Newspaper Page Text
§L~ U L pus adherep;.s iu the United States to i uijLi the balance of power ia favor of jd^very. 1 f - Divine judgments pre dtnomic ed fgainst oppression. AY her} the people of Judah resolve up pn Q(iijiiiuing their servants in bondage .and accounting them as property, Jeho vaj; .says, '*lf ye oppose not the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow, and shed pot blood in this place, neither palk after nVber guud3 to your hurt; th& I will cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and oyer Execute judgment in the morning, (or betimes;, and 4e)iyer him that is spoiled out ot j th the hands o f the oppressor, least my fury go out like fire, and burn that nonp can quench it." As they resolve to go ou; hs continues, " Execute ye judgment. and righteousness, and deliver the spoil ed out cf the hands of the oppressor ; and do no wroug, do no violence tq the stranger the fatherless nor the widow, neither -ihod ipqoqent blood in this place. Is not this the fast that I have chosen ? fo luCMe the bauds of wickedness, touudo the heavy burdens, and let the oppressed j Zp fpoe, and that ye break every yoke.: But if ye will not hear these words, 1 swear by myself, saith the Lord, that this house shall become a desolation. Then Zcdekjab njade a covenant with all tho pi6.pio which were at Jerusalem, to pro claim liberty unto them." Brethren, just such a covenant did our fathers enter into in 1770. But, witness the sad re sults of political wire-working. The his tory goes on to say, " Now when all the princes, and all thu people which h*d en tered into the covenant, heard that every one should let his man-servant, and every \ one his maid-servant, go free, that none snould seive themselves of them any moj-6, theft Ibey obeyed, and lot {hem 1 go. But afterwards they turned and paused the servants and the hand-maids, : whom they had let go free, to return, and j aud brought tlieiu iu subjectiou for ser-' Vfcfttp and for hand-maids. Therefore the wora of the Lord, camo to Jeremiah I from the Lord, saving, yc were now turn ed and had done right in my sight, in proclaiming liberty overy niau to his' neighbor; and ye made a covenant be fore me in the house which is called by my name; but you turned and polluted my name, and caused every man his ser n*nl, and every nam his hand maid, 1 Whoui b e had set at liberty at their pleas ure, to return, and brought theiu into subjectiou, to be unto you for servants; and for hand-maids. Therefore thuc saith ' the Lord; ye have not hearkened unto me, j in proclaiming liberty every one to bis brother and every man to hi* neighbor ; behold, I proclaim a liberty fur yuu, >aith the Lord, to the, sword, to the pesti leuce, and to the famine ; and 1 will make you to be removed into all the Jaiigdoips pf the earth." No sooner said than done. To the sword, pestilence,' laminc, and captivity they weiit. And wo find the abused, persecuted, weeping Jeremiah bitterly lamenting, ••Judah is gone into captivity, because of affliction, uml because of great servitude." Time would fail me to give a deserip-' tion of similar judgments upon Babylon, Tvre, Rome and other nations for their r 7 . oppression. I had thought of asking you to ponder jjpon the inevitable fate of these United States, if the present slave extending policy is to be pursued. I will cputeut myself, however, by quoting a few lines from Jefferson, the apostle of democracy! and civil liberty. He exclaims : 44 What a stupendous, what an incomprehensible machine is mau '. who can endure toil,, famine, stripes, imprisonment, death it self, in vindication of his own liberty, and, the next moment be deaf to those motives whose power supported him though his trial, aud inflict on his fellow man a bondage, one hour of which is fraught with more misery than ages of that whieb lie rose in rebellion to oppose. And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when wc have removed tneir quly firm basis—aeonviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God ? that they are uut to be violated but with his wrath ? In deed I tpemble fpr my country when I reflect God is just; that his justice oan pot sleep forever ; that, considering num bers, nature, and natural means only, a revolution of the wheel of fortune, an ex change of situation is among possible events ; that it may become probable by supernatural interference! The Almighty hips ftQ attribute vrliich oan take side with us in such a contest." Our responsibility is greater than ever fitted upon a people, before. RULERS, in lormer times, decided such questions; but now it for each individu al to say wUpther you will have slavery or Freedom. Which 4q you chqose ? In all earth's history no nation was pyer thus brought before God, and in view cf the world, to answer such a ques tion. It is a position of the most solemn imcprtaqoe, ah<j tiyes the intense gaze ol natiops. lp is impossible for any of us to ignore the question, cyaje the issue, or shirk momentopi responsibility. My profession dues not absolve mc lrom any of my obligations as a citizen bpt r>tnar increases ujy acpountjliility jf a had uut fulfil my duty to God until J have faithfully performed my whole dut> to my country, and to my fellow men.— " For he that loveth not his brothe whom h hath (H*n, bow rail h iy' A 5 P —* God whom h.e hath not seen " po you 'idemand of me to phrophecy smooth' ■ things" when the thunder tones ol God a 1 righteous judgments are pealing our fu. neral knell? and the whirlwind of his wrath appears in tho horizon of his word.' "My bowels my, bowels . I am pained at niv very heart; I cannot hold my peace, because tho hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war. Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land ia spoiled. The heads thereof iudge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money ; vet will they lean upon the Lurq arjd r riy, Is apt the Lurd among us .' none evil can come up on us." It can no longer bo said that we have nothing to do with shivery. It is i brought to our very doors, and wo must meet it at our own threehholds. j There are papers published at Phila delphia and New York more poisonous, 'more deadly hostile to liberty, than could have been found in Charleston or New Orleans ten years ago, These filthy pro ! slavery sheets you would formerly have spurned and detested, when you used tu I say you was "as much opposed to slavery as anybody." But now, like the frogs of Egypt, they come up into your very " kueading-troughs." Will you harbor theiu, until they indcllibly stamp their I face upon the da.ugh of the whole family,' :" CrtU a man take fire in his own bosom, and his clothes not be burned ?" Let us come out and take our stand for the right—for truth and humanity, The word of God is shining in clearer light, through the sophistry and misrepresenta tion of ages. The intense blaze of all the attributes of a holy God are arrayed agaiast human chattlehood. If you make light of the tears and groans of I your colored brethren, aud shut up the bowels of your compassion against their imploring lamentation; thyjr blood will cry uuto God from the ground against you. Should you by word or vote, or by folding you hands in indifference, bind l the fetters upon the down trodeu stran ger who is innocent of crime; the pent up tires of your insulted conscience j would tell you "Remember them that !are in bonds, as bound with them." If it shall appear at last, that while " the ' people of the land have used oppression and exercised robbery;" you have not done ajl iu your power to " let the op-: 'pressed go free, and break every yoke;' 1 there is one who will say, " Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ve did it not to me." Li., j x -i—i -• Gl)f Bnttfr Journal. c coLi>i:iisfiM>ieT, s\t., 1 tfomiog, Pci. ls<s7. T. S, CHASE, EOITOH AND PUBLISHER. have received a copy of The i Republic — a new Rapublieau journal edited and published at Washington City by Geo M. Weston, assisted by Daul. U- Goodloe, of North Carolina. The paper presents a fair appearance and is edited with ability, It is well worth the liberal support of Republicans everywhere aud we hope it will be extensively patronized. 1 The terms for the weekly are 62 a year; 1 I . „ three copies So; ten copies 61o —and in : same proportion for six months. The; | Semi-Weekly 'is furinshed for 63 per, year ; Two copies 65 ; Five copies 610; and iu same proportion for six months. Twenty copies one year 625 —six months; 612,50. Payment invariably in advance, j Address George M, Weston, Washing ton, P, 0. Important Propositions. Clubbing with Emerson's J iagazinel and Putnam's Monthly. —We are plcas ied to state that we have made arrange ments. by which we are enabled to offer the JOURNAL and the above named Mag azine together to subscribers for 63,25 per annum in advance. The recent union of the United B'ates Magazine with Put nam's Monthly , renders the consolidated Magazine one of the ablest and best pub lished iu the L'uitul Btates Our read ers will at once see the advantageous of. ; for we make them fur securing a first class Magazine and a county paper for a L little more than the price of the Maga zine alone. Wo hope to be able to send ! i Messrs. Emerson and Co. a number of names at the rate named. A Sample . number of the Magazine can be seen at our office. A\ e will receive grain, pota * toes &c., for half of each subscription. 1 LITTLE POTTER TRIE TO PIIEEOOM, > j The victory qver hunkerism was more complete at the last election in this coun ( ty than ever befqre; and the vote here .'shows what the popple will do lor l-'ree a dotn when they faivly understand the question at issue. J'be allies of Slavery only ventured to present one candidate for a county office, and though they made c use of two rather green Republicans whe ; oouaented to aetasaids intheelectionofar '• iql.d hunker for Recorder, the people stood firtn, and have thus placed the whole in y " # _ fluppce of this county on the side of Free r ' dom, o No epolngifil far Slavery extension will hereafter give the influence of h;s office in this county, against the principles of j the Declaration of Independence. The sober second thought of the farmers and mechanics of little Potter is, that they prefer to flii the offices at their disposal,, with outspoken, ftraight forward friends of Freedom —hence not a single old hun ker is left iu office in the county. Seven years ago, every office was held by a reg ular democrat. The same diligence in scattering the truth among the people, will produce the same result in every county in the | State. So we exhort our friends iu oth er sections, to open the next campaiguat once. As soon as the people understand ; what the Slave Power is doing,"they will , 1 abandon the party that sustains it. To the friends of Freedom in this county we offer our congratulations on the glorious ,! work they have accomplished; and we trust they will press forward, until every apologist for Slavery and its aggressions, shall be converted, or, —put tQ sham#. Tlie October Elections. ; Tho result of the election for State of ficers bus proved as we were led to sup pose it would by the apathy evinced by our friends throughout the State, during t the entire campaign. But very little ef fort was made, except by Judge Wilinot, to secure any other result, and Border' r Ruffianism has triumphed once moro.- i Win. F. Packer, together with the bal ance of the hunker State ticket, is elect ed by a majority ranging fram 25,000 to 00,000 votes. The defaet is not from the want of strength in the Republican party, but' from neglecting to exercise that strength. Therefore the defeat is not fatal nor very lasting. There is a great plenty of the Republican sentiment in Pennsylvania, but time is required to fix it upon tho result of an election. The result of the election in Ohio, on the same day, is stijl in doubt, both par ties claiming the victory, It is so close! however, that the official canvass alone will determine it. We are much surpris ed at this vote in Ohio, in view of the fact that the anti-slaverv sentiment of I * • that State is gonarally presumed to be in vincible; therefore, with a positive free- Isoiler as the standard-bearer of the Re - ; publicans, we regarded it as almost im possible for a Hunker to make even a 010..e I run upon Gov. Chase. But it is even so, ! and the cause is to us a mystery. From lowa wo have very few returns : ! but we arc inclined to think the Sham ; oerats have triumphed. In Minnesota, the Republicans have elected their Governor and a majority of the Legislature. This is a victory over which we can heartily exult —inasmuch as the people have thus endorsed the ac tion of the Republican members of the Constitutional Convention, and rebuked the Border-Ruffian efforts of ex-Gov. Gor man and his prototypes to fasten a pro slavery constitution upon them. In Kansas, there is no longer any doubt of the election of Marcus J. Parrot, the Free-State candidate for Delegate to Con gress, but the Border Ruffians claim a © ' majority of one iu the Council, and three in the lower House of the Legislature.— • We are, however, inclined to think that ! their majority is fraudulent if at all. Gov. Walker will doubtless manufacture a ma jority for them, even though the voice of the people be different. We hope the people are triumphant and reason victo-, nous, Tli© Money Troubles. There is great distress all over the eoun ; try and likely to be more. But we judge there is less iu this County, and less dan ger of its increase, than in most parte of the country. There are many reasons for this good fortune to us, which we will not stop to enumerate, because we desire now l ,to aid in improving our condition, The following remarks of the X. I'. Tribune, though not as applicable to us,' as to Cm inhabitants of large cities, arc worthy of serious attention, ' "\\ hat shall Ido to mitigate the prp - vailing distress and restore the reign of Industry and Prosperity?" is a question now in order. Thousands arc asking it, > and millions ought to be. We answer: '•1. Pay your debts, to the very utmost > 'of your ability. Do not make the gener .l al collapse an excuse for needless uufaith p | fulness to your creditors, since that is to j protract the agony arid increase its doso • j latious. If pyery one who owps a debt e | which he can pay, were to pay at once, a y general feeling of relief would instantly e diffuse itself, which might inaugurate the | desired reaction. The general pressure e 1 is but an aggregation of individual inso}- 0 venoies. If the interior would only pay n half its debt to the seaboard within a j! month, the bHpk o}oud which envelops t J us would disappear. And it is absurd to I hope for material improvement except j through the progress of general liqnitja -1 tioo. He who waits for an appreciation II in tb monry price of property before he will sell and pay his debts, might as well ; wait for a competence till his yet unborn I grandchildren shall remember him in their wills. Prices will appreciate after liquidation, not before it. If you have money, aud owe any one, no matter how much or how little, pay to the last far- j thiug; if you have no money, sell any thiug you can spare and pay with the proceeds; if you can turn nothing into ; cash, ask your creditors to take the best; property you can offer them at a moder ate valuation, and square accounts. Set- 1 tic and pay at some rate, resolving never j to be so involved again. ****** "If vou are so blest as to have means j and owe nothing, try to help those who; need help b) buying of rather than lend ing to them. Many things are now sell-! Uug as far below their real value as they were formerly held aboTe it. Do not countenance the ignorant and foolish sup position that everybody must break, that all banks must fa'il, and that there is no solvencv any where and no value to any thing, but convert your ready means into j sonic property that you are confident cau j not depreciate, If you owe nothing, yet are too poor to buy lands or houses, stocks or bends, pay your rent a quarter in ad vance, lay in a Winter's stock ofooal and flour, or do something else that will help, however slightly, the process of general recuperation. Never believe that all val ue is confined to a few cartloads of bull jjon that is fast hiding in cracked teapots and behind chimneys." ; SucUtiiiaii ua<| Tree Kansas. As our hunker friends are trying very hard to make out that Buchanan really is doing something for free Kansas; we i will cull the attention of the people to what lie has done. He lias continued j every Border Ruffian in office, and has removed the only Free State Democrat whom President Pierce retained in office in Kansas. Does that look like making Kansas a Free State? But more than this. He has sent one sixth part of the i entire armv of the United States to Kan i * sas—'fur what? To enforce oppressive enactments, placed upon the Statute Book by the emissaries of Missouri. Now what excuse can any defender of Buchanan ; make for this conduct. Says the Na tional Era: "Is he sworn to support the laws of any Territory? No —his simple oath is to support the Constitution of the United States. Suppose he have reason to he-i lievc that the Constitution was violated by the enactment of such laws, what is, i his duty ? To examine into them—first,! their nature; secondly, their origin, Jf' he becomes convinced that they were pass-r led by a body elected in violation of a great constitutional act, and therefore il legitimate, or that they are inconsistent, with rights guarantied by the Constitu-, ! tion, what then is his duty? To enforce them ? That would be to violate his oath of office, llis first duty is to the Consti-j tutiun of the United States; and fidelity| 'to that requires of him a careful examin ation of any law lie is called upon to en force. We have no evidence that he pur sued this course iu relation to Kansas.—- On the contrary, he blindly recognises what exists, as rightfully existing: Alii that is alleged concerning the violation of the organic act, in the election of what 'claims to be the Legislature, he totally ignores: aud instead of construing his! oath of office to impose on him the obli- j gation to recognise that act, construes it as imposing on him the duty of maintain- 1 ing any Territorial law, so-called, wheth er in accordance with that act or not. ■ "No wonder that the "fire-eater*" arc 'satisfied with this position. It is all they could ask. Let them anywhere usurp power, and establish the usurpation, and on the principle of this New Haven let ter, President Buchanan stands commit ted to maintain it. All an unlawful en terprise needs, to secure Federal support,■ 1 is success , "We hope the people who love justice, no matter what their pecuniary distress ! es, will be careful not to overlook these things. "But this is not the worst. As wc re marked in our issue two weeks ago. Pres ident Buchanan and his party stand com mitted to the support of the odious extra judicial opinions of the Pro-Slavery Judges of the Supreme Court." Items fur Hi© Times. The last N. Y. Independent contains a ! list of oue hundred and sixty-eight fail r ures and still they oorno, The Directors of the Bank of Middle, town, passed a resolution on Monday two weeks, making themselves individually li able for all their potes. The combined wealth of the Board of Director* and the Cashier is about a million of dollars, and their circulation is less tbftu 9200,000. Should th® distress in the moneyed poupprus of the world lead many tq reflect | upon the uncertainty of earthly things, and the need of the true riches which the world cannot take away —would not : this be more than an equivalent for the loss of thousands aud millions of dollars? The Albany Eve. Jovrnal of the 14th ( inst., finds cause for gratulation in the , lightness of the money market. Hear it! > | " Bottom touched —suspension at last t —things are quieter, not to say easier. -1 There are many more smiling faces to-day j than have been seen at any time within j the past month. The 'troubled ca' on which thii business world for sixty days and better, has been tossed, is passed j and though the haven reached is the one which was most to be shunned, it never theless affords quiet for the hour, aud hope of security in the future." i The Governor of New York will not i call an extra session of the as the Courts of the state have decided that the suspension of specie payuiemts, by the Banks under the circumstances, does not forfeit their charters. The de cision has created quite a feeling of con , tideuce in the business circles of the city. HANG OUT TIN: BANNER .- -"llang I out the banner on the outward wall," and i the cry will be "still they come." Trait -1 ors to the interests of Pennsylvania have succeeded. The designing demagogues, who have their blear eyes squinting on the Presidency, have signally humbugged a sufficient number of tools in Pennsyl vania to place in the gubernatorial chair Mr. Buchanan's nominee, Mr. Packer, which base act has fastened Pennsylvania to the car of Slavery in territories now f'rac. But should freemen be daunted bv this? No, never! These temporary reverses only tend to strengthen stout hearts—this sucumbing of a majority to the despotism of the slave power only in flames the patriotism of the true friends jof Pennsylvania, and depend on it. they i will work ori, and all the time, until ihe rights of a noble minority shall be glori ously vindicated. — Phtla. Sun. KG-ROUT. C. WALKER, late Secretary of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society, has been appointed receiving and distrib uting clerk in the Agricultural depart ment of the Patent Office. I (is reward, we suppose, for supporting BUCHANAN against the opinions and preferences of his whole life.— Erie Gazette. Very likely Mr. Walker had "opin ions and preferences" at one t me against the Buchanan party, but we doubt if he eyor had any prlwljihs to change. We take it, he belongs to that class, who support a party on account of its of fices, and not for its principles. Such men are odiously numerous in 11 arrisburg and Washington. Ihu iiauau vs. I'Say-BofH l*ro lotiisdly istotiislied! Mr. Buchanan, in his late letter tocer i tain citizens of New Kuglaud, uttered the following memorable doctrine: '•Slavery existed at that period, and still exists, in Kansas, under the constitution of the United States. This point lias been at last finally settled by the highest tribunal known to our laws, J/euc it con lit ever hurt ben sr i rioiinl'i doubted. is a mystery. If a confedera tion of sovereign states acquire a new lerriton . 'at the expense of their common blood and treasure, surely one set of partners can have no right to exclude tii other from its enjov j meat, by prohibiting them from taking it whatever is recognized to be property Uv the | common constitution. But when the- p.c.,tdv I—-the 1 —-the bona tide residents of such territory— proceed to frame a state constitution, then it ' is their right to decide the important question for themselves, whether they will continue,; • modify, or abolish slavery. 'I'D thetu, and to them alone, does this question belong free l'roin j all foreign interference.' Mi'. Clay, on the 22<1 of July, 1850, a period of great political darkness, it is true, i delivered hinself as follows: Mr. Clay. * * 1 am aware that the are gen-| tlenien who maintain that, in virtue af the con- ; i Ktitution. the right to carry slaves south of that line ( .'Stj°3o / ) already e.\i>ts. ami that, of course, • ! tho-e who maintain that opinion, want no oth -1 er security for the transpojtatiou of their slaves outh of that line than the constitution. If / ; had not heard that ujn'nion avowed, I should have ! regarded it as of the most extraordmsry asuuai /ilions. aud the mast imbf nib't jutsdiou that was | ever taken by man. The coast ulion neither created nor does it continue -davery. * " : If the constitution possess the paramount au thority attributed to it, the laws of even the free states of the Union would yield to that paramount authority. If. therefore, it be true ; that, under the law,- now in force in Califur , nia, New Mexico, and Utah, slavery cannot be 1 introduced—if such is the tc/ l'i, the consti , tution of the United States is as passive and neutral upon the subject, as the constitution or government of any other country upon j I earth. * * In my opinion, therefore, the sup position that the constitution of the Uuitedj States carries slavery into California, suppos ing her not to be a state. i au assumption to tally unwarranted by the constitution." —Con. Glob', vol. 22. part 2. The authority of >lr. Clay was former ly very great with the "old line whigs." Of late the black democracy have been in the habit of referring to him as a con vert to their "nationol" platform. Per haps tin: quotation above given may throw some light on the matter. Mr. Buchan an waa profoundly astonished that any ouo should duubt that the constitution of the L nited States carried slavery into all the territories, Mr, Piny, ou the other hand, regarded such a doctrine us the most extraordinary assumption lie had ev er heard—the moM indefensible position ever taken by man. We hayo soma cu riosity to hear a vindication by James B, Clay, in the next Congress, of the sound ness of Mr. Buchanan's recent declare* tion of faith.— N- Y. Eve. Pout, To "11. V." DEAR SIR: I appreciate your disinter ested efforts in doing "justice to Mr. Olmsted." Your version however, does uot alter the complexion of the teriallt/. If \ have made any misstate , meats 1 wqy;ld gladly stand corrected. — • Not having access to the Journal I ac ucepted Mr. 's statement, tho gentleman who suggested tho move to liMr, O. Respectfully Yours, i! WM. PERRY, i ELLISBUEO, Oct, 17, 1857. anli County. Snow. —On Monday night when we wont to bed rain was falling, and in ih e morning we found about an inch of snow on the ground. On Tuesday snow cor., tinged to fall, and at the present writin there is about '2£ inches on the ground j The atmosphere is ulso suitable to the occasion, being very cold. Tuesday ! night there was a heavy trost, and win, ter seems to have fairly sot in. To Our Patrons. —ln view of the tightness of the money market, we will take all kinds of grain, at market prices, in payment of accounts due us. W will alo take a few cords of 20 inch wood ou account if delivered immediately We desire a few bushels of good Potatoes, immediately, on account of for which we will pay tho ntaiN ket price. Sarsajntrifla and its Action. —Alter* alive medicines are those remedies which are given with the view to correct and re-establish the healthy functions of tho animal economy without any visible ac ' tiou—of which class the Sarsaparilla be longs. Of all the preparations of that root, physioans iuvaribly recommend tho compound syrup manufactured by Dr. T. . A. Hurley, as being the only genuine extract. — State Gazette X. A C ard. ' To the Editor of the Journal: However much a man may wish toes-. cape notoriety, untoward events will sonie ; times occur over which he has no control, f As 1 was returning from Allegany Co., N. Y., on the tith inst. Mr. Mills over ' took me, and informed me that a brother ■ in-law and nephew of mine and Samuel : Griffin who works for me, all boys bc tweeu the ages of 15 and 19 had been to town on business and got into a fight.— I was very much astonished, and ou en tering the village 1 took pains to go around and inquire of those whom I thought would know the particulars of the ease. , I found that several young men ?.nd small boys were connected with the affair. I first thought I would have a legal inves tigation, but when 1 came to see the ex -1 citcment in your vicinity, and the strong prejudice which exists against some of j the parties, I thought that justice might not be done. Where there are so many conflicting stories circulating around to the detriment of both parties, it is difficult to arrive at the exact truth. M hatever may have been the commencement of the matter, I have undoubted evidence that my boys did nothing till the first blow • was struck by the opposing party (that is after thev left town.) and hud thev fol - lowed the friendly advice of Mr. 11 w land brought their canes, thev had needed the assistance of any oo, As it | is, E. Stebbins has my thanks for hi* 1 aid. With regard to the small boys, I U-avo ! them with their parents, who, 1 feel con fident, will keep them from such proceed in;- in future. A ltd as some of the young men have come to mo in a frank and hon orable manner and confessed their sor row for the past, and determination to avoid like oontpany fur the future, I iu • perfectly satisfied to let the matter rest If anv are not sorry I do not know as I could reform them by proceeding to the extremity of the law. With an ardent de sire for the prosperity of C'oudersportam* our county in general I remain, Re.-pectfully Yonre, DENNIS HALL. ftesf Recently an American young lsdv, named Traluway. one of a party attempting the ascent of Mount lllanc. slipped over an ice precipice, and f 11 hundreds of feet into a fis sure. whore it is supposed she must have been dashed to places. Living or dead, however, no assistance could be given, aud there btf remains must lie, until the last trump thai' sound. POTATOES are selling in Cincinnati 25 cents a bushel. The Cleveland 7/cr* aid says that it heard on Saturday of offer to deliver one thousand bushels at twenty cents, in Jigging time. ■ ■ J . ..—I— Administrator's Sale. IN PURSUANCE of an order of the ur ! JL phanv' Court of the County of Potter, shall expose to sale, at the Court House in t * j Borough of Coudcrsport Pa., on SAT I M*- 1 the HTH DAY OF NOVEMBER. A- I>- ty sr ' at one o'clock, P. M., the following , ty srr j, *' real estate, situate in iSwedeu Township, 13 i ter County, PH. : Y Bounded ou the North by lands of Acker and unseated lands, op the k a#t lands of G. L. Catlin and lauds ot S, VAc > i on the South by lands ot Jacob Berri"- '•> . aud ou the West by lauds of S. Y. - unseated lands ; being lot No. 1 < a"' part of lot No, Id of tho allotment of pf • Lands in Vid township, and being V T n \ ■ Warrants N'os, 13U6, 1309, 2047 aud - 0S " oIie ) which is erected one Log Ileuse a' iJ3 , Frame Barn, said lot containing , arres, about 40 acres of which ore mspr' with 10 Fruit Trees growing thereon. JOEL HENDRICK, AdminiU i of the B.'t*tc of Wn>. Lyt>o. 'i f