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ifcta ilWmHsriimtts. \, ,t ic> r< Buil<lei^s. a* EALKD PROPOSALS tw ill be received until the 17tii d.y of October next by the s.hoo! Directors of llomcr District, •or bail linj a School, 24x 50. on Avers' 11:11- Fall specifications tn iy be seen b* calling on A. W. Latdkop, in Horner. — Proposals to be left with the same. Br order Board. E. THATCHER, Sec'y. Homer, Sept. 14. 1857.-10:14-31. From JOHN A. KIDDLE, At Merchants Hotel. North 4ta St.. I'nilada. TO THE MERCHANTS OF THE WEST AND NORTH WEST. IjHILADELPIJIA MARKET beinsr easily accessible, your att ntion is called to it. Hi ]• i-sessinjr fac lities and advantages worthy ofrour consideration. Among its advantages mav be enumerated its location, having shorter lines of communi cttion to the interior, its proximity to the Iron nt:d Anthracite Coal districts of Pennsylvania, I rge and varied extent of its njanufac vires biing far in advance of any other city n the United .States, the moderate expenses , •eessnrv for parrying on business, etc.. etc. Ttie market possesses unrivalled advanta ge f s <r the s tie of many kinds of produce. . ;rh as Flour. Wheat, Hurley, Wool, Butter, t'iieese. Ac., while the charges made upon and attendant expenses are more inoder •„;e than neigboring seaboard markets. H \l. IF. PA EL, Wholesale BOOT. SHOE and STRAW GOODS WAREHOUSE, No. 62d M irket St. I KtLVE A h'f.VG. Wholesale CLOTHING HOUSE. NO. 4.50 Market and 423 Merchant Streets. TJ. 17. 0 R. GILLESPIE $ CO Wholesale 1 GRt'CEKS. Nos. 11 and 13, South Water St. J C. Fit EEL AS I), with C'LISE A C'A R- R(>L. Importers of WINES, BRANDIES, GINS. <Jc., No. 304 North 3d Street. T. MoRRIS, PEROT A CO., Importers and' Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS. CHEMICALS FAINTS, OILS, GLASS. DYE STUFFS, > No. 021 Market, and 012 St. James S's. KKVSrOXE STATE SAPOSIFIER , or CONCENTRATED LYE for making Soap. Manufactured by the Penn. Salt Co., Tureii :u:n. Alleghany county, Penn. Represented >j LEWIS, JAMES .j - Co., Philadelphia. . LIS A TAYLOR, Importers and Cash -ibers. No. 305 Market Street. HOSIERY. (.LoVEA. SHIRTS and DRAWERS. GUM BELTS, SH! RT BOSOMS, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES. LACES, SUSPENDERS. THREADS, COMBS. yo.. A c - ASS. IIAIOCEL y Co., Importers of URITISH GOODS and Jobbers of FANCY and STAPLE SILK GOODS, EMBROIDE RIES. <j - c., No. 37 N. Third street. JAMES, KEXT. SA ?l TEE A CO., Import ers and Jobbers of FOREIGN and DO.MUS YH DRY GOODS, No. 23t) and 241 North :.d Street, above Race. bLAIiUX A SMITH, OIL CLOTH MANU FACTURERS and COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Warehouse No. 14-J N. 3d St. SOO&E, UEXZEY A CO., Importers audi ,_>les i!e Dealers in IIAII WARE, CUTLE ,.i and <* I NS. 42i Market and 4lt Coixi tnerce street 3. j' \i A L 11. 818 IGIIA I'S, Importer and; Wholesale Dealer la FOREIGN and DO -;:EsTIC HARDWARE, No. 253 North 3d, s'reet. below Vine. "LL CP OSS CUT. CIRCULAR and iIAXD SA WS in any variety and style < f ecelebrate i IKE stamp, manufactured by ; ALTER CUESSON, Depot No. 3u3 Coin-| lu.Tce St. i MVIiIS. IIATCJIETS in great va-' '• mui i.h•:ur-J by C. UAXXOXD, De- N•.3 i ; Ciin lur-e st. The attention "i bis call It) these goods as being .ti in quality and finish to any mida. N BAR HER. Wholesale Dealer in •" KS. A rent for the PATENT EQUAL ING THIRTY DAY CLOCK. M inufivctu rof G'LD PENS. s. E. corner of 2d -•i ats. ■Firr A REATII. Importers of WATCH JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, N. " corner sth and M irket >t3 niilH\, JO.VES & CO., Importers and Jobbers ia -ritish & American Dry Goods, - j Market, through to 204 Church Alley. xf bout Us credit for approved Notes. [10:14-3 m. PROCLAMATION. jl "SLANT to an Act of the General As -1 - inbly of the Commonwealth of l'enn r.ia, entitled "An Act relating to the : of this Commonwealth." approved aid day of July, A. D. one thousand hundred and tliirty-nine, I, A. C. TAG •T S.ieriff of the county of Potter. Penn ' v *ni;t. do hereby make known and give to the elector > of the county aforesaid, - a G leral Election will be held in said v of Potter on the second TUESDAY i i>et djer. 1837, at which tiuie state • Meaty officers as follows are to be eiect • U, wit: ' ~*on for Governor of the Commonwealth t'l'i-'lllcahtc. r if for Judjes of th" Supreme Court w/nonwealth of Pennsylvania. {er.'on / r Canal Commissioner of the ■ ■"■.■(a!rh of Pennsylvania. / - ns for M others of the House of Rep ' ■ General Assembly of Pennsyl - ; ! eon Junction wilh the county of Ttoya, to ,s *: t.' lr counties of Tioga and Potter. ' p-fun f.e profhdnot (try and Clerk of the f Eourts A-. of Pottrr county. 'Person for R -jisttr and Heconler of Potter ••vy. ; 'P* T *on for Commissioner of the county of .'■'■" on for Auditor of the county of Potter. ma ke known and. give notice, as in lJth section of the aforesaid act I t:,at vvery person excepting Jus ,o IV-ace, who hold any office of ap 'f jiroiit or trust under the Govern ■ '-t U nit d States or of this State, or . . ' Hor incorporated district, whether ''tied i.fficcr or otherwise, a subor er or agent, who is or shall be em- U " tr silli legislative, judiciary, or ex >; -ejmrtnicnt of this state or the United :• L , ', ' aii y c 'sty or incorporated district, > t-nit every member of Congress and Sifrop ' ° and of the select and - Tx ■ 'unci lof any city, or commissioner ' r h°rated district, is by law iucapa ,r •• 1 u _r or at the same time „ rr \ "ppointm nt of Judge, Inspector, '• n y election in thisConimonwcalth, •r .. "° ,ns pector or Judge, or other offi .-:i. * t ucil clcctson shall be elligible to men to be vo'.ed for. Also, that in the fourth section oi the Act of Assembly, entitled ''An Act relating to eh c ions mull for other purposes," approved April 18th, 1840, it is enacted that the afore said 13th section shall not be construed as to | prevent any military officer or Borough officer . from serving as Judge. Inspector, or Clerk of any general or special election in this Com , mon wealth. , It is further directed that the meeting of . the return judges at the Court House in Coti dersport to make out the general returus, shall be ou tiie first Friday succeeding the general election which will be the loth day of Octo ber. The re tern judges of Potter and Tioga counties shall meet at the Court House in the Borough of \S ellsboro. in the county of Tioga, ou Tuesday, the 2uth lay of October, 1357. to make return for Members of Assembly. I also hereby make known and give notice that the places for holding the aforesaid gen eral election in the several townships and bor oughs within the county of Potter, are as fol low. to wit: For the township of Abbott, at the house formerly occupied by T. B. Abbott in said township. For the township of Allegany, at the school house near the place formerly owned by Chester Andrews, in said township. For the township of Bingham, at the house of A. K. Lewis, in said town.-hip. For the township of Clara, at the school h nise near Sala Stevens', in said township. For the township of Eulalia. at the New Court House in the Bor nigh of Coudersport. For the township of Genesee, at the home now occupied by U. Chamberlain, in Eliisburg. For the township of Harrison, at the house recently occupitd by Ira B.irtholauiew, in said township. For the township of Hebron, at the school house No. 3, near llenry lugraham's in said township. For the township of Hector, at the house of Anna Wilbur, in said township. For the township of Homer, at the school house near Jacob Feet's, in said township. For tiie township of Jackson, at the house of Benjamin Barse. in said township. For the township of Keating, at the house of Pliny Harris, in said township, t For the township of Oswayo, at the honse of John Wells, in said township. For the township of Pike, at the bouse ofj Elijah Johnson, in said township. For the township of Portage, at the Sirer school house, in said township For the township of Roulet, at the school house near George Weimer's in said township.- For the township of Pleasant Valley, at the school house in said township. For the township of Sharon, at the Sharon Center school bouse, near John Vourhees. For the township of Sweden, at the house of Asenath Taggart, in said township. For the township of Stewardson, at the I houe of John S. Clark, in said township. For the township of Summit, at the house formerly occupied by Uel Cook, in said town-' sh'p. " j For the township of Sylvania, at the school house near J. M. Rees', in said township. For the township of Ulysses, at the house of Atlas Bennett, in said township. For the township of West Branch, at the house of Lemuel Hammond, in said township. For the township of Wharton, at the house i of Stephen Uorton, in said township. For the Borough of Coudersport, at the I Court House iu said Borough. A XD WHEREAS, a joiut resolution propos al. ing certain amendments to the Coustitu- j tiouofthis Commonwealth has been agreed; to by a majority of the members elected to j e toll House of the Legislature, at two sueces sive sessions of the same, tiie first session commencing on the first Tuesday of January,, A. D. 185 R. and the second s-ssion couimenc- j ing on the first Tuesday of January, A. D. \ 1857 ; an 1 wheieas, it is provided by the tenth article of the Constitution that any antand- j meat so agreed upon shall be submitted to the . people, in such manner, and at such time, (at least three months after being so agreed to by j the two Houses.) as the Legislature shall pre- | scribe ; and whereas, by an act of the Legis lature of this Commonwealth, entitled -An j Act prescribing the time and manner of sub mitting to the people, for their ratification or. rejection, the proposed amendments to the ; Constitution." approved May 12, 1837; audi whereas, by virtue of a writ of election to me directed by the Governor of this Common wealth, I am commanded to cive public no tice of tho said act of Assembly ; Now therefore. A. C. Tagcaiit, High Sheriff of the county of Potter, do hereby pro claim and give public notice to the qualified j electors of Potter county aforesaid, that an i election will be held in each township and borough iu said county, on Tuesday, the 13th day of October next, for the purpose of de cididing upon the adoption or rejection of the said Amendments or any of them. That the said election shall be held at the place of holding the general elections of this Commonwealth, and hall be opened between ' the hours of eight and ten o'clock in the fore noon and continue without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock iu the eve ning, when it shall be closed. And it shall be tiie duty of the Judges. In spectors and Clerks of elections of each of said townships and boroughs, to receive at said election, tickets either written or printed or partly written and partly printed, from cit izens duly qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, and to deposit them in a box or boxes, to be for that purpose provi ded by the proper officers, which tickets shall be respectively labelled on the outside, "First Amendraeut." "Second Amendment," "Third Amendment" and -Fourth Amendment," and those who are favorable to said Amendments, or any of them, may exj ress their desire In voting each as many separate written or print ed or partly written and partly printed bal lots or tickets, containing on the inside thereof the words, -For the Amendments ;" and those opposed to such Amendments, or any of them, may express their opposition by voting each ts many separate written or printed ballots or tickets, containing on the inside thereof, the words, "Against the Amendments," which said amendments shail be voted on separately. That the election ou the proposed Amend ments. shall in all respects be conducted as the General Elections of this Commonwealth are now conducted, and it shall be the duty of the return Judges of the respective town ships and boroughs iu said county, first hav ing carefully ascertained the number of votes given for or against each of said Amendments in the manner aforesaid, to make out dupli cate returns thereof, expressed in words .\nd not in figures, only one of which returns so nude shall be lodged in the Prothonotary's Office of the Court of Common Pleas of said connty, and the other sealed and directed to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, and by one of said Judges deposited forthwith in the most convenient Post Ofiice. Given under my hand, this 24th day of August. A. D. 1857. 10:14—tc A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff. D LEACHED MUSLINS and a few other er I' tides in th* line of Staple Drv Gocdfi low for cash at E. N. M'K.VCKR S, , 10:2 D. W. H , SHERIFF S SALES. j ¥1 Y VIRTUE of sundry writs of Venditioni J \j Exponas and Fieri Facia* issued out of the , Court of Common Pleas of Potter Co., Penna., r and to me directed, I shall expose to public { sale or outcry, at the Court House iu the Bor ough of Coudersport. on Monday the 21st day of September, 1857, at Lo o'clock, A. M., the C follow ing describcdreal estate, to wit : Certain real estate situate in Allegany town -1 ship, Potter county. Pa., Beginning at a post I on the Oswayo corner on the Coudersport and Eliisburg road in the said township, running South forty-five degrees west twenty-three i rods and 8:10 to a post, thence west twciity • nine rods and 3:l'j to a post, thence no.Hi , seventeen rods to a post on the Oswayo road, i thence east forty-five rods and 1#:10 to the place of beginning ; containing four acres of land, more or less, on which are erected one frame dwelling house, oue frame shop and one frame barn, and with some fruit trees thereon. ALSO—A certain tract of land commencing at the north-west come- of a lot of land bought of C. Andrews, lying south of the Oswayo road, thence west along the Os wayo road to the corner of said Chester An drews lot of land, thence south tlong the original line to S Wincgar's corner, thence east to connect with a board fence to the highway running from Coudersport to Eliis burg, theuce north ulong the highway to the corner of four acres of land bought of C. An drews; containing about four acres. ALSO— A certain lot of Find bounded north by the lauds ot A. NY. Andrews, east by lot in posses sion of J nn -s C. Curtis, south by lands of H. Wiuegar, and west by lands of A. \\ . Andrews: containing ten acres, all imoroved, with fruit trees tliercou. Th above described lots be ing all connected as one farm. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James C. Curt:s. ALSO —Certain real estate situate iu Hector township, Potter county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, viz : On the north by unseated lands of the liiughaiu Estate, east by lands of Henry Haines, south and west by Bingham Lauds; containing 50 acres, being lot No. 70 of the allotment of lands of 11. 11. Dent in Hector township, and part of warrant No. 170t>. ALSO—Ono other i lot situate in Hector township, Potter Co., Pa.: Bounded north by Bingham Lands, oast by Bingham Lands, south by lands of llunsecker and Garlock, west by lands formerly of Jesse Johnson ; containing 90 and 9:10 acres, being lot No. 77 ot the allotment of lauds of 11. 11. Dent in said township, and part of warrant No. acres chopped, with one frame dwelling house, one log house, two frame barns and some fruit trees thereon. ALSO — One other lot. bounded north by lot for merly owned by Henry Haynesaud Bing ham Lands, east by Bingham Lands, south by Bingham Lands and lands of 11. 11. Dent, and west Bingham Lands; containing 100 acres, being lot No. 93 in Hector township, and part of warrant No. 1354 ; of which 25 acres are improved, with one log house, oue saw-mill and some fruit trees thereon. ALSO—Oue other tract, situate iu Hector and Ulysses townships, bounded north, east, south and west by lands of the Bingham Es tate ; containing 100 acres, being lots Nos. 14tf A 155 iu said townships, and parts of warrants Nos. 1260 & 1800. ALSO—One other lot, bounded on the north by unseated lauds, east by Henry , I). Leach, south by lands of liunsecker A Garlock, and west by 0. Loucks; con taining 100 acres of which twenty acres j are improved, with ore frame house, one frame barn and an apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of U. and C\ 11. Loucks. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Pike township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded on the north hy lot No. 14, on the east by lots Nos. 14, 22 & 35, on the south by lot No. 22 and unseated lands of the Bingham Estate, and cn the west by un seated lands and by lots Nos. 13 & 36, being lots Nos. 11 A 12 of the sub-divi sion of the lauds of the Bingham Estate iu said township ; containing one hun dred and hfty-five acres, of which about fifty acres are improved, with three frame houses, two frame barns, one saw-mill and some fruit trees thereon. AL^O —Lot No. 36, situate iu township, county and state aforesaid, bounded u the north and east by lot No. 14, on the south by lot No. 13 and uuseated lands, ou the west by unseated lands and lot No. 15; con taining 104 acres, about twelve acres of which are improved, with one log house, one frame house and one frame barn thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sel las the property of Elijah Johnson, t Fi. Fa. ALSO —Two-thirds part of of all those certain two tracts of land sit uate on the waters of Kettle Creeek, in Stewardson township, Potter county, Pa., and in the warrantee name of Nicklin A Griffith, granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (No. 5956.) containing one thousand r.ud ninety and a half acres of land, which Crosby \Y. Ellis and George Stewardson, by deed dated the sixteenth day of September, A. D. 1859, conveyed to Oliver Watson, which deed is recorded in Potter county, in Deed Book "E.," Pages 197 A 198, and the said Oliver Watson conveyed the same by deed bearing date the twentieth day of November, A. 1). 1850, to John F. Cow an : And the other tract surveyed in the warrantee name of Nicklin A Griffith, granted by the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania aforesaid, (No. 5957,) containing one thousand and ninety-four and a half acres, of which ten acres are improved, and on which are erected three log barns and one log house. Seized, taken iu execution, aud to be sold as the property of John C. Dodge, Jr., and Charles P. Dodge. Fi. Fa. ALSO —Certain real estate situate in Abbott township, Potter coun ty, l'a., bounded ou the north by lands of John Keating A Co., east by lands of Kadde A Co., south and west by lands of John Keating A Co. ; containing fifty ; acres, of which ten acres are improved, with one log house and one log barn erec ted thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of H. Starkweather. ALSO —Obtain real estate situate in Hector township, Potter county, Pa., bounded north by unseated lands, east by ! the Tioga county line, south by lands of Z. Mallory and Guernsey, west by unseated lands ; containing one hundred aeres, more or less, of which twenty-five acres are improved, with one frame house, one log stable and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Erastus Guernsey. ALSO —Certain real estate situate in Pike township. Potter county, Pa., bound ed on the east by the Tioga county line, on the north by lands of O. B. Goodman Co., on the west by lands of O. B. Goodman, and 011 the south by lands of Samuel M.Losey; containing two hundred and twenty-five acres of land, on which there is eighty acres improved, two frame houses, three frame barns, two bee-houses and other out-buildings, apple orchard &e. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of A. T. Lose v. ALSO —Certain real estate, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Situate in Sweden township. Potter county, Ra., bounded on the north by Bingham Lands, east by Bingham Lands, south by lands of James Fish and Keating Estate, and west by Bingham Lands, being lot No. 57 of the allotment of Bingham Lands in said township; containing eighty acres, more or less, fifteen acres of which are improved, with one log house and one log stable thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Stephen ltedson and Jonathan ltedson. ALSO —Certain real estate situate in Genesee township, I'otter county, Pa., hounded on the south by the road leading from I "lyases to Genesee Forks, east, west and north by lands of O. \V. Ilickcox : containing ten acres, six acres of which are improved, with one frame house, one frame barn, other out-buildings and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be .sold as the property of Lunian Winchell. ALSO —Certain real estate situate in Genesee township. Rotter county, Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Silas Billings, east by lands of Theophilus East on, south by lands of Moses Dawley, deceased, and west by lands of S. S. Rob erts ; containing fifty-seven acres of land, of which there is about twenty acres im proved, with one water saw-mill, one frame house, one frame barn, two plank houses and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Billings. ALSO —Certain real estate situate in Ilebron township, Potter county, Pa., bounded on the north by unseated lands of S. M. Fox, dec'd, east by unseated lands of S. M. Fox, dee'd, south by un seated lands of .S. M. Fox, dec'd, and west by unseated lands of S. 31. Fox, dee'd, being lot No. 101 of the allotment of 31. Fox : containing fifty acres of land, of which tcu acres are improved, on which is erected one water saw-mill and one board shantee. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Win. G. Carmer. ALSO —Certain real estate situate in Bingham township, Rotter County, Ra., bounded north by lands of G. G. Colvin, on the east by lands of William Cobb, Walter Leonard and J. B. Jones, on the south by 11. I>. Ives, and on the west by lands of Truman Kibbee ; containing one hundred acres, with about fifty acres im proved, on which are erected < ne frame dwelling house, one frame barn, and with two apple orchards thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James R. Straight and C. 11. Ives. ALSO —Certain real estate situate in Pike township. Rotter county, Ra , bound ed on the north by lands of Hensiker & Garlock, east by lands of Hensiker k Garlock, south by warrant line of 5127. and west by lands of Hensiker & Garlock; containing 50 acres, being lot No, 37 of the allotment of the Ashley lands in Rike township, Potter county, Ra., none of which is improved. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John L. Rhenix. ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit: A piece or parcel of land situated in Pike township, Potter county Ra., bounded on the north and west by lands of the estate of the late O. B. Gocdroan, dee'd. east by the Tioga and Potter county line, and south by lands of Samuel M. Losey; con taining about two hundred and twenty one acres. Seized, taken in execution, and to b<? sold as the property of A. S. Burnham and Joseph 11. Cole. ALSO —Certain real estate situate in the Borough of Coudersport, beginning at a post in the west lint- of Main street, being the south-east corner of John S. Mann's office lot, thence southerly by the west line of said street twenty feet, thence westerly at right angles with Main street sixty feet, thence northerly twenty feet to the otfice lot of John S. Manu, thence easterly by said lot sixty feet to the place of beginning, on which is erected one two-story office. Seized, taken in execution, and to }>e sold as the property of Crosby W. Ellis. ALSO—Certain real estate situate in (Jcn e<se township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded on the north by lot No. 4". east by lot No. 47. south by lot No. 48 ami Bingham Estate, and on the west by unseated lauds of the Bingham Estate, being lot No. 4G of the allotment of Fox and Ross lands in said township: con taining 107 and 7-10 acres of land, about forty acres of which are improved. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold | as the property of Samuel Ilurd. ; Aug. 28. A. C. TAOCART, Sheriff. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. CONSUMPTION AND ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND THROAT: ARE POSITIVELY (TRABLE BY IMIAL4TIOY, VI rult'll conveys the remedies to the cavi ▼ T ties in the lungs through the air passa ges, and coming in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercular matter, al- j lays the cough, causes a free and easy expec- 1 toratiou. heals the lungs, purifies the blood, I imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system,; giving that tone and energy so indispensable lor the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable ! by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under the control of medical treatmeut as any other formidable disease: ninety out of every hundred cases: can bo cured m the first stages, and lifty per ' cent, in the second ; but in tue third stage it j is impossible to save more than five per cent., | for the Lungs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, how ever. in the last stages. Inhalation affords ex tiaoidinarv relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-five thousaud persons in the United ' .States alone ; and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty niiilioas are destined to fill the Con sumptive's g.aves. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal a< Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of lii'e, for it spares neither , age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave. ; ih- beautiful, the graceful and the gifted, Bv the help of that Supreme Being from whom ] cometli every good and perfect gift, I am en alibied to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first , cause of tubercles is from impure blood, aud the immediate effect produced by their depo- i sition in the lungs is to prevent the free ad mission of air into the air cells, which causes a weakened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more ratiuuul to expect great er good from medicines eutering the carities ot the lungs than tiom those administered through the stomach; the patient will always find the lungs free aud the breathing easy, af ter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution ally, and with more power and certaiuty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this this mode of adiuiuistration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few iniuutes. paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be amputated with out the slightest pain: Inhaling the ordinarv burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fa:u::ng or apparently dead. The odor of many of the mediciues is perceptible in tiie skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is al ways produced by breathing foul air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously adminis tered through the lungs should produce the happiest results ? During eighteen years practice, many thousands suffering from dis eases of the lungs and throat, have been an tler my care, and I have effected many remark able cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat isfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. .My perfect acquain tance with the nature of tubercles, &c., ena bles me to distinguish, readily, the variou> forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This famil-j iarity, in connection with certain pathological j and microscopic discoveries, enables me to re lieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions seut to any I part of tlie United States and Canadas by pa- ; ticnts communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be eli'ecteU without my seeing the patient again. O, \V. GRAHAM, M. IX, Office 1131 Filbert Street, Old No. 109,) below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. COURT PROCLAMATION. nTIEREAS the Hon. Robert G. White.! President Judge, and the Hons. Joseph Mann and G. G. t'olvin. Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer X Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orph ans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for tin County of Potter, have issued their precept, bearing date the fifth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-seven, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer und General Jail Delivery. Qaarter Sessions of the Peace. Orphans' Court, and Court of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Coudersport. on MuN DAY, the 21st day of September next, and to continue oue week. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners. Justices of the Peace, and Constables : within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at *lO o'clock A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at COUDERSPORT, August sth, 1857. and the 81st year of the Independence of the United States of America. A. C. TAGGART. Sheriff. PROCLAMATION. Thomat J. Hart, | No. 143 Sept. Terra. 1857. vs. - In the Common Pleas of Elizalxth Hart. J Potter County. LIBEL I.V DIVORCE. And now. to wit., July 31-t, 1857, a Sub poena and alia* Subpoena having been issued and returned Xihil in this case, the said res pondent, ELIZABETH HART, is hereby required to appear in said Court, on the 21st day of September next, to answer the complaint set forth bv the Libellant. 10:8. A. C. TAGGART. Sheriff. LEWISVQLE STEAM GRIST MILL. NE \V ARRANG EME N T. TfVHE undersigned having bought out ali X former owners of the Lewisville Sum* Grist Mill are now prepared to do all maimer of grinding, as they believe, to the satisfao tiou of their customers. Come and see. O. A. LEWIS, CRAYTON LEWIS. Ulysses, Feb. 28, 1857.— 9-36. j25 WITNESSES; g THE FORGER CONVICTED: £ John IS. I>yc is the Author. y Who has had 10 years experience as a Baak-^ er and Publisher, aud Author of A series of Lecture* at Broadu Tabernacl when, for 10 successive nights, over _ Ifctf >O.OOO PeopieriasO q Greeted him with Rounds of Applause, *r while lie exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and ~ the Surest and Shortest Means of Detecting theui The Bank A otr Engraver* alt sat/ that he the greatest Judge of Paper Money Itvtng. GREATEST DI SC OU R Y OF^ THE PRESENT CENTURY FUR btUchqg Cotwfcrftii Jjoks 2 Describing every Genuine Bill in Existence. and Exhibiting at a glance every Couu terfeit in Circulation !! Arranged so admirably that REFERENCE T is EASY, and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. q index to examine ! No pages to hunt up! But so simplified and arranged. * that the .Merchant, Banker and Business m Man can see alt at a Glance. 0 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. £ Thus each mav read the same in his own ~ NATIVE TONGUE. 3 Most Perfect Bank Xotc List Published, 'j Also a List of ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA. ?j A Complete Summary of the Fimnck or Elrope £ Amkrica will be published in each edition. together with all the IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY. Also A SERIES OF TALES J* From an Old Manuscript found in the East, v It furnishes the Most Complete History .of' Oriental Life, describing the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that 3 Country have been so often found. These Stories will continue throughout the w hole A* year, and will prove the Most Entertaining * ever offered to the Public. r~s Furnished Weekly to Subscribers on- J lv. at SI a year, All letters must be dressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, O Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, £ New-York. 10:1—1 y. Q ISSUELIST. SEPTEMBER TERM, 1857. County of Potter, vs. C. W. Ellis & Jam** W. Smitu. Trustees of Biugham Estate, vs. Jacob B. Redner. County of Potter, vs. E. Johnston 1 Bump 2cL Wm. McDougall. vs. JllO. M. KUbwrn, 4 Rafus Rice. C. Aylesworth, vs. N. P. M.narJ. George Andrews, vs. Amos D. NicLolj. -- C. Kveliu. Jr. vs. Jonathan Card, vt. &]. Beuj. Smith, vs. Isaac Lyman. Pike Township, vs D. Chappel. Wharton School District, vs. Julius Jobn9 -n. Isaac Pearce, use of Doty A Doty, vs. Fratu.- lin Gale. Levi Annis, vs. W. T. Jones. E. M. Carpenter, vs. Chas. Armstrong B;trak Nilcs, vs. L. D. Williams. Elms E. More. vs. Morris S CarpcuUx D. B. Brown, vs. Leonard Davis. Hosca Gushing, vs. B. Barse' A AasTsji. Sand. Haven, vs. A. M. Benton. George Avers, vs. Wm. Perry. Vesta C. Dike, Ac., rs C. P. Dike. \Vm T. Jones, vs. Jsckson A Reeg. A. W. Williams, vs. Deloss H. Dunbar. Tkomns I). Liiiie, vs. 11. Courtright, eh Jos. A. Leonard, vs. J. Stevensou. Josialj Bump, vs. 11. S. Carrier. Collins Smith, vs. Morris S. Carpenter. Potter County, vs. Hunt A Crittenden. C. \\. Howe i: Co. vs. W. T Jones. Gcnimell A Creswell, vs. W. T. A A. P. Jones. Gilt rt A Nichols, vs. X. L. Dike. David W. Seely. vs. Wm. Perry, E. M. Carpenter, vs. Richard Shay, Jr. Geo. ft. Vosburg, vs. M. J. Flvnn. H. J. Olmsted, Proth.y. Coudersport. Aug. 3d. 1857. American Salttj -Paper Manu* lacturing ( ompany of Hew loik. C A PITAL B^oo,ooo. A. NICHOLAS, President. Uffite 70 W.ill-Bt. A Perfect Security against all manner of Fraud by Counterfeiting on Paper.— To Prevent Photographs and Anastatic Counter feit". Erasures, Transfer* or Al terations. HAVING purchased the Patent for the ex . elusive right to manufacture and gel! the new Chemical Paper in Amenta. invented and patented in England by Henry Gltxs, a ctk<- brated chemist aud officer in the Briti.-h arm;, it is hardly uecessnry to say thai the Paper is recommended by Mr. Kent. Assayer of the I . S. Mint. Mr. Lyman oft: e New York Clearing House, and Meade Brothers, extensive ai d skilful photographers, 233 Broadway N. V. The latter say that 110 imitation Can be made on n check or bank note printed on the Safety Paper. Below is our list of prices : Bank Checks, 35 cts. lb. Bar.k Bills. .'8 18 for 1000 sheets. Biils ot Exchange. $25 for lOuO sheets. Promissory Notes, 4u cts. {0 lb. Sight A Time Drafts, $25 for 1000 sheets. Insurance Policies. 4 > cts. lb- Railroad Stocks A B aids. 40 cts. lh. Bank and State Stocks. 40 cts. lb. Bond-' and Mortgages. 40 cts. lb. Wilis and Deea-a 40 cts. %> ib. For wrapping Silks and other fine articles it is excellent, us it prevents moth?. 40 cts. V 'b. For Indentures and Agreement?, 40 cts. lb. i All State and County Records should slvrav j be printed or written cn this Paper, as the chemicals inserted in the pulp nor only pre vent erasure or transfer, but make it lasting as time. For Southern Climate® it is excellent, and much superior to any other ; as the moisHiesa j of the climate does not destroy it.—the prop erties inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In all the southern states. Cuba, the We.-t Indies and the Central American States, no , public record- can be keptorer 20years. writ ten on the ordinary paper, while the oils and other chemicals im r ed in this Paper makes it in destructible by the ravages of time. It is also proof against moths, rats and other ver min. which feast on and destroy ail other pa per now in use. The Company have now in operation Mills in Morris County, N. J. of about 300 horse ■ tower, aud are able to fill ail orders for Paper I at *he shortest notice. All orders for the Paper must be addressed to A. NICHOLAS, President of the Company, :No. 70 Wall Street. 10:10-3 mo." iy' OME CLOTHING of Cheney s mannfai t j:a V J on hand at E. K. SPENCER'S, 10:2 D. W. S.. Ag* NEW GOODS—A Large and Splendid As sortment just received at 10:1 OLMSTED'S.