Newspaper Page Text
f Fr#iii ilie .Springfield Republican.] JNutlOtiiliViltfOSl of tliC 1 . S. S l i Cutti i. ]t needs no argument to show that the Kupreiue < urt - t the United States has jdegene rated into a mere partisan and sec tional ins' r; ;nent. The lamcwable tact is palpable and undisguised. Its recent outrage upon public decency and pro priety, in forcing upon the country a se ries of opinions upon the subject of Sla very, not rcq iired by the case under con- j sideration. nd uttered for the sole pnr j.ue of giving a ccuaiu sacreduess to the greatest partisan outrage ever committed by Cungress—the annulment ol the Sla very prohibition in the Territories; shows the extent to which that court has degen-j .crateJ, and the ut;ernexs of its prosiuu-l tion to the uos of the Slavery-extending politicians. Is there uo remedy lor tuL debasement of the Supreme Court? lias the countrv no protection lurainst i' , l , . , ! tins mw strange process, by which the politicians may get their most repul uve heresies tea Wormed into law ? hi ust jjl the Executive and Judicial precedents of the past b-. ruthlessly denied and tram pled down, whenever a reckless political gambler shall choose to coin some new i Y . theory in support of slavery, which he | pan sell to the South fqjr a consideration. 1 Thy Sgpreme Court is looked upon as j something fixed and immovable—entirely ' beyond the reach of the people, and clothed with an authority nearly or quite! absolute and despotic. Indeed, there arc: not wanting, among those who claim the panic of Democrats, some who consider it a sort, of treason, or something worse, to doubt thu infallibility of the grave gen tlemen who occupy the Supreme Bench, or to hint at the possibility that they have uttered a mistaken opinion, or yielded to a corrupt inlhieuce. But the whole his tory of the Judiciary, in this and other countries, shows that judges are put weak and erring men, often committing the 1 saddest mistakes, and, alas! how often; perverting their - icred o"i -e to the sup port of the wrong cause, when backed by power and wealth, against t. Ie right which has only its own righteousness to sustain it. ' ' : We said the Supreme Court is sectional. Jt is not only so iu its general aim and {he spirit of the majority of the julges ; it is sectional in its construction. This is seen at a glance by the following table; of the judicial districts: FREE STATES. 1. Maine, New liampsliire, M issa ciiusetts, and Uhodt* l-laiul . 2,0-13,204 | 2. Vermont, Connecticut, and New York . . . . 3,782 3. New Jerrev ami Reansy'vnnia . 2,801 341 7. Ohio, ludiauti, Illinois,and Mich igan 4,207,8159 1 Four circuits. Total free pop. 12,834,720 SI.AVE STATES. 4. Delaware, Maryland, and Vir ginia . ... . 1,383.912 5. Alahania, Louisiana, and Ken tucky .... 1,443 394 6. North Carolina. South Carolina, intl Georgia . . . 1,249.107 8. Kontiu ky, Tennes. ce and Mis souri . . . . 2.110.174 9. Mississippi, and Arkansas . 457.907 Five circuits. Total free pop. . 6,044.454 Here Kentucky is twice included. If wo deduct her population from one cir cuit, we shafl see that five Southern judges represent but people, while the four Northern judges represent i 2,885.000. Under a fair apportionment, the North would have six of the nine judges, and the South but three. We have reason to believe that the subject of a just and fair re-organization of the Supreme < 'ourt will bo brought be fore the next Congress, and v ill become a topic of the most serious and earnest discussion. Tt is too much to hope from a Congress constituted as that will be, Vf 7 that the measure will succeed. But it will be presented in such form that the pleasure will succeed. But it will be presented in such form that the whole country will see its intrinsic justico and propriety, and the decision against it will be so evidently based on sheer sectional and party grounds as to demonstrate how entirely the Supreme Court is relied upon and used as a political machine. Some thing will thus be gained in the presenta : {.ion of the true bearings of the question to tlpe people, and in the preparation of {lie public mind fop the change. If we can not secure a Supreme Court immeas urably above the base partisan uses to which rbe present court degrades itself, then it were better that the whole thing should be rooted up, and a now court or gaiU' stand above the reach of such influences. The Wttslii:>rjt< t vti American declares that it lias the prouf to establish the charge, whenever Secretary Toucey de nies it, thfji he is interested in the con trici to furnish paper for the Congres sional printing, and has made great profits by fiirni!iiii" paper of a quality inferior i'' i" a i jim - upon whivli the con tract 'A ;. Mia'h lottfc Journal. O i: j JT'A.. T. S. CHASE. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER. G ovenior Pollock has issued a I recla mation fixing upon Thursday, Nuy.'iCtn next, as a day of Thanksgiving. The same day has also been selected by the Coventors of Maine, New Hampshire, New York and Maryland. far as we can learn. Potter i the only County iu the State that has giv-! en a larger majority fur VY iltnot, than for the Republican State Ticket in 1856. Brother Cobb, what have yo.a to say against passing that Banner this way ? THE KANSAS GRIPE. —The editor of the Knoxt iil. li7i ,'<j says the Democratic party is suffering with a severe attack of| the Kansas gripe. It is a troublesome j disease, and will yet cause the death of the Democracy. The Kansas Nebraska platform is tike. Gen. Pillow's ditch—all on the wrong side—and the Democratic party has tumbled into it. regular quarterly meeting of j the Coudersport Library Association will take place at the room of {he Librarian, i ion SATURDAY NOV. 7TH, jit 4 o'clock P. M. A Lecture will be delivered by Bey. C. M. Blake iu the evening. The, i friends of the Library, and the Stock ' holders particularly, arc earnestly request ed to be present at the meeting, as busi ness of great importance will be brought, before them. figgrWe have had the pleasure of in specting some syrup made from the Chi nese Sugar Cane, by Mrs. Russell, of But ler County. lowa. It is an excellent ar ticle.—better, to our taste, than any New * Means syrup ever brought to this mar j ket. Mrs. R. made sixteen gallons from a small patch, th growth of a '25 cent paper of seeds. Mr. Lewis Mann, who brouglit this sample of syrup, saw many of the farmers of lowa at work making it —c inversed freely with t-hom in relation to the cane —its value us an agricultural product Ac , Ac. Every person with whom he conversed, was highly gratified with their experiments, and spoke of it ?s a complete success. We feel great 'encouragement at this account, and shall | w itch with interest tiie progress of the sugar movement. £SrTn spite of the attempted frauds of the Border Ruffians, Kansas is in the hands of the Free State men. Accord ing to our latest reports, they have a ma jority in both houses of the Legislature, aid have elected Marcus J. Parrot to Congress by from three to four thousand majority. In lowa, the Republicans are entirely successful, haying elected all their State ticket and a majority of both houses of the Legislature, which gives a Republi can United States Senator in place of Junes, Administration. In Minnesota, the official returns come in very slowly, but it is now conceded that the Shaiuocrats have carried the State by a small majority In Ohio, Chase is elected bv 2,100 majority, with the balance of the State ticket, except Blickensderfer for Com. of Public Works. The Legislature is Bu chanan. In this State, the official returns indi . . cute a Buchanan majority of 40,000, and a large mpjority for tln-m in the Legis lature, POTTER COUNTY. The Democrats have probably elected their candidate for Register and Recorder, ANDREW JACK SON, Esq. ( not the General, but a mighty clever,) while WILMOT'S majority is about . 400. M'KEAJJ COUNTY. —The Democrats i have elected their entire county ticket, I and hare given the State ticket a respect; able majority.— Barren Ledger*. That is about as correct intelligence, as a Iluuker paper thinks it worth while to give its readers. Any niau who hail in formation of Wilmot's majority being about 400 in this County, could as easily , have known that Andrew Jackson was not probably elected Recorder. The assertion as to M'Kean County is istill farther from the truth; for the Re . 7 publican candidate fur County Commis • iionCT is elected in that County, also, the County Auditor, and Wilmot has some 1 sixty majority. Such being the charac ter of the Ledger's statements in regard to events in ndjoir,ir.g Counties, what rc liifiito" 1 1 s to be placed on its statements, or papers i >l'that stamp, when speaking of affairs in distant Territories. Gov. 51 ARCY, before his death, did got L Irritate to condemn the outrage op Fuin | ncr am] the conspiracy against Kansas. | from tho Cincinnati Enquirer, j of I|. • IJUMIIO craUc l'artj. Richard 'JGvlor, Usq., only son of the j late President Taylor, is the th*u< eratip candidate for the Senate of Louisiana, in llic St. Charles district. 1, we be lieve, completes the list of the sons of I our distinguished patriots and statesmen 1 who are now acting with the democratic j party. Fletcher \\ cbster, the son of | i h'.niel Webster, has noted yith thedemo - viatic party for peroral years. James B. Clay, tiie son of 1 lenrj I lay, is the demo cratic member of Congress elect from the Ashland district, Kentucky, The sous ;of ex-Presidents T\ lev and \'an Burenj eontinuo to adhere to the democratic faith. : • 1 •J. S'eott Harrison, the son of ex-Pr<sident Harrison, is not a democrat, but he is bit- 1 terly opposed to the Black Republicans ■ anu all their political ideas. '1 here is a good deal of significance iu these facts. .More significance than the Enquirer has even dreamed of. r i hese men have ; sacrificed not only their political, but their' personal integrity, and are reft prodigal I sons. : ' I JERSEY SHORE BANK.—An election far Directors of thejeresy Shore Bank was held-on Thursday last, which resulted in the election af the following gentleman : John 'A. Gamble, Samuel Humes, E. ID. Trump, Robert Crane, .7 a tin a Gam-. ble, If. F. Durell, John Webb, James S. Allen, Michael Sypiier, 11 ustufth Hep burn, A. 11. Meiicury John Sebring. James \\ iiiiumson. '1 hese gentlemen are good men, well' known in the community, and we pre sume will give general satisfaction. V> e do uot know whether the fact that ten I out of thirteen are Democrats is the re ! suit of accident, or design. Time will show. The Directors met at the Banking House on Monday, 12th inst., and elec ted the following officer.-, Hon. J. A. Gamble, President, J. J. Sanderson, i Cashier; there was no teller elected. — ! Jcreey /Shore 1 alette. Oct 15 We publish the above item of uews, as evidence of the consistency of the Hunk or Democracy on the Banking question. The leaders of that party are always talking against the Banks, and yet they are the most active in starting one when ever there is a dollar to be made by the 1 operation and mote than that, they have made the system of Banking in this state, the most favorable to Banks of any of tho surrounding statos, and therefor a the most unfavorable to the people. The people Jersey Shore are nearly equally divided in Politics, and yet when a bank is to be startvdf three-fourths of its managers are hunker democrats. We presume the same rule will hold good throughout the state. Hence the Banks had no trouble in getting just such Leg islation at the extra session as tl.ey de sired, although one branch of that body profess/ i/ to be anti-Bank. \v hat ilun -1 ker democracy u cm the Bank question, it is on every other —just what will sc ' cure the greatest amount of spoils. Ziaiisa* to he a Free State. Already the good effects of the late election iu Kansas are being manifested. The Chicago Timeti has the credit of re ueciing the sentiments of Senator Doug ! Ifts, tl)e most influential of the Buchanan ' supporters in the Free States. And thus the Times speaks of the late election and the Constitutional Convention: "What that convention will do, or what ' it will not do, we have not the means of knowing. But we know that any attempt . to force a pro-slavery constitution upon | the people without the opportunity of vot ing it down at the polls, will be regarded, after the recent expression of sentiment, 1 as so decidedly unjust, oppressive and un ■ worthy of a free people, that the people of the United States will not sanction it. it would add thousands to the vote of the , Republican party in every State of the Union, and give to that organization what . it has never had yet —a show of justice and truth. To the democratic members of that convention, the course is plain. — j The people have decided in favor of a Free State —though they have not vmcd |iu the naked issue of "Free fctate" or 'hSlave State," they have voted practical ly it} fayor of a Free State. Two-thirds •of the democratic party in Kansas have 1 voted with the "free-state" party at the >, recent election, in order to make the pop . uiar decision more emphatic. As Kau r j sas must be a free state, even those per sons iu the territory who are known as pro-slavery men must recognise iu the - late election a decision which must not be slighted nor put at defiance. To that . expression of the popular will there should be u graceful, if nut a cheerful submis sion. Kansas is to be a free state ! That fact l}cing ascertained, let the convention - frame a constitution to suit her best in * terosts upon all other questions, and let the prohibition of sloven/ be put into it, I < lair/i/, and icithmit quibble,plain It/ with out disjuise, ej/tl icitty, broadly and firm ly. Let the eonventioujhen submit that , constitution to the people. Ifjtbeadopt / ed, Kansas will come into tho Union at the next session, and the Republican par ty will expire fur waut of sustenance." t These are sensible views, and if they - in | been generally entertained for the ; past two years, by the party to which the j belongs, there never would haveji been any trouble in Kansas. But though 1 Lite iu adopting them, we hail them us;; | an evidence of the triumph of Freedom • i in Kansas, the niost important political i ! triumph ever achieved on this Continent. 1 - • The Free State men of Kansas, are enti- : : tied to as large a meed of praise, as the i men of 177 G. As to the extinction of the Republic can party, by means of admitting Kan- : ?as as a Free State, opponents are welcome to that opinion if they will but ' aid in the work. TJie Spirit ofthe S!a\c rower. Some months ago, a Col Netherland. 1 member of a Presbyterian Church in Ten nessee, caused a colored man, which he , claims as his property, to IK- SO inhuman- • !v llctrgcd, as to arouse the indignation of public sentiment of even aT'lav-e Slate. The facts coming to the knowledge of tho the Rev. Samuel Sawyer, pastor of the church to which Col, Motherland belongs ed, he advised Mr. N. to appear before ihe Senior of the Church and satisfy that b'.Jv of his innocence. li>:te:CN>f doing so christian an act, this genuine speci 'men of American di.spoti-i.q turned on' the minister for his lntcvleregsjm and drove him from the pulpit he haa us-a pastor occupied for many years. The following extracts from Mr. Fawyor s sec ond letter to the public, will show how the Slave holders treat a minister of the Gospel, who will not keep silence as to their cruel treatment of Slave?. "Furious threats were made by the Netherland party after iny "Circular" was published, such as commitment to th>. Penitentiary under the stat utes of ISJS, and personal violence ; bti% "none of these things moved me, as I had determined neither to run away nor; to be driven away from the line of duty. The nouro-trader, Mr. Blevins, assaulted me in a store at Rogers vi lie with a heavy yard.tick, but Kider Johnston interposed, and, as some one observed, "eoul l have thrashed the ground with him" and would have done it if lie had continued the assault. Disappointed in the result of this attempt at intimidation, Mr. Moth erland s nephew undertook a oowhiding. Remonstrances were in vain, lie struck at me twice with the cowhide, and then in self-defence I choked him some time against the counter, which moderated hi.-, zeal so that he abandoned the idea. Mr. Netherlands brother-in-law went M art it was said, as to remark that lie "could stand by and see me garroted on the streets of Rogersville," uud all because 1 had called the attention of the Church to 1 tiie offences in which Col, N. was > eated, but which, to my utter ustonish - ment, they, as a family, were disposed t<; justify. The family, in connection with the negro-traders and a few others, in all j about one-tenth the members of the Cmtrch, determined that I should not preach my , farewell sermon in our Church, and they . arbitrarily locked the Church door against the Sunday School, and a part of the KI ; ders, and a majority of the Church-raem bers and congregation who disapproved of such proceedings. : "And yet Mr. Netherland would have the public believe that he lias through out these rumoured cruelties and Church disturbances acted the part of a moderate, ' a reasonable and a Christian man. — Throughout his statement the reader, it i lie can wade through it miserable gram , mar and wretched composition, will per ceive that lie has kind and gracious words and gentlemanly address for the negro trader. but the absence of all these when speaking of a minister of the Gospel." Such is the legitimate fruit of Slavery wherever it may be found. Its wholcg ( power and spirit is brutality, injustice , and barbarity. Hence the murders, frauds and sacking of Towns, which have mark ed the track of the Slave Power in Kan , sas. In view of such facts as this Netlr ian d affair, which are of frequent occur rence wherever Slavery exists, is it not ' incredible, that jrrt/jrssirtg Christians at the North will still persist in giving the ! right hand of fellowship to the Slave huld ; ore, and thus encourage them to continue in their sin of Slave whipping, breeding, and all the villainies connected with the system, If Northern Church members . would entirely withdraw their support of . Slavery, the monster iniquity would sick - en and die at once. But instead of this, there is scarcely a Church iu all the North ' but what contains leading members who t have "kind and gracious words and gen t tlemanly address" for the slave holder, 1 "but the absence of all these when speak ing of (an anti-slavery) minister of the ( Gospel." Some such will go so far in . their devotion to Slavery, as to accuse t their Presiding Ulder with being bribed . to preach anti-slavery, and should the minister in charge undertake to call tho , offending member to an account, ten to . one, if he does not fare in kind with the t Rev. Samuel Sawyer of Tennessee. J. S. M. p "DEAR JOURNAL: Brother Jona c; thank imports for the last few years have c; exceeded his exports by several igiilions of dolluns Annually and many of his boys, j like good children, have followed his ex ample and bought more than they have paid for, till at lort their notes are protest ed, and now, Brother Jonathan and his boys finding themselves without money and without credit, conclude to ' sus pend.' MCHENRY." OCT. 15,1857. i ousislcncy. The following extracts from three let-{ ters, all voluntarily written by James Buchanan within the past nine years, need no comment-: JAMES BUCHANAN IN 1848. "Having urged the adaption of the Missouri Compromise, the inference is irresistible, that Cavgrcss, in my opinion, jfOsset&'S jourr to legislate vjton the ■ ■ b put *f slavery in the territories, —• Letter to Sanjbrd. JAMES BUCHANAN IN 1853. "This legislation —the Kansas ami Ne braska Bill —is founded on princif .i-s as ancient as free government its< If. and accordance with them, lots simp; declar- d nut the 2><"plc oj a territory, iii.e thus. i f' <i stuff, shad tit ><!•' for tin i. <> !r< s i hetia r < shivery shaft or not * .its' Kith' th'ir limits." —A'e,ptam t of Honiinatii .< for thf Presub net/. PRESIDENT EUCIIANAN IN 1 "7. " Slavery existed at that period [when the Kansas and X hraska was pas - ed] and still exists in Kansas, under the constitution of the United States. This point has at last been decided by the highest tribunal known to our laws. L'uw it could ever have been seriously doubted is a n:ysfr,y. ]J a eon federation <>j so ve rsion states acquires a H tv territory at tar ejrjH'iisi at tunr common bloat I and treasure, surely one set a J tin parties cvu have no right to exclude the other from its enjoym nt, lay prohibiting; thrm from ta/iing into ilwfigtef!et r ~vsrecognized fob- lay a common constitiaion. L< Iter to the A - ic Ilucen Memorialists. SENATOR SUMNER. —A private letter from Mr. James lb H; guc, of this city, who is now in pe, furnishes very agreeable intelligence respecting the Hon. Charles Sumner, Mr. Hague sp mt a day in company with Senator Sumner, and thus writes respecting the state oi his health : " lie converses without the slightest degree of that cervousne-s which one might expect after reading those para-, graphs in the newspapers which make it out that he is in a precarious situation still. I doubt whether his health was ever mtirh better; he looks remarkably well. lie was on his way from Avon a to| Turin, and thence over tlie Circuit Ft. Bernard into That nee again, having been in Switzerland a week or two.''-— Albany Journal. Tire RepuhlUtui TriumpU !JS Ohio. Tiiie re-election of Governor Chase, of I Ohm, we believe is no longer doubtful.' His majority is likely to exceed a thou sand. In Hamilt >n county his vote ex ceeds that given for Fremont last year, and doubles the vote he ree ived there ; two years ago. The result is a gratify ing one in every point of view. It is the . . most complete political victory that the Governor has achieved. His previous successes, numerous as they have been, were obtained partly through the divis ion of his opponents, lie was elected to the l ulled States Senate by a minority ; and when he first ran for Governor, had the opposition bicn united, he would hftve been defeated by ab >ut ten thou sand votes. In the lute election the op position vvefe united; the vote of the Americans wufcAoo inconsiderable to be chronicled by the Ohio .Dress, their mer ges in the administration party having become absolute; so that the vote just given was a fair test of the opposition strength of the state. In the tw° years of his gubernatorial administration Mr. Chase has built up Hie Republican party from a small plu rality to a majority, and had placed the future administration of its chairs upon a firm basis. lie has purified it of its secret foes as well as of its transient and unreliable allies, and has consolidated all the friends of freedom and economy into a compact political organization. 'llns is the fruit of wise statesmanship; it is ripened confidence which his good sense, probity and forcast have inspired. No one who looks at his administration with out prejudice, any longer doubts that, like Saiil in Israel, he is superior by head and shoulders to any Governor that Ohio ever had before him. Governor Chase is one of the few men now in pub lic life, who has alway been taithfui to his convictions, and whom no immediate or prospective political advantage has se duced into improper dalliance. The Cincinnati (Jazcttc thinks that the rest of the Republican State ticket is. elected, with the exception of Blickens d.-rfer, but for whose nomination the . triumph of the Republicans would have been more unqualified. It attributes the Governor's large vote in Hamilton i county to the fact, that Bliekensderfcr . was repudiated by the Republicans.— \X. li Eve. Post. i - * ' - Goiiin ww\ Ceinihi. Harper's Magazine, fur Novcn,], on our table, full, as usual, of fVt literature. This numb, r closes tl. <•,> umo of 1857 : —the Volume fir K. commences with the December ima i, See the Prospectus in another column leims ax. Large Part. —Dr. Amos French, . f this village, last week preterit. lus v."y a " Great AYR mot" Bec-t, which v, ! eight and a half pounds, and mcanuN.} twenty-one inches in r ; i: • .. ( n tins be beet-nut \W;I c lvt up I, ifg can. Harpers b <•:. y, has attained to tW position of'a first-class illustrated lit.-r.-v I paper, and is fast growing into the fav., r of the public. *V e have rend it for nearly a year, and can find no fault with it.- lit. erature or illustrations, aud can che tfully commend it to those who desire such paper, £fie the IV. speclus in ruothr coluuiu for terms, etc A. line - / s S ir-xip- 'rilla. —This wefnder. lul rotorativc and purity tag imdicine is in w t '.e sub yet of general conversation in every section of the Fui -n. Tba 1 any an i surprising cures, csp .-i '.llv f a eh.- of dV-ases (which the p--.;'(..<4>, aekm vh- lg"'b"yond medical j. : . v rend trod its name fansuu out the land, whilst it is a em .*• the afuicted to learn, that in t • rt ■ i.y is concentrated the greatest blessing on earth —perfect health. — Ear V-r. DIED. In Corning. Oct. IH, Mrs. LOCHIA F. PACKRB, wife of Mr. Jumes M. Packer, (Foreman of the Corning Journal Oitice,) aged twsaty-eveii cars. She left five children, one hein? an infant a I few months old, to bewail hereafter 'he loss of one of the kindest of mothers, whose Uiq was constantly devoted to promote ccr;- fort and welfare, and whose wort t-ven t s eldest is too voting to cpprei iate. < r rom;-; - bend the severity of the s.ia herein re.em. [The above comes to us in F Journal , and we learn tnat Mrs. Tsckei fornioilv resi led i.i this plac . 1 hus band b.-itig connected witli th. I . ■ Journal. | Cornell J" Co. a gift bok concern in New York sends us a double - k -.1 | column advertisement, whi h th y r - . quest us to in.-ert four trues a:: 1 r 'owe ■ ;ur pay iu bmtks, a list of v. .eh vtslx prices is attached for us to s 1 ft fr which we must accept uu'-.i tie < - re ponding ( J'J S • The c.dire cata logue would not pay * r the room they desire in our paper, at ur icv. t cash i price. Feud alurg 11 in c h gcv.tlo men and we will lake \h ; u. m g'• rg • your"ad" a place, as y- ur y :t. i 1 ur ofiev is an insult. V e ;i;i :'ipi • - ivhvin we can afford it —but v ■ must forego too extensive reading tin - i rJ ■ t lines. Man Lost —round Dead in tin 11" • -—(.hi Tuesday of last week, Mr. (iAW'.ir.L. BARNES, of Oswayo township, in this county, start, d< ut bunting. Not return ing that night, his friends felt anxious but did not exert then:selves fit tb-e wr his whereabouts until the next mornn .. when they began to inquire ; mong tko neighbors to learn whthev anyone lad seen him. Nothing was heard of l.iiu all that day and bight, and on Thunday morning a few of the neighbors started out in search of him, hut did net find him. A general rally was mad-- on In dav morning, and aboht 2 ;, J nmn .'.ait all day in searching for hiiu on the vari ous courses he was thought to ha ve takmi, but were unsuccessful. An arrangement was made for the next day, and the com pany were separating, when a lew p sons who waded the Oswayo Creek a few rods south of Mr. Bobbins Brown's hoims, accidentally found the dead body of fir Barnes about fifteen rods from the cr-Jfi lying upon the face, and without any P* peivntncu of a struggle or wound. IB gun was about four rods behind the bauy, one barrel of it discharged, apd tlw c;l f on the other tube exploded. It also h ; - the appearance of having been used as a support in wading the creek. Mr. Barnes had waded the creek, at a well know ford for footmen at the mouth of Bast Hollow, and was going directly towards Mr. Bobbins Brown's hou*c, about 11 miles below Millport, and was v> ithiu 00 or 70 rods from the house when discovered. Mrs. E.L. Graves heard the repert oi * !iun and a m;;n hallo about nine oelccfi on Tuesday night, and called the attcm tiou of her husband, (tbev being in ben- 1 to the fact; but. he told her it was ig* hands of Burdick's saw mill, a '♦hurt an- I tauce off. li is supposed to have bceu Mr. Barnes in distress. It is supposed that Mr. B. being tea exhausted by a hard days trevel. •* chilled by the water, his strength trve way and he died on Tuesday night. ( was buried on Saturday. He leaves a larce family and circle oi lrhnus ■ mourn his loss.