Newspaper Page Text
Official iUturns of tjtf torral fhrtira in |3oitrr County, |Ja., HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1857. GOVERNOR. J CANAL COM K. , JUDGES SCP'k COURT. ASSEMBLY. PUOTHKY. BEG. ft REC. CO. OOMR.j AUDITOR. * i -f * -t- * I * —I- -+ * * -•-+ * -I-+ # -S+ * | ill! 5 * ?U ? f.3 I I ? ,g ? 2 ELECTION fI | | |'J | | |•f -■ | ff ! | | | | •- r " | " i - § * ?. |= *, j - DISTRICTS. ! 3 "" S- I I j f I | Abbott, 1 * { II * II 4 - r 'i 4 • 4 4 12 12! iJ 4 4 lojj | 4 ft Alit „ BT • f>s | - F > 54 25 54 54, 25 25 55 55 26 26; 54 2t. 48 31 54! 13! 62 Bingham] |s3j 31 I 54 2<J I 54 54 31 81 53 53 3o 30 60 21: 46 42 46 34: 54 22 I 8 21 6 j 21 j 21 77 22 22 6 8 16! 121 9 1 b'{ j 3 18: 16 Coudarsport, 148j 24 , 48 24 j 4v\ 49 24j 24 47 49 23 23 48 25; 36 33} |4s 24- 49} Kulalia. !33 j 33 ;j 32 32 ! 32 31 33 33 33 33 32} 32 40 27 33; 34.' 31 35;: 31 <; ene ,ee, 26 30 i| 23 50 j 2; 21 3oi 30 27 27 3o; 30| 10j 43jj 9 47 5 49;! 32 Harrison, 96 ( 35 90 , 22 { 97 j 97 23 23 99 99 24; 24, 99 14(1 86 421. 9*j 23 ji 9hj Hebron, 76 j2l !j 76 19 79; 79 16 16; 78 76 101 17 : 82} 15 I 661 26 71} I9j| 77; llector 54 ! 27 i 53 37 55 55 37| 37, 52; 54} 371 371 51, 31; i sl| 391| 57} 31] 54; Homer, 14 7 f 13 6 H 14} 0 0 14 11; 6 7} 14{ 7: 14! fljj 15 7: If.. Jackson, 5 6 | 4 ' 4 ! 4 j • j • 4; 4j j 7j —j 11 • 4. ij! 4 Keating, 1 5 ■ ij 3 5j 5j —; 5 5i . jo, —; 5| i. : - r'i Ossrayo, ;49114 jj 40 1 1 47 47 14 14 47 47| 14 14 4..j 14: 39j 2dj 43 17 i 51; j.jke " 20 I 15 ! 20 15 ! 20 20 15) 15! 20 2. 14! 141 2o? 15!| 15 20- 19 15 ; 19 J'luasant Vallev. 13 \ 9jj 12 9jj 12 12 l"j 10 12j 13| 5. , lo 7:f 7} 14 jlO lOj] 15 portage, * 11 j 1 11 -j! 11 11 - - 11 11} -j -J lli -!} H| -|. 11 -j: llj iKouiet. 23 37 ! 23 36 I, 22 22 371 37 23 25, 35 35 2o; 33;| 15 4o|; 24 j 34;: 24 tibnrpn, 54 27 94 28 ,! 94 941 2:j 29 95 95; 28j 28; 92; 30} 76 35'| 84! 25 j92 btewardiOD, 10 17 , 8 18 | 9 9 16| 18 9 9; IT] 17; 9. 12; I 2 27 Ij 7} j 8 £irtnmfi, 77 i 6 7 0 0; 77 i ■ 7 7' 6 Oil a 6,1 9, —; 9 Sweden, 15 35 j 15 54 15 15j 35 35 15 15 35 35 16 33! | 12 37|j 15 35 15 ftvirnnia, 8 13 ; 9 10 9 91 lo( 10 10 lOj 13 13 j llj 8 6 17 jj 0| 4. 9 Cl vises. 149 13 148 17 149 141*1 17! 17 150 150} 1* Is} 154 9. 116 40; 14h, 15| 144 lV#it Branch. ; 6 10 6 10 16, 6. C 10 loj 6 6 1< ( 5 4 lo.i 1., 1, 15 .V,'burton, 43 26 42 21 42 42j 21 j2l|| 44 44 jl9 19 48| lo 14 55jj 41} 13: 42 Totals, | 957 495 930 ; 403 ;j 945 044j 46*j 468 j 952 958 406 407 965 417 73 ' 06-| BH-J ? 426} 958 Majorities. ! 462 473 I I 477 17oj ! I 41* 1 [ *W| j| j| 45HJ jj 956 Republican* marked thu?, *; Administration, t; Tn Coudcrspart, Ilazelhurst, (Am.,) fur Governor, hsd - votes; Liudcnhurst, for Canal Com'r, 1; Broom and Brady, for .Judges of Supreme Court, each 1. Eaeh of these can didates rec -ived 1 vote in eaeli of the townships of Abbott and Eulalia. OFFICIAL yote lu Potter County on the Constitution Amendment*. lit Am. I'd Am. 3d Aua. 4th Am. V. A. T. A. V. A. F. A. Abbott, 2 1 2 1 3 3 Allegany, 25 11 la 29 22 25 25 25 25 Clara, I<C 10 10 10 Coudersp'rt. 43*" 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 Ihil.ilia, 30 30 35 34 Gc-nesee, 4 4 5 5 Harruoa, Hebron, 10 10 11 11 Htotor, Homer, ,-M 21 21 21 J:eksoa, Keating', 5 5 5 5 t bwavo, Pike." 30 20 30 28 Hea. Valley, Vortage, Houlft, .Sharon, 68 57 58 58 Steward ©D, .Summit, Sweden, 35 34 35 35 Syhania, 0 0 9 7*. 103 81 1 80 77 W. Branch, Wharton, Total, 413 1 373 20 400 304 (&s~Bv the above table it will be seen that fcut about one-third of the rotes of the comity wrrc given on the Amendments, very little at tention being given to them. The vote on them is very small throughout the Statu. T achrr'N Institute. Ou Monday the 16th day of Nov. next, a Teacher ♦ Institute will b i> opened at Tenders port and continue five days. The object of the, to give instruc tion in the most approved methods of teaching, and conducting the exercises of tlei .School room. Six hours of the day will be occupied in reviewing those branches usually taught in our Common Schools, and giving instruction upon the method of teaching. There will also be a Session each evening, for the purpose ef reading essays, and holding discussions od subjects connected with the advance- Blent of the Common School interest. The time has been limited to five days, co that every Teacher in the County can Afford to attend. One week's board, and a small charge of threu or four shillings for contingent expenses, wil be all the necessary expense; and it is hoped, and expected that the Teachers throughout the County will inuke it convenient to at tend. The undersigned will use every effort to secure board on reasonable terms. Those who design to become members of the Institute, are requested to bring a full set of text-books, of such as are used in their school districts. The friends of education generally, are cordially invited to attend. The services of eminent, and experienced Teachers will be secured to give instruction and lectures during the Session of the Institute. Those who design to attend, should be in C'ouderspart Saturday evening, and se cure their boarding place, so as to be ready to commence Monday morning. by com ing in at a late hour on the first (Jay of the Institute, the whole day will be lost, A number of the Directors of the County have mentioned to nie that they would like to* hav ft general meeting for the purpose of discussing some questions of Interest relating to their duties. 1 have therefore made arrangement* that Thurs day evening of the week of the Institute may be occupied in discussing the follow ing questions: i* ittsr t The importance of adopting a vnifprniity oj t*xt-bovks } not only in the School Districts, but throughout the county. JSecqxd { The propriety of petitioning our S'<ite Legislature to reduce (he num ber oj Directors from six to three; and alb.yc than a compensation for their ser rices. Directors, by attending this discussion ® n Thursday evening, will have u favora el opportunity also to witness th cloa aacagp——aw ■ —p— Willi Mimtii iug exercises of the Institute the next day. Directors, and Friends of Education, shall we have a general attendance? J. HENDIIICK, Co. Suyt. of Potter Conntr. COUDERSPOHT, Oct. 7, 1857. CotnWjqAVl tNjmjrf, Corrected IS'etkly for the Journal, J{ Y SdiOtni AkDK & J It RS\. 1 > eater tin I try (Sooilt, Groceries, Hats t J" Cap*, Hoot* 4' Shorn, Crockery, fork. Flour, ,V"i/. Xotion.*,. S c.. A'c.. 4 MAIN STUKET., Vol PEILSPuRT, PA. FLOUR, superfine, T* bbl., - - $7 50 " extra, 44 800 PORK, " '• .... 30 00 SALT, < . - - 350 CUITV MNT, V 10# lbs., - - - - 2 50 UUTTKK, P lb., ... 20 LARK, " " .... 12<AA5 T VLLOW, 44 " .... 14 (n, 16 WOOL, •• 44 - 27(5 34 IIAM.S, 14 " - - - - 17 SHOULDERS, lb.. - 15 DEER SKIS. 4 ' 44 25 MAPLE SUGAR, V lb., ... 10(^,12 DRIED APPLES, 14 " - - - 14 •• Bushel, 2 50 WHITE BEANS. V ! " " " 3 50 BUCKWHEAT, " ,4 - - - 3,3 CATS. " " - - - 30(5,50 CORN, 44 44 - - - 1 00 RYE, " 14 - - - 75 POTATOES 4 AN _ . _ 25 FUGS, "P Dozen, - 12 HAY, p Ton, - - ST (ii 8 <■,<) fykviiD THE Wi.NTKit TERM of Coudersport Academy, will commence on Tuesday the 15tli of December next, to continue thirteen weeks. (Jrain of all kinds will le received on tuition, at the market prices, if promptly delivered ; therefore the tightness of money need prevent no one from obtaining an Education. J. IIENJ)HICK, Principal Noliue to School Teachers. Tlie County Superintendent of I'otter County will be at the following places, and at the times here specified, for the purpose of examining teachers, viz: CLASSES, Thursday, the 20th of November next, at The school-house in Lewisville. HARBISON, Friday, Nov. 27th, at the Cummings' school-house. JUNGII A M CEXTR E, Monday, Nov. oOth, at the school-house. OSWAYO VILLAGE, Wednesday, Dec. 2d, at the school-house. SUA RON, Thursday, Dec. od, at the school-house near the mouth of the lloneyoye. HEBRON, Friday, Dec. 4th, at the Crundall 1 i ill school-house. ROULETTE, Saturday, sth, at the red school-house near .Mr. Weiuier's. I'M KK,|j Tuesday, Dec. Bth, at the school-house near the mouth of the West Branch. COUDEIISPOItT, Saturday, Dec. 12, at the Academy. The examination at each of the above places is to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M. It is expected that all the teachers will uutko their arrangements to be at one of these places, whichever may be the must convenient. Those, however, who attend the Teacher's Institute during the entire session, will be examined and receive a certificate (if qualified) before leaving. Each Teacher is also requested to fur nish a reading-book of the kind generally used ; also a ueu and ink, together with at least two sneets of paper, as a portion of the answers, in the different branches, will be required in writing. As there are increased facilities for teachers to qualify themselves for the duties of their calling, the time has come for more thorough examinations, The 44 Department ef Common Schools" has issued new forms for certificates, both 44 Provisional" and 44 Permanent;" the State Superintendent has also given in- PC—MMg—MB—ESPPHPB— MWII HIH Mil I ' structiou to the County Superintendents to re-examine those teachers uow holding .Permanent ccrtifieates, and give new : Dermanent certificates to such as are ; worthy of them, and Provisional certifi ! cates to others; also to annul the Periua -1 uent eertitieates of those who do not sub mit to a rc-exaniinution- Theso instructions will be complied with, and a higher standard of quulitica tion will he required hereafter. It is hoped that the friends of educa tion, and Directors especially, will be present at the examinations. A Lecture will be delivered at either of the above places, on any subject relating to Com mon School education, on the evening of the day of examination, if desired. J. HE>'DRICK, County Superintendent of Potter County. CotuißsroKT, October 17, 1857. .i-.-L 1 I'L:-?- J . 1.. .J.. •! . / L.J- I —L "oticeT William V. Keating, "1 NO. 128, Adolphus E. Burio Sept. Term, 1857. in and the Common Plea^ James M. Wilcox, • of Potter County. v-rtu.i J Action of Eject- Leonard McKee. I ment for the follow ing described lots of land in said county, the first containing two hundred and fifty-seven acres, situate in Kulaiia Townahip. ami bound ed as follows : Beginning at the south-west corner of the Tattle lot. thcuee N. by west lino of said lot 120 rods to north line ot Warrant No. 2129, thence west by said line 02.0 rod to X. J. Mills' ea>t line, thence south 43 de grees west by Mills' line 31 rods to center of road, thence south rods, thence west lo Mills' south line 40 rod* to a corner, thence south 170 rods, thence east 185 rods to a po.-t in the west line of Almcron Nelson's lot, thcucc north 49 rods, thence east fiO rods to warrant line, thence north rods to Tat tle's south line, thence west by said line 92 rods to the place of beginning ; being part of Warrant No. 2129. The other lot, containing one hundred and thirty-six acres, is bounded u follows : Be ginning at a post in the east line of the Keat ing Lauds, being the north-vast corner of a lot surveyed to 0. B. Martin, thence north 200 rods, thence west 109 rods, thence south 200 rods, thence east 109 rods to lite place of be ginning; being part of Warrant No. 2110, in Sweden township. Potter county. Pa. And now. to wit, September 22d. 1 SAT, on notion of John S. Mann. Esq., attorney for Phiiutilfs, the Court grant rule on Defendant to appear ami plead by third day of next Term or judgment by default, ami order the publication of the rule according to the-Act of Assembly, in such cases made and provided. By the Court, 11. J. OLMSTED, Prothonotary. p., t!,r Count if, x.t: Certified from ihe Record this 19th day ot October, A. I). 182*7. IT S 4 Witness my hand and seal of office, t -Lit t'oudersport. the s.vme day and year. 10:18—fit. 11. J. 0 LMST KO. Proth y. ~ THE COMBINATION PATENT I'ORTAIILE UPRIGHT STEAM SAW MILL. Tliii< mill is new acknowledged to be the cheapest, most practical and efficient lumber mnnutacturing machine in the world. It is the only portable reciprocating mill that has ever met with perfect success, its entire cost, with fifteen horse power, warranted to saw from three to four thousand feet of inch boards in twelve hours, the entire establishment com plete, ready for running, is but $1,650. ROSS'S PORTABLE BURR-STONE MILL, for which over seventy premiums havo been awarded in this country and Europe. It will grind with leas than half the power, and make better liour and moal than any other mill. It is the most durable aud the cheapest mill in the market. Briefest rufmre from SIOO to $l7O. PORTABLE AND STATIONARY ENGINES OK ALL SIZES. SHINGLE M ACHINES, ice. J. M. EMERSON & Co., Dealers in Improved Machinery, - N-o. 371 Broadway, New York. Send for Circulars. Ct ALL AND EXAMINE the NEW GOODS ) Just received by OLMSTED'S. INK and slap e articles in the Prng line foi sal* by <;i.o 2.) E. K. S. PIANOS, BIELODEONS & MUSIC. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED. Prices Greatly Reduced, HOKACE'WATERS, J\O. S3 3 Broadicoy , JV. Y., AGENT FOR THE liKST HUSTON & X. Y. Instruments. TFfE Largest Assortment of Pianos, Mclo deons, Musical Instruments, and Musical ' Merchandise of all kinds, in the United States, i Pianos from Ten different .Manufactories, com prising tho?e of every variety of style, from Hie {'lain, neat and substantial octave-, in | Walnut or Rosewood Cases,from $l5O to S2OO, ; t.o those of the most elegant finish up to One Thousand Dollars. No house in the Union ■ can compete with the above in the number, t variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor in the Extremely low prices at which they are sold. HORACE WATERS' MODERN* IMPROVED PIANOS, with or without iron Frames, pos ses-dug in their improvements of over-s'rings and action, a length of scale arid compass of tone equal to the Grand Piano, united with the beauty and durability of structure of the Square Piano. They are justly pronounced by the Press and by the tir.-l .Musical Masters, to le equal to those <>f any other manufacturer. They are built of the best ami most thorough ly seasoned material, and guaranteed to si; ud the action of every climate. Each In-tvument guaranteed to give satifuctiou, or purchaso moriev refunded. SECOND-HAND PIANOS. ar great 1 ar gains. constantly iu store.—price from S3O to £1 to. HORACE' MELODEONS.—Su perior Instruments in touch and durability of make. (Tuned the equal temperament.) Me lodeons of all other style- and makes. Price $45, SOO, $75. SIOO. $125, sl4o—double It weds and two banks of Keys, S2O0 —li-ss a liberal discount. Clergymen una Churches, ati extra diseount. MARTIN'S GUITARS. RROWN'S HARPS, FLUTES. FLU TINAS, ACC'ORDEONS, VIOLINS, and Musical Instruments of all kinds, at lower prices than ever before offered to Hie public. 1 A large discount to Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms. YH ,SIC'.--tine of the largest and best se lected catalogues of Music now published, comprising many of the choice and most pop ular airs of the day, and will be sold at one third off from the regular prices. Music sent by mail to all parts of the coun try. post-paid. Particular and personal attcu- ; tion paid to all orders recei\cd by mail. Sat isfaction guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and M-lodeons for rent and rent allowed on puaehase. Pianos and Melodeous for sale on monthly payments. Second-hand Pianos ta ken in exchange for new. General and select Catalogues and Schedule of prices forwarded to all parts of the country bv mail. ircat inducements offered to AGENTS in all parts of the country, to sell the Horace Waters Pianos, Melodeous. and Catalogue of Music. 8:40. CONSOLIDATION OF EMERSON'S MAGAZINE AN 0 PUTNAM'S MONTHLY, *O,OOO io SiiKi dUiiiy EXTRAORDINA RY OFFER! The Publishers are happy to announce that in the union of these favorite Magazines, the best literary and arti-tic talent of both publi cations has been secured, and the most at tractive features of each will be retained in the consolidated work. It will aim to present in its pages the choicest productions of American thinkeis and writers, and the best efforts of American artists. It will be purely national in its character: in its criticisms it w 11 aim to be just and truthful, and will be careful to preserve and cultivate that wholesome moral and reiigiou toue so highly oherDhed by the American uuhlic, and so essential to the welfare of the race. We shall endeavor, by a sagacious use of the extensive resources now at our t omrauml. to make u Magazine that, iu the richness of its literary contents, and in the beauty and profusenes.-: of its pictorial illustration-, shall outrival any publication ever before produced in this country. The new is.-uc commences with the Of'TO PER number, which is now ready, it is filled with the choicest productions of some oi the most brilliant, writers of the day. and i- em bellished with forty-four splendid original en gravings. It appears in a new dre.-s, embra cing an elegant classical design on the cover, and the eutire wufk present- the most attrac tive appearance. It i.- pronounced by all who have seen it to be the most beautiful specimen of a Magazine ever issued in this country. PRICE. $3 A YEAR. CU B I'JSICE, $2. Si. VOLE COPIES, 25 CENTS. Tito Great Library Offer. The combined issue of " EMERSON S MAGAZINE and PUTNAM'S MONTHLY'' start - with a circulation of over FORTY TilOl - SAND copies, and we are determined t>, spare no expense in any of it- Departments to place it at the head of American Magazines. With this view, we now make the following extra ordinary offer: To any person who will get Hp a club of twenty-four subscribers, at the club price, either at one or more post-otliees, w< will present a splendid Library, consisting of FORTY LARGE HOUND VOLUMES, embra cing the most popular works in the market. Any one. with the October number as a speci men. can easily form such a club, in almost any section. A copy of this number, together with a list and full description of the Library, will be forwarded on receipt of 25 rents. J. M. EMERSON" & Co.. Publishers, No. 371 BROADWAY. New York. YATES COUNTY NURSERY *1117" 11. OLIN & CO.. of the Yates County T T • Nurseries, have for sale a large and valuable assortment of I'KI IT TfItKKS of all varieties usually cultivated. These Trees are young and of vigorous growth. The qualities are the most choice known, and are warranted GENUINE. Also, a fine stock of ORNAMENTAL TREES aud SHRUBBERY, for fall delivery. Address orders to C. REACH, Pen Yan, Yates Co.. N. Y. Orders left with UOB'T. W. NILES, Couder.-port, Pa., will be promptly filled. 10:2-GIHO. LEWISVILLE STEAM GRIST MILL NE W AIIItANGE 31 EN T. undersigned having bought out all X former owners of the LewisviUe Steam Grist Mill are now prepared to do all munuei of grinding, a they believe, to the satisfac tion of their customers. Come and see. 0. A. LEWIS, CRAYTON LEWIS. 1 Ulyreee, Feb. 29. 1P57. —U-Ji. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. CONSUMPTION AND ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND THROAT ABE POSITIVELY CIRIRLE BY IYIIAHTIO*. im rHICII convey-: the remedies to the cavi ? T tics in the lungs through the air passa ges, and coining in direct contact with the disease, neutralize* the tubercular matter, al lays the cough, causes a free and easy expec toration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving that tone and energy so indispensable for the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is .to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under the control ol medical treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first stages, and lil'tv per cent, in the second ; but in the third stage it i> impossible to save more than five per cent., for the Lungs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, how-; ever, in the last stages. Inhalation affords ex- ! tiaordinarv relief to the suffering attending! this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-five thousand jkisoiis in the I oitcd States alone : and a correct calculation show - ol tue present population of the earth, 1 eighty millions are destined to fill the Con sumptive's gave?. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it spares neither : age nor sex. but sweeps off alike the brave. ; th-. beautiful, the graceful and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being liom whom ; eonieth every good and perfect gift, I am en- , alibied to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercle* is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their depo sition in the lungs is to prevent the free ad- | mission of air into the air cells, which causes ; a weakened vitality through the entire system. ' Then surely it is more rational to expect great er good front medicines entering the cavities j of the lungs than troui those administered j through the stomach; the patient will always 1 find tlie lungs tree and the breathing easy, at- j ter Inhaling remedies. Thus. Inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution ally, and with more power and certaiuty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct intiuence of this this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be amputated with out the slightest paiu; Inhaling the ordinary buruiug gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin a lew minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inlialatiu • is the fact that sickness i al ways produced by breathing fouJ air—is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously adminis tered through the lungs should produce the happiest results? During eighteen years' practice, many thousands suffering from dis ease.? of the lungs and throat, have been un der my care, and 1 have effected many remark able cure?, even after the sufferers had been pronounced in the Inst stages, which fully sat isfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. Mv treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquain tance with the nature of tubercisS. ic., ena bles me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case. This famil iarity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries, enables me to re lieve the lungs from the effect- of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood,, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy; and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions seut to any part of the United States and Cauadas by pa tients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would ; give me an opportunity to examine the lungs' and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient again. < i, \V. GRAHAM, M. D., Of&ee 1131 Filbert Street, (Old No. 109,) below Twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. 125 WITNESSES; £ THE FORGER CONVICTED! X John V. Dye is the Author. g Who has had 10 years experience as a Bauk-F" or and Publisher, and Author of A j/ rh. <>? Ledums nt Broadway Tabemacle } when, for 10 successive nights, o\er .. 0.000 Pcople-%30 £ (Greeted him with Rounds of Applause, while he exhibited the mauur in which Counterfeiters execute their Frauds, and X the Surest and Shortest Means of w Detecting them Tht Bunk Note Erxjravns all say that /,<•: u th ■' Judy lof f'o/u, Money livinq. ~X URLiTKST oir THE PRESENT CENTURY FDR tdUi/iCffjii -fjoit's x Describing every Genuine Bill iu Existence.•— and Exhibiting at a glance every Couu- terieit in Circulation !! Arranged so admirably that REFERENCE T is EASY, and 'r DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS. £ Iter No index to examine! No pages to hunt up! But so simplified and arranged, , that vlie Merchant, Banker and Business Z. Man can see all ai a Glance. 0 ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN. £ Thus each raav read the same in his own It X I rI YE TOXGI B. ~ Alost Perfect Ban/: Aok List Published, i. ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA. - A Complete Summary of the FINANCE ECROPE & AMERICA will be published in each editiou, together with all the IMPORTANT NEWS OF THE DAY. Also A SERIES OF TaLES f- From an Old Manuscript found in the East. v It furnishes the Most Complete History f ol'Oriental laile, describing the Most Perplexing Positions in which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that f. Country have been so often found. These Stories will contiuue throughout the whole L year, and will prove the Most Entertaining It ever offered to the Public. • IfisT' Furnished Weekly to Subscribers on- - ly, at SI a year, All lcltecb mum be dressed to JOHN S. DYE, Broker, C Publisher and Proprietor, 7U Wall Street. ~ New-York. 10:1 ly. C NEW GOODS—A Large and Splendid As sortment just reveivfcd at 10:1 OLMSTED'S. FBOM JOHN A. Rir>T>l7E, At Merchants Hotel, North 4tli 4k M Pintado* TO THE MERCHANTS OF THE WEST AND NORTH WEST. Philadelphia market wi np ea>iy accessible, your attention is called to it, us possessing facilities and advantages worthy of your consideration. Among its advantages may be enumerated its location, having shorter lines of communi cation to the interior, its proximity to the Iron and Anthracite Coal districts of Pennsylvania, the large and varied extent of its manufac tures, being far in advance of any other city in the United States, the moderate expenses accessary lor cam ing ou business, etc., etc. The market possesses unrivalled advanta ges for the sale of many kinds of produce, such as Flour. Wheat, Barley, Wool, Butler, Cheese, Ac., while the charges made upou sales and attendant expenses arc more moder ate than neigboring seaboard markets. WM. IF. PA UL, Wholesale BOOT, SHOE and STRAW GOODS WAREHOUSE, So. 626 Market St. WOLFE A KINO, Wholesale CLOTHING HOUSE, No. 430 Market and 425 Merchant Streets. TAYLOR. GILLESPIE $" CO., WhoUsal* GROCERS, No*. 11 and 13, South Water St J. C. PRKELAND, with CLINK A CAR ROL, Importers of WINKS. BRANDIES, GINS. Ac.. No. 304 North 3d Striet. T. MORRIS, PKROT A CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in DRUGS. CHEMICALS PAINTS, OILS. GLASS. DYE STUFFS. A#., No. 621 Market, out! 612 St. James Sts. KEYSTONE STATE SA PON J PIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE for making Soap. Manufactured by the Penn. Salt Co., Tareu tum. Alleghany county, Penn. Represented by LEWIS, JAMES .y Co., Philadelphia. , HAAS Jj- TAYLOR. Importers and Caah Jobbers. No. 305 Market Street. HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, Gl'kl BELTS. SHIRT BOSOMS, WHITE GOODS# EMBROIDERIES, LACES, SUSPENDERS, THREADS. COMBS, Jc., Ac. BPNN. R Aid PEL j* CO.. Importer* of BRITISH GOODS and Jobber# of FANCY and STAPLE SILK GOODS, EMBROIDE RIES, 4'c-) No. 37 N. Third street. JAMES, KENT, SANTEE A CO., Import ers and Jobbers of FOREIGN and DOMES TIC DRY GOODS, No. 2 3'J and 241 North 3d Street, above Race. BLABON A SMITH, OIL CLOTH MANU FACTURERS and COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Warehouse No. 146 N.3d 3k. MO ORE. 11ESZEY A CO., Importers ami Wbole.ale Dealers iu HARWAKE, eUTLK RY and GUNS, 427 Market and 41C Com merce streets. SAM'L If. BIBIGBAUS, Import *r and \\ holcsale Dealer in FOREIGN and DO MESTIC HARDWARE, No. 258 North Id street, below Vine. MILL, CROSS CUT, CIRCULAR an! 11.-WD S I ICS iu any variety and style of the celebrated IXL stamp, manufactured bv WALTER CRESSON, Depot No. 5U3 Com merce St. HAMMERS, HATCHETS At , In great va riety. manufactured by C. HAMMOND, De pot No. 503 Commerce st. The attention of the trade is called to these good 3 a* being equal in quality and finish to any made. JAMES BARBER, Wholosale Dealer in CLOCKS. Agent for the PATENT EQUAL IZING THIRTY DAY CLOCK, Manufactu rer of GOLD PENS. S. fi. corner of 3d and Chestnut sts. PRATT A RPATH, Importers of WATCH ES. JEWELRY and. FANCY GOODS, N. W. corner sth and Market sts FITHI VW JO.\ES A CO., Importers and Jobbers in British & American Dry Q-oods, 215 Market, through to 2u4 Church Alley. Mouths credit for approved Notes, [10:I4r-3m. American Safely-Paper Mann* facluring l oiiipuuy of \eu York. C A PI TAL Br>oo,ooo. V. NICHOLAS, President. Oliice 70 Wall-St. A Perfect Security against all monntr of IV aud by Counterfeiting on Paper.— To PrswitU Photographs and Anastatic Caunif /'(., Erasures, Transfers or Al terations. UAVING purchased the Patent for tho en clusive right to manufacture aud sell the new Chemical Paper iu America, invented and pateuted in England by HKKKY GLYSX. adc brated chemist aud otbeer in the British army, it is hardly necessary to say that the Paper m recommended by Mr. Kent. As say or of the P. S. Mint. Mr. Lyman of the New York Clearing House, uud Meade Brothers, extensive and skilful photographers, 1 i 3 Broadway N. Y. The latter say that no imitation can be mado on a check or bank note printed on the Sufety Paper. Below is our list of pries* : Bank Checks, 35 cts. lb. Bank Bills. $lB for 100U sheets. • Bills of Exchange, $25 lor 1000 sbturtd. Promissory Notes, 40 cts. tb. Sight & Time Drafts. $25 for 1000 sheets. Insurance Policies, 40 cts. tb. Railroad Stocks A Bonds, 40 cts. P>. Bank and State Stocks. 40 cts. 'jP Tb. Bonds and Mortgages. 40 cts. Q>. Wills and Deeds, 40 cts. I{4 lb. For wrapping Silks and other fine arkclaa it is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 ota. ■~pl tb. For Indentures and Agreements, 40 cU. tb. All State and County Records should always be printed or written on this Paper, as the chemicals inserted in the pulp not only pre vent erasure or transfer, but make it lasting as time. For Southern Climates it is excellent, and much superior to any other ; as the mouwisfw of the climate does not destroy it, —the pwJ>- erties inserted in the pulp being a preventive. In nil the southern states, Cuba, the Wwt Indies aud tho Central American States, DO public records can be kept over 20 years, writ ten on the ordinary paper, while the oils &ad other chemicals inserted in this Paper makcM it indestructible by the ravages of time. It is also proof against moths, rats and other TC miu. which feast ou aud destroy all other pa per now iu use. The Company have now in operation Mills iu Morris County, N. J. of about 300 horse pow • r. and are able to fill all orders for Paper at the shortest notice. All order-, for the Paper mutt be addres**d to A. NICHOLAS. President of the Company, No. 7o Wall Street. 10:10—3 mo. SOME CLOTHING of Cheney's manufai-to** on hand at E. K. SPENCRR 8, 10:3 I). W. * A|V