Newspaper Page Text
A LESSON IN ECONOMY. How Wealthy BunU Base Prorldes Hl* Wearing Apparel. Mr. Russell Sage of New York, who Is one of the richest men In this coun try and in the world and is famous for his financial shrewdness as well as his habits of economy, came into a meet ing of the board of directors of the Western Union Telegraph company the other day wearing a new suit of clothes, which was at once observed by his associates. They "joshed" the old gentleman as much as they dared, BVBSSLL SAO*. accused him of becoming a dude, and related examples they had beard of men who became fond of v.ress and squandered their money in that di rection in their old age. Mr. Sage seemed rather proud of his new costume, and had a story to tell which illustrated how he made his enormous fortune. He said that while he was walking down the street one day last summer he passed the window of a store in which were displayed several suits of clothes marked $9 each. As the color and style suited his fancy he went in side and examined the material and found it to be excellent domestic goods. As he passed on down the street he thought the matter over, and deoided that as those garments had been made from free wool the price must be very nearly double in case the duty on that article were restored and the duty on imported \ xilen fabrics increased by the Dingley bill then pending. As he wore one suit of clothes a year, he would save $9, and if he bought three suits they would last him three years, and he would save $27. He did not think it advisable to buy more than three suits, because he was an old man, and by the ordinary chances of mor tality is not likely to live more than three years longer. Having reached this conclusion he stopped the next day as he came downtown and bought three suits of clothes at $9 each. One suit he had on, the other two his wife had put carefully away, with moth balls. As under the new tariff he would be compelled to pay at least $lB a suit, or $64 for the three, and had actually paid only one-half as much, or $27. Mr. Sage estimated that he had made a profit of 100 per cent on the transaction—or, in other words, had clothed himself three years for nothing. The Siamese National Air. The European tour of the King of Slam has elicited the fact that there is a Siamese national air, not to say anthem. A great scrambling for Its score, under various arrangements, be gan among the Continental and British bandmasters and orchestra-leaders in general, as soon as the King and his suite were fairly on their travels. One band-master informed the writer of this note that he was obliged to copy the parts for his men in great haste from a scrawled French manuscript, and that when the air was played without rehearsal, "it sounded queerer than It looked" —so much queerer that he was somewhat taken aback at its Oriental intervals, although the King and his suite showed no sign of dis may. He discovered presently that he had confused two or three measures and given their contents to the wrong wind instruments! The air was writ ten by a wandering Italian musician, unwillingly a visitor to Bangkok many years ago, who took a good native tune as the basis of his melody. Novel Cyolery. The inconveniences of learning to ride a bicycle are considerably mitiga ted by the use of an apparatus now adopted by several riding schools in Germany. A miniature railway runs round the school about twelve feet from the ground, and from this are suspended several straps, each one of which is buckled to a machine, In this way keeping it upright. Typewrites With Hl* Feet. Among the pupils in the Industrial School (or Crippled and Deformed Children In Boston Is a boy, born with out arms, who is learning to use the typewriter, manipulating the keys with his toes. He Is a bright little fellow and declares confidently that he vlll soon be able to make money enough to support himself. Extraordinary Monies. Herr Dusen, a German traveler, who has recently explored the west coast of Patagonia, says that mosses of all spec ies are developed there to an extra ordinary degree. They grow in im mense heaps, in which the explorer sank up to his arm-pits. The Increase 0f Suicide. Suicide is alarmingly on the increase in France and noticeably increasing in England. The law of England con siders an attempt to commit suicide a felony. A New Fad. Climbing Mount Washington by • .'■uoulight has become quite a fad. IIE SAVED OREGON. ! ■ REV. MARCUS WHITMAN PRESERVED A STATE TO THE UNION. | Rode Across the Continent to l)o it—News He Brought to Washington Settled the Treaty of 1840—His Life For the Cause— Statue to His Memory. To commemorate the fiftieth anni versary of the massacre of Dr. Marcus Whitman and his wife on November 2D, 1847, the statue of which an Il lustration is here given, was placed on the front of the new Witherspoon building in Philadelphia. It was through the efforts of Dr. Whitman that that portion of our country now comprising Oregon, Washington and Idaho, with portions of Wyoming and Montana, was saved to the Union. Previous to the final establishment of the boundary line between Oregon and the United States by the treaty of 1846, the Hudson Bay Company was In virtual possession of that whole country. It opposed all efforts to civ ilize the Indians, for the reason Chat civilization would interfere seriously with their trade. In 1832 four Indians came from Ore gon to St. Louis, a journey of more than 3,000 miles, for the sole purpose of obtaining for their people the "Book from Heaven," the white man's Bible. It is almost inconceivable that the au thorities into whose hands they fell allowed them togo back to their coun try without the slightest effort to meet their desires. These facts, when they came out, at once aroused the deepest interest. The Methodist Episcopal Church sent out Rev. Jason Lee and his associates in 1834 and in 1835 the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions sent the Rev. Samuel Parker and Dr. Marcus Whitman to explore the country. They reached Vancouver J. I ; MAKCI.'G WHITMAN, WHO PAVED OIiKOON TO THE UNION. ID September, 1536, having journeyed by wagon all the way and having prov ed it possible to take emigrant trains from the Mississippi to the Pacific coast. In 1842 there were 322 Indian fam ilies which, under their tvition, had be gun to cultivate the soil. In Septem ber of that year Dr. Whitman met at a dinner table at Walla Walla several of the chief officers of the Hudson Bay Company, and heard what convinced him that efforts were being made to stimulate immigration from the British possessions and to raise over the whole Territory the British flag. Excusing his hasty departure, he rode twenty five miles to his home, and before he had leaped from his saddle announced his purpose: "I am going to ride to Washington, God carrying me through, and bring out an immigration next season which will save this Territory to the United States." Within twenty-four hours he had started, with one companion, who, worn out by toil and exposure, was obliged to remain at Bent's Fort on the Arkansas River until spring. Af ter suffering untold hardship with hi 3 ears, face and hands frozen, Dr. Whit man reached St, Louis in February, 1843, and on March 3 he arrived in Washington, five months from the time of starting. His first question on reaching civil ization was as to the Ashburton tre.ity. He was told It had been concluded. "How about Oregon?" "Left out of the treaty," was the reply. The whole question of the boundary west of the Rocky Mountains had been reserved for future settlement. Dr. Whitman was able to give such lnformauuu as to the value and the accessibility of the country as determined Amerioan statesmen not lightly to surrender it. Daniel Webster said to him that moun tains and deserts made communication with Oregon impossible. "I took a wagon over the moun tains," replied Dr. Whitman, "and have the wagon now." The same summer Dr. Whitman conducted a party of nearly nine hundred emigrants, with 121 wagons, across the mountains into Oregon and practically settled the question as to which flag should float over that vast domain. Legal effect was given to it by the treaty of 1546. The hostile influences, however, of the Hudson Bay Company and others, contlr. ied to work on the minds of the Indians, with the result that on No vember 29, 1847, he and his wife, with thirteen other persons, were foully; massacred by the people they had come to benefit. Whitman College has since, beea founded theie _ | POPE'S SUCCESSOR. *LL ROME TALKING ABOUT CARDI NAL VANUTELLI'S CAMPAIGN. Imerloan Prelntn Taking an Active Port For the Frm Time—Leo XJII. is GetLlng Feeble and There Is Much Speculation as to Who Will Take His Place. At Rome the all-absorbing topic of ihe hour Is the manner in which Car llnal Serafino Vantelli is canvassing votes for the next conclave, with the abject of securing the succession to Leo XIII., cables a correspondent of the Louisville Courier-Journal. Never oefore has canvassing of this kind oeen carried on in so open a manner iuring the lifetime of any pontiff, and ;he Holy Father is greatly offended by :be behavior of his Eminence. Thoroughly aware that the majority >f the Italian Cardinals are bitterly op posed to him, Vanutelli is endeavoring )y every means in his power to win he suffrages of those of the foreign nembers of the sacred college who nay happen to visit the Eternal City, one of them is permitted to leave he city without having been ener :ained on a most lavish scale at ban luets and dinners given, not by him self, for he Is somewhat close in money matters, but by ecclesiastical friends, who, I need scarcely say, are aliens, one of them in particular being an American. His name is Mgr. O'Con aell, and he was formerly rector of ?! 09 CARDINAL BERAFTVO VANCTELLJ. ■ :he American College in Rome. In ' spite of his having been brought up at | the expense of the church, he is now apparently very wealthy, and his eiab j jrate entertainments constitute a very ' important feature in the Vanuntelli j ;anvass. In any case, the Cardial . and the American prelate are on the most intimate terms, have recently been photographed together, with the ] Cardinal seated on a sort of throne, i and his American friend standing be ! aide, leaning over to him, as if whis ; pering words of counsel in his ear. In this connection a story Is current i jf an Incident which took place at a banquet given the other day by Mgr. I O'Connell in honor of Cardinal Vanu telli. for the purpose of enabling the latter to meet some foreign Cardinal. After the latter had left, the remain der of the guests set aside some of their formality and restraint, and the American prelate suddenly put out his hand, removed the scarlet cap from the head of Cardinal Vanutelli, who was seated on his left hand, and then replaced it, having turned it inside out, so that one saw nothing: but the wh'»e satin lining and none of the red. The meaning of this will be readily unue.- stood when it is stated that the Pope alone of all the members of the Ro man Catholic Church wears a white skull cap. The Cardinal smiled in a sort of pleased way, and then, without saying a word, turned It back with the scarlet outside, and then placed it on the head of Mgr. O'Connell, thus prac tically promising by gesture, and with out making any utterance, that if he ever became Pope he would make Mgr. O'Connell a Cardinal. There is, however, but little likeli hood of Vanutelli ever being elected to the chair of St. Peter. For, in the first place, he has the disadvantage of hav ing a brother in the sacred college, namely, Cardinal Vincent, and, second ly, he is burdened with a perfect army of relatives, some of them employed by the papacy, and others looking for employment. The best known of all the Cardinal's relatives, and probably one of the most influential, is Gen. Kanzler, a Swiss by birth, who is Com mander-in-Chief of the papal army. His wife Is the sister of the two Car dinals. I am assured here that Mgr. O'Con nell has secured the promise of Cardin al Gibbons' vote for the election of Cardinal Serafino Vanutelli at the next conclave. Vanutelli Is likely to enjoy the support of the triple alliance, as the champion of which he poses in j the sacred college. He was formerly nuncio at Vienna, and has spent some ! time in America. I cable this because it is the first time that American prelates are taking part in a campaign which has as its object the election of a Pope. Coitlv Stamps. Two Mauritius postage stamps of the | issue of 1858, belonging to Dr. Le giand's collection, have been sold for 48,000 francs to M. Bernlchon, of Paris. Thore are only seventeen Impressions of those stamps in existence. CiiurrliftA in the Cities. I St. Louis has one church to 2,800 of population, New York one to 2,468, j Chicago one to 2,081, Boston one to 1,. COO and Minneaoolis one to LO5l Hear In a t.oilij'iii; iloilkh. Chief of Police ' £pvinr of M'ssou la, Mont., placed Otto Siegel under ar rest for maintaining a nuisance. The cause or the trouble is the pet bear that belongs to Siege), which has caus ed so much excitement of late In the neighborhood of the Mon— tant Hotel. The latest prank of the bear was his entrance in to the second story cf tha lodging house and restaurant occupied by Harry Sheppard. He went upstairs unobserv ed, and when he got into the sleeping rooms he upset the beds and other fur niture and tore up bedd'ns. Finally he pulled down a cape cor.l .lining two birds and put an end to the inmates of the cage. Suit. Ma le of Skin*. Blue Hill, in Milton, Mass., is famous for Its observatory and its rattlesnakes. To add to its standing among the hills of the country, It has a freak advertis er, so to speak. He is known far and wide as "Blue Hill Bob." His favorite sport Is the killing and skinning of snakes. So many of the rattly reptiles of Milton has he dispatched that he Is able to wear a suit of snake-skin as a result of his labors and skill. It is a weird and scaly garment, but "Blue Hill Bob" rejoices in it. Cow With a Hatpin in It* Heart. Veterinary Surgeon A. M. Coats was called to New Berlin, N. Y., to find out what caused the death of a cow that had departed this life rather mysteri ously. The surgeon performed an au topsy and found in the stomach of the animal a hatpin 5% inches long, which had perforated the pericarium and en tered the heart. A Remarkable Knife. The most remarkable knife in the world Is that in the curiosity room of a firm of cutlers in Sheffield. It has 1.590 blades, and 10 blades are added every 10 years. Another curiosity is three pairs of scissors, all of which can be covered with a thimble. She lea Forty-Xiner. Mrs. Julia Clark of Dallas, Tex., is a survivor of the days of '49 in Califor nia. She was the only woman in the gold hunting party which left New (hie: i:s in July of that : aar. "I Don't Need It." That is the reply often made by men well-to do when asked to insure their lives. Sometimes it is true, but how olten lias it happened that when disease or death has come suddenly the supposed fortune under the dwindling, dwarfling process ol a forced settlement has melted away to nothihg, and how often it has happened when death occurs the life policy lias been the only financial resource left? The great benefits which ready cash pro vide against the uncertainties ol fortune or a forced while an estate is being settled makes it as compulsory upon the wealthy a« upon unv other clans. How many es tates have been saved by the ready money of a life insurance policy? And how many splendid properties have been scat tered and wtißted and lost because there was so much "property" and "so little money." Capitalists, business men, pro fessional men. the shrewdest and most successful of them, recognize the uncer tainties of business and investment and cairy large amounts of insurance. Is it not wise to be upon the safe side and accept their conclusions in this matter. There are many life idsurance companies and many plans of insurance. l>o you want the best for you? If so 1 shall be pleased to talk with you about it—or if you will send your name and age at near est birthday on a postal card or in a letter will bring the desired information. M. A. BCUREMAN, Dushore, Pa. A Horrible Railroad Accident is a daily chronicle in our papers; a'so the death of some dear friend, who had died with Consumption, whereas, if lie or she had taken Otto's Cure for Throat and Lung diseases in lime, lite would have been rendered happier and perhaps saved. Heed the warning ! If you have a cottgl. or any atlection of the Throat and Lungs Call on T. J. Keeler,l.aporte; W. L Hoffman, Hillsgrove; B. S Lancaster Forksville; C. B Jennings, Agt. Estella; .1 no. W. Buck, Sonestown, and get a trial package free. Large size 50c and 25c. STEGMAIER'S LAGER BEER AND PORTER. are unexcelled in the realm of malt beverages. They are brewed by a brewer and matured by nature in one of the most complete breweries in the country, and are guaranteed to be absolutely pure, wholesome and invigorating. Insist upon getting them. mmwm brewing rnmi WILKES-BARRE. Q. A. KLINE, TOWANDA, Is agent for this Beer in Laporte and vicinity. January ; Reminds us of NEW HEATING STOVES. Sft^ ew Ganges, New Steve Pipe, New Stove Repairs, Coal FW5*! Mi m Sieves, Coal Buckets, Horse § jj|||| Jf Blankets, New Bedroom Suits J Apple-butter Crocks, Yardan iers, Feed Cutters, Stone Jugs, 111! 1" v | Easy Chairs, New Lamps. THIS SOLID OAK ane Soat ' * S reates * We are giving it for $2.2$ to our customers. Jeremiah Kelly, HUGHESVILLE. [ HAVING PURCHASED THE GRIST MILL Property Formerly Owned by O. W. Mathers at .this place 1 am Now Prepared To Do All Kinds of Milling on Very Short Notice With W. E. Starr as Miller. Please Give a Trial. FEED OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. W. E. MILLER, FORKSVILLE, PA. N. B. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me, will confer a great favor by calling and paying the amount due, as I need money badly at once. Respectfully yours, W. E. MILLER. January 1898! , Will close all our winter goods and Ladies' Coats and Capes out at nearly half price, in fact, a good many articles at At L ss Than Half Pric . Our stock is very large and prices will be no object. We here mention a few prices exactly as we intend to sell. This is no bluff or fake, but a FACT, you can save nearly 40 to 50 per cent, by buying now: Men's suits at 53.25, regular price 8G.50; Men's overcoats at $2.78, are worth 86.00; Boys' suits, 3 pieces, at 82.75, are really worth 85 50; Children's suits at 75c and 81.00. are worth more than double; Men's pants in all vool and all different styles 81.00, are 82.00 and 83.00 values; knee pints at big bargains; Men's undershirts at less than j haff price: all wool socks 2 pair for 25c: heavy cotton seeks 4 pair for j 25c; the largest variety of boots and shoes in this section at prices to suit everybody. Rubber boots and shoes we sell cheaper than any other store in the count} . We will make you such low prices in Ladies' Coats and Capes That you will surely be surprised. All we ask is to call and see | them. We will be glad to give you our best prices. Ladies' coats in the latest styles at 82.75, regular price 87.00, we only have about 15 of these coats left in blue and black, rough goods: Ladies plush capes at 55.00, regular price 69.00; extra long plush capes at 87.50; a big variety of Ladies' ceatsat 84.50 and 85.00; Ladies' cloth capes at §2.25, less than half price, they are heavy and good length. Me have about Children's coats, age from 4 to 12 years, in very fancy patterns and in the latest styles, at nearly half price. We cannot mention all of our goods but whatever you may need in our line we will sell accordingly. We will surely sell as we advertise as our stock is very large and we must sell. Prices Will be no Object. We have good attendance and .are always pleased to show our stock whether you buy or not. You can buy here now for SI.OO as much as other places lor 82.00. We find this to be a fact. I The Reliable Dealer in Clothing Jacob Per Boots and Shoes. U HUGHESVILLE, PA.