News Item.
THURSDAY. JAN. 20, 1898-
;; OF !!
kbe i:
{ ITtcm
j| Is more
I Prominent 0
0 than its ||
J Absolute a
<> to the
i| Mews |
That is one j>
(i Reason for its <►
0 Superb Value J|
|| as an Z
* Hbvertising jj
| flfoeMum. J
County Seat Indices.
'Twas the Ringdale sleigh-ride, with its merry
In it<enchantment b»und her:
He kept one hand ui*>n the icins,
But put an arm around her.
And in blissful close embrace they sat
Like brother and like sister;
But the moon knew they lovers were
Because he up and kissed her.
(Show him to me.)
—Have you paid your taxes.
—Tliis month has got a generous share
of wHshday.
How many New Year's resolutions
are in a good state of preservation yet.?
—lf ino'iey is scarce it is perhaps he
cause ihere is so much change in the
—The Democrats having been beaten
at Columbus, now turn hopefully to Phil
—There is one handy thing about run
ning a newspaper—we don't need a cash
For rent or snle.wood-working factory
and saw mill. Address,
B. M. STONE, Stull, Pa.
—The weather clerk during this month
would seem like aanus of old to have be
come two-faced,
A s'eighload of jolly young people
from Satterfielddrove 10 this place Sun
day evening.
—Does it indicate an early spring when
Democratic candidates for Sheriff emerge
before groundhog day.
—Joseph Robbins one of the old resi
dents of Nordmont, died at his home Jan
uary 13, of heart disease.
—Every man always wonders why in
tlir world other men do not have enough
sense to get in out ot the wet.
—The County Auditors completed their
work of examining the accounts of the
county officials this week.
—Abraham Lincoln said: "I don't
think much of a man who is not wiser to
day than he was yesterday. "
There is talk of establishing cooking
schools lor men. This isn't such a ridi
culous idea as it may first appear.
—There will be a social dance at the
Kennedy Hull on Friday evening of tbi«
week. All are invited to participate.
—The dedication services of the new
Baptist church are to be held January 30.
Special announcements will appear later.
—The Iriend who accepts without ques
tion anything you choose to tell and does
not question about that which is left un
said is a rare and wonderful personality.
Washington Camp No. 249 P. O. S,
of A. a>e having the room over the pool
room in the Kraus building tixed up lor a
hall. When occupied it will be nice and
—lf ones brain could be as active in
origination fiction as in dwelling on tht
various phases of reali'y superb novels ol
unusual interest would be a drug on tht
—A Ne»» York jury has valued fl
woman's j .wlioiH at SIO,OOO, which sonn
henpecked husbands art likely to considet
a pretty high figure
—ll a n tia was sworn in Monday. Thif
is his last swear of the hot campaign, anrl
is now probably sighing for more terms
to conquer.
—Dave Hill and Dick Crocker are gO'
ing to lock horns. The comfortable thing
about it is that we will be happy which
ever of them gels licked.
—lt was remarked the other day that
a woman with a large nose invariably
wants her own way. The same is alsc
true of a woman with a pug nose a short
nose or any other nose.
—By the culture test Dr. Glasaard o'
Williamson, proved that the case a,
Laporte Tannery also that at Proctoi
as anthrax, were not thai disease, and «
•sported it to the Uuiou Tanuing Co.
j —A Sons-of-Veteran Camp has been j
organized at Benton, Pa., to be known as
the "Russet Kama Camp-of Sons of Vet
erans." The Camp is a large one and has
over sixty members.
Had the bad twig been pruned from
the legal branches sooner, Sullivan county
would have been saved the enormous
cost of a contest suit, pay nothing of the
scores of trifle petit affairs.
—A. E. Tripp in the absence of Sheriff
Swank, was on Saturday deputised to make
u levy on the goods of M. R. Black who
has been in the undertaking business for
the past few years at Forksville.
—Judjre Ikeler, of the Columbia-Mon
tour district, whose term expires with this
year, is a candidate for re-nomination.
W. h. Rhawn. Esq , of Catawissa is also
a candidate for the Democratic nomina
—"Woman, without her, man is a sav
age." This may have b?en true in the
days when the old bard wrote it, but now
a-days there is many a savage woman
without a man, and many a man who
wishes he was a savage.
—The newspaper that hasn't wnrned
its readers against the new and dangerous
counterfeit SIOO silver certificate isn't up
to date. It doesn't matter if neither the
editor nor any of his readers ever had such
a thing in their lives; he must speak of
them as though SIOO silver certificates
were as common as eggs.
—The Muncv Valley Bakery which is
managed in «n up-to-date manner by Mr.
VV. H. Rimsnyder, is making regulartrips
to this place and is steadily growing in
popular favor as a public benefactor. He
has recently secured the service of a first
class baker of Williamsport to take charge
o* the ovens, and is now placing excellent
food on the market.
—The spring election is drawing near
and the voters of Laporte should be cas -
ing ahont for good men to nominate for
ihe ollices to be tilled. Active, energetic,
honest men who have the good of the
whole town at heart should be selected for
councilinen, and broad guaged intelligem
men who have no personal axes to grind
should be put on the school board. It is
of vast more importance to th»> taxpayers
of this borough who shall lie chosen to
do ihe borough legislating, than who
shall be elected governor next full.
—Ulysses Bird of Estella had a runa
way at this place on Monday. He was
engaged in hauling lime and while his
team were eating tieed with their bridles
oil, near the Tannery station, became
frightened and started down the hill by
the dry loft at break-neck speed. At the
foot of the hill one of the horses fell and
the wagon went rolling over the team,
injuring one ot the steeds so badly that
it will probably be valueless.
—Voters of both parties throughout the
county should regard it a duty to attend
the caucus and primaries of their respec
tive parties. Here is the proper place to
make certain of getting good honest com
petent men on the tickets. Don't allow a
few men to dictate the nominees and force
you to ratify their choice when you know
they are not wisely selected. The govern
ment of the Township you live in is more
directly important to you and your inter
ests than the government of the Nation.
Attend the primaries.
—Amid the merry jingle of sleigh bells,
loving manner and honeyen words a num
ber of New Albany boys at this place and
Bume of Laporte's best looking girls en
joyed another sleigh ride to Ringdale
Friday night and spent the hours pleas
antly with Mine Host Miller who allow
ed them the privilege of an old fashioned
hop which was enjoyed 'mid merry con
verse and social jollity. At one time,one
of Bamum's finest (?) was present and
furnished much amusement filling the air
with shoe leather, but the climax was
only reached when it was learned that
he, with his best girl, was part way home
when discovering that both runners of his
culler was rough-licked with log chains.
As we had not the foresight to send our
(■porting editor along the affair is never
likely to be properly described in print
or any creditable account given of Maiphy
who WHS raid to have been enjoying love's
blissful dream at the time when the driver
obvious of time and surroundings save
the fair one by his side, drove over an
embankment causing such a general mix
up that an introduction necessarily had
10 follow. "Podden" furnished the music
and some special entertainment. On Sat
urday several bark teams did not go out.
—lt will now be in order for Mr. Bryan
of Mexico, 10 explain how it is that 1597
proved in he the best business year in t lie
United Slates witnessed hy the present
generation. The explanation Irotn Mr.
Hrvan would he especially fitting in vi»-w
ot liis statements during the last campaign
to the effect that tree coinage wag the
only means hy which this country could
hope or expert to attain any degree of
properity. It may be that Mr. Bryan yet
fails to see anj thing but signs of ten* poary
prcsjierity, but as he has not said any
thing on this subject for a couple of
months, it is to be presumed that he ad
mits what the rest of the United States
Ims gladly proclaimed. Mr Bryan might
obtain some assistance front Dunn's Re
view, a generally aci-eptcd authority,
which among a host of figures indicating
lirospity in various branches, shows that
in failures was not only the best year
since 1K92, but on the whole the best ever
definitely known.
Personal Mention.
—C. F. Cheney ol Eagles Mere was in
town Monday.
—Judge Dunham is in Tunkannock
this week holding court.
—Atty. E. J. Mullen was doing busi
ness in Dushore Friday last.
—Wm. Hartt of Elkland was doing
business at this place Monday.
—A. A. Collinß of Foiksville, was a
county seat visitor on Wednesday.
—J. B. Magargel of Sonestown was
doing business at this place Saturday.
—Gabriel Liteelman of Dushore was
on business at the connty Wednesday.
—Dana Battin of Shunk is visiting
with his friend Lee Voorhees this week.
—Miss Alma Lauer has gone to Phil
adelphia to visit with friends for several
—L. R Gumble is on the sick list with
a bad cold, but is able to be around in the
—Mrs 1. B Seavers af this place spent
last week with her parents and friends at
—Wm. Lord and Jas. Murry of Ln
porte Twp. were on business at this place
—Atty. lt.J. Thomson, of Dushore,was
transacting legal business at the county
offices last Friday.
—Geo B. Danley and John Aumiller
of Eagles Mere were on business at the
county Seat Monday.
—JudgeKrans and brother Henry were
visitors at the county seat on Sunday slop
ing at the Laporte Hotel.
—Alexander, the Bloomsburg cigar
man was in town Wednesday bhaking
bunds aiid taking big orders.
—Mr.jChas Reeder of Hughesville was
the guest of his brother Milton Reeder
the early part of this week.
—L. E. Bartow of Estella was in town
on business Monday and had his name
entered on pur subscription book.
—T. W. Beahen and wife of the Laporte
Hotel spent Sunday*at the home of Com
missioner Secules in Shrewsbuy town
—Dr. C. F. Wackenhuth of Jamison
City and Dr. John Senn of Williamsport
were registered at the Commercial Hotel
—District president H. A. Karns in
stalled the officers of Washington Camp
No. 344 P. O. S. of A. at Sonestown last
Wedneedi) night.
—Mrs. W. B. Ritterof this place and
daughter Mrs. James Brown of Pittston
are visting relaiives and friends in liewie
burg and vicinity.
—Mrs. Clias. Lawrence of Dushore and
Mrs. Julius Vogel of Mildred are visiting
with Mrs. Wm. Dawrence and Mrs. A. J.
Bradley this week.
A. E. Tripp of Laportespent Sunday in
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Byron
' Williams died Monday morning of catar
rhal pneumonia.
John Morgan of Canton was doing
' business in town Monday.
The young people of town enjoyed a
hop at I'iatt lust Friday night.
Mrs. Cora Runiwey and children are
visiting at Warren Wrights.
Arch Morgan, who is working at Hills
grove, spent Sunday with his mother at
. this place.
Stella and Fannie Smith, who have
. been very sick with diphtheria are slowly
. improving.
Edgar, ihe five year old son of A. E.
Campbell, who is suffering with iritis, is
at Canton under treatment of Dr. David
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kilpatrick of Willa-
Wanna, N. Y., are visiting relatives here.
Miss Ida Hightinire has returned to
Grover alter spending the holidays with
her parents in this place.
A. E. Campbell is in the city purchas
ing goods.
Log hauling is the order of the day.
J. P. Kilmer & Son intends moving their
mill here in the spring.
Democratic Caucus.
The Democrats of Laporte Borough are
requested to assemble in caucus at the
courthouse in Lafiorteon Saturday Jan
uary 22 at 7:30 p. in.for the purpose of
nominating a ticket to be voted February
15 1898. '
Slightly Monotonous.
Weary Hawkins—(who has stumbled on
an old race track.) "Dis yer's a fine road,
but I been walkin' it fer tree hours an'
I aint seen a house. En besides de scenery'i
I monotonous."
Williamsport & North Branch R.R I
In Effect Monday Sept. O, 1897.
Northward. "Southward
pin. a. m. | a.m.| pin
615 10 40 Halls
112& 2o flu 45 Pennsdale S \ f25
58V 10 68 Hughesville 9 32 <24
5 40 11 07 Picture Hocks i 9 25 4 14
f5 41 fll 11 Lyons Mills ~ u * 2
f5 47 fll 14 chamouni I 9 -0 (4 06
654 11 21 Glen Mawr I 9 14 4 00
f604 fll 30 Strawbridge. f9O/ f34<
f6 09 fll 31) Beech Glen f9 02 f3 40
612 11 40 Muncy Valley 8 49 338
618 1146 Sonestown 8 52 3 32
6 34; 12 01 Nordmont 8 37 3 15
654 12 25 Lal'orte 8 211 257
657 12 28 LaPorte Tannery 8 19 254
f713 f1245 Kmgdale f805:f283
7 27; 100] Satterfleld 7552 20
pm. p. m. | am. pm.
All iraii.s daily except Sunday; "1 12" flag
1 onneotioas wi'h the Philadelphia 4 Beading
>it ili,lis, tor all points north and south, and the
Fall Brook uni Heech Cieek railroads. At
jaitjrßeld for nil pints on the Lehigh Valley
railroad. At Sonestown with the Eagles Mere
E. E. EAVtNSoN, Gen, Mi.naser.
Hughesville, Pa.
Judge, Honorable* John S. Line and (Jonrad
Kraus Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Deliverer, Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Ol pliaus Court and Com
mon Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have issued
their precept, bearing dute the 27 day of Dec.
1897, to uie directed, for holding the several
courts iil the Borough of Laporte, on Monday the
2sth day of Feb. 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Theiefoie, notice is hereby given to the Coroner
JUstices of the Peace and Constables within the
county, that they be then and there in their prop
er person at 2 o'clock p. m.of said day, with their
roils, recoids, inquisitions examinations and
other rememberances to those things to which
their offices appertain to be done. And to those
who are bound by their recognition to prosecute
against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of
the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
be then and there to prosecute against them as
will he just.
Sheriff'sOfßce, Laporte, IV....Jan. 17, 1898.
Goto J. W. Buck, Sonestown, for
rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and
dressgooda at December low prices. High
est prices paid for butter and eggs.
Administratrix Notice.
Estate of J. C. Robbins, deceased. Letters of
administration on the above estate having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted
to the said estate are requested to make payment
and those having claims, to present the 6«me
.without delay, to
Or to her attorney Nordmont, Pa.
S. B. KARNS, Laporte.
To the public: you are hereby notified th. t I
have purchased the following goods from E. M
llousekneeht and leased them to him. Ah
parties are warned not to purchase any of these
goods before consulting the undersigned:
1 cook stove, 1 bed-room suit and bedding, 1
cupboard. 1 six foot table, 13 chairs.carpets, dish
es, cooking utensils. 5 buckets, furniture of all
kinds and canned goods.
J. B. MAGARGEL, Sonestown.
To Whom it May Concern.
The undersigned having sold his store pro|>erty
a'. Muncy Valley Pa.,desires all of his Muncy
Valley accounts settled at once. The books o
Muncy Valley store aie now in the hands of L. 11.
Buck at Sonestown and must be settled by cash
or note' Please call on L. H. Buck at once and
Foreign Attachment.
J.D. Rhodes vs Robert J. Mercur.—ln the Court
of Common Pleas of Sullivan County, No. 33 Feb
ruary Term 1898.
Sullivan County, ss: The Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of said County,
We command you, that you attach Robert J
Mercur late of your county, by all and singular
his goods and chattels, lands and tenements, in
whose hands or possessions soever the sunie ma>
be, sot hut he be and appear before our Court of
Common I'leas to be holden at Lu|«rte in and for
said county on the fourth Monday of February
next, theie to auswer J. I>. Rhodes a plea of
Assumpklt. bail to dissolve $1600.00, and also that
you attucti all and singular the goods and chattel
moneys rights, credits and effects lands and ten
ements ot the defendant in w hose hands soever
they may tie found and summon as garnishee
the person or pei>ons who hold or |iossess such
property and especially sheriff to attach the un
divided one-half interest in all those two certain
pieces pai eels or tracts of land in the warrantee
names of Henry Hurley and George Hurley and
■ situated in the Township of Forks. County ol
■Sullivan and state of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, viz: on the North by land
in the warrantee names of Henry Sllsbec and
Joseph Sllsbce.oti the bast hy lanci in the warran-
I tee name of Andrew Hurley, on the South nj
lu id in the warrantee names t.f Samuel Flynn
and Andrew l'lymt, on the West by land in in,
warrantee names of Wm. Stead man and Jeremiah
• Jackson, lielng the two truck, of land known as
"Ihe Mercur and Lippincott Coal Lands," that
he be and appear before our Court on the said
fourth Monday of February, to answer what shall
be objected against aim ami abide the judgment
. of the Court therein. And have you then and
there this writ.
I Witness the Hon. E. M. Dunham, President
Judge of our said Court, at La|iorte the Ist day of
January, A. D. 189s.
WM. J. LAWRENCE, Pioth'y.
(Seal of the Court of Common)
■ (Pleasof Sullivan County. Pa.)
Published by ordei of the said Court.
Sheriff's office, Laporte, l'a.,Jan, 11, 1898.
Administratrix Notioe.
Estate of Patroclus Kline late of Fox town
ship. deceased.
.Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis
tration upon the estate of said decedent have
been granted to the undersigned. All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims or dema..d
against the same will make them known without
delay to
Piatt, Pa., January 10, IM>»,
I hereby announce myself as candidate
for road supervisor of La porte t> wnship.
Subject to the decision ol the tax-payer*
ol said township.
3t George P. Karge.
Subscribe for the N EWS ITEM.
Because it would be READ
just the same as you are read
i ing this. Give it a trial.
L R. Gumble,
Dealer in and
flanufacturer of
AND Your Patronage
Lumber Is solicited on (he basis of low prices. Don't let this fast eacnp«.
Y\r Ve are getting rid of our large stock of hand made wagons.
Wagons, We also deal in factory made pietfrom sprinf wagons.
Blacksmithing and
WMt°sain Street LAFOETB.
CAMPBELL The Merchant,
To My Friends and Customers:—Why has my trade increa*
ed 50 per cent.? while my compc'Hors are complaining of bard times.
I can tell you. There are three reasons:
First Class Goods, Lowest Prices,
Every thing as Represented.
That is the secret of my success. I Bave you money and at th«
same time make some myself.
lam now opening up my new line of Holiday Goods. Present*
that will please the old and young, the great and small. Don't fail to
to see them. Call and inspect my new line of Fall and Winter goods
of every discription. My stock of Groceries and Provisions are always
fresh. No trouble to show you my call and examine them, for I
cannot save money for you unless yr»* - me an opportunity.
Yo r .ty reapecuully,
—• ■ ———— i „ —apy
—;i=|| Johrf W. Buck, |EEr •
dealer IN PA.
An endless line of canned goods, fancy and staple
groceries, as well as high-grade but reasonable-priced
table delicacies, may always be found atous store.
A Sr — ; ble Wife will Always
Watch the advertisements of responsible merchants
especial.y Grocers. Bv this means she will be enabled t«
save in the course ofa year enough money
to pay for a good many other household
Is well stocked with seasonable goods and we intend to-~
dispose of them in a hurry if low prices will carry them off.
All kinds of country produce handled.
$2,000 to s2,soft Will Build and Equip a
Lirfi •Rough for
the product of
600 to 1000 Cows
With Latest and Most Improved Machinery
Hundreds of the most successful Creameries cost less than above amounts.
Plans and specifications furnished without cost.
Send for full information before signing any contracts
Vermont Farm Machine Company, ,ELLOWS
800 flen's, Boys' and Children's Suits,
200 Overcoats and Ulsters
600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children
Not sold before Jan. 1, *9B
together with cotton and woolen underwear, over
shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and
not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piece
gathered for the occasion or marked up just to be marked down.
They simply haven't moved as I'd like and now they must.
I have marked them at prices that will make you buy.
0". "W. CABBOLL. Sat 0 """ Dothom, PA,