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Republican news item. [volume] (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 27, 1898, Image 5

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ablican News Item.
THUBSIM Y, JAN. 27, 1898.
t OF |
I ITtem j
5 Is more * £
d Prominent
# than its
J Absolute
S Fidelity
# to the <|
{ IKlewe |
1 That is one
2 Reason for its 0
$ Superb Value J|
t as an
| Hbvertfslng !>
? flDebfum. j:
County Scat Indices.
—Tiiis weather cuts aome ice.
Every body was a little blue after tin
—E. V. Ingham is in Buffalo, N. Y.,
this week.
—This ia pneumatic and likewise rheu
matic weather.
—Atlv. S. B. Knrns made a business
trip to Einmon*, Monday.
—R. VV. Bennett of Eagles Mere was
in town on business Tuesday
—Fred Fletchet of Wvalnsing was visit
ing friends in town Wednesday.
Did any body say that it was remark
able weather for this time of year?
—lt is easy enough to be philosophical
until it is our own tooth mat aches.
—Aity. F. II Ingham was on legal
business in Williatnsport, Tuesday.
—Charity seems to be covering a mul
titude of church lotteries for a change.
—Don't be led to believe that the new
woman and up-to-date dolls are made cf
—Wifely affectionsarebeginningto rate
high. In Ohio the latest quotation is
D W. Darling of Soneetown was at
the county seat Wednesday transacting
—The pen may be mightier than the
sword, but properly wielded the hatpin
isn't so slow.
—The weather man says that the wind
blew 40 miles an hour. He must have
measured it when it was resting.
—The Board of Health officers held a
business meeting at Dr. Voorhees office
Monday evening.
Winter just caught its second wind
an Sunday and the fresh air fund was
rather overstocked.
—lt will be observed that an attempt
is made to get the Philadelphia
Democrats into blouses.
—Chicago may be entitled to the name
of the Windy < ity, but we occasionly
have a bit of atmosphere here in Laporte.
—Addie Fairchilds of the Dushore Re
view wiis in town Saturday and made
this office a friendly call.
—Prof. Gavin, held no school on Fri
.l iv, b.-ing absent in attending the funeral
>f his sister in-law Miss Buck, at Straw
ji idje.
—J.J. Webster met with a painful
iccident in the second ward Tuesday bv
>illing from a wagon, and cutting his
—A penny in the slot music box has
iceii placed in the city barbershop which
s equal to any orgou grinder that ever
:aiue in town.
—lt looks as if those who hold offices
tinier the civil service rules would have
io call to join the '"Don't Worry" move
lietit. Generosity often exceeds wisdom.
—-'Whom can we trust," is the black
ype inquiry of an exchange. It is ot no
ioiisequence brother. "Whom can we
"due"to trust us? is the soul agouizer.
—B. F. Cross ley of Dushore, had oc
casion to spend Sunday in town. Hie
'isits are quite frequent of late, but no
>ftener than "Ben's" many friends are
deased to see him.
How many church-goers are there to
vhom church-going ia merely a moral
tnd mental baili which they take
Tithout any definite belief in the doctrine
—Judge Ingham returned home last
Thursday from his Southern tripto.lack
onville Fla., wh re h e weilt i n company
villi Hon. E. P. Ingham of Philadelphia,
vhotrte,! the southern , li,„ate for the
•eiiefit of Ins health. Ellery w a « BU ffer-
| '—Forgery is likely to become fashion
able since a -'real lady'' lias been caught
at it.
Women often term a certain quality
in their natures dignity; getting nearei
the truth in defining it, is to call it ol
xtinacy in its worst form.
—Lnst week was a great week foi
blood boiling in Congress. In those Cul -
ian debates they brought in Jefferson
lackson, and Washington and the res
just to impart an American flavor.
While at St. Augustine, Fla., a feu
li'vs ago, Judge Ingham purchased tw<
young alligators measuring about ten in
dies in length, and brought them alon;
•HI his return home for relics of a pleasant
•Southern trip.
—An editor In a neighboring town snr
castically remarks that he wants to bin
i sack of flour, a pair of shoes and a I'el
nit, ami he is already to receive th
,o«est bids for the same He 6tiys tlia
some of his own town people treat bin
that way when they warn printing done
—The earth is a big revolver and Show
liim-to-me thinks he is one of the cat
nidges. Our greatest wo> der is how twi
such homely old dodoes as Adam and Ev,
ever laid the foundation tor such a swee
mil pretty lady-killer as he.
—The County Commissioners were n'
tluir office on Monday, holding an appea
ibr the benefit of dissatisfied taxpayers o
this place, and on Tuesday, with tliei
clerk, started on a tour throughout th.
county to hold ni«*eting9 and listen to tin
grievances of those who dislike to pa\
—The dance given in the Kenned*
Hall last Friday night was largely attend
ed, and the hours of mirth and j*»ll\
srood cheer took such rapid flight that
the dawn of another day broke belor,
any of the merry dancers realized that
break last time was near. An excellent
-upper was served at the Commercial
Hotel, The music was fine anil good
order prevailed.
M. E. church Sunday School '0 a. m.
Epworth League G:3O p. m. preaching
every Sabbath 7:30 p. m. by the pastoi
Rev. Win. S. Skinner, Revival meetiiiL't
every evening this week, commencing
with a song service at 7:30 regular servic
Bp. m. Nordniont M. E. church preach
next sabbath at 11 a. in. by the pastoi
Rev. Wm. S. Skinner, everybody welcome.
Miss Regina Brow n is visiting her sister
at East Canton Pa.
A. B. Kilmer Esq. made a business tri|
to Long Valley last week.
Born January 23, a 18 pound daughter
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brenchley.
Mrs. Anna Ferguson lias returned to
her home in Walton N. Y. after spending
some time with her daughter Mrs. A. E.
Ed Battin of Overton was doing busi
ness in town Saturday.
A scarlet fever case is reported at Piatt.
A surprise parly was given .Judson
Brown bv his many friends at the hone
of his brother Friday evening l ®! last week,
All report a good time.
Frank Sehultz of New Albany has
organized a singing class in this place.
Miss Maud Brenchley has returned
from a visit with her sister at Springfield
Bradford Co., Pa.
The recent warm wave ended up boist
erously,the wind blew a perfect hurricani
lor thii ty-six hours, it was almost as seven
as the great wind September 30th 1596
It blowed in C. G. Webster's bam doors,
and several people boarded up their win
dows on the wind side ol their houses to
keep them froiu blowing in.
Mrs. W. E. Wheatley is on the sick list
Dr. Gross is attending her at present.
Mrs S. C. Vargason who has been
-eriously ill li>r the past tluee weeks if
much improved.
J.J. Webster came down from Jakers
ville Saturday afternoon, he brought tin
news that his daughter-iu-law Mrs. Mill
R. Web-ter had given birth toUvin babies
that day a boy and a girl at the camp, Mr.
Mirtou R. Webster is keeping the board
ing house on the Warburton and Webster
bark and lumber job at Jakeisville.
Miss Nell Bird is at Jakersville caring
for Mrs. M. R. Webster.
Mrs. Ulysses Bird returned home from
Brooklyn N Y. the last of the week hav
ing been called there to attend the funeral
of her father I'hos. McCadden ofthatcilv;
his funeral was held a week ago Snturdav
Miss Victor Gaunt of liughesville
Lycoming Co. is spending a few duvs
with her brother John Gaunt of this
A man by the name of A. Maynimi of
Lockhaven Clinton Co. is holding a ser
vice of meetings in the school house in
this place in the interest of Campbellite or
Christian denomination.
Mr. Ulysses Bird had the misfortune to
get a horse badly hurt in a runaway ut
Laporte one dav last week.
John Gaunt of thi- place has gone to
Proctor to care for his brother-in-law
Peter Fuller who is seriously ill with
bright* disease and blo> d poisoning.
Mrs. John Fox of Towanda called on
her brother's family C.J. Fuller the other
day on her way to Proctor to see her
bro'her Peter Fuller who is seriously ill
AT I Lrnt place. OBSKBYKB,
B. E. Gamble M. I), who lms been ot
lie sick list is again able to attend to hie
aige practice.
A. Stuyckland is on the sick list.
Daniel Bone of the Klo»dyke Kidney
'ure spent Sunday in town. Daniel was
iick while here and was attenJed by Dr.
Jnli* Mcßride of Fribley was in town
Saturday evening.
A. Maynnrd of Lock ITaven preached
0 a large congragation tu the Christian
iliurch Sunday evening.
Bud Sttrcher of McConels Lone Ranche
in Mill Creek has moved to Stony Lord
>nie on Kettle < 'reek.
Paul Galough of Sand Run was in town
Republish caucus Wednesday evening
lon't miss it.
A. E. Green wife and Son, G. E. Green
vile, son and daughter, ot Port Jervis N.
L. R. Guinble and wile of Laporte,
CI wood I.abar wife and daughter, C. E.
lofTman wife and two daughters, 15. E.
ireen and wife spent Sunday With theii
•iirents Mr. and Mrs. 11. A. Green. Tin
says that a reunion reveals n
hriving crop ol inlaniry for the next war.
The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Warrei
tubbing died Friday morning and hurried
t the cemetery Sunday, Rev. Mowyei
) fficating.
•Nmiuel Jinkens the live year old son o'
VI. Jinkens fell from a fence and brok*
lis arm Sunday; was attended by Dr.
The Literary Society of the High School
ire furnishing the school house with a
complete library of reference books. Thi
s an improvement which will be much
A Iless of Estella was in town Friday.
Paddy Jackson ol North Union a,mem
ier of the band, came home for his horn
recently and while here enjoyed himself.
Eagles Mero.
Our roads are very slushy at this writ
Mr. J. 11. Slackhouse has lately pin
chased a very tine team of bay horses o:
Jeo. Weaver of Montoursvillc and one o
hem has been very sick with lung fever
■ver since he brought them home.
The school directors ol Shrewsbury m< t
it Bunker Hill school house and had ;
win id leiling to the lowest bidder on Sat
urdav last.
Mr Daniel Welliver and C. A. Ridei
took a pleasure trip to Muncv Valley Sat
nrdiiv a lie < on.
Kiess Bros, sire working night and day
now to get their logs into E. F. Ives mill.
I'hey will get tlum there il managing
ind work will do it.
Mr. 11. .1. Smith lost a very good horst
iut getting up in years one day last week. ,
■nd has since purchased one Irotn (i. \\ .
We are likely to have a tobogan slidt
in our town as soon as the lake freeze?
iver so that when we ride down hill tin
ice will carry us on farther and have a
better ride.
Mr Wm. Ilerst was seen in our towi
on business Saturday.
.1. 11. Slackhouse of this place lost i
very valuable horse on Thursday of las
week. That makes 3 0 dollars worth o
,ly brushes tor L>. Welliver in the blind*
smith shop t-ince he has been blacksmitl
nig for Jerry.
Ihe Democrats of Shrewsbury Twp
held lheir caucus at Mt. Vernon [tollin;
place and S Boiulnian and in. Parson
were nominated lor supervisors again loi
Republican County Conim.ttee Meeting.
I hereby announce a meeting of tin
Republican County Committee to tain
place on Monday, February 28. IB9S. a
I o'clock p m..in the Grand Jury roon
of Court House, Laporte, Pa., for the pui
pose ol fixing a date and place to boh
tie County Convent ion.
F. P. Vi \CENT, Co. Chairman.
Charter Notice.
Notice is hereby given that an applicatioi
will be made to the Hon. E. M. Dunliau
['resident Judge ofthe ' ourt of Commoi
fleas of Sullivan county. Pa. on Monda<
the 21st day of February, A. D., 1898, a
three o'clock p. in., under the Act ol As
seinhly ol ihe Commoiiwealih ol Pennsyl
vania, entitled, "An act to provide for th< ,
incorporation and regulalion of certai
corporations." Approved April 211 I S "',
ind the supplements thereto, for ihecliai
ier of an intended corporalion, to be cal -
.dillview, Sullivmi County. Pa lit.
character and |ihject whereol is the woi |
■hip ofthe Almighty God according l< 1
the lititli docirine, diciplin and usiiage.-
•it the Weslevan Methodist connection (OJ
church) of America. And for those pur
poses lo have, possess and enjoy all tin
lights, benefits and privileges of the sail j
Act of Assembly and iis supplements.
I'lie proposed charter is now on file in ilit
otlice of the Prolhonotury of Sullivan
County, Pa.
Rrsit J. THOMSON, Solicitor.
January 27, I*9B.
Trial Lint February Term 1898.
1 Henry McDermntt vs Thomas Mahafiey, No.
56, May term. is. 5. Trespass,
2 Mitchell Yoiingi Co. vs A. J. Hackley, No.
101 Sent. term. ISOS. Scire Facias.
3 Mis. Alice Anilrus v» John K. Bird; No. 79,
December term, 1896. Tiespass.
4 Stephen Murphv vs Joseph Thall; No. 50.
Februar* term. IBH7. Plffs appeal.
5 James McFarlane vs \v. C. Mason; No. 92.
February term, 18J7. Dfts. appeal.
fi Kate Quigley vs Ellis Swank; No. 1, May T',
1897. lifts appeal.
7 Ru-sel Karns trustee vs Holmes <fc Passage;
No. 3, May term, IH'I7. lifts, appeal.
8 A.r. Haverlv vs Benjamin Knykendall Jr.
So, 71. May term, 1897. Trespass.
9 A. 1,. SM'th vs Robert McEwen; No. 139 May
term.lH97. Dfts. nnpeal.
10 Martin Maikle vs E- V. Ingham; No. 152,
Sept, term 1H97. Dfts appeal.
W.M.J. LAWRENCE. Prothy.
Prothy'i Laporte, Pa., Jan. 32, lbW.
I Williamsport & North Branch R.R
In Effect Monday Sept. 6, 1807.
Northward. Southward.
ptn.ia. mTj |a,m.:pni
f> I V 10 4(1 Halls 9 45 4 4(1
. fo 2o flu4.i Pennsdale 9 41f4:v.
6 311 10 58 Hitffhesvllle 9 3214 21
540 11 (17 Picture Bocks 925 4 U
f"> II fl 1 11, Lyons Mills f922:f4 0s
f047,111 14 cliamouni 920if40r,
5 M 11 21 Glen Mawr 9 14 4 o<>
fc.iH I'll 30 straw bridge f907 f347
I nil,9 fll :m Heceh Olen f902 f;l4e
•112 1110 Muncy Valley 8 49 33>
'lis II 111 Sonestown 852 »3'J
«34 12 01 Nordmont 837 3 1
('• I 12 25 LoPorte 821 257
'*■ 57 12 28 La Porte Tannery 8 19 254
'*7 13 112 1245 Ringdale fB OS f2:t
<27 100 Satterfleld 1755 2 2u
pm.p, in. 1 |am. pm
All ■ ruii.s daily except Sunday; "112" flag
itati, ns.
onnections wi'h the Philadelphia A R«aHinj>
i' nils, fur nil points north and suutli, snd th<
Full ISrook iiiil Keivh < ieeU rnilrnad*. Al
NiitTlield for .11 pints on ti>e Lehigh Valley
r:«illoiid. At So.ieaiowa wiih the finales Aler.
11. E. EAVLNSON, (lon, Manager.
Ilnghcnville, Pa.
ludge. Honorable* John S. Line and Comm
Kiaus Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyerano
terminer and General Jail Deliverer, Quartei
-e.-siolis of the Peace, Oi plains Court ana Com
inciii pleas for the County of Sullivan, have lssue<
their precept, bearing date the 27 day of Dec.
1»97, to me directed, tor holding the several
<'tots ill the Ilorougli of La|>oitc. on Monday tin
.'Sill day of Feb. Ih9B, at 2 o'clock p. m.
l lieiefoie. notice is hereby given to tlieCoronei
Justices of the Peace and Constables within tin
t'ouuty, that they be then an<l there in their prop
er person at 2 o'clock p. m.of suid day, with thei.
oils, iccords. inquisitions examinations am
"tiier rememberances to those things to whicl
ihe.r olltces appertain to be done. And to thosi
>iiio are bouuu by tlieir recogiiixutiou toprosecuti
igaiiist prisoners who are or shall be ill tlie jail oi
the said county of Sullivan, are hereby notified ti
>e then and there to piosceute against them as
will lie just.
sheriff's Office, Laporte, fa...Jan. 17, IS9B.
Goto ,1. W. Buck, Sonestown, fo>
"übbera, blankets, carpets, clotliing am l
tressgoods at December low prices. Higli
•si prices paid for butter and eggs.
Administratrix Notice.
Estate of J. o. r.obbins, deceased. Letters o'
idministratiou on the above estate having beei
granted to the undersigned, all persons iudebtei
.» tlie said estate are requested to make Daymen
■nil those having claims, to present the sauu
without delay, to
Mils. MARY W. ROIIBINS, Admrx.
>r to her attorney Nordmoiit, Pa.
S. IS. KARXS, Laporte.
To the public: you are hereby notified that 1 !
ia' epii'chased tne following goods from E. M. j
lousekiiechl and leased them to him. A) j
iarties are warned not to purchase any of thesi
■ ,oods before consulting the undersigned:
1 look stove, 1 bed room suit and bedding, j |
•upboard. 1 six foot table, 13 chairs.carpets, dish |
l, cooking utensils, 5 buckets, furniture of al
iinds and canned goods.
.1. 11. M AGARGEL, Sonestown.
To Whom it May Concern.
The undersigned having sold his store propert
it Muncy Valley Pa..desires all of his Munc: I
; .'alley accounts settled at once. The books ,
i tuiicy Valley store aie now in the hands of L. li
i luck at Sonestown and must be settled by casi
>r note l'lease call on L. 11. buck at once au>
j iblige.
Foreign Attachment,
J.D. Rhodes vs Robert J. Mercur.—lntheCour
i if Common Pleas of Sullivan County, No. 33 Eel
, nary lulu ltsus.
1 Sullivan County, ss: The Commonwealth o:
' ennsyivania, to the Sheriff of said Count*
I -iceting—
\\ e command you, that you attach Robert J
•lei cur late ol your county, by all and singulai
as goods and chattels, lauds and tenements, ii
I vbose Uaiuis or possessions soever the same ma.
>e, so that lie be and appear before our Court o .
ommon I'leas to be lioideu at Laporte in and fo 112
aid 1 ounty on the louith Monday of Februar*
icxt. thcie to answer J. I>. Rhodes a plea o
.ssumiisit. bail to dissolve 81800.10, and also thai
ou ultucli all and singular the goods and chattel
noiieys lights, ciedits and effects lands and ten
meiits ol the defendant in whose hands socvei
iiey may be found and siimuioii as garuishe<
lie iicisou or peisons who hold or iiosscss suci
■ro| city and especially sheriff to attach the un
uviueu one-hail interest in all those two certali
iieces paiceis or tiacts of laiul in the warranto
■nines of Henry Hurley and George Hurley am
■ mated in tne Township of Forks. County o
uilivau and Stale of Pennsylvania, bounded am
.esciited as follows, viz: on the North by lan,
ii the warrantee names of Henry Si Is bee am
oseph SllsLce.oii tlie East by land in the uairan
ee name ol Alid'ew Hurley, on the South o.
aid in the warrantee names of Samuel Flym
un Auurew i lynn. on the West by land in tl>
• ariautee names <>f Wm. Stead man and Jeremiah j
acksoii, being the two tracts of land known a
lhe Meicui and Lippilicutt Coal Lands,'' till,
le be anil appear befoie our Court on the sail
ourth Monday of February, to answer w'-at shai ■
e objected against uiin and abide the judgmcn,
I the Court theieiu. And have you then an,
Imre this writ.
Witness the Hon. E. M. Dunham. Presideni !
udge of our said Couit, at Laporte the Ist day oi i
• aiiuary, A. D. 1898.
WM. J. LAWRENCE, I'iolh'y.
Seal of the Court of Common)
I'leas of Sullivan County. Pa.)
Published by oidei of the said Court.
■heriff's office, Laporte, Pa., Jan, 11, 1898.
Administratrix Notice.
Estate of Patroclus Kline late of Fox town- 1
hip. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis |
ration upon the estate of said decedent hav i
i leengiauted to the undersigned. All peison- !
ndebted to said estate are requested to malt I
! unmeiit, and those having claims or demn..dt j
"•'■ 'ii-i the same will make them known without ]
delay to
iatt, Pa., January lu, IS9»,
I hereby announce myself as candidal
| or road supervisor of Laporte t. wnsliip.
-übject 10 the decision ol the tax payers
it said township.
it George P. Karge,
Subscribe for the NEWS ITEM.
'Vv r ii"sr < ?
Because it would be READ
just the same as you are read- (
ing this. Give it a trial.
L R. Gumblc,
Dealer in and
Hanufacturer of
AND Your Patronage
Lumber ** on '' ,e basis Of low prices. Don't let this taat e«cxp.<.
V.'e are gelling rid of our large Block of hand made wagons,
wagons. We aleo deal in factory made pletfrom spring wagon*.
Blacksmithing and
Wast Sttin Street LAFORTE.
CAMPBELL The Merchant,
To My Friends and Customers:—Why has my trade increa»
ed 50 per cent.? while my competitors are complaining of hard times.
I can tell you. There are three reasons:
First Class Goods, Lowest Prices,
Every thing as Represented.
That is the secret of my success. I save you money and at the
<ame time make some myself.
lam now opening up my new line of Holiday Goods. Present#
that will please the old and young, the great and small. Don't fail to
co see them. Call and inspect my new line of Fall and Winter goods
»112 every discription. My stock of Groceries and Provisions are alway»
fresh. No trouble to show you my goods; call and examine them, for I
.aunot save money for you unless you give me an opportunity.
Yours very respectfully,
—j=E| John W. Buck, | : •
An endless line of canned goods, faDcy and staple
groceries, as well as high-grade but reasonable-priced
table delicacies, may always be found at ous store.
A Sensible Wife will Always
Watch the advertisements of responsible merchant#
especially Grocers. Bv tl|ig )nean(j g)ie wj| , be en((bled
save in the course of a year enough money
to pav lor a good many other household
Is well stocked with seasonable poods and we intend to -
dispose of them in a hurry if low prices will carry them oft".
All kinds of country produce handled.
$2,000 to $2,500 Will Build and Equip a
Large enough for
the product ol
600 to 1000 Cows
With Latest and Most Improved Machinery
Hundreds of the most successful Creameries cost less than above amounts.
Plans and specifications furnished without cost.
Send for full information before signing any contracts.
Vermont Farm Machine Company, " ttLOWS f .^ on
800 Hen's, Boys' and Children's Suits,
200 Overcoats and Ulsters
600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children
Not sold before Jan. 1, '9B
together with cotton and woolen underwear, over
shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and
not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piece
gathered for the occasion or marked up just to be marked down.
They simply haven't moved as I'd like and now they mast.
I have marked them at prices that will make you buy.

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