing a cannon to bear on it, and demanding the prisoners, (a la j I San Francisco), or rather, four negroes; who had committed a foul murder and had been acquited. The demand was quickly . complied with, and the negroes hung on j the trees around the Court House. The ! leaders of the mob have been arrested, and the probability is that they will be acquit- j ted on the plea of insanity. Tho witnes- , scs testified that they (the mobocrats) were ! phrensied, and the Judge interpreted it i insanity j —"perfectly right." Fighting duels, otherwise "settlingaffairs of honor," are frequent. I regret (?) how ever, to report that no blood has been spil led in the three last; although, iu one in ; stance, six shots wore exchanged. We have other excitements and sports to make life interesting, not the least of which are the : "races." 1 consider these to have a pure ly beneficial effect. They bring the best horses in the State together, and thusen courage the farmers to use eare in that © branch of husbandry.* It enables the far mer to get the best price for his stock.— 1 i The winning nag, on the Lexington Course "Bonnie Lassie," sold from first baud for $5,000. The Lexington races were celebra ted last week—to-day is the closing one ' for the "Oakland Track. The National American Council, which j has been in session here the past two or " three weeks, closed its labors hist evening. ' It was harmonious throughout. The ofii -1 eers of the Council for the next year were chosen by acclamation. Hons. J. J. Crit tenden, Erastus Brooks, and other distin ! guishod men were present. 1 ! Stephen A. Douglas was also here a few • days since. His presence at the "Gait > House" occasioned something of a throng t ing of the "faithful." His countenance - does not inspire one with confidence. He - is a short, spare, but well-built man, and , has the appearance of a "genteel drinker" —that is to say, lie does not drink more 51 than fifteen times a day. Hon. Gerrit Smith was at Lexington a - few days since, and, says the Louisville s Democrat , "was called on by His numerous 1 ( friends receiving all the courtesies to which 11 his distinguished position entitles him." ! This will no doubt astonish you as it did me, but it is nevertheless true. It may be j laid down as a safe rule, that a man may go! 'safely wherever this courage will sustain' | him. An Irishman, for a trifling offence, butch ered a man this morning in the Market. The man is not yet dead. Should a j ury acquit this Irishman, (and it is hardly pos sible), he will be banged by a mob. That is the way they dispense justice here. The papers announced that S. A. Doug- i j lass attended a wedding a day or two af-' 1 ter his arrival here. The wedding alluded 1 I to was that of Miss Emma Ward, sister' |of the celebrated Sallie Ward. The papers 1 ! did not give a programme of this wedding! - as on the occasion of Sallie's. Tlie truth ; < ! is, the Wards are uot so popular as for- 1 iinerly. However, an unusual number of I voung ladies could have been seen on that ! evening walking around the square in 1 | which Mr. Ward's residence is situated, and the wedding was a matter of gossip during the day. Tlie weather lias been very temparate, but fires are comfortable this afternoou.' There are many fine residences in this! place; more, I think, than I have seen in . any city of its magnitude—Havana excep- : | ted. I am going on a tour to the West and I Northwest, and as the fine steamer which: takes us to Saint Louis is about to start. ; ' ' j I must close for the present. If in my! western tour I see anything to interest you. I will "make note on't." Truly Yours, S. ; [* We can scarcely agree with our cor respondent iu regard to the beneficial ef-, | fects of Horse-racing. It may be a great i inducement to the breeding of good hor-1 | ses, but that good is more than overbalan ! ced by the crime it propagates. The prin ciple, too, is contrary to our idea of right,; and, if we are not mistaken, one race will' i "use up" a horse more than ten years j of any usual labor on a farm or iu a team. There are many better ways of proving the value of a liorse thau running them to! death, and that too at a period when their' ! "bottom" is most required in more use- 1 ful avocations. "Speed" is a valuable trait in the horse only to the sportsman's eye.; —Ecu JOURNAL.] Tlio Wrcd Sroll Decision In j Practice. Slamming the last door of the first ear and opening that of the second, the "gen tlemanly conductor" of the New Fork ' i train made his appearance with his bow ! and smile, and " tickets, gentleman, if ' you please." Seated in the front corner, surrounded ; by her personal conveniences, such as a | carpet-bag, umbrella, big bundle, little bun dle, a few apples and pieces of cake, was ! a colored lady, whose face, the hue of an ! inverted saucepan, contrasting with her snow white ivory and eyeballs, gave that' pleasing African expressinn which is so! | often the type of humor and good na- j ! ture. "Ticket, ma'am,"says our conductor, with a civility regardless of complexion. 44 1 hasn't got 'em," she replied " but I'se got money, any way;" and she be gan to fumbled in her bag, then iu the ! bunbles, searching these articles through !iu vain. 44 Come hurry up, " exclaimed her ■ slightly impatient friend; i: I can't wait jail day." i; " Bress your soul, you don't think I • find everything iu a rninit, but I'se got . \ mone}* somewhere—must be in dis yeah ■ cawpet-bagand she felt in her pocket ! accordingly for the key. " Well, well, I'll pass through, and • 1 when I get back, perhaps you will have ; it ready." r l "Yas, sartin," said Dinah; but as he l passed along she reached out her umbrel - la, and giving him a poke upon tlie : shoulder, asked, "What you gwoin to * charge on freight ? " I 44 What do you want to know for?" "Cause I does; I'se civil aiu't 1? j u Well, five cents afoot; there, dout j ! bother me any more, but find your uiou i; ey, " and he went his way. 31 There seemed to be a peculiar di'ollerv I " I si about the lady's eye and mouth, as one i [rolled around in its black sea of flesh, <[ TIIOS. S. CHASE. TERMS.--$1,25 PER ANNUM. and the other opened to give vent to an involuntary " Yah! ha!" It was not long now before she found her purse, aud withdrew some coin, which she kept jingling in her hand, as she kept up her occasional each illations. • In due time the conductor returned for his money, and upou extending his itch ing palm was somewhat astonished at re ceiving the precise sum of ten cents. "What do you mean?" he exclaimed. " The fare to New York is 85." "Yas, yas, I knows dat, for white folks —folks what am folks —but I'se nobody; I'se freight, I is. Yah, yah. Poor rule as don't work bof ways; tive cents a foot, hcah tliey is!" said she, extending a pair of enormous ambulators for the inspection of the conductor and us all. The nonplussed funetiouary stood un determined for a moment among tho shouts of the passengers, until the idea]of a compromise occurred to him, as lie ex claimed : "Well, if you are freight, take! yourself off into the baggage car." Rut even there Dinah was too much for him, as she replied: "Jus you pick up your freight if you want to cairum off!" This settled the point. The conduct or vanished, aud Dinah offered a pious ejaculation: "Lord bress dat a 'Preme Court, and gin 'em credit for five dollar bill, any way I" Agricultural. C alculation* In Regard to Fod der. It is one great object to the farmers of Maine to raise a supply of the best kind of fodder for their stock during the winter. Hay, we all know, is the great dependence—the stapla material for this purpose ; but there arc many other crops which can be raised to advantage among us, and which are very valuable for furnishing the food to stock and thereby sav ing hay. In order to ascertain the real value of thoso crops for the above-named object, it will bo necesrary to compare the nutritive propertie* of the several articles with very good hay, the standard. Experiments, and close and careful compar ison of the results of many trials, have given the following as the comparative difference be tween the articles mentioned and good hay.— We have published these results before, but we will now put them in tabular form, so as to give the reader an<e&sier mode of compar ing them: — 100 pounds of hay are equal to 275 pounds of green Indian corn, 442 pounds of rye straw, 164 pounds of cut. straw, 2'> l pounds of raw potatoes, 175 pounds of boiled potatoes, 339 pounds of mangel wurUel, 504 pounds of turnips, 54 pounds of rye, 46 pounds of wheat, 59 pounds of oats, 45 pounds of peas or bean 9, G1 pounds of bubkwheat, 57 pounds of Indian corn,, CS pounds of acorns, 105 pounds of wheat bran, 109 pounds of rye bran, 179 pounds of wheat, pea and oat chaff, 179 pounds of rye and barley. From this "bird's-eye view," it will be eo*y to calculate the fodder value of any of th o above articles you may raise. For instance; if you have 504 lbs. of turnips, they will give as much nutrition to your cattle as 100 lbs. of good hay, or, in other words, it will take 5 pounds of turnips to bo equal to one pound of hay. An ox, it is said, requires 2 per cent, of hay per day if he does not work, and 21 per cent, if he does work. Suppose, thorefore, you haro an ox that weighs 1,500 pounds; he will re quire 30 pounds of hay per day if he does not work. But you wish to feed him in part tur nips. If you give him 15 pounds of hav, how many pounds of turnips must you give him to to make up the supply? Answer —7s pounds, which, at 60 pounds to the bushel, will b fire peeks. Again: according to the table, a little mora than half a pound of Indian corn is equal to ;t pound of hay. If, therefore, you cau giye the same ox but 15 pounds of hay, how much In dian corn must he have to supply the 15 lbs ? Answer —a little over eight and a half pound?. Allowing corn to weigh 50 pounds per bushel, it will take five quarts and a third. Allowing the estimates in the table to bo | correct, they will be a convenient guide to tha j fanners in feeding cattle, Tfcc., ou other arti -1 eles, in order to save hay. A uiilch cow is said to require 3 per cent, of her weight per day. A sheep, full grown, j three aud a half per cent. — Maine Farmer. ©SKThe crops throughout the country are said to be fully as promising as eve* [before.