OCR Interpretation

The Potter journal. [volume] (Coudersport, Pa.) 1857-1872, November 05, 1857, Image 1

Image and text provided by Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86081096/1857-11-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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TJaos. N. ( llano,
To" wli*ra all Letters! and Coniniuaicatioa*
should be addrcjsetl, tu secure attention.
Terms—lvsu-iully in Advance:
81 .'l~ per Annum.
Terms of Advert ising.
1 Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, - - - 3o
\ " " 3 •' - - - $1 50
£nch subsequent iuscrticn less than 13, 35
i Square three luouths, ------- 25u
i 14 six " ------- 4 uo
S " niue " ....... 5
- 6 00
itelo and figure work, per sq., 3 i-iij. 3 UO
A very subsequent insertion, ----- 50
i Column six laontlis, - - 13 Oo
j '• " " ------- io oo
i " 44 7 00
14 per year, 3o Ou
.%• " " '' -------- 10 00
Administrator's or Executor's Notice, 200
Auditor's Notices, each, ------- 150
fcli:r-d"s Sales, ptr tract, ------ 1 r.o
Marriage Notices, each. ----- -- lOu
Itrssincs- or Professional Cards, each,
*ot excelling 8 lin*?. per year. - - 500 '
special and Editorial Notices, per line, 10
BoTAH transient advertisements must be,
paid in advance, and no notice will be taken
of advertisements from a distance, unless thev i
are eccompauied by the money or satisfactory
* y - ■- e? ■ - . ■ A;■
Pu3inrss Curb.
Coudorsport, Pa., will attend the several •
Courts iu Potter and M'Kcau Counties. All j
bar.ncs entrusted in his care will receive j
prompt attcution. Office on Main st.. oppo
kite the Court llouse. ]<. l '
f. XV. KNOX,
At TORNK\ AT LAW. Coudcrsport. Pa., will
regularly attend th • Courts in Porter and
the adjoining Counties. 10:1
Coudcrsport, Pa., will attend to all business j
entrusted Io his care, v\iih proinptucs and !
fidelity. Office iu Temperance block, sec- j
ud lioor, Main St. 10:1
ATTORNEY AT LAW. t'underspend. Pa., will !
fttumi to ail business entrusted tu him, wit!) .
care and promptness. Office coiner of Wesl !
and Third sts. ] 0:1
ATTORNEY AT LAW, WHUboro', Tioga Co. j
H-i.. wtll attend the Courts in Potter au ! j
A Keau Counties. 9:13 j
A i TOktNh\ AT LA v\ .\\el Is boro , Tioga Co i
. w.ll regularly attend the Courts 1|
Potter County. 0:13 i
iiond P. 0., (Allegany Tp.,J Potter Co.. Ph.. !
will attend to ali business in his line, with '
care mjl dispatch. U:33
NCKIJ. !tjnetliport. M'l\ui Co.. Pa., wiilj
aitfiid to business for non-residcul land-!
'noiders. upon reasonable terms. Reteren- I
cos given if required. P. :s.—Maps of an;
part of the County made to order. 'J:it:
respectfully informs the citizens of the vil-'
luge and vicinity that he will promply re
spyud to all calls for services.'
I)flice on .Main -t.. iu building formerly oc
cupied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. Si:23
e. s. josrs. lewis mass. a. f. joxes.
Hardware, Roots A Shoes, Groceries and
Provisions, Main St., Coadersport. I'a.
10:1 !
Oils. Fancy Articles. Stationery. Dry Goods.
Groceries, Main St.. Coudcrsport, I'u.
" D. K fH.MATEI>
t iotiiiug. ("rockery. Groceries, Ac., Maiuot.,
koudctsporl, Pa. Io;i
AZINES and Music, N W. corner of Main
*".•1 third it? t Cyadersport. Pa. 1U: I
/BWELLEtI. fonder port. Pa., having engag
ed a window in Schootnaker A Jackson's
bn.rc wij] cajrv on the Watch and Jewelry
buiiuess there. A tine assortment of Jew
elry constantly on hand. \\ atchvs and
• rwelry earefnlh repaired, in tlie best style,
ft. the shortest notice—ali work warranted.
iiLN iiT jToLMSTL U,
ARE, Main =t., nearly opposite the Court •
Rouse, Coudcrsport, Pa. Tin and Sheet
Doa V,'a>r. npuue t M order, iu good style, on
notice. lb:i
r - OLASSMIRE, Proprietor, Corner of
Main and Second Streets, Couucrsuuil, Put
lr Co., Pa. h:4 l
A L LEG ANY liol\SE,~
MILLS, Proprieior, Colesburg.
i otu-r Co., ycvca miles north of C-ou- I
on -.be Wcllsv.ik Koad.
B , ni^mi
fflfftftl Ipfiftrif.
The ii Rowing Poem was wriiien by James
> Hoddorv. ick, a Scotch poet little known in this
j country. Who that ever lost a brother or
, sister could read these lines without a falter
j in the voice and a tear in the eye ?
They tell me, first and early love
( Outlives all after-dreams;
But the memor . of a first great grief
To me more lasting seems.
The grief our dawning youth, j
To memory ever clings ;
And o'er tie path of future veers
A lengthened shaddow flings.
1 , !
On ! oft tr.y mind recals the hour,
When to my father's home
Dcutli onnie, an uninvited gnest.
From his dwelling in the tomb:
I had not seen his face before—
I shuddered at the sight:
And I shudder yet to think upon
The anguish of that night.
A youthfal b r ov and ruddy cheek
Became all cold and wan :
An eye grew dim iu which the light
Of radiant fancy thorn-:
Cold was the cheek, and clear;
The eye was fixed and dim ;
And one there mourned a broth -r dead,
Who would have died lor him !
I know not if'twas summer then,
1 know not if 'twas Spriug;
But if the birds sang ou the trees
1 did not hear tlnur sing;
If dowers came forth to deck the earth, 1
Tneir biooui 1 uid not see ;
I looked upou one wituered tiower,
And none else bloomed for me I !i
! A sad and silent time ii was
Within that house of woe : 11
All eves were dim and overcast,
And every voice y aa low ; ! (
And from each cheek at intervals (
The blood appeared to start, j.
As if recalled iu sudden haste
To aid the sinking heart!
Softly we trod, as if afraid
To mar the sleeper's sleep,
And stole last looks of his sad face
For memory to keep.
' !
With him the ngonv was o'er,
And now the pain was ours :
As thoughts ot his sweet childhood rose.
Like odor from dead Howevs !
An I when at last he was borne afar
From the world's weary strife,
| How oft in thought did we again
Live o'er his little life.
Ills every look, his every word,
His very voice's tone,
Came back to us like things whose worth. ;
Is only prized when gone! ;
That grief has passed with years away, •
And joy has been my lot ;
But the one is long remembered,
And the other soon l'orgot !
The gayest hours trip lightly by,
Aud leave the faintest trace :
But the deep, deep track that sorrow wear* j (
No time can e'er efface.
Clio iff IHatiiiirr.
i V. fmj
!Ii 51 X 8S ¥ <k Ek 39 i; SI Sit B £ i". 5t O \
A boy is a piece of existence cjuite sep
arate from all things else, and deserves
separate chapters in the natural history
of man. The real lives of boys are yet
to be written. The lives of pious aud
good, which enrich the catalogues of great
publishing houses, resemble a real boy's
life about as much as a chichen picked
and hurled oil a spit, and ready for deli
cious eating, resembles a free fowl in the
i fields. With some few honorable excep
tions, they are impossible boys with in
creased goodness. 1 heir piety is mon
strous. A man's experience stufied into
a little boy is simply monstrous. And
we pre soundly sceptical oi this whole
school of jjate t/c joia yras piety. Ap
ples that ripen long before their lime ate
either diseased or worm bitten.
So long as boys are babies, how much
they are cherished 1 But by-aud-by the
cradle is needed for another. From that
time a babe becomes a boy, until he is a
i young mau, he is in an anomalous condi
tion, for which there is no special place
assigned in muure. lliey are always in
the way. They are always doing some
thing to call down rebuke. They are in
quisitive as monkeys, and meddlesome
just where vou don't wish them to be.
{i.iivub io fyi fr-i.Ktjjieg of Jhfi iQcmvEvih qoO Uw Qksmimti) of ijjiTq% £ifctyft|N poD 1/ctoi.
! Boys have a period of mischief as mud:
as they have measles or chicken pox.—
They invade your drawers, mix np youi
tooth powder with hair oil; pull your
laces and collars from their repositories :
up set your ink upon invaluable manu
script; tear up precious letters, scatter
your wafers, stick everything up with ex
jperimental sealing wax, and spoil all your
pens in the effort to spoil all your paper.
: Poor boys! AY hat are they good for ?
j ft is an unfathomable my.-tery that we
come to our manhood (as the Israelites
| reached Canaan ) through the wilderness
|of boyhood. They arc always wanting
j something they must not have, going
; where they ought not to be, coining where
; they are not wanted, saving the most awk
| ward things at luo most critical moment.
I- • ,
They will tell lies, and after infinite pains
to teach them the obligations of truth,
: they give us the full benefit of frankness
' and lite rain ess by blurting out before eoui
j pany a whole budget of family secrets. —
; Would you take a quiet nap ! iSlam bang
go a whole bevy of boys through the
: house! litis the nervous baby at length,
I .'
after all manner of singings, trottings,
| southings, and maternal bosom opiates,
ju.-.t fallen asleep ? Be sure an imnianner
iv boy will be on baud to bawl out for
permission to do something or other
which he has been doing all day without
dreaming of leave.
The restless activity of boys is their
necessity. Tu restrain it is to thwart na
ure. We need to piovidc for it. Not to
attempt to find amusement for them : but
to give thorn opportunity to amuse them
selves. It is astonishing to see how lit
tle it requires to satisfy a boy's nature.
First in the list, I put strings. What
grown up people find in a thousand forms
of business aud society, a hoy secures it:
a string! He ties up a door for the ex
quisite pleasure of untieing it again. He
harnesses chairs, ties up his own fingers,
halters his neck, coaxes a lesser uicliin
to become his horse, and drives stage —
which, with boys, is the tup of liHinau
attainment. Strings are wanted for snares,
fur bows and arrows, for whips, for cat's
cradles, for kites, for fishing, and a hun
dred things more than I recollect. A
knife is more exciting than a string, but
docs not last so long, and is not so vari
ous. After a short time it is lost or bro
ken, or has cut the fingers. But a string
is the instrument of endless devices, and
within the management and ingenuity of
a boy. The first article that parents
should lay in, on going to the country, is
a large ball of twine. The boys must
not know it. If they see the whole ball,
the charm is broken. It must come forth
mysteriously, unexpectedly, and as if there
were no more.
For indoors, next, we should place up
on the list pencils and white papar. At
least one hour in every day will bo safely
secured by that. A slate and pencil arc
very good. But some children always
aspire to what men do, they account the
unused half .of a letter and a bit of pencil
to be worth twice as much as any slate.
Upou the whole, we think a safe strcai i
of water near by affords the greatest
amount of enjoyment among all natural
objects. There is wading and washing;
there is throwing of stones, and finding
of pebbles; there is engineering, of the
most laborious kind, by which stone are
made to dam up the water, or to change
the channel. Be.-ides these things, boys
arc sensitive to that nameless attraction of'
beauty which specially hovers about the
side of streams; and though they may not
recognize the cause, they are persuaded
of the fact that they arc very happy when
there are stones with gurgling water
around them, shady trees and succulent
undergrowth, uioss and water cress, in
sect, bird and ail the population of cool
, water courses.
But the boys arc not always boys. All
that is in us is in leaf, is in them in mud.
The very yearning-, the musings, yea, the
very questions which oeeupy our later
years as serious tasks, are found iu the
occasional hours of Luynood. A\ e have
scarcely heard one moral problem discuss
ed in later life that is not questioned by
children. The creation of the world, the
origin of evil, divine foreknowledge, hu
man liberty, the immortality of the sou l ,
h aud various other elements of elaborate
- systems, belong to childhood. Men trace
r t the connections of truths, and their eth
r etical applications and relations, but the
; simple elements of the most recondite
- truths seem to have gained in them very
r 1 little by the progress of years. Indeed,
- all truths whose root :.:-d life is iu the in
r finite and like fixe< stars, w', eh become
. no larger under the nto.-t powo-fnl tolas
? cope than the natural • v e. Their clis
e' tanee is too vast to make any onnroc'aMc
i . . . . *.
s variation in magnitude possible. Thev
> arc mere points of light.
~ i Boys have their soft and gentle words
t too. \ou would suppose bv the morning
1 racket that nothing could be more foreign I
- to their nature than romance and vague!
• sadness, such as ideality produces in
• adults. But boys have hours of great
, sinking and sadness, when kindness ar.d
; ! sadness arc peculiarly needful to them.
It is worthy of notice, how soon a little
- kindness, a little consideration for their j
r boy nature, wins their confidence end ca-
Uresses. Every boy wants ome one older
t linn himself to whom he may go in moods
i . , !
? of confidence and yearning. The neglect
, of the child's wants by grown people, and
- the treating of children as little rattling,
noisy imps, not yet subject to heart throes,
because they are so frolicsome in general,
iis a fertile source of suffering. One of
tlie most common forms of selfishness, is
that which refuses to recognize any expe
rience as worthy of attention if it lies in a
> sphere below our own. Not only ought
: a man to humble himself as a little child,
■ but also to little children.
■j A thousand things arc blamed in them
.-imply because, measured by our man
hood standard, they are unfit, whereas
; upon the scale of childhood they are eun
; gruous and proper. Vfc deny children's
• requests often upon the scale of our own
; likings and disliking:-. We attempt to
• govern them by a man's regimen and not
1 j by a child's.
And yet bad cored, subdued and seold
i ed ou the one Hand; petted, Satiered, and
. indulged on the other—it is astonishing
; how manv children work their way uy to
, |
an honest manhood in spite of parents ami
friends. Huuiau nature has au element
of great toughness in it. When we see
- what men are made of, our wonder is not
- that so many children are spoiled, but
r that so many are saved.
I The country is appointed of God to be
f the children's nursery ; the city seems to
? have been made by malign spirits to de
• stroy children in. They are cramped for
t room, denied exercise, restrained of whole-.
some liberty of body, or, if it is allowed,
i at the risk of morals.
Children tire half educated who are a 1
lowed to be familiar with the scenes and
• experiences of the open country. For
: this, if for no other reason, parents might
make an effort every year to remove their
> children from the city into the country.
For the best effect it is desirable that they
should utterly leave the city behind them.
I It i.-) absurd to go into the country to find
the luxuries of a city. It is to get rid of
tlicm that they go. Men are cumbered
and hampered by too much convenience
i in the city. Tluy grow artificial. They
; lose a relish for natural beauty and the
\ simple' occupations of rural life. Our
■ children need a separate and special train
• iug in country education. Wesendlkcm
to tiie Poly-technique for eight months.
. But for four months we scud to God's
f school in the openness and simplicity of
; the country. A diploma iu this school
! will be of service to body and mind while
i life lasts.
- ♦- -s-
! Tuf Way of Escape. —Some woman,
very likely a sensible woman, (now-a-davs
quite unusual, though we know several
hereabouts,) who has arrived tit phiioso
■ phv through the school of experience or
by the way of tribulation, lias written au
excellent letter to the A'. F. Tribune,
which eon el tides as follows, and which we
commend to our fair readers :
1 4 * We can have no conception of the
U mighty emancipation which a few deter
-1 mined, sensible women can inaugurate in
. our social system. The time we will save 1
, ! tbr nobler and higher duties; the wear and
tear of intellect we will avoid when dress
Gaud dinners are disposed of; thebetterand
".purer tastes we will have leisure to culii
,; rat-4. to sav nothing of the solid each we
■ j > I O
1 will put to our husbands' credit, will bo
> abundant recompense l'or a few petty sac
rifices, and au unusual amount of female
4, ]lesolve from this day forward to take
vour own conscience and common sense
lor your guide; do nothing because it is
, fas'nH nable. but simply because it is right;
iii dress and demeanor, in recreation and
religion, be your own law and leader, aud
the yoke of Fashion will be all too light,
tl- burdi u of follies all too ponderous, to
tempt you ever again to its banners.
Ev'.ry American woman is a princess in
Iter own right, and should prove her title
bv the noble sincerity of her manners,
her queenly independence of thought and
action, and the loyalty of her devulion to
Gie good and true. Her court should
number the men and women whom Got! h;:-
i sent as his ministering spirits on em ih ;
and her coronet will shine on the dav
when lie makes up His jewels in Heaven.''
Fraudulent TT turns of' S'.rteen Hun
dred arid Twenty-Four Yates from
Johnson Count//.
[' orrespondence of the Missouri Democrat."]
Lawrence, K. T m Oct. 15th, 1*57.
Of all the bold and unmitigated frauds
which have been recorded in Kansas,
there has never b "en one chronicled so
unscrupulous, so damnable, so glaringly
unju.-t, so devoid of all the dregs o prin
cipal, which usually lingers iu ruffianly
characters, as the one practised at the
Oxford precinct in Johnson county.—
Men were sent from this place and Wyan
dotte, to the different precincts in John
son county, to bring up the result as
soon as the polls were closed. 1 was in
Wyandotte and saw men who did not
leave untill the polls were closed, and
closed finally in all the precincts in John
son county. They produced the result,
giving the pro-slavery party two hundred
and forty-one majosity. On my arrival
at this place, corroborative news was iu
circulation. No one, free state or pro
slavery, doubted for a moment but what
this district, which includes Douglas and
Johnson counties, had gone overwhelm
ing! \ in lavor ul Lvcdoiu.
Last night the official returns reached
, L X'orupton, and to the surprise of all but
itliose wuo were not implicated, a manu
script just fifty /' /J long was unrolled
; containing sixteen hundred and tw-nt//-

/our cotes all from one precinct, known
as Oxford on the little Fanta Fe.
This neutralizes the entire free state
vote, and gives this district, which elects
three couaeihuen and eight representa
tives, to the pro-slavery party. At thi
rate tliey will have, a majority in the
Legislature. Johnson county polled over
eighteen hundred votes, and not one third
the inhabitants can be found in the coun
ty, to sav nothing of those who are en
titled to the elective franchise under the
six months' proscription. The election
i was rira we, and nowhere in the terri
tory was over live hundred ballots ea ; t in
one day. It is an utter impossibility to
write the names in two days for sixteen
hundred voters, yet Oxford overdoes it.
The truth is this, the polls are closed un
til the news reached them from Douglas
county, iu order that it might be deter
mined how many ballots it would require
to throw the scale in favor of tiie p-/u
- Invites, and all the intervening time up
to the return of pull books, has been con
sumed in adding new names to the list.
The fraud is so bare laced, that even
Driggs, the editor of the Lecomptou AT
tional Democrat, spoke deuuieiatorv of
me proceeding-, aud declared that Stan
ton would never permit the eirtiiicate to
be given to any but those elected by le
gal votes —the free state candidates. —
The ruffians were aware that the election
could not be carried by fair means, and
consequently have resorted to fraud.
They knew a'-o that if the froe state par
ty succeeded, tney coiud say 4> Othello s
occupation's gone." To them it was the
strug-gle ; the intervening space between
them and eternity, if once lost, forever
lost; and a long score of accounts to set
tle, which are of such a nature that it
might cause some of them to 44 stand on
nothing and look up a rope." The Out
rages of'ss have agaiu been enacted;
the ballot-boxes have been invaded ; the
government usurped by pro-slavery dem
agogues, aud their damnable proceedings
investigstcd and sanctioned bv the gny
-r - -* ■ —' - -~J STSX3K ,VT%
cm or and Scc-i ■ f• • c territory. A
" pitiless minority trying by the aid of U.
S. dm goon <5 and a drunken -J;ive-propag.i
. ting governor, to rule wuh the iron heel
of despotism an overwhelming niajoril v.
For three years have the freemen of-this
territory struggled ag-.lnsfc oppress; MI,
forced upon them by t i ■ g moral goverh
ment, and for what; because tliey prc
i fered frcdom to slavery. For three years
the people of tills territory have pet i :!•>?;-
ed and remonstrated for redress of grief
ancos. and for the same length of time
have their petitions been slighted, and
thois remonstranees spurned with eon
tempt to the hat of a more eoutemptabte
rascal than ever Jelt'revs was. Walker
is hut a political trickster, sent here to
revive the vitiated rani s of the p-o
--; slavery party. lie has quartered the
:army of the United States around L- tP
renee for no other purpose than to convey
flic idea inthc east and south, that Imtf"-
r ence is "rebtTious and inmrrcctionnrr,"
and that the real ruffians belong in the
free state party.
Cannon of sufficient size to crumble
the citadels of Russia and of more bodily
calibre than the governor has mental, ar<>
directed upon the city of Lawrence for
the purp <o of carrying bv force what
eon not Iw done by fraud and usurpation.
: j The artillery drill booms forth a warlike
sound upon the cars of a peaceable com
munity. If the spurious b allots are not
cast out, there is but one alternative left
—a resort to arms.
The free men of Kansas deserve to bo
slaves if they permit this wanton outrage
to be fore d upon them, Government is
constituted by the consent of the govern
ed, and the people of Kansas have a
right to say whether they will be bond
or free.
i L J
FT. Lor IS, MONDAY, Oct. 20, IF.'.T.
A protc; t signed by several prominent
citizen of Kansas was filed on the lofli
inst. against the fraudulent returns from
Oxford Frecinct, Johnson County; and
in reply to it, after a personal examiiur
-1 tion, Messr.-. Walker and Staunton pub
lish a proclamation in the II raid of F.-ec
dom of the -kHli, in which they express
a determination to reject the entire
vote of Oxford, and to give certificates to
the Free State candidates. The proc
lamation produced intense excitement
among the extreme Pro-Slavery men, and
threats of ven humce against Gov. Walker
and Secretary Stanton were made.
On the 10th inst. a protest was mndo
'against assembling the the Constitution
al Convention by a Mass Convent". a of
the people at Lecompton.
A POT rx BLOSSOM. —A singular in
cident has occurred at Ithica, New York.
A boy, whose father, Job Xditlirup, ra;d
! His mother died som-'years since, ha been
sick for 'v or seven months. lie lies
1 perfectly helpless, bis limbs arc swollen
remarkably, and ou his legs arc several
sores. From one of them, on Sundry,
Oct. 4th, a stem like that of a total stool,
and about the size of a small pipe stem,
sprung up in lengthabout six inches, ami
upon the t p of this stem a formation took
place, near the size of a four shilling piece.
The edges of the formation were . lightly
• bent over, and tlie face of if, when exam
ined by a microscope, presented the p
--. pcaranc-o of a regular passion Howor. The
formation reiuained throughout tho day,
Lut disappeared the ensuing night.
THE Geary City (Kansas/ Ida has
three editors, whose names and politics
are thus paraded at the head of the leading
'Column of the paper :
EDWIN H. GRANT, Republican.
EARL MAIIBLI:, American.
Each editor ui&r&s his artiele with the
initial of his surname, uud •■pitches in"
according to the bent of his own mind.
At a recent railroad festitival at Cleve
land, iu honor of Mr. John Durand, Su
perintendent of the C. & F. 11. R., Mr.
G. A. Benedict of the II raid } gave the
following exquisite conceit:
Our Mothers —The only faithful (ind
■ ere who uever misplaced a iiilhft.
• r -i :•

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