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Published Every Friday. Volume 2. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING <s<_Company, S h H! Eor B ah! amboz * Agents. SONKSTOVVN PA. ITIK9T NATIONAL BANK ' OF DUSHORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - - $50,000. SURPLUS - - SIO,OOO. Dues a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M. D. 3WARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPORTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours, Oysters and Kame in season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine nnd cigars. Good stable room provided. LAPORTE HOTEL. THOS. W. BEAHEN, Prop. My increased business at the Commercial H< i necessitated more commodious quarters, a . have likewise moved into the large and well appointed Lajiorte Hotel. Thanking my friends for past patronage and re spectfully solicit a continuance of same, I am Truly yours, THOS. W. BEAHEN. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. PROPRIETORS. A hotel of established reputation. Strictly ffrst class in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the be.stof liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LArORTE PA. This larg and we'l appointed hou«»e '• tl.e iu 8t po uarhosteny »n t>iis c» ctioi HILLS GROVE HOUSET SMITHGALL & SICK. First-class accommodations. Centrally located. HILLSGROVE, PA. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSIIOKE, PA. One of the largest nnd best equipped hotel iu this se. tio . of tin- statu. Tale o ( e bo>t. tt.ies I .Ou collar per 'lay. Lai «e Bi I'les. Professional Cards. f~T& F. H. INGHAM, ATTORNEYS-AT- LAW, Legal bu> n> ss attended to in <uis and adjoining oountios LAI'ORTE, p A B. KARNS, . Attorney-at-Law, Prompt and careful attention given to legal business. Office, over Keeler s store, LAPORTE, - PA. £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. \YM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. Oflice in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. ft J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, OFF ICE IK COUNTY BUILDING NKAK COURT HOUSE. LAPORTE, PA Monday ol each week at Forksville. Ellery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. JNGHAM & NEWITT, ATTOH>EYH«AT«LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. l;U So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United .States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United .States courts, and ail the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNST" ATTORN KY^AT-LAW: OFFICH IN PUBLIC BUILDING CJUKT HOUSE SQCARK. LAPOKTE, p A J. H. CRONIN, ATTORKFY-AT LAW, KOTAKY PUBLIC. OFFICE o» MAIN STREET. . DUSHORE, VA JLPHONSUS WALSH, ATTOBNEY-AT-L W. Office in llauk uilding. DUSHORE Republican News Item. ? From the Keystone. ( i STOP YER KICKIN'. r Stop yer kickin' 'bout the times— Stop yer Kick in', git a-hold \ p Git" h hustle 011 you; Of the wheel and turn it. £ 1 Skirmish'round and grab the dimes Non kin never handle gold 3 Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it. J Croakin' never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs from your eyes ¥ Growlin' isn't in it. Stop your blain'd repinin' J \ Fix your peepers on success. An'you 11 notice that yer skies C Then go into win it. Allus'll be shinin' J r Times is gittiir good agin— Ifyou hain't the nerve to try Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. i Don't sit 'round with hang n' lip ; J That is sure to floor you C r Try to git a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN" HAS GOT TO F \ Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. \ When you greet a neighbor: 00 TO THE OLD RELIABLE ■ r Throw your troubles to the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOU WHAT/ Git right down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, 112 An' you'll notice ev'rv day J Things is comin'right yourway. ' £ \ HETTEISBURY, ? £ DUSHORE, PA the jeweler. M. R. Black. Undertaker,_ and Dealer in, KITR VITIT Uh' J- X. -I V> E.&. 3 MANUFACTURER OF LUMBER. FOE.KSTILLE, A.. Undertaking. Lumber; Every facility l»r the proper and. Flouring, moulding, ceiling, siding, lasielul co'iducl of funeral*; tnr finestj etc., on hand, and made lo special order uerse in vli county, and equipments to| on H hoit notice, match; < assets, etc., always in stock. 0 . «. . Furniture; Specialties: Have ju it ordered a new and affrac j ' make a specially of fiie manufac live line of chairs, rockers and otlierj '"re to order of chamber sui s, side board.- i urn itn re for sprint; and su mer ti nde.' bookcases, extension tabes and general A lull line of chamber suit , mattresses. i cabinet work, cant book handles, spud spri ~_'s, etc., all at prices to suit tU| Indies, neck \okes turned from best llmea seasoned ironwood. I Aim in Pivn lb Roci POSSIBLE SERVICE, 1 null lw Ullv 111l Htol ylntf Quality of Good*, at the Lowest I'onxible Price. Estimates cheerfully on general and special work. DVD IR,. BLAOK Forksville, Pa. n. A.Rogers & Son., PA. Our Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, General Store, Hardware, Etc., is complete. 3 ving Purchased at Lowest a rke t Rats, We are Selling ordingly, ALSG A NEW LINE IIF 112/ THE celebrated - •" UP-TO-DATE .... Red Cross Stoves AND v RANGES. EVERY STOVE GUARANTEED. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, -fffii, THURSDAY, JANUARY TO. Claims He Was Given Knockout Drops. A (rial of sufficient magnitude to draw a crowd that more than filled the Sheriff's office was heard before Justice Stormont on Monday, with Atty. Mullen for the defendant and Atty. S. B. Kama pleaing (or the plaintiff in thu larceny case of T. F. Culling vs John Urbenchia, both of Baumtown. The plaintiff claimed the defendant bad administered a stupefying drug with intent to feloniously steal the money lie had about his person which was to the amount of $45 and among the missing. The half dozen witnesses in the case were thoroughly German and when the attorneys began their interrogation,in each case they were stupefied with a mixture of German and English, and it was onlv through the assistance of Judge Kraus as interpreter that the case was tried. The Justice after hearing the testimony discharged the prisoner on the strength of the evidence that claimed the prosecutor had drugged himself with '•o' be joyful" and was not capable of ascertaining where his money had got to. Teachers and Directors Institute. The Teachers and Directors of David son Laporte and Shrewsbury townships, and Laporte boro will hold an institute at Muncy Valley Friday evening Jan. 28th and Saturday Jan. 29 1898. The follow ing program will be carried out. FRIDAY EVENING. Music by Sonestown and Muncy Valley chiors, Pupils representing different schools will deliver recitntions and essays ,md Supt. Meylert will deliver an address. Saturday 9a. 111: Discussion of the following quest ions: Essentials to success in teaching. Rapid Calculation. Object ofTextbooks, Language Training. Teach ing decimal fractions. Afternoon Ses sion, 1:30 ]i. m. when and how should Literature be taught, Antoinette Lancas ter; Practical drawing for busy work T. F. Kiernan; Object of School entertain ments, Anna Biddle; Moral Training, Jennie Roach: How to secure better schools, M. D. Ilorn; How to make Geo graphy interesting, \V. B. Hazzen; The < !.ild considered Psychicaii ,* and Physi callv, A. Dunham; Whisperiag how reg ulated, Nellie Cadden: Enforcement of compulsory school law bv directors, A. A. Baker. In as much as the school prob lem presents a practical and a theoretical side and the teach* province is to man age the latter, the isolute necessity of the directors present-* ;> discuss the practical side is evident tizens are cordially in vited to attend, Bernice. Sleighing parties seem to be the order of the day. For the past week horses and sleighs were at a premium on those beautiful moon-light nights. A sleigh load from Hades passed through this town about 2o'clock Wednesday morning. We may be mistakened as to their place of residence, but if they were where some of the people they woke up wished them they would not need any sleighs. A number from here attended the ball at Lopez Friday evening. They all re port a fine time. The Oregon Indian Medicine Co.showed here all last week to a good size house. The Ladies Aid Society of the Presby terian church will give a supper at the I. O. 0. F. hall on Friday evening, Jan uary 14. All are cordially invited. Rev. and Mrs. J.C. Campbell of Wilkes Barre have moved to this place. Mr. Campbell lias accepted a call as pastor of the Presbyterian church. He will occupy the new parsonage. All the schools reopened here Monday of last week after a week vacation. Simon Fromburger returned last week from a ten days' visit at Greater New York. Misses Nellie and Mary Haley visited friends at Dushore Friday. L. L. Lowrey was doing official busi ness at Ricketts Monday. Mr. James Brown and Mrs. F. Thomp son were united in marriage Tuesday evening, January 4. 1898, by John White Esq. At the regular meeting of the Hernice Cornet Band Friday evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : President, Charles Morter; Vice Pres., William Dempsey; Treasurer, David Pea cock; Financial Sec., Jumes Rutherford; Corresponding Sec., J. S. Ilibband. Rev. Mrs. Rosa C. Allen of Evergreen, who is the guest of Mrs J. 8, Taylor, is holding revival meetings at the Holmes school house, and meeting with good suc cess. The State Line A: Sullivan <oal Co. is putting in the largest stock of logs than they have for some years. Miss Flora Thurston lias returned to school at Mansfield. The Lodge ofl. 0.0. F. Iroin this place attended the installation of officers of the Laporte Lodge Saturday evening. They all went in deighsand report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. C. T, Lilly of Dushore | visited with friends here .Sunday. For February Term of Co. -t. Men who will take the oath of jurors and listen to the pleadings of lawyers : fiRAND JURORS. Philip Gloeckner, Daniel F. Krawley, Washington Barth, Mathew Quin, James Dutter, H. M. Chillson, Edward Schrader, Joseph L. Hoagland, J. C. Robbins, Michael Kahni, Peter G. Swank, 11. D. Lock wood, Joseph Carpenter, August Hartung, John Aumiller, Boyd Bennett, Michael McDonald, L.B. Thrasher, Wm. Hopfer, Preston Crawford, William Rog ers, Thomas Rouse, Alvin Dunham, N.C. Maben. TRAVERSE JURORS, FIRST WEEK. Adam Baumank, Dyer Boston, Chas. Schock, Michael Donovan, Edward M. Schanabacher, A. A. Baker, Carle Erie, Philip Shrimp, Charles Fritz, William Remsnyder, William Leonard, George Snyder, George Bodie, Harvey Laudback Anthoney Robe, William Ryant, R. W. Bennett, George Eberline, Thomas Sheets, J. D. Cooper, John E. Finan, W. E. Starr, John Yonkin 2d, Charles Tinklepaugh, Henry M. Jordan, Charles Little, E. J. Bahl, William Collins, Peter E. Phillips, Albert Meyers, Patrick Leonard, Amos Cox, Carl H. Pardoe, Monroe Painton, Thomas Fell, A. T. Wilcox. TRAVERSE JURORS, SECOND WEEK. William Decker, Joseph Hilsman, Charles Rinebolt, Fred Huffmaster, F. C. Richlin, A. W. Houseknecht, Henry Rinebolt, T. J. Keeler, W. C. Garey, Geo. Fiester, William L. Vough, James Kunes B. P. Ilunsinger, Philip Emig, Ardell Day, George E. Bown,Reuben Hunsinger, Joseph S. Newman, Frank Hazen, Elmer Bedford, W. 11. Taylor, Frank Yonkin, Lincoln Cox, Harry Keller. W. H. Fan ning Levi Ilunsinger, Alfred Dyer. Rush Huffmaster, Malachi Ryan, James Swee ney, D. D. Dieffenbach, William Moran, John Pvne, Reuben Saam, G. W. Bigger, Daniel 11. E^ier. Installation of Officers. District President H. A. Karns installed the offlcere of Washington Camp No. 131 P. O. S. of A. at Gstella on last Thursday night, and on Friday night th-.» officers of Camp no. 639, of Hillsgrove. He also visited Camp No. 220, ofShunk, but did not install the officers as they had not had their election yet. He reports the Camps in good flourishing conditions, and says that the members are active and doing their best to advance the order. Mark Hanna The Winner. Columbus, Jan. 11.—The factional war fare against Senator Hanna is not over. It will have at least one more day of charges and counter-charges. The fight has never been more bitter than to-night. Senator Hanna received 73 votes to-day, a majority of one over all in a total member ship of 109. The Senate voted 19 for McKisson and 17 for Hanna. The House voted: Ilannas6; McKisson 49; Wilay 1; Warner 1; Lentz 1; and one absent. Hillsgrove. F. E. Darbey of Media Run Pa., spent his holiday vacation with friends at this place and Sand Run Farm. Miss Maud Crandall of Alba spent the holidays in our town. District President H. A. Karns accom panied by Delroy Heim of Laporte visit ed the boys of W. C No. 639 P. O. S. of A. while they were here. Delroy visited one of our out of town school mams, and Harry went along to learn to cook. A party of our young bloods took their ladies out for a sleigh ride Friday evening they called upon Mr. Pardo of Estella, all report a good time. Fourteen of our P. O. 8. ol A. boys accompanied 11. A. Karns on his official visit to Camp 220 at Shuuk. A stag party consisting ofG. W. liraum beck, A. S. Galough, 11. 11. Green, F. L, Jinkens, S. F. Galough, P. S. Wager, and Hon. W. Vroman visited John Braum beck of Cascade Sunday afternoon. Our enterprising liveryman Frank Stircklaudof Brooklyn will goto Towan da Wednesday for the purpose of purchas ing a new team. N. L. Clark is the proud father of a new girl. John Dovitt being unable to secure employment lias commenced beating his wife for exercise, we hope the time will soon arrive when the country will be rid of this family. Mrs. Elword Laboe is on the sick list. Our School re-opened Monday alter the holiday vacation, we are pleased to note the success of the schools under the care ful supervision of our teachers Misses Carrie Greathead and Cora Leonard, L. D. Sick in company with his best girl made a cool pleasure trip lo Forks villc Sunday last. Our Landlords are lilting their ice houses. This is an inducement to our young sports to get a skate on next summer. i-50 per. Year. •»# i 4t • Number 35. Duahore. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Infield on Sunday an eleven pound ' ' ' Mrs. fleo. Streby is ill. Mr. and Mr*. John Morrison is on the sick list. Mrs. Coley from lowa is visiting tier Mother Mrs. Baumgartner. Zacli Cole and Miss Mary Conley were married nt Waverlj last week. A test of The water works given on Sat urday by the New Albany Fire Depart ment under the direction of the Boro Council ahd was not at all satisfactory, i The water company claim a pressure of 140 pounds to the square inch yet one man held the nozzle easily with one hand. A fair stream could be throwh With one hose attached but with three hose the stream's could hot reach oveV twtfnfy feet in height. In case'o'f fire when from four to eight streams might be needed at once its use as "sufficient for fire service' would be siinJSlV' a farce. It is ljoped there is fiomelhlng wrong which ban'easi ly be remedied so that wc may yet have the protection we so greatly need. This week we ripcord the death of Ed ward Baumgartn«?r. perhaps fho best known man in this section. He had been sick several weeks with abdominal trouble which terminated ob FVldaViaii.'" EJTwa* afflicted lor a number of years with blind ness but was always happy and cheerful. He had becti newsboy for several yearn; could tell the different papers'tiy the touch, made his'own change and kept his own accounts accurately." Every traveling man was his friend and he knew ' and 'could name each one Tiy his voice. He attended strictly to business and was faithful' to his ditties. He was in his fortieth wir ahd leilves a widowed mother arid a host of friends to mourn his departure. There mains were interred in St. Bali's ceme tery on Monday'. EstoU*. Sleighing is getting quite thin in the warmest places, four or five inches would put it in good shape again. There are more'teams on the road since the snow than was ever seen at one time hauling bark logs and lime. Mrs.Ulvsscs Bifd'rec"d a dispatch from Brooklyn N. Y. that her father was at the point of death; she started the same evening and took the fiftt train it Dushore. Mr. Bird has rec'J a letter' from hie wife that her father was dead when she got there. He was btfrried on Friday. Mrs. S. C. Vargason wis taken danger ously ill Saturday afternoon. Or. Orost was called as soon as possible. At present writing she is much better. Mrs. HatticSmith nee Brown, who has been seriously ill is not mtich improved. Mr. A. B. Mclntire is seriously ill with erysipelas at his home in this place; flu last report was that he wa« still getting worse. Mr, Thos. Fuller of this place was call ed to Proctor Saturday by the serious ill ness of his brother Peter Fuller who i* very seriously ill with bright disease and blood poisoning. Miss Maud Osier ha* returned to Addi son N. Y. fd'finish her trade ofdressmak teg. ' «* Miss Nellie Bird is at Jakersvillc care of Mrs. M. It. Webster.' Miss Georgia Webster is to work lot- Mrs. M. B. Webster at Jakersville. Miss Nellie Webster has returned to New Albany to continue her dressmaking after spending the "hblidats at KotHei " Mr. Harry Kama of Laporte, District President of P. O. S. of A: installed the officers of Washing Camp .Vr>~. 1"1 of K* tella last Thursday evening. A Jolly Sleighing Party. One of the jolliest sleighing parties of the Season visited SonestOWh last Tuesday evening. They came from EagfetfMere and were brought here by Mr.' Dan ley and royally entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Mencer. (tames and music were-rndulged in until 12 o'clock when supper was announced. The table groaned under its weight of delicacies to which all did ample justice. After a few more games the party departed for their home, having spent a very pleasant eveti ing. Those who were present from Eagles Merc were Misses May Menctr, Ethel Van Buskirk, Bernice Be'rkholdcr, Ada Chase, Bessie Cheney, Lydia Sfeincr, Mr. and Mrs. Authur!Lissoii, Messrs. Walter Bennet, Curtis Berkholder, Hafvey Dan ley, Harvey Confer, Floyd and Clarence Dunham. From Sonestown were Misses Leah and Anua Ilazzcn, Ada Hall, Rose and May Simmons, Messrs. Walter ari.l Bert Hazzen, and Spencer ahd Alvab Starr. 'X