Newspaper Page Text
ffHtpratf, 37 .Strung in i>ea(ti. Th * late ./ess-.- W. Goodrich, of Wor raster, who, during his life, was a deter /ninea Aa.- lu the use of alcoholic drinks, when ha found h life wasting, bore em yhatic testimony to his belief in the prin tjpi-rd ol tjiai abstinence. The .vili which ac loft, covers 50 folio pages, and there .3 a pod; :i< ocntaiaiug sixty-three double coi-amns cf printed matter. Ho bequeaths to each of his brothers,sisters, executors, sixteen in ail, a copy of the Holy Bible- Each successive owner of the Bib'e is to sign a "family tee-total pledge that they will not make' buy, sell, or give away or use any kind of alcoholic or intoxicating liquors, either for drink ing, culinary, medicinal, surgical, or sac- j rimeutai, or any tobappo for the | purpose of chewing, smoking, or snuffing, and that by precept and example, and ah other suitable ways, at all times and places, to discountenance aH such U3?s."! He also orders his executors to sub Fcribafurgnc copy of tdme good temper ance paper, advocating the disuse cf to- j baecc, and legal and moral suasion com bined, for the suppression of liquor, thir-j ty copies in all, fur twenty-one years. 11-3 further bequeaths 82.0 to each f. Lis sisters, they, each o: then: j withia aac year the family tcc-totai j pledge. His property. Firbiect to all other oe quests is then divided among his relatives, payable every fifth, testa, fifteenth and.; twentieth yjir, provided that at the c-£- pi ration ol every oerlod tnev shall make J . w affidavit that they have kept the pledge! %> ii 3 lull extent. From the above it will be seen that! the will inculcates absolute abstinence ' It has long appeared to us that the friends uf temperance insisted too strongly on ! retaining in pledges and statutes some pro-1 vision whicii would allow the use oi al cohol for medicinal and other purpose. | In many cases th y have been tenacious, that they have given their opponents oc casion to use it as aa argument against the temperance movement, bo much haa been lead upon aa exceptional clause. | that we have often been provoked and; been glad to see those who were by their! ludiscreeincss subjecting the cause to tbej obloquy of its opponents, stern)}' rebuked 1 for their inconsistency. We think the medicinal quaii;iys h/vc i been very much overrated; all its indica tions can be acoompjished by articles -jVhich! do not possess any deleterious operation. 1 AH a stimulant, there are practitioners ot, no mean repute either, who have discard- j ed its use entirely. They have better ones, and use thou, finding no difficulty I in their practice. And tbr culinary pur poses there is no excuse for the use of alcohol in any of its forms. It is true that no intjxicaLion will result fi-qm the; u.. j of oak or or pies which contain aicoli >l, i ">r the process of baking dissipates thej intoxicating qualities. Its effect is to ; add to the indigestible nature of pastry and cokes ; but it is not owing to this; tiuit we now object to its use. It affords a weapon for the friends of the use ol und traffic in liquor to use against tbei advocates of prohibition. They say that if; is proper to use it in cake and pies, it sure iy can be no harm to use it as a beverage, provided it can bo done in moderation. And with similar pleas for .any of tho uses j of alcohol which are considered exception:. many satisfy their concieucos and excuse taemselves to gratify a depraved appetite i or a habitual practice which may be j wrong, men v/iii find justificatory reasons , IQ very small nutters. When wrong do-1 iag wishes to shield itself, it will invaria bly 3Gck a weak spot in the opinion or! practice of the friends of the right, and avail themselves of that. We have watch- j ed the progress of temperance lor the las: j tea years with reference to the effect ot the exceptions we have noted, aui we are satisfied that we have lost much by, the policy we have pursued. There seems to be only one position which is tenable' and which can be occupied with success;! and that is total proscription of alcohol, making no reservations whatever, as to; it 3 U3e. It is a poison, and lot it share j the fate of all other poisons. Let it be treated as an enemy in whatever shape it presents itself; let us not waste ouj fctength by combatting intemperance, and in the same breath make an admission which more than haif neutralizes our ef fort and throws obstacles in the way of our progress. The point wo have sug gested deserves serious aud earnest atten tion, for though a good work has been doue, there is enough for us to do yet. — lotomperance has been bruised God aad Humanity demand that it shall be killed. The war we arc to wage is not one of palliation but extermination. He who strikes against vice niuot be careful that he leaves no chance for the enemy to use his own weapons and appropriate them to to itself. Tne question whethoj alcohol is a poison or not is not an open one. — Chemistry has settled that question, and placed it beyond cavil or doubt. Testi mony of its effects we sec every day writ ten on scores of our fellow citizens. Its moral effects are as legibly ex pressed as the sunlight on the landscape. H >w then can we make any exceptions, :h shall allow that alcohol is a safe t, ftg >o 1y in the hands ol the eornnmn ry kitow the uac which liquor sel ,t, ,v'ri ol the Utile '(Olcr j atioo we have agreed tt>. Ia it worth while to pursue the policy which is so disasterously turned against us, and which it is impossible for us to detend ? We think not"touch not, taste not, handle not," for anv purple whatever, should be the war-cry. F. [We find the above ;o the East Green wich (R. I ) Pendulum, and, though it rnav be rc pureed as entirely 100 strong a p. virion for general adoption with the Trie.*is cf Temperance, wo yegard it as essentially noe-tssary jo the welfare of the ; cause. If wo would abolish the ruin tra 15c we must not leave any " cat hole open in the temple of temperance. —Ed. ,Joua.] ; She jlotin? Journal. J ..J1 ■ .grxrr-i— - = COiDERSPOiIT, PA., | it|b iC, I§£7. I r- . J ;t-TT=X=X 7. S. CHASE, EDiTOR AND PUBLISHER. £:;>;<> tfotyiflgtioajf. i _ ' • FOR OOVERXOR. OWI3 WStMH, of E.-adfurd. FOR CAN.VD COMMI§SJQXER. WILLIAM MIIijVARD, Of Philadelphia. ! FOR JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT. JAWicS VEECH. of Fayette. j. LEWIS, of Chester, Announcements of Candidates for office one each, jnvarably Iq ad vance. XI;9 Ucraid pi" Comes Down ors tlic Journal. ".V WOPYD TO THE Pp.ES3.-7-The Pot ter Pa., Journal has takep poins, on one or two occasions lately, to give UJ back handed compliment*, indicative, doubt less of the feelings oi the editor towards us. lbey and their author arc cf oo lit tle conaeqqcnee, that we would not have noticed tne.n, except to answer the en tire clasa his calibre and mental pro portion*. The innuendo that we have ever been, ars now, or ever will be, un true to Fran estate principle*, is so ba~e a slander tfyat it would bo a work of super errogatioa to refute it. That a Republi can journal should make such assertions without any evidence but the mere ipse dixit of a disappointed political huckster, and his satehtue, the penny-a-liners, is not only surprising, but \' r also shows a want of iiiimesfs which every member of the fraternity of editors deserve at thq hands of each other. "When JOHN S. MANN, ESQ,, edited the Journal , wo should have felt hurt at such an insinuation. For many years when the Free Soil party was in a seem ingly hopelee3 minority, that gentleman and the principal editor of this pa;icr "did battle shoulder to shoulder" in north ern Pennsylvania, against slavery and in temperance, loqg years before the present editor of that paper had any political feel ings iu common wiihours. Rut John S. Mann is a nobleman—one of nature's own, and when he retired from the press, the fraternity lost one of its very best members. Success to him. "All we ask of our brethren of the press, of whatever party or clique, is fair ness. We are willing to stand by our opinions always, as they are stated by ourselves, but we are not willing to stand by the misreprestjmi.njon.s of others." We find tho above in the Kansas Her ald of Free*lorn, of the 4th inst., as an editorial. 11 It and its author gre of so •'l;ttlc conseqgence, that wc not "have noticed them," except tQ put our readers iu possession of the real position of the paper. Byt before wc go >nv fur ther, wo will give our hearty approbation to ail that our censor has said of Mr. JQHN S. MANN, premising, however, that Mr, M. fully subscribes to any innuen does against the Herald of Freedom which may haye appeared in the columns of the JOURNAL, tq call out the above notice in the Herald, But as he is fully oQiripetcnt to give expression tq his sen timents, we recommend that the "associ ate" of the call upon him and, j after obtaining them, compare the eamc r?ith oar o^n. Every true friend of the cause of Free Kansas will bear with us when WQ as sume that we have had good reason to doubt the sincerity of the Herald 0/Free dom ; and no reader of the number of Ju ly 4th will longer regard it as an honest of the policy of the Free State party in Kansas. We have patched with much interest the course of that journal for the past few months, and each suc ceeding issuo diminishes our respect for its opinions apd position. When the ed itor of a public journal, engaged in what ever cause, \rill permit a question of per sonal veracity to stand between it and the promulgation of a great principle, we ! are of the opinion it is no longer en;idea Jto the respect of honest men; and such a : journal at once forfeits all claims upon | the courtesy ola co-laborer with it in that I cause. The Herald, not satisfied with making the question of its editor's verac j ity a detriment to the Free State cause, i has x to gratify its personal spleen towards : Grow Robinson, token to lauding every movement of the smoQth-tougued pro slavery Gov. Walker, irrespective of the I tendency of that movement, and has even i gone so far as to indicate a preference for a pro-slavery over the lopeka Constitu tion. It refused to publish the message of Gov. Robinson, and in the meantime takes particular pains to promulgate the messages, speeches &e,, of Gov. Walker and toady Peyrin. Wc have not time or room no - * to fur ther notice this matter, but before wc have done with it, wc shall place our readcte in full possession of the true pol icy and principles of the Herald of Free | dom, and which we are invited to do by the above extract. Ttje Administration at Work iu iiaasas. The great question at issue in the last Presidential election, was, whether the i National Goyernmeut shall continue to j be an instrument of the Slave Power in eroding and perpetuating the curse of : Slavery. At the South, no man doubt ed Buchanan's devotion to the Slave in terest, and therefore he got a nearly unan ; imo;is vote jn that section. We thought, 'and still think, the same evidence which satisfied the Slaveholders that he was their man, should have satisfied the Northern 3100. <?f the same fact. Rut the | attachment of a good many people for i3 wronger than attachment to principle, agd they were induced to vote for Buchanan under the pretence that he vyas for freedom jn Kansas. This decision gf Northern men secured hi* election, and now after four mouths, wnat hu3 the President done for Kansas'( He has kept tae iu famous Lecampte on the Begch; and has appointed some of the worst Border Ruffians to important offices. But in order to throw dust in the eyes of the Free Sta;e men, he sent out Gov. Walker, a smooth tongped Southerner, with instructions to deceive the Free iStaje men ia;o sqbmission to the Bogus laws, the attempt to enforce which was tag ghief sin of Fresident Fierce. But even these fair Yfords, which iqean noth ing, are distasteful to the South, and they require tqp administration to stop them, and now sqe how the Washington i nior^ } tl;e orgap of the Fresidept, upsets alj of Wajker's smooth words about submitting the Constitution of the Bogus Conven tion to the vote of the people ; "We think, for these reason*, that Gqv. Walker, in advocating a,submission of the constitution to a vote of the people, acted with wisdom and justice, and followed the only Hue of policy which promise? to settle this vexed question either rightly or satisfactorily, iu this respect at leas; he ha* done nothing worthy of death or bonds. lint who arc the poGpb ? What shall be the qualifications of a voter on the constitution when it comes to be submit ted ? Wc answer that this is for the con vention to settle. Tljose who think that the convention might declare the conti- 4 tution in full force by virtue of their own ' will, can hardly deny that they might ap pend to it a condition requiring it to be first approved by the people. If they can do this, they can also say what classes of shall be counted as being part of the people." If the Slave holders are not satisfied with that explanation, they must be de termined la crowd the mourners unrea sonably. "Don't you sec, ?av3 the Fres idept "what a fix lam in. Last fail 1 "wu3 elected on the protend? that our "party was in favor of allowing the pco "pk of Kansas to decide this matter for "themselves, and now unless I mako a "show of doing this, the party in the "North will be blowed sky high. But "gentlemen, just keep cool and I will "make it all right for you, the Convention "can determine who the people are, of "course it ean ; and it can just say, that! "the list registered by the Bogus officials '•'are the people; and so the same men "aqd nine others, who voted for delegates "to frame a Constitution, will vote on its "adoption." If that is not the meaning of the above extract from the Union, then it has none. Then take the following which closes the Union's defence of Walker's cause in Kansas, and we think none but the wil fully blind, can fail to SQC that the Ke publicans were true prophets. Says the, President's organ : "Governor Walker is a southern man ; he has been sent out by an administra tion pledged to the defence, of southern right.->: he is surrounded by a corps of of ficers, most of them from the South, and every one of them sound national men; he was instructed to regard the terri torial authorities as legal, and sustain them against the rebellion of the Topeka I Abolitionists; he is acting in concert with , the friends of the South, and gallantly; 'lighting their enemies. Wc cannot help but think that such a man, so sent, so instructed, so surrounded, and so acting,: !is entitled to sympathy, comfort and aid! from the South whenever they can be giveu with a conscientious regard to truth. With such a battle raging iu his front, it was harsh and ungracious to opep this tiie on his rear." So we think. It was not only ungra cious, but it was the height of folly, be cause it has compelled the administration to come out and say, that the fair of Walker to the Free State men of Kau sas mean nothing, and therefore the game of double dealing is up. IJereafter Walk er will appsar in his true colors, the ally and leader <?f the pro-slavery men of Kan sas, for says the Union : "A southern man himself, he has been a uniform and consistent champfon of southern rights. The men ot that section pressed him upon Mr. Bu chanan for tho highest place iu his cabi ns. He is besides, an able, far-seeing and saga?iuu3 statesman, as little Jikely as anv of her in the country to impale himself upon a point of mere prudence. This alone might raise a presumption that lis neither did harm nor intended any to southern interests, But we see, in addition to this, that he is active ly cooperating with the democratic party in Kansas, including all the pro-slavery men in the territory; when we find his whole course sustained by the pro-slave ry presses there; when tye bear of no complaint whatever from the quarter whence complaint ought to pome, if thejp were any cause for it, we are constrained to thin l / that the Georgia and Mississip pi democracy have pronounced their judgment rather hastily."' A Talk witty You. "Reader, honest thinking reader, you who have a; heart the welfare of freedom, can you point to any course which the Herald of Freedom nas advised the peo ple to pursue, or any course which it has itself taken, which has proved an injury to the qapse you Jove I Have we ever opposed men without reason, or measures | without good grounds therefor V'—-Kan sas Herald of Freedom. As I have been a constant reader of the Herald, and a warm fifiond of the paper, I feel as if the enquiry was addressed to mc in common with thousand.* of others; and I shall answer the enquiry through the press, the medium by which it is made public. To my humble judgment, the number of the IFrald from which yhe above was takeiq contains very muah that is well calculated to injure the cause which the friends of freedom love, and which they have supported at so great a sacrifice, The first article und*>r the editprial head has that tendency, because the whole tenor of that urtiplc is to discredit the action of the Free State men, from the commencement of the trouble up to this time. |f that is not injuring the causq, I should like to know what would do it, I should also like to know how an hon est reader of the Herald, at this distance from the scene, was to reconcile different j parts of this same article. Take these 1 assertions lor instance : "Now peace and tranquility reigqs on every hand. Others may prognosticate '■evil, and tell us it is the quiet which pre cedes the storm, yet the calm observer knows such is not the case, Our civil rights are new within our rough, and j nothing but impolitic action or "masterly inactivity" can defeat us." That is a hopeful view of thing, but contains a back stroke a; the course adopt ed by the Free State men. But see how this compares with the above : "Freemen of Kansas ! Do you not see the progress of the enchanter ( The last hope is dying out. Another period lost, and wc arc lost —irrevocably LOST." There is more evil "prognosticated'' in those four lines, than we have ever seen in any column of printed matter outside of the Herald, and every "honest think ing reader" who loves the Free State i eay,se, w;ll be grieved at the purpose and | effect qf *uoh language, But the next article, that \x\ relation to the Topeka Constitution, \s to the sgme purport, and its whole influence is bad- Several Conventions have unani- endorsed that Constitution, and no mating of Free State men, that has come to the knowledge of the public, has op posed, why then this opposition of the Herald ? object distraction and defeat ? such would be thy effect, if the paper was received as a reliable advocate of Freedom in Kansas. I have 110 heart to purspe this investi gation further; aqd will close by saying, J that whenever an editor feels compelled to assert over Q Ver again his devo tion to a cause, we may be pretty sure there is something wrong iu his actions, otherwise there would be no occasion for him to trumpet his own praise. This article is free from innuendoes, and there is no lpistuke about its author j ship. J. S. M. * m 1 • • fiSr'Three of the Kepcblican candidates in Paris have been elected to the Legisla ! t;ve Assembly. Messrs. R:M <fi Carlcton, have jttst issued a edition ot "Nothing to Wear," one of the most telling that has been published for some time. See advertisement. {l6?*What has come of the Chindoican? We have not received a copy of it for several weeks. We like you too well t9 tvell to forego your weekly vis its, so, W,t us see your smiling countenance regylarly, Mr. Leader, A set of vulgar, low-bred, drunken, lawless rofdies, arc ayiong who carry away sjgns, at)d commit many other dis graceful acts of mischief upon our citizens, and whom wo would suggest should be detected and properly punished. Who are they? Will uot our borough officers investigate the matter? Wc invite the attention of our readers to the host of new advertisements to which we surrender a larg? phaye of our paper this week. Our readers must nut complain either at the room they occupy, for they are the very existence of a couu- I try paper. Th* tearing doy;n of t"qe old dwelling house recently oecupiyd by J. S. Mann j Esq., adds much to the appearancs of our •opposite corner; giving as it an ex ~ eellent view of the superb new dwelling into which he has just removed. Our ! former asaociate should, and no doubt does, feel quite comfortable iu bis new mansion. Sufe.ip(iifcs.—< -Our village ;s rap idly redeemed from its unseemly and : muddy footpaths, by the general dispo sition of the property owners to obey tlie Ordinance providing for the building of ! Sidewalks. Our citizens are fully awuken jed to the advantage which it will give them iu the increased value of their prop erty. We arc pleased to see the n thus make their own advantage up iblic benc ' tit, and engage insogj-d a work with so much zeaj. The Welcome Visitor , published month ly by COSDI;N &Jo., Philadelphia, at the low price of dd cents a year, is a sprig. il ly little paper of 3d pages, well filled with entirely original matter, and well worth double the money ashed fur it. It is not, j a.s wq naturally concluded from the price at wqich it is offered, a sheet to advertise patent nostrums, but a strictly family paper, containing but one advertisement aside from its own prospectus. We cheer fully commend it to our readers. For any further infor-urtion sec prospectus on last page, The Rev. J. A. Woodward, of the Church, in the course of his Sermon S.ibhutii aftornooo lwt, very just ly reproved our QivUcn.s for their prone uesrj V-) desecrate the Sabbath, —mcutiou- iug most particularly thu practice ot driving teams, loaded with goods through our streets ou that day. This is a prac tice which every good tgtizeo should la bor to procure the discountiuance of, aud which can be most effeofcually stopped by our buisness mon discountenancing it, by requiring those who haul fur them tu either arrive or depart on wool; days. As ct .tydicine-~rHurley a A' arsoparxl la.—This preparation is one of the bene fits which tiie science of modern chemis try has conferred on mankind. Its dis tinctive peculiarities and superiority con sists in its purity, speed aud uniform ef ficacy, and entire freedom from those dangerous ingredients which form the major part of most sarsaparillas. The efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited testi monials from persons in every rank of life, that public opinion proclaims this oae of the most important discoveries of the age. During the spring it is a most valuable remedy, and no family should be without a good supply.— lan Buren (Ark.) Inte/lifpncer. gs33"*Thc Cayuga Chief, —by-thc-bya, oi\e of the best papers we have on our "list," and a doadly of the rum traffic—came to us last week "ensnialled —its eizc is reduced and its columns narrowed two or three "ems." We an nex the closing paragraphs ot his "rea son?," for doing so. The name of the paper is also changed to that of the Wis consin Chief for which friend Brown gives no reason. We think the old name more euphonious —but here is the prom ised "cut" from the Chief's tomahawk ; '•ln conclusion : The paper will not abate one jot o. tittle in its vigor or worth. The Mime labor will be expended upon it editorially, and just as many living, throb bing thoughts, crowded into its columns as before. Indeed we may as well out with it and say, that a small, well tilled, neatly got up sheet, is our beau ideal of a newspaper, and that, uithouah the Chief is said to grow better with age, we are dctymined to make it still better for ma ny years to com?, and when Q\jy business' or list warrants, we shall spread our win w to meet the demand. p CQPOur friends do not want us to pur. lish aSI &0 newspaper for $1 00; enemies hare no business to say i, Won > in the matter. If there U a subscribe who wishes us to take money out of o Ur pocket to give him fUph a paper f or small a price, ho has j?#t to enter hi* complaint at the ogktf and hi| time paid up to, shall he put al^?4 THE Louisville Jcurnal says that ail the old lumber of Henry Clay's hoiu e Ashland has been sold to Wm, 8, of Maysville, Ky., a democrat, for the j manutacture of canes, boxes, et<s.— change. I shame upon the paltry spirit that des ecrates the home of the "old man eloquent." It should stand a Mecca for the patriot ism of the World, until time and the ele mcnts have tjgne their Worst. As it h the hand of a Regenerate son of Mr. Cl at ' traffics on the gf£ttnGs of his father, and commits an act of vandalism disgraceful to the age. Shame upou hin.— Jfi n er' Journal. ■—. JQrt'ol. FOSTLR, of the Pittsburg patch, is one of the Republican nominees for Assembly in Allegheny county. A de served compliment this, to the man anj the craft. The "signs of the times" iudi 'cate a growing appreciation of the merits of those upon whom the hqrd icorkofev ery election campaign devolves —the edi torial fraternity. BAYARD TAYLOR is about to be mar ried to Mis Maria Hansen, daughter u the eminent German astronomer of that llama. The Wedding will take place a. Gotha ir the poniing fail; the happy I couple will the w inter ia Mosey* MINNESOTA CON \*l:>iTipN. —We Law full returns from the Minnesota election, at last. The St. Times of the doth uit., says that all the Districts have now bean heard from, and that the delegutea are divided as follows: Republicans 69, Democrats * Republican majority Rj feerThc V' S. District Court in Illiu. ; ois hag decided that watches are uc-| mailable matter withia the meaning ol the I law, and that a postmaster who was tweun cd of appropriating to his own use twg watches tiifgggh the mails, is not lu j a hie to a prosecutiou undjer the I uitofi j State* law*, but is amenable on!y to too | State laws tor iaroeny. -r™-™VTTI W K A R. ! NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAK NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR. NOTHING TO WEAR, pPE EN DIDLY IL L UST RAT ED. JSi'LKNDIDDY ILLUSTRATED. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. S I'LENDpLY ILLUST LATED. I SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTHAIED. P PnhN Di L)L Y 1LIA" ST RAT ED. M'LENI-IDLY ILLUSTRATED. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. SPLENDIDLY" ILLUSTRATED. ! SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Jusi i obiished u Superb Edition of NOTHING TO WEAR Profusely audi elegantly embellished, am! printed on tinted paper, with exquisite wood engravings from original designs by HOPTI\ (the first humorous A r ti*t n Auu-rica.) I2mu. Elegantly bound in cloth, pp. Price 50 cents- I This wonderfully clever UttlQ satirical poem | upon th# fashions and extravagance at Sr" - i Y'yrk fcniulc aristocracy, appeared fir*t in Har per's Weekly Journal, :\ud so complete hit did it prove tiis-.t over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND . 1 copies were sold, uud ucw editions are being called for. Hiving already had such sn en ormous success, wc feci confident that the i present SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED EDITION will meet with the approval ot every ont; ana as the book is produced in the >ery highest style of art, us regards paper, printing, trating and binding, the Publishers are confi dent that 110 taste, however fastidious, wtl remain unsatisfied. /Yam tin Huston Courier aid rrovidtnet Journal. "Nothing Of the kind that we kuow of has ever been produced in America, within a long way of the excellence of these wood engr"'- inps. The third and fourth in order, in both of which the heroine of the talc is more prom inently introduced, show that this Artist is not second to John Leech in the delineation fif the most luxurious type of female beauty. The nonchalant expressiou of fac, where Miss Flora is interrupted at the glass, has never beta surpassed evsn in Punch. The last design in which the highest itisolfncc $f wealth, lux ury and fashion, is brought to the bedside 0: an emaciated dying wretch, writhing in a gar ret, with the rude rafter, the mice and cobweb' in the back ground—shows a power of peach, which we ate happy to sec e.\ists on this jiJ e of the Atlantic." from the „\, 1'- Evening Pott. '•Tiie eleter satirical poem of 'Nothing '° Wear,' which has been so universally read admired—which has done and is doing much goad—ho* bad the bench* of ahiudrcu art to swell its attractions." Sold by all Booksellers, BP§tli'this book cannot be obtained at the country Bookstores, the Publishers will set 1 to any address in the United States a copy by mail {postpaid} on receipt of the price .u stamps, 50 cents. BUY IT. PAY FOR IT AND READ IT. GIVE If AWAY. THEN RUY ANOTHER. TELL EVERYBODY TO BUY IT. Sold hp all liookttller* in the United States. UI'DD A: CAHLETON, Publishers and Uoo*- sellers, No. 310 BROADWAY, New-tors. 10:6--3t.