OCR Interpretation

The Potter journal. [volume] (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, August 06, 1857, Image 3

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• w T VIRTUE of a writ nf Z'i-tu T facias Lf-
IJ t • 1 o<ll ol T !**■ '.'uutlil LBMUIOXI Plea*
1 i r County. J*uny Ivahia, and to me
I >ti.UJ . to put>ii- sale or outer/.
A i* Jltul >u the Borough ol C'oi.-
>rt oi Jioi'tloV. the 21 it Jtt of.SAptcut
, *57. at lu o ii>- LA M.,
th - timber trees, of whatever -pceies.
l t oi a iu/t. now growing uud ii£ liie size
u til' iC-t la <Ji;t hi Her fc*. the stump, or that
fc iu aud attain to that si2e dtfriug the
; hvielimi; r Uienliontd. on *ll the licre-
U*r lututioiicd and described tract-, pari®
. t ', pie t.- or parcels of land, situate in
.ni; ol Pott *u>l .State of Penii-iyiva
oiitainlng. t >£< ther. Kftr Thousand
allowance- &<■ , (is follows, viz:
1., ail tb..l < i-rtatu ti*rt or piece of land
n ci iu pursuance of warrant nuutbr
eland iix hundred and thirty-two,
J.. "oi*tlining nine hundred and ninety
. and a,.on.nice <>l six pel cent, for roads
Ati-j' l —Uu nil taat certain true; or piece
..d s in ey :d in pui suali e of W arrant num
f tit li< usrtiid -ix hundred and thirty-lTur.
, 4 coiitniuiug nine httudred ud ninety
and nil itnc of six pel C.-nt. Ibr ro d.
LLSt > —On all thai certain tract, piece
- pa ■•,•1 ot land surveyed in puiSuance of
number four thou>itnd six Imndrcd
: ih.il -live, i .035. containing hint hua-
and ninety acres and allowance of six
"nt tir loads Ac. A LSU—Mu nil that
Itlil tr.u t or piec of land Miryeyed in pur
i c* of vr.urant number four thousand s'x
..a •! ami forty-one, (4,641,} COttUinilf
. i.i red and uinety acres and allowance
, . |er cent, for roui- Ac. ALSO—On all:
i t *iu traet oi- piece of laud surveyed in
. a* of warrant number four thousand
, . inured and forty - hrce. 4 613, containing
• i idied and ninety acres uud allowuuee
l ; . cent, for ro:id- Ac. ALSO—OiI fill
ii.n tra t or piece of iaml surveyed in
• ; w arrant number lour tLot sand
, mired and forty-two, 4.642. cont lining
m . Ired ami ninety acre- and allowance
-i|< i • tu t. lor to ids Ac. ALSO—O;t all
■> ,ii tra ; ir piece of land surveyed in
.. . ot w arrant number four thousand
.1.. u;< d *nd forty-eight, 4.61>, containing
r died and ninety acre- and allowance
.a p-r ut. for roads *<•. ALSO—On all'
rt >in u i t or pie, e of land surveyed in
•• .n tot warrant number four thousand
• • d and forty.nine, 4.U4'.'. containing
. r n .ndr d and ninety ai res and allowance,
. l percent, for roads Ac. ALSO-—On all j
it ei 11 i u tract or pier ■of land surveyed in
■sail e owarrant i umber four thousand j
t Hundred and fifty-live. 4,037>, containing
>e hundred .ml inn ty acres and allowance
.i pr cent, lor roam 4 ALSO—On al,
ci. >if tract or piece of land surveyed in
r-n i .- oi warrant number four thous >nd
I „ i idreai aud. tilt -eight. 4.no', co.it Mitin.tr
n.iure i and n.nety a T*s and allow.ince
Iu per • lit. for r uiU ,v< . ALSO—On all
JJI ■•• tin. tr.l' T or pi-ce of hunt surveyed in,
oi.u.stier at w arrant nn Tiber four thousand
hu id e i ami tiiiv-uiuc. 4.65 . Conlailiing .
~ , It..lulled and mil, ty acres and allowance
- \ p-r i ■ nl, for loads Ac. ALSO—On all
rrtaiu tract <<r piec. of laud surveyed in
-u u, eo warrant number futir thousand j
i. . .ir• S uud sixty-four, 4.634, containing
itiiuurcd and ninety m res and allow uuee
.i per oeui. for roans Ac. ALSO—On al!
- frri iui tract or piec of laud surveyed in
• j iri < of warrant numb, r four thousand ;
• i a.id liity-flvc, 4 containiujrj.
. .. Imm Ire I and ninety acres and alioa ance;.
i per cut. for road Ac. ALStl—,On all!
. ,!ii iruct or pic e of laud surveyed in
in e ~i warrant number four thousand '
.mired and S'Viy-six, 4,066, contniniig |'
hundred and ninety acres and allow.ui -e 1
-.i r nam !• r rood* A. . ALSO—On all •
-. rvuin lr*ct or piece o. laml Burteved in (
• iMQce ot wirrnnt number four thousand
.. tidrcd :;i 1 s xty -e\. it. 4.667, tout lining' 1
.• it iiidr <1 and n.nety acres ami allow.nice!'
MS p< r east, (of roans Ac. ALSO —i Ui all I
•ria.u tra.-t of piice ot lauil ® irvcyed in ,
•iii * ol warrant number i >ur iiousind
• i i ijed and •. tty-eijfut. 1.6 >o, cont liaiug
- '<• aired and niiiciv R-TCS ami allowance .
. - i • r c ut. I ,r foods A> ALS • —On alt
MI trait or ■ iecc oi land ?ur eyed in |
i rsuaoec ui a &rront ntunbei four luouaaud (
• j and --v cit j -one, 1.671, contain-1
m huudrad and ninety tcrwi and nllovr-1
i-\ if r cent, for roads A' - . ALSO— !
.. thai > a rt. in t at or piece of land stir- i
",'rd in pjrvuaii'e of wairmt number four l
<• nl s.x hundred and s Verity, ',;70.
nine huadred am ninety ncr. and;.
I ol -; V per ct-lil. fur roads Ac. AL-{
~11 I 14.1t cei't ijjl tract or p.e e of l.uul :
' y 4 m pursuance of warrant number <
l.ii liliyUMM'l Mtn* hundred and til iff y-t wo. ,
t I c aliia. ig nine huudt •Ia il ninety
•- ui 1 allowance o -is. per ceut. for r ads
A ALSO- On ttU ilj it certain tr id or piece j
Imi i iney * d t.i p .rsi.io c ofw urint No.
• r 1 wmwnit nine huudred 11; 1 thirty-three,! 1
, <; 1 mat lining tins hundred and ninety i t
i re and a low am ,- of 1X per colli, for roads j
A. ALS I—t u all lii ti certain tract or piece i
of'n 1 MKVcicd 1:1 p ir-.UMi eol warrint No.''
totir thvJsMml nine hundred and ta.-nt -nine,
i.y.'h iiuiug iiiue hum.red ami * niuetv
r- and allow.iicr of ,ix i 1 cent, for road-.
4 Ai.>o--0n all that certain tract or piece
and -u. ice, d iu pnrsti ii., e of warrant No.
r thousand six hundred and eighty-f >ur.
cont i dug nine hundred and ninety
irs and allowance of six per cent, lor roads ,
Al.Stl—Mu all that certain tract or piece
and survey , <1 iu pursuance of warrant No.
t!. oi-iind -i\ liundrd ami eigiity-live
- * . iit uning nine hundred and ninety
• ni alloivauce of six per cent. f,.r roads
• \LSM—M;. all that certain tract or piece
. i surveyed m pursuance ol warrant No.
iou.-aul six hundred and i-'ghty-scven. '
• ' , containing nine hundred and ninety '
• • 1 ltd flllow- inee of six p-r cent, for roads 1
• Al.SM—On ll that certain tract or piece
. -an eyed in pur-uance of warrant No.
MNMNM KVM hundred ;Mid seveiity
' 4 ' 17 7''. containing pitic hu%drcd pud
• r • and allow anc, ol six pr cent tor
r ' A* AL^U—Ou all ih.tt certain tract
of land surveyed in pur-Uitnce of warr 1
' "t No fo .r thousand sßven hundred and (
",t.- u.ue, 1.77y, containing pine hundred
■ ' ninety n, res ami allowance of six percent,
roui- ,v. , AL.SM—MII all that certain t j-.i-1
> >• ol iaiul surveyed ii 4 pursuance of w r- ;
V,,. four thousand -even liundrc'l and
' y -lour. t,7dl,containing gitC hundred and
• •ty a, res ami allowance ot .>tx percent, for
Ac. AL.SM—t'n nil that certain tract '
ot luid MUTVV|id iii pursuance of 1
rr.aiu No. four thousand six hundred and 1
I ,<4U, , ontaining nine hundred and •
", •> tj ' DM mod allowance of six per cent f< r
Ac. AL.SM— Mn ull that certain tract '
•r p - ot Inud surveyed in pursuance of war
ma No jour thousutid seven hundred apd J
aty-ti\e, 5.7.'.">, containing nine hundred 1
' utility tup- and allowance of six percent, .
' mads A, . AL>m—Mn all that certain
'" t or piece of innd surveyed in pursuance
'annul No. lour thou. -and seven hundred '
*uu •• -sn. 4,.07, containing nim hundred
k t,d mut-ty a'rrx Ix 4 llluviice of six per
' tor roads Ac. ALM)--M u aH that , er
n, t or pi< < • of land surveyed in pur.su
"l * •'•' ' ' N" i"ur t!. •u.aml < V'-n Imn-
drcd and siix, 4.706, containing niri r - lintuhv,
and jiiu<' acri3 and allowance ot six per cent
tor roads Ae. .vLSM—Mn ail that o.crtaii
' trad or piece of land surveyed in parsuauct
ol warrant No. four thousand seven hundrec
• and live, 4,70b, coutainiug uine hundred ami
■ nine acres And allowance of sit per cent, toi
roads-ve. Ai.s>M—Mi, all that certain traci
or piece of land surveyed in pursuance of war
• rant No. tour ttiousand seven huudred, 4,T00
containing uine hundred and niuetv acres am
a luwaiice of six per ceut. for roads Ac. AL
•SO—Mu all that certain tract or piece of land
surveyed in pursuance of warrant No. JOUI
thousand six hundred and ninety-live, 4,6i5.7
containing nine hundred and ninety a ,. n . 5 auo
allowance <>| .ix p-r cent, tor roots Ac. AL
NM—Mu all that certain tract or piece of land
survey, d in pursuance of warrant No. tbi.r
t.ious.ind sv - u hundred and t.v euty-six, 4,7 Jo
containing nine hundred and ninety acres and
aliow nuce of six p,r cent, for roads Ac. AL
—Mil ali that certain tract or p.ece of laud
surveyed in pursuance of warrant No. tour
t.iousand six hundred arid sev, uty-live. 4,67 d,
coutainiug nine hundred and niuetv acres
and allowance ol >ix per cent, lor road* Ac.
aL.SO — Mti ull that cert tin tract or piece oi
land surveyed in pursuance of warrant No.
tour thjits.ind seven liunilreil eu t se.er.tv
seven. 4,777, containing nine hundred and
ninety acres and allowance ot six per cent, tor
roail> A AL.SM—t),i all that certain tractor
piece 01 land surveyed 10 pursuance of warrant
No. lour thousand six hundred and thirlv
three, 4.6Jd. coutaining nine hundred and
ninety acre* and allowance of six per ceut. lor
Toado Ae. AL.7SO—Mn Ail that certiiu tract
or piece of land surveyed in pursuance ot
waimm No. lour thousand six h.nidred and
fitly, 4,0a0, containing nine hundred and nine
jty acres and allowance ol s.x per cent, for
road® Ac. ALSO—Mu all that certain tract
or piece of land surveyed in pursuance of w ar
rant No. lour thousand six hundred ami suv
euty-tour, t,674, containing nine huudred ami
utility acres and allowance of six per cent,
tor roads Ac. ALISM—Mu all t i.it certain
tract or piece of land surveyed iu pars tancc
ot warrant No. lour thousand six hundred arid
sixty-niuu, 4,66y, containing nine hundred
and ninety* acres and allowance of six per
cent, for roads Ac. ALSO— Mu all that cer
tain tract or piece of laud surveyed in pursu
ance ot warrant No. four thousand nine
hundred and 4 thirty-four, 4.934, containing
nine hundred and ninety acres and allow ance
>1 s i per cent for roads' Ac. AL.SO--0n all
that or hind, being *--X humlred and fonv
i acres and allowance 01 six per cent, for roaii-
A'\. ot a certain tract of land surveyed in pur
-ujuce <1! warrant No. four thousand *;x hun
dred ft ud fifty-one, 4,631. AI.SM-On all tlmt
pice of land, being six hundred ami ninety
live acres and allowance of six per cent, for
roads Ac., of a certain tract surveyed in
pursuance of warrant No. four thousand six
hundred and fifty-two, 4,632. AL.SM—UII all
that piece of land, heing seven hundred and
ninety acres and allowance of six per cent,
for roads Ac., of all that certain tract of land
-urveytil ill pursuance of warrant N four
thoii.and .-ix hundred and fifty-* x. 4.656.
ALSO—On all that piece ot' land, being
lit,- hundred am] eighty-two aertcs aud ui
lowamv of si a per cent, for roads Ac,, of
a certain traet surveyed iu puruance of
warrant No. tour thousand six hundred
and tidy-seven, 4,057. ALSO- —Ou all
that piece of land, being eight hundred
and lortv acres and allowance of six per
cut. for roads Ac., of a certain tract stir
veyed in pursuance of warrant N'o. four
thousand nine hundred and tvvent v-eight,
4.ydB. ALSO —On all that piece of laud,
beiug eight hundred and fortv acres and
allowauee of six percent, for roads Ac.,
of n certain tract surveyed in pursuance
of warrant No. four thousand nine hun
dred and txveiitv-three, 4,1ii5. ALSO—
(In ail that piece of land being -ix hun
dred and filty-live acres and allowance of
six per cent, for roads Ac., of a certain
tract surveyed in pursuance of warrant
No. four thousand seven hundred and
twenty-seven, d.Tln. ALSO —On ail
that tlie west-half, being four hundred
and ninety-live acres and allowance of six
per cent, for roads Ac., ot a certain traet
surveyed in pursuance of warrant No.
four thousand six hundred and tiftv-four,
4,0.)4. ALSO-—On all the west-halt,
being four hundred and ninety-five acres
and allowance of six percent, for roads
INO., of a certain tract surveyed in pursu
ance of warrant No. four thousand six
hundred and fifty-three, 4,05;>. AL.SC>
—On all that tract or piece of land sur
veyed in pursuance of warrant No. lour
thousand six hundred and eighty, 4.()Sd,
containiujg nine huudred aud niuetv acres
and allowance of six per cent, for roads
Ac. ALSO—On all that certain traet or
piece of land surveyed iu pursuance of
warrant N'o. lour thousand six hundred
and seventy-three, 4,073, containing uine
hundred aud ninety acres and allowance
of six percent, for roads Ac. ALSO—
On all the west-half, being four hundred
uud ninety-five acres and allowance of six
per cent, for roads Ac., of a certain tract
surveyed iu pursuance of warrant No.
four thousand six hundred and seventy -
two, 4,L72.
AND ALSO— The right, of free in
gress, egress and regress, in upon through
aud over the above described tracts, piec
es of tracts and parcels of lauds and eve
ry part and parcel thereof, to fell, cut,
hew, bark haul and take awav the said
timber trees front the said lauds, and also
the right to pile and store the said tim
ber trees ou the said lands when cut and
divided into logs and timber until the
same can conveniently be hauled, floated
or carried away, and also the right to
build, make and construct houses, roads
and bridges, for the purpose of hauling
and taking away the logs and timber cut
and hewed from the said timber lands,
and also ail the right to use the waters
and streams of water in and upon the
said lands and flowing through the *ame,
to float and carry the logs ami timber from
said lands —the said right to cut and carry
away timber trees from the said lands, as
above described, and all and singular the
other rights and privileges above mentioned
and described, and each of them—to contin
ue, and to be used and enjoyed, for arid
during the period of Fifty i ears, to be
computed from the fifteenth day ot Febru
ary, A. D. lSofi.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
"old as the prope-tv of "The Sunbury
4 Canal and nter I'ower Companx," at
'• the suit of Toltu Taggart, Trustee of J.
" S. Silver rt nf.
a A. C. TAGGART, Shetf.
fl Coudersport, Aug. 5. 1557.-fit.
•1 issri: I.IST.
1 SEP 1L il BF. it TERM.I 35 7.
'' County of Potter, \s. C. \V. Lilis A Jamc^
u ! W. .-jinitu.
j: a Trustees of Binghnm Estate, \s. Jacob B.
. lii*iim-r.
r j t'ouuty of Potter, v-j. E. Johnston A James
'* Bump '-' J.
u Win. MeDougall, vs. Jno. M. Kllborn, A
* Rufus Hire.
C. AyleswortU, vs. X. P. MinariL
r George Andrews, vs. Aiu<>s L) N'irhols.
L'. Fveliti. Jr. \*. Jonathan Card, el. af.
i Lienj. Smith, vs. Isaac Lyman.
l'ike Towuship. v v I). Cuapjul.
! Wharton School L..strict. vs. Julius Johnson.
' Pear.re, use of JJoly v Doty, vs. Eruuk
'! liti Gale.
s Levi Aani*. vs. W. T. Jonoe.
• I K. M. Carpeiit.T, vs. Oiias. Armstrong.
' | Barak NMes, vs, L. D. Wil.'iauu.
•; Eiias K. .More. vs. Morris S. Carpenter.
~-i D. IL Brown, vs. Leonard Davis.
iliuiea Cushing, vs. B. K.irse' i. Ansl y.
r Sfiml. Haven, vs. A. M. Bentou.
r George Avers, vs. Win. Perry.
1 Vesta C. Dike, Ac., vs 0. P. Dike.
"jr Win T. Jones, vs. Jackson A Bees.
F A. W. Williams, v.-. Deloss 11. Dunbar.
L Thomas D. Lillie, vs. 11. Courtrighl, et. a!.
Jos. A. Leonard, vs. J. Stevenson.
Josiah Bump. vs. 11. .S. Carrier.
' t'ollin-i rSuntli, vs, .Morris .S. Carpenter.
" 1 Potter County, v.*. Hunt A Crittenden.
r C. W. llowc Co. vr. \\ . T Jones.
1 Gi'Uiiueli A Ctx-svvell, vs. W. T. A A. F.
i Gilbert A Nichols, vs. N". L. Dike.
' David W. ieely. v . Win. Perry,
K. M. Carpenter, v.-. itichard suay, Jr.
1 Geo. it. Vos >urg. vs. M. J. Flyun.
11. J. Mlmstku, Proth.y.
J Coudersport, Aug. 3d. 1857.
J. lIEXDItICK. Principal.
; rpHIE Academic year will be divided into
, | 1 i hret'Terms 01 thirteen weeks each. The
' Winter Term will commence 011 .Monday, De
cember Bth. 1856. The Spring or Summer
Term will commence 011 Monday, April 6th,
1837 : and the Fall Term on Monday, August
' 2 llh. 18.>7.
Tuition per term ot tuirtceu week#, as fol
low- :
' Primary Studies—Reading, Spelling,
Mental Arithmetic, Ac.. - - $2 50
Common English Branch.-—Geogra
phy, Mrthography. Arithmetic and
Grammar, - - - - - 373
Higher English Branches Na.tur.-1
Philosophy, Astronomy, Chemistry,
and l'r-t Lessons in Algebra, - 5 00
Higher Mathematics—Algebra, Geom
etry, Ac., - - - - - C 00
Languages—Latin, Greek, or French, ti 00
Drawing, extra, - - - - 2 50
Piano .Music, extra, - - . Iu uo
I'd'jnKnl Strictly m Ad rune
All scholars who can write legibly, will be
required to present an original Composition
once in two week.-,; and male scholars to de
claim once in two weeks.
Board can be obtained in private Families
; in the village, or rooms can be had in the
Academy by applying to th< Principal,
MR. HEXDIIICJv has had the Preceptor-hip
of the Academy fur the past year, aud it is
with great satisfaction vvc announce that we
j have been able to secure the continuance of
bis services. The flourishing condition ot the
Academy has been exhibited by a larger at
tendance and more general expression of sat
. isfaction, than lias ever been experienced here
tofore : ami the Trustees flatter themselves
that in the renewal of his engagement they
are carrying out the wishes of the patrons of
the Academy thus favorably indicated, and
securing for that station a gentleman fully
competent to supply the vvauU of au inteiii
geni community.
ELI REF.S. President,
G. IL MV'ERI'UN, See'y. j H
LEWIS MANN. Treasurer, ; =
Coudersport, Nov. 10. Iss<;.
l7 uuderzigued having bought out all
JL firmer owners of the Lewisville Steam
Gri-t Mill arc now prepared to do all manner
of grinding, as they believe, to the satisfac
tion of their customers, (bme and see.
0. A. LEWIS,
Ulysses. Feb. 28. 1857.-9-38.
. the Hou. Robert G. White.
T t President Judge, and the Hons. Joseph
Mann and M. M. Coivin, Associate Judges of
the Courts of Oyer A Terminer utul General Jail
Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orph
ans Court and Court ofCoruntuh Pleas for the
County of Potter, have issued their precept,
bearing date the fifth day of August, in
the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun
dred aud fifty-seven, and to me directed, for
. holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery. Quarter Sessions of the
Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court ol Common
Pleas, iu the Borough of Coudersport, on MON
DAY, the 21st day of September next, aud to
Guntinue one week.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor
oners. Justices of the Peace, and Constables
w i'.hin the county, that they be then and there
ig their proper per.-ons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of
said day, with their roils.Tecords. inquisitions,
examinations, and other remembrances, to do
things which to their oilices appertain
to be done. Aud those who are bound by
their recognizances to prosecute against the
' prisoners that are or ,-hail be in Ihe jail of said
I county of Potter, are to be then and there to
prosecute agaiyst them us will be just.
Dated at Cocntusronr. August nth, 1657,
and the 81st year of the Independence of 1110
United Stale.-) of America.
A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff.
H. MI.IN A CO., of the Yates County
TT • Nurseries, have for -ale a large and
valuable assortment of f'RI JT Tit.lUl*
of all varieties usually cultivated. Tnese
Trees are young and of vigorous growth. The
qualities are the most choice known, and are
warranted geM'l.vk. Also, a tiue stock of
. for fall delivery.
Address orders toC. BEACII, Pen Van.
Yates Co., N. Y. Orders left with RMB T. W.
' NILKS. t'uud '-port, Pu., will he promptly
11"d. 10:. jiao.
1 c ) \ ITXl;8 8i; 8 ; d
OH _*j
Julm S. bye U the Author,
Who has hod 10 j tars experience u a Bank-."
er and Pubii-her, and Authm ol'
A terns of Lectures at Broadway Tabernacle,
| when, for 10 successive nights, over
Peojle-%ia t
a J Greeted hiui with Rounds of Applause,
while he exhibited the manner in which
. 1 Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, aud FT i
the Surest and Shortest Menus of w
i j Detecting them
The Hank Xcde Engraeves all say that he t>/
: I the •/rtatest Judge of I'aptr Money In itio. X
'ijiU;Uns c o({i)j Jft vii iLiiii; ?j'ou'g 2
Describing every Genuine Bill HI Existence, w
uud Exhibiting at a glance every Coun- t
terl'eit in Circulation !! . |
• i Arranged so admirably that REFERENCE 7"
' ; is EASY, and If
i &aF".\*o index to examine ! No pages to
J hunt up! But so simplified and arranged, r
; that the Merchant, Banker and Business C
| Man can see all at a Glance. Z
! Thus each niav read the same in his own f
Most Perfect Emit: .Vote List Published. Z
Also a List of •-
A Complete Summary of the FINANCE |
' Eutopic & AMERICA will be published in each
edition, together with all the IMPORTANT
! From an Old Manuscript found in the East, v*
It furnishes the Most Complete History T
. ofOriental Life,
[describing the .Most Perplexing Positions in
j which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Iw J
Country have been so often found. These
! Stories will continue throughout the whole L I
i year, and will prove the Most Entertaining
! ever offered to the Public. T2
J^ay*"Furnished Weekly to Subscribers on-
ly, at Si a year, All letters must be ad-,—,
1 dressed to
JOHN S. DYE, Broker, S
Publisher and Proprietor, 7u W 11 Street.
New-York. 10:1—ly. w
I.OM Prices and Ready I'ay, j
i I
rjWE SUBSCRIBERS are offering for sale
JL au cutirelv new stock, consisting of
In our selections the wants of all have been
, remembered. The Gentlemen can find in our
1 -lock of Ready Made Clothing an elegant
Fashionable suit, or a substantial Business
> suit, and we have lints A Caps and Boots A
' Shoes to match.
Tiie Ladies can find Fashionable Bonnets;
1 beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and trimming :
a good assortment of Dress Goods, and trim- I
imngs; Gloves. Mitts, Hosiery and Gaiters.—
i And. last but not least, corded and skeleton I
Skirts : alio, Rattans, Skirt-Whalebone and
■ Brass Skirt-Hoops: beautiful Jet Necklaces
ami Bracelets, Corals, l'ans, and too many
, other thing?to enumerate, —all of which we.
are selling low for Cash, Lumber, or any kind
ot Produce. FLOUR, MEAL, FISH Ac., cou
; stantlv on baud.
W. B. AJ. 11. GRAVES. I
Sharon Center. Potter Co., Pa., June 5.
j.' 1557. 10:2-lf.
OR vN'GES AND LEMON'S just received bv
lo:2 W li. A J. H. GRAVES. "
DW. SPENCER is Agent for many of the
• ino.-t popular Medicines now in u.-e, a
j. few of which he will mention:
: Ac., ,vc., Ac.
£Ky"*J. R. Stafford A Co:'s Olive Tar is ap- !
; plied and inhaled by wearing on INHALER
I around the neck and on the breast, llis OL
IVE OINTMENT is applied where the skin iV
j broken, and is a popular remedy where known.
| Good for the Whooping Cough. 10:2.
1 Further Supplement to the Ordinance of
Mav 25th, 1557, relative to Side-
! 1 Tii meeting of the Town Council of the I
Borough of Coudersport, held July dth,
1857, the following Ordinance was adopted :
On motion, it is hereby ordained. That the
Ordinance pa-.-ed May 25th, 1857. relative to
Side-Walk-, be so amended that the Side-
Walks on Second Street, from Water to West
J. street, be built of Plank on both sides in the
I same manner as on Main street.
Ami, That the usual notice be given in the
Hotter Journal , and written or printed notices
be given to all owner or owners, or agents of
' Lots on said streets.
Am; ST : A. F. JONES, Burgess.
S. 11. STOKR?, Sec'y. io:s. j
From Wclßville. daily at 0 i\ M.
From Ulysses, Saturday at tt v. M.
j- From Jer-ey Shore, Wednesday and Saturday
at 0 p. M.
' From WelLsboro, Wednesday and Saturday at
6 p. M.
[ From Siunemahoning, Tuesday at f> p. u.
From Suietliport. Tuesday and Friday at G P. M.
j From Ceres, Monday and Friday at 6 P. M.
J Departure.
To "Wdlsville, daily at 7 A. M.
, To Ulysses. Saturday at 7 A. M.
i To Jersey Shore, Tuesday and Friday at G A. M.
To b\ ellsboro. Monday and Thursday aid A. M.
To Sinnemahoning. Monday at 6 A. M.
To Suietliport, Monday and Thursday at 6 A. M.
To Ceres, Tuesday and Friday at 6 A. M.
All letters, to be mailed, must be in the
office the evening before the mail starts,
f June 18, 1857. J. M. JUDD, P. M.
i _
GOODS—A Large and Splendid As
"j AN sortment just received at
j.i 10:1 OLMSTED'S. I
S'OMB CLOTHING of Cheney's manufaoturv |
on hand at E. K. SPENCER'S,
• j lu:2 D. W. S., Asj*
Goods ju-t received at OLMSTED'S.
Of all disease : the great, first cause
Springs from netrleet ol Nature's lav -u
When a CI RE is guaraiitietl
Sell-Abuse, Nervous Tb/uhty, Stricture*, Greets.
; Gravel, Diseases of (he Kidneys and
Bladder, Mercurial Jliwumatism, Scrofula.
I'aiTti in the Bones and Ankles, Diseases of th<
l ongs. Throat, Nos- and Eyes, t icers upon th>-
Body or Limbs, Cancers. Droyxy, Epileptic Fits,
St. I'itu's Dance, and all diseases arising from
a derangement of the Sexual Organ;,
SUCH as Nervous Trembling. Loss of Mem
ory, Loss of Power, General Weakness, i
Ditunc-- of V ision with peculiar spot-appear
ing before the eye?, Loss of Sight, Wakeful
ness, Dyspepsia. Liver Disease, Eruptions upon
the face, Pain in the back and head. Female!
irregularities and ail improper discharges from 1
both sexes. It matters not from what cause i
the disease originated, however loug standing
or obstinate the case, recovery is certain, aud in
a shorter time than a permanent cure can be ef
fected by any other treatment, even after the
disease has balded the skill of eminent physi
cians and resisted all their means of cure. The
medicines arc pleasant without odor, eausingno
sickness and free from uiercurv or baLam.
During twenty years of practice. I have rescued
from the jaws of Death many thousands, who,
! in the last stages of the above mentioned dis- j
; eases had been given up to die by their physi-
I cians, which warrants me in promising to the
; afflicted, who may place themselves under my \
! care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret
Diseases ate the greatest enemies to health, a
tliey are the first, cause of Consumption. Scruf-
UIUJUIH! many other diseases, and should be a
terror to the human family. As a permanent
I cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority of the
| cases falling into the hands ol incompetent
: persons, who not only fail iu cure the diseases
but ruin the constitution, filling tiie system
! with mercury, which, with the disease, has
tens the sufferer into a rapid Consumption.
! But should the disease and the treatment
not cause death speedily and the victim mar
ries, the disease is entailed upon the children,
who are born with feeble constitutions, and
the current, of life corrupted by a virus which
betrays itself in Scrofula, Tetter. Ulcers, Erup
tions and other affections of the skin. Eyes.
' Throat and Lungs, entailing upon them a brief
| existence of uttering aud consinguiiig them
to an early grave.
j SELF ABUSE is another formidable enemy
to health, for nothing else in the dread cata
logue of human diseases causes so destructive
, a drain upon the system, drawing its thousands
<>f victims through a few years of suffering
i down to an untimely grave, it destroys the
, Nervous system, rapidly wastes away the cn
[ ergics of life, causes mental derangement,
j prevents the proper development ol the system,
j disqualifies for marriage, society, business 1 '
; and all earthly happiness, and leaves the suf
ferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed
to consumption and a train of evils more to be
dreaded than death itself. With the fullest
confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of
| rfelt-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure
j can be affected, ai.d with the abandonment ol
[ ruinous practices my patients can be restored
' to robust, vigorous health,
i The afflicted arc cautioned against the use
of Patent Medicines, for ilierp are so main
; ingenious snares iu the columns of the public
i prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers
that millions have tlii ir constitutions ruined
by the vile Compounds of quack doctors, or
, the equally poisonous nostiums vended n>
: "Patent Medicines. I have carefully analyzed
many ot' the so called Patent Medicines and
i lind that nearly all of them contain Corrosive
j Mubliraute, which is one of the strunge.t pre
parations of mercury and a deadly poi.-on,
i which instead of curing the disease disables
the system for life.
Three-fourths of the patent nostrums now
in use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant
persons, who do not understand e .en the al
phabet of the materia nudiea. and are equally
as destitute of any knowledge of the human
system, having one object only in view, and
; that to make money regardless ol consequen
i ces.
Irregularities and nil diseases of males and
females treated on principles established by
twenty years of practice, and sanctioned by
thousands of tiie most remarkable cures. Meu
icim s with full directions sent to any part of
j the United States or C'auadas, by patients
communicating their symptoms by letter.—
Business correspondence strictly conlldeutial.
Office No. 1131 Filbert St.,
• Old No. 109, j
PHIL ADE L P 111 A .
Oilers CI reat 1 liciucements
.* the store formerly occupied by D. W.
SPENCER, oil 3d Street, North side of Public
A good assortment constantly on hand, from
which I will enumerate a few of the leading
articles, such as
Sugar, Mustard, Candy,
Coffee, Cinnamon, Nuts
Molasses, Pepper Crackers,
Syrups, Cat-up, Soap.
Pepper, "beast, Candles,
Spice, Oils, Shot,
Ginger, Tobacco, Lead,
Cloves, Snuff", 4- G." Cap?,
Garb. Soda, Scgars. C. Tartar,
and many other tilings too numerous to men
tion, will be louud in this department, which
will he sold at a trifling advance from cost,
i for readv pay.
Constantly on hand, such as
and many other articles in the I'm* of Provi
sions uot necessary to mention. Also,
such as Brooms, Wash-Tubs and Boards, Mops.
Dinner Boxes, &r., which w ill be sold low for
cash or ready pay. Oats, Potatoes, Butter.
Eggs, Cheese, and in fact almost everything a
| fanner raises, will Vie, taken in exchange lor
Goods, at their cash value. I invite the at
tention ol \ ilingers, Farmers and Lumbermen
who desire-to make purchases in the above
■ articles, and solicit them to call before pur
chasing elsewhere. E. K. SPENCER.
Coudersport, June 9, 1857.—10:2.
; ¥1 LEACIIED MUSLINS and a few other er
i IF tides in th* line of Staple Dry Gocdf
low for cn-'i at E. K. STEM KR'S,
10:2 D. W. Ajt,
convey.-) the remedies to tlie cavi-
T lies iu tli>: itings through the air passa
ges, and coming in direct contact with the
disease, neutralizes the tubercular mutter, al
lays the cough, causes a tree and easy expec
toration. heals the lungs, purifies the blood,
imparts renewed \ ilality to the nerv oils system,
giving that tone and energy so indispensable*
I lor the restoration of health. To be able to
state confidently that Consumption is curable
| by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed
pl- asure. It is as much under the control of
medical treatment as any other formidable
j urease ; ninety out of every huudred case*
! c;\u he cured in the first stages, and fifty per
. cent, in the second ; but in the third stage it
! is impossible to save more than five per ceut.,
lor the Lungs are so cut up by the disease as
ito bid defiance to medical skill. Even, how
ever. iu the lust stages, Inhalation atlurds ei
. traordiuary relief to the suffering attending
this fearful scourge, which uunually do-trov*
uiuely-tive thou.-aud pcr.-ous iu the United
States alone ; and a correct calculation show*
that of toe present population of the earth,
eighty millions are destined to fill the Con
sumptive's graves.
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so
fatal a- Consumption. In all ages it has been
, the great enemy of life, tor it spares neither
. age nor sex. but sweeps off alike the brave,
tli- beautiful, the graceful and the gifted, liy
the help of that Supreme 1 Icing from whom
cometh every good and perfect gift, 1 am en
ahbled to offer to the atliieled a permanent
aud speedy cure iu Consumption. Tnc nuw
cause of tubercles is from impure blood, aud
the immediate effect produced by their depo
sition in tue lungs is to prevent the free ad
inis-iou of air iulo the air cells, which cause*
a weakened vitality through the entire system.
Then surely it is more rational to expect great
er good Iroiu medicines entering the cavities
of tnc lungs tiiau from those administered,
through the stomach : the patieut will silwavs
find tnc lungs free aud the breathing easy, al
ter Inhaling remedies, l'hus. Inhalation is a
local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution
ally. and with more power aud certaiuty thau
remedies administered by the stomach. To
prove the powerful and direct influence ot* thin
this mode of administration, chloroform
inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility iu a
lew minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous
system, so that a limb may be amputated with
out the slightest pain: lunaling the ordinary
burning gas will destroy life in a few hours.
The lUiialatiou of ammonia will rouse th*
system when funning or apparently dead. The
odor of many of the medicines is perceptible
, in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled,
and may be immediately detected in the blood.
A convincing proof of tne constitutional effect!
. of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is al
ways prouued by breuthing foul air—is not
this positive evidence that proper remedies,
carefully prepared :vnd judiciously adminis
tered through ihe lungs should produce the
happiest results? During eighteen years'
practice, many thousands .suffering from dis
eases of the lungs and throat, have been un
der my care, and I have effected many remark
able cures, even after ihc sufferera had been
pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat
isfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal
disease. My treatment of consumption i*
original, and founded on long experience and
u thorough investigation. My perfect acquain
tance witu the nature of tubercles, ,v<\, ena
bles me to distinguish, readily, the various
form- of disease that simulate consumption,
I an l apply the proper remedies, rarely being
mistaken even in a -ingle case. This famil
iarity. in connection with certain pathological
and microscopic discoveries, enables me to re
lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted
chests, to enlarge the chest, purity the blood,
impart to it renewed vitality, giving enrg*
ami tone to the entire system.
Medicines with full directions sent to any
part of the United .States and Canadas by p -
t ten t s com in union t iug their symptoms by letter.
But the cure would be more certain if the
patient should pay me a \i-it, which would
give me an opportunity to examine the lung*
and enable ine to prescribe with much greater
! certaiuty. and then the cure could be effected
without my seeing the patient again.
G, \\\ G RAHAM, M. I>.,
Ofiice 1131 Filbert Street, (Old
Wo. 109,j below Twellth,
rpHK Proprietor of Ihe •• M E R C A X T I L K
A. GUIDE' would respectfully call the at
teutionot the Merchant-. I-aimers and Mechan
ics residing out of this city, to tlie moderate
terms for a yearly -üb-cvq.tiou to the GL IDE,
being to mail subscribers only 50 Ccutk
per annum, making it the cheapest family
newspaper in the United .States. Tins columns
of the GUIDE wilt contain the usual xarietv
of original and spicy articles, written not only
to please but to instruct. In regard to poli
tics. the GUIDE will maintain an independent.
; tone, and from time to time will advocate ui v
' sun s as conducive to benefit the greater num
A* an iiiuitccuieut ior persons to interest
! them.-eivcs to obtain subscriptions for the
MERCANTILE GUIDE, we offer the following
premiums. Upon receipt of the names, pay in
i advance, we w ill forward them by express, or
! otherwise if ordered, to the uddieiss of ttiosw
| entitled to them.
For 300 subscribers, cash, $35 00
For 250 subscribers we will give a spleu
did gold watch. | warranted.) 30 00
For 200 subscribers, an elegant gold
locket, 4 glasses, worth, 15 00
For 150 subscribers, one elegant brace
; let, worth 11 00
,1 or iOO subscribers, one gold vest chain,
worth o>>
For 75 subscribers, 1 gold pen and hol
der, handsomely engraved, worth d 00
Lor 50 subscribers, 1 gold pen and hol
der. worth 8 o<>
For 40 subscribers, 1 gold pen and liol
| der. worth 3bd
For 15 stib-oribers, 1 medium gold pen
and holder, worth 2 vie.
For 12 subscribers, 1 gold pen and bol
der, worth 5 50,
; All communications should lie addr%Ased to
W. BEAKEEY. Editor and Publisher of the N_
5. Mercantile Guide, No. 103 Greenwich si.,.
New York.
A Newspapers throughout the Union, by
publishing the above appropriately displayed,,
including this notice, two months, aud calling
■ attention editorially to the saute, and Beudiug
u- the paper, will be entitled to an exchange,
and receive a cold pen and bidder worth
INK and -tape articles in the Drug line fof
yl# by v'J'-., t ft.

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