Newspaper Page Text
(Tii? jlaftfu Journal. (OtllLiWi'OHl, Jt'A., liiiir/tVjU qKVihilti, *'o. I. >' CHASt. EDITOfTMU~PJ6iSHfR. . T-.Tr-yr. 1 '• ■;-sr'S—•-• UE ton ouVi.itNOU. jiAVty V/UMJT. ol liritiilurJ lult CtV.4l COVMI J -lu\'EK. WLUAM MILLWARO, of PlHUJrlphia jolt Jf. Uj. iifl- Spi'HEME C\L KT. JAMrb VirtCH. t P tf Jti.; US£PH J. LEWIS, of Chester. jk*publican County Convention TUB REPUBLICAN* ELECTORS of the County i l'-'tu'r are requested t , cpomtt* I ht... iKli 'tc-i frufij i: ich 'i'owu h.ji. „u the t-4*l*ll ltl OF AL'til'.ST. inst , to ttprexeni r iu t'>tvn>lif; in a County Convention to be a hi at r-pqi? oy THURSDAY. AUGUST 27TH, for th* parjKtre of putting iu nomination Cau (luiiiti-K lor County OlHoers to be supported at ii t e sir uiiijj election, and for the transaction o" ucii ••toer business as may come before ;t*m his earnest!* requested tat full ilei i.uu, be „euf fpotq each towiislpp. A list ot the • CotriuiilUts qf laic boviiul ' iwinliijis i puL'i-lu-d iitrea ith, whose duty r'. •.till be to Attend to the organization of the in Meetings. S. ROSS, yman of County Cuunipttce. C-uudervport, Aug. U, lit, 7. ! igilaure Committor. A 'j>tny. (.'• W. L. Jndd, Henry Nelson, M. Wills. A Molt David Conway, George Rahu, F. H- ver. U<u>jhmin. tinorge Colvin, Isaac Jones, Mat - fin D'lifiggs. t 'lorn. \) fj. fjfdie§, ij.wfm'b Wukejev. Ba h • s ' , T?'!ic. i -flirtport. A. F. Jouc'B, Jacob Reckhow, Hanjaiuin Kennels. tuilolta. S. J. Mills, John Taggart, Nelson ti-fk. liofutt#. 0. Chamberlain, O. 11. Ferry, H. 11. jk'|p}iun. fi-irrtaou. Z. V. Robinson, Israel Podge, Ct.arle* Howard e'er. A A .\!r.< shqry, Francis Strang. C;rus Suuderiin,. IJomw. A. L*. t'ronbv, Jacob Feet. Denm.- lin.ll. Htbron. VT. P. Coo', George Ustes, Julius Baker. JDavid f'rowell. A. A. Crowd. Keating. I'liny Harris, Jusou Lewis. Kloiv t*r Dingt e. pfx-ai/o. E. Lyman, H. 11. Lyman. Jerome Lhotebrs I'tJrf- John Carriel, 11. S. Martin, J. Q Merrick. J'ortag*. Edward Huff, E. lb Sizvr, William Eloign. 1' -atant YaLUy. Samuel Palmer, Henry M Dowl, Lewis Lyman. KvuUtt*. hi*ne<a Pomeroy, Christopher Knowiton. Jobn Lyman, Jr. Stemardton. Henry Andre.-wm. J. Williams, Joaoph Licb. Oylv-mia. John M. Reese, William Carson, William Kecler. /Summit. Merrick Jaaksou. George Aires. J. M Bassett. Sw/e*,. (i. L. Catliti, Edwin Lvman, 11. I. Bird. &&aron. L. 11. Kinney, R. I . Nichols. Asel Lane. I'iyat*!. Ambrose Cot. r, (). A. Lewis. N. U H.i 1 leek, Wml Hranch. J. W. Josrlyn, J. M. Cpn ihje. UTastus Crippen. IVaaefoa. Geo. A. Barclav, John lunslev. F. U Hopkins. fit the Annual Coiuiuonceincnt of the IxwisLurg , I'a.) l'niv t>ity, in July, tin honorary degree of M. A. was conferred uin Her. J. llksdrick, of the Cou d rtjxirt Academy. Jhgy II the Lycouiing Gazrtti it do fir. ui of letting its readers know the true Mate of affairs iu Kansas, why don't it quote from Doctor (libou's history of i. dry's Administration. The editor of the Warren L' Jjcc was a great admirer of Governor Geary. ill he look through the book written bv hm private Secretary, and let ite readers know what h e thinks of it. If this is a faithful history of ulhira m that Territory, wherein is Buchanan's administration an improvement on Pierce's? tion to General Packer to canvass the suto with him in discussing the questions of the day, before the same audience, t<>ok tJio starch out of the brave champions of tini Dred Soott decision. Poor fellows ! They have adopted a platform which they have not the courage to defend before the p<s>ple, when both sit]us can he presented. * . gfc -ain* MISSOURI ELECTION. —The returns arv not vet complete, but the Democrat nays that unless stupendous frauds have been pmetictnl by the fhato Jsupretarv in eanrasing the vote, Kollins is certainly elected by probably 1500 majority. v | he yiave-drivers will not stop at ballot-box Mailing if they can thus secure the Gov ernorship to their candidate, however groes an outrage it may be on the people. •fiTWe beg to call the attention oi pur Merchants to the card of Messrs ALLEN A WHITE —in which they offer mi pen or inducements to Buyers ofChiua, Lflass aq] Earthenware at their establish- No. 71 John Street, New York. We ar* oouffdeut from the enviable repu tation whiuk litis hou<e has acquired, that our Dealers will tind it to their iu teredt to giv them a call when visiting New \ ork ,MS i.--..-. ■ - JWUfc. r ■. •. i-.< 1H n m. . _ .. Jj&gr What do those men hereabouts, who ?r.ppelted Buclian&n in the b -Lei that he Wultld do ju dice it) Kails .l 3, thial, • .•; hi ■ -Spp-iilitiiieiii. ui that chid el iuU rohher j , Ci.ptHjn T nory, as I'.v -is t<r of the Kind OTio, 1 in i'uc- festem dis tnet of Kaiieas. Itead Gihoh's dcsorip- 1 '.iuii of this appointment of President Bu chanau. We quote from page 111. *• Kmorr and his com puny held their had imutersat LeavenWort!t GitV, vvhencr ilu v sailed up." the surrounding country to " pre.-,5." not to st *aj the horses, cattle,; wagons, and other property of. the tree-, state men, to whom ifiey 'had heyunie a terror! It was during these excursiohs :lint Major Saekett, of the L uitud .State-, army, luguij iij tiic ri;.id iioar i.oiiyenyyorth Pity a number of bodies of men who had been seized, rubbed, murdered, mutilated, and left uuburicd by the wayside. It was same E uorv and coin puny that made the attack on Phillips's house, when Phil lies v-as killed and l;;s brother severely wounded. They were uUo present when tin; assassin of lloppe brougiit in his reek ing scalp, elevated upon u p. he, and ap plauded the savage deed.'' jgsTAVhe}; the Pjreaidoijf of the I nitotl States was iufeimjoti th. f t Ukiued bands wrere organizing iii nose of cuhfioiiing tlie idoetiou in Kansas. ; r and was asked to protect the ballot-box from this premeditated outrage, lie turn ed a deaf ear to the information and the appeal. The apologists of the President ; excused this conduct by asserting that lie had no poictr to protect the ponpiu of Kansas in tlj.rir right to yote unmolested. f r Hut \y 1 i t>: tim oitivtons of Kiwronee were about to regulate "their domestic affairs " in their own way," as the Kansas-Ne braska bill said tlicy had a right to do,' \ then the President's Governor in Kansas issues a proclamation forbidding the peo ple of Lawrence from voting to 'organize a ciiy charier, and niijvehe.J ciyid hun dnd I nitcd E tat us soldiers tq arpujt the Eawrenec men who should attempt to do anything of the kind. And those same apologists of the President now say,' euarge bayonet on the rebels of Lawrence. Such is Doughface Democracy. It ex cused the President for doing nothi eg. when there was the most urgent noces-itv for action ; but now, when the people of Kaphas are able tu protect themselves and defend their own hallot-boxes, ii ur ges him to a"t with riu-ir t prevent the ' people from attending fq their own do tuestic affairs. 11uw ngiio, aye there iu this (lounty who will sustain such con duct ? Tlie Truth oi'History its siola (ioti to Kaitstts. Ye have endt a\urcd to keep our rend ers well posted in the affairs of Kansas from the rery\ij ~f the Missouri Gonmro misc to tlie present time. Wo are eg - , tied that wt have given in the main a faithful and true history. We are con firmed in this impression, by the pubiiea tiun of a b>ok entitled "GEARY AND KANSAS. Governor G eary's Administn:- :jou ig Kansa- with a eo.npletchistory of tlie Tcrriton until duly l s b7," Bv John 11. Gihon, 31. P.. private Secretary of Governor Geary. Published at Phikulcl r phia by Charles 0. Klmdos." Now as Governor Geary and Doctor Gihon, both wcut to Kansas violeut Nti lionnl Democrats, and zealous champion ■ of J nines Buchanan, it is hardly likely, either of them would say any thing except compelled to by the facts of 1 i i.-tory which lavqrou the cause ot treeqoui, \%e there fore ask National Democrats to buy an<; read Doctor Gihon's hook, or, if you are unwilling to expend money for that pur pose. ask some liberal democrat to loan you a copy; fqr v,v assume every mar; who desires to know the truth *hout Kan sas and has doubts of the statements made . by the Republican press, will procure a copy of this book, it qqly cent*, though it contains o4S pages of rea iintr. We shall take great pleasure in fonyard ing all orders fur the Ivok free c,f charge. Meanwhile we ask f,-cu Kausm dpi no era ts to look at the following nxtracts and make their own comments. This one is on the l?Sth page : " By the proposition |o c.rc,.t tvyo new territories iustead ot one, us at lirst pro posed, and to all the iuhabitauts of each to determine for themselyes whether slave ry should or should not L, e a 4 m Utfci!i was intended and so understood, that Ne braska should be wfrcqaiy.i Kansas a slave state. This was. beyond al! question, the object and meaning uf the Kansas-Ne braska bill uf Mr. Douglas, and it was so regarded, as ah its ahoW, by the late aduiinijitratiou. This, in fact, is the only excise, altuougli by no means a sufficient one, that can be otic re q in exteauatiout ot the outrages that have subsequeu iy been committed against free-state settlers. -Many members of the pru slavery party, beiieving it to haye been a matter understood and fixed by certain contracting powers aud the loads of the : general go>crmneut, th., lkansa- \o™ Gkvoiuc a slave stati-, in orler t<> keep up an equilibrium of northern and author:; seclAuhiil Httd political rests, couscien tiouMv supposed tis ii iystx-oVI of its bmug h crimiuui t> tie nee, if was ot only justifia ble, bat a virtue, to persecute, even to death, ah northern people who sboijld ep ter the territory wan a disposition to de < feat or thwart that object All -nch were l regudod as intruders, who:a it was proper to remove at ail hazards and by whatever meat,h'.yyeyer cruel or oppres-ive, that could b ' employed- This sentiment was not confined to Kansas and the adjoining: State ct Missouri, but was oqf-uftajned h> I persons high in authority elsewhere, an ,F especially at the seat of the led era! gov ernment. By many it was tieely aekuovvl edged and boldly advocated." That convb .'rates Senator Mason s state-: inept fb:;t the Missouri <'muprommc was repealed in the expectation thai it uvii(<( n'CVtC Aansas to lt}''a cert/, The following is from the bib! page, and shows why ifeeder was removed, and Lccotnpte retained! in office in thnj Terri tory : "At the time Boeder was appointed governor. Samuel Ibxter la'comple was ehoseu Chief Justice, and Rush rdiiiorc and Sanders X. Johusou Associate Jus-; tices of the Supreme Court of the Terri tory. .Judge Leeoiunteimmediately alfiii ated with tne most ultra of the pro slave ry men : declared himself warmly attached to their " peculiar institution ; received their unqualified approbation; applauded their acts; addressed their m votings ; and went quite as fitr as thn most e.yaatinp could possibly expect or desire. Judge Kjiiiore was a slaveholder, and brought ids slaves vyith him info the territory, But lie vyas a ju-.t and conservative lijan, dis posed to act fairly and honorably toward all classes of citizens, and disapproved ut many of the outrages that were being so wantonly committed against the "aboli tionist.-.' ilis conduct was conciliatory, and he sought rather to preserve peace among the citizens than aid in promoting contention and strife. Judge Johnson took no part whatever in the prevailing disturbances, " The two latter named gentlemen were removed from office at the same time and upon the same pretence as Governor Heed- T. They were charged with having -peculated in tie half-breed Kaw lands ; the charg" being founded uu n tlie tact that they had stipulated for the purchase of those la ids on the condition of being able to obtain the consent of the govern ment. " Chief Justice Lcoomptei- -fill retain ed, though h" was one of the early s putt iers Upton the !>'•!,-ware Trust Land-, in whi -'i be row owns a valuable estate near L vivt nworth City, and has ,•<• ptired con siderable property in sundry pro-slavery • towns. Lecmipton, the capital, received his name a- an acknowledgement of his lidelitv. zeal, and devotion to the pnrtv bv which it was founded. " T ; >.o places of Judges 111 more, and Johnson were tilled by the appointment yf Sterling G. ('ato, Esq., of Alabama, an 1 M. Btirrell, E*fp. of IVnnsyivania Judge Onto has followed closely in the footsteps of Lecompte. Judge Unrrell. after re .mining a short time in the terri tory, and hemming dlsgu-red with the . out rag sand ttieial tfiid feasance, if is sup p-uvd. to which be was compelled to be a witness, without ha\ ing the power to reiu-. edy. returned to his home at' 1 reensburg. w tie re be died in October. l>otb Judgt Th 'iiuis Cunningham, of Beaver count v. lYnnsvlvania, was appointed his succes sor; but he, tim, after \i-ltii g the furri tory, resigned wiiuout eypr enuring upon i!ie duties ut hi.- Oiiiee. These extracts will Eiov, the character and value of the book. Next week we shall show what the present National Ad ministration is doing in Kansas. THE ILLUSTRATED ti YMXASII'M. Tills is the title of a new book by 1L T. TKALL, M. D., now being published by FuWi.KR AN I) \\ ELLS, of New York. The work comprehends considerable more than the title expresses ; fur it contains u>t only an exposition of Gymnastics proper, but also the applications ot Gymnastic, CalirtbprJe. and Yofvil ExeroUo- to the development of the whole body, the proper training ot weak and defective organs, and to the cure of disease. Special Medical Gem nasties fur. t ..iticrjar ailments and infirmi ties have a prominent and important place Ling's system of KiNiisij'ATUy, a* devel oped l>y its agthqr- 41,4 practiced, by Tutu, < Jeorgie, and others, is extensively treated of. Brief instructions are given in the variuus " niarjy exerolvoi, as .Sv.iiuuijpg, Sailing, Ruwing, Biding, etc. ; and not the lea-t valuable part of it is the analysis of the radimental s >unls of the English language, v. 'th the instructions predicated thcregg, ra enable \\& .-tgdeut to obtain full command of the respiratory apparatus, and acquire fluency and power of \'oice and Speech. All department of the work arc pro fusely illustrated with engravings. It is a book fur the IndiCigul, tl(e Family, the Club, and the School. It will be comple ted in two numbers, Rriee fur the work complete,?! 2". Address Fowler and WELLS, JUS Broadway, New Yrk T LIE Loul-vllle, Ky, Cburer, of u recent date -tatt - that a contract La.- hee.q made to deliver 1 ,1)00 barrel- ut tiuur in J,nl cits next March, for per barrel p£?~ Another AV-u and Tin Store his juit been opened on Righth-st.. next door to J. Sc'Hßaue & Co., by J. W. J.ViiiH, lrutu Pttijuaylvaniu Wd noticed ah Arri val of good lookiug stove* on Thursday and saw in hii shpp a nev, and very c n --yenient style of cupboard t.vr culinary pur ip:Sv S, the sides ot which weie perforated tin plates, thijs admitting of complete ven tilation while keeping out Mies, Ac. V.'e find the above clever notice of our former townsman in the Sheboygan ( W is. > aud copy it in order that bis friends here may know of his whereabouts and doing*. 1 1 vend S.Wlui you must adver tise bbcraUy iu the Time* it yoti would • ib> :t fair businesg It vGii alwav* increase your sale* fJ or 7" per cent, if you keep your business prominently before {he pub , tie, in the col Hums oi a goud newspaper. Aou> lleiuii. ... AN exchange paper <v J that a wreath : of waiuut leaves, su-pchded in a room v will ! drive out {lies, and that i!ie\ will not en ter the room again gutd the wreath i* withered. The experiment I.- v/urth trv iug. -V Biu SALARY. —Mr Mornn, ilu new President of the New York and Erie Bail road Company, is to receive a salary of t wciity-iiye t uuusaud d>illars a year—exactly v.liat is paid the President tJ ihe 1 jtitud States, and more, probably, than is paid to any other fnijeLLuiiary, OyF.oox,—-The ('uustitutional Conven tion oft iivgon consist* of 4'l loeofoeos and 18 Bepiiblicann. T!ie jucufoco papers an nounce. it as the intention .i {he majority to submit to the public a sepojate clause ii, the constitution establishing Slavery. THE Republicans of Crawford County, have made their nominations, as fuilows : —Assembly, K. I*. Miller; Sheriff, \Ym : A, Ilurst; IVutliunotary, Ijunry B. Beatty; Recorder, B. B. Cu nniiugs; Clerk of Courts, Foster (.fehr; Treasurer, Joseph C. Hays, (editor of Journal;) Countv Commissioner, \Vm. Hotchkiss. REMEDY FOR. HIARILIKEA.—The fol lowing is said to be very efficacious.— "Take a handful of strawberry leaves ami pour 011 them half pint boiling water; let it remain 0.10 hour aud drink the tea. If you cannot get boiiing water, chew and swallow the jiuoe, 1 liu • a )uo*t valua ble and efficient remedy. It rarely fail to give immediate relief and performs a permanent cure." REWARDING TRAJTURS. — JOHN* K. CA LUMEN, of Armstrong, aud G. NELSON FMITJI, of Cambria, members uf the last iloitse of Bcpo'seiitatiVes who bolted the FOJLNEY lio.uinatioii and .supported los- TT'.R for tic' Senate, have been nominated Ky the Hv'iiioerats of their respective e-uiutios tor re-i lection. The Democratic firojiT seem "trai tor.-." " MORF. liipior sold than b fore line rises were refused, is the cry, therefore let 1 lie .-ale of it be licensed I Men commit every grade of crime in \ iolation of law; therefore, vile men s.houia be licensed by 0 iiniuunity to perpetuate th>se erimes I is not the argument a* good in one case as the other .' - MYs. mt if.t Chitj. HENRY DIXON* CRAZY.— 7LR Allmny U:<niiiy Jourwii to-.- cxplatia . ti'Ci ut the j'.ndcrcnce ot Henry Dixon for Slavery over Freedom, ah ut which so much noise hr.< been made, is that Dixon has become H lunar, C, pmbab'v fYom grief under t lie inflictions ot S'aVerv. A gentleman from P . Imst r rccentK found .hint in Georgia and found him as ITJ.'V a* a loon. It wit! REMEMBERED t Hat Dixon's master denied possession of him until he found he e tild probably sell him at a good nrie >. Ho o. f iei*s him nHw at- c 7Cb. IDs value, it" of sound mind, v vtld be twice that sum. TUU.NIF FEE.DINI, a.ND BI TTER MA KING. —My manner of ft-eding turnip- i this : When taking them <ut ut the ground I d:vs- them close, cutting off all roots and fibres. It is the tap-root and it- appendages that impregnate the 'milk and butter in a great measure. You or any one may tell thj,- by chewing idem, ai;d tluy vi!l leave a pungent taste in tln inouth. The next operation is—l cut them ua long as twenty-four hours before feeding, and throw a handful of suit over taoui when out, so that what smell re mains pastes j|F in the atmosphere : and last, I never or very seldom feed nntil after-milking.— Corf -pond*:ac<. 0/ th> Country Gentleman ibits. Roaches, Kvtl Slags, I:- H'CtX, AiC. "CLL3TAR'B" RAT. UUAL'II, KC., LI.YTKR.MI- X ATI K; . -CU^TAR'S'" RED JJL'G EXTERMINATOR: ••Ci )STAK'S UR EOT it It.' POWDER, for AM*, I,C. The ONLY IXFALLELE REMEDIES kuown.) COSTAK" sends by mail, pre paid. a Sample Rox of the Rat, Roach, etc. Ex. to any address in the I". S., on receipt of-Si, or the Elect: jo Powder for G">e. (The Bed-Bug Ex., being a liquid cannot be serD bv mail.) fei? "COSTAH" will furnish DRCG- G ISiS, DE A LEBSanu STGBE-K EEP EBS, a >lO gam pie l'ackage of his vari nus preparations (assorted) with Circu lars. Bii!*, I'osters,, Ac. on receipt of >5, leaving bah of?• due when sold, in or der that they may te.-t their merits. fiSaPSee Advertisement. For Circu • lar*. Ac., \ddre** " ft >BTAR." No. Broad way, N. Y. eaiun antr C r cuntu. j JLintnon* iit iti< I Siotis Jn' jia-iiu for August is on our tnV.e rather late iliis ujuutbj but It was truly welcome when it came. The Fall term ot tue CouJersport Acad* i 1 eiuy will upeu ou .Yioudav next (24th linst. ) A large number of arc ux nee ted, ami it i- hoped t hat those who • decutru to enter will be present the first day of the, Competent Teachers : have been engaged fbr the ornamental branches?, Piauo Musto and Drawing. also 1 for iu.struction in the French language, Those preparing hr teach era in our. Gum tuou Se'iuola will revive special aUcntioti The Vital fivut enters every organ of j the body through the circulation, distrib utes the nutritive principle fo every text ure and the source of every accretion, In a wold, it is the lite of man. How important, then, that it should be kept i•} a pure and healthy condition. Hur ley's iSamtparilla is known to possess pro perties which become assimilated with the blood, disinfecting it of disease, and restoring exhausted mature to pristine ". * , i vigor. CoinhiOia (i i .ciis i Itvrahl, To S< hool lhi'ci'tofs. — 1 lie Fuperiii teudeut ofX'ommou .Schools of this State has given notice that new districts will be furnished with copies nf the Sohuol Architecture ; but not old districts which have already, been supplied, unless for satisfactory reasons. When the retiring ,Secretary of a Hoard appropriates the Architecture tu his own use, and refuse*# to return it, the l>o:trd should bring sui* against him to recover it, or it-, value, lie would also be indictable for larceny. The book is the property of the di-tru t. and not of the Secretary, or any member of the Hoard. lib would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the " American Safety-Paper .Manufacturing Company of New York." The paper they propose to sell, if what it claims In be, ( and we have reliable assurance that it is. • should be brought into general use, and especially by public ofhoers fur public records. \\ e are authorised to revive orders }< i panel* at the published prices, and ran reo *iv only cash orders. We have a sample of the paper in our possession t>, which wo invito the arti-nti-u of thost wishtiig to puryhase. 77*' Pemirvlviiiiia Farm Journal liere tofore published at Philadelphia by Sam uel Ernlen A Co.. ha*. heeii discontinued Jul* want ola prupm" support. V. e ivgivt to make tuia annou.utemcut, for the /'<(/m ,/ i irim/ was iiiif the b.'.-L Ag ricultural periodicals in the country, and particularly 20a'm- in heh: !f nf the farui i * . ing iuteiVits of Hc:*,;i-ylvani t. A first ! class journal we think should have bvn liberally supjmrted in this state without any outside subscriber- —-but it seems t> have failed. The publishers hnv>* uinde' arrangements by which tho subscribers ■ will rooeive live nuaiUers of the Jjricul iurist, an exeelletit paper published b\ Orange )tld, 101 Water Sr., New York, in lieu of the Form Journal. e muuene imr with the August number. On Sabbath last a week, Rev. .Tames A, Woodward, ii iator qf the i'leisy pal < "nurcli of this place, preached his fare well sermon, preparatory* to removing to South Farm, Le Clare Co., 111., there to take charge of a church,. \Ye regiwl the departure of Mr Woodward, wlerse brief sojourn among us has w>u him manv friends here,and who would have affected much for the cause of religion in this section had he remained with iy-. We wish him a g uiennis supp rt in his new charge, and we are sure he will never lack for friends where he is known. llev. Wui, IF tehaw, of the M. E. Church, preached his farewell sermon fust Sabbath to a large and appreciative audience, preparatory to attending the An..uai Conference at Fa IviY, N. V., • # ; which tneets soou. Mr. Shaw had wou many true and good friends here, who with us will sincerely regret the necessity for his removal from among us, by the requirements of the discipline uf the So giety. By the above removals \vc are left entirely without a pastor *ho o-infer ence sends us one. Itcv. Koliert Adair, Secretary of the Presbyterian llome Missionary Society a* Philadelphia, preached two excelicut sermons in the Presbyterian Church, l.vt Sabbath He left for house uu Yioudav, seemingly much pleased \v\th our people, and prom-, ising to send u* * Presbyterian u,re.ti*iie r as Ji ">n as three week-. We b,q*e h* , Ul.lV. have s ienpthy and interesting, lmter front S A SlaliF., formerly of county, and now iu Michigan, which wa are reluctantly compelled to defer until ucxt week for want of room. We hop*, W fill continue his favors. OUR WHITE T IST. For (he last IFo k. fl J. Olmsted, Ooudcmport, 2 00 tieo. S Dlmsted, Llvsaes Center, hO- Flisha Chamberlatij, Eulalia, 1 2," L. 11., 1 2f Benj. 1 Joues, " " 1 o"i Geo. HiciuuJsoti " t: 1 o.Y Mva, II Simpson Anuln Creek 1 25. , li. L. Hird. Sweden, 2 50 H, W . Mav, Wharton, 1 25, I bin, Baker. 11 vases, 2 00 John F. Fooks, Bingham, 3 00* Mu pbfTtiummfc. iFGdIIiMibTRATOIFS SALE. ' IN pi.t-sitHiiee of an order of the t ourt,} ii.e , uu:it vot l'ot er. there will hj. expose Ito i. -nJe at the Court House ii < uie!-;i ri. on Tl ikS'MY. the 2*.'d day ufi •ScpteiiCK r. tiie tullo.ving d'.-crih<i raj|'.>, da.sli in the township of Slmrun, it - lid County : Hounded on te.e north hv* t!uv hi; h way l.;iding from Millport to I fabric | 1.-ifue. . o i tin- east Vi\ lands of J. Ilnrnrs nn>| Gabriel Humes, on the south and west hv land* id "inn ,V Niehoi-. toii'.itiuing eight arret Wort uj h ■*. ahoiit tuo ai res ot which is iui proved, and on wiii ii is erected one frame, house and one haute barn—also some fruit trees thereon. CIIAS. 8. JUNKS, Ailmiuiitrator of the eatnte of Harry l.rman deceased. l'i-to. .iiudiif un Mhuh<* iUtlUt'iiiir i OUi|KLi|3 of Aeu 1 oik. CAPITAFJii?r>()O,()OO. A, Nlt 'IIUhAS, ibceidciit. Ullice 7o \S ull-St J j\rji ft St cunt is against all manner <>f >Veu <i hy (.'ountetjeihny on i'rtreui J'lio!oyra/'fis and Anastatic Counttr- J'ti'f, Feature*. Transfirt or Al terations. TSNWIXG purchased tlie Patent fur the ei g elusive r cut to Manufacture and sell tin new <'hctU'cal Paper in A tiler • . invented tual, patented in Kngl tiid by llkxkv (IlysN. a cele ; biMtcd chcni-t ami officer io the British iinnv, it is li. rdly ti>. rt--sary to say that the Paper u fecotuiii advii by Mr. Kent. Assayer of the 1. 8. Mint. Mr. l.yiuan ot the New York Cleanup House, rind Meade Brothers, extensive und sk 'fa! ] ho*>.g a .hers. J*.'.;! Hroadwuy N. V. i Ut> Litter say that no imitation can be made. •u j. lei'.. of bank uu'c printed on the Safely i'ap. r- Helm [a our list of prices; Bank Ci eeks, do i ts. "p J lh. Bank li I s, f„r luuo she is. Bills (d i.'scbaugc, jJo for lutaj sheets. Piotuissiiry Notre. 4U cts. "j-* lb. Higiit ,V Tiiae Brails. $25 for 1m0 sheets, ia.-uranc-.; Policies, 4) < u. "jd lb. I|aih>iad St uk- ,v Bonds, tort*. *j. J lb. Hank and Slate Stocks. 40 cts. ~- J It*. Bon is ami Mortg. gr>. 4U cts. It.. ill- and I'eid-. 40 ets. lb. For wrapping Silks and other fine article* it i.- excelicut, as if prevents ninths. 40 * is. , r ' lb. ior Indentures ami Agrrentents, 40 ft*. 54 ! lb. Al' Slate and < ottnly Records rliould alwsvi be print.-d <n written on litis- Pnper. tiie ! iii-mi'-ali inst-rteU in tiie pulp not ouly pre v.'nt erasure or iransfcr, but make it la?tirijf ts time. For Southern riinifte- it is excellent, and tine ii sup ri a to any otiier: a->thc nioistrers of tiie climate does not destroy it.—the pr<j.- i ties ins,.. tc.l in the pulp being a preventive. In el! the southern state.-, I'libn, the West F.ul : c.s and tip- Centra! American States no puhlie records can be kept over 20years, writ ten on tlii (•tdiiuiry paper, while the oils and ,t::er chemicals iii-crted iu this Paper makes it indestructible i.\ the rt. vs;'i> of time. It i ;|sp j.n.i f He. ii st rri(>th-. rats and other ver m:it. wliieh on and destroy all otiier pm ' per now in iim>. Th ■ Compaiiv have now in operation Mil's n Ntoi ! i-Conritv. N J. of about Mon lior-s power, and am able to fill ail orders for Paper 'at the shortest notice. \:1 orders for the Paper must be addressed to A. NICHOLAS, President of tin- Company, No. 7b Wall Street. I0:10-3rcn. —— F'jr hoipj 7jYu2riis t *)iK'pi^. FROM U iiLRT c;. lilt II tRDSON'S Advertising and CorreiijKindertce Office, >">o Bkoadwav, NKW York*. ; 3STAR'S" RAT- ROACH. &C.- EXTEWillfllT^R, Put up in 2"0.. d'e., Gfc.. and $1 Boxes. • COSTAItS Bill) HF<; KXTKBMINATOU. Pu' up in '2sc . 50c.. 75c . and $1 Boxes. "COSTAR'S" ELECTRIC PJWDEft. FOR ANTS. Li sects. Arc. Put up in 25c. and 50c. Boies. Principal I j*ot. No. 3t>B Broadway New York, and sold by I>HFG(ISTS and I)KAL KBS evcivw iiere io the United States, Cana las, We-1 Indies and South America. jyr-Y~Ful! particulars by Mail. £ 10:10-41 CROCKERY WAREHOUSE. ALLEN & WHITE, arccEsaoiu? to h. w. nxVDOci a co., C )flel'Great 11ttliicomenwt s Tt BTYKIiS OF AT ?! JOilV STREET, YEW lOBK. V 0:10-1 mo. "t OYSDimUY." Jiy Jb. ll*. ' li d'.. > at p. p. tor Si : Address -pi blishmi or H tLt.'.s J.rtts.vt or Hkai.tii. Nkw Yohk.'' I bis is believed to be the plainest, most truth ful and satisfactory book on the subject ever pre sented popular residing: ueither medi cine <>r uistrumeut-* are advised; mo-*t rc fcrirkable r -ul - having followed diligent 3!t'>ittioi* to, certain forms of out d'j'r activi ties and nutritious diet.